Svchost exe what is the process and why should the system be attacked. Svchost vantage system.

What is svchost.exe? It would have been better if the process was more than periodically pushing the processor up to 100% for no apparent reason. It is impossible to get rid of yoga with “barbaric” methods - the process is systemic, but you don’t want to try it with motor galms when opening folders. Let's take a look at the report.

Is the process a virus?

Otzhe, briefly, let’s take a look at what svchost.

SVCHOST.EXE - this service, which is supported by the system from dynamic DLL-libraries.

So, don’t say anything with a rich man, but it’s not the essence. Formerly, the wine appeared in Win 2000, having migrated to all the latest OS and to find the current Windows 10.

At the same time, I thought of unification and integration of many processes into a single building, promising and successful. But behind the fact, there may be such a bad legacy, with waters of which one has to fight. And the problem is that a lot of retailers of shkidlivy software security mask viruses and trojans for this service.

And now press CTRL + ALT + DEL, go to the DZ (management manager) and look at the “processes” tab:

On the screenshots, you can see over 10 names of the same name, the stench from different places is less called out. The whole systemic process behind the mind is impossible to vikonuvatisya in the name of koristuvach - the main postulate. Ale richo who don’t know and be afraid to turn on svchost.exe trying to find solutions in other areas.

Localization and ways of solving the problem

As it was written above, the service is a system one and cannot be started under the name of a koristuvach. Including "system / system", "LOCAL SERVICE" and "NETWORK SERVICE". Moreover, initialization is carried out only through the mechanism of the system.

Like the process of launching from the Run-split registry, you have a virus.

Ways to complete everything 3:


For the cob revantazhtesya and look at the result. If the operative memory is "let loose" and the processor is not strongly stressed, then everything is gone. But still sticking out of the cim systematically - we pass to the offensive crack.


Solution with antivirus, relevant for most problems. If you have a chance, what do you call physical memory other non-required files for other shkіdlivih files. Head of the mind - actual bases, updated three more than this.

Keep in mind that software security is constantly being upgraded and "mutated", and that your NOD/Kaspersky/Avast is still bravo trojans, then today you can skip half and remember not to mention.

After completion, restart again and wait for the PC for 2-3 days. Yakshcho the processor does not vantage 100% when idle - the cleaning is gone.

gliboke cleansing

For example, the first and the other methods did not give a result, or if you want to perekonatisya especially, for the sake of carrying out manual monitoring. Vіn is good for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and 10. And so, on Vista it's also not.

For the cob we click DZ and click on the "process":

Don't joke everything svchost among hundreds of processes and services, sort them by alphabet by clicking on the screen shot area. You can do it yourself with the “CPU” and “Memory” tabs to identify the least annoying.

We wonder how many resources are available for 2 key services. The most common price interval is between 150 and 190 MB of RAM. One more processor can add up to 20-25% vantage:

Reconsider that services work in the name of the system or services that are assigned more. If it didn't help, flip the system to the virus again.

Selected by services

Ale, how to understand, what a svchost-іv saves resources, and yakiy - nі. Click on new right button and click "Go to services":

Here bachimo, yakі specific processes ob'єdnanny pіd еgіdoyu odnієї sluzhby. Usі voni pіdsvіchenі ta mayut same ID, standing at your own before the group " netsvcs»:

Sob razіbratisya, scho himself vantage memory same ID. Right-click and click on the key:

Most often, the “guilty” is the automatic update service, so you know how “ iphlpsvc» or « Additional service IP". But remember that when you deactivate your PC, you will no longer take critically important updates for the system and will potentially be susceptible to outside attacks.

Deputy of Podbags

Navigate after all manipulations in the folder " Prefetch", which is found in the catalog " Windows". See it in your mind and watch for the result. This directory has selected data to speed up the acquisition of OS components and programs.

At the most important vіpadkіv svchost.exe no more turbo than you. Otherwise, you can either restore the system from a checkpoint, or reinstall it.

I support you just please at the top of the problem - why SVCHOST.EXE galmuє system robot on Windows7, 8, 10 helped you and spared one more headache.

Svchost.exe - a common name for processor hosts that are dynamically launched from libraries that are connected. A few coristuvachiv stick around because this process zavantazhu system 50, and an hour to swipe all 100 vіdsotkіv! Obviously, let me tell you, what is on the right side of the shkidlivom file, which is on your computer, is far from true. Until then, the Windows operating system often causes problems literally n_zvіdki.


  • Іsnuє kіlka ways. First, as you are guilty of speeding up, tse re-verification of the system for the presence of small files, shards, as the problem effectively affects the virus, then after you have seen our article, you can not read it. So, before speaking, don't forget to flip the process through the task manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL). Some of the launches under the name of koristuvach, and others not under the name of SYSTEM, are 99% virus.
  • Just try restarting your computer. Might be a glitch in your OS.
  • Start task manager. Before you see the entire process tree from svchost.exe. Point the mouse arrow at one of them, press the button on the left and select the “Go to services” item. Now in front of you you will see a great number of services, like a winning process. It is necessary to know among them the same service, as if zavantazhu. How tse robiti? It is necessary to include a skin service and marvel at the result. However, they wouldn’t do it for you to work independently, it’s better to enlist a support of a friend or a colleague, who knows for sure how services can be assigned, and how not varto (you can check on the practicality of your PC). For whom you can win the analyzer for the svchost process, which can be expanded without cost. After the service is found, it is necessary to turn it on through the “Keruvannya by the computer”, so that after the reloading it will not be taken. I more - given method only suitable for Windows 7, although they are similar to those for Vista and XP, it works the same way.

  • As a variant, deyak koristuvachs should propagate the system of a few days to that, if there were no problems. The way is better, if we want to help you, we can’t turn it off.
  • In the vastness of the Runet, we were able to know one more cicavia way, ale vikoristovuvati yogo you can only on your fear and rizik! Find the Prefetch folder (reboot from *:\WINDOWS\) and delete it. Then find the Tasks folder (*:\WINDOWS\system32\), open it and delete all files from it. Now start the task manager, see the entire svchost.exe task tree, then restart the computer.

You can tell us your decisions and thoughts through the comments block.

We will try to help and find some ways to solve the problem.

Svchost virus chi system process?

Svchost.exe is a process that hacks for services that are accessed from dynamic libraries (.DLL).

This operation is victorious in the MS Windows family, starting with Windows 2000 and ending with the rest of today's version of Windows 10.

With the method of changing the processor hour and operational memory, the retailers have broken the single process for robotic services. We will talk about the shortcomings of this decision below.

Get respect! The distributors of viruses and vicor trojans use these operations to mask their spyware add-ons. It is easy to explain that the process named svchost.exe launches anonymous libraries, obviously, by launching the task manager with the method to display the shuffle program, to run the anonymous processes, which may have the same name - svchost.exe.

Oskіlki for a better analysis z'yasovuєtsya, that the svchost.exe process is a system one, that is. such, what kind of initialization of the operating system, that yogo completeness can interfere with the stability of your work, many who are mimicking the virus in another place.

Important! Keep in mind that the system process svchost.exe can never be launched under the name of koristuvach, but only under LOCAL or NETWORK SERVICE, SYSTEM. We give your respect to those who run the operation only through the system services mechanism. How to initialize the svchost.exe process from the Run-partition of the registry - you can see it right with the virus.

Ways to fix the problem with svchost.exe

Method number 1. Rezavantage computer. In some cases, the computer re-engagement can lead to a bad result, so we have put in place our way of resolving the problem of the processor overhead.

Method number 2. Rechecking viral activity. This revision can be done independently, or for help with the antivirus. Self-revision vykonuєtsya, zazvichay, shvidshe, but less accurate against reverification by antivirus.

Please! Manual rechecking starts from the fact that we need to go to the "Deployment Manager", it can be done using the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys.

Go to the "Process" tab.

Here, for the sake of transparency, you can sort out the processes in a fallow way, depending on the processor (or memory, which is saved), for which you need to click on the heading with the name "CPU" (or "Memory") obviously).

As a result, the system will have the most resource-consuming processes, in our case, svchost.exe, and although the processor load is minimal, the memory given to the operation is 167 and 132 MB.

We gave best respect to those in whose name the operation was launched. Given information take a walk at the Koristuvach column. In our view, everything is fine - the process of launching such as SYSTEM (system) and LOCAL and NETWORK SERVICE.

Just like the process of launching some kind of koristuvach in front of you with a great frequent imovirnosti - a virus and at this stage it is necessary to convert the computer with an antivirus.
To get started, as the service itself works with the other process svchost.exe, it is necessary to right-click on the process and select the “Go to services” item.

We can have more bachiti detailed information, about those services victorious visions of us svchost.exe. Services to see the blue light and find the same VD process.

Dali, alternately turning on that chi service, you can understand the cause of this problem.

The largest expansion of services, the work of which to bring to a better life system resources svchost.exe process - "Additional IP Service" and "Windows Automatic Update Service".

Service appointments can include and re-evaluate the result, but take into account the fact that as a result, the operating system does not automatically accept the update.

What is the problem be broken by the launch of the update manual mode. "Additional IP service" This service is designed for higher education institutions, providing tunneling capability for version 6 of the IP protocol.

For more koristuvachiv її inclusion is absolutely not dependent on the operation of the system.

Rechecking viral activity for help already installed antivirus in some moods it does not give the necessary result. In some cases, the virus can infect the antivirus.

To achieve the best scanning results, it is recommended to free version antivirus that does not affect installation (for example, DrWeb Cureit, Kaspersky Security Scan, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool). Copy yoga to a USB flash drive and run it for verification, first zavantazhivshi in safe mode.

Method number 3. Please check the visibility of Windows updates and, if so, check the installation.

Method number 4. Vikonati vodnovlennya system z checkpoint vіdnovlennya. About those, as you know, you can find out from our previous article.

Method number 5. Visibility in place of the Prefetch folder. This folder is to be saved for speeding up the operating system (and program launch) by saving the value of the previous advances. As a rule, the Prefetch directory is one of the subdirectories of the system directory.

svchost .exe vantage system! (100% solution)

Svchost.exe vantage processor on Windows 7. 5 ways to solve the problem

Today, I will probably expand the problem even more if the svchost.exe process takes the processor and the system completely. The reasons for such behavior of the system can be cited. For example, maybe, but it seems the truth, everything will end with more than one virus. Windows is a “rich-faceted” system and problems with this family of OS are always a wagon and a small wagon.

Ale, it’s bad luck for us, we’ve got the computer backed up, and the svchost.exe process, which is to steal the system processor, calm down.

svchost.exe process vantage system Windows 7

If you've been tricked by Windows 7 and stumbled upon the problem of high system occupancy through the svchost.exe process, let's try to know at once. To understand why Windows 7 and її svchost.exe vikoristuє too rich in processor resources, it is possible to do this:

You happen to know that service, as a call to the overworld zavantazhennya. Robiti tse care carefully and thought over, bazhano not chіpati zhittєvo important services, prinaimnі on the cob perevіrki. Vimknut more quickly for one service, pereveryayuchi the result.

Moreover, if you know the suspected service, turn it on through the “Computer supervision”, and not through the “Director of the task” already. Otherwise, the service will be restarted after the system is rebooted. At the note about inclusion Windows Services 7 it is written, as tse robiti.

Svchost.exe vantage cpu via auto update

What do you have automatically marked Windows update, then the problem of a new CPU overwhelm may appear before the end of the hour. Virishuetsya tse yogo inclusions, like this:

  1. Press button StartAll programswindows update
  2. At the vіknі, click on the item “Setting parameters”, which is known as a left hand.
  3. Vimknіt Microsoft capability Update (select the menu item "Don't override recent updates").

Vtіm, do not forget about the security of the computer. Update the varto install by starting the installation manually. You can do this at

Other Methods for Verifying SVCHOST.EXE

You can check the system for a different (including virus) activity in the svchost.exe processes in the following ways:

  • Maybe it's just a Windows glitch, try restarting your computer
  • Scan your computer with an anti-virus program
  • Wimknuti z lace pattern cable and look at the reaction of systems. Like a process to calm down, to reconsider the viruses.

I namkinets, try Windows vodkotity for one hour ago. In Windows 7, you should not be afraid of the oncoming path:

Start → Settings → Accessories → Services → System updates

Hopefully, our article turned out to be a red flag and the svchost.exe process, which is an advantageous processor of permutations. Leave your ways of cherry blossoming in the comments, the good stench will become rich!!

Starting from Windows versions XP in operating systems ts_meystva z'appeared one extraordinary service - Svchost.exe (netsvcs). At the cob variant won the best vote for Mezhezhі connection, but with time it became wider. It's no secret that the Svchost.exe (netsvcs) process itself vandalizes the processor (Windows 7). How to fix the problem and remove the non-essential components, it will be shown at once. Let's start thinking about what the process is for and why wine is needed.

Svchost.exe service (netsvcs): what is the process?

Windows 7 is taken as a basis, but in systems of a higher rank, the problem with the assigned service is not so clearly expressed.

Starting from the very beginning of the modification of Windows, the retailers violated the system with a shvidshy, victorious for whom, like the stench was vvazhali, universal solution, The essence of which was brought up to the fact that not viklikati Wicked file as a system or coristuvacha process, and run yoga for the help of one service in the background.

The principle of robotic service

If you take a look at the list of processes in the "Schedule Manager", you can download a copy of the Svchost.exe (netsvcs) services. What is it and why is it so obvious, we will understand, how to understand the basic principles of the work of this component.
Vzagali, the processes may have some of them (minimum) and more of such components, but all stinks can be seen up to one group (netsvcs). The principle of the robotic process is based on how to run system processes through special svc-hosts for the additional tool Services.exe. In this way, the accompanying components and be-like programs (for example, dynamic DLLs, in the most obvious way, the systems are not accepted) are captured in the operational memory. How to get involved, tse allows you to speed up the start of the addenda, which are consummated (among those who are koristuvatsky).

Why is the process navantazhu operative and virtual memory?

But why should the process Svchost.exe (netsvcs) vantage Windows memory 7? Solutions for solving such problems can be taken depending on the reasons for such a behavior of the system. Among them, the main ones are called the following:
    embedding viruses that are masked by the Svchost.exe process; broken in robots I'll try to find out if Windows updates are installed; accumulation of computer memory during Internet surfing; problems with the tunnel adapter; the Prefetch service is enabled.

With this option, it means that the Svchost.exe (netsvcs) process wants to tamper with physical memory (operational and virtual memory, as it is reserved on the hard disk space for acquiring program components in case of RAM failure).
At the simplest point of view of the transcendental adventure, you can take advantage of a powerful restart of the system. Ale, it gives only a short-term effect, like the completion of the skin process in that “Dispatch of the office”. To that it is possible to live in cardinal approaches.

Checking for presence of viruses and high speed codes

We need to determine the presence of viruses that are masked in the system under the Svchost.exe (netsvcs) process, you can use their attributes in the "Deployment Manager". on running services with the name of the koristuvach in the description of the processes, the attributes Network Service, Local Service or System can be added. If it is ordered later (mostly Admin), it will be necessary to re-correct.

In the most simple option you can speed up with a regular scanner, but in most cases it doesn’t give a result (even if, calling on everything, the antivirus has already missed the threat). Most fahivtsiv recommend vikoristovuvaty independent utilities, among them one of the most important - Rescue Disk of Kaspersky Lab. Antivirus can be downloaded from a disk or a flash drive before Windows starts, and you know the virus in the building, so that it can be deeply integrated into the system.

Svchost.exe (netsvcs) vantage Windows 7 memory. Solution - system update service

Another broader problem many experts call problems from the "Renewal Center". So, Svchost.exe (netsvcs) vantage the processor (Windows 7) for no apparent reason (as it is). Ale, the reason. Vaughn believes in the fact that the updaters could be undervalued, so the system is encouraged to take advantage and restore them again and again.

You may not be able to check for the installation of updates through the "Update Center", which are called from the "Care Panel", you can not help (navigate the time of the installation to the automatic search mode and the proposition of installation on the court of the court). In this vipadka, vikoristovuvati is the best command row, launched as an administrator, in which three commands are registered with the onset of the keys to enter after the skin of them (for any version of Windows):

    for service zupinky - net stop wuauserv; to enable background intelligent transmission – net stop bits; to deactivate delivery optimization – net stop bits.

Completion of the related processes

Now we see another option to deactivate the Svchost.exe (netsvcs) processes. How to turn off the components, connected with the service? Starting the next step, as if the process itself is “attached” to it, and it is called at the system start, or at the menu of automatic entry.

It is necessary for someone to know all the rows in the "Process Manager" that Svchost.exe (netsvcs) can avenge by sorting the processes in alphabetical order.

On the selected process, through the right-click menu, it is necessary to go to the services, vicorist for this particular row.

You can start the skin service right here, or you can open the management of services (you can also start the service through the menu for launching the Vikonati program (Win + R), enter the services.msc command. But this option is not good only for those who happen to remember I will name the skin service, and then I will search for yoga in the service tree.

Then, under a click, the menu is called to close, the service is either called by the second button, otherwise it is hoped that another priority will be launched or the re-enabled. But if you overdo it, you can turn on important system processes that can be negatively recognized on the robots of all operating systems (right up to the age, if you happen to carry out renewals, or so the titles will go to the front of the process).

Remote computer smіtta and registry optimization

In some cases, the attack on the system from the side of the processes of Svchost.exe (netsvcs) may be due to banal computer smacking.

Carrying out cleansing by the power of your own forces is already a lot of work, so to simplify the robot and varto vikoristovuvaty optimizers for CCleaner, Glary Utilities, Advanced SystemCare, in which for scanning it is necessary not only to delete the time files, but to clear the cache, but also to look for problems system registry with further corrections and removal of incorrect keys and defragmentation.

Solving problems with the tunnel adapter

Infrequently, there is a problem with the Teredo tunnel adapter. When tsimu navit deyakі elementi keruvannya he can trite hang. The way out of such a situation would be the inclusion of a separate protocol (especially if the inclusions are for omissions, but not vikoristovuєtsya).
For this deactivation, you need to run a command line with administrator rights and write two commands: netsh interface ipv6 set teredo disable and netsh interface teredo set state disable, and then restart the computer terminal.

SuperFetch service recheck

Nareshti, another global problem, though, often associated with Svchost processes, the service of storing programs and add-ons is important, which is often hacked, for optimization or speeding up its launch, as it is called SuperFetch.

You can disable this component through the service management division (services.msc) with the choice of the required type of launch, or the operation of similar entries in the registry, which is not easy.

Ale, as it is important, the simplest method of reducing the burden on system resources is to completely remove the Prefetch folder, as it is placed in the Windows root directory in system partition. Then you can complete all Svchost processes using the standard “Date Manager” and perform a fresh restart of Windows.


Well, what can you say about the processes that have been looked at, how can you pick up deaks and bags and robes? Among the main reasons for the increase in the number of system resources, and especially Windows 7, the main ones are problems with viruses, failures in the update service robot and the SuperFetch service. But such a situation in most cases is manifested on low-power computers, which are too weak for one-hour optimization of the launch of a large number of resource-saving programs. I, what is the most, most often, the main blow on itself is taken not by the processor, but operational memory vikoristannya yakoї in deyaky vipadki can reach a hundred vіdsotkіv. Nestacha oblige OZP to cause before the system begins to actively win virtual memory(Miss on a hard disk) to bring to a strong upovіlnennya when you go to Winchester.
Well, until the solution of the problem, the next step is to win the skin from the guidance of more methods. And if we happen to be very careful not to complete what is a systemically important process (if you want to, in any case, you can just succumb to a miraculous re-advancement of inspirations). And the axis of the SuperFetch components on today's machines with great RAM commitments is tight processors turn on not varto. Such a decision is less likely to be stagnant in the past due to the old computer possessions.