Installed antivirus on the phone. Free antivirus for your phone. Malwarebytes Security for Android: remove adware, spyware and ransomware

VSI, Nizhge presented AntiRuys for the phone of the Andleid Bezkoshtovni, Ale to the same, the same specialist, one of the world -toe -bucket, izhmagaments, іnshі do not vimagayu for the main Zakhist, and Krutovyuvannya Dazhotkovy.

Yakshcho, you are an invisible ordinary koristuvach, and legal person, maєte business, additional functions of a paid anti-virus, you can't get on the phone.

It is important as one of the most comprehensive, cost-free anti-virus for android phones. May be a miracle cure, the function of cleaning the system you can't help noticing. Cry to everyone about millions of installations, positive feedback from the Koristuvach.

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Everything you need for complete security stable work The phone is already set to 360 security.

Kostovny antivirus for android among creators of the all-worldly known Clean Master 2 times less for other antiviruses, Ease of management, superior, smart security, building phone scan in just 5 seconds.

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The thing is complex! Crim antivirus, a great list of unique add-ons that are necessary for the phone and just brown. Connected skin okremo on your thought.

Quickly collect wraps from TOP h kind words chinese antivirus 2017 rock. The main anti-virus engine is McAfee.

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The tools of the program still can not think of anything directly recognized by the program - the protection of digital security.

Koristuetsya with an indecent drink, there is a lot of firmly positive feedback. Avast nadaє bezkoshtovny zahist phone vіrusіv ta stezhennia behind him, with whom you hover over potential villains. Appointment antivirus for Android phones.

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A lot of things at once, the antivirus has a rich functionality, avast can have such tools and be up to a good OS optimizer - speed up, clean, ...

Antivirus without any add-ons and ads expansions for smart phones, tablets, which work on OS: Android, Symbian or Windows Mobile. Simple, clear, no ads, no pay!

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It’s really light, it doesn’t matter much, it gets zavantazhuetsya and is restored instantly. Add paid functions, it's allowed to be a mit.


One of the best as a non-free antivirus, even the demo version can be cheaply messed up with a phone for 30 days, and you can get familiar with all the bells and whistles.

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After 1 month, it is not necessary to lose part of the program for yaku. Version without savory additives :)

Even more extensions, the antivirus is not worse than the previous one, without a doubt to create a new attack on your phone or tablet against the adversity of the enemy. :) Knowing new version, hope for 30 days then the cost-free option without add-ons is turned on.

Korisnі oradi

Android is the most popular operating system in the world, and it means that for a skin koristuvach, it’s important to talk about the protection of your attachment.

Іsnuє impersonal antivirus programs for all extensions, as they work on the Google system.

It doesn’t matter what kind of smartphone or tablet you use, it’s important to mother on a new one antivirus, otherwise I will shut down the program.

In these articles you know about the most popular, effective and reliable anti-virus programs, and tools for attachments that work on Android (Android) - but practically all phones.

Bagato s tsikh programs scan your smartphone. The stinks are afraid of the infection Internet sites and open or downloaded files.

Varto also means that practically all antiviruses can be completely without cost Google Play .

Antivirus for android phone

What isAntivirus forAndroid

Antivirus is a program (addendum) that protects your smartphone and tablet from other people shkidlivih programs. More specifically, the antivirus protects against such types of programs, like worms, trojans and spear viruses.

To better protect your attachments from shkіdlivih programs, varto install only the best antiviruses, as if building a deep dig and know those who buried in the distant folders of your outbuilding.

There is really no specific dietary advice, what kind of antivirus is really, best. However, in order to keep up with the various antiviruses and facsimiles, as well as to learn more about this topic, you can select a list of the most important antiviruses.

How important is it to install antivirus on your phone?

Someone to put food, chi varto set up an anti-virus on your smartphone. Such nutrition is quite logical, moreover, it is worth not only anti-virus programs, but also programs for cleaning and speeding up the phone.

Іsnuє impersonal thoughts from the first drive. It is important to compare what is on the Internet faceless virus threats, and among them you need a defense. Prote, behind the words of virobniki, the Android system is so incredibly protected by viruses.

Remember: Spend the virus with your attachments only as much as you yourself zavantazhuєte.

Popular types of viruses

Trojan- Tsya shkidliva program looks like a non-shkidliva program.

Shpigun- a program that collects your data bank cards, passwords and other special information.

Virus Vimagach- the building block your attachment, and give you a fee for unlocking it.

If you are guilty, install an antivirus?

1. If you are interested in using the software from third-party devices, and not from Google Play.

2. With various programs connected with electronic pennies, including WebMoney, Mobile Banking and online payment for goods.

3. Behind the bajans, install additional functions, including programs for cleaning and quickly attaching.

If not obov'yazkovo install antivirus?

1. You can also win the software from the official Google Play store.

2. Yakshcho vy not koristuesya Mobile Bank and other programs that cost a penny.

What are the minuses of antiviruses?

1. Sob your smartphone or tablet to start the robbery, it is necessary, so that the antivirus will start the inclusions. In such a time, wines do not only occupy a part operational system, ale th stained glass battery of your add.

2. Even richer anti-viruses, which proponuyutsya without a cost, mayyut obrazheniy functional, that schob to beat the program on full of tightness You will have to pay for the new version.

3. Some antiviruses are signaling about the problem with Google Play software. Prote all programs in your store to pass a strict review and do not miss any broken programs.

Obviously, you yourself virishuet, install an antivirus chi ni, but one thing is for sure - this program will definitely not kill you for your phone or tablet.

Free antivirus for Android

Axis list of the best antiviruses for smartphones and tablets:

1 . AvastMobilesecurity

A cost-free antivirus that overhauls the operating system of your device and immediately alerts you about the threat of infection. In times automatic start, the program instantly blocks the path to the infected file.

Krym tsgogo, Avast for Android is stealing your attachments potential irritability dartless mesh WiFi.

Additional functions:

Call Blocking

Zahistu access system (firewall)

Zahist vіd kradіzhok (allowing you to block your attachments far away, as if you’ve forgotten it here, or you’ve spent it).

Previously, the program was paid, but at the same time, a rich set of functions can be cost-free in exchange for a day of advertising in the middle of the program.

To be proud of the Avast program for Android in the new world, you can pay an insignificant amount of money, or for a river, to take the premium version.

In the newer version, you can also put a "lock" on the current program, and then you will prompt the PIN, so that you can open that other program. Don't let shkidlivim programs automatically run such programs as Mobile Bank.

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If you want a more comprehensive version, so that you can have the function of clearing the system, managing passwords and VPN (a number of channel hijackings that allows you to hack your smartphone or tablet with another device with access to the Internet), you can download Avast Ultimate.

The best antiviruses for Android devices

2. BitDefenderAntivirusFree

An easy program for a superior brand. Minimum vanity and arc easy installation.

The program secures real-time attacks, active control and scanning of HTTP traffic with methods of attacking phishing and various smart programs.

Bitdefender is at home in the world of online security. Antivirus for Android in this company does not work in shadow mode, which saves battery power and does not take advantage of the operational memory of your device.

However, it also means that the program will only run on your behalf, so you will have to manually run it manually, or I will add the program to the scan.

Capabilities of Bitdefender's Kostless AntivirusAntivirusFree:

1. Protection from the real hour - the program will secure the protection, I will add an hour for access to the border. She pereviryaє all files, if they start up, move or copy.

2. Hmara - the program is based on the technology of gloomy scanning. In this manner, new threats appear more quickly, at that hour, as most antiviruses do not download new shkіdlivih programs.

3. HTTP-scanning - anti-virus analyzes and then blocks websites, as if suspected by fraud and phishing.

4. The program is automatically updated periodically.

1. Scanning web pages in real time.

2. Possibility to block attachments and see all the information from him.

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Antivirus for android: which is better

3. McAfeeMobilesecurity

McAfee is another name in the antivirus industry software, and not only for smartphones and tablets, but also for great computers.

Tse antivirus proponuє bugatorіvnevu security - vіn not only serve as an antivirus, but also as a tool of confidentiality, and also as a security guard against villains.

The program gives you the ability to block programs, so that you can improve your privacy even more, which you think is acceptable for yourself.

You can also block whether or not telephone numbers, and not only numbers, for which there were calls, but also for those, for which there were calls.

Antivirus also scans programs to detect if they don't see your special information of a third person and block it if necessary.

Zakhist from the thief:

1. One of the functions that capture the sight of thieves is called "capturecam". I will help your smartphone to automatically take a photo of the villain, which will take your attachment. After which program edits the photo to the email address you provided.

2. McAfee Mobile Security gives you the ability to view your attachments, see all the information from any computer, and also activate alerts, like on high equanimity thickness will signal about the loss of the annex.

Reviewed by McAfee

The program will tell you the maximum anti-virus protection, and another praise McAfee will inform you about it. Її visibility indicates those that you can view the site from any browser.

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4 . KasperskyMobileAntivirus

Kaspersky, on a par with Bitdefender, is a great leader in the anti-virus software market. At no-cost version appendages are impersonal hostile functions. During testing, it will not be possible to display a random program with a frequency of 99.9%.

Tsey Kostovny antivirus for mobile outbuildings building protection of your data from viruses, spyware, trojans and other malicious programs.

Golovnyantivirus functions:

1. You can check with antiviruses help android Wear is an operating system for a smart year.

2. Possibility of blocking potentially unsafe sites.

3. Possibility of blocking calls and SMS.

4. Poshuk vtrachennogo pristroy (Anti-Zlodіy).

Like the most antiviruses, this program provides a lot of additional functions for an additional fee.

Kaspersky Internet Security for Android offers advanced security features for those who want the premium version. Among them: automatic scanning, anti-phishing, the function of protecting confidentiality, as well as the function of filtering calls and SMS.

For the premium version, you also get:

1. Ability to set a password for the program.

2. Defendant of special information from the eyes of the unknown.

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5 NortonsecurityandAntivirus

This mobile antivirus will protect your mobile device from viruses, shkіdlivih programs, and also help with theft or theft of your smartphone or tablet.

Norton Security and Antivirus gives you the ability to remotely block, and also allows you to see your confidential data, check out the outbuildings, block phone numbers and privacy backup copy danich.

In one test conducted a few months ago, Danish antivirus showing a 100% result for the revealed slow programs for Android devices.

Antivirus also allows you to manage all your devices from one website.

More brown tools:

1. Possibility to block your smartphone with one SMS, as if it were both stealing or interfering. Also, the attachment is automatically blocked after 10 tries of an incorrectly entered password, or when the SIM card is invalidated.

2. Norton doesn't just detect viruses in the middle of add-ons, but it detects them automatically.

3. Possibility to scan and see programs that can clean up unsafe code or viruses.

For the premium version, you also get:

1. Blocking calls and SMS alerts.

2. Starting with a program created on the basis of NortonTM Mobile Insight technology, the anti-virus is up to the hijack of the program, he checks it on the potential threat to a round of special data, and also analyzes the battery life of the virus program.

3. For the additional function of "attached rent" you can take a photo of a person, as if you are worthy of your spent attachment. The photograph is being challenged by the front camera.

4. Antivirus blocking whether or not you try shady websites and take away access to your particular data.

5. Intravenous attachments can be found at online maps. Also the moon is a loud signal, if the phone has been inserted.

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6. AviraAntivirussecurity

Mobile Proposition Avira does not only scan files, but you can capture them, but instead of using the phone memory.

This antivirus does not have a lot of resources in your add-on. Tse means that the smartphone is not galmuvatime, and that the battery will not be strongly charged.

It can also scan an existing collection, just like your SD card. The programs are evaluated for an additional scale of confidentiality, so that they can help you to write, as much as you can trust them.

In the wake of the defense of the individual "Identity Safeguard" regularly checks, which were in your list of contacts in the address of the electronic mail, as they previously appeared in serious cases.

The program is controlled by a web portal, which is extremely important, as you want to enforce a global privacy policy on a number of your outbuildings.

1. Revealing the stolen or stolen I will add.

2. Blocking programs, as they try to gain access to your programs.

3. Automatic scanning of memory cards, old disk and other modern outbuildings.

4. In the future, blocking the add-on in time, spend or steal, and also remove the cleaning of all files on the add-on.

5. Activation of a loud sound signal, so you can’t know the extension (for example, you forgot, where you put it, otherwise it just fell behind the back of the sofa).

6. Possibility to send a message to this person who knows your phone number.

7. Blocking calls and SMS.

For the premium version, you also get:

1. Even more supplemental support.

2. Automatic blocking shkidlivy sites.

3. Participation in the update.

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7.EsetMobilesecurity& Antivirus

This mobile add-on can have the following functions: Antivirus, Antizlochin, Antiphishing, Antispam, and also check the building system for the presence of smart programs.

This antivirus will protect your devices from new mobile threats, as well as from phishing sites.

The axis of other functions will show you the antivirus:

1. Protects against viruses from the real hour and forces you to call.

2. Allows you to scan attachments, proponing Shvidka, Intellectually or Gliboke scanning.

3. Vіn building to block the wrong call and SMS notification.

4. Vіn allows you to tamper with your attachment remotely, and block or see it instead of your computer.

5. Possibility of a distant increase in lilac.

In the premium version, you are prompted:

1. I will attach the scan for the layout.

2. Automatic update.

3. Function for detecting unsafe or unsafe programs

4. When you use your phone, you can check the map of your travel destination.

5. The ability to take pictures on the front camera of a person, as if it were your smartphone.

6. Possibility to receive notification about changing the SIM card or try to unlock the phone.

7. Possibility to get in touch with people, as if they knew your attachment.

8. Filtering calls and SMS alerts.

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8. SophosMobilesecurity

This bezkoshtovny antivirus, for the help of gloomy technologies, reverifies all programs, as you have installed them on your attachments.

If you have spent, or your phone or tablet has been stolen, you can speed up the remote blocking function.

In view of the richness of other cost-free anti-virus programs, Sophos does not avenge advertising.

This antivirus can also block sites with illegal content or spam.

You can program the day and hour of scanning files and folders, and the data base of the files and folders is periodically updated without your input.

Of course, the program has a QR scanner, which can be used to install secure Wi-Fi networks.

The program also has a recognition program, which can automatically generate one-time passwords for personal identification.

Sophos Headline FeaturesMobilesecurity

1. Scan the APK files installed both in the memory of the phone or tablet, and on the SD card.

2. Possibility of a remote blocking and a sign of a ruined Android device.

3. Possibility of distant erasing of data, as well as the emphasizing of lilacs on a stolen outbuilding.

Antivirus propagates bugatory complex attacks, spying on trojans, viruses, as well as phishing and advertising programs.

CM Security for Android protects the privacy of your data and allows you to reset passwords on any program. In this way, you can protect your contacts from outside eyes, photographs and listings from social media.

Main functions of CMsecurity

1. Whispering of the local clock kernel for scanning information.

2. Regular updating of anti-virus databases.

3. Safeguarding the real hour. Keep an eye on the antivirus for all the programs that are interested, and for updates, as well as for all the popular sites.

4. The program scans not only the internal memory of a smartphone or tablet, but also the external memory cards.

5. The antivirus takes a picture of the intruder, who scammed your attachment, as if he entered the password incorrectly.

6. The program also cleans the attachments from the excesses of the program and optimizes its memory.

Recently, as an addendum, there is a lot of advertising, through which the impersonal skarg of koristuvachiv appeared. Let's hope that the retailers correct the pardon. For those who are not handy advertising, you can swindle the retailers themselves.

De zavantazhiti antivirus

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10. 360 securityAntivirus

For the help of the courtier's protection, this cost-free antivirus for Android can guard the security of your building in real time, and also correct inconsistencies in the system, and prevent the flow of personal information.

The program can also clean up your smartphone or tablet background additives, to speed up the robot I will add.

Regardless of the large number of functions, the anti-virus of destruction is as sensible as possible for any kind of koristuvach.

Key features of 360 Security

1. Dvohrіvneviy zahist vіd shkіdlivih prog. With all the help of dark technologies for searching for viruses, which allows you to know the latest malware programs.

2. Launching a new type of anti-virus engines, the program already scans quickly for any attachments.


Dr.Web Light anti-virus is a simplified version of one of the largest popular antiviruses for android.

Dr.Web Light, as well as Dr.Web Security Space with two versions of the same antivirus with great capabilities, which allow you to secure your device with complex protection against all types of programs.

Head functions Anti-virusDr.Weblight:

1. Possibility of choosing a Swiss or a new (glibsh) scan I will add.

2. Traffic control and online verification of all files that you want.

3. The "Antispam" function allows you to block unwanted calls and SMS alerts.

4. The function "Anti-evil" gives you the opportunity to remove attachments from time to time and to delete all special data and important information.

5. Possibility to unblock your attachments, as if due to virus infections, call if the phone is blocked again.

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TOP-15 anti-viruses free for Android

For all koristuvachs, safety is important. For the choice of a virus-free virus, we present the TOP-15 free antiviruses for android.

We need to protect the gadget not only from viruses, but also from overheating. Overheating is most often blamed on the one-hour work of a few programs.

Optimization of work and protection of data - the axis of what can work, be it some kind of antivirus.

Do not install a copy of anti-viruses overnight. Skin from them vvazhaє іnshoy virus program, able to work operating room. If it is necessary to change the antivirus, then it is important to see the back of the front.

Por_vnyalna table

CM Security antivirusє Cheetah Mobile, a retail company. The simplest interface and the navigation system allow you to quickly orient yourself in the navigation.

The program is richly functional and can be improved in a number of ways to optimize the work of the phone (tablet). From whom CM Security (Cheetah Mobile) steals components overnight.

1 Antivirus scanner and monitor. Immediately after the installation, the program scans the data of the smartphone, hoping to cause pardons and threats. It is also necessary to scan memory cards. After the threats of koristuvachev were revealed, it was proponated to correct the pardon.

It is possible to block shkіdlivih messages on the Internet and threats from wi-fi. If the URL is not secure, access to the new one is limited.

2 Antivillain. CM Security is linked from In case of intrusion, I will add it with the installed program, through the site you can block the phone, you will be given a wine beep. You can also create a photo of the villain. The camera works like only a person is pressed onto the screen. Koristuvach otrimu GPS roztashuvannya gadget and it will be easier to shukati.

2 Blocking programs (or access to them). If the attachment is in the wrong hands, then read the SMS reminder, mail the listing, or you won’t see it without a password.

Blocking alert to help you get rid of spam. In case of changing the password on the appendices, it is sufficient to tick off the necessary ones.

3 Reasonable diagnosis. In memory, a lot of files are always saved. Deyakі from them become “smіtєvimi”, so they don’t win. For the help of CM Security, you can clear the cache with the same files as soon as the system is rechecked.

Crim program and files, koristuvach can control notifications. It does not help to speed up the work, I will add it, and the advice is no longer important when victorious.

Kaspersky Internet Security

Antivirus is available in both paid and non-combat versions. After the demo version is finished, these functions will appear, and the scanning of files must be started manually.

1 Rechecking the background helps to protect against attached threats (Trojans, viruses in files). When you see it, threats are immediately blocked. For re-verification of the program, I don’t need confirmation, I won’t add it to the robot and I’ll build it.

2 Program blocking The function of victoring is to protect the confidentiality of data in other programs. You can set your account settings, data or notifications under password protection. Ide exchange for other programs and programs, also protect from other coristuvachs.

In addition, all incoming and outgoing calls and SMS are recorded in the journal. The program has its own list (which is folded with a short list), so spam can be blocked.

3 For Kaspersky internet security for android walk anti-villain function. When you open the phone, you can see all the data, turn off the siren, or take a picture of the villain. The data will be given to the Vlasnik, and you can find the phone number.

5 Keruvati Kaspersky Internet Security for Android is available voice alerts but for the help of a wise year-old.

Warto signify that Kaspersky Corporation has global popularity and can be one of highest systems Zahistu.

Dr Web Light

Dr.Web is the center of zahistu

This version has daily scanning of calls, sms, URL-sending and anti-evil. To make everything available, you need to download Dr.Web Security Space (if you have to pay for it later).

  • Following the command of Dr.Wed Light's koristuvach, it scans files, file systems and data on shkіdlі programs. When saving and investigating new objects, the program automatically checks them, blocking them in case of threats.
  • Navit when blocking the phone with other programs (it is possible to take pennies for the return of data) this data will be saved. Dr.Web blocks and ti viruses, there are none in the database programs. When tsimu post-updating help to improve yoga robot.
  • We have suspected that the programs will move to the "quarantine" zone with possible responses to the virus. The program independently reports the statistics of file threats.
  • Zavdyaki optimization, I will add a battery to rebuvay under the inflow of the program and work more. Dr.Web will be better for coristing the limited Internet, because new updates require little traffic.

Clean Master

Clean Master helps in cleansing, optimizing and adding it as soon as possible, and what’s worse is absolutely cost-free.

360 Security is one of the most popular integrated anti-virus programs. Optimization and zahist cost-free and only for one crochet is now possible.

  • Outwardly clean. The call of duty on the outbuildings is to help you to re-scan the system. The data base of 360 Security is great, it checks in and out of unknown files for competent cleaning.
  • Handy design. The design of the interface is thought out to the point, which allows you to easily navigate the menu. Usі nalashtuvannya available be-what my.
  • Energy stabilization. Permanent control of the charge of the tablet (phone) old robot. Protecting SMS, photos or access to social networks will give a chance not to strain for your data, as if the gadget is in the wrong hands.
  • Anti-theft service. You can contact 360 Security retailers through So, when the phone is stolen, you can know, erase or save the data. All notifications and programs on the extension are blocked.
  • Access to the management of the treasure. This function allows you to save files and transfer files to a memory card. The interior space becomes clean and organized. With such a setup, it is easy to find undesirable files.

DU Speed ​​Booster & Cleaner

Complex analysis before purification and optimization. It doesn’t just protect, but it’s ahead of possible threats.

Without access to the premium level ($2 for a month, $8 for a month), the following functions will be unavailable: theft protection, ad blocking, and program blocking.

Other upgrades in the free Avast Mobile Security:

  • Antivirus core. Re-verification of files on spygun programs, as well as re-verification of new and exciting programs. Before revisiting the site from a remote virus. Unsafe resources may be blocked.
  • Viewing data from the system cache memory, installation files and other materials that are not victorious in robots.
  • When blacklisted, allow blocking inappropriate numbers phone book. This number can be stored in the memory of the phone, just copy it from the buffer of the antivirus.
  • Anonymously retrieval of URLs sent by Trojans blocking them. After blocking the data, they are also forced to the corporation anonymously.
  • After the connection to the wi-fi mail and special data is blocked. Tim himself has access to the koristuvach's smartphone from the community.

AVG AntiVirus Free

Zahist povіdomlen that program is absolutely cost-free.

  • Zakhist. Perevіryaє іgri ta dodatok on vіrusi. Rechecking websites for the presence of threats for PZ (as an error was detected, the code is redirected to the safe side). Scanning and analysis wi-fi merezha on the presence of shakhraiv.
  • Productivity. Controlling robotic batteries: statistics with add-ons, energy saving. Vimknennya background zavdan. Optimization and traffic regulation.
  • Anti-evil. Otrimannya data about roztashuvannya smartphone. Screen lock for information you may know. Appreciation of the lilac. Photo taken from the camera for an hour try entering the password. Outward blocking.
  • Confidentiality. You can set a password for the photo gallery. Black list of contacts to block calls and SMS that come from the selected number. View of Chrome browser history and call buffers.
  • There are 33 MOVs available.

Robotic stock ESET

The first 30 days have access to the latest version of the open letter. Premium has the following features:

  • Automatic blocking of theft every hour through the company's website;
  • Scanning by phone for a layout;
  • Charging hour;
  • Automatic database update;
  • Manage alerts and calls.

To get rid of without further payment:

  • I'll attach a scan for a request. Iyavlennya that vidalennya mozhlivih threats.
  • Rechecking new program files.
  • Quarantine. Even before the hour of rechecking, the virus was detected, since the programs did not get into the robot, after the virus was removed, the program was left in the memory of the smartphone.
  • When you steal or steal via SMS, you can find out more precisely about the release of androids with the upcoming inclusion of lilacs.
  • Protects SIM card vіd vіtoku data.
  • Є adaptation for the tablet.


Not all customizations will be available for good, but McAfee LiveSafe and McAfee All Access are now stock-free. Premium McAfee has daily ads.

  • Protection against theft, security. Zapobіgannya round of information from the annex. When the robber is stolen, the photo of the robber is corrected. In emergency situations, the phone saves the GPS position before failing. A copy of contacts and SMS is available when changing the phone number. Fence on diї z programs do not allow them to be seen. Correcting the text message of any gadget on phone number, Koristuvach takes the exact address of your smartphone
  • Confidentiality. For the skin supplement, you have your own profile, so as not to let anyone read the listing. All programs that can protect special information can change the password. Before setting the password, the antivirus should be reminded, as the programs may store such information. Black list of blocking calls and SMS from selected numbers.
  • A boost to productivity. Scanning the system for threats, lowering Shakhrai installations. Prodovzhennya robotic batteries through the path of new її control. Intermediation of background programs (zupinka). Entry files also occupying space with the congregation, McAfee can see them after monitoring. For koristuvachiv mobile internet you can set up a traffic exchange, or turn off the programs, like vikoristovuyut more than others.
  • Antivirus. Rechecking folders from files and SD-cards. Revealing of software-vimages and spy files. Scanning and zahist web services, social measures, call and sms. Blocking unsafe wi-fi

    Golovne menu Antivirus Android

    Postiyny search for shkіdlivih programs. Scanning is automatically performed. Є advertising, deyakі services can be paid. Vimogi before installation is minimal

    • Reading the addenda to avenge special data on the fact of shakhrayism.
    • Anti-evil. Please note that the phone number has been checked after the verification of the SIM card. Strengthening the data of the SIM card to the scammer in case of theft or loss. Before the change of the telephone they are created backup copies sms and phone book.
    • Deyakі programs can move before quarantine.
    • Zavdyaki functions to save batteries, the phone spends energy less than an hour after the last day.
    • Traffic monitoring. Programs and backgrounds are now under full control.
    to hell

Dr.Web Light is a cost-free, lightweight anti-virus for smartphones


  • Effective threat monitoring and heuristics
  • Relay scanning system
  • Hateful robot on aphids


  • Sometimes they get pardons
  • High Varity

Dr.Web Light anti-virus protection

Regardless of the Light prefix, Dr.Web offers the entire set of basic functions to protect your mobile device from malicious software.

What's important, Dr.Web works fast, without navigating the processor and RAM, as a way to defeat more functional competitors. The program is miraculously optimized for robotic Android smartphones that tablets, the background zahist will be unremembered for a koristuvach. Navit on annexes іz 512 Mb operational memory"Doctor" is quieter and does not drain the battery.

The antivirus is good to install and allows you to select the scanning mode, either externally or on the fly, like the desktop version of Doctor Internet. If you need to scan the folder and disk for viruses - it's not a problem, it's enough to specify it before starting the scan.

If you often check on your phone and if you want to run the anti-virus at hand, you can add a special Dr.Web Light widget to your home screen. To help you manually revise the Internet content that you are interested in. However, there is no special need for regular updates, but the SpIDer Guard monitor shields your phone in real time.

Significantly more possibilities. Dr.Web Lite successfully copes with blocking viruses. If the attachment is blocked, the antivirus eliminates the threat and removes the attack. Although there is no virus at the Dr Web database, Origins Tracing™ technology will help to detect potential threats by analyzing the behavior of running processes.

Free version of Dr.Web anti-virus for Android does not include spam filter, SMS blacklist, burglar protection and other actions important functions security. For them, you need to switch to Dr.Web Security Space (the cost is about $30).

Dr.Web Lite is regularly updated at once from anti-virus databases stop updating dated July 19, 2018).

You can install an antivirus on a smartphone/tablet at a lower cost (the number of installations exceeded 50 million - a significant indicator for software in the security category). Doctor Web rating on Google Play: 4.5.

Malwarebytes Security for Android: remove adware, spyware and ransomware


  • unmarked

Malwarebytes antivirus has successfully taken root on the desktop platform, and has been available recently Mobile version programs. The main functions are protection against phishing, advertising and Shakhrai PZ, removal of viruses, trojans. Malwarebytes defender works in real time and does not outsource phone resources.

The base version of Malwarebytes for Android is free of charge. Premium allows you to test additional functions for a period of 30 days, after which it "appears" to the free version.

Features of Malwarebytes:

  1. Timely manifestation of that virus-vimagachiv vidalennya - not checking the blocking of the phone; If at the moment of infection the anti-virus Malwarebytes will be installed, the virus-wimagach will also be removed;
  2. Identification of phishing and sloppy PZ, scrambled messages in input textual aids and any text, including e-mail, Facebook or Whatsapp or websites.
  3. Scanning programs in real time. Malwarebytes Security identifies malicious code, potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) and adware among other programs.
  4. Monitoring apps permissions – protection against unauthorized access installed addenda to the file system. An addendum, which requires more than a great right of access, is considered as a suspicion and, for the sake of a coristuvach, is taken to Quarantine.
  5. Calculation of spyware (programs that detect roztashuvannya, pressing keys, calls, spend pennies on the attachment of the collection).

Want to Malwarebytes Security and do not enter up to the rating popular supplements(160 ths. zavantazhen), we recommend yoga as a mobile antivirus. Accept, cost-free demo version will be a service, as you noted suspected activity on the extension.

Kaspersky Internet Security - Malware Detection, Theft Detection and Anti-Phishing


  • Innodi vimikaetsya pіd hour of work


  • Pratsuє fast, not much zaguzhuyuchi resources
  • Virus database is updated promptly
  • Anti-villain function

AVG AntiVirus FREE: a privacy hacker


  • Protection against phishing
  • Rechecking programs for viruses


  • Nasty remarks
  • No technical trims for Russians

AVG AntiVirus FREE - One best antiviruses on Android among the middle of the cost-free. Main functions:

  • protection against viruses, malware, spyware and potentially unsafe add-ons;
  • control of access rights for installed programs;
  • blocking of unwanted calls, sms.

AVG AntiVirus FREE works in real-time mode, it is also possible to check files for help. Like most other mobile antiviruses, AVG scans the sd card and internal memory of the phone.

Anti-Theft Function Google Maps. As a phone of intrusions, you can use radical tools - in the future, cleaning data and blocking a mobile extension.

Private data of the program is blocked by a pin code. You can get access to messengers, photos and videos on your phone. Another function of protection is blocking the smartphone after changing the SIM card.

Also, AVG promotes the function of irreversible file sharing in the memory of the phone or on the sd card. It is necessary, for example, that a smartphone / tablet is ready to be sold, otherwise it will become super important. Personal information erase in such a rank, it is impossible to restore.

AVG AntiVirus has other less important tools: task manager, file cleaner and battery optimizer (Power Save). There are no special needs for them: remain android versions vbudovanie zasobi optimization.

AVG AntiVirus is popular on Google Play: > 100 million bids. AVG AntiVirus has a rating of 4.5 on Google Play.

ESET Mobile Security & Antivirus - ransomware detection and security monitoring


  • Often z'yavlyayutsya povіdomlennya


  • Effective protection against Trojans
  • Real-time security monitoring
  • Vіdmіnna tekhpіdtrimka

ESET Mobile Security is an antimalware add-on for Android that scans mobile apps for viruses, trojans, ransomware; it also detects spyware and advertising functions among installed programs.

The cost-free version (30-day trial) allows you to evaluate the premium-functionality of the anti-virus without any restrictions. In a month, the program will work in normal mode, but without premium-functions.

Possibility without cost ESET versions Mobile Security:

  • Anti-evil. If you have used your phone, send SMS and take gps coordinates. You can also find out about the loss of information through the Internet;
  • vibirkove scanning file system, internal memory that sd-card to vimoga koristuvach;
  • search for malware, spyware and adware add-ons in the middle of installations (including attachments and system ones);
  • zvіt z security (allows you to reveal and use the inconsistency of Android).

Features of the premium version of ESET Mobile Security:

  • Call Filter - black list for incoming calls and text messages from anonyms and contacts from the address book;
  • Rechecking permissions for installed programs (Security Audit module);
  • Zahist dodatkіv i danih koristuvach for additional pin-code or fingerprint;
  • Modules Proactive Anti-Theft and Anti-Phishing.

Antivirus 360 Security - another good antivirus for Android


360 Security Antivirus Free

As a rule, be it antiviruses, if they claim to be the best or just good, they can have a basic set of functions. If you use antivirus 360 Security for Android (expansion free of charge), you will get the cash bonus. Yaky? Read further.

Main features of antivirus 360 Security in Android edition:

  • Defend the phone in real time: gloomy, that antivirus database is updated without interruption, protecting against viruses, trojans and malware
  • Anti-villain function: find out your intrusions or stolen phone
  • Defendant for notification and contacts in the address book phone
  • Blacklist (blacklist) for blocking unwanted calls and alerts
  • Monitoring of mobile data recovery

360 Security add-ons:

  • quick robot sd cards,
  • remote non-required files,
  • the possibility of a little more hour autonomous robots add-ons for the optimization of the frequency of the processor and bezdrotovoy merezh.

Tsikava is a feature of antivirus 360 Security - the function of cleaning the Android system "with your own hands". Shake your smartphone or tablet - start automatic cleaning systems. This is an idea, even though it’s purely sensible (what’s wrong with mobile antivirus?)...

I realized that such a multimedia "combine" is not needed by everyone (you can know that it's easier to get anti-viruses for Android). Until then, the core of 360 Security de facto supports the robot of a smartphone on Android.

Important respect: an addendum for normal work You will need root access. You can be far from safe without spending a guarantee. Since there are no similar access rights on your device, then the functions of the robot system files those processes will be more obmezhenі.

Verdict. Antivirus 360 Security is recommended, as a mobile device may have a problem: 1 GB of RAM. Other options for protesting on smartphones/tablets: real-time monitoring, anti-evil, black list, privacy protection are important functions. This raptom of the cleaning function will appear dark and will replace the CleanMaster cleaner for you.

CM Security (Security Master) - antivirus, optimizations for Intel devices


  • Effective virus purification
  • Scanned report log

Android antivirus interface CM Security

What can I say, looking at the order of the best anti-viruses for androids: if you need a firmware and an unfamiliar program robot, then you can turn your attention to the CM Security mobile anti-virus in the FREE version. It is possible to override the capabilities of the programs for a long time, but we are less likely to focus on the important features of one of the best virus-free antiviruses.

As for the important powers of CM Security among competitors, then the stench is considered by those who deny the ability to "evil the bugger", which reads your listing, otherwise it is possible to gain access to the device. Yakscho tse unauthorized access, then the antivirus for Android will capture a photo of the intruder with the front camera of the smartphone and send it to you by email. Until then, the sign will be broken after a double incorrect password entry when unlocking a smartphone or tablet.

As you can see from the subheading, the original version of CM Security is optimized specifically for x86-devices Intel processors that AMD, which is the archetypal peculiarities of the architecture.

Mobile Security - Avast free antivirus for Android


  • Web spyware works on different browsers
  • She is strong nadiy zahist type of malware
  • Vidminny set of anti-virus functions
  • Vіddalene blocking, cleansing and reconciliation
  • Tools for SMS commands
  • Cost-free antivirus for Android OS


  • Piggy camera not available
  • Web interface confusing antivirus
  • Long-term improvement of anti-aging function
  • Android screen blocking problems

Mobile Security & AntiVirus like Avast for Android

Locks our rating of the best cost-free antivirus add-ons of Avast Mobile Security (also known as Avast on Android). Nastіlny Avast antivirus I know rich, so the popularity of the middle of other antiviruses on Android was even higher. In principle, Avast for android is to complete a smart and productive complex with the necessary set of mobile security functions:

  • possibility of scanning internally old memory phone "on the fly"
  • rechecking a smartphone for viruses on a vimogu koristuvach,
  • robot h blacklisted,
  • other basic capabilities from the security of security on the mobile platform

The functionality of Mobile Security & Avast for Android has been transferred to mobile devices with root-accessible activation. You can turn off the firewall, which follows the same principle as on the desktop versions operating systems. In addition, with the help of the Mobile Security module, you can disable more functions of the mobile antivirus in the future.

There are two ways to get Avast's cost-free antivirus on Android. The first of them is to go to the site and write Avast Free Mobile Security click on the button Install without cost. Next, you will go to the Google Play website, where you need to click on the green "Install" button. Then you can install the Avast antivirus on your smartphone or tablet.

Another method, how to get the Avast antivirus free of charge - go to the distribution Programs\u003e Security on the website and get the basic version of the distribution kit (on given moment tse edition number 5.1.2).

Verdict. Safe to use Avast with one of the best anti-virus add-ons for 2018. Retrieve the latest set of security functions for a smartphone and tablet, and add a few more. Nedoliki "Avasta" є, but the stench is not so іstotnі.

Summary. In this manner, today we have looked at a few cost-free antiviruses from the protection of your smartphone or tablet installed Android OS. A kind of antivirus for the basic protection of Android for shkidlivih programs is better for you. The skin program can look at its own chips, and you can freely choose between functionality and swidcode.

Food service

I have ZenFone 2 version 5.0.0. Suggest whether there is a better antivirus for Android - Doctor Web or Avast. It's just that you need a normal antivirus, which, having already spent on a Trojan virus, had a chance to carry a smartphone for repair.

Vidpovid. І Dr Web, і Avast - fully effective anti-viruses. Please note that for security purposes it is necessary to update the virus database regularly (especially as the news contains information about new viruses for Android). As you have won the licensed version of the mobile antivirus, there are no problems with security. For the sake of interest, you can install Kaspersky or 30 Security.

At the annex, for the time being, thank God, there is nothing nasty. Ale, the axis of Google me nadislav, that I have 2 viruses. Name them folding, dovgі. In one of the English words it says "device, but just name a few of them. Google set a timer on the side for 1.5 times and said follow these shorts.

There was a licensed version on Android, after the fate of buying a new key for 3 extensions, but in mobile supplement don't go out, just want the tab "take more opportunities" to the point of infinity. Why has a problem how to fix it? Or how to drive a new key into my Kaspersky program on Android

I got an alert on my tablet. MVS Russia blocked my tablet and asked me to pay 4000 yew. rub I removed Yandex. I think that I can see the virus, but I can’t go to the gallery, camera, enticement, and I can’t google the antivirus.

Hotіv remove the virus Cureit-th through great computer but don’t download your smartphone, like a znimny disk and don’t chop yoga.

Can you go to the Tele2 salon? Maybe there you can see the virus through your computer?

The skin specialist of a modern gadget, who knows about the safety of his data, should think about a good antivirus. In this article, we will tell you about the most efficient and effective antiviruses for Android devices. All programs presented on this side can be purchased free of charge from Google Play and do not worry about saving your data.

Antivirus for Android is a special add-on for protecting your device from shkidlivih programs. The term "shkidlivy programs" can be used for all kinds of unsafe programs, such as viruses, worms, trojans and spyware viruses.

For the protection of your smartphone, that tablet will need less than some antiviruses, which, unfortunately, are not so rich on Android. Tom in The list includes only the most useful and practical utilities.

Antiviruses are installed the same way as if they were other programs. It’s important to say with renewed confidence, which of the antiviruses for android is the best, but out of the number of reviews, we tried to pick the 10 most the best additions for a phone call.

What kind of antivirus and what kind of wine is needed on Android

Did you want to install an antivirus on your phone? Because of this drive, rich coristuvachiv androids have an impersonal superechok, as if in need of vikoristannya. From one side, there are a lot of virus threats, for which it is simply necessary to secure your gadget. Ale s іnshoy, as the culinaries themselves say. android system already more or less protected from viruses.

Let's take a look at the main types of viruses on Android, 4 types are most often seen:

  • Trojan - looks like another program.
  • Shpigun - collects bank card data, passwords and other special data.
  • Advertisement - show ads that are merged, or zavantazhu software without your help.
  • Zdirnik - block your phone and pay for unlocking.

Remember, you can't get the virus to your smartphone or tablet, until you get it yourself!

Who needs antivirus and in some ways, install yoga varto:

  1. You zavantazhuєte іgri z unofficial dzherel.
  2. You actively win programs that help you earn a penny, such as: WebMoney, Mobile banks and others.
  3. The need for additional functions, for example, such as cleaning up and speeding up, like in rich antiviruses.

Who does not need an antivirus and if it is installed neobov'yazkove:

  1. You are less official Google Market play.
  2. You do not win a mobile bank and other programs related to payment on the Internet.

Pluses and minuses of antiviruses

Let's take a look at the main advantages and disadvantages of antiviruses installed on Android devices.


  1. Virus protection for files.
  2. Blocking shkidlivy sites.
  3. Added functionality, such as: Anti-Villainy, AntiSpam, AppLock, autostart manager, as well as the ability to clear, speed up, save charge and in some versions.


  1. For safety, I’ll add an antivirus, be it guilty, and always stay in a running state, through which we’ll take a day’s work to account for the exhaustion (OZP).
  2. As a rule, all antivirus programs for Android are mentally cost-free, and for full functionality, you need to get the Pro version.
  3. Periodically, all antiviruses react to normal programs from the Play Market as if they were on a roll.

Install an antivirus on your Android so that it doesn’t lie just in front of you, but we can confidently say that having installed good antivirus on your smartphone or tablet - you definitely don’t want to do it any more.

The best antiviruses for Android

1. Dr. Web- two versions of Doctor Web antivirus with wide functionality and the ability of Russian language, as a way to secure complex protection of your mobile device against all types of threats.

  1. Shvidke or outside scanning of the file system.
  2. Firewall - traffic monitoring, s online revision hijacked files.
  3. Antispam - secure you with unsolicited calls or SMS.
  4. Anti-villain - to help you know the gadget at a time, spend it or steal it and, if necessary, you can see special information.
  5. Unblocking an infected phone will be found when the phone is blocked again.


2.CM Security- antivirus, blocking programs, speeding up the phone and clearing it in one program. CM Security is one of the best antiviruses for Android in the Google Play Market.

Main functions and characteristics:

  1. Practice on phones and tablets.
  2. Cleaned up, I’ll build it up soon.
  3. Bagatorіvneviy zakhist: suvaє razlivіst і sistemє і scanuє vstanovlyuvaniє software.
  4. The function of blocking the program is a photo of an intruder, like a skin photographer who enters the wrong password.
  5. Blocking confidential files.
  6. Poshuk phone (zahist vіd kraіzhki).
  7. Blocking nebazhany or Shakhraysky dzvinki.


3. Avast is a product of the Avast Software company, which scans the system and protects against common types of infected files, phishing, malware, spyware and viruses, such as Trojans.

Main functions and characteristics:

  1. Automatically scan for viruses and firmware.
  2. Block special programs for an additional PIN code.
  3. Scans and blocks messages on the Internet.
  4. Blocking spam calls.


4.AVG Antivirus- high class bezkoshtovny zahist add android in real time mode AVG AntiVirus FREE - protects you from viruses, malware and spy programs, and also in the form of nebazhanyh vodomlen that help you to improve your special data at safety.

Main functions and characteristics:

  1. Defend against viruses, steal and spam.
  2. Energy saving.
  3. Supporting Russian.


5. 360 security-Antivirus + Precoryuvach + Cleansing.
One of the best programs for file swiping, virus protection and battery saving. 360 Security boosts the productivity of your phone, as well as solves the problems of "galvanization" and "hanging".

Main functions and characteristics:

  1. Without registration.
  2. Cleaning up redundant files.
  3. Mozhlivіst priskornnya I will add.
  4. Helps conserve battery power.


6.Mobile Security & Antivirus s is another bad antivirus for tablets and smartphones android, with a wide range of capabilities.

Main functions and characteristics:

  1. Automatic scanning or on request.
  2. Accommodation in quarantine.
  3. Module "Anti-evil".
  4. Manage calls and SMS.
  5. Without registration.


7.Kaspersky Internet Security- Free anti-virus for Android under the supervision of Kaspersky Lab.
The Kaspersky program is a cost-free solution for the security of mobile devices. Protects your smartphone or tablet, as well as placing special and confidential data on them against any mobile threats, including viruses, spyware and Trojans.

Main functions and characteristics:

  1. Possibility of curation through Android Wear.
  2. Blocking unsafe websites.
  3. Blocking unwanted calls from SMS.
  4. Anti-Evil function (I will add a prank at the time of spending or stealing).


8.Clean Master- Cleansing master + antivirus. The program does not foresee registration and additionally speed up and secure your phone from viruses in online mode.