Why doesn't the drive read DVDs? There are also other methods of mechanical infusion. Depending on the nature of the problem

Nowadays, the disk drive of a computer or laptop can simply read disks. Sometimes it is the case between certain discs and media types (for example, the drive reads all discs, except DVD-R and CD-RW), if absolutely all discs are left unreadable, the drive simply does not work with them. The reasons for such a “strike” to the disk drive could be just a few. Below is a description of the most widespread problems, why and solutions

To begin with, you need to know that the drive has stopped playing and does not read everything you present. If you can hardly read more than one disc from all the copies, inspect it for signs of scuffs, abrasions and other mechanical defects - it is possible that the cause of the failure lies in the disc itself, and not the drive.

Since the drive has most likely served you for many years and then stops working correctly, it is possible that you simply need to clean the optical lens, which indicates reading information from your nose iv. In order to clean it, you can quickly, or even go to the end, not only clean the lens by removing the drive, but also remove it from the saw and other debris that has worn through the middle of the device during the hour of use .

However, sometimes it happens that a new or almost new disk drive is forced to sell. Why doesn't the drive read discs on this type of device? Problems with the disk drive can occur for a number of reasons. To begin with, you need to check that the cable that connects the drive to the drive is not damaged. motherboard. If anything is damaged, this cable could become the main cause of the problem. If no visible defects have been identified, you can try connecting the drive to the motherboard using another cable.

If the drive appears to respond to the user's commands, you can try removing the device from the system and installing it again. To do this, you need to go to “System Power”, select the “Ownership” item and, having known the required device, select it. Therefore, it is necessary to restart the computer so that the system can again select the drive and install everything on the new one. necessary drivers. Most often, after this manipulation, the disk drive begins to work. However, there are other power supplies that prevent the drive from reading discs.

Another reason for the drive to function normally is that the system has virtual drives with additional programs that help the system read disk images saved on the computer. If the disk drive stops working after one of these programs is installed (for example, Virtual CD or Alcohol 120%), you can try to remove it completely and be surprised that it does not ask for it.

Sometimes, the power supply failure and the drive does not read discs can lead to disastrous results - it turns out that the drive board has simply burned out. Moreover, even before purchasing I'll add it for now It is important to be aware of which drive is the best among all those installed on the market. For this purpose, you can consult with specialists or read specialized forums on the Internet.

In some situations, for further operation of a disk drive that is not readable, it is enough to reflash it. Report description These procedures, as well as the firmware itself, can also be found on the Internet. It is important to remember that after the recent firmware the drive can simply be thrown out, then you must go through this process with all seriousness.

Here are the main points why the drive does not read discs. If your problem is not to go as far as the described points, it is best to seek help from the doctor.

Many koristuvachs are stuck with the problem, if The drive does not read the disks inserted into it. Don’t immediately throw out the drive and run to the store to buy a new one. There are a lot of reasons for this, and a lot of them can be put in the hand without replacing the drive.

The main reasons why discs cannot be read

Problems of this nature can be divided into hardware and software.

Software problems with the disk drive

Software problems may result from operating system bugs or conflicts with other programs. Conflict situations may resolve, as a rule, after installing virtual drives in the system. The disk drive has stopped working After installing programs such as Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools, you will find yourself in a software security conflict.

To resolve the problem, uninstall the program and restore the system at a different update point. How to create a system installation on Windows in the video below:

If the update system has not been enabled, you should check for the presence of any virtual drives in the device manager. If such things appear, it is necessary to remove them.

In addition to conflicts, the problem may be related to a “flying” or incorrectly configured driver. You can check this with the device manager. The “DVD and CD drives” section contains the drives installed on the system. In the “I will install it” section of the authorities, there is a line “The device is working normally.” And now those same ones in pictures, only on the butt hard drive:

Otherwise, you will need to reinstall the driver. If the disc is unreadable and the video disc, the problem may be related to the DVD region. In this case, when in power, the drive needs to select the correct region. IMPORTANT! In this case, wrap the trace, which is possible for only 5 changes to the region. Moreover, the reset cannot be reset either by reinstalling the system or by changing the drive to another PC.

The DVD can't be read, regardless of everything, the drive with this blank appears to be absurd. As a rule, place it on cheap blanks of dubious quality.

Hardware reasons why the drive does not read discs on a laptop or PC

  • Hardware problems can be attributed to exit from the disk drive. First of all, if it is impossible to read the disc, the disc will roll over due to the presence of rips and cracks on its surface. Warto note that for such damage it is possible to externally or frequently update the data with the help of specialized software.
  • One There are many reasons maybe obstruction of the laser head to the drive. For this cleaning, it is best to use special discs to clean. As a matter of fact, it is best to look at the one that comes with such a disk. The use of other substances, such as acetone or alcohol, can cause residual output from the laser head.
  • A fairly obvious reason for the disk drive being lost may be damage to the loops, like a living one, and conveys tribute. To eliminate this problem, please replace the cables with different ones. It is necessary to do this when the computer is turned on, so that the voltage surge that results from switching does not damage the motherboard or the PC's power supply unit.

Video about how you can fix software problems with the drive:

What you need to do if the drive does not read discs on Windows 8:

To understand the reasons why the laptop does not read discs, it is necessary to analyze the situation - how is the disk itself malfunctioning? How did they solve the problem?

Since the computer has been out of use for a long time, it is logical to assume that over time the intensity of the laser has significantly decreased. In this case, the disk drive initially stops writing information to the disks, and after several months it is impossible to open it.

Some types of drives have an option to increase laser intensity. For this purpose there is a special adjustment screw on the body. The problem is that the power of the laser will interfere with the operation in the forced mode, and will not lead to residual damage to the laser core.

If the discs are not only unreadable, but the tray does not open at all, you may end up using the device for a day. There could be a number of reasons here.

  • The contact on the other wires has broken. You need to turn on the computer, take a closer look, connect and reconnect the data transmission and life lines.
  • Malfunction motherboard chi pіddennogo bridge.
  • The tracks on laptop circuit boards are very thin and often burn out. Let's talk briefly Most often it occurs after the laptop keyboard is exposed to heat. Tracks that have been burned and contacts can be displayed by visual inspection. Any inserted wires will independently renew ruptures in the tracks on the motherboard.
  • If the laptop has not been charging for a long time, you may not be able to see how weak the battery is normal work various energy-saving devices of the computer. To check this version, you just need to connect charger to the laptop and check in for about an hour.

The drive may become dirty and even like a laser. Verification involves installing a proven analogue or installing the problematic unit into another computer.

Software problems

Sometimes, if the laptop does not read discs, use some add-ons, such as Nero. How things were created before virtual disks on the computer, the system could be interconnected with them, and the physical disk drive may be known from the hidden list of connected installations.

To find out what drive connections you have, you need to open the Hardware Panel and look at the list of connected devices. If there is a problem with disk management programs, the physical disk drive may not be listed in the inventory list, but virtual disks will be shown.

For starters, you can try simply removing the virtual disks and sealing the physical drive. It is possible that after restarting, reading DVDs and CD media will be renewed.

The obvious reason lies in incorrect robot I'll add drivers. How to reinstall the drivers if the drive does not read and restore the set of files from the installation Windows distribution awkward? Losing shukati driver requirements on the Internet. The best place is on the official website of the distributor of such drives that can be installed on your computer.

Since there is no need for the drivers themselves, you can follow a different, more simple route. Download and install from the Internet special program, which automatically analyzes the computer system and verifies the availability and relevance of drivers.

The utility itself checks the availability and efficiency of drivers and then automatically finds and installs them. As an option, you can start the system automatic update OS Windows, in the initial process will be installed latest drivers for optical drive.

Problem with BIOS settings

For any reason, the laser disk drive will be connected at the level of the basic BIOS settings. Go to CMOS settings and check. As it is written, if the drive is inaccessible, you just need to re-enable it by selecting Disable from the Enable menu. Then restart Windows. It’s even simpler - throw it away setting up the BIOS for getting ready. If you haven’t done anything special with the BIOS settings, such an operation will not harm your computer.

Computer virus infections

If you are an active user of the Internet, like to browse small sites, often install new programs, follow the instructions electronic sheets It is likely that the computer takes a portion bad viruses really big.

To begin with, you need to check the system. Turn off antivirus scan. After you are done infecting your antivirus, you are prompted to re-enable operating system for residual repairs.

If, after reinstallation, the disks are still unreadable, it could become clear that your digital computer has suffered from a serious illness that has severely damaged the operating system. Viruses often lose their significance system files, disguise themselves under their names.

This time without Hard Bath Format disk that new installations OS Windows is indispensable. In less severe situations, you just have to turn Windows down to one stop. Go to the system update interface and find the checkpoint if, as you remember, the laptop has already opened laser disks.

Some models of laptops and netbooks have the function of restoring the system to factory settings. In whose case you don’t need to tell vikorystati fancy disk Windows, which is still unreadable.

Why bother if DVD ROM doesn't read discs? The computer freezes when a disc is inserted, either copying a movie or music, and it crashes. So why on the right - a tattered disk or the disk drive is to blame for everything. Let's look into the reasons and methods for solving computer malfunctions.

If previously the disks were read normally, but after a recent reboot the computer cannot load more than one disk, then most likely the reason is in the software or, to put it simply, the installed program conflicts with the DVD drive.

If you are having problems with one disk, but other disks are working fine, try this solution. Please note that the console does not require repair or updating to solve this problem. Resolution 1. Check to make sure the disk is clean and faulty.

Clean the disk with a soft, clean, lightly felt cloth. Rub the disc by the edges without touching the upper or lower surfaces. Solution 2: Opening the disc on another console will help you resolve issues with a corrupted disc or disc drive on your console. Try the disc on a friend's console or in another place where you can test the disc.

If the computer does not read dozens of disks, then the problem is in the drive itself, otherwise we will try to fix this problem with our own hands, but it will be easier. But let’s start by wondering, perhaps, that the problem is in the operating system.

To finalize, the problem may not only be with reading disks, but also with their writing. The instructions below may, however, be effective in resolving both problems.

My disk will be encrypted if it is not installed

Solution 3. Front section. This article will show you how to solve the problem. Zreshta, you want to quickly withdraw your tribute. The main rule in this situation is to remain calm and analytical. Most often the reason is not for nothing. Our practical article shows what you can earn from such a situation. Obviously, nothing appears after connecting an external data carrier, which could be for a variety of reasons.

This is the main reason why the drive does not read discs

In the worst case, the hard disk is really faulty and cannot be corrected.

  • Connection problems, for example, are mechanical problems.
  • The wrong driver is being used for access.
It is your responsibility to turn off the milk one at a time. In advance, however, it is important to note: before active processes background mode The system may be overloaded, which may require more than an hour, however. The first thing you can do to solve the problem is simply connect the drive and check one or two boxes.

Software conflict

At times program reprieve, the drive stops reading discs one at a time, and not progressively worse and worse. You can re-inflate this installed program It's a toy. Programs for creating virtual drives often conflict with drivers installed on the computer for DVD-ROM drives. The most popular programs from these are Alcohol 120%, Daemon Tools and Nero. You can simply view the programs and save the changes made by them through system updates. Let's go to Control Panel => Support Center => System Update And you can see the date until which the track will appear. Select a number if the drive is working without problems.

Reverse the connections of the external hard drive

A technical technician is also more likely to work with hardware to analyze a hardware problem. Yakshcho hard drive It turns out that, after all, the first port of the computer is faulty. Especially with cheaper plates, their juiciness often overwhelms the taste. It is possible that the cable is broken and therefore a stable connection cannot be installed. Connect the adapter easily zminnogo struma. And change your mind to make sure it’s not too much. Turn the indicators on the plate over and over again.

  • Disconnect the alternative cable.
  • A lot of external hard drives are not the reason for the power cable.
Of course, I won’t ask.

The result is amazing, since problems arose, but the program was removed, but we didn’t go far.

Driver fix

It is possible that the drive does not load disks due to changes in the driver. Pressing the key combination Win + Pause opens the device manager from the evil menu.

The list of devices shows virtual drives, as this was no longer available after the removal of the programs we were familiar with. Press the right mouse button on the virtual drive and select “view” in the menu. For see you again If there are no traces, we need to find the driver. SPTD and delete it. To return, press the function “ Show attached devices" on the menu " View" You can review the changes after restarting your computer.

The element of keruvannya is simple. Call it “Keruvannya komp’yuterom”, it’s important to introduce the term in a row. If you need to know the drive here, if the same letter is not assigned, right-click on the item.

  • Select from the submenu “Data storage”.
  • Then all connected hard drives are displayed.
Select “Keruvannya disks” from the submenu “Data collection”. To communicate between the operating system and connected internal and external devices, some kind of transfer is required. Drivers are even more specific to the module.

Since the problem did not arise after restarting, we move on to the next step. In the dispatcher, we go to "", and the middle of the devices with the name " ATA Chanel» We need to know those that qualify as a CD-ROM. To do this, you need to unlock the controller’s power and go to the “Additional parameters” tab.

In the row “Type of attachment” there may be a “”. Wonder why there’s a checkmark next to the “ DMA tasks", try starting the system with both the activated function and the disabled one. This method often helps to tighten up the drive and read discs in Windows 7.

It is wrong to engage in vikorism and not lead to problems. Entry "Redaguvati changeable middle For which account the entry is also displayed as a hit.

  • Enter the entry “Navkolishne seredovishche” in the search field in the “Start” menu.
  • Click the “Create” button.
The other has a value of 1. Only now the system gives you access to old drivers or in remote buildings. Right-click on the entry to open the context menu where you can update the driver or remove the device.
  • Open Device Manager.
  • Select in the "View" section.
  • Devices or drivers are unavailable and not activated.
  • Now find the model name of your entry.
In the “View” section, select “Show attached devices”.

Since the drive does not read video DVD discs, it is possible that the drive is configured to access the wrong region. In order to change the regional settings, go to the task manager and open the DVD-ROM power. Go to the “DVD Region” tab and select your region, if the “Streaming Region” row has the value “Not Selected”, then don’t change anything.

Disk or file system is faulty

However, reconnect so that you can effectively remove only the drivers that you know are no longer needed or cause a problem. To ensure safety, restart the system and reconnect the external hard drive. Often the problem gets worse. If the disk is now recognized, but you cannot regain access to the files, you will probably be faced with the truth that the disk is actually faulty. Then we simply reformat it. The function can be reached by clicking right button please burn the disc with the explorer.

Problem with CD drive

All DIY repairs to the drive involve replacing the IDE or SATA cable from the drive to the motherboard. You can also try connecting another power outlet, so that the life block has a couple of extra power outlets. The only thing left for us is to clean the laser drive.

To clean the laser head, remove the cover from the disk drive and carefully wipe the laser with a cotton swab.

If the drive still does not appear in Device Manager, the drive may be mechanically faulty. In this case, you have no choice but to buy a new record. First of all, solve problems, check first so that the disks work with the computer. Inserting a disc of a non-standard size or shape into a drive that is not intended for its placement may damage the drive.

Standard round disc 120 mm

Applications of non-standard or formatted disks that are not supported

Elimination of malfunctions. Axis of symptoms that may arise. Use the shortcuts for each symptom to determine if the problem is on the disk or disk. Carefully inspect the discs before turning them over to ensure they are not cracked, damaged or damaged. The inspection must ensure that the inner ring of the disc is smooth and without hairiness. A faulty disk may become pinched or damage the drive.

Do not use acetone, alcohol or other aggressive substances. Instead of getting the result you will spend the next day. Optimal choice There will be water or, in extreme cases, bright gasoline for the igniter.

If you do not want to remove and disassemble the disk drive, you can add a special cleaning CD that can also effectively clean the laser blade of the saw.

Accepts disks, but the disks cannot be read or are automatically ejected

If the disk has a curvature on both sides or in the center, do not touch it, as you may end up with pieces of it in the drive. If it is important for you to insert the disc into the device, or if the disc is stuck in the middle of the disc, be careful to watch the disc for icons that may interfere with the disc. If you can’t find the exact shortcuts on the disk, try downloading it a few more times. Try inserting another disk to see if the problem is caused by a specific disk. Make sure you insert enough part of the disk to press the drive mechanism. You will need to insert the entire disk in order to activate the disk and turn it on. If you do not insert the disc all the way through, the device must be used in the reverse order and the disc is removed. Give the disc one or the other to accept the disc if there is no insertion area. Throw it off.

Do not squeeze the disks or the disks will be completely damaged

If the disc is completely inserted into the disc or creates difficulties, insert the disc and remove it several times. Make sure that the disc contains a label or other material attached to the disc that may increase its wear. If the disc does not eject, try pulling the disc icon up to the cap. If the disc still does not eject, try holding down the trackpad or mouse button after rebooting the computer. Please note that through those optical drives, the disc rotates rapidly, which is normal for vibration or noise reduction. If you notice that the drive becomes noisy when inserting or removing disks, try inserting and removing the disk several times to correct the problem. Try testing other drives to see if the problem is with just one drive or drive type, or if the problem is drive-specific. Since the disc has an uneven distribution of space, it may cause additional noise and vibration when the disc is wrapped around the unit. Vibrations that occur as a result of the vibration of the optical drive may be affected by the vibration of the system on the surface, which is neither rigid nor flat. Make sure that all the legs of the laptop are covered, as the lack of support may create an uneven surface. Please note that the device must operate only in a horizontal position and may produce more noise due to damage. If you lift or move the unit while reading a disc, it may become unusable. Any damage caused to the device or disk as a result of its operation, obviously to the best of our knowledge, is not covered by the product warranty. If any noise or vibration is transferred, you will find that the noise or vibration generated by the device is not normal.
  • Turn the disc over to ensure it is flat.
  • You can do this by placing the disk upside down on a flat surface.
  • Do not use disks with attached objects.
  • Make sure the device is not upside down and burns upside down.
  • Select System Information from the menu.
  • If possible, remove the label.
  • If the disc does not eject, try pressing the power key on the keyboard.
Insert the disc into your computer's optical drive, which will open quickly.

To understand the reasons why the laptop does not read discs, it is necessary to analyze the situation - how is the disk itself malfunctioning? How did they solve the problem?

Since the computer has been out of use for a long time, it is logical to assume that over time the intensity of the laser has significantly decreased. In this case, the disk drive initially stops writing information to the disks, and after several months it is impossible to open it.

Because you can't change the spinning disk

Once you have selected the permission option before sharing the disc, press the “Accept” button on the computer that is sharing the optical disc. Summary: Is your external hard drive not recognized when it appears on your computer or drive?

The hard drive view is not displayed or recognized

This problem arises often and, if solved, can lead to a catastrophe with the loss of data. While the problem with the hard drive does not appear, it has caused problems for rich people.

Some types of drives have an option to increase laser intensity. For this purpose there is a special adjustment screw on the body. The problem is that the power of the laser will interfere with the operation in the forced mode, and will not lead to residual damage to the laser core.

If the discs are not only unreadable, but the tray does not open at all, you may end up using the device for a day. There could be a number of reasons here.

Make sure your current hard drive is displayed in the Disk Storage section

If you show me, then externally harsh The disk is not displayed on the computer, you will first need to open the "Disk Storage" tool and navigate to where it appears in "Disk Storage". This will help you figure out why your hard drive is not recognized and find the right solution for displaying or locating your hard drive.

Make your hard drive recognized and appear on your computer in different situations

If the hard disk turns out to be disks in the caravan. If you are downloading your own external disk, you will need to use the disk storage window, which means that the disk is not displayed on the computer window, so you cannot replace partitions. To back up or update data to an external hard drive, it is not recognized.

  • The contact on the other wires has broken. You need to turn on the computer, take a closer look, connect and reconnect the data transmission and life lines.
  • Malfunction of the mother board and the bridge.
  • The tracks on laptop circuit boards are very thin and often burn out. A short circuit most often occurs after power is applied to the laptop keyboard. The paths that have burned and the contacts can be identified by visual inspection. Any inserted wires will independently renew ruptures in the tracks on the motherboard.
  • If the laptop has not been charging for a long time, the battery may not be sufficient for the normal operation of other energy-saving devices of the computer. To check this version, you just need to connect the charger to the laptop and check the hour.

The drive may become dirty and even like a laser. Verification involves installing a proven analogue or installing the problematic unit into another computer.

Software problems

Sometimes, if the laptop does not read discs, use some add-ons, such as Nero. If you previously created any virtual disks on the computer, the system could be interconnected with them, and the physical drive is known from the hidden list of connected installations.

To find out what drive connections you have, you need to open the Hardware Panel and look at the list of connected devices. If there is a problem with disk management programs, the physical disk drive may not be listed in the inventory list, but virtual disks will be shown.

For starters, you can try simply removing the virtual disks and sealing the physical drive. It is possible that after restarting, reading DVDs and CD media will be renewed.

There is a clear reason for this due to incorrect device drivers. How can I reinstall the drivers if the drive does not read and it is impossible to restore a set of files from the Windows installation distribution? You will no longer be able to find needed drivers on the Internet. The best place is on the official website of the distributor of such drives that can be installed on your computer.

Since there is no need for the drivers themselves, you can follow a different, more simple route. Try and install a special program from the Internet that automatically analyzes the computer system and checks the availability and relevance of drivers.

The utility itself checks the availability and efficiency of drivers and then automatically finds and installs them. As an option, you can run the automatic OS Windows update system; the initial process will have new drivers installed for the optical drive.

Problem with BIOS settings

For some reason, the laser drive was enabled during the basic BIOS settings. Go to CMOS settings and check. As it is written, if the drive is inaccessible, you just need to re-enable it by selecting Disable from the Enable menu. Then restart Windows. It’s even simpler - discard the BIOS settings for the promos. If you haven’t done anything special with the BIOS settings, such an operation will not harm your computer.

Computer virus infections

If you are an active user of the Internet, like to browse small sites, often install new programs, follow messages in electronic sheets, the likelihood that your computer receives a portion of unwanted viruses is very high.

To begin with, you need to check the system. Turn off antivirus scan. Once the antivirus has been infected, you need to restart the operating system for residual repairs.

If, after reinstallation, the disks are still unreadable, it could become clear that your digital computer has suffered from a serious illness that has severely damaged the operating system. Viruses often find important system files and disguise themselves under their names.

The drive does not read discs Not only through physical wear and tear of the device, other potential problems arise that exist on the software level. There is no need to immediately write off the drive from the storage compartments, rather than immediately check the problem in another area, buy a new drive in no time.

The drive does not read Windows discs because the surface of the disc is damaged

The most common problem is not with optical device, and with the disk itself. The material of the disc is quite soft, so it is easy to get dirty on the metal inserts of your clothes, the table, or cover your bed with unclawed hands. The appearance of abrasions and tatters often makes it difficult to read instead of wearing.

To check the accuracy and presence of severe defects, you can quickly use another, verified disk. If the disk is displayed in the system after being inserted into the drive, the problem is in a specific disk. An additional method of verification is to insert the disk into another computer, if it is possible to remove the data, there is an optical problem, otherwise there is a faulty disk. If you look at 3 or more disks and leave them without finishing, you will have to repair the drive.

The surface of the disk is worn, making it impossible to read the data. Varto try to renew the coating.

Learn the following methods:

  • Gently wipe the surface of the disk with soft and dry cloth. Golovne - you can’t rub the disc along the stake, but only across the paths. With a light roar one climbs the brood from the disk. As long as your mind is not heavily stained with rags, the procedure will help you renew the disk for transferring information;
  • Polish it up. It is necessary to apply polish, which requires wax, after which it is good to rub it with a soft cloth. This will help you open the disk once to remove the data;
  • install a special program that will help you read the disc without errors. The Unstoppable Copier program often helps, its main advantage is cost-free. The utility, when copying data, is required to take into account the damaged location, but it is impossible to skip it. As a result, the utility does not copy all the information, but only a significant portion;
  • When recording a disc, there may be a problem that will make it impossible to obtain information. The cause of the malfunction is the installation of incorrect disk weeding parameters. You will need to record again at a lower speed setting or try a different DVD media.

What to do if the drive does not read discs on the software level

So, you need to figure out why the OS doesn’t drain the drive. Just recently the drive was working, and now, guess what programs, games were installed recently. Programs that come up with a solution can cause problems with the drive, as well as problems with the configured drivers. Destroyed robots virtual memory It is not uncommon for steel robot PCs to crash, and for many programs and games to create their own virtual disks.

If a malfunction occurs through an overinsurance PZ or igor, it is better to immediately uninstall them. Yak alternative - Windows update, this helps to turn the wheel and adjust it.

Didn't the listed methods help? You can try:

  1. Click on Start, RMB on “Computer” and “Power”.
  2. Select “Device Manager” from the menu.
  3. Expand category " DVD drive“We are amazed at the availability of virtual disks.
  4. We put an icon on the “View” tab so that the attached devices can be seen.
  5. Once you have found virtual drives, right click on the element and select the “Visibility” option.

You need to update the driver, or better view the software specific to the drive. After restarting, the system will automatically update the drivers.

If it doesn’t help, go to the “IDE ATA/ATAPI” tab and select Device Detection, then open the entire list of parameters. Under the “Device type” item, you will find the controller that represents the drive, and the “ATAPI CD drive” icon will be indicated. U in-line news It is necessary to place the icon opposite “DMA Assignment”.

The drive does not read Windows 7 discs on the hardware level

Why the drive does not read discs may be due to the computer being cleaned. There is a high risk of damage to contacts: damage to the integrity of the winding, damage to the IDE cable, failure of SATA insulation from the “mother” or from the power supply. Carefully turn all contacts to the correct strength or move the cable to another IDE/SATA slot. Very rarely, if a problem occurs, it is connected with a broken cable, and then a break occurs.

Troubleshooting the Microsoft Fixit.dvd.Run utility

MicrosoftFixit.dvd.Run is a utility that can help you troubleshoot a problem with your drive; it automatically scans the device and fixes problems.

You can download the utility to your computer from the official website by clicking the “Run” button. When the utility diagnoses the drive, it will prompt you to insert a DVD. From behind, turn it over so that the disk is in the workbench. After the diagnostics are completed, all problems found and the results of their resolution will appear on the screen.

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