How to get new tabs to open. Windows are constantly opening in a new browser window, what should I do? Sorting tabs by different ends of the browser

To pin a tab, simply click right button mishiclick on the mouse with Control on it and select pin tab.

To pin a bunch of tabs at once: Select the required tabs (click with Ctrl or click with Command on each tab), then click the right mouse buttonclick on the mouse with Control one of them and select pin tabs.

Adding tabs to bookmarks

Select the tab you want to bookmark, then click the right mouse buttonclick on the mouse with Control by deposit and select Add a tab to bookmarks.

To add a bunch of tabs to your bookmarks at once: Select those that are necessary (click with Ctrl and click with Command on each of them), then click the right mouse buttonclick on the mouse with Control one of them and select Add tabs to bookmarks.... Give them a new bookmark folder and choose which folder to save to. click Add to bookmarks, Please finish.

To bookmark all open tabs at once: Select from the Bookmarks menu.

Right-click on any of the tabs and select Add to bookmarks tabs... from the context menu.Right-click on any of these tabs and select Select all tabs from the context menu, then right-click on any tab and select Add tabs to bookmarks.... Give them a new bookmark folder and choose which folder to save to. click Add to bookmarks, Please finish.

  • Hot keys: You can also press Ctrl + Shift + Dcommand + Shift + D, To bookmark all open tabs at once.

more detailed information You can find out about bookmarks in statistics


Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Working with tabs
in the Google Chrome browser

with tabs.

You can find all the latest information about working with tabs in your Google Chrome.

Browser problem: all messages are opened in a new tab

To do this, open your browser and simply press the F1 function key on your keyboard. Or press the wrench icon, or maybe an icon like a wrench, at the end of the browser’s address bar. I select the Help panel at the bottom. A new tab will open, with a Select message in the center and a window. Click and right-hand to open all the Headings associated with the tabs.



When you surf the Internet, modern browsers can always open the page behind your messages in a new window or new tab. This is often very easy - you read the message in bulk, but do not scroll through the text you are reading, but open the message in a new window or the tabs will turn around when you finish opening it in Danish moment. I always wanted such possibility to exist in Windows Explorer- right-click on the folder - and there is an option: “open in a new window.”

You can simply add such an option, taking control of the conductor, rather than work on the computer you come to! It’s much easier to automate the process with wikis reg file. This is another metadata of this article - continue the topic of the registry and show how it can be edited not only by hand.

I will provide in this article the code to the file that adds the option to the context menu; In addition, this file can be stolen. If you have good registry files, please add them to me in the comments!

Note: I ask for encouragement from those who checked the article about anonymity. I don't get it. I'm putting it in from stock.

Ozhe, registry.

How to make sure your messages appear in a new window or on a new account

If you have already run regedit, you can experiment with exporting the entire registry or part of it. To do this, stand on the registry tab, go to the file-export menu and select where you want to create the image. You will get a file with extended reg, then click on each one and create an updated registry - the next step. You can also create such a file yourself, and we can create it for you at the same time. Create a text file and write the following in the middle:

@ = "View in new page"


Now you need to rename the file - change its extension to reg. How can you earn money? The same is true if you rename other files, but you will first need to change the file extensions.

Double-click on this file, you can make changes to the registry - and voila, context not menu changed - when you press the right mouse button on the dad, the option “open in a new window” appears. If you don't want to create, edit or rename the file, you can download it from my site.

And this file can be created on my website home page V Internet Explorer

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Start Page" = ""

You have e good job files for editing the registry? Power it up! Before I speak, I’ll remind you of my old post about Windows script host - there are applications of hot programs in the language installed in Windows.

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How to open a message in the new century?

How to change
tab settings
in browsers

Browsers are initially configured in different ways to open new pages. For example, Safari is configured to open new pages in a new window. A Mozilla Firefox Opens new pages in new tabs on the Tab Bar, but we can also open new windows.
You can change the settings yourself.

Internet Explorer

You can change tab settings in the Internet Explorer browser in the Browsing Power section. Click on the gear icon on the right side of the browser panel. Select Power View, then select the General tab and at the bottom, in the Select row, click on Settings. In the center under the row When you open a new tab, open it: select the appropriate method for opening tabs in the black jersey.

Mozilla Firefox

To change the settings of tabs in Mozilla browsers Firefox click the Tools button on the panel. At the bottom, click Adjustment. At the very top of the new window, click Bookmarks. And here you can either check the boxes or choose the method you need to open new tabs.

Working with tabs
in the Google Chrome browser

IN remaining version I didn't know Google Chrome
It is possible to change the settings for tabs.
This is such a simple and intelligent browser and does not require any adjustments. Remnants of Google Chrome introduce users to the rich possibilities of working with tabs.
Very easy to open new tab and new
Of course, ask for help with hot keys.
You need to open the same web page on several tabs
It is possible to duplicate a tab. The ability to practice
in incognito mode ( Prihokhanov glance). You can move the required
tab in the window. And there are still a lot of other possibilities for robots
with tabs.

You can find all the latest information about working with tabs in your Google Chrome. To do this, open your browser and simply press the F1 function key on your keyboard. Or press the wrench icon, or maybe an icon like a wrench, at the end of the browser’s address bar. I select the Help panel at the bottom. A new tab will open, with a Select message in the center and a window. Click and right-hand to open all the Headings associated with the tabs.


To change the settings for tabs in Safari browsers Click the gear icon on the right side of the browser panel. In the new tab, select Settings, and in the next window, select the tab. And here in the row Open pages in tabs, not in windows: select the option you need.


In the Opera browser, to change the settings of tabs, click the Tools button on the panel. Select at the bottom of the new tab Zagalni customization. And in this tab, click on the Extensions panel, and then click the Customize Tabs button. The window will open Additional adjustments tabs. Check the box for the method you require to open tabs and click OK at the bottom.

Go to head side website

It is often easier to send the message to the page, then open it in a new browser tab, so as not to deprive the page from which the transition is being made. What do you need to do so that when you click on a message, it opens in a new browser tab?

Here, melodiously, there are two types of data required:
1. How can I write the code so that it opens in a new deposit every time?
2. How can I open a message on any page of any website with one click in a new browser tab?

First of all, there is a way to change the HTML code of sending the “target” attribute to the “_blank” values. When you click on such a message with the left mouse button, it will open in a new tab. (Although I want to show the approximate code of such a message, the editor does not allow it, however, those who write the message themselves understand what I am talking about, and those who do not write it do not need to.)

If you see the message on the page and want to look at it without leaving the page, where it is posted, but in a new tab, then you need to press the message once, NOT with the left button, as in the click of the mouse - under such pressure be- as requested to appear in a new contribution.
You can, of course, click on it with the right button and select the item “Open messages in a new deposit”, or turn the wheel - it will be immediately obvious that you are a prosperous money-maker.



I would like to add that the prosthetic vikorysts insert not only the bear for such operations, but also the keyboard, for certain key combinations.
If the author were to confirm this himself, then it would be good. If nothing else, I’ll write myself how to open new tabs using an additional keyboard :-).

The message is not about opening a new tab (for example, Ctrl + T), but about opening in it the message you need, placed in a sufficient place on the page. And hot keys in in different browsers discord. Otherwise, opening messages with them not from the address row, but from the text of the page - which, in my opinion, will not be pushed through, but sucks - takes two hands at a time (you need to hold down the Ctrl key) and involves sorting through messages throughout the entire page, for example , using the Tab key . It’s easier to just press it on the pin, wait a minute. It’s not for nothing that the bear is considered one of the greatest wines of the 20th century... I would definitely like to send data to the hotkey providers for different browsers, but it doesn’t matter to nutrition. Therefore, if you want, write your testimony, perhaps, to anyone who will benefit...

Still, I would like to add more. Some people (at least) access the Internet from laptops that don’t have a teddy bear with a wheel (although you can buy one) and a touch panel.

In the Opera browser, you can open a message in a new tab by clicking on it (with the mouse, touch panel or something else), pressing Shift or Ctrl. Shift opens the active tab so you can go to it immediately after opening it. Ctrl opens the tab, so you can go to it later. (You can navigate between tabs in most browsers using Ctrl + Tab). In Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer, clicking on a message with Ctrl opens it in a new tab, and with Shift - in a new window.

How can I make the skin tab open in one window and not in a new one? and having taken away the best part of the story

Confirmation | (0g @ [guru]
control panel, folder power, or maybe you were amazed, I can’t say for sure from my English.

Confirmation 2 types[Guru]

Vitannya! Here's what we need to know about your diet: How can you ensure that the skin tab opens in one window and not in a new one?

Confirmation MaiYoko[Guru]
right-click on the order - open in a new tab (new page) (and not in a new window - there will be one browser window, but several pages in a new one)

Confirmation Axel[Guru]
Putting the deputy of the expert at the butt of the opera duzhe raj

Confirmation Liliya Zarifullina[Newbie]
“Open a new tab after the current one” does not mean that the messages will be opened in a new tab, but it means that the message opened in the new tab will not be placed at the end of the list of tabs, but next to for active, then those, on which you squeeze it tight. And since the message must be opened, it must be kept in a new or current contribution depending on the wishes of the creator of the site. In order for your Google messages to be displayed in a new window, you need to check the “Show search results in a new window” checkbox in Search Settings (in the top right corner). Also in Opera, you can open the message in a new window, regardless of the creator’s website, by clicking on it with the Shift key.

Confirmation Olvina Fatalieva[Active]
I can’t say for sure, I always have different fights, wondering at the message, as if it’s idiotic, it’s revealed in one deposit. And if it’s normal, then in another

For most of us, the browser is the most popular and most often launched on a computer. We use it for listening to music, watching movies, checking mail, and so on. And although browsers are updated, no matter what, they still have problems. One of them is not a very handy robot with a large number of tabs.

It's true that the robot has tabs - that's what all the heat about guts is all about. You don't like guts? You just can’t cook them. You just need to learn how to work with tabs and use the appropriate browser options for each browser function. And you will not be able to understand how you lived before.

Keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys)

Fast access - even more manual way tab management. Especially when the tabs become so cluttered that it’s impossible to click on them manually.

  • Ctrl+Tab- shuffling between tabs to the right.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab- shuffling between tabs to the left.
  • Ctrl + W / Cmd + W on Mac- close the active tab.

There are just a few combinations that allow you to quickly switch between tabs. The keyboards will soon fall asleep. And some of them may make it difficult for you to use the keyboard instead of the mouse to manage tabs.

Memory of critical tabs

If you constantly switch between the browser and another program, it is likely that you can suddenly close the browser, or you will have to open everything again. And it’s good that you remembered what was in secret. To get rid of this headache, you can turn on the browser function, which allows you to remember which tabs were opened before they were closed.

Implement this function and thus help yourself in your future work:

  • Google Chrome: Settings → Pochatkova group → Continue the robot from the same place.
  • Firefox: Settings → General → When Firefox starts → Show windows and tabs opened last time.
  • Apple Safari: Settings → General → Safari opens at startup → All windows from the rest of the session.

Adding tabs to the view

One more Swedish way Save your open tabs so you can work with them later rather than adding them to a separate bookmarks folder. To do this, click on the tab with the right mouse button and select the item “Add tabs to selection”. The name of the item may vary in different browsers, but it is easy to understand which is the item you need. As a result, a folder with the website addresses you need will appear in your bookmarks. Next, right-click on this folder, select the item “Unlock all bookmarks” - all tabs will appear again in front of us.

Sorting tabs by different ends of the browser

Who said that all the tabs are in one browser window? You can arrange your tabs behind different windows. For example, you can move all the tabs related to one project into one browser window, and everything related to the same project, and so on. Just pull out the tab from an empty place on the desktop, and a new window will open. Another way is to right-click on the message or bookmark and select “Open in a new window” from the list.

Select from several tabs

You can perform different activities not from one tab, but directly from the desktop. But first you need to select the tabs themselves. Press the Ctrl key (or Cmd on Mac) and select the tabs you need at the moment. That's it, now you can close them, re-zip them, add them to bookmarks, and so on.

pinning tabs

IN current browsers Among good retailers there is a wonderful “Pin tab” function. It’s even easier if you keep the same tab open all the time. For example, you can use the Gmail tab or music service. Once you pin a tab, it will be easier to close and will take up less space on the tab bar. Just right-click on the tab and select the desired item from the list.

Renewing a closed tab

Sometimes you come out in such a way that you suddenly close the tab, because you don’t want to close it at all. The hand sank or changed its mind at the moment of closing - everything happens. To open this tab again, you can first go to your browser history and find this site. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + T (or Cmd + Shift + T on Mac in Chrome and Firefox and Cmd + Z in Safari) to rotate this tab. You can also help by right-clicking on any tab in your browser.

Grouping tabs in Firefox

About five years ago, retailers added to the Firefox browser I really love this function, It’s called “Tab Groups” or “Panorama”. She practically pulls off a trick that is beyond description. Learn more about vikoristannya different browser windows for tabs. Only here everything is more beautiful, and you don’t need to create a beautiful picture. A couple of clicks, and you have already switched to work with another project or, in fact, have fun after work. To launch tab groups, use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + E or Cmd + Shift + E on Mac.

I hope that now your work with the great number of browser tabs will become a little simpler.