DIR300 (nru b5) firmware from Beeline at the factory. DIR300 (nru b5) firmware from Beeline to the factory Good Internet connection

By default, the DIR-300 enables the DHCP server. Tom in the tunes boundary fee On your PC, you need to check the box “Override IP address automatically” and click OK.

The browser displays the router address - and also the authorization window:

Enter your account user name (admin), you do not need to enter a password and click the Log in button. The router interface will open, you need to go to Setup and in the left menu - Internet Setup.

Here click the “Manual Internet Connection Setup” button. You will need to enter a Dynamic DHCP IP address in the "Internet Connection Type".

Then save the settings and open the tab Status -> Device information. At the "Internet" item, enter your IP address, gateway, DNS. this is adjusted local measures, As you have seen Beeline, they will become beneficial when discarding ports for working local resources.

Re-open the “Internet Installation” item. Now select the Internet connection type Russia PPTP (Dual Access) or simply PPTP (Dual Access).

Beeline uses DHCP VPN, so check the “Dynamic IP addresses” box. Server name enter "vpn2.internet.beeline.ru" (in some regions it may be vpn.corbina.net). then say oblikovy record PPTP and Password. Select the Connection mode - "First" - so that when the connection to the Beeline is disconnected, you can restart it in automatic mode. Now that's all, let's set up the configuration. Setting up DIR 300 for Beeline is completed.

Instructions for adjustment D-Link DIR-300/NRU for the Beeline network we are continuing a series of independent publications Wi-Fi setup routers.

We express your respect to those that Beeline itself recommends using the D-link DIR-300 / NRU router only with special firmware, which can be downloaded at the D-Link service center. Instructions given written for those who lack the ability or desire to update the standard firmware of the router. To the satisfaction of our masters, we can happily say: with these router settings D-Link DIR-300 / NRU will continue to be stable, at least for the time being (mid-term 2012).

To enter the web interface of the router, go to your favorite browser for the address , Enter the word in the field “Name of koristuvach” admin, Leave the “Password” field blank and press Enter.

For starters, check the firmware version. Our device DIR-300 / NRU revision B5 comes with secure firmware 1.2.94 :

Open the section Merezha -> Z'єdnannya. Press button Add:

In the window, indicate the current settings (only those that need to be changed are written below):

Connection type: L2TP

Setting up PPTP / L2TP
How to set a name to the service: URL
Name of the service: tp.internet.beeline.ru
Without authorization: jackdaw guilty but tidied up
PPP of Im koristuvach: your im'ya koristuvacha mind 0123456789
password: make sure to avoid the names of the koristuvach
encryption: without encryption
MTU: 1400

Enable RIP: jackdaw guilty but tidied up
NAT: jackdaw is to blame

Please note that in the “gateway” section, only the connection is selected. If everything is so, press save next to the inscription “The configuration of the device has been changed.” It is important to inform about the success of saving changes in settings, after which the router will be reinstalled.

Open the section Wi-Fi -> Basic settings. Indicate the name of the created Wi-Fi limits(Or use the standard “DIR-300”). Press button change.

Go to the section below - adjusting safety. Recommended settings:
Merezheva authentication: WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK mixed
PSK encryption key: Any password of 8 characters (not the password for connecting to Wi-Fi)
WPA encryption: TKIP+AES

Press button change at the bottom of the page.

Mayzhe everything. It was impossible to protect the router itself with a password. Open the section System -> Administrator Password and set your password to log into the router’s web interface. Don't forget to save your settings.

As a result, the router must reliably connect to the Beeline network and distribute the Internet both via wireless and Wi-Fi.

If you haven’t been able to adjust the devices yet, you can contact us for help and call the master for.

In this publication we will go through the adjustments D-Link router DIR 300 NRU for robots with Beeline operator. It will be politely explained that it is necessary to show respect when adjusting L2TP and other important points.

Start updating the firmware. the greatest I'll keep the version Installing the software on your device is not easy, and even with the old firmware, the router, which is better for everything, will not work reliably. The latest firmware versions for D-Link DIR 300 are designated as 1.4.x - this will show the configuration Wi-Fi router D-Link DIR 300 for the Beeline operator for this version.

The firmware from Beeline itself, which you can install on the provider’s website, is not the most short choice. It can be installed, however, then you can turn the standard version back to make it more flexible.

Connection to PC

This step is simple to complete - you need to insert the Beeline Internet cable into the “Internet” port, then connect the PC to the router with an Ethernet cable. Now all I have to do is connect the D-link to the power supply.

Please note: you do not need to start a Beeline connection. Otherwise, you will be faced with a complicated situation: everything works on the computer, but Wi-Fi does not distribute to the Internet. Upon completion of setup, the router itself will install the required connection, and then “distribute” it to other devices. If you launch it, the router will not be able to establish a connection.

Checking the settings in the PC

Also, before starting configuration, we recommend checking your local connections.
For Windows 7 and older, open the Management Center and behind-the-scenes access", In the window, select "Change adapter parameters". Right-click on the item with the name of your connection. Then click "Power".

If you have Windows XP, then select edge connections in the control panel, click on the icon local connection- “Vlastivosti”.

Find in the list of components that support connections, “Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP / IPv4”, select it and click “Power”.

IP addresses і Addresses DNS servers guilt comes out automatically.

Gaining access to adjustments

The main task is to connect the router to Merezha instead of the PC. Beeline uses the L2TP protocol for connection.

Note: if you have previously adjusted the DIR 300, but nothing came of it, then it is better to immediately turn it to the position specified for the settings: press and hold the Reset button for 10 seconds.

Now is the time to launch your browser and go to Enter standard values ​​into the form there - admin / admin for login and password.

L2TP configuration

Now we move on to the main one - setting up L2TP connection parameters for Beeline. The fields must be filled in like this:

Click “Save”. Afterwards, you will be shown a side with half-terms: there you can make a new connection. In addition, the indicator will light up. It appears that there have been song changes in the settings and they need to be preserved. Earn money

Now we need to set up Wi-Fi and set a password.

Setting up Wi-Fi

Go to the settings extensions page on the Wi-Fi page. There you will find the item “Basic settings”. Fill in the fields there:

SSID - here you need to specify numbers and Latin letters. It will be visible when connected.

Other points may not be ignored. Click “Change”

  • Merezheva authentication - WPA2-PSK
  • The encryption key is the Wi-Fi password.

Click “Change”

That's it! now yours router DIR 300 total adjustments.

The D-Link device looks like it will fit into the budget router segment. correct setting router to allow Beeline subscribers to use the IPTV service on the DIR-300 and ensure stable Wi-Fi coverage within a small apartment.

Information about technical characteristics and the possibility of the device is presented in.

  • The Internet provider cable is connected to the WAN port, signed as INTERNET;
  • The computer is connected to an additional patch cord in the LAN 1 router socket;
  • If a TV set-top box is available, connect it to LAN port 4;

Setting up your PC

After enabling life, the router’s DHCP server assigns internal IP addresses to all connections to other devices. To deny access from your computer to the router, you need to check the correct settings edge adapter PC.

In Windows 7, 8 and 10, the easiest way to do this is by pressing right button Click on the connection icon on the settings panel.

Next step - go to the parameters of the PC edge adapter.

If you have an active connection, switch to TCP / IPv4 settings.

The computer is responsible for removing the network configuration from the router automatically.

Login to the router interface

You can configure the router from a tablet connected via Wi-Fi, or better yet, from a computer, so mobile browser You may display elements of the web interface incorrectly.

To gain access to the router's admin panel, you need to open the local IP address of the device in your browser.

at successful lover head page web interface, the authorization prompt will appear.

Detailed information on how to establish a connection with the router is provided in the following section.

Setting up connection

The new firmware of the D-Link DIR-300 router has simplified setup using the Click'n'Connect utility. It is better to connect to the Internet with the Beeline server than to connect it manually.

To do this, you need to switch to extensions mode and open the “Merezha - WAN” tab.

In the “light” air interface, the layout of the control elements is different, and the options and menu items are named the same.

  • Setting up the DIR-300 configuration for BEELINE begins by selecting the Internet connection protocol: L2TP + Dynamic IP.
  • Whatever the name is, whatever the name is.

  • The accountant's name is login 089 ******* and the password for Internet access is specified in the agreement.
  • Server addresses through which Beeline gives its subscribers access to the network: tp.internet.beeline.ru
  • The “NAT” and “Merezhevye Screen” options must be enabled;
  • The “IGMP” option allows the router to process multicast traffic, if detected Beeline's services IPTV, it's my fault, but it's checked.

After the setup is stopped, the router will inform you about the need to re-enable and after the creation is completed, the connection will be requested.

Setting up IPTV

To implement the IPTV service, Beeline uses untagged traffic. Setting up the router in this case is limited to the visible port for the set-top box behind the additional “Master” DIR-300 and installing a clear place that works in parallel with the WAN is not necessary.

In the scenario of watching the DIR-300 TV set-top box with the BEELINE TV set-top box, in order to watch the TV show on your computer, you need to set up the rules for broadcasting virtual ports. This means that the router will now decapsulate multicast traffic and process data not on the channel level, but on the edge level.

Following the processing of the L2TP Internet protocol, the routing of TV traffic due to the use of the DIR-300 processor is close to the maximum, which will negatively appear on the router’s speed code.

Setting up Wi-Fi

For WiFi settings on DIR-300 you can use the “Meister” utility dartless lines" This method allows you to fire up a stolen Wi-Fi network in seconds:

  • Mode - Access point;
  • SSID - name of the current WiFi network;
  • Key - Password for access to home Wi-Fi.

Other methods for configuring a droneless access point and recommendations for improving the viscosity of the coating and the speed characteristics are presented in the report.

firmware update

Before setting up the Internet on the DIR-300, you must download the latest firmware version for the router from the D-Link FTP server and install it on the device. This is especially important when working in the Beeline network, since the provider connects subscribers using the L2TP protocol. When processing such traffic, the router's processor experiences strong pressure, causing the connection to crash and freeze. Z new firmware The router will work with L2TP more reliably.

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