How to recognize im'ya pіdsilyuvacha wifi. The simplest Wi-Fi pilot

Every now and then we ran into the so-called “dead” zones near our apartment, village wifi signal appear even lower or more daily. Sound, for fixing the problem with the fixed reception of Wi-Fi, you change the place WiFi settings router or, as a matter of fact, the application is even greater, vicorist add-ons, which took the name of Wi-Fi repeater or Wi-Fi subsidiaries. The principle of diversification is simple. They receive the signal from the main access point and relay it further away, increasing the radius dartless mesh. However, such extensions are costly and require some knowledge for their development, which is suitable for ordinary coristuvachiv, as it may not be known about WPS, nor about other technologies, which are used in today's bare nets. As a result, the problem is not solved, but we simply try to unify a quiet place, in which Wi-Fi is received badly.

Recently, they have been looking for something new on, having revealed a gadget that will allow you to quickly solve the problem of "dead" zones. I'll call WiFi +. What grafted me into what annex? First, the price is extremely low, about 550 rubles. Price in kіlka times cheaper for any other options Wi-Fi repeaters. In another way, an unimpressive design. І, thirdly, the simplicity of nastuvannya, it is available to navіt tim, who is not enough, scho in the present day mereveve possession. Let's get to know this gadget, and learn about its design features.

WiFi+ calls.

Classic Wi-Fi repeaters are in the form of a lace adapter, which can be connected directly to electrical outlet. At the singing sense, it’s smartly handy, however, the WiFi + retailers decided against the classic design, choosing not only original design, and a new USB life scheme. As a result, it is even more compact, which can be used with a lace adapter with a USB port, a laptop or an external battery.

Add more than 17 grams, and make it 18 x 6 x 1.4 cm. Sam pristry raztashovaniya at yogo upper, white part. Yogo is based on the MTK chip. Antennas with a high coefficient of strength vykonanі in the form of tracks on a different board. Behind the words of the virobnik, the number of antennas can be a high coefficient of strength, I will safely increase the productivity of the pair with a strong antenna by 50%. Don’t cry, that’s right, but don’t go ahead, and three times later, tell the virobnik to your own knowledge.

There is one tricolor indicator on the WiFi+ case. The color of the indicator means the strength of the received signal from the access point. Blue indicator to talk about the place WiFi settings+ Selected optimally. Zhovtiy kolіr to talk about those who are close to the access point. The red color is ahead of us about those that WiFi + is far away from the access point. Below the indicator, a drop button is attached.

The bottom, black part of the case is a flexible utrimuach with a USB port. The pin can bend 180°. Tse already manually from the point of connection to different types lace adapters. For example, my Wi-Fi+ device connects to USB port on lace adapter DF Port-Charger-03 USB ports. I don’t need to bend the lower leg for this one, but I’ve connected the yakby to the old battery, then, the ability to bend the lower leg by 180 °, appears more ancient.

WiFi+ connection

Breaking out of the constructive WiFi features+, the hour has come to tell about the real possibilities of the pidsiluvach. WiFi+ supports 802.11b/n/g standards in the 2.4GHz frequency band. The new one has more than one antenna, which is between the theoretical exchange rate of 150 Mbit / s, however, the speed is real in such a configuration, it is commendably lower, that, vtim, for people, like vicorist simple WiFi routers, there is no special significance. Krim tsgogo, it is necessary to understand that Wi-Fi pіdsilyuvach allows you to expand the coverage area without a dart fence, but also change the swidkіst even vdvіchi. Tse s tim, scho i that channel zv'yazku vikoristovuєtsya for open and distant transfer.

Otzhe, let's wonder, how does this Wi-Fi podsiluvach get better? Honestly seeming simple Wi-Fi setup pіdsilyuvacha not yet zustrichav. The whole process takes literally a sprat of khvilin. Moreover, it is possible to fix attachments both from a smartphone or a tablet, and from a computer. It is not necessary to install the native software. Enough vikoristovuvati whether it's a browser. Nasampered, you need to connect to open measure WiFi+. Dalі v_dkrivaєmo the browser that is entered in the address bar of the attacking IP: Tse to start the process of scanning without darts.

Next, you need to choose your network and enter a password to connect. Give respect to the WIFI + SSID row, who needs the name of an additional dart-free network of support. Tsyu merezhu vikoristovuvatimete in quiet areas, demine the signal of the main treadmill.

For what process WiFi setup+ you can finish it and for the whilina you can connect to the sublime and speed up with all the possibilities. Now let's talk about speed. How and ochіkuvav, shvidkіst when connected to WiFi + is small. My speed in both directions was 15 Mb/s.

As it was assigned more, it is approximately twice less than the speed with a direct connection to the main access point. This, obviously, is not rich, but for the sake of more perfection, the task of tying it up. Krіm tsogo, varto razumіty, scho more classic Wi-Fi repeaters, demonstrate the same level of speed, but if you stink, the flooring is not universal, not so simple in vikoristanni, not so accessible, like a sub-width WiFi +. 550 rubles for Wi-Fi with free delivery, can't deprive anyone who is troubled by the problem of "dead" zones near the home without darts.

Postupovo and portable devices came to my booth. I had a chance to think over the creatures wifi network. Often here zustrіcha look around inexpensive wifi adapters with the capabilities of an access point, but they also need to turn on the PC. Even a smartphone and a netbook, most of all, are favored by the one who turns on the computer. Having persuaded yourself not to be stingy and buy a router, spodіvayuchis, scho win virіshit usі problems. So Bulo bought D-Link Dir-320nru. Radiv wireless internet I'm not long. What happened private booth with tovstimi tselyany walls, the router is too tough. The signal was forcibly reaching the distant rooms, the link was constantly disappearing, and could not move along the fence near the yard. In order to be fair, varto respect that zyxel, tp-link, asus, as I took from my friends, so they couldn’t cover the booths themselves. I had a chance to turn for help to online stores, de I got on the WiFi signal.

I'll enter a little more.

Spopchatka had a chance to rebuild the router, because. my antenna's bula is not known. For tsієї mark purchases with a lanyard with a SMA-RP female rose on . At the same time, a firmware was found in the measure, which will convert the router to zyxel keenetic and in times increase the functionality and stability.
The router was successfully expanded, wired and soldered to the place of soldering the standard antenna, and the rear wall was mercilessly opened for fixing the rose. Everything is ready before the connection of the bastard.

Now I turn to the main those look around.

Knowing the name of the Chinese, envy everything and skrіz (ma in batteries, lumens in lamps, you can continue for a long time), but the most expensive purchases are known on Ali pіdsilyuvachiv. Vyprominyuvannya doesn’t laka much, all the same pidsiluvach stand at the uninhabited room. The seller returned the goods on the 3rd day, gave the track, gave everything as it should be. The mail delivered the goods over a month.

The photo of the parcel was not saved, but everything is standard there, a paper bag and a sprat of balls of pukhirts. The box was smashed from white paper, it was not damaged when repacked.

On the face of the side you can see the description of the product, the company and the model.

After poking around, you can find the product on the official website
On the back of the box, I will add the parameters listed and the instructions for the connection.

In the middle, everything is neatly stacked in a plastic form.

The delivery set includes:

- znimna antenna;
- good cable;
- living block;
- An adapter for our sockets, for what kind of seller.

Let's take a look at the life block. Without voltage, you see 12.5 volts, I didn’t change it from the voltage.

The antenna is similar to the standard type of the router, with the same difference, which is significant.

A good cable can be 20cm long.

We pass to pіdsilyuvacha. Vіn zrobleniy іz zіlnogo shmatka metal, which metal itself I can't name. From above and below, open for fastening to the surface.

W right side Bachimo life indicator, socket for connecting the antenna (closed with a plastic cap), socket for connecting the PSU.

On the left side - a rose for connecting to a signal to a signal and a sticker to control the quality.

Bottom view:

Do not fill me with a seal, I knew a good twist. The time has come to look inside.

Although the body is more important and important, which instills confidence, no tightness has been transferred.

Let's go to the connection. Behind the additional cord from the set, we connect a router from the power supply, fasten the antenna to the power supply, connect the power supply unit.

The red indicator of life glows. Vіn hoch i yaskravy, ale matte, do not stick.

Rest in total 5 Vativ.

Under an hour, the robotic substation heats up here to 45-50 degrees. The block of life is rather cold, close to 40 degrees.

I'm going to test.
So, as the antenna with the set of power supply is similar to the regular one (type of router), I can see it as well.
For objectivity, the signal is displayed both on smartphones and in the router itself.

Router with native antenna

0 meters, 0 sten. The smartphone is instructed by the router.

3 meters, 0 sten.

5 meters, 1 wall.

7 meters, 2 lines. The speed has fallen a lot, but you can still bachiti, behind the timer at the router, the connection is stable.

9 meters, 3 lines. The sound is roaring, it is impossible to corist.

Router with a plug-in switch.

0 meters, 0 sten. The smartphone was charged with a router and a pidsiluvach.

3 meters, 0 sten.

5 meters, 1 wall.

7 meters, 2 lines.

9 meters, 3 lines.

11 meters 4 walls

17 meters 5 walls, the signal is unstable, it periodically appears and disappears.

The difference in WiFi signal coverage is significant. It’s good to catch a smartphone at every booth in the yard. The netbook is easier to catch, it connects to the Internet on a distance of up to 20 meters.
The main advantage of the supporter is yogo universality. Can you connect to any router or wifi whistle. Pratsyuє like a transmission, and a reception. For example, a router wifi mode the bridge to cross the border from the sudny vulitsa, to which it is close to 200 meters through the city and budinki.
I will not recommend bathing pіdsilyuvach usіm i dermal. Ale, perhaps, my glance will help you to grow a choice - you will need such a specific accessory.
I have achieved my goals.
Buying satisfaction.

UPD1: The idea was based on repeater(s) victories. There were only one purchase per trial, but the cover of the wines was slightly increased, and the ping was also markedly increased. At the result of the ideas from the kilkom, the repeaters happened to be inspired.
UPD2: Dir-320 and Dir-320nru routers don't confuse, for different models, the rest are issued and dos.

Good afternoon, please read the blog site If you are familiar with this side and read the reference material, then, sing-song, you have thought about the power of increasing the radius of your home without a dart system and you want to look at the same way as a wifi signal .

Багато користувачів, після купівлі та встановлення бездротового роутера, стикаються з тим, що в одній частині квартири прийом стійкий і швидкість передачі на висоті, а в іншій неможливо підключитися до створеної мережі через її відсутність, або сигнал настільки нестабільний, що постійно відбувається обрив зв' language. Sound such a situation in apartments with a large area, where the place of the installation of a rootless point was taken with a vicious rank, but the presence of the walls and the presence of a large number of furniture deserve a wide signal. In the middle of small one-room apartments, find the weakest wireless router pracyuvatime stable.

As for your order, having leaned back, we don’t know new router(friends were sent, they were moved from our apartment) then a handful of raj for further work from a clean slate.

Installing wireless router in the middle of the apartment, it is required that the hoarding zone is described as much as possible to cover all areas of the apartment, it is necessary to place it closer to the center.

Trying to work all the bells and whistles, as a result, you got stuck with a problem, if in the uninterrupted proximity to the robot’s access point to the Internet you don’t call out everyday calls, but you can see if the signal is weaker and the robot becomes unstable. It’s not a mistake to blame the router, the problem may not be in the new, but as it was said earlier in the planned apartment. Zamina I will build it, I can’t help. Only transferring the possession closer to the working day is left, but also in the other part of the reception of daily calls.

Exit from the situation. Virobniki possessed jetless transmission danih rozrobili so ranks podsilyuvach wi-fi to the signal of the router, the building zbіshiti radius dії merezhі.

See the wifi signal of the router

In fact, all outbuildings that can accommodate a larger coverage area can be divided into two groups:

  • Active
  • Passive

Active support for Wi-Fi router signal

An active wifi signal of the router is also called a repeater, a repeater or a repeater. The installation of the repeater is to be carried out in the zone of the dії dії dії її mergesі and pulling up to it, the attachment is automatically її expanding. WiFi repeater connect to a normal 220V power outlet, and in order to avoid the daily difficulties, press the synchronization buttons on the back of the button on the access point, and then on the repeater. If you didn’t get away with it yourself, then everything is described in the operating instructions my accessible.

As a repeater, you can use a router with a supportive WDS function. In fact, the way to strengthen the signal behind the help of the router is similar to the way in which the best repeater is used. However, in order for the whole scheme to work correctly, over the settings of the router, which we will use as a repeater, it is necessary to tweak. About those that I described in an okremіy statti.

I would like to point out one more important nuance. If you are stuck with the need to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal of the router, you should add an attachment to one picker. Buvayut vipadki, if protocols different models Do not allow attachments to synchronize.

Passive pidsiluvachs

Up to passive signals wifi router you can see all the antennas. Їх rіznovid arc wide. Depending on your needs, an antenna of this type can be driven far away from the place where the access point is installed, behind the cable rack, which is held, or a larger, stronger antenna is installed directly on the router itself.

As long as you can work with a soldering iron and if you have the least information about those that have such an antenna and that it is powered, then you can fully wi-fi the signal of the router in your home minds.

Same when choosing adjoining annex the varto comes out of the vartost of that other possession. As you can see, buying a new router is more expensive than buying an antenna. And if you write everything with your own hands, then the price is a penny in stock.

on Narazi You can buy a wireless router signal from any computer store. However, if the purchase of such outbuildings is not for you, try it.

Well, for what reason, I want to finish the part about subscribing to the Wi-Fi signal. With my articles on this topic, I will try to report the most popular models so subscribe to the blog update. If you have lost your food, otherwise the information that you can add to this article, I will be glad to what you deprive them from the comments.

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