Programs for remote access to automatic screenshots. Programs for remote management of the local network. Phone management

Technical support of the coristuvachіv vlasny software product, administration and control of the corporate merezhi - all tse vіmagaє remote control of the client's computer. І the field of software products for remote access is not empty: the bones are loaded as if it were the operating room itself Windows system 7, as well as numerical programs of third-party retailers. Vbudovanie tools garni their accessibility, third-party - intuitively simple interface, "sharpen" for simple coristuvachiv. Having learned the principles of work, the pluses and minuses of the skin method, you will be at the all-encompassing, and the lace and coristuvachi - under control.

Setting up a remote Windows 7 desktop

The remote working style is available in Windows 7 Premium Edition and beyond. You need to know how you need to work with it on your computers, where Windows 7 Home Edition is installed (found), secure a backup of your desk in remote work tables - to connect to your desk computers one hour, or change the port address , which is awarded by the RDP service. For those who need non-trivial customizations, they can be added to the system for the help of the registry editor or third-party programs. But it’s better to spend a little of your time than to spend more pennies on the purchase of a new operating system.

Port for remote desktop

RDP service, with functions that secure the remote desktop, by default Victory port #3389. The mobility of hacker attacks from this port is already high, so you can change the port number to improve the level of security. So, how to fix it in the "Control Panel" for whom there is no way - to be speeded up by the editor of the system registry.

  1. Start the registry editor from the command line with the rights of the system administrator.

    Launching the registry editor to change the address of the RDP port

  2. In the editor's window, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\PortNumber. The list of changes to the register is displayed in the right part of the window.

    The required change is buried deep in the subsections of the system registry

  3. h context menu select "Change" and enter a new port address, first switching to the one where the entered value mode is tenth.

    Convert the number system to ten and enter a new value for the port address

  4. Now, in order to connect to the computer, you will need to enter not just one name in the pool, but addresses with a port number, for example,

Changing the address of the port from the standard 3389 to assignments for the koristuvach does not allow the remote helper service to run on Windows XP computers. Take it to respect, as it is with your merezhі.

Removing the work desk in Windows 7 Home Extended with support for the desktop

In order to encourage koristuvachiv to spend more pennies, Microsoft has seriously outsmarted the possibility of remote desktop service in the fallback version of the OS. For example, in "Home Expanded" and lower the possibility of connecting at a distance in the distance every day, and in some other number of sessions it is surrounded by one, then it can be connected in a single hour up to two or more computers you can not. Vyrobnik vvazha, scho for which you varto get a server version of the system special edition (Terminal Edition).

Luckily, some enthusiastic people have tried to overcome the virishens of this difficult problem. The result of their efforts is the RDP Wrapper Library software package. Once installed, the wine acts as an intermediary between the remote desktop service (RDP) and the service manager, after which I deceive them, simulating the presence in Merezі Windows Server Terminal Edition and a bonus for RDP services on computers running Windows 7 Home.

The program is available for download from the author's side and is absolutely cost-free. After the launch of the installer, all settings are carried out automatically, including changes to the firewall rules.

RDP Wrapper Library - install automatically

What is included in the RDPConf.exe utility kit is to enable “on the fly” or enable remote access, change the number of one-hour access sessions and the number of the access port to the RDP service.

For the help of Rdpwrapper, you can adjust the parameters for remote access

How to allow abo to fence in remote access

All options for allowing or blocking remote access to the computer are located in the “Computer power” section of the control panel. It is possible to allow or fence in the distance of management literally in the kilka krokiv. Do not forget that in order to make these changes, you must enter the system with a public record with administrator rights.

  1. Received keys Win + Pause call to the screen in the window of the authorities of the system.

    The Win + Pause keys will help you enable "System Power"

  2. At the left stovpchik of the dodatkovyh, they should go over to the request “Establishment of remote access”.
  3. The dialog box has the following control settings available:
  4. It is necessary to designate that for the possibility of remote management of the official record of the coristuvach, which opens such a session, the administrator’s mother of law is to blame. In order to give the possibility of remote control to the sizable koristuvach, next to add it to the list of permissions, you can go to which one you can for the additional button “Select koristuvachiv”.

    If you are a koristuvach, who needs to give remote access, you don’t have administrator rights, you can add it in your dialogue window

Video: how to remove access to a computer

Connecting to a distant work table

Connecting to an external working table is even easier to implement. Naturally, before this it is necessary to turn on all the necessary permissions on the client machine and form a list of koristuvachivs on it, which will be allowed in the remote control.

  1. Open the standard command line dialog and run the additional utility mstsc.exe.

    Wiklik of the software client in the remote desktop

  2. On the «Zagalni» tab, enter the name of the computer for connection in the upper column of the dialogue window, and the name of the koristuvach in the lower column (as it is necessary for the name, as it should be checked if you entered the system). Do not forget that the oblique record of the koristuvach is the responsibility of the mother of the right of the administrator.

    Entering the name of the computer in the file for remote control

  3. At the bookmark "Vzaєmodіya" choose the planned shipping rate depending on the possibilities of your merezhі. If you have chosen to choose, you have to make a choice, just leave it automatically. The system tested the speed of the channel and chose the optimal value.

    Choose the speed of the channel, depending on the possibilities of your measure

  4. If everything is set up correctly, and on the client machine, permissions are denied access, you should enter the password and password. Enter the login and password of the client machine.
  5. After pressing the "Connect" button, it will appear at the desktop of the remote PC. You can expand it to the full screen and create a new robotic illusion on the client machine.

Unique robots in video modes with a high diversity of buildings: it will create a lot of interest on the border, and the interface of the remote PC will be similar. The ideal option - allowed 1280x1024 pixels and color depth in 16 bits.

What work, how not to work in the distance working style

Problems with connecting to a remote computer can be for no reason. Among the widest next, designate the steps:

  • on the client's machine in the laptops not switched on, I will allow access to the remote work table and the remote help desk;

    Check that in the settings it is allowed to access the PC remotely

  • oblіkovy record, for the help of which you try to get remote access, not with the rights of an administrator;

    Check if your profile has administrator rights

  • your computer and client computer do not enter until one working group or the domain in the local dimension;

    Management and host computer are responsible for being members of the same working group

  • a router of a local network, which is based on both computers, blocks port 3389, through which to exchange data for the Windows 7 remote control service;

    Turning on the firewall in the router without additional settings blocking more ports

  • The remote desktop services are blocked by an anti-virus package.

    The remote desktop service can be blacklisted by the antivirus package

Remote app add-on enabled

Information about the inclusion of remote access often checks the koristuvach when trying to connect to a new one, so it is a dialogue window, as you can put an unacknowledged koristuvach in a deaf kut.

Pardon service license not allowed to start a remote desktop session

Tim for an hour everything is even simpler: the rights of the coristuvacha, which is supposed to “lift” the session of the remote desktop, do not stop in order to change the partition of the system registry, which is valid for licensing. The pardon is corrected in two stages.

Why galmuє in the distance working steel

Uninterrupted operation of the session remote access to the work table overrides the high-speed channel, the left part of which is the transfer of the image itself to the remote work table. Fallen work permits on client machines traffic can be so large that it “snaps on the shoulder blades” of a mid-office 100-megabit local network. And even if in a small town, two PCs collide, even more clients. To prevent the collapse of the frame, the remote access program starts to reduce the number of transmitted frames (frames) per second.

While at 60 frames per second you will get a smooth, smooth picture, then even at 30 fps the interface will be rendered with noteworthy lines. Further lowering the speed of updating the screen will make the robot unbearable: you won’t be able to accurately position the mouse cursor on the interface elements. Whatever was not needed, next to optimize both the connection between the slave and master computers, as well as the settings of the screen of the client computer.

  1. If possible, select a gigabit mesh router for distribution of Wi-Fi.

    Wikoristannya of a modern router - a guarantee of high security in remote access

  2. Connect the computer only with an Ethernet cable, the WiFi interface does not support high speed screen updates, regardless of the theoretically high speed (150-300 Mb/s).

    Vykorist cable connection, if you want to get out of the trap with remote access

  3. On the client computer, set the screen size to no larger than 1024x768 with 16-bit color gamut.
  4. Vymknіt on wired and vіdomomu computers managers zavantazhen, torrent clients and other similar programs-spozhivachі traffic.

    A session of managing a remote work table and working with a torrent client - bad suzidi

Remote access to Windows 7 components

Remote control of the desktop, simulating the robot keyboard and mouse of the client computer, computers in the remote access of Windows 7 OS also allow you to remotely run programs and system commands from the command line interface, manage the system registry and the firewall screen), restart the firewall (firewall) PC management. This means less networking and system resources, lower management of a distant work table, and can be carried out without a hitch for a computer-assisted clerk.

Vіddalena command line

For the needs of system administrators, Microsoft has developed a special service utility. Vzaimodiyuchi z_ services in the remote access of the operating system, it allows you to take access to the command line interface of any computer in the local area, run on a new program and navigate remotely to install programs before launching them. The utility is called PsExec and is available free of charge from the official Microsoft website in the PSTools package.

Download the utility from the server, run it on a computer, which will control Wicked file installer and, having waited for the text of the license area, carry out the installation.

Install PSExec utility

Now you can call the utility from the command line and call the whole range of wide possibilities.

Let's take a closer look at the syntax of the command and additional parameters for launching: psexec [\\ computer [, Computer2 [...] | @File] [-u koristuvach [-p password]] [-ns] [-l] [-s | -e] [-x] [-i [session]] [-c [-f | -v]] [-w directory] [-d] [-<приоритет>] [- a n, n, ...] program [argument].

Table: parameters for running the psexec command

computerSpecify the PsExec program to run the add-on on the specified computer or computers. Computer name not specified - PsExec program to run addon in local system. If the name of the task computer is replaced by the symbol "zirochka" (\\ *), then the PsExec program will run the addon on all computers of the streaming domain.
@ fileSpecify the PsExec program that it is necessary to run the add-on on all computers repackaged in the specified text file.
-aThe processors on which you can run the add-on are watered in lumps, with which the processors are numbered starting from 1. For example, to run the add-on on the processors of another and fourth, enter "-a 2,4"
-cThe program is assigned to be copied to the remote system for viewing. If this parameter is not a task, then the program can be reloaded in the system folder in the remote system.
-dPlease indicate that it is not necessary to check the completed program. This parameter should be checked only when starting non-interactive add-ons.
-eAppointments for the profile of the oblіkovogo record are not taken.
-fThe program is assigned to be copied to the remote system, so that such a file is already in the remote system.
-iThe program starts and revokes access to the work table assigned to the session on the remote system. If the session is not a job, then the process will end up in a command session.
-lWhen launching the process of koristuvach, rights are granted (the rights of the group of administrators are waived, and koristuvach are granted only rights that are recognized by the group "koristuvachi"). In Windows Vista, the process starts with low rate goodwill.
-nAllows you to set a connection delay to remote computers (in seconds).
-pAllows you to enter a non-binding password for the koristuvach's name. If this parameter is omissions, then if the password is entered, then the password will not be available to the wide screen.
-sThe removal process starts from the system image record.
-uAllows you to enter a neobov'yazkove im'ya koristuvach to enter the remote system.
-vAssignments file is copied to the remote system instead of explicitly only for understanding that the number of the first version is higher or the newest.
-wAllows you to specify a working directory for the process (path in the middle of the remote system).
-xDisplays the interface of the koristuvach on the Winlogon desktop (only in the local system).
ce priority (priority)Allows you to set different priorities for the process:
  • -low (low);
  • -belownormal (below average);
  • -abovenormal (higher than average);
  • -high (high);
  • -realtime (real time).
programI'm running the programs.
argumentsArguments are passed (reveal that the file paths are guilty as a local path in the whole system).

Apply robotic utilities PSEXEC

The procedure for working with the PsExec utility is:

  1. Run a command line on another computer with the help of the psexec command \\<сетевое имя компьютера>cmd.exe.
  2. Please open the program on a remote computer. If the program is running on a separate PC, it will be copied from the administrator's machine. For which type psexec \\<сетевое имя компьютера>-c test.exe, de test.exe - a program that needs to be removed.
  3. As a program, if it is necessary to remove it from the system folder, indicate the new path when running the psexec command \\<сетевое имя компьютера>-c c:\program files\external_test.exe

Video: PSTools - a set of system administrator console utilities

remote register

In order for the mother to be able to edit the register, it is necessary to activate the client computer regular services. It’s awkward to do so, like a formal record with the rights of an administrator. For this second window of the command line, start the equipment of the service manager and in the main window, select the "Register Delete" service from the list. Press the "Start" button on top panel management.

The "Remote Registry" service is guilty of running both on client PCs and on the administrator's computer.

Now you can connect to the computer registry at your local network remotely.

The registry key of the remote PC will appear in the registry editor's window and you can edit it just as easily as your own local registry.

Remote firewall management

Unfortunately, there is no handy graphical tool for remote control of the firewall. To that all manipulations happen to win for the help of the command line. You will need to contact your remote PC for help with the Telnet service. If the Telnet client is NOT installed, it needs to be added via "Installing / Removing Windows Components".

Now it is necessary to establish a session with a remote computer via the telnet protocol.

As soon as the connection session will be installed, you can remotely check the firewall of the remote computer for the help of the netsh command. Next commands will be available to you:

    ask firewall rules. You can change the configuration of Windows Firewall on a remote PC using the additional command netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name = all;

    Determine if the firewall is needed with the commands "netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on" and "netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off";

    turn to close the lock with the netsh advfirewall reset command;

    vodkrittya port - maybe, the widest zavdannya, as it will be necessary for a viskonat. For example, you can open port 2117 for a robotic torrent client like this: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name = "Utorrent rule" dir = in action = allow protocol = TCP localport = 1433;

    allowed in and out requests for additional programs netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name = "Allow Miner" dir = in action = allow program = "C:\Bitcoin\miner.exe";

    let the distant management for help Windows consoles: Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote administration" new enable=yes.

After making the necessary settings, do not forget to close the Telnet session with the quit command.


The standard OS shutdown command allows you to switch off or reconfigure whether a computer is a local network, as if on a new set of permissions for a remote assistant and a remote desktop. From the command line window, type the command in the format shutdown / / m \\ computer_name / c "comment" and press Enter.

Table: shutdown command parameters

/sThe session of the remote PC has ended.
\\ computer_nameIm'ya or merezhu address of the remote PC.

Hello everyone! See, you see. It doesn't matter: in the office on the suidnіy street for a few years, at the vіdryadzhennya or at the entrance. But you know for sure: you may need data that is saved on your home computer. For some reason you can't take them with you: for example, you don't know exactly what kind of books from your great library you need or if you want to insert samples into a song, like you write on the islands. ale access up home computer you will need.

Good news for you: people have long figured out how to remotely connect to a computer via the Internet. True, it is necessary to get ready until the end of the year. In the article below, we will tell you, yak.

There will be 2 ways. The first one is for the help of standard Windows add-ons, and the other one is for the help of third-party programs.

Remote access to the computer via the Internet using Windows

Remember what rows of old Nokia instructions have become a joke? Well, yes, “for the purpose of this function, the phone is guilty of buti inclusions”? You'll be laughing, but you'll be burned in the Captain Obviousness: if you could connect to your computer far away, it's your fault to turn it on and connect to the Internet.

Ale tse is more obvious mirkuvannya. And do not understand the flooring: for example, between two computers - your home computer, through which you will be connected - based on the "client-server" scheme, and your home computer will act as the server, and the client - the one what do you have with you. Before that, how to connect to another computer via the Internet, you need to prepare an insult.

Pochnemo s home computer'yu. Let's go to new. You need to say that the Home version is not available for the robotic function: the mother wants Windows 10 Pro.

We need to connect remotely to your computer. To work with the system: go to the Control Panel / System / System Guard / remote access, find the line “Allow remote connection” and put a tick there.

Friend, what you need is a static IP address. At the same panel, you need to go to the “Merezha and Internet / Merezhevі connection” section, know the adapter that is in present moment vikoristovuetsya, and viklikati yogo menu right clapping.

Click on “Power”, select the row “IP version 4” and click on “Power” in the same tab. Here you need, available locally, but not assigned by the router (you can find the range in the menu of the router itself). At the row “Mask pіdmerezhi” enter “”, And in the row “Main gateway” - the IP of your router. Yogo can be entered in the name of the DNS server, but there are options here. So, for example, valid public DNS addresses of Google are: and

For example, you could do it like this:

On the router, you will also need to set port 3389 (for how to do it - read the instructions before the router or in thematic discussions).

Vtіm, all manipulations from this point can be deleted, as if, їduchi, you will turn off the router and deprive the computer of the connection without intermediary to the provider's network. Then you only need to know yours and reconsider with the provider, which will be permanently lost.

How to prepare the terminal using Windows

Under the "terminal" we understand that computer, from which you will be connected to your remote. Everything you need for someone else is an addendum with the name “Viddeleny working steel”. Possibly, your Windows versions out already є. And if not, you can get yoga from the Microsoft App Store.

Addition of chiming in Modern-style, with a rosary on the touch screen, and then hand-crafting it in the traditional way. To add your home computer, you need to press the "plus" button in the upper right corner of the window. From the menu, select the item Desktop (Computer) and enter data for access - local IP address, as the computer is connected to the same network as you, or the other one, as it connects via the Internet.

To access your computer, you need the data of the oblique record. To vouch for Microsoft's official record, enter your data. If it's local - enter your own password. Press "Save", so that you do not enter data in case of dermal connection. As you understand, if you win the addendum “Remote working style” on someone else's computer, it is not necessary to save on a new data for entry.

With the correct setup after the connection, you can start working with the program on your computer and run the program, or open files from a new one.

We only looked at the option if Windows 10 Pro is installed on the remote computer. Other versions of Windows do not allow this functionality or require more thin lashings. However, remotely managing a computer via the Internet is possible and through a universal solution, which we will look at below.

Third-Party Remote Access

If you want Windows and є vlasna organization of remote access, є third-party programs, how to work more quickly. Let's take a look at some of the most famous of them.


One of the first programs, more or less assigned people thought about it when they saw the title - TeamViewer. Naturally, with a new mi and it is good.

The achievements of the program are not only zagalnovіdomіst and popular (but after all - commercial success, powerful koristuvachі and respectful retailers plus pіdtrimka). TeamViewer - the solution is simple, gnuchka and richly functional. For a great party, you don't need another computer to connect to your home computer: connect your iPhone, iPad, or add on Android. Clients are available for most mobile platforms, plus Windows, OS X and Linux.

The cream of the remote working table, the addition of voices and video calls. So, for example, even if some of your relatives or colleagues gain access to your computer and need your help, you can communicate in the course of work directly in TeamViewer, without attaching to the session and not using other programs.

Your data will be encrypted with 256-bit AES encryption, so it's practical to cheat.

The most powerful program, as it is impossible to overestimate - the possibility of turning on your home computer for a signal via the Internet. Even at the hour of your day, there were a lot of interruptions in eating, no BBZh could help. And the axis of TeamViewer is to allow your computer to turn on for a call.

Another plus is that the program is not divided into client and server parts. Dosit vstanovit single option on the computer's interface. And then we all get together in a few clicks.

Not enough at the program, behind the great rahunka, only one: vartist. A license for one copy for a private correspondent costs about 200 dollars. Ale, yakscho svoєchasny access to the computer of that varto - why b i nі?


The name of the product means "Remote Administrator", which immediately conveys its recognition. For its functional capabilities, it is approximately similar to Team Viewer: you can remove access to your computer remotely, turn it on and off with smaller commands, run programs, open files, and move data between a remote PC and terminal.

Radmin opposes TeamViewer only in certain aspects: it does not offer programs for mobile devices, it does not provide one-hour access to the computer from dekilkoh terminals, not so extensions.

One of the main advantages of Radmin is the price. A single license for a program for access to one computer costs only 1250 rubles - three times more than 20 dollars: ten times cheaper than Team Viewer! When you do this, you take away all the advantages of commercial programs: constant support,

However, if you need a cost-free solution - it won't.


So, there it is! A costless addendum, following the same principle, which is more refurbished. Ale, far away, access to a computer via the Internet is even better.

So, in some aspects UltraVNC compromises commercial solutions. So, to secure 256-bit encryption, you will need to install a special plugin. Desktop client, only for Windows, and mobile clientsіsnuyut only for Android and iOS. There is no need for voice communication, so far away support to get in touch with Skype for help, or a great phone, or a text chat.

Ale, from the other side, zasіb far away access without cost - not so often satisfied. It is recommended that you start using UltraVNC first, and then, if you want some important functions, you will not go astray, turn to commercial products.

Today we look at programs for remote access to a computer, relevant for system administrators, as well as for clerks technical problems, Using resources or transferring files between your and remote PCs.

A program for remote access to help control and manage the desktop of a third-party machine, settings and functions, exchange materials, browse in chat, run software installations and much more.


Russian language



Access to files

Phone management

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Let's take a closer look at the popular helper for accessing the control of a third-party PC, which may have different options and a high level of efficiency of work. TimViewer can implement a simple robotic algorithm, create interactive conferences up to 25 sessions, record videos and screenshots of streaming events, allow you to exchange files, show the screen, speak in chat and control voice notifications. The program supports modern OS and bypasses different protections like firewalls, proxies, etc. To work in the program, you need to install the product on the offending computer and enter the access code. Functionality in the utility transmits the presence of a connection to the Internet.

The utility allows you to remotely connect to another PC, allowing access to software, functionality and desktop of a third-party add-on. AeroAdministrator securely connects with the correct access rights, allows different connection modes, enables multisession, selects the picture quality for the channel and encrypts the connection. Also available is clipboard synchronization, transferring files and resuming when shaving a download. The program is being expanded in several versions, the cost-free version is just right for home victoria.

Professional software with great functionality and well-realized interface for remote computer control and management. It has its own robotic victorious security protocols SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, SCP, SFTP and Raw, which is itself accessed through Merezha, confirms with a password and protects from overflowing. In settings, you can switch between options, select parameters for remote connection, port forwarding, and hotkeys. The client can use a file manager, connect to a Unix system, generate an RSA algorithm for the cipher and protect copies of stolen files.

The Danish client will help you to gain access via the Internet to remote control of another computer and conduct a high-speed exchange between these devices. EniDesk guarantees the high quality of the picture broadcast, the ability to adjust the broadcast sound, the settings for blocking the mouse and the keyboard of the client machine, as well as the passwords for auto-connection without power. The functionality of the software is determined by the order between two PCs for the additional assignment of an electronic address.

Vidmіnne optimized pіd raznі versions of Windows add-on for remote PC control and image broadcasting. The utility allows you to easily connect to a local machine, gain access to it and synchronize with mobile devices. Remote PC may have options for administration, great parameters for remote control, addition of Remote Mouse and Remote Access. Support for proxy servers is available, acknowledgment of ip-addresses for the server, manual identification with a password and login, a single point for changing parameters. The program is smart and sensible in management, without regard to the English menu.

Radmin zdіysnyuє control of a remote computer z recognized for koristuvach, nadayuchi shvidku i Yakіsnu work without hanging and problems. Be respected as one of the best in your category and true to the title with your ability and practice. Work in the software field in improved remote access, transfer of the necessary material and stopover of the functionality at once on both PCs. Koristuvach can use text and voice chats, exchange files and gain access to the desktop. The only minus is only a month of no-cost whiskey.

Yakisna program, scho zdіysnyuє vіddalene managing other PCs for the help of counting LAN and INTERNET. It helps to set up the control panel on the connected computer, authorize Microsoft or transfer files. The control of the remote device is controlled by the help of your mouse and keyboard;

A simple service for accessing and controlling a remote computer, managing a work desk and other functions of an add-on. otrimavshi distance care computer, you can exchange information and files on a local basis, display streaming media content, synchronize with android devices, edit office files and more. In the settings of Splashtop, you can correct the screen, display settings and stream images. To start the work in the software, it is necessary to create a public record or authorize with a Google account.

The work of the program is filled in the form of a “client-server” lanyard, which organizes the management of a third-party desktop. When remotely connected to the system of another PC, a high level of encryption of the transmitted material is formed, which makes it possible to exchange files, conduct seminars, online presentations and more. Supremo Remote Desktop has a file manager, supports a proxy server and allows you to change the size of the connection, locking the password to the skin. The minus is 21 days of the trial period and the availability of the “conference” option.

No-cost solution

Remote control of transferring connection to another computer for access control and resource management. Zavdyakov tsіy mozhlivostі, koristuvach can virіshuvat impersonal dodatkovyh zavdan remotely: conduct consultations, diagnostics, computer monitoring. In such a manner, to say goodbye to the task, it is, most of the time, impossible, or irrationally, to win at the meeting.

As part of the review, 10 decisions will be reviewed (6 cost-free and 4 paid) for remote management. The main respect will be given to such features of software of the chosen category:

  • Complete set: which components are included in the distribution kit, see installation on the host and client computer
  • Connection modes: supported protocols, work with RDP (div. Below)
  • Presentation functions: to be affected by the possibility of audio and video support, screen occlusion, the presence of additional tools (“pointer”, “drawing board”, etc.)
  • Security: supporting encryption technology, protecting confidential data, seeing authorization on local and remote computers, revealing the necessary settings
  • Support for platforms: mobile platforms and operating systems, the availability of online versions.

Not to be left without respect for the standard capabilities of Windows, but for the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) itself, which will be looked at in the first place. For example, I look around - a regular table s detailed information about the presence of necessary functions in guessing addenda.

RDP - Remote Windows Desktop Protocol

Starting with Windows NT, support for the remote desktop protocol RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) has been added. Obviously, Windows 7 supports RDP 7 (also available for Windows XP), Windows 8 - RDP 8 (also available for Windows 7 SP1). Possibilities for this release, RDP 8, will be considered.

Connecting to the remote worker is connected to the help program mstsc.exe, after entering the name of the remote computer. There are also connection parameters available in this dialog.

At the “Screen” tab, it is indicated that the remote working table has been allowed (with the possibility of enabling over the crane mode), Glibina color (up to 32 bits).

At the “Local Resources” branch, you can select the mode for creating sound (on a remote or flow computer), turn on audio recording from a remote desktop. Also, in each distribution, access to the printer is provided, local disk, Drive, PnP-devices, ports.

The quality of data transmission is regulated by the "Vzaemodiya" tab. You can not only choose the connection profile, but also independently set the display parameters: desktop background, smoothing, visual effects, image cache. All these options add to the speed of data transmission with remote access and building data, and optimize the network traffic accurately.

Security settings are available through the "System" window ("System Power" in the Control Panel). In the “Remote Access” tab, you can allow the connection of a remote assistant, as well as a remote connection to a computer. Rechecking the correctness is carried out on equal footings. It is also allowed to access the area by entering the list of allowed entries on the remote desktop on your own.

In this way, in the state of Windows, the transfer of basic tools for work with the RDP protocol. Ale, as it happened, expanded security settings, support for mobile platforms, presentation functions of the coristuvachev do not show up.


TeamViewer - maybe find a program for remote control among the bezkoshtovnyh. The tool allows you to adjust remote access to your home computer, manage the Work Desk from different platforms and attachments, and administrate the Windows server. In addition, retailers see TeamViewer's corporate capabilities: the program can be promoted for organizing conferences, consulting and helping colleagues on work.

The TeamViewer program is available for Windows, Linux, Mac platforms (with links), remote access is possible from OS-based devices. TeamViewer's client new version distribution kit ("All in one"), as a system service(TeamViewer Host), in a portable format, on a terminal server and other options. Next you can see the TeamViewer QuickSupport module, which does not affect installation and is optimal for typing terms.

The latest version of the program has client and operator parts available. The interface of TeamViewer presents the main window with two tabs - "Remote control" and "Conference".

Remote control

Coristuvach takes in order a unique ID, for identifying the computer in the merezhі, and a time password. Also, by using the partner ID (optionally - IP addresses) and knowing the password, you can connect to a remote power.

There are three connection modes available:

  • Remote control: remote control of the building or a single robot on one computer
    All activities are carried out on another computer through a remote control window. In this case, it is possible to change the permission and scaling, switching between active monitors and other options.
  • File transfer: file exchange per session hour
    To exchange data in TeamViewer, a two-panel file manager is used, in which resources of the host and client and the main file operations for working with them are available, such as: folding folders, viewing, copying and other.
  • VPN: virtual network mode
    Between computers you can install a virtual private measure for data access to the outbuildings (printers, znіmnі noseії i іn.).


In this TeamViewer tab, you can create a quick conference or connect to the main one. middle available tools you can specify voice and video calls, screen display, session recording with the possibility of converting to AVI. "Bila Doshka" (Whiteboard) is painted like a canvas for painting, creating sketches, comments.

One of the best features of TeamViewer is the "Computers and Contacts" list, which ensures easy access to the outbuildings. In addition, here you can check the status of computers, exchange notes (there is a possibility of a group chat). Going ahead, next, indicate that the participant is not a skin participant, looking around, proping the address book for swedish connection to other outbuildings.

For safety reasons, the program uses encrypted sessions (AES 256 bits) and traffic (RSA key exchange). Files that are transmitted every hour of the session may be signed by VeriSign; For help, you can improve TeamViewer access sharing: setting access to all operations only after confirmation or blocking for weekend sessions.


TeamViewer is a universal solution to the possibility of choosing a remote control method. Zavdyaki widely presents multimedia functions, manual organization of contacts, the program is optimal for holding conferences.

[+] Wide functionality no-cost version
[+] Conference tools
[+] Bezpeka
[+] Presentation capabilities
[-] Exchange of a remote session (5 lengths for the non-cost version)

Ammyy Admin

Ammyy Admin does not care about installation and uses a simple interface and functionality. The program is cost-free; Expandable for Windows, Linux / FreeBSD platforms, mobile attachments are not supported.

The head office has client and operator modules available. Koristuvach take in the order of the ID, which is generated with binding to the possession. Optionally, when connected, you can set IP.

The client's part can be activated or zupinity, by the same time having installed the fence on the connection; for locking Ammyy Admin works in lockdown mode. You can check the connection status for additional indicators, the decoding of which can be found in.

Address book є, contacts can be combined into groups, change the order of contacts, manually add new addresses. Merezhevy status of computers, however, can be checked.

From the main connection modes, you can see Desktop (working style), File manager (File manager) and Microsoft RDP. RDP allows you to connect to a remote desktop, transferring standard Windows functions.

Of the other modes, Voice Chat and Speed ​​Test are disabled. It is obvious that multimedia capabilities are not presented here all the time, as in TeamViewer: Ammyy Admin is not positioned as a corporate solution. You can assign the function of demonstrating to the screen, that in the same voice chat you can use the Ammyy Admin program, which is attached for remote assistance.

Going to "Ammyy → Settings → Operator", you can specify the RDP parameters, select the type of encryption and codec profiles, thereby reducing the burden on the border. More importantly, the “Merezha” tab allows you to set the Ammyy Admin connection, manually select routers, turn on or turn on data transfer via global network Ammyy (Ammyy Worldwide Network).

File manager - two-panel, through the new available standard file operations between the client and the operator.

In setting access rights (“Client → Access rights”), you can set different parameters for skin ID. Authentication mode (connection to a PC) is expected to be selected: by Hardware ID, password, or allow the koristuvach. Tim yourself, you can minimally protect your computer from an unauthorized remote connection.


The main advantages of Ammyy Admin are the security of the work, the simple and secure interface, the independence of the Ammyy servers and the security. Imovirno, for work in a team, there is not the most optimal solution, but for an individual choice, with computers in order, - a cycle.

[+] Speed
[+] Easy to set up
[+] RDP trim
[-] No support for mobile devices

Supremo Remote Desktop

Supremo Remote Desktop is a handy portable tool for remote control, remote assistance to others. Pratsyuє under the management of Windows XP and more, mobile attachments are not supported.

The program runs without installation, for the first time, the host and client are responsible for getting Supremo Remote Desktop from the retailer's website. Traditionally, two modes of operation are supported: using a computer as an access point and connecting to a remote building. At first glance, access is obtained after pressing the Start button. The Your credentials section has available data required for connection: ID and password, which is generated in the beginning of the session. The client will ask for authorization at the entrance (option Ask authorization), and they themselves will try to try unauthorized access to the computer.

To connect to a host, the Your partner field is selected, you can also select an address from the Address Book. The list of active fields is displayed in the Connections section of the program's main window.

During transmission, HTTPS protocol (SSL) is used, data is encrypted. The security setting is weak: you can set a password to start the program, indicate permissions for ID registration.

Of the other tools available in Supremo Remote Desktop, you can add multiple connections to one machine. To transfer files, a manager is used, which may be similar to the classic two-panel one, uploading and downloading files is available. No presentation and multimedia functions were transferred. Tse, insanely, surrounds Supremo's victoria in the capacity of a far-off pomіchnik.


Supremo Remote Desktop is a simple program with a standard set of tools for remote control. On it, you can get respect for coristuvachi, as they do not require multimedia functions.

[+] No need to configure the router
[+] Simple interface
[-] Small amount of nalashtuvan
[-] More screen tinting


Speaking of universal tools that allow you to work with dekilcom protocols at once, let's say mRemoteNG. The program enables access to VNC, ICA, SSH, Telnet, RAW, Rlogin and HTTP / S, also supports RDP. Expandable in a portable and standard version of the installer for the Windows platform.

Interface of mRemoteNG representations of the decalcom in sections, in the visibility of the panel, tabbed - as a result, it is easy to customize old look programs in your own way. The main options are available in the "Configuration" section. Here you can specify the necessary connection protocol and additional parameters: connection setup, protocol, gateway, external look, resources and others. "Zmina" displays the host connection status.

The connection with the outbuildings is connected through the panel of the swedish connection - it’s not easy to create a bunch of configurations, so, at a glance, without any protocols, it’s very handy. The data can be grouped, and the configuration can be easily imported / exported.

The transfer of files is carried out using the SSH protocol - which is not necessary for an ordinary correspondent and at the same time, it is more necessary for a security plan. A port scanner is added to the add-on functions, and other tools can be added to the list.

The invisibility of mRemoteNG is thrown into the eyes. This is manifested in the non-primary interface: it is not the flooring is handy in the robot and settings with the skin-specific protocol. The configuration of the day has a lot of parameters and is short to unknown - it can be attributed to the quality of localization. When you try to know the description of the functions, the documentation is locked, they are divided empty.


A noteworthy feature of mRemoteNG is the merging of popular protocols into one graphic shell. Having made a spiel of z'ednan, it is necessary to have a vikoristannі decіlkoh spetsіlіzovanіh rіshen. Tsey plus in the real world compensates for unintuitive programs and the lack of documentation.

[-] unintuitive
[+] Support for faceless protocols
[+] File transfer via SSH
[-] Availability of documentation



TightVNC Software is engaged in the development of a number of products: TightProjector, RFB Player, VNC Reflector and TightVNC. TightVNC - a program for remote control, vicariously possible to solve problems with a computer, lighting purposes, administration.

TightVNC is a cross-platform solution. For Linux, however, at the time of writing, only old version programs, Mac OS is not supported. Prote, in reality, is a version of TightVNC on the Java platform, which transfers the ability to remote control through a web server. On the Windows platform, TightVNC installs as a native program or as a system service. "Quiet" mode is enabled, it is easy to transfer the configuration to other computers or remotely update the server.

The TightVNC toolkit is divided into two modules: WinVNC - server part, how to install on a remote machine, and Addendum Viewer, Appointed to be reviewed instead of the screen of the remote server. In the setup of the Viewer connection, the addresses of the VNS server are set, the speed of transmission.

Please note that TightVNC does not generate a password for access, it is necessary to independently determine it in settings. The status of the connection can be recognized by displaying the icon in the update area: if only one card is connected to the computer, the color of the icon changes.

Rozrobniki pull that the transfer of data via VNC, regardless of the DES password protection chat, is not complete. For safety reasons, it is recommended to use SSH tunneling. At the same time, the TightVNC settings allow you to reduce the unauthorized access rate to zero. In later versions of the program, it is also planned to introduce more advanced methods of protection.


TightVNC marvels at the great number of people who make a difference, security. This is a good choice for an administrator, but in part, transferring to the server and a little service is not the best option for a poorly informed koristuvach.

[+] Gnuchka setting
[+] Java version
[-] Inoperative setting
[-] non-intuitive interface

Remote Utilities

Remote Utilities - a solution, for retailers, recognized for small and medium businesses. Remote control is possible without intermediary, through a local network or the Internet. When working with a set of utilities, it is not necessary to correct the firewall, but to configure it in advance.

The complex works only under Windows, for Linux it is recommended to install the Wine emulator - but only for robots with RUT-Viewer. Mobile version daily.

Remote Utilities consists of three modules: look-ahead - installs on local computer, Host - remotely, agent - module for support of coristuvachs. The agent, next to designate, the optimal connection between the client and the host for the Swiss taxation. Remote installation, as such, is clumsy and annoying to the Remote installation tool.

Connection in one of the above modes is carried out after the additional dialog New connection (Connection → Add Computer), as an access point, you can specify an IP address, an Internet ID or a DNS. The received computer will be added to the list of the address book;

Transferred staff tools for remote control, such as Remote Attachment Manager, Registry Viewer, Terminal and File Manager. Dual-panel manager, with the ability to copy and move data, launch and send additional documents and documents to the remote host. Also, in the presence of a terminal support, control of eating.

Text chat is even simpler, but you need to tell that Remote Utilities is also propagating audio / video chats to the right people. Here varto determine the possibility of video flooding and regulation of the transmission density - from a 24-bit transmission to a color to an optimized "image" for a network with an intermediary transmission (on top of that, the Network usage mode parameter in the settings of the Properties of the remote computer). In a word, the presence of those abilities, which have been outdone more than once in similar programs with the support of RDP.

Remote Utilities transmits 3 types of authorization, AES encryption with a 256-bit key, 2048-bit public key. Filtering input connections is done by IP, so you can create a list of trusted contacts with different access rights. Optional security subsystem: you can choose RUT or WinNT. Offending modes allow you to easily improve access to the singing functions for the skin peeler, there are no essential features between them.


A simple set of utilities for a remote connection, without choosing a protocol for the connection, but borderline intelligence in setting up the setup. As a matter of fact, there are no platforms and no manual interface for one-hour work with dekilkom attachments.

[+] Remote installation and update in remote mode
[+] Availability of basic tweaks for RDP
[+] Local and Internet work
[+] Cost-free (for non-commercial vikoristanny)

TeamViewer (rus. Timvyuver) - tse no-cost program(for special victoria for non-commercial purposes), which allows you to set entry and exit dates remote connection to access other computers, exchange files between hard and hard machines, make video calls, take part in web conferences and much more.

Opportunities of TeamViewer for Windows

  • Remote computer control or mobile extension on the base android.ios;
  • Wake-on-LAN - turn on your computer from another computer, using Timviewer in the local area or through a router;
  • Ability to transfer files;
  • Mitteviy exchange of notifications: group chats, web chats, exchange of notifications offline, etc.;
  • Viddalena friend;
  • Installation as a system service for access to remote outbuildings at any time;
  • Synchronous exchange buffer;
  • Pіdtrymka dekіlkoh monitorіv;
  • Savings of individual connections for remote connections to computers with sorting by groups, contacts;
  • Management of distant outbuildings for additional hot keys;
  • Cross-platform - supported Operating systems Microsoft Windows, Chrome OS, iOS;
  • The presence of a portable version.

But far from all the possibilities of Timweaver.

Varto especially sees a simple and friendly purpose for the koristuvach interface of TeamViewer in Russia, which helps newcomers to get started easily in this program, as they did not practice earlier with software of this kind.

Also, the significantly high rate of security for data exchange TeamViewer 15: cryptographic algorithm (closing / decryption key RSA 2048) for exchange of data and passwords for one-time access, AES session encryption (256 bits), additional two-factor verification of validity and od.

It is also significant that TeamViewer 15 is now updated with a new version (version 1909).

Get TeamViewer for Windows

Available on this side rest version TeamViewer in Russian language for Windows 32 and 64-bit.

Get TeamViewer 15 free of charge, without registration.

TeamViewer is a cost-free program for remote computer control via the Internet.

Version: TeamViewer 15.4.4445

Rozmir: 26 MB

Operating system: Windows

Mova Russian

Program status: Bezkoshtovna

Retailer: TeamViewer GmbH

Official site:

What's new in version: list of changes