What is the best virtual sholom. Sholom of virtual reality Oculus Rift - Widgets.

Affordable way to get to VR

Sholomi virtual reality have become one of the leading IT trends in rock. At a number of exhibitions, prototypes of Sony PlayStation VR (previously known as Project Morpheus) and HTC Vive VR were shown, Samsung updated its Sholom Gear VR, announcements of Microsoft HoloLens, and now Oculus Rift (the whole project, well, and having generated interest in VR-solomіv), it was a little bit incoherent with the possible release of a commercial version (it is scheduled for the beginning of 2016). If you want VR-sholomi dosi to be accepted as more futuristic, really add-on from the center of the sphere is already quite accessible - visit the Russian branch. Today we get to know Homido VR-sholom - one of the most accessible outbuildings in this category.

The first step is to go straight to the hero looking around, figuring out what type of VR-sholomіv today is known. I realized that the market is only taking shape, and it can still change, but for now it obviously fell into two categories: sholomi-computers, which can be beaten without additional outbuildings and sholomi, yakі vimagayut to insert a smartphone into them. The first ones are Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR and HTC Vive VR. This is an expensive add-on, which is a complex of hardware and software elements, created specifically for this model.

Another category is folded to simple extensions, in the range of the self-selected Google Cardboard (the whole cardboard structure with plastic lenses inserted into it - theoretically, such a thing can be built in home minds from handy materials). Samsung Gear VR(Here already there are more serious materials, and more importantly, there are elements of management on the very sholom).

Homido and competitor Fibrum take another category, but take the middle position for functionality / design, and, arguably, for the price of copying Google Cardboard and not cheap Samsung Gear VR.

On the way Sholom Homido appearing for sale in the other half of 2014. Starting from the summer of 2015, the company “Videosvidok” sells with us, as it was adopted by the issue of Russian instructions and Russification company addenda. Vtіm, let's not get ahead of ourselves and take the novelty in order.

Video look around

For the beginning of acquaintance, it is advisable to look over our video review of the sholoma of virtual reality Homido:

Complete set

Sholom of virtual reality Homido VR came to us in a compact cardboard box, so we could know enough detailed information about attachments, moreover, Russian.

In the middle of the packing box, a fabric-covered case on a blister is for handy storage and transportation of Homido VR. Silence, that they didn’t save on such speeches without regard for the apparently small price of sholom.

The middle of the box is the sholom itself, the servlet that cleans it, the informational leaflet, the keratinization of the coristuvach of the Russian mine, three pairs of trims of lenses (in the photo below, one pair is in the sholom itself, the other two pairs are the instructions), the foam nozzle is replaced.

Newly needed insole pairs of vlasniks for lenses? To the one that stinks different rozmіr and insurance for people with a wide eye: because you have far-sightedness and short-sightedness, you have a chance to try one of these options. What is the cost of the foam rubber pads (it comes to the face of a coristuvacha, if it’s a sholom of clothes) - here, maybe, it’s broken just about every vipadok.

Zagalom complete set is beautiful and it will take care of everything that is necessary, plus the addition of additional items.


The sholom itself is a plastic construction with two lenses in the middle, a gummed belt for fastening on the head and a nozzle already described, which ensures that the sholom is smeared to the face.

The old look of the sholom is less effective, lower in the Sony PlayStation VR, but, really, for this parameter, evaluate attachments without a hint, shards under the hour of corystuvannya people, like a sholom pulled on, absolutely baiduzhe, like it looks like it, well, but from the side you can flaunt, obviously, only relatives and close friends.

Much more important is the clarity and mood of a particular koristuvach. And here Homido VR has everything: there are already descriptions of nozzles for lenses, which allow you to see near or see the types of eyes of the coristuvach, in the shoe you can adjust the length of the straps, for the help of such a shoe, you can fix it on your head, stand between the lenses and there yourself in the coristus lenses. For the transfer of the ribs, the red rings are from the sides and the beast.

In front of the sholom is a plastic zipper for a smartphone. Just insert a new smartphone with a diagonal of 4 to 5.7 inches, expand it so that it is approximately in the center - and you can start to get blurry in virtual reality. The summation of the impersonality of the outbuildings (it seems to be good, it might be possible to walk around as if it were a modern smartphone) - this is a great plus for Homido VR in line with our protests earlier than Samsung Gear VR, which is a summation only samsung galaxy Note 4. In the photo below, you can see the iPhone 6, inserts at the sholom.

It is as easy as it is to insert a smartphone, as it is inserted: there are no slams here. In case of tsomu, ostensibly innocence and riziku, scho smartphone vipade z sholoma, tezh not. We specially tried to strongly shake the sholom, turning it around. Smartphone without destroying a single millimeter! Tobto zatyskach is really strong.

As we look at the inner part of the sholom, then we see lenses there, ripped in silicone fasteners, and a mechanism that allows the lenses to collapse one to one, or one in one, fallow, in some way, turn the upper wheel.

I agree that everything here is implemented in a purely mechanical way, so that there are no electronics in the shell, we can’t see it - on the side of the shell of Samsung and Sony, it doesn’t seem like it’s about Oculus, which is the same computer. Here you can find navigation elements (like, for example, the “Back” button or touch panel Samsung Gear VR), and all controls are behind the help of a smartphone. Фактично, Homido VR створений за тією ж концепцією, що і Google Cardboard, з тією тільки різницею, що тут нічого не треба самостійно збирати, компоненти і сама конструкція куди більш надійні, на голові користувача це зручніше сидить і є можливість індивідуального налаштування під фізіологію конкретного koristuvacha (tse yak gostrota dawn, and th rozmіr head, interpupillary vіdstan lean. p.).

Software for robotics with sholom

Since then, all interactions are being played through a smartphone, mobile programs that allow you to watch 3D videos, play video games and other VR content come to the fore. Homido has two such add-ons: Homido Center and Homido Player. We report it all at once, but firstly for all the following things will be discussed: with the same success on the Homido sholom (more precisely, on a smartphone inserted in the sholom) you can win and whether or not there are other additions - for example, expanded for Google Cardboard or Fibrum, like і First of all, you can hack with Homido from Google Cardboard. Regular rechecks for the reliability of the hardware software here you can’t and can’t, shards, guessing, all this and sholom and add electronic stuffing and even more universal in the world of consciousness (that’s why it’s surrounded only by the physical dimensions of a smartphone and that screen).

Understandably, for enthusiasts, there is a majestic space, so you can freely practice with whatever content you like, try it, experiment ... But in this case, there is a problem: specially for Homido, there are few rozroblyatima, and vibir is clearly hopeless, practice , small.

Homido Center

Otzhe, pochnemo s Homido Center. The catalog of add-ons and web content for VR-sholomiv. Homido Center is available free of charge on Android and iOS, the interface is practically unrepairable, but you can collect add-ons in catalog, naturally, differently.

On the main screen, we can dial recommended programs. Basically, simple games or demo scenes that allow you to understand the specifics of VR. The control of these games is controlled by turning the head. The simplest butt is an arcade, to rush along the corridor, whimpering through the passage and picking up coins. It’s even more difficult that hoarse action, not respecting the whole primitiveness of the picture. Also, it’s a game, a virtual aim - it needs to be directed again by turning the head on the song of the object. For example, at Moorente, pitchings are flying over you, which you need to shoot to help such an aim.

In order to see all the available programs for sholom, you need to click on the menu button in the upper left corner and in the list that appears, select any item from the “Programs” category.

Here, the “Category” item is especially important, in a way that is overridden, it’s possible that all types of VR add-ons are possible, so if you start getting familiar with VR-sholom, you may feel free to come here just to find out about those who can be in principle.

Otherwise, you can simply select a list of new or recommended add-ons. Whether you choose a set of supplements, you will also have access to improved sorting. You can sort for a fee / no cost, date of exit, for the name (alphabetical order). I agree that Homido Center is not a store of add-ons, but a manual catalog, so after pressing on the selection of add-ons you will go to Apple App Store / Google Play Store, where you can already get a new program.

3D-photo (tobto stereophoto) and 3D-video - z zim all zrozumilo. What do you want 360-degree photos / videos - it’s too rich, shards allow you to effectively see yourself in the middle of virtual reality. Respectfully, however, all content is not in the Homido Center itself, but on the Internet. Zocrema, when you press on the preview of some 360-degree photo, we just go to the 360cities.net website, where the photo is already displayed (it’s enough to turn the smartphone horizontally).

And you need an axis to watch the video, the Internet, another addition to Homido - it's called Homido Player.

Homido Player and revisiting 3D movies

The headline task of the program is to help you create video for sholom, automatically dividing the image into two parts and converting it into a stereo pair. The video can be taken from YouTube / Vimeo, otherwise you can know that you can get the content you need on your own. Vlasne, at the main menu of the program, the Video Player item itself goes up to the creation of local files, and Internet Browser - up to the online video. At the bookmarks, there is a sprat (in the same number on 360-degree videos on YouTube), and with this very success, you can drive it into the address bar of the browser that be-yake іnshe dzherelo.

Significantly, in the presence of a particular video, you can possibly have a chance to change the position of the lenses in Sholomy - and here we see a great plus of Homido in pairing with Google Cardboard and Fibrum, Homido shards can have such a possibility, and Google and Fibrum sholomi - no. To our knowledge, I can say that not all videos can be viewed normally after installation, that is, without twins (vertical or horizontal). However, here, perhaps, there are signs of the existence of common standards, as well as for the sholomivists, and for the creators of the content, there will be more generation.

One of the main features of Homido Player is Sholomy's review of 3D films. Moreover, the effect of 3D is really more good to look at - it’s not better, it’s lower at the cinema, so you can see your eyes and the picture is smaller here. Ale zreshtoy vrazhennya, all the same, go out in the morning. І the problem is not only with swidky stomluvanity (it is not recommended to change for a long time with sholomy).

Nasampered, it will not be easy to know the content. For a review, you need a video, split like a completely horizontal stereo pair (you can also joke Full Side by Side, SBS). Let's put it bluntly: it is not possible to legally receive films in this format. So far there is no such Internet store, in which it would be possible to know new films in this format. Ale, let’s say, you knew the same video. Launch yoga on your smartphone, insert your smartphone into a shell and... fill in the grid of pixels, bright colors, the lack of details... The picture sings you out. It’s not the fault of a sholom like that, but of a smart video of a smartphone, which allows some that are not enough for a review so close to the eyes.

In a smaller world, the owners of smartphones with a screen of 2560 × 1600 are seen – mind you, if you know a video of a close permission, but we don’t have a lot of such attachments at once, that video – tezh. However, it will not be enough to get a smartphone with a Full HD class screen so that you don’t call on a small picture.

In general, the VR-sholomium as a home cinema still seems to be a better, more developed attraction, less possible, as it can be regularly requested. The situation changes more, if the 2560×1600 space is different and becomes more dominant on smartphones, and also if popular high-end stores with the same video content for VR students become popular. The one who will be the next will not have any doubts. Ale tse nutrition of one or two rokiv.

Other programs and possibilities

Krim Homido Center and Homido Player you can boldly quizze whether or not other programs for VR-solomіv. For example, there are impersonal alternative players, and sometimes you can find the VR-mode in add-ons, which were created not for sholomievs. Yaskrav butt - Google Street View. At new versionєї popular multi-platform programs є icon that means Google Cardboard (on the screenshot under this paragraph, the icon can be moved to the upper right corner, in the order of the compass icon).

Shukaєmo the object that squeals us, presses on the icon, inserts the smartphone into the sholom - and enjoys the presence in the reversed world.

Vtіm, here, as if I once reviewed the films, the impression is strongly psuє not high clarity of the image and good comprehension of pixels. Although in games it’s not so fighting, then it’s true that there’s an enemy.

Another promising straight forward is an addendum of augmented reality. You marvel at the singing object and bachish the virtual picture, put it on the new one.

In addition, the deacons of koristuvach and broadcast games from a PC to a smartphone and play with them at the sholom. For whom do you need a PC or a laptop? Nvidia video card architecture Kepler (GeForce 650GTX or more), as well as other programs. Detailed description. At the time of the test, we didn’t have a viable configuration, we couldn’t reconsider, prote, judging by the results of the coristuvach, the problem is still the same - like a picture.

Vrazhennya and visnovki

Sholom Homido cost about 5000 rubles. Chi rich tse chi little? It's hard to say. Cardboard Google Cardboard can be bought 10 times cheaper, but the stability and visibility will be invisible from Homido (what can you say about the ability to build lenses). Sholom Samsung Gear VR Samsung smartphone Galaxy Note 4 in the first moment is already hostile to Oculus's handheld software, which clearly demonstrates the possibilities of virtual reality, plus everything, Gear VR can have powerful electronic controls, that design looks more serious. Ale wine is expensive, and the brand is less expensive with just one smartphone (it’s not cheap either).

So at this moment, sholom Homido is the golden mean for those who want to get to know virtual reality. However, it’s important to understand that the VR industry is only just emerging, and it’s even worse here: there’s not enough hack software (and a lot of shit), there aren’t any single standards for content and other jackets for yoga (like, for example, go about 3D movies). In addition, everything runs into the hardware of a vicorous smartphone: as our experiments have shown, a smartphone with a separate building less than Full HD can only vicorate only for igor, reshta in sholoma it looks unacceptable. Optimal dose the screen of a smartphone for comfortable work with a sholom – 2560×1440.

If you don’t have such a smartphone, then buy a VR-sholom varto for us in front of the right gik and tim, to whom the technology is like this (for example, retailers mobile supplements for sholomiv). If you want to get into this mood, singly, varto almost from Google Cardboard as if from a found solution (you can’t find anything about comfort anyway). Well, if you have a smartphone with an ultra-high wide screen and you don’t mind spending this hour, to know the necessary content for sholom and to learn from it, then you can fully please yourself with an unusual game like Homido and get married with it. Thankfully, the price is not cheap. But in a good way, the era of VR will only come to an end in 2016, if important athletes - Oculus, HTC, Sony, Microsoft with their own Hololens will appear on the market. Then it will become clear, in what direction the industry will develop more quickly, and the decisions of 2014-2015 will be based on new products, both primitive and prehistoric. And again, we repeat, it will only be through the river (or maybe later), so if you want to try virtual reality right away, otherwise you have to invite an incredible gift from a friend who is unfamiliar with technology and new influences in IT, then Homido VR is the most balanced and the smartest choice. In addition, it’s even a cicada toy for children - they stink in virtual reality and just don’t pay attention to the imperfections of the picture, but the folding of the content and the improvement of yoga all the same fall on the shoulders of the fathers :) cherish the trivality of the session.

For a rich package of accessories with a Homido shoal, I deserve an Excellent Package for our editorial city.

Also, the 21st century has come, and virtual reality eyepieces for a computer similar to PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive have become the right mainstream and won great popularity. Without a doubt, at the nearest future the eyepieces of virtual reality will be seen in all spheres of our life, moreover, the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift models are already in the hands of gamers, and they are actively victorious revolutions in the future.

For the uninitiated, virtual reality is the same modern technology, in such a state of affairs our heads are surrounded by a trivial expanse, which is miraculously suitable for films chi igor.

on the Narazi retailers create marvelous speeches, as if they look at the rivers, which are called revolutionary in the segment of Igor and Rozvag.

But how is the headset of virtual reality the best and why should you pay attention to your choice?

We present a list of amazing outbuildings available at the moment, and the most popular.

HTC Vive - characteristics, price, description, warranty.

HTC Vive is the ultimate virtual reality headset, which was developed jointly with Valve, the creator of the legendary Half-Life gaming series, and became a bestseller in the apartment.

The HTC Vive headset connects to a great PC and works in conjunction with Valve's mammoth gaming system. The whole package is made up of 70 sensors, which are used for head orientation in the range of 360 degrees and a speed of 90 Hz. You can read a report about the characteristics of this sholom of virtual reality next hour at the Gadgets branch.

Tim is not less, the key to the success of HTC Vive is the position of the light sensors, which allow you to change hands with the headset. This means that the same sensors can be spread throughout the room, which undoubtedly gives the effect of a high level.

PriceHTC Vive warehouse $799.

The First Virtual Reality Headset - Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift - eyepieces of virtual reality, from which the history of these outbuildings was born. They robbed її Palmer Luckey, yakі took off funding through Kickstarter. Annually, the $2 billion company Oculus Rift connects via DVI and USB interfaces to a computer and fixes head position to provide a 3D experience on its stereo screens.

Eyepieces virtual Reality Oculus Rift Vicory 2160 x 1200 with 90Hz refresh rate. This high-tech technology is similar to the HTC Vive (depending on the frequency of image updates), but a few are similar to the PlayStation VR.

The Oculus Rift is ready for sale, but the Oculus Touch controllers are about three years old. Before speech, Oculus Rift comes with Xbox One. On our website, you can take a look at Oculus Rift, which contains the most detailed information about this headset.

Oculus Rift price, $599

Eyepieces of virtual reality for consolesSony PlayStation VR

UVAGA! The release date for the Sony PlayStation VR seems to be mid-year 2016.

A new version of the virtual reality glasses was presented at GDC 2015 and is being tested with a display similar to its original prototype, which is a 5-inch and rare-crystal maw. On the other side there is a 5.7-inch OLED display, which, for an idea, can change the size of the image on the screen. The refresh rate of the display has also been bumped up to 120Hz, which gives a value of 120fps.

Zavdyaki perebachuvaniy low price of PlayStation VR may have a chance to know great awareness among the milieu of shanuvalnikov in virtual reality, and plus to the fullest possible to compete with other similar outbuildings. Take a look at PlayStation VR for additional information.

Release Date: New Year 2016, Price: $349

Virtual reality eyepieces for smartphone:Samsung gear VR

Samsung Gear VR is a lighter version of Oculus Rift. It's not surprising when you look at what the two companies have done in developing the technology.

The mechanism of robotic VR eyepieces is due to the fact that the headset wins the Samsung Galaxy smartphone as its processor and display. The phone is inserted into a special slot and connected to the headset via Micro-USB. The only problem is that it's your fault to win the phone only from Samsung.

Not disingenuously, in fact, the image looks grainy, we marveled at our smartphone under the big slope. The prote headset can be without any advantages over its competitors.

The Samsung Gear VR is available for as low as £80, which is a ridiculous price compared to the competition.

Price$ 80

Google Cardboard - virtual reality cardboard eyepieces

Google is also not aware of technological progress, and after it voted about its virtual reality gadget Google Cardboard at I / O 2014, presented a version of the headset to a friend at the 2015 conference. Insert a smartphone into a cardboard case, tie it up to your head, so that you can drink in virtual reality, it can sound like hot, but it's an inexpensive way to try new things.

To be sure, whether a smartphone is equipped with the necessary gyroscopic sensors and the positioning system, which is designed to accurately measure the head.

PriceGoogle Cardboard: $4.99

HoloLens Microsoft - augmented reality

Seen in more virtual reality headsets, Microsoft HoloLens is on its way to virtual reality and augmented reality. Attachment to the objects of the real world from virtual "holographic" images. For example, you can marvel at the game world of Minecraft on a wonderful writing desk or take a walk on the surface of the Moon near the living room.

No matter what, you can't get a good connection from your PC - Windows 10 is fully installed in the headset and live on battery.

The Development Edition is available to Windows Insider members for $3,000.

Microsoft HoloLens price: $3,000

Razer OSVR VR Eyepieces

OSVR Razer cannot be considered a competitor for Samsung models Gear VR, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR. The headset is recognized in order to make life easier for retailers when creating programs for VR for the account of the availability of technical (software and hardware) facilities on their way.

Vіdkritiy vyhіdniy code є great croque, sho lamaє zamezhennia, scho stream development navit Oculus Rift. Most of all, the development of new functionality is littered with third-party features. And here, behind the great rahunka, the skin of the booty can make its own deposit at the developments of the outbuildings of virtual reality.

PriceRazer OSVR $ 264,99

The most real virtual realityFOVE VR

FOVE VR is similar to Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR with an interactive viewing stage. An infrared sensor is installed in the middle of the eyepieces, which controls the position of the eyes of the coristuva. Without a doubt, the trick is to make the model one step ahead of its competitors.

Nice to know that FOVE eyepieces can model image depth. The system accurately determines, marvels at, and calculates, which of the objects can be focused and considered real.

Before the speech, Fove VR signed a contract with software platform Wear VR with Unity, Unreal and CryEngine gaming systems.

PriceFOVE VR: per $ 349

Zeiss VR One - headset with open code

Like in Samsung Gear VR, the hardware for the Zeiss headset can easily lie in the tightness of a smartphone. However, on the vіdmіnu vіd Samsung, you're not bound to one virobnik. Vіn can work with any OS: IOS or Android Appliances screen diagonal 4.7 to 5.2 inches.

Currently available software package with media player, photo and video viewer on YouTube, add-on for AR augmented reality with voice recognition exit code Unity3D SDK (IOS and Android), which means the potential for development.

PriceZeiss VR One: $129.99

Avegant Glyph - the lightest virtual reality headset

Practically all headsets of virtual reality are large and important, but Avegant Glyph can be received at once on a dot and with a smaller case. There is a small range of achievements of non-primary technology: the replacement of primary smartphones, an array of micro-mirrors, which reflect the image without interruption in the eyes of the eye.

Avegant Glyph can be worn like headphones, and at the right moment, pull the screen down, putting it in front of your eyes, and enjoy the 1280x720 images. .

Avegant Glyph Price: $699

Freefly VR headset with wings

The Freefly headset looks inconspicuous, the lower number of headsets looks like its own "wings". There is a sum of over 200 programs available for Google Cardboard. 42mm lenses provide a 120-degree view, plus all the Freefly VR headset fits any smartphone with a 4.7' to 6.1' screen.

The position of the head is determined by the phone's accelerometer. I’ll also build a small controller under the name Glide, which can be managed with one hand. Tse allows you to save money on buying a peripheral joystick that works via Bluetooth, wanting, sing-song, it sounds better for everyone, but still control in games with two hands.

Freefly VR price $79.99

There are a lot of outbuildings, recognized for connection to virtual reality. Before them, you can bring VR-sholomi for PC ( personal computers), virtual reality eyepieces for PCs, as well as virtual reality eyepieces for smartphones.

The main feature of sholom in the form of eyepieces is the presence of headphones. Tobto in sholomі stench є spochatku. In this article, we will talk about sholomi for personal computers.

VR-sholom, also like a virtual reality sholom, a unique and modern extension for completely burying people in the hoarse world of video games. With this sholom I create the illusion of a new absolute presence of a gamer in the world. This effect can be achieved through the help of special eyepieces (or monitors) and headphones, which are worn by the sholom. For the help of the most modern technologies, the sholom of virtual reality, the building foolishness is like a star, so is the ear of a coristuvach. In order to shob povnistyu porinut in the inventions of the world and believe that the wine has become a reality, which is enough. The gaming process in sholomі virtual reality bring the gamer a lot more emotions, lower, yakby win the same game on the computer. Ale especially infuriate koristuvachs I will build this varto buti protect. That is why deakі people absolutely and completely blame the fortune-telling of the world and can experience severe stress, when passing through. Varto means that VR-sholom of creations is not only for videogor and rozvag. Іsnuє impersonal ways I'll build it today! Krіm, zvichayno, іgor sholom of appointments for revisiting today's films. I’m guilty, at the literal meaning of the word, zanuryu people into the atmosphere of cinema. It gives the effect of presence and in view of such a film, it is coristuvach to take away the bright emotions and resentment. So the sholom itself can become in good fortune and in education. Krim ts'ogo, VR-sholomi for PCs (personal computers) have found their place in such areas as medicine or automobile industry, as well as in the rich galuzy of people's lives.

The principle of robotic VR-sholoma

In order to win the sholom of virtual reality for a PC, people need a personal computer itself. Ale, in order to make VR sholom momentarily practicable, necessary hard computer, the price of which can cost approximately 1,000 US dollars. The sholom of virtual reality for PC itself is expensive to complete, like 50,000 rubles for the Oculus Rift.

Tsey pristriy zvonnі looked like a sholom. But he himself attached one screen (or a small sprat), on which the image appears. Crimson the screen, at the sholomi є lenses, yak vikoristovuyut for better image. The leaders of modern technologies and the development of technical progress are attached to virtual reality equipment with sensitive sensors. Vin catches the smallest head of the koristuvach's head. So the sensors themselves are used, yakі zdatnі vіdstezhuvati not only the turn of the head, but і zdatnі znachiti more accurately the location of the coristuvacha schodo navkolishny space.

In order to ensure uninterrupted transmission of the video signal between the sholom of virtual reality and system unit beaten up special darts

When choosing VR sholoma, it is impossible to ignore the fact that not all games are summed up with cim attachments. Specially for the shalom of virtual reality, a great number of igor was released, as if they were popular among the koristuvachs. You can play in sholomi VR for PC only in games that are created specifically for this gadget. Ale, obviously, you can’t forget about those that the Crimean officials use impersonal modifications.

What are the VR-sholomists?

The most famous VR hackers for PC are rightfully respected by such great hackers as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Sony Playstation VR Project Morpheus. In the same year, a streak of pre-replacement sales was launched, which ended for the treatment of infirmities, now happy buyers check for cards, while they let them go.

The price will be built to lay down depending on the tightness, options, possibilities and other technical characteristics.

The higher the qi characteristics, the more will be the price.

  • Sholom Oculus Rift looks like other high image clarity.
  • And the main thing is the HTC Vive’s reputation for other VR solutions for personal computers for those who have problems with modern sensors, we’ll be in a new place, we can take care of the misery, and even more sharpening! Controlling the sound of your body with a rich click and a realistic lower game joystick.
  • Playstation VR is designed for sleeping robots with set-top boxes.

When choosing a sholoma varto, it is safe to say that VR games cannot be supported by VR sholomas.

What are cheap analogues of sholom VR for a personal computer?

Pershim alternative option virtual reality shell for personal computers and virtual reality shell for smartphones.

A smartphone in such a case will have its own functions - a computer, a screen, a sensor, headphones are already connected to a smartphone. Obviously, the quality of the gaming process will be much lower, lower than that of VR sholomives, developed by such companies as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or Sony Playstation VR Project Morpheus. Ale zavdyaki to the fact that the price is much lower for sholomi for personal computers, yoga can not be thrown off rachunkiv.

Krim sholoma VR for smartphones, cheap analogues of VR sholomiv can be available to the core. Zavdyaks with their low price of stench may be very popular among lovers of similar technology. As a buttstock of a cheap analogue of sholomas from the great virobniks, you can serve OSVR like Razer. Zrozumіlo, varto remember about those that are more cheap analogue of the original. Stepping forward will be like an image, like a sound, and also in the very effect of zanurennya in virtual reality. Problems can also be blamed on Igor's support. Ale, don't be surprised, for all its cheap analogues, all the same you know your friend through a great price difference with the great brewers of virtual reality for personal computers.

The found option is that they are connected to a PC via a cable, which transmits the image of the computer screen to the phone. Such models cost 2000 rubles and give a complete statement about virtual reality.

Affordable way to get to VR

Sholomi virtual reality has become one of the leading IT-trends in rock. A number of exhibitions showed prototypes of Sony PlayStation VR (previously known as Project Morpheus) and HTC Vive VR, Samsung updated its Gear VR solution, Microsoft HoloLens announcements, and finally Oculus Rift (this project, well, and generated interest in VR-solomіv) it was a little bit rich in connection with the possible release of the commercial version (it is scheduled for the beginning of 2016). If you want VR-sholomi dosi to be accepted as more futuristic, really add-on from the center of the sphere is already quite accessible - visit the Russian branch. Today we get to know Homido VR-sholom - one of the most accessible outbuildings in this category.

The first step is to go straight to the hero looking around, figuring out what type of VR-sholomіv today is known. It was clear that the market is only taking shape, and it can still change, but for the time being it obviously fell into two categories: sholomi-computers, which can be played without additional attachments, and sholomi, yak, you can insert a smartphone. The first ones are Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR and HTC Vive VR. This is an expensive add-on, which is a complex of hardware and software elements, created specifically for this model.

Another category is composed of richly simple extensions, in the range from the self-selected Google Cardboard (there is a cardboard structure with plastic lenses inserted into it - theoretically, such a thing can be built in home minds from handy materials) to Samsung Gear VR (there are more materials, more serious golovne є elements of management on the very sholomі).

Homido and Fibrum's competitor are in the same category, but they are in the middle position for functionality/design, and, arguably, for the price of copying Google Cardboard and the expensive Samsung Gear VR.

At Sunset, Homido is up for sale in the other half of 2014. Starting from the summer of 2015, the company “Videosvidok” sells with us, as it was adopted by the issuance of Russian instructions and Russification of company addenda. Vtіm, let's not get ahead of ourselves and take the novelty in order.

Video look around

For the beginning of acquaintance, it is advisable to look over our video review of the sholoma of virtual reality Homido:

Complete set

Sholom of virtual reality Homido VR came to us in a compact cardboard box, so it was possible to know how to report information about attachments, moreover, in Russian language.

In the middle of the packing box, a fabric-covered case on a blister is for handy storage and transportation of Homido VR. Silence, that they didn’t save on such speeches without regard for the apparently small price of sholom.

The middle of the box is the sholom itself, the servlet that cleans it, the informational leaflet, the keratinization of the coristuvach of the Russian mine, three pairs of trims of lenses (in the photo below, one pair is in the sholom itself, the other two pairs are the instructions), the foam nozzle is replaced.

Newly needed insole pairs of vlasniks for lenses? To the one who stinks of a different vision and insurance for people with a different eye: because you have far-sightedness and short-sightedness, you should try one of these options. What is the cost of the foam rubber pads (it comes to the face of a coristuvacha, if it’s a sholom of clothes) - here, maybe, it’s broken just about every vipadok.

Zagalom complete set is beautiful and it will take care of everything that is necessary, plus the addition of additional items.


The sholom itself is a plastic construction with two lenses in the middle, a gummed belt for fastening on the head and a nozzle already described, which ensures that the sholom is smeared to the face.

The old look of the sholom is less effective, lower in the Sony PlayStation VR, but, really, for this parameter, evaluate attachments without a hint, shards under the hour of corystuvannya people, like a sholom pulled on, absolutely baiduzhe, like it looks like it, well, but from the side you can flaunt, obviously, only relatives and close friends.

Much more important is the clarity and mood of a particular koristuvach. And here Homido VR has everything: there are already descriptions of nozzles for lenses, which allow you to see near or see the types of eyes of the coristuvach, in the shoe you can adjust the length of the straps, for the help of such a shoe, you can fix it on your head, stand between the lenses and there yourself in the coristus lenses. For the transfer of the ribs, the red rings are from the sides and the beast.

In front of the sholom is a plastic zipper for a smartphone. Just insert a new smartphone with a diagonal of 4 to 5.7 inches, expand it so that it is approximately in the center - and you can start to get blurry in virtual reality. The madness with the impersonality of the outbuildings (it seems to be a good idea, it might be possible to go even if it’s a modern smartphone) - this is a great plus for Homido VR in line with our protests earlier than Samsung Gear VR, a kind of madness only from the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. In the photo below you can see the iPhone 6 , inserts at sholom.

It is as easy as it is to insert a smartphone, as it is inserted: there are no slams here. In case of tsomu, ostensibly innocence and riziku, scho smartphone vipade z sholoma, tezh not. We specially tried to strongly shake the sholom, turning it around. Smartphone without destroying a single millimeter! Tobto zatyskach is really strong.

As we look at the inner part of the sholom, then we see lenses there, ripped in silicone fasteners, and a mechanism that allows the lenses to collapse one to one, or one in one, fallow, in some way, turn the upper wheel.

I agree that everything here is implemented in a purely mechanical way, so that there are no electronics in the shell, we can’t see it - on the side of the shell of Samsung and Sony, it doesn’t seem like it’s about Oculus, which is the same computer. Here, there are navigation elements (like, for example, the “Back” button or the Samsung Gear VR touch panel), and all controls are controlled by the help of a smartphone. Фактично, Homido VR створений за тією ж концепцією, що і Google Cardboard, з тією тільки різницею, що тут нічого не треба самостійно збирати, компоненти і сама конструкція куди більш надійні, на голові користувача це зручніше сидить і є можливість індивідуального налаштування під фізіологію конкретного koristuvacha (tse yak gostrota dawn, and th rozmіr head, interpupillary vіdstan lean. p.).

Software for robotics with sholom

Since then, all interactions are being played through a smartphone, mobile programs that allow you to watch 3D videos, play video games and other VR content come to the fore. Homido has two such add-ons: Homido Center and Homido Player. We report it all at once, but firstly for all the following things will be discussed: with the same success on the Homido sholom (more precisely, on a smartphone inserted in the sholom) you can win and whether or not there are other additions - for example, expanded for Google Cardboard or Fibrum, like і First of all, you can hack with Homido from Google Cardboard. There are no other revisions on the reliability of hardware and software here, and it’s not possible, shards, I guess, all or more of the electronic stuffing and even more universal in terms of intelligence (that’s why it’s surrounded only by physical smartphones).

Understandably, for enthusiasts, there is a majestic space, so you can freely practice with whatever content you like, try it, experiment ... But in this case, there is a problem: specially for Homido, there are few rozroblyatima, and vibir is clearly hopeless, practice , small.

Homido Center

Otzhe, pochnemo s Homido Center. The catalog of add-ons and web content for VR-sholomiv. Homido Center is available free of charge on Android and iOS, the interface is practically unrepairable, but you can collect add-ons in catalog, naturally, differently.

On the main screen, we can dial recommended programs. Basically, simple games or demo scenes that allow you to understand the specifics of VR. The control of these games is controlled by turning the head. The simplest butt is an arcade, to rush along the corridor, whimpering through the passage and picking up coins. It’s even more difficult that hoarse action, not respecting the whole primitiveness of the picture. Also, it’s a game, a virtual aim - it needs to be directed again by turning the head on the song of the object. For example, at Moorente, pitchings are flying over you, which you need to shoot to help such an aim.

In order to see all the available programs for sholom, you need to click on the menu button in the upper left corner and in the list that appears, select any item from the “Programs” category.

Here, the “Category” item is especially important, in a way that is overridden, it’s possible that all types of VR add-ons are possible, so if you start getting familiar with VR-sholom, you may feel free to come here just to find out about those who can be in principle.

Otherwise, you can simply select a list of new or recommended add-ons. Whether you choose a set of supplements, you will also have access to improved sorting. You can sort for a fee / no cost, date of exit, for the name (alphabetical order). Please note that Homido Center is not an add-on store, but a manual catalog, so after clicking on the add-on you will go to the Apple App Store / Google Play Store, where you can still get the add-on.

3D-photo (tobto stereophoto) and 3D-video - z zim all zrozumilo. What do you want 360-degree photos / videos - it’s too rich, shards allow you to effectively see yourself in the middle of virtual reality. Respectfully, however, all content is not in the Homido Center itself, but on the Internet. Zocrema, when you press on the preview of some 360-degree photo, we just go to the 360cities.net website, where the photo is already displayed (it’s enough to turn the smartphone horizontally).

And you need an axis to watch the video, the Internet, another addition to Homido - it's called Homido Player.

Homido Player and revisiting 3D movies

The headline task of the program is to help you create video for sholom, automatically dividing the image into two parts and converting it into a stereo pair. The video can be taken from YouTube / Vimeo, otherwise you can know that you can get the content you need on your own. Vlasne, at the main menu of the program, the Video Player item itself goes up to the creation of local files, and Internet Browser - up to the online video. At the bookmarks, there is a sprat (in the same number on 360-degree videos on YouTube), and with this very success, you can drive it into the address bar of the browser that be-yake іnshe dzherelo.

Significantly, in the presence of a particular video, you can possibly have a chance to change the position of the lenses in Sholomy - and here we see a great plus of Homido in pairing with Google Cardboard and Fibrum, Homido shards can have such a possibility, and Google and Fibrum sholomi - no. To our knowledge, I can say that not all videos can be viewed normally after installation, that is, without twins (vertical or horizontal). However, here, perhaps, there are signs of the existence of common standards, as well as for the sholomivists, and for the creators of the content, there will be more generation.

One of the main features of Homido Player is Sholomy's review of 3D films. Moreover, the effect of 3D is really more good to look at - it’s not better, it’s lower at the cinema, so you can see your eyes and the picture is smaller here. Ale zreshtoy vrazhennya, all the same, go out in the morning. І the problem is not only with swidky stomluvanity (it is not recommended to change for a long time with sholomy).

Nasampered, it will not be easy to know the content. For a review, you need a video, split like a completely horizontal stereo pair (you can also joke Full Side by Side, SBS). Let's put it bluntly: it is not possible to legally receive films in this format. So far there is no such Internet store, in which it would be possible to know new films in this format. Ale, let’s say, you knew the same video. Launch yoga on your smartphone, insert your smartphone into a shell and... fill in the grid of pixels, bright colors, the lack of details... The picture sings you out. It’s not the fault of a sholom like that, but of a smart video of a smartphone, which allows some that are not enough for a review so close to the eyes.

In a smaller world, the owners of smartphones with a screen of 2560 × 1600 are seen – mind you, if you know a video of a close permission, but we don’t have a lot of such attachments at once, that video – tezh. However, it will not be enough to get a smartphone with a Full HD class screen so that you don’t call on a small picture.

In general, the VR-sholomium as a home cinema still seems to be a better, more developed attraction, less possible, as it can be regularly requested. The situation changes more, if the 2560×1600 space is different and becomes more dominant on smartphones, and also if popular high-end stores with the same video content for VR students become popular. The one who will be the next will not have any doubts. Ale tse nutrition of one or two rokiv.

Other programs and possibilities

Krim Homido Center and Homido Player you can boldly quizze whether or not other programs for VR-solomіv. For example, there are impersonal alternative players, and sometimes you can find the VR-mode in add-ons, which were created not for sholomievs. Yaskrav butt - Google Street View. The new version of the popular multi-platform program has an icon that means Google Cardboard (on the screenshot under this paragraph, the icon can be placed at the upper right corner, in the order with the compass icon).

Shukaєmo the object that squeals us, presses on the icon, inserts the smartphone into the sholom - and enjoys the presence in the reversed world.

Vtіm, here, as if I once reviewed the films, the impression is strongly psuє not high clarity of the image and good comprehension of pixels. Although in games it’s not so fighting, then it’s true that there’s an enemy.

Another promising straight forward is an addendum of augmented reality. You marvel at the singing object and bachish the virtual picture, put it on the new one.

In addition, the deacons of koristuvach and broadcast games from a PC to a smartphone and play with them at the sholom. For whom you need a PC or a laptop with an Nvidia video card on the Kepler architecture (GeForce 650GTX or more), as well as other programs. Detailed description. At the time of the test, we didn’t have a viable configuration, we couldn’t reconsider, prote, judging by the results of the coristuvach, the problem is still the same - like a picture.

Vrazhennya and visnovki

Sholom Homido cost about 5000 rubles. Chi rich tse chi little? It's hard to say. Cardboard Google Cardboard can be bought 10 times cheaper, but the stability and visibility will be invisible from Homido (what can you say about the ability to build lenses). Sholom Samsung Gear VR at the link with the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 smartphone in the first moments is already at odds with the hand-held software Oculus, which clearly demonstrates the possibilities of virtual reality, plus everything, Gear VR has power electronic control elements, and that design looks more serious. Ale wine is expensive, and the brand is less expensive with just one smartphone (it’s not cheap either).

So at this moment, sholom Homido is the golden mean for those who want to get to know virtual reality. However, it’s important to understand that the VR industry is only just emerging, and it’s even worse here: there’s not enough hack software (and a lot of shit), there aren’t any single standards for content and other jackets for yoga (like, for example, go about 3D movies). In addition, everything runs into the hardware of a vicorous smartphone: as our experiments have shown, a smartphone with a separate building less than Full HD can only vicorate only for igor, reshta in sholoma it looks unacceptable. The optimal size of a smartphone screen for comfortable work with a sholom is 2560×1440.

If you don’t have such a smartphone, then buy a VR-sholom varto for us in front of the right people and those who need the technology like this (for example, retailers of mobile supplements for sholomivs). If you want to get into this mood, singly, varto almost from Google Cardboard as if from a found solution (you can’t find anything about comfort anyway). Well, if you have a smartphone with an ultra-high wide screen and you don’t mind spending this hour, to know the necessary content for sholom and to learn from it, then you can fully please yourself with an unusual game like Homido and get married with it. Thankfully, the price is not cheap. But in a good way, the era of VR will only come to an end in 2016, if important athletes - Oculus, HTC, Sony, Microsoft with their own Hololens will appear on the market. Then it will become clear, in what direction the industry will develop more quickly, and the decisions of 2014-2015 will be based on new products, both primitive and prehistoric. And again, we repeat, it will only be through the river (or maybe later), so if you want to try virtual reality right away, otherwise you have to invite an incredible gift from a friend who is unfamiliar with technology and new influences in IT, then Homido VR is the most balanced and the smartest choice. In addition, it’s even a cicada toy for children - they stink in virtual reality and just don’t pay attention to the imperfections of the picture, but the folding of the content and the improvement of yoga all the same fall on the shoulders of the fathers :) cherish the trivality of the session.

For a rich package of accessories with a Homido shoal, I deserve an Excellent Package for our editorial city.