Competitive analysis service for contextual advertising. Analysis of competitors' advertising in Yandex.Direct: publicity, keywords, budget. What makes a competent analysis of contextual advertising

From which material I recognize how it is necessary to correctly analyze and select keywords competitors. This helps a lot in seo prosuvannya website.

We look at the leaders from LiveInternet

To begin with, we need to know the leaders of the niche themselves. Then there will be the images on which we are spiraling.

How to know your competitor? The simplest thing is to ask the service. Let's go to head side and we are pushing towards the “site rating”. Next, we select the region, the category that appears in the first positions.

Rating of competitors on LiveInternet

Bachimo, our first project is tse This site can be viewed as part of the analysis of competitors' key words. The project also attracts a lot of traffic. We can do this as a standard.

Ale, be careful here!

Of course, you can also look at information sites, which are also found in high places. It is also possible that in the semantic core of such projects we will not need words.

In this case, we will not need any information of an informational nature, because it is bad for the corrupt people to convert into ladies.

That's why there's a clear cut here. If, for example, you have an online store, then we look for online stores themselves, and not primary information sites.

We compare leaders with SEO Rate

Dynamics of visibility by SeoRate

Here you can also look at the change in dynamics. So, for whom the dynamics of visibility has changed, for whom it has increased, for those who have gained coverage, and so on. So, you can focus on the current leaders at the boundaries of the dynamics.

Here is the clear expression of the leader. You can go in and analyze the semantic core using other tools.

Competitors via Megaindex

You can determine who is the leader, as his visibility has changed and so on. Also in the screenshot you can see the sharp fall. It’s possible that this is not a bad system, it’s not a season or just a global downturn.

Below I will explain how to analyze and select competitors’ keywords. I will give only the basic rules for the collection that need to be carefully followed.

It’s your responsibility to find out the right things to ask for yourself using other tools. There are a lot of services for this. That’s why I won’t look at them in more detail here. That's why I give you the basic rules for selecting keys.

Well, to begin with, you need to look not only for the search phrases, but also to focus on the paid ones. That's what you need to know to buy contextual advertising sound systems.

As a rule, such keys are already important and thought out by the competitor himself. If it were different, then the competitor would not buy them. Therefore, we have a lot of respect for the money that is being paid for the advertising campaign.

The stinks can also be brown!

Also, such keywords have a high conversion rate and pay off well. Then you no longer have to go through the long process of collecting keys. It is enough to copy them from competitors.

Visibility of competitor's pages

You can also be specific about what you want. For example, if you call us the song category.

Marketing audit of competitors

What does it include?

For the cob, we marvel What content modules are being stagnated by competitors?. For example, you can have a block with clicks, additional blocks in a product or category card.

Voice block

The main point here is the potential of the key words and their frequency. It’s amazing how easy it is to implement this module on your website.

We select a list of such traffic content modules based on their topic and distribute them to our website. As a result, we end up with ostensibly good ideas without the bike being visible.

Development of SEO modules, which are promoted by topic leaders. For example, there may be any linking blocks. It’s amazing how effectively competitors pour water into the side.

You can also evaluate the extent to which the SEO modules are correct. We then compile a list and publish it on our website.

Depending on the functional modules of competitors and their traffic potential. This includes the necessary functions that are provided to clients on a competitor’s website.

It is possible that this is a manual function on the site. The student memorized it and then started asking to learn more on other sites.

This may be a function for aligning goods. The same can be true for any actions or discounted propositions. More popular products for payout. Here are some functions that are becoming popular among business owners.

We, focusing on the leaders of the topic, develop their functional modules. Next, we evaluate the traffic potential of these modules (and feed them into the search). After which we include them in our project.

In this manner, focusing on the evidence of our competitors, we immediately highlight the great number of their actions. As you scale your site, you expand it.

We are updating the structure of the site under a new semantic core

After you have found out the keywords for your competitor’s website and conducted a marketing audit, you need to update the structure of the resource with a new semantic core.

I immediately want to say that you don’t need to be afraid to overspend or add to the structure of the site. Why will it be more manual and focused on brown sides, this is better.

Site structure z vantazhoperevezen

Vishche roztashovaniy butt themes vantazhoperevezennya. Alas, this topic showed a lot of unraveling and catching up on the key words.

You can only come to them for additional in-depth analysis of the market, competitors and topic leaders. Then it is necessary to collect a large semantic core, break it down and understand how it is necessary to create a structure in order to create maximum coverage of the target audience.


You don't need to rig the bike. You just need to analyze your competitors. Analysis is something without which it is very difficult to survive in a competitive environment.

It’s easy to find sites that generate the most organic traffic. They can’t flow anywhere from us. They are easy to know, analyze, draw conclusions and take stock of them. And also paint and decorate.

In principle, finding out the keywords of your competitors is not particularly difficult. You just need to follow the most important rules and use the tools for collecting queries.

Remember that you need to analyze both valuable and competitive keys in context.

It is necessary to prepare before processing and scaling the site for greater traffic growth. Don't be afraid of overkill! Of course, it’s best to do everything well right away. If there are problems on the site, then you need to deal with them.

If possible, scale and optimize the project. Get rid of unnecessary sections and add the required ones. The work all depends on the popularity of the key words and leaders of the topic.

By the way, in a competitive environment, you will need to work hard and ready to work on your site.

Before launching advertising campaigns with Yandex.Direct, it is necessary to analyze competitors. Our research will help you understand how much you will spend on advertising, and how you will need to improve the traffic on your site to achieve maximum conversion. If you ignore this stage of work, then more than half of the advertising budget will go to waste, and the return on investment in advertising will only die.

A competent and comprehensive analysis of competitors will help to determine the following:

  • keywords that are better for advertising;
  • typical pardons at the hour of the creation are stunned;
  • approximately spent on advertising;
  • approximate number of impressions;
  • direction for improving the site.

You can spend one day or an entire week on competitor analysis. In the face of timely losses, there is a staleness and completeness of investigation. Let's take a closer look at some of the things that happen directly.

How to identify Direct's competitors

To begin with, you need to find out about your competitors in person. The simplest way is to quickly use the tools to separate “Budget forecast” in Yandex.Direct. Log in to the service, click on required deposit and indicate the adjustment of the advertising campaign. Indicate the display region that is suitable for your business. For example, if you hire services or sell goods only in Moscow and the region, you may have contacts for these regions.

In the “Select Key Phrases” section, select words and phrases that are suitable for advertising your business. Use the keyword selection function as quickly as possible if the key phrases have not yet been identified.

Select the following key phrases, add them to the list and click on the “Add” button.

The service will generate a table with an approximate forecast of impressions and clicks CTR, Vitratami by skin keyword.

To view a list of competitors and their names, check the box next to the keyword you want to click on and click on it. Read the information in the window and the results.

For our request - “infrared heating price” - at least 50 sites are advertised in the Directive. Most of them show their dismay to the prostitutes from Moscow and the region. The list also includes companies that sell equipment not only in the capital and region, but also in other regions of the country - for example, in Krasnodar, Vladivostok, Voronezh.

What's more, this company operates not only separate outlets selling heaters, but also an online store. To check this information, click on the question sent - the new tab will open the competitor’s website, which you can then read the report.

In order not to waste a lot of time on analyzing competitors and selecting their landing chances, put yourself in the place of a potential buyer and select the most successful creatives from the list. After all, the list will reach no more than 5-10 sites with which you will have to compete.

How to find out your competitors' keywords

Just know your competitors before launching contextual advertising not enough. It is important to understand what keywords they are advertising for. Once you estimate the approximate spend on advertising, you will find the most profitable word of mouth - those that will generate more clicks.

You can thoroughly analyze keywords using the same Yandex.Direct “Budget Forecast” tool. The service will show you how much you will spend on advertising for the key phrases you are clicking on, predicting the approximate number of impressions and clicks, the average bid and other useful information.

Remember that the service is targeting those sites that have already launched contextual advertising for budget purposes. The numbers on the page “Budget Forecast” and on the page of the advertising campaign will increase slightly. The “Budget Forecast” view displays average data for ads in the selected region, and the campaign displays indicators for specific groups of ads in Danish moment for high-road regions.

Services for competitor analysis in Yandex.Direct

To get more accurate information, you should use third-party keyword analysis services.


Using the additional Serpstat service, you can find out all the competitors who are advertising for the key word you want. Why do you need to come in? to the website and write a capital in the search row.

I instruct you to enter the search system and region of the display, click on the “Search” button. The service will generate a detailed report - showing the frequency of the phrase in Direct for the last month, the average cost per click, variations of the key phrase, which sites from the Yandex top 50 will be posted in Direct.

The service can also provide statistics for key phrases, and show competitors in search engines, as well as in context.

In addition, Serpstat will show how competitors are victorious in advertising campaigns.

To use Serpstat tools for competitor and keyword analysis, there is no need to purchase I'll pay an advance payment.


The SpyWords service will also help you analyze your competitors’ key phrases and learn about their applications. Why do you need to come in? to the website , enter a search key phrase in a row and click on the “Add” button. When you enter a query, the service displays hints with similar phrases.

SpyWords will show you the number of advertisers who rank a given keyword phrase, the average click-through rate, the number of impressions in Yandex and Google. In addition, the service will demonstrate the response to the designated text sent to the landing page and a number of queries.

You can use SpyWords to find similar entries. The service will show them to a specific list.

Most of the SpyWords functions are available in the free mode. To quickly access the expanded package of tools, you will have to pay an advance payment. Price - from 1950 to 4950 rubles per month.


The Advse service will help you find competitors and identify the key phrases in which they are advertised. Why do you need to come in? to the website and hammer in a lot of words from the window.

The service will generate a list of ten competing sites, sorting them by frequency of impressions.

To find out the keywords that your competitors are advertising for, you need to register on the site and buy a prepayment 1500 rubles per river, - y special office Enter the domain of your website and run the analysis. After 10-20 minutes, the service will generate a list of competitors, after which you can see what queries they advertise for.

As shown in the screenshots above, all the services allow you to marvel at the stunned competitors. Moreover, the analysis of promotional materials requires an upfront payment. If these tools are not enough, you can look through the advertising advertisements of your competitors in Yandex manually.

Drive into prick row Yandex will ask you what to click and get to know the results of the advertising type.

Following the results, you will be able to see which keywords are most popular in the crowd, how extensions – telephone numbers and store hours, swedish mailings, etc. – will help you get ahead of your competitors.

Obov'yazkovo vikorist the possibilities of the expanded search. Set the correct region for display, set the hour interval, and specify the accuracy of input.

Yandex will show all paid advertisements for a given region.

How to find out the budget of competitors in Direct

Ideally, before launching an advertising campaign, you need to evaluate not only competitors’ sites, advertisements and key words behind which they appear in search, and then find out about the approximate spend on advertising. It’s completely possible to earn money. Home – create a list of key phrases, use a calculator and use online service tools.

Analyze to find each key phrase, behind which the words will be shown, and then add the words to the list. Rozrakhunok is guided by the following formula:

Budget = cost per click * queries * CTR positions

We will quickly describe the main service Serpstat and select the main key queries of competitors from Direct.

It is acceptable that the site is planned to be launched with the phrase “buy infrared heater”. We have two values ​​in the formula - the number of queries and the price per click. There is no information available about CTR positions.

The service's website sets specific CTR values ​​by position.

From these data, you can compare the budget allocation of your competitors. It was impossible to multiply the numbers for Zvita. The key phrase “buy infrared downloader” will require you to spend at least 5057 rubles to be in the first position: 90.6 (click volume) * 1595 (number of queries) * 0.035 (CTR position ї). The numbers will be approximate, Serpstat’s insurance data shows the value of a click in dollars, and the data in the system is updated only once a month.

You can find out about the approximate budget of your competitors using the additional Direct tool “Budget Forecast”. Enter the keywords you want to click in the window and click on the “Purchase” button. Don't forget to set the display region, otherwise the data will be inaccurate.

When analyzing the data, you will pay attention to the sections “Traffic Analysis” and “Budget Forecast”.

Tell me your fortune rules for the VCG auction at Direct. To end up in the first position, when you ask “buy infrared heater”, you will have to deposit at least 95,557 rubles in order to outbid the bid of your closest competitor. To be placed on the other and third row, you need to see approximately 77,000 and 62,000 rubles per day. The traffic will be less, but you can compensate for the positions by adding an announcement text. Why do you need to go back to the search for the specified region, analyze the creative texts and landing pages, find out Possible mercy from competitors and beat them with created powerful promotional materials.

Try to analyze your competitors in Direct today and make changes to other advertising campaigns. Evaluate the results of the effectiveness of the displays from the forward period and find out what is important in the context - this is good preparation.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing social measures: How to get into the heads of prepayers and lock them into your brand"

The development of superniks provides ideas for a successful strategy. Selecting keys for search engines or contextual advertising will reduce the ranking of the site and increase traffic and conversion. Today we have great guide about ways to search competitors for keywords and, for example, search for phrases on selected domains. Let's reveal the secrets, and for example, we'll show them in real life.

When it is necessary to analyze superniks

Competitor research is carried out at the first stages of an SEO campaign. Organizations often skip this important step and immediately move on to keywording content, optimizing content, or creating a post. Knowing who the competitors are and what they are doing is closer to setting an accurate mark and identifying the weak points of an advertising campaign (AC) before its launch.

Why is it necessary to analyze competitors?

Analysis of organic search results for keywords shows:

  • what strategies work in the thematic field;
  • what needs to be painted on the website first.

And Vivcheniya from the Directive additionally helps:

  • evaluate the competitiveness of the middle and the foldability of the insertion;
  • develop a more attractive proposition and show it to a larger number of people;
  • get inspired with new ideas;
  • find out new real keys that you don’t have.

In addition, the analysis of your own and competitive queries allows you to find out several promotion methods through which Yandex can stop promoting first in special placement. For example:

  1. You note that a significant part of the transitions to your site were for unusual queries with a keyword phrase. It will immediately receive a random set of letters and numbers. The skin could go 1-2 times.
  2. By analyzing the search engine for your spam queries, you will find out what others have missed.
  3. After some experimentation and analysis, you can find a competitor in the same topic area that does not appear based on your searches. You have correctly selected the minus words coming out of your method of drying and squandered your superniks.

These schemes affect the budget and reputation of the site. The analysis allows you to quickly taste them and live through the following approaches.

The selection of ideas will help to set priorities and promote RK. For example, if a company outperforms a competitor, content creation is now the main focus. The strengths and weaknesses of the superniks show how important it will be to overcome them and how many resources will be required for this task.

After an hour of analysis, you will realize that there are no relevant queries on your site. In contextual advertising, which words are the most likely to cost you money. You will get more traffic or increase conversion after collecting, analyzing keys and adjusting your strategy.

How often is it necessary to carry out analysis?

Who are your competitors in search engine?

The value of the superniks, supplemented by two meals:

  • with whom your company’s clients are aligned;
  • who appears at the same time as you in the sound view.

If the first one understands that if you work, then the others may have problems. Let's figure out how to find out the types of power supply:

  • Login to SEMrush. Deduct 10 cost-free checks for registration.
  • From the left menu, select “Domain Analytics” -> “Sound search engine analysis” -> “Competitors”.

  • Enter your domain in the search bar. Like the butt, we already took the registration template on

  • Below you will find information about sites, competition scale and other parameters. Please note that the service analyzes the top 20 types of Google.

  • Click Export to save the information to this option. There are 10 sites available for the cat-free option. To get 100, activate the trial prepayment or sign up for a paid tariff.

Select resources with popular keywords and traffic. Having collected lists of real and virtual opponents, combine them and choose the optimal number for equalization. In okrema Excel spreadsheet Enter the URL and names. You have to spare an hour: you won’t have the chance to shukati again.

Other ways to identify competitors:

  • One of the easiest ones is to open Google or Yandex, type in the question and see what you see. To ensure accurate results, turn on personalization. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information obtained.
  • You can find out your competitors from Google using the additional phrase without spaces related: *domain*. You will see a list of sites with similar locations. Example from in the screenshot.

  • Service. SEMrush cream can be used on SimilarWeb, SpyWords, SpyFu and others.

How to perform analysis services

The market offers a lot of instruments. Ale varto understand: they take the results from the sound type, scanning them for different frequency inputs. If the site seems to be compromised, it must be added to the list. However, the real semantic core can be divided, for example, the resource is pushed through a wider query or wiki operators that sound, and an infinitely large list of stop words. Do not accept the results as absolute truth.

Let's look at the groups of tools that work with a fixed database, for example SpyWords, Serpstat, Megaindex. How this algorithm works:

  1. The Vikory service provides the basis for queries.
  2. To change the time and resources for scanning, it collects records at the lowest frequency and cleans out the low-frequency tail contributions that were lost due to high volume.
  3. Next, it starts scanning the sound type for all selected phrases.
  4. Saves the results.
  5. Next, the user goes to the service to find the phrases by which a specific resource is ranked, and removes them.

Disadvantages of the algorithm:

  1. Sound systems personalize the message based on collected information about the customer. It is impossible to know to what extent the results correspond to the truth.
  2. It is impossible to scan the great base of the skin region.
  3. There is no necessary information about this query database. It is impossible to comprehend what was started before her, and what was not taken up to the point of respect. The heaviness of the thematic galoozes is descending again.
  4. No one makes any guarantee that the database is scanned regularly or re-scanned every time.

On the basis of this, you can develop information about the proximity of different sounds. Such tools are not suitable for analyzing specific queries.

Some services use other algorithms. For example, ADVSE collects information from browser toolbars. Minus: not all browsers are good at being equipped with toolbars, some can block them, and some of the information is simply wasted. SimilarWeb collects statistics from verified engines, vikory toolbars and other secret resources, but does not reveal them.

When choosing a service, access the updated database and other indicators that are available in the statistics. For example, in the screenshot there is information about SpyWords.

Russian services


  • A complete list of supernicks in organic and advertising media based on different semantics.
  • Look for the keys that will not allow you to reach high positions.
  • The importance of the most successful Maidan activists on the topic and their weaknesses.
  • List of website pages that rank better than others.


  • Keys of competitors in Yandex.Direct for the domain.
  • Call from:
    • obligations of showings;
    • clickability;
    • Domain and stupefaction for questions;
    • overpayment coefficients.
    • The meaning of phrases that indicate overpayment.


Another smart tool that quickly identifies the keywords of Google's competitors in the first 20 positions and in contextual advertising. You can search for words or words, filter results by region or country, specify different types Views and generate statistics for sites. The first 10 checks will be charged free of charge for registration, after which an additional payment will be required.

What can you know about the supernik:

  1. for some keys in the top;
  2. possession of traffic;
  3. main competitors.


Collects competitors' keywords costlessly. The site is divided into two parts: in the first, superniks appear behind the entered queries, and in the other, phrases, behind which the stinks appear. The service also offers a cost-free collection of stop keywords, the most effective phrases and a quick evaluation of advertising campaigns.


Analyzes keys, positions, buzz, snippets in Yandex and Google. It compares many strong competitors with the results of effective phrases that have already been tried.

MegaIndex Premium Analytics

Indicates competitor keywords for the additional Visibility Enhancement tool. Select geo, enter your URL and list of domains, set up your request. You will see a table with words, positions and the effectiveness of showing the skin resource.

Acts of others

English services


A simple and cost-free tool that allows you to select a set of keywords based on the domain, search topic and geo. This data behind words can be sorted and displayed according to any number of metrics. The results will be displayed as CSV files for further work in AdWords.


Simple in Vikoristan shows potential competitors that you might not have thought of. Enter the search string and press Go. Not all sites will be relevant to you: some of them will not be relevant to your locality. Right-handed will be filters. You can set up edges, languages, domains, type together, and articles. True, it is already available for premium members. The platform shows which publications are the most popular and which type of content has the greatest demand for this topic. You will be in good hands after collecting the keys for this grouping.

Ahrefs" Keywords Explorer

Collects keywords from a competitor’s website, filters and analyzes them. You can write dozens of words on the topic of the page. On the Maidan there is a wholesome support for 5 days per week, a private group on Facebook and basic materials for work. Maidanchik is developing steadily.


The service is rich in functionality. Allows you to capture the semantic core of other sites without boundaries, and also shows statistics per click and per word. One of the platform’s tools helps identify phrases across three sites that have not been used. You can view data on everything from local and global traffic, click-through rates, advertising costs, advertising history and rankings, and return receipts. Povniy description function on the head side.


This means the level of competitiveness, searching for competitors in our market, as they have not yet been identified, to generate organic and advertising keys for specific platforms and the same for different sites.

The service also searches for the most popular sites that your audience often targets. These Maidans can become your partners for advertising or promotion.


Vikorist uses world-class data sources such as Majestic, Moz, Google, Bing to provide keywords and information about the domain. Integrates with .

And other actions

Search competitors for keywords in Direct

Method No. 1: Yandex tool

  • Open “Estimating the budget of an advertising campaign”.
  • Check with 1 point for region.

  • Adjust the triviality of the show, the Maidan and the currency.

  • Write down all the keywords.

  • Don't take away the checkmarks. Press "Porahuvati".

  • Open up New page. Press the key on any input and Yandex will show competitors and their responses to queries.

Method No. 2: third-party service on the SpyWords application

  • Open SpyWords.
  • Enter the query for which you need to prank your competitors, and then press “Video.”
  • The service displays information about impressions per month, variety, advertisers per request.

  • After registration and authorization, you can cancel latest list advertisers on request. Є surrounded trial version. The prepayment rate is 1950 or 4950 rubles per month.

Increase your respect! The “Domain Battle” service tool compares two competitors and reveals the keys that generate income for them, and which are not compatible with your semantics.

Method No. 3: poshukova video

  • Enter the Yandex search row.
  • On the right side you will see the message “Show all”.

  • You switch to the mode of non-paid announcements, where all the proposals of the super-nicks are displayed behind this prompt.

What keys are found in others

Vikorist and various tools, you select a great base of keys. But not everything is brown. It is necessary to determine which phrases your competitors rate well, and which ones you don’t. Analyze why the site ranks well, and then think about how to improve it. These are the options:

  • updating old content;
  • creation of new material and composition with keywords;
  • work with the architecture of the site and in.

Product retail

Compare your products with those of your competitor. You can build your site with irrelevant queries, but don’t waste the price on products. For example, the supernik sells cheap analogues, and you - from the premium class.

Water temperature

For contextual advertising, heat and hot drinks are required. They show that the buyer is probably looking for a product, and not information about someone or a picture. The hottest phrases include the words “wash”, “wholesale”, “delivery”, “price”: “wash a sofa for the kitchen inexpensively”. To warm ones - what is more unimportant, for example, “a sofa for the kitchen”. It is not clear that the correspondent is looking for information and nearby stores. Cold ones can also direct clients, but they can also use powerful robots to ensure that the customer gets to the bottom of the cat. Apply: videos about the Chester sofa, how to choose a sofa for the kitchen.


You need to get more traffic as you build a base of prepayers to reach them through distribution and retargeting. Find keys that have not yet been victorious and successfully compete with a competitor.

Negative words

Fold the minus side. If it is there, add something new to it, the stench will not be noticeable at all. For example, if you only sell new sofas, then you shouldn’t come for the queries “buy a used sofa” or “transport sofas.” target audience. Conversion rates are increasing, site traffic is increasing, and the budget is getting angry. Look for competitors' words that are not at all relevant to your company, but in the same thematic area. The work with the list is not to blame.


Do you work with the same brand as a competitor? Clearly cover all the key words with your riddle. Anyway, skip this entire period.

Keys for good ranking

You can select a site for an unlimited number of keys and still receive poor traffic. On the right is that it is necessary to joke those words that with great confidence bring clients and promote sales, but not all of them.

Let's figure out how to know clear phrases and how our competitors can help us.

  • Open Google Search Console.

  • Enter the domain and complete confirmation.
  • Select Search Traffic -> Search Analysis.
  • Information is displayed when you click on the pages of the site.
  • Sort the pages using the number of clicks and open them with the greatest display.
  • The table shows the entries with which the traders moved to this side.
  • Vivantage the stolen information.
  • Choose the words with the highest conversion that you follow on the site.

How have you ever picked up phrases that drive clear traffic, turn over your competitor: what is the formula for vikoryst? Take the simplest things first, for which there will be no problem going to the sound top. What similar or synonymous words are there that you could say? How can you create content and update it with these keys? Give feedback on this food and make decisions.


Take keys with great organic clickability. The stinks bring more traffic and are easier to get through.

Another method of filtration

You defeated your opponents, took their keys and collected a long list of requests. If you plan to use them in advertising, you can run them through the key planner. by Google AdWords. Or divide it into groups based on topics, we will name koristuvach and metal companies.

  • Subject. These words are important because, based on their semantics and context, they can be grouped and linked to a specific page of the resource.
  • Namir koristuvacha. It is necessary to determine what the client's intentions are when seeking other information. Getting started is easy now. By the same phrase, people can sometimes joke about both the information and the product itself. In this case, focus on the available content in your view.
  • The purpose of the company. Form your drink in advance. For example, if the plan is to increase brand awareness, then it is not obligatory to convert sellers into buyers.

Focus on the exact goal and task to formulate the right strategy.

Analysis of keys on the application

  • Serpstat is fast. Enter the domain, use Yandex and Geo. Onslaught "Poshuk".

  • Statistics from key phrases are displayed. Return to respect: reports at this stage are available without registration.

  • Go to “Site Analysis” -> “Domain Analysis” -> “PPC Analysis” -> “Key Phrases”.

  • A table with keywords, keywords and other indicators appears. For further work, a tariff plan is required.

  • We provide information about the skin region. If there is a minus word, then we add it. We press “Filter” -> “Key words” for the first stopper -> “Do not take revenge” for the other -> add a list of negative words -> “Stop”.

How else can you check your competitor’s keywords without being victorious on our site:

  • On the same tab “PPC analysis” -> “Domain upgrading”.

  • We will introduce two more competitors. You can select from the list compiled by the service. We press “Return”.

  • Peretin is a complete set of keys. The decision is to go directly to the domain. We press on the required segment and add to the list.

The most important thing is to select this question carefully for the purposes of the advertising campaign, add negative words to the content.

We pad the pouches

When creating or customizing an advertising campaign, you need to know what keywords your competitors are looking for. Their analysis shows the most important questions in which to invest, and sets priorities for the power company. For example, you can apply if you need new content or some keys are not available to get more traffic to your landing page. In addition, the activities of colleagues from the workshop are not entirely recognized. If this is revealed in a timely manner, you can ruin the budget and reputation of the site. Special services Help to collect all the information that is necessary and filter it correctly, otherwise the analysis can be spoiled.

Most often, competitor analysis is important at the cob stages, when forming semantic core. But this does not mean that since your site already works a lot, then you do not need to go through this procedure. It’s hard to find out which key questions a competitor is looking for.

We first need to figure out who your main competitors are. It is necessary to analyze not all of them, but the most successful ones who are among the top species. The most competitive sites will give you a lot basic information, chips that can be stored or processed in your own way, and a lot more.

There are two ways to identify the most competitive sites in your niche.

By hand

Take 5–10 high-frequency key queries (for example, buy a window, wash a window, install a window in Moscow, etc.). Enter them from Yandex and Google. Analyze the page on the first page and select sites that are suitable for your topic. It is important to choose those who are in charge of all the questions (or the best ones).

For help with special services

You can find out about your main competitors using advanced tools.

  • SpyWords - one best services for Yandex Vіn identify the main competitors, analyze their sites, show which keywords are visible, and much more.
  • SEMrush is a similar project for Google.
  • – korisny service, which shows the absence of data from competitor sites. You can also defeat the main opponents in the fight for the top place in the game.
  • PromoPult is a tool that helps identify the main competitors, and also selects basic keywords based on the content of the site.

Once the main competitors have been identified, you can begin to analyze their resources. Based on the analysis, you can determine what queries your site is searching for, find out the highest click-through rate and successful votes, and add them to your advertising campaign.

For example, you forgot to buy keys that can be used to block a lot of traffic. Having analyzed your competitors, you found the keys and added them to yourself. Or you noted some methods of work, tricks. You can also deposit them.

With such an analysis, it is important to consider what you and your practice need. It’s not a good idea to copy everything quickly, but rather copy it behind the scenes. Think more carefully about how to use this or that other trick in your game. Or how to overthrow a competitor by cutting off all traffic.

It is also possible to gain respect for the mercy of a few competitive sites in order to avoid them from your robot. For example, ineffective, but expensive clicks in contextual advertising.


One of the most effective and most popular tools among Yandex users. If you want to push your resource into this search engine, then you definitely need SpyWords.

With this help, you can conduct a detailed analysis and identify the number and intensity of keywords for which your competitor is filtering traffic. In addition, the service will help you provide information such as publicity texts, advertising budget, positions and snippets, etc.

To get the service faster, click on the following:

  • go to the official website;
  • In the “Competitor Analysis” tab, enter the required URL;
  • press "Unfasten".

Everything is very simple. The price for such a tool is 1950 rubles. at month.


One of the best services for Google and Bing search engines. The service will help you conduct a detailed analysis of competitors, identify the main ones, show which keywords the site is following, and provide a wealth of other useful information.

The service will help you find out:

  • positions of competitors for given keys;
  • traffic (both for the domain as a whole and for other pages);
  • keywords;
  • cost per click and advertising budget;
  • text stunned too.

The service allows you to capture information from low-frequency inputs, which clearly compares with other less effective tools.

Yak vikorystuvati:

  • go to the website;
  • provide the URL to the site;
  • press "Start".

You can use the service free of charge 10 times. Subsequently, the monthly fee starts at 99 dollars per month or more.


A service that is rightfully considered one of the best for competitive intelligence. With this help you can do the following:

  • analyze the niche in the previous regions, identifying the main competitors and their promotion methods;
  • increase various indicators of competitive sites (number of drivers, hour on site, traffic volume, indicator of views, etc.);
  • Find out what words the site is hiding behind, and a lot of other things.

To quickly use this tool, you need to:

  • go to the service website;
  • log in (register if you are not registered);
  • go to the Traffic Sources - Search tab;
  • enter the required URL and select detailed information for the keys.

This tool is paid. Price – 199 dollars per month or more.


One of the first at his galusa. The service is gaining popularity both among cob users and among specialists. For additional help, you can find out the following problems:

  • create a niche;
  • the significance of the main competitors;
  • learn about their strengths and weaknesses;
  • I wonder what keywords the site is looking at;
  • select detailed information for search queries;
  • There are a lot of other things to know about the text.

To speed up the service, complete the following steps:

  • go to the website;
  • Select one of the services from the top navigation menu;
  • Then two forms will appear in front of you. Persha - for drinks. It helps to find out who is your competitor for one question or the other. Another - for websites. It helps to find out where the competitor is coming through;
  • enter the site URL;
  • press the “Outline...” button.

After completing your actions, you will be shown this information. If you are already logged in, please provide additional information if you are not required to log in.

Unlimited access costs 1,500 rubles per river.

Other services

In addition to the tools described above, the following services are also used for competitive intelligence:

  • SEObuilding and others.

Analysis of competitors' websites is an important aspect of successful promotion. Knowing the enemy's exposure makes it much easier to achieve good results.

It is important to understand what your niche is experiencing and what methods your competitors are adopting to compete. If you do everything correctly, you can achieve amazing results from your customized contextual advertising.

This article will look at how to analyze contextual advertising of competitors in Google AdWords and Yandex Directions.

And apparently there is power on the head.

What makes a competent analysis of contextual advertising

Let's take a look at what components make up a competitor analysis:

  • analysis of competitors' key words;
  • targeting;
  • the headlines and texts are stunning;
  • completely dumbfounded;
  • landing sides;
  • competitors' budget;
  • analysis of contextual media advertising;
  • equalization of the effectiveness of participation in the auction compared to competitors.

Analysis tools

We use the following tools for analyzing contextual advertising of competitors:

  • English websites: Semrush, Spyfu.
  • Russian websites: (formerly
  • The services of contextual advertising themselves.

Especially for our blog, colleagues from Serpstat prepared a description of the main functionality for analyzing contextual advertising of competitors.

What should you pay attention to when analyzing contextual advertising of competitors?

1. Key phrases of competitors

The basis of paid search traffic is the key phrases that trigger the display of ads. Instead of spending an hour manually selecting key phrases, select the phrases of your competitors and rank them in your campaign.

Let's show it on the butt: enter the competitor’s domain into the Serpstat service, select the region and go to the tab “Site analysis – Domain analysis – PPC analysis – Key phrases”.

Also, increase the respect to a large number of voices in different regions of sound systems. Our website buys more than 173 votes in Google RU, and in Yandex. Moscow time – 26,800! Follow all regions to further improve semantics.

If you have already prepared a list of negative keywords that are not relevant to the site, add this filter before highlighting the link.

Another way to find out the keywords that your competitors are vying for that we are missing is by the flow of queries between three different domains.

Let's show it on the butt: in this module, PPC analysis is dropped into the Domain Alignment tool. We enter two competitor domains in the window to advertise, and the results are amazing.

The segments that overlap in the diagrams are the hidden key phrases that do not overlap - unique keys that relate to one domain. Click on the required segment and we will see the semantics we have used, which you can then use in your advertising campaign.

2. Headlines and texts are stunning

All that your competitors present can be used for your own purposes. The headlines and texts are deafening - the most important part of this positioning and method is that it flows onto the koristuvachs. Consider these elements in detail: see what your clients are aware of, what is your unique trading proposition, what are the promotions and bonuses, what are the prices. Deposit some ideas and apply your best mind. How to know the stunned competitors? I’ll hand over these services for help.

Let's show it on the butt: If you want to know the text for any specific product or keyword, enter key entry in the Serpstat search row and go to the section “Key phrase analysis – PPC analysis – Stunning”. The service will show you phrases that include phrases in the text or synonymous words:

Do you want to take into account all the utter shocks of your skin-protected competitor? Vikonite yourself, just in the search row enter not the key word, but the competitor’s domain. Then you will get rid of all the confusion.

Vivantize all the results into a single table, analyze them and create your own unique proposition! Create a sign approximately like this:

3. Absolutely dumbfounded

Bring back the respect of your competitors: the virtual business card has been updated, applications have been expanded, and dynamic inserts have been added. No? Then you already know an additional trick that you could see among your competitors. How to find additional elements in the gaps? I will use it manually or for additional tools.

Let's show it on the butt: enter the competitor’s domain in Serpstat search and go to the section “Site analysis - Domain analysis - PPC analysis - Key phrases”, special icons will tell you about the presence of additional blocks:

4. History is stunning

It is also worthwhile to take into account the history of the defeat of your competitors. For additional information, find out how often opponents test different shocks and which shocks work best. Just wait, since a competitor periodically tests new solutions, and then returns to the old ones - perhaps the tests did not bring a positive result.

How can we review the history of our competitors?

Let's show it on the butt: go to the Semrush service, go to the “Domain Analytics - Paid View Analysis” section, enter the competitor’s domain in search and open the “History of Advertising Announcements” tab. Select a period for a month - and voila, the history of changes will appear in front of you!

5. Landing pages

When assessing contextual advertising of competitors, it is important to thoroughly read the landing pages - the pages of the site where the publicity is directed. Check the content of these pages, their completeness, and how to understand what they look like and how relevant the page is to the question. If your competitor directs your attention to the back pages, you could work better and create a better landing page. How can you quickly look at the landing pages of your competitors?

Let's show it on the butt: Enter the competitor’s domain in Serpstat and go to the section “Site analysis - Domain analysis - PPC analysis - Landing pages" Here you see a new twist of pages where you are leading your stunned competitor. In addition, a special amount of protection for the skin area is indicated here.

6. Competitors' budget

I would like to point out that you will not be able to find out about the exact budget of your competitors; The exact data cannot be given to the exact date of service. Tim no less, if you use vikorist numbers, you take away the mercies for yourself. Once you know how much your competitors pay per click, you can match their performance with your performance. This will help you know the vector of development: either to develop high-frequency inputs (expensive), or to give respect to low-frequency ones and collect cheap traffic.

Let’s say your budget is 1,000 rubles, and your competitor’s is 10,000 rubles. Guess who shows up more often and more?

Now how can you check your competitors’ budgets?

Let's show it on the butt: Enter the competitor’s domain into Serpstat’s search and go to the section “Site analysis - Domain analysis - PPC analysis - Key phrases” and filter the “Varity” display from largest to smallest. Here we also find data about the level of competition of the keyword in the mobile phone network.

Let’s check the skill of Semrush, and we’ll see the same result.

7. Contextual media advertising

It is very difficult to independently retrieve information from media advertising, but the services cope miraculously with this. Find out what type of banners your competitors create, where to place them, and use them for your purposes. How to identify competitors’ advertising from the contextual media dimension?

Let's show it on the butt: Open the Semrush service, enter the competitor’s domain into the search and select the “Media Advertising” tab in the “Domain Analytics” section. We immediately reject information about the site or empty information because the domain does not allow media advertising:

The number of points in competitive analysis for contextual advertising can be increased depending on the specific task. And having taken all the results, put them into one table to take a closer look at all the “chips” of your competitors and identify your weaknesses. It took an hour to work in Vimagatima, but that wart over there.

Inna Velcheva,

What else is important to know?

Regularity. Competitors do not stand still, they work on their advertising campaigns and get ahead. You need to catch up with their actions.
At least once a month, carry out a new analysis of competitors on all points indicated above. Pay special attention to the completeness of your list of key words and the key words of your competitors. Know the importance. Create a table of skin competitors. Vivantize the list of your queries and find out the remaining contributions to the advertising campaign.

Breach of a competitor's budget. How can you quickly manage the budget that your competitors are spending on the best keywords?

  • Create a summary of all your competitor’s key phrases into an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Sort your data by column: number of impressions, visibility and position.
  • Check the number of clicks for a specific keyword.
  • To understand the specific CTR of your competitor, look at your data for the same keywords. If your position is lower than that of your competitor, then adjust the competitor’s CTR plus, if not, then minus.
  • Based on CTR using a simple formula in Excel, the number of clicks for a given keyword is important.

Clicks = Impressions * CTR

  • After that, in the other column, the number of clicks taken is multiplied by the cost of the click and the budget for this keyword is calculated.
  • This includes the budget that our competitor spends on the keywords we took for analysis.

In addition to third-party tools, contextual advertising systems themselves also allow you to learn more about your competitors.

Google AdWords auction statistics

You can know this sound by looking at the screenshot:

I in the new interface:

What information does this sound give you:

  • List of sites with which you compete for a single request or a group of requests.
  • Hundreds of impressions taken - how many hundreds of possible impressions were taken during the selected hour and how many were taken by your competitors.
  • The average position of yours is stunning and that of your competitors.
  • The steps are crossed - as often the blindness of another advertiser appeared at the same time as yours.
  • The coefficient for an offensive position - as often stunned by a competitor, is paid out more than yours, with an one-hour display.
  • The coefficient for displaying above the search results is as often yours, or the competitor’s announcement was displayed above the search results (the first 4 positions in contextual advertising).
  • Hundreds of wins - as often, the greater the stunned, the greater the rating, the lower the competitor.

The axis looks like this:

How to make use of this sound

The more detailed you marvel, the more accurate the data. Therefore, try to be amazed at the level of the key words, and not at any oblique record.

To look at each word or group, check the box and select “Select”, in the new interface you will immediately see an additional panel with a button

Because your relevance is weak I'll ask for a sound and the keyword, these data will also be less accurate, because it covers all queries that are clicked on, showing a response for this keyword.

Often this answer is indicative of the question: “Why has the cost per click increased?” And, obviously, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign has fallen. Please check that a new item may have appeared in the auction, and the participants may have raised prices.

Sound "Porivnyannya" in Google Analytics

IN Google Analytics, in the audience section, this allows you to compare impressions on your site with similar sites.

Let's try the axis here:

You need to know which sites you need to know. For this purpose, select a location, region, number of sessions per day.

Set the settings that best suit your site. If you don’t have a lot of traffic, then compare yourself with the similar obligations on you and the great niches of gravity.

You will get the same numbers for the main metrics. For example, when calling on channels, you can receive not only much more or less traffic from paid channel identify your competitors, but also understand what channels you are using.

You can also get an idea of ​​how much better or worse your site is, compared to the market average, in terms of behavioral metrics. Since the numbers are not for your benefit, you should think not about increasing the advertising budget or changing the marketer, but about expanding your website.