Setting up a router for a sim card megaphone. Technical characteristics of the mobile router "megaphone"

Let's talk about setting up a router-modem, which is sold by the Megafon company under the name "MR100-1". At the same time, the price of a leather mobile router Megafon does not exceed 3 thousand rubles, but the model was looked at, before that, it was such an undoubted “plus”, like the presence of an LTE module. Let's see how the setup is done.

Router "MR100-1"

We will point out a sprinkling of "minuses" that are not obvious in the selection process. First, be some kind of mobile router USB port for connecting to a computer. So the axis, "MR100-1" can work, like a 4G modem (like connect it to a PC with a cord), or distribute a Wi-Fi network, tobto, "be a router." When you try to connect the USB cable to the PC socket, and not to the charger, the cordless mesh immediately disappears.

I’ll build the battery capacity - in principle, it’s enough for this class of routers. Only an hour of work, in the staleness of the minds of the provider, it is necessary to be different (some of the statements of the year are in the most ideal moment). However, "MR100-1" is not such a filth, as it needs a mobile WiFi router with a megaphone with a 4G module, and you will be sure to have a laptop with two free USBs for recharging.

Schematic representation of the display

Screen, installed on the front side of the case - diagonally less than two inches. Vіn sche y "OLED", that is, light. However, the display does not show anything special (battery charge, Internet connection type, signal value, number of Wi-Fi actives). Let's move on to polishing.

Adjustment of basic options

Connecting a computer to a router via Wi-Fi

At the router installation file program (* .exe) that can be run on a viconan. For this, you need to bring an attachment via a USB cable to a computer with Windows. However, setting up the Megafon "MR100-1" router, according to the official instructions, is carried out through a web interface. This way you can gain access to the maximum number of parameters.

The problem is in the attack: you can’t always connect via Wi-Fi. The lock of the router is encrypted, the password is "12345678", and the encryption type is "WPA / WPA2". In this mode, Windows does not work well (requires either "WPA" or "WPA2").

If you want to go into the router's dart-free mesh - all the same, if you see, then the first thing to do is to remember the type WiFi encryption(Abo, I will turn on yoga, on the choice of a koristuvach).

At the end of the chapter - more deshcho. Likewise, the router does not accept and does not transmit data to the Internet and does not work with Wi-Fi subscribers for a total of 10 minutes, including the Wi-Fi. You can turn it off from the sleep mode by pushing the button on it (albeit, it is recommended to deactivate this mode).

Vіdkrivaєmo web interface

As soon as the computer could detect the Wi-Fi network, and it was possible to enter it with the password “12345678”, it means that you can open the browser and go to the address: Appear at the authorization window:

Here, you need to enter the name of the koristuvach and the password admin. Set the value in the upper and lower fields, press "Stop".

Important tabs for the interface

Start tab

On this deposit, like Bachimo, the status of the annex is not only displayed (if it is called "Status" -\u003e "Information"). Here you can turn in or turn off the Internet, but for the mind, what else was there already.

Go to the next tab: “Settings” -> “SIM card settings”. If the MegaFon SIM card has not yet been activated, then it is necessary to insert the PIN code and press "Stop":

SIM activation

On the Danish router Megafon, in 90% of cases it is possible to talk about those that are attached - "locked". Tobto, turn on the router with the card of other operators, more for everything - do not see it. Quanta WR-250, axle right name I will build this(Even if it's not a Skoda 3000 rubles, you can try to reinstall the firmware).

And the Internet connection setting is set on the “Settings” tab -> “Configuration mobile measure»

Nalashtuvannya z'ednannya

At the top block - everything is clear (do not fill in the "APN" field, as "Autodetect" is set, and then, set the login and password). The sense of the "Roaming" chant is also wise, moreover, roaming chant is not mentioned for the lock.

And the axis “Measure selection mode: Auto” means advance. If you think the provider is allowed, the connection will automatically switch to the best protocol. For example, as available Merezі LTE and 3G, will be active LTE-band. Use the "only LTE" mode, switching over to the 4G coverage area.

Having set the value on the deposit on the deposit, they press "Zastosuvati". Far away routing!

Nashtuvannya bezdrotovoy merezhi

First of all, go to the “Wi-Fi” tab -> “Setup”:

Wi-Fi setup

Here you can set the next parameters:

  1. SSID (my name)
  2. Radio channel number (we left out "Auto")
  3. Encryption Mode: Choose WPA2 or WPA best. The first of them (WPA2-AES) - not all subscriber extensions can win. So, in some cases, you can switch to WPA-TKIP, otherwise, you will be able to get encrypted again.
  4. As if the encryption is victorious, in the "Password" field, the key of 8 characters is to be restored

At the end, press "Zastosuvati".

Adjustment of additional options

So that the router will not go into “sleep” mode after 10 minutes, if the exchange of information with a short time is available, you can enable this option again:

Managing the mode of eating

Option - to be displayed on the "Setting" tab -> "Management of eating modes". Set the “10 khvilin” substitution to the “Enabled” value and press “Shut down”.

The problem is that in a similar mode of work, if the attachment is guilty of constantly “trimati zadnannya”, the battery is charged for an entire hour. In some cases, it is charged up faster, lower, and the energy is replenished through a pair of USB. And all the same - not an “exclusion”, but a whole movable scenario.

For example, if a given router is victorious in transport, then it will be supported in Russia (including, according to the 4G protocol). Ale, connect the connection to the cigarette lighter - do not obov'yazkovo ryat the battery in the discharge.

Vzagali, in case of a car, it’s better to get an okremy router for a Megaphone modem (which can be used with a battery and without it). Other solution, a higher capacity battery pack - it's really possible, but such a "pidhid" will allow you to give a guarantee.

Food service

Power supply: if the battery and the SIM card are installed, how can I turn on the router?

The “eating button” needs to be pressed and pressed for 3 seconds. In the same way, the inclusion is included:

Housing of the router "MR100-1"

Power: what is the reset button on the router?

Reset, appearing, covered under the back cover

Rear wall of the router

Important to know! Skidannya nalashtuvan vykonuyut when eating outbuildings are turned on.

The film shows how a Google phone could get to the Wi-Fi router (moreover, the first time):

More and more innovations are being promoted to their subscribers by a leading operator style tie under the name "Megaphone". A router without a dart with a supportive mesh of the fourth generation is one of them. With this help, you can create a mobile wireless access point to the Global Web without any problems. The provider will propagate to coristuvachas a sprinkling of various such possessions, however, the principle of dividing any of the obvious routers, for a great deal, however. In this material, as an example, I will look at the mobile router model MR150-3.

recognized as an annex

qia u framework given material portable attachment of appointments is only for connection to the mobile network "MegaFon". Router model MR150-3 you can practicebe like a modern stylist with a sing-song, beginning with another and ending their quarter of a generation . For this, the exchange of data and information with the global web is supported. Local non-drot treadmill is realized from zastosuvannyam technologies WiFi. Up to 8 outbuildings can be connected to this transmitter. At the pouch there is a superfluous point,yaka maє trivaly hour autonomous robots and allows you to practically in any case take access to the Internet. such a decision it’s already easy in quiet vipadkas, if a person gets richer in price, rideaccording to the orders. Tse i є the main area of ​​yoga quest.

Design. Indication and control system

On the upper plastic cover of the black color MR150-3, the logo of the company "MegaFon" is changed. router so may a group of indicators in the same area. Have їх number to enter battery charge, akіst droitless signalіinformation There is also an on button. The tilna side is closed with a lid. Below it is a battery and a slot for installing an operator's SIM card. Oskіlki software shell this decision is sharpened only a little under the numbers of "MegaFon", then it is unacceptable to install SIM cards of other operators in this situation and there will be no stink in such a possession.

Complete set

The complete set of the mobile solution is modest. Ale, again, in the most vipadkіv її it will be enough to start winning such a router right after the bath. She has included the foot:

    Vlasne the router itself.

    Interface cord with USB ports.

    Ker_vnitstvo koristuvach in a sly look.

    Warranty card.

Since it was already scheduled earlier, everything is necessary in the delivery list for the first launch of such a solution, as router "Megaphone". 4G signalin deyakih vipadkah vimaga manifestness outdoor antenna, For a connection that is in this way, a nest is needed. There are no traces of the antenna itself in the post. Її to happen to kupuvati okremo. This is the main shortfall of this complete set.

Main technical specifications

How it was assigned earlier, mobile router "Megaphone" model MR150-3 pzalishaєtsya in a plastic case in black color. Yogo rezmіri become 97x58 with a torso 13 mm. vaga w mobile router stores only 75 grams. єmnіst znіmnoi battery become 1500 mah. One її charging according to the assurances of the virobnik to stitch for 8-10 years of the active vikoristannya.

communication dialing

The main wireless way to connect in this way is through WiFi. Router "Megaphone" model MR150-3building to transmit information in standard 802.11 versionsb, g and obviously n.In this mode, the frequency of 2.4 GHz is supported. And the axis is the most protruding substandard given method 802.11 connectionrev. acthis decision is no longer supported. Yak i frequency at 5 GHz. Stele of security transfer in e t om vipadu vіdpovіdaє 60 0 Mbps in peak mode. Dart ports at this router 2. One of them ismicro usb,which vikoristovuetsya for charging the battery or setting up this router. Another challenge is in quiet weather, if commutation is carried out from an outdoor antenna. As previously stated, each component is included in the kit for an additional fee.

List of support measures

Ideal imitation of support stіlnikovy merezha You can boast of such a WiFi-router like "Megaphone". Yogo transmitter is universal. We support all relevant measures. Until їх number one can see:

    standard 2 g,otherwise, how yoga is marked differently,GPRS / EDGE.In this case, the subtrim of frequencies 850/900 MHz and 1800/1900 MHz is declared. The speed of exchange of information in peak mode can reach the maximum possible in this situation 500 kb/sec.

    mesh 3 Gsupported in the formatUMTSwith a frequency of 900 MHz or 2100 MHz. The speed of the order and corrections for the presence of such a cover can reach 42.2 Mbit / sec.

    Stilnikovy zv'yazok of the 4th generation in the standardLTEsupported at 800, 1800 and 2600 MHz. If the possession of the company "MegaFon" is allowed, then the peak speed is in the range of 150 Mbit / sec.

alignment order

As much as possible by asking the configuration process of the reviewed mobile solution "MegaFon". Setting up a router go up to the following stages:

    Vityag yoga from branded packaging.

    congratulations rear cover and batteries.

    We install a SIM card at the slot.

    Turn the battery back, install the cover on the seat.

    We turn on the attachment by pushing a single control button on the top roof of the router.

    After the completion of the initialization of the outbuildings, you can greet.

name dartless mesh for locking, as well as the password for access to it is located on the lower roof of the annex. The only thing to watch out for is that on the SIM card, the activation of the PIN code is to blame. In another way, it is necessary to connect the router to the computer and in the first setting, it is necessary to set the parameter from the browser blocking and the tie address (in this case, By itself, for the help of a login and a password for locking, you can connect to such a root-free system, whether it be an attachment, starting from a smartphone or a tablet and ending with a laptop and a richly functional attachment. You can change the password for access if necessary. For which it is necessary to consider the decision to directly connect to a personal computer or a laptop with a complete interface cord. Next, launch a browser, and from whatever address you entered earlier, go into the setup. Here, the most important parameters are necessary and it is important to make changes. Apparently from the configuration interface.


Make available from the position of the vartost and look at the mobile router "MegaFon". Price new in company stores to become 3290 rubles. Similar price list of appointments in the company's online store steward operator. If you gain respect for third-party stores, then the cost will increase by 200-300 rubles. For large settlements, the first two methods are more suitable for the bath, and the rest - for small places and forces, in some official representations of the style operator.

Suggestions. Pluses and main disadvantages

In fact, there are no such shortcomings in such an extension, like a Megafon router. 4G coverage pіdtremuєtsya, as and all other relevant modifications of stіlnikovih merezh. Why yak 3g, so i GSM.The capacity of a large battery ensures up to ten years of uninterrupted battery life. The procedure for setting up is as simple as possible and reduced to a minimum. With whom I will build more and more available. Navit іsnuіє mozhlivіst priєdnannya zvnіshnyої antenna іn nebhіdnostі. Ale, all the same, there are two minuses in this solution Megaphone". Internet router This model comes in a plastic case and it's just bad to do it when falling. To do this, you need to victoriously carefully and pragnate the uniqueness of the possible falls. Another minus is the fact that the outer antenna is fine. Ale, don’t forget it will be needed and there is no particular sense to include it in the basic package.


The router model MR150-3 allows you to create high-speed mobile points access to the global web based on MegaFon's high-capacity coverage. router maє vіdmіnі tehnіchіnі characteristics, and yogo varіst significantly lower than competitors. Everything is done with yoga as an ideal way to create such superfluous local borders.

Today, we will look at the third router of the MR100 series behind the curtain. Like and yogo in front of brothers, in Volodya a small radius of diї і more insurance coverage on an individual win. Obviously, up to 9 subscribers can be connected at once until the new one, but at the same time you take a small amount of speed. Prote, such routers are shriveled with a singing drink. Let's wonder why our strengths and weaknesses, and also why we quarrel with our successors.

Irrespective of those that routers are known to one of the MR100 series, a leather model is released different virobniks. MR100-3 - the same Huawei E5372 router, which can have the firmware from "MegaFon". If you are an MTS subscriber, you can buy a whole router named MTS 823F.

Let's look at the table, deriving the characteristics of all three "MegaFonovsky" routers. In this period, prices are won for the Chuvash Republic. In Moscow, for example, the 4G-router "Megaphone MR100-3" costs not 3990, but 1990 rubles. We hope that in the next hour the router in all regions will be cheaper than two thousand rubles.

1. High price (3990 rubles). Not relevant for all regions.
2. Not a high hour of work from the battery. 5-6 years is not enough, as you need mobile Internet for a whole day, and recharge anywhere.
3. Included daily charger attachment. Only a USB-microUSB cable. view great computer The router can be charged in 4 years. It is also possible to vikoristovuvati practically whether it is a charger attachment.
4. "Diyalnist" of the router's sound is between the dimensions of the room.
5. Like and all branded attachments "MegaFon", lockout router. Vtіm, yoga can already be unlocked. Like the same, probably the Internet.

1. Extended support for LTE frequencies. In Russia, the frequencies of 800 and 2600 MHz are still victorious. "Megaphone MR100-3" also supports frequencies 900, 1800 and 2100 MHz. What will stink in the nearest future victorious in Russia? Pretty sure. Ale is not great imovirnіst іsnuє.
2. The router can operate on two Wi-Fi frequencies: 2.4 and 5 GHz. Sound the frequency of 2.4 GHz. The frequency of 5 GHz is not supported by all devices, but it gives a bigger wide channel and a bigger high speed. Ale, for 5 GHz, a bigger injection is given to the switch.
3. Two roses to the SMA standard for connection of an external antenna with support for MIMO technology. In a number of vipadkіv tse give zbіlshennya svidkostі mobile Internet in kіlka razіv i nіzhuє pіng.
4. Router (upon purchase special cable AF10) can be vicorated in the capacity of a good battery for mobile phones and gadgets.
5. You can insert a microSD card into the router. Access to the information recorded on it can be taken through the web interface ( or with the help of the HUAWEI Mobile WiFi 2 program (more info). You can record music or movies on the card and watch them on your mobile device by connecting to the router.
6. The router can be connected via WLAN to other Wi-FI networks. To serve as a "relay".
7. The router "Megaphone MR100-3" has a display, for help you can take the mass brown information: Depends on the signal, type of network (2G / 3G / 4G), how the frequency is changed (2.4 GHz or 5 GHz), how many devices are connected to the router, how much battery charge, what SMS notifications should be included, how many information is received. You can’t look at SMS on the router, then you will know when the stench comes. You can look at the statistics of the used Internet limit, or you can reset the limit via the web interface.
8. The display may have a short menu: Info, Internet WLAN, 5G / 2.4G. You can move around the new one for the help of two buttons on the router. You can add a name to the first depositor Wi-Fi Merezhi and the password for access to it, in the other - enable / disable Wi-Fi, in the third - select the frequency (2.4 or 5 GHz).
9. This router can support the addition of HUAWEI Mobile WiFi 2 ( For help, you can also manually manage the router. HUAWEI Mobile WiFi 2 shows basic information, allows you to manage WLAN settings, read SMS, "share" multimedia data from an SD card to mobile attachments, Save and replace the router with an additional SD card.

Vikoristovuyuchi router megaphone, You can get access to the Internet at great speed. At the same time, the e5a832s gutless gut router is widely victorious. This model is a complete version of the E5830 and has new features. Now, to start working on the Internet, you don't need to do anything. The router is already in front of the patches. Your robot with this add-on works only when connected to a USB port. need software security log in your operating system automatically. Don’t forget that the router is a megaphone modem for locking under a single SIM card.

What is a mobile router? The purpose of this is to combine the functions of a wireless access point and a 3G modem. І develops such an attachment wifi adapter, 3G modem and battery for autonomous work. Call in such an extension to install a card reader and you can transfer data to a memory card. You can immediately connect to a mobile router via Wi-Fi 5-8 connection, which is enough

Mobile wifi router megaphone

Router megaphone e5832s (Huawei E5832) is designed to connect to a mobile 3G network and share the Internet via Wi-Fi. This small intestine router has small dimensions and a handy design. On the bіchnіy krishtі I'll attach a total of three control buttons. These buttons are eating, 3G and Wi-Fi. There is a microSD card for connecting a memory card and a Mini-USB port, which can be used to recharge the battery or use the router as a wired modem. On the front panel there is a monochrome OLED-display, according to which it is possible to add the necessary information about the robot.

The display shows the value of the GSM signal, information about SMS, Wi-Fi, the number of connections and the value of the battery charge. After a few seconds, the display turns on and you need to press one of the buttons again. Important tse small-sized attachment of a total of 90 grams. The capacity of the battery is 1500 mA · year and 4 years of work without recharging. However, in practice, an hour of work without recharging will sound more and become close to 6-7 years. The router has an okremia thermal sensor, which is necessary through strong heating, I will attach it to the robot.

Kishenkovy router megaphone can be used in the main frequency bands of GSM / GPRS / UMTS. At the same speed of transmission, it becomes close to 7.2 Mb/s with zawantage and 5.76 Mb/s with transmission. The hotspot mode supports the IEEE 802.11b / g standard, which gives up to 54 Mbps. This router supports WEP and WPA2 encryption standards. zone normal work I will build it close to 10 m.

This router provides the ability to connect up to 5 extensions via Wi-Fi. І tsgogo tsіlkom vystachaє for zvichaynih needs.

The router is controlled through an internal interface. For robots, I will not need to install any additional drivers or software. After the connection, you will use the Russian interface, and the installation does not add up to difficulties, dotrimuyuchis pointing there to prompts.

In the settings of the E5832S router, it is possible to fine-tune Firewall, DHCP, NAT (Virtual Servers i). Zayshovshi in the main menu, you can look over your balance, battery charge or send SMS. Cream of addition in this router good opportunities energy saving settings. You can individually adjust the parameters for turning on 3G and Wi-Fi, and at the same time, you yourself can spend an hour of work on a battery charge, practically up to 400 years in a sleepy state.

During the expansion of the router, the possibility of yogo vikoristannya on the sun and on the open air was secured, and the automatic switch-off was set, as the temperature reached the critical point. So come in, let you get out of the fret of the router and the battery.

How to connect a megaphone router

The connection kit is folded from the router, SIM cards, Battery capacity 1500 mA / h, cable standard USB-miniUSB.

To connect the router, you need to insert it into a new battery, press the SIM card on the power button. It can be seen that the hour while the router is starting is about 35-45 seconds. Tse hour, while your phone or laptop does not recognize attachments and Wi-Fi becomes available.

The operating system recognizes the router as a 3G USB modem and installs software security that Megafon is supplied with.

Setting up a megaphone router

When the router is turned on, the display shows indicators for 3G and wifi signal, I equal to the battery charge. Then it is necessary to look at the parameters in the instructions Wi-Fi connection. To enter the web interface of the router, you need to type the address in the browser. Before you see the registration window.

Here in the fields you need to enter the password of the router. You can look at the sticker on the back panel, or after removing the battery, look at it. After entering the password, it will be displayed again.

for automatic settings You need more than a few times to click on the button Dalі. After that the router will be fixed, and you can use the Internet. For the cob, protest the speed of the day.

Setting up a mobile phone

In the settings of the router, you can set the connection mode and select the parameter - Powered. This mode will change the battery charge. Also, as you are only aware of your recent achievements, you can turn on the GPRS and EDGE modes.