How to change the data at the registry. RegFromApp Revision of the registry. Screenshots of RegFromApp

Rosreestr - making changes to EDRN. How to apply for a change to EDRN? Transfer of the necessary documents, number of services and lines of the operation.

The introduction of changes to the EDRN is a significant operation, with which the skin of the virulence man can close. In these articles, it will be told about those how to deal with such tasks.

When changes are made to EDRN

Changes to the EDRN are due for various reasons. Tim is no less, the population can be nobility, if and where to get out of the waters.

In Russia, according to the law, it is necessary to make a correction at the checkpoint of Rosreestru, which means:

Vlasnik to re-plan the apartment;

Life is planned on the earth;

The object is changed by the vlasnik;

Vlasnik mayna change his special data (for example, nickname);

During the re-verification of documents, technical pardons were revealed;

Zdіysnyuєtsya podіl or transferred authority;

There is a liquidation of power, or a change of this type (for example, unruly unruliness is being fought out of an apartment).

These situations themselves are projected as on the purchase of chi otrimane tim chi in a different way, and in the case of mortgage objects. The procedure takes not so much time and effort. Especially, as you know, as children.

Methods for making changes to EDRN

Changes to EDRN can be made differently. Call the initiator of the correction of the object's vlasnik. Ridshe - Yogo representative of the State Register. Third individuals cannot take part in the process.

The procedure for recording changes to EDRN is different. You can make corrections:

At the request of the vlasnik;

The path of forces to Rosreestru (need to notify the ruler of the earth of another object about change);

For the help of court disputes.

The remaining option is most commonly used during cadastral pardons. And koriguvannya z іnіtsiativi pracіvnіkіv cadastral chambers may not be practical. Therefore, we are sent to a special enrollment to the registration authority from the intermediary of the established form.

De zdіysnyuєtsya izmenenya zmіn to ЄDRN

Which authorities can apply for correction of data from the registry of infirmity?

In Russia, according to the law, you can take the most important service:


Cadastral chambers.

Vlasnik or yogo representative can go to court to prove the need to obtain information about the apartment / land from the State Register. Ale zreshtoy happen all the same to seek help for transferring organs.

How to make changes to EDRN - instructions

Let's take a look at the order of day and night of the correction of bills at the cadastral chamber in a special way. The most simple thing is the solution. With the services of the state, coristuvachi at the guesser directly work very rarely.

Instructions for changing data from the cadastre may look like this:

1. Prepare a package of documents. Vіn lie in a specific situation.

2. Write and fill in an application for making a deposit.

3. Contribute fees for service.

4. Take the final proof with corrections.

From i all. The most important moment is the preparation of documents. Age package papers change depending on the situation.

How to make changes to EDRN - basic documents

But in general, what can be the good vlasnik? Most of the time, people look out for:

Confirmation of the applicant's individual;

a receipt for the payment of the mit;

Documents that indicate the presence of data;

Acts of carrying out technical work;

Sudova praised;

Old hero from the register.

Most often, Vlasniki stick together with the change of EDRN with the change of the ruler of the lane. With the right approach, the process does not cause daily problems.

Vartist change to EDRN

What is the operation cost, what is being done? Rozmir is owed by the person who submits the request.

Physical individuals pay the average 350 rubles for the operation. legal entities that pіdpriєmtsі vіddayat 1000 rubles. It is necessary to focus on the price of pricing in 2018.

In these statutes, you can show them, for the help of which you can become a sergeant, distribute the registry and take away the rights of full access, as well as turn off the rights and renew the spy.

Deyakі razdili systemic Windows registry not available for editing, please remember that your post is included in the group "Administrator". Tse ring out through those who are with the group "Administrator" no other permissions (rights) to write to the registry. There are a few reasons why you cannot edit the registry section:
■ Group "Administrator"є vlasnik distributed it, but I don’t have any other rights to it. І here to finish just to see the group "Administrator" more rights.
■ Vlasnik distributed є system service TrustedInstaller. It’s necessary for someone to become a sergeant, and then to see their group’s rights, just like that, such an butt will be looked at.

■ Vlasnik divided є systemic physical record "System" TrustedInstaller.

It will be further described in the article how to make changes to the register for the availability of allowable permits, as well as how to change the days allowed, and for which it is necessary to work. Before Tim Yak Redaguvati system registry, recommended

If you have changed any parameter in the registry, if you do not have enough rights, you will not be reminded about the pardon.

Look at first butt, if the group "Administrator"є vlasnik distributed, but I don’t have any other rights to the new one:
1 Let me...
2 . See group "Administrator":

Like an available ensign New access , insert yoga and press the button OK. Which one can be sufficient, as a group, I divided the sackmaster.

As the ensign is inaccessible, otherwise, you need to remember about the pardon, as in the screenshot below, let's move on to another butt.

Another butt, if the Vlasnik has distributed the system service TrustedInstaller

Vіknі Allow for the group press the button Dodatkovo

At the advancing v_kn_ press on the force Change enter the name of the local public record or the address email skinny Microsoft records, flip the name and press the button OK

Set ensign Replace the clerk of the container and objects zvehu vikna ta press the button OK

See group "Administrator", set ensign New access, press the button OK

Now you have access to the registry distribution and you can edit all parameters.

Third butt, if the Vlasnik distributed a systemic oblіkovy record "System". In my mind, dii will be the same, yak i z TrustedInstaller.

Return of vihіdnih rights and vіdnovlenny vlasnik

In order to secure the system, after editing the necessary parameters in the distribution of the registry, it is necessary to turn off the access rights and revert as the file manager to the distribution of the system oblikovy record TrustedInstaller.
1 . click right button mouse on the distribution of the registry and select the item from the menu Let me...

2 . Vіknі Allow for the group press the button Dodatkovo

3 . At the upcoming weekend Additional parameters security press on the force Change in the mountains of the window, and in the dialogue window, what happened Viber: "Koristuvach" or "Group" enter the name of the oblіkovogo record:

Press button OK

5 . Vіknі Allow for the group see the group "Administrator", znіmіt ensign New access, press the button OK

Vihіdnі rights and vlasnik distributed the register of renewals.

■ As a clerk, I distributed a paper record System(in English version System), then deputy
NT Service\TrustedInstaller enter System(in English version System).

Koristuvachi personal computers to sing, how to enter the Windows 10 registry. backup data base, creation and creation of new REG files, as well as a variety of other operations. Windows 10, as the newest operating system, sweeps the registry as one of its key components. Tsya ієєarkhіchna data base іѕ tο nаshtuvannya OS, program parameters, vіdomostі about drivers podstroїv i passwords іznіh koristuvachіv, аѕ іnѕhu important system information.

If a new program is installed, some of it is saved from the RegEdit.exe registry file.

To create that edit file, which can be taken to Windows registry 10, to get acquainted with the deacons. Before making any changes, it is important to create backup copy all base data. In any case, you can import other parameters from the file, as it might not be the case.

How to create a new file

How to call you, how to open the registry in Windows 10, you need to enter regedit in a row of jokes. Then right-click on the mouse in the search result and select “Enter as administrator” from the menu. As an alternative, you can press a combination Windows buttons+ R, the result has a dialogue window "Vikonati". For this field, you can enter regedit and press OK. You need to select "File" and "Export", then enter a name and save it. You can save the entire database or choose a song range. Exported files to the registry will automatically remove the REG extension for locking.

Registry file - chain text document with REG extensions, which can be viewed through the Notepad add-on. If the wines are correct, you can simply click on the new one and make changes to the Windows registry. To create a new file, you can open notepad and enter the syntax. It is necessary to save the text document on your computer, then click on it with the right mouse button and change the extension to REG. After that, if you press the file 2 times, you will make changes to the registry. For example, such a document can allow you to Vikonati automatic start DNS services. To manually start the service, you need to change the data value to 00000003.

To disable її, change the value to 00000004.

How to make changes

Coristuvachi, how to click, how to open the registry of Windows 10, you must know that editors allow you to make changes to stream files. How can you change the butt home side browser. Tse mozhe buti corisno, like short program took away control over the browser, which makes it easier to view a bad website. The editor promptly tweeted by typing regedit in the search panel or zastosuvav Windows combination+R.

Click on the “+” symbol in order to write HKEY_CURRENT_USER and select Software Microsoft Internet Explorer. Then right-click on Main and select Export to save the file on your computer. If you don't have enough, press the right mouse button on the file, select "Call for help" and "Notepad".

The top row "Editing the Windows 10 Registry" reminds the operating system that this document is a RegEdit file. The next row is a set of configuration data that reminds the system that it is necessary to add and change the registry. To change the home page to a specific website (for example, Microsoft), you need to change the entry to:

  2. Software.
  3. Microsoft.
  4. Internet Explorer.
  5. main.

Then put the ensign at the right side of the window and press 2 times on the Start Page. For Value Data, enter the website address and press OK. As soon as the changes are made, it’s not so, you need to double-click on the export file, so that you can throw it off until the last days.

If you delete the program, it is possible that the parameters will not be deleted.

To reinstall the program, you need to take this entry from the registry. For which it is necessary to click the editor and click on the icon + instruct z HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Then click on the Software and designate the program, if you need to delete it. For this next, right-click the mouse on the required entry and select "Vidality".

You can make changes to the Registry by entering new values ​​for the required parameters at the registry editor itself or import. Ale, another way. You can set the file to be prepared in the specified format, and the required parameters will be automatically installed in the registry. For which text files with extensions are used reg .

REG file format

The axis looks like a butt to a REG file, which allows you to create a distribution ( test) with parameters ( "cat name").

;Installing new parameters for the Test partition


Syntax of REG files

Clear format REG files. Search the heading of the file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Significantly, that in early operating systems, Windows 98і Windows NT 4.0, tag the whole title REGEDIT4. If you have saved similar old files, do not lakaytes. understand the file and process the information correctly. And the axis of the return process will be inaccessible. Windows 98 you can’t recognize a new headline and see a pardon. One important detail - after the heading of the obov'yazkovo ide empty row.

If you need to include a comment on the document so that you do not forget about the parameter recognition, then put the symbol ";" (speck with a coma). Commentary to serve for the transparency of the koristuvach himself and not be entered to the register.

Create a REG file

Write .reg file you can come and go text editor, for example, at Notepad. Create a new text document, type in the guidance code (Fig. 1.1) and save the file with REG extensions. If you want to work on creating similar files, then it's easier to generate them for additional export from the registry editor, and then make changes to Notepad.

Rice. 1.1.

Making changes to the registry for additional REG-file

We have already looked at the behavior of the system when there is an undercurrent attack on a file with extensions .reg. With a subway clatter on REG files you start the registry editor, which is passed as a parameter to the file name.

Before import to Registry REG file Obov'yazkovo create a backup copy of the registry and the system's restore point! Tsey way not too easy to automate the task. For example, we want to create a script automatic installation systems with vikoristannyam REG-File. If such files will be too rich, then the coristuvachevi will gradually happen to hit the button OK, Scho, wait, don't bring you satisfaction. You can silence the dialog box by running the command with the parameter /S:

REGEDIT /S D:\test.reg

The very best way to win by programmers is that system administrators when creating your own programs and scenarios, like victorious REG files. Schopravda, visual control service Windows entries Vivede ask about the permission of the operation, but the control service can be turned on for an hour of similar actions, and at the same time you can’t do anything. For help REG file you can also see the divisions. For whom it is necessary to insert a minus sign before the name of the division. View in Notepad our file cat.reg and make the following changes:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
: put a minus for the remote distribution

Now you need to double-click on the REG-file to run it and import the entries to the registry. Pereverte in the editor of the registry, which part was removed.

Give respect to what you can only see and split up, so don’t take revenge on the kids. In the next step, it is necessary to sequentially see all the products that enter the th warehouse, and only then proceed to the removal of the necessary distribution.

You can also delete the parameter. For this next line, insert a minus sign (-) after the equal sign (=).

Deyakі divided the registry Windows change you can not enter the name of the administrator, which works with the editor of the registry, which launches with full rights. This is due to the fact that the “Administrators” group does not have write permissions for this registry. There can be two reasons why:

  • The group of administrators was the head of the department, but did not have any other rights to the new one. And here it’s easy to see the group “Administrators” right.
  • Vlasnik distributed a systemic oblique record System or TrustedInstaller(A friend to serve within the framework of the complex of changes in the security of the operating system, but for those who like to “pick up” the register of won є prikriya pereskodoyu on the way to the point). At this point of view, you can become a master of division, and then you can see your group's rights. Ale є y tsіkavіshi alternatives - utilities for launching downloaded files in the name of these public records.

On this side

Windows 8 lightly changing the graphical interface of changing the vlasnik, which has become a non-searchable transition for low readers, judging by the comments. It’s not necessary, if practically the same instructions are duplicated on one side, but there are other options. Therefore, choose the instructions for your own OS. I care that the editor of the registry already has the necessary distribution of the registry.

Otrimannya povnih rights and change vlasnik

For an hour, do your best to help, who is the head of the registry. Yakscho tse System or TrustedInstaller, you can speed up with a different utility ↓

Windows 8 and latest

  1. Right-click the mouse on the registry share and select an item from the menu Let me.
  2. See the "Administrators" group:
  • Press button Dodatkovo, press on the force Change To the top of the window, enter the email address of the Microsoft observable record or the name of the local observable record, reverse the name and press the button OK.

  • Set ensign OK.
  • Set the flag "Renew access" as described in paragraph 2.
  • Windows 7

    Now there is nothing to transfer the record to the second division of the registry. However, I recommend restoring the law if you finish editing the distribution.

    Return of vihіdnih rights and vіdnovlenny vlasnik

    After making a change to the register of the raj, turn off the rights and renew the vlasnik, so as not to reduce the security of the system. In addition, the forum was repeatedly sent to the forum for help by people who right work the system was destroyed after the fact that the system oblique record TrustedInstaller Volodinnya was selected.

    Windows 8 and latest

  • Set ensign Replace the clerk of the container and objects zvehu vikna ta press the button OK.
  • See the group "Administrators", name the ensign New access and press the button Zastosuvati.

    Windows 7

  • Now the required physical record is on the list. Seen її, set up an ensign Replace the clerk of the container and objects and press the button OK.
  • Vihіdnі rights and vlasnik distributed the register of renewals.

    Making changes to the registry in the name of the oblique record "System"

    As a clerk, I distributed the registry and a special oblique entry "System", there is a way to make changes to the distribution, without changing the clerk, she is allowed. For whom does the PsExec utility come in before Mark Russinovich's PsTools set of utilities. The essence of the method is to start before launching the registry editor in the name of the system.

    1. Download PsTools and unzip the PsExec utility into Windows folder so as not to tell the way to him at the command line.
    2. Vіdkryte command line enter the administrator name and enter the command: psexec -i -s regedit

    The registry editor will start, moreover, the name of the system, which is set by the parameter -s(parameter -i ensure interactive launch of the program).