Administrative portfolio on HTML5. Which template for the “Portfolio” category do you want? Snow - free landing page template on HTML5 and CSS3

This collection has increased templates for various professions, but mainly to evaluate the topic of the program, web designers and layout designers, since it is best for them to decide on the design and structure.

Previously, we have already published additional templates for creating a portfolio. For example:


Professional, clean for creating a personal portfolio and a special page of an independent web magazine. Perfectly suitable for designers, layout designers and programmers.
The template is fully adaptive, it has an animation of the appearance of elements when scrolling with a valid code.

Gorgo Portfolio

Clean, clean and stylish designer portfolio template. Vikonaniy in the style of minimalism. There is also a nice new screen menu.
The mesh with the butts of the robot is broken up behind the butt of the chesswoman, so that it is even quieter, the fragments are a trend. The side of the robot itself impressed me even more, perhaps through the demo portion. If you intend to highlight the entire design as a special element, please note the clear design of the work.


Bezkoshtovny responsive template in style Flat, which is ideal for any freelancer, whether you are a web writer or a photographer, since the station offers both a portfolio with a filter for job categories and a photo gallery.


Another one above the bridge clear template for creating a special portfolio. There are a lot of goodies that we love so much: Parallax effects, the effect of blocks appearing when scrolling, smooth scrolling, different treatments and, especially, the block of the portfolio itself.
The template is absolutely cost-free and suitable for freelancers of any IT profession.


Tsikavyi html designer portfolio template. On the first screen you can place your photo, introduce yourself and write your specialty.
Almost all the blocks in the template are implemented in the same way that we would like to see in the standard Landing Page.
If it were a color scheme, I would change it. I need to get rid of it already.


Vidminny adaptive one-sided portfolio in green tones. This applies to both freelancers and teams of developers. The writing template is clear and deserves respect.


Suvory template in blue tones for creating a portfolio. Pobudovanov on Bootstrsp 3.2. By replacing the icons on the first screen, you can become a freelancer in any field of activity.


Not great single-sided HTML template in flat style. The divisions are divided into three screens with a height of 100%. The first screen is a photo and short information about the freelancer.
Another screen is a portfolio. See the rest 8 robots from your portfolio on dribbble. That's all you need to develop, and that's all. The images will be updated on their own, in sync with your activities on Dribbble.
Third screen – Contact information.


A clear, universal HTML5 CSS3 template. Ceevee can guess what kind of gain there is, and also the importance in the concept of a block with butts works in graphs that represent the skills of a freelancer. The ability to perform detailed self-talk through various blocks has been added.


A great, universal template, although there are a lot of points that I won’t spoil: the stupid fonts, the poor buttons. Perhaps someone would like this option. Yak nyak - bright color scheme. Yakshcho a little bit of vipravity CSS styles, you can achieve good results.


Bezkoshtovny, i, I mean saying bi, elegant single-sided template based on Bootstrap. I especially like the red active elements. The block with butts works like a folding net, and that’s a plus. This template will be useful solutions for creating portfolio of a web designer or programmer.


A richly colored Flat template with a slider and a cap with a characteristic color scheme – green. With this solution, you can create a wonderful business card website with butts and a blog.


Vidminny single-sided flat style and green color scheme. On the first screen there is a place under the photograph, and more simply, so as not to spoil the style of the design, a drawing of Vlasnik’s self-portrait to the site.
The template is small, and this is a great plus, so for our purposes there is nothing to vikorize the “Party girls”. Viconaniy, surprisingly, is very clear. It is completely adaptive and is based on the Bootstrap framework.

Dribbble Portfolio

Another template, portfolio in yakoma Integrated with Dribbble. You need to stop adjusting the activities of the rest of your work and forget about the constant, tedious updating of your portfolio on your own page.
Pattern of verses for suvoria, daily color scheme. Everything looks very clean.
So just like the previous Dribbble template, it’s not big. I would say, laconic. Zagalom, my rating is 9 out of 10.


Negligible, I want to feel a little important, template for creating a freelancer's portfolio in sight landing side. We use various diagrams to visually display the level of newcomers in their activity profiles - that’s all. There is also a slider with clickers and a block with a nice grid with a photo that you can use to demonstrate your work.

Dribbble Folio V2

Bezkoshtovny template with auto-renewal portfolio. Works are imported from the site Dribbble. Before Wikoristannyam what's the decision, don’t forget to set up integration with your Dribbble profile.
Unfortunately, there is no demo.


Original html css pattern in purple tones for creating a personal website. This is a richly sided theme, with a main page in the style of a one-sided page, and also, in its own way, also internal pages. Go for the building special freelancer site be any specialty.

Competently folded and visually designed, in our opinion, this side by side is an important element of a special website or blog, be it any specialist, which is the achievement of a great level of mastery in his professional activity.
The portfolio page, with such a unique sound, or a visual summary, with the help of which you can clearly demonstrate to readers and visitors of the site/blog, a selection of the most recently implemented work, be it photographs, statistics, publications, design elements, etc.
I have no such side and, on the other hand, there is an oversight that needs to be corrected as quickly as possible, over which I have power Narazi I’m working.
In endless spaces global measure, you can find a number of ready-made page templates for organizing a portfolio, and the diversity of such pages is truly impressive. So, those who are keen to understand all the subtleties of web design and developments will soon be able to find a suitable option for themselves. Well, for those who are in need of knowledge from the website, I’m introducing the use of an adaptive layout, a simple portfolio page, with filtering of work by categories, a dilution with an added transition effect, with elements of animation ї.

The layout of the page, which includes javascript and design elements, as seen “on the mountain”, by the wonderful web designer and developer Kevin Liew ( When choosing the optimal solution, what was important to me was simplicity of design and functionality jQuery plugin, work is correct for everyone current browsers, and the growing popularity of health insurance and various mobile devices for Internet surfing, adaptability to the design of your website. All kinds of chimerical, designer bells and whistles and great plugins.

The basic layout consists of two main elements of the customer interface that we need to work on: navigating through tabs to filter the categories of work submissions, and the grid of thumbnails itself with the effect of a merging pad pee when pointed.
To start with, for everything to work properly, you will need jQuery version 1.7.0 or higher. If you do not have connections yet, add a leading row before the tag :

Launch the MixItUp plugin into the robot, insert this code after the other files:

< script type= "text/javascript" >$(function () ( var filterList = ( init: function () ( $("#portfoliolist" ) ) mixitup(( targetSelector: ".portfolio" , filterSelector: ".filter" , effects: [ "fade" ) , easing : "snap" , // call the hover effect onMixEnd: filterList. hoverEffect() ; find(".label" . stop() . animate(( bottom: 0 ) , 200 , "easeOutQuad" ) ; ) . find("img" ) , 500 , "easeOutQuad" ) , function () ( $(this) . find(".label" ) . stop() . animate(( bottom: - 40 ) , 200 , "easeInQuad" ) ; this) .find("img" ) .stop() .animate(( top: 0 ) , 300 , "easeOutQuad" ) ; ) ) ; ) ) ;filterList.init() ; ) ) ;

Take a close look at all the configurations of the plugin, there is no way to determine the best option. Well, if you already want to experiment with parameters, be kind, everything is within your power.

To shape the layout of the page and the new appearance of the elements, connect a couple of files to the document . , one for basic styles, for example: layout.css and another small CSS file normalize.css to ensure better browser usability of standard design elements:

< link rel= "stylesheet" href= "css/normalize.css" > < link rel= "stylesheet" href= "css/layout.css" >

Now let’s look at everything in order, to what extent it is possible without too much water, accessible and understandable, to our dear, richly suffering one.

< ul id= "filters" class = "clearfix" > < li>< span class = "filter active" data- filter= "app card icon logo web" >all < li>< span class = "filter" data- filter= "app" >Program < li>< span class = "filter" data- filter= "card" >Business cards < li>< span class = "filter" data- filter= "icon" >Icons < li>< span class = "filter" data- filter= "logo" >Logo < li>< span class = "filter" data- filter= "web" >Web design

  • all
  • Program
  • Business cards
  • Icons
  • Logo
  • Web design

The navigation panel contains the entire list of jobs and categories. We need to link each portfolio category through the data-cat attribute with this and another item in the navigation panel to the value in the data-filter attribute. The way to set the data-filter value to data-cat is to filter portfolio items by category.
In addition, adding to the thumbnail, saved until the end of the day, there is a small panel with the name of the work and the category heading, which merges only when hovering over the image. And it’s easier to formulate external look For all these constructions in CSS, we will write the following classes of elements:

< div id= "portfoliolist" > < div class = "portfolio logo" data- cat= "logo" > < div class = "portfolio-wrapper" > < img src= "img/portfolios/logo/5.jpg" alt= "" /> < div class = "label" > < div class = "label-text" > < a class = "text-title" >Beget hosting. Ru < span class = "text-category" >Logo < div class = "label-bg" > .........


Please note that you can add your message to the picture or directly to the signature, so that the customer can be sure to do all your work.


Now, quietly, let’s move on to the final step, to the formation in CSS of the advanced styles of the client interface of our portfolio page and the adaptive version. In the statistics, I will indicate only the basic (for considerations) meanings, so that without any background pictures And connected fonts, everything you need can be downloaded in the demo, or found in the archives with the output files.

.container(position: relative; width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; /* You can change the number of transitions when changing the browser window size */-webkit-transition: all 1s ease; -Moz-transition: all 1s ease; -o-transition: all 1s ease; transition: all 1s ease; ) #filters ( margin : 1% ; padding : 0 ; list-style : none ; ) #filters li ( float : left ; ) : # 666; /* add a little shade to the text */ text-shadow : 1px 1px #FFFFFF; cursor: pointer; ) /* change the category background on hover */#filters li span: hover ( background : #34B7CD ; text-shadow : 0 0 2px #004B7D ; color : #fff ; ) /* background of the active category item */#filters li (background: rgb (62, 151, 221); text-shadow: 0 0 2px #004B7D; color: #fff;) #portfoliolist .portfolio (-webkit-box-sizing: border-box - moz-box-sizing: border-box ; -o-box-sizing: border-box ; margin : 1% ; float : left ; position : relative !important ; : #666 ; cursor : pointer ; ) .portfolio img ( max-width : 100% ; position : relative ; ) /* for registration of signatures */.portfolio .label ( position : absolute ; width : 100% ; height : 40px ; % ; position : absolute ; top : 0 ; left : 0 ; ) . display: block; font-size: 9px; )

Container ( position: relative; width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; /* You can change the number of transitions when changing the browser window size */ -webkit-transition: all 1s ease; -moz-transition: all 1s ease; -o- transition: all 1s ease; transition: all 1s ease; ) #filters ( margin:1%; padding:0; list-style:none; ) #filters li ( float:left; ) padding:5px 20px;text-decoration: none;color:#666;/* add a little shadow for text */ text-shadow: 1px 1px #FFFFFF;cursor: pointer; ) /* change the category background when hovering li span:hover ( background: #34B7CD; text-shadow: 0 0 2px #004B7D; color:#fff; ) /* background of the active category item */ #filters li ( background : rgb(62, 151, 221) );text-shadow: 0 0 2px #004B7D;color:#fff; sizing: border-box; width:23%; margin:1%; display:none; float:left; overflow:hidden; ) .po rtfolio-wrapper ( overflow: hidden; position: relative !important; background: #666; cursor: pointer; ) .portfolio img ( max-width:100%; position: relative; ) /* for signing up * / .portfolio .label ( position: absolute; width: 100%; height:40px; bottom:-40px; ) . portfolio .label-bg ( background: rgb(62, 151, 221); width: 100%; height:100%; position: absolute; top:0; left:0; ) .portfolio .label-text ( color:# fff, position: relative, z-index:500; padding:5px 8px;

In another part, directly in this style sheet, alternative CSS sections can be created using several media queries. To ensure that the layout of our page displays correctly on the screens of various mobile devices, we will add alternative CSS rules for different screens in this section. Tim ourselves can easily redefine whatever rules were previously established in our CSS tables For basic browsers, the same required adaptability is achieved.

/* Tablet */ @media only screen and (min-width : 768px ) and (max-width : 959px ) ( .container ( width : 768px ; ) ) /*Mobile - Note: Design for 320px width*/@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) (.container (width: 95%;) #portfoliolist.portfolio (width: 48%; margin: 1%;)) /* Mobile - Note: Design for 480px width */@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) (.container (width: 70%;))

/* Tablet */ @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px) ( .container ( width: 768px; ) ) /* Mobile - Note: Design for 320px width*/ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) ( .container ( width: 95%; ) #portfoliolist .portfolio ( width:48%; margin:1%; ) ) /* Mobile - Note: Design for 480px width */ @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) ( .container ( width: 70%; ) )

That's all. Our miraculous page under the name “Portfolio” is ready, ready to be reminded of its no less miraculous and significant robots, and put on display for the whole world to see. You can still quietly, modestly, write about yourself. Don't overdo it in this regard.
Watch the case again and, if necessary, take your work, if possible, in a quiet home environment, you can complete this work.

At the hour of creation of the lesson, the vikory material was created: . Original, unoccupied, carefully from the author’s pen, portfolio side, located there.

Good luck to everyone and good luck for the body, spend the rest of the short summer!

Art gallery building

How can you easily and manually create an image gallery without knowing our programming? First of all, it may take quite a bit of an hour, but otherwise, when looking at it, there’s no need to worry about anything - either the buttons of the keruvana or something else. Open the Notepad program and clean slate Right now, we will learn how to create a portfolio website and art gallery without cost.

- represents the beginning and end html code

- these tags represent the title

- Indicates the display of the title text, then. In the browser, the page will appear with this heading. І in the search engine also.</p><p><body>- in the middle of this tag there will be a code.</p><p>Continued:</p><p>The title is entered:</p><p>"Picture gallery of such an artist (or portfolio of such a photographer)"</p><p><b><html> </b></p><p><b><head> </b></p><p><b><title>

Compress photos before publishing them on the Internet. Payment can be made for Photoshop help. Open the photo, select the file -> save as -> JPEG file type, select the average file size. Or else shorter file-> save for web and devices -> JPEG Hight.

Now we have a photo. You need to write information about yourself - in what kind of work you work, what kind of evidence, in what cases you take part, a little biography, etc. As a result, we want it to turn out like this: evil is our photo, right-handed is a little about us.

For this purpose, we insert a table, in the left center there will be a photograph, and in the right center there will be text:

Painting gallery of artist Vasil Pupkin

- means the beginning and end of the table

width="100%" - the width of the table, which will fill the entire width of the screen

border="1" - width of the table border

- Row creation

- Creation of a column, in this case two columns are created in one row.

Now let’s place a photo on the left side of the table. To save this, we create a file in your folder using this procedure: file -> save as -> enter the name “index.html” - our file is saved as a web site. The name index is due to the fact that when you type the name of any site in your browser, it first looks for the file index.html, then index.htm, index.php, etc. In the same folder where we saved this file, we will create a folder “images”, in which we will save all our images. We will move our photo “foto.jpg” to this folder (“images”).

The image is displayed on the browser screen.

Painting gallery of artist Vasil Pupkin

means the image is displayed

src="/images/foto.jpg" - way to photography

Now you need to enter text on the right side of the table.

Painting gallery of artist Vasil Pupkin

Artist Vasil Pupkin

Don't forget to save yourself. One of the program’s rules: “Save often.” Now we have a page with short information about the author. We add a picture gallery to this page. Because meta articles will teach you how to create websites without the knowledge of our programming - it will work out forgive HTML to implement a simple gallery. Here's a simple method that will be explained later, you can earn money garna gallery for your portfolio.

Painting gallery of artist Vasil Pupkin

Artist Vasil Pupkin

My biography... - here we write a text about ourselves...

Row 1
Row 2
Row 3

means moved to a new row. That is, the text of the post tag will be displayed on a new row

The power of cellspacing means the space between the centers of the table. We need this so that the images and text don’t make people angry.

Instead of the text “Row 1” you need to insert our first photo. I suspect that we have already prepared them and placed them in the images folder of the root folder where our site is located. Namely її pic_1.jpg

It is not possible to add gaps to file names, so we can use the sign “_” at the bottom of the chair, or “-” minus.

Change the text "Row 1" to

In this language, alt means alternative text, which is displayed instead of an image if the browser presenting the site has the image enabled.

The title tag indicates that a tooltip is displayed when the bear is hovered over the image.

You can also enter the name of the image below the images. for which, after the image is displayed, we set
To switch to a new row, write the text “Photo of Nature”.

Let me explain, we have done all this: Search systems for searching photographs vikorista tags for the description of the image. And if there is text next to the photo, which suggests a description of the photo, Poshukova system recognizes this little one with a relevant query, which includes a description of the photograph, which will help in placing the site in the top types of search engines. In addition, you can spend a lot of time searching for images to get additional traffic.

Tsikava porada: vikorist at least three images with captions on the pages of the site. The images must necessarily correspond to the theme of the text. Current sound systems are reasonable. If you search for an image, a message will appear on your site, so people may click on it and go to you. You can always sell goods in online stores. A good detailed description of the photograph, which consists of key sound bites, for which people are responsible for your product - for example, “Purple refrigerator” or “Paying with peas”, or “merry bouquets”.

It’s important: use your photos and copy wisely to promote your website. Add a “Watermark” to your photos by placing contrasting text on the body of the photo, or use another protection. This is to allow copyright ownership of the images to be granted, and also to increase exposure to the site, as people will send messages to the author of the photograph today.

Let's go back to editing the text. The HTML code is safe and verifiable, as everything is displayed in the browser.

Now it’s important that the image of our first photograph has appeared.

height=" " - height in pixels

width=" " - width in pixels.

Let's imagine the width of our back, prepared such as it is. Let our image be 300 in width and 200 in height.

We obviously say:

Painting gallery of artist Vasil Pupkin

Artist Vasil Pupkin

My biography... - here we write a text about ourselves...

Nature photo

Row 2
Row 3

You'll see how the photo changes by changing its dimensions, for example, the width of 300 is changed to 500. The photo will expand in width. Here's a quick tip - change the photo scale and we can display large images in smaller size at the browser window.

If you need to create an area of ​​one color or gradient, you can stretch the little ones, for example, with a width of 1 pixel and a height of 20, to the required value using the Width attribute. This can be sealed to quickly decorate the side, there is no need to insert an additional small piece.

Now we will add other photographs in a similar manner to our code.

We were taken away just a gallery picture I will now add my contacts so that those who submit the site can contact us. Hurry up for the electronic sweat. In order to insert your message into your e-mail, write the following code: This email address has been stolen by spambots, you will need to enable JavaScript to view it

Whose Virazi means the message tag is displayed, then href = "/" - the address of the message, the title tag = " " means the text that appears when the message is hovered over.

Be sure to indicate the title for the skin message, so that the pages on which the message is intended to gain more trust from the sound systems, so that instead of the page you go to the description of the message, the sound system values ​​more the pages with such messages by them. Dodamo is our contact number. The result is the following code:

Painting gallery of artist Vasil Pupkin

Artist Vasil Pupkin

My biography... - here we write a text about ourselves...

Nature photo

Row 2
Row 3

This email address has been stolen by spambots, you will need to enable JavaScript to view it

Call: 77-888-999

We save, we check. We have the simplest one-sided portfolio site with our robots. In order for people to see him, we need to put him on

  • Graphic designer portfolio

    Price: No cost

    Good for

    designers, photographers, portfolio websites, creative professionals.


    Tsikavyiy stylish template for a portfolio website. Showcase all your projects in a simple, yet timeless way to help your tutors focus on your creativity. The template of the creations respects the principles of usability and follows the trends of web design, so you don’t have to just take your photos, set up a page for connecting with affiliates and start blogging to get into your Internet.

    Price: No cost
  • UX/UI designer resume

    UX/UI designer resume

    Price: No cost

    Good for

    UX designer, UI designer, web designer.


    Portfolio website template for professional creatives. Make sure your butts work at a high level, show what you have in mind, and help the shipping agents contact you using an additional contact form. The template has excellent animation, hand-drawn blocks with information, a professional gallery where you can add photos, video files and add text posters. Any element will respond to the bear's pressure.

    Price: No cost
  • Portfolio of an interior designer

    Price: No cost

    Good for

    interior designers, architects, portfolio websites, creative professionals.


    The clean and simple design of this no-cost portfolio website template is perfect for showcasing your design work. Take photos of projects, add contact information, customize all the elements to your liking and publish the site in one click.

    Price: No cost
  • Architect's portfolio

    Architect's portfolio

    Price: No cost

    Good for

    portfolio of architects, designers and other professionals.


    Use this minimal, cost-free website template to create a stylish online portfolio. Submit all your projects to main page behind the other gallery “Sitka”. Add to the skin image at the photo gallery on inner side Your website. Having pressed any image, you can put it on the right side of a specific project. Hide a lot of pages from the main menu to navigate the site easily and manually. Add information about yourself, a resume, and don’t forget to customize the contact form so that it’s easy to contact you.

    Price: No cost
  • Web designer portfolio

    Web designer portfolio

    Price: No cost

    Good for

    graphic designers, web designers, photographers, creative professionals and portfolio websites.


    An excellent template for a designer’s portfolio website – it will help you express your creativity and individuality and effectively present all your projects online. Just add your photos and text descriptions, edit any elements as you need, and publish the site in one click. Don't forget to connect your account accounts in social networks and set up a contact form to contact clients.

    Price: No cost
  • Graphic and web designer

    Graphic and web designer

    Price: No cost

    Good for

    web designer, graphic designer.


    If you need to create a unique resume, use this template on the site. It consists of two pages: biographies and portfolio galleries, where the images are more clickable and lead to a larger page detailed information. Start editing and replacing the visual information with the template on the physical data and image. You can add photos high vigor to the portfolio gallery to demonstrate your work as effectively as possible. Whether the details of the template are edited for your needs.

    Price: No cost
  • 3D designer portfolio

    3D designer portfolio

    Price: No cost

    Good for

    art director, motion designer.


    Template for creating a non-standard portfolio website. Whatever element fits into your lifestyle. The main menu and the gallery of projects on the main page will help you quickly gain respect and demonstrate your work. The skin project appears on the next page with photographs, videos and detailed information. The non-native menu expands to full screen and contains three sections: projects, contacts and bio. Start editing and add as many sections and pages as possible so that it is clearly visible to your clients.

    Price: No cost
  • Illustrator


    Price: No cost

    Good for

    Illustrators, artists, designers.


    The illustrations you create reflect your character and personality. This will also make your site work. Clean and simple, this template is ideal for focusing your audience's attention on your robots and helping the Wix Art Store sell digital files online.

    Price: No cost
  • Illustrator portfolio

    Illustrator portfolio

    Price: No cost

    Good for

    Illustrators, artists, designers, photographers, portfolio websites, creative professionals.


    The short design of this portfolio website template allows your robots to speak for themselves. We will not let your guides get away from the most important thing - the image gallery. Just take your photos, customize your contacts page and add some information about yourself. Your stylish modern website will be ready in two seconds!

    Price: No cost
  • Zhitlova architecture