Connecting sata wd20ezrx to a laptop. How to connect a hard drive to a computer

February 22, 2017 Visited: 5892

We already told about those, but sometimes they blame situations, if they blame the need for connection hard drive view stationary computer to a laptop - for example, if you want to try and simply copy a lot of information onto the laptop's hard drive. Rich koristuvachіv navіt not know, can you connect hard drive from computer to laptop, such an operation is carried out in some way. At this article mi damo vydpovіd on the supply "", razberemo possible ways connection.

Trochy theory

Let's take a closer look at the interface for connecting the accumulated information. Today hard disks connect for additional IDE interface (wine PATA) and SATA. Digital interfaces are compatible with the speed of transmission: for example, the more productive SATA secures throughput up to 6 Gb/s (and SATA Express - up to 16 Gb/s), practically matching the market with the IDE standard, which secures less than 133 Mb/s. It is easy to connect disks with a different interface: for an IDE disk, a wide connection cable is used, and for SATA - a narrow one.
Є th іnshі, less widened transmission interfaces, for example, Thunderbolt (it is more important for Apple computers). Obviously, before you connect a hard drive from a computer to a laptop, you need to select the type of interface and the inputs, choose the connection method.

Now let's talk about the power connection. First, if you can think of a coristuvach, which can connect a hard drive from a PC to a laptop - pick and choose your electronic attachments, so that you don’t blame the incident for “get that plug in, but don’t go out.” That is why, without minimal skills of work with twisting, that rozuminnya recognition of roses, roztasovannya on the motherboard of a stationary computer and a laptop, for the right, it’s not a varto - it’s better to hand over the power, how to connect a hard drive from a PC to a laptop to someone more informed. Also, for the present, you can damage a hard disk, after which you stop working. If you happen to spend a whole complex of visits for acquiring an accumulator, and for yourself: you can happen to win, and also win.
It's easy to take the hard drive from the computer:

  1. It is necessary to turn on yoga for life;
  2. Screw the bolts on the rear panel to attach the rear cover to the PC case;
  3. Take out the cover itself, plug in the cables and loops that go out maternity pay to the hard disk;
  4. Bolt the bolts to fasten the accumulator to the nest, to some kind of insertion;
  5. Vityagti hard disk.

To pick up a laptop, you need:

  1. Vimknuti yogo vіd zhivlennya
  2. Pull the battery
  3. Turn the bolts to attach the bottom cover, and take it out (it is possible - take out more pieces of components to close access to the roses on the motherboard - lie down in the laptop model).

Yakshcho well koristuvach already knows s internal annex computer, you can proceed to the end of the operation. Let's take a look at the application of the connection.

How to connect a hard drive from a computer to a laptop for an additional adapter?

Use special adapters designed to connect a hard drive to a motherboard with other sockets, for example SATA-IDE, SATA-USB, IDE-USB.

You can get them in any store that sells computer technology and accessories. How to connect extreme zhorst drive from the computer to the laptop is approaching: you need to turn on the laptop from the electrician and remove the battery, connect the connectors of the adapter to the sockets on the hard disk and laptop (up to the mother board or USB port, in the fall, see the adapter), insert the battery and turn off the laptop, enter the BIOS and check if the hard disk is correctly entered. Varto vrahuvat, that when the hard drive is connected directly to the motherboard (via the SATA or IDE interface), the transmission speed will be higher, lower when connected to the USB port.

How to connect a hard drive from a computer to a laptop via USB?

You can also come to the store with a special kishen-container, like connecting a hard drive from a laptop via a USB port.

It is enough to insert a hard disk into your container (very importantly, to expand and expand the intestines and the hard drive) and connect it to the USB port of the laptop. Winchester is recognized by the operating system as a great accumulator, after which it is possible to work with it.
Such options, how can you connect a hard disk from a computer to a laptop. As you can remember, special knowledge of the type of coristuvacha is not necessary, it is enough to know from which side you can go to the computer and how not to harm the components when the hard disk is connected / connected. It is important to remember that connections to a hard drive laptop cannot be turned on for an hour of work; Now, if you have found the answer to the request, you can analyze the reason for this operation.

Feeding the koristuvach...

Good afternoon. Do not tell me how to transfer ~ 500 GB of information from a laptop to a hard disk of a computer? Having tried copying to a USB flash drive - a little more (there are more photos for me, and when transferring anonymous other files, the speed drops). How to connect a hard drive from a laptop to a computer with minimal bandwidth, is it possible? Or is there a way to transfer such files without connecting the disk directly to the PC? Zazdalegid dyakuyu, food is already great ...

I live.

There are two ways how you can connect a disk from a laptop to a PC:

  1. connect it directly to the SATA / IDE port of the computer and transfer all the necessary information;
  2. buy a special BOX, insert a disk into it, and then connect this BOX to any USB port of a computer / laptop.

In the article I will look in detail at the skin of the options. Until then, when transferring anonymous other files, security was not used - you can add them to the archive (for example, ZIP without constraint (such archives are created very quickly)), and then copy the archive file to another disk (as a result, transfer one great file and swidkіst will be signifi- cantly higher).

How to take a hard disk out of a laptop

If you already have a hard drive "on hand" - you can skip a part of the article.

Maybe, ce first, from which the coristuvach sticks. Let's say, not a laptop, but the data from the disk needs to be taken away by the term.

І here є one folding. As before, laptops had a special cover for a hard drive from the back side. operational memory, then at the same time won't be on all laptops (New vіyanny modi ...). As a result, to get a hard drive from a laptop (what for koristuvach_v-pochatk_vts_v - it’s more like a folding robot. It’s more sloppy to work and tear thin wires - then we’ll go to the master ...).

  1. vimicaemo laptop;
  2. including all kinds of darts: food, a bear, headphones;
  3. overturned;
  4. viymaєmo battery(sound, zavzhd є two buckles, div. arrow-1 in the photo below);
  5. twisting the screw and closing the lid (div. arrow-2 in the photo below).

A hard disk, to the point, can be covered with a special fastening cap and a typical disk appearance (which is more visible in the photo), you can not follow it.

In the photo below: arrow-1 - hard disk; arrow-2 - operational memory.

Vlasne, you have lost only a few screws of the fastening screw and a distance of the hard disk itself. You know everything perfectly, but I will repeat it again: remove the disk carefully and do not hurry, often the contacts of the disk can boil, for example, there are wines there, and nothing should be broken even though the sprat of rocks. One vipadkovy blow or the fall of the disk - and your tribute can be ruined forever!

Now, if the disk is twisted, you can proceed to the next connection.

Connecting a disk from a laptop to a PC.

The simplest, the most costless Swedish way How can you connect a disk from a laptop to a PC - just connect it to a SATA port (so that the stink is wrapped up and the problems are not to blame).

Little caution...

Є k_lka ports for connection hard drives: IDE and SATA (IDE is old) Because you have old computer(otherwise an old laptop), maybe you are stuck with an IDE port. Todi you all deshcho oslozhnitsya.

Without going into technical terms, I will say that the IDE port is wider, the lower SATA port is the butt in the photo below.

If you want to connect an old IDE drive to a new computer (or a new SATA drive to an old PC, which has only an IDE port) - you need a special adapter: SATA / IDE, or IDE / SATA. Buying stench is not expensive and practical at a skin computer store (butt lower).

As well as a computer, a laptop you have a new one - then there, there can be a SATA port, and it’s not the fault of the connections to blame. The easiest way, in my opinion (especially since you can't wield it in any way), is to simply turn on the CD-Rom drive and connect your hard drive from your laptop to these ports (div. arrows 1, 2 in the photo below).

If you need to copy the information from the disk once, you can not save it: turn on the computer and transfer everything you need. Dali the disk, turn it on and turn it into a laptop.

If you want to work with him permanently, then special sledges, which will help you to fix a hard disk in a laptop (and stink less, lower computer: 2.5 inches versus 3.5) in a smaller standard system block(Photo of the sled below).

Inserting a disc into the BOX and connecting to the USB port of a PC/another laptop

Another popular way to connect a laptop to a PC is to attach a special container (which is called BOX). Moreover, the vigoda here is considered to be universal: whether you have a disk ( old IDE, new SATA, 2.5 inch laptop or 3.5 inch computer) - these containers are for the most demanding drives!

The bottom line is that you insert your hard drive into this container, take it out, and then you can connect it to any USB port! Tobto. in fact, take old zhorsky disk (which became so popular in the last hour).

Pick and choose such a container - on the right 2-3 minutes: open the lid, insert it into a new disk, and plug it into the USB port.


Until then, BOX may not be used in the old HDD (butt in the photo below).

Choice of BOX is not disturbed by anything zorsky disk


Before speech, another option is how to transfer information from the HDD of a laptop to a computer - all in one local measure Let's share files on laptops, and capture them on PC. Truthfully, this option may have some important shortcomings:

  • it is necessary, if they were correct and practiced, і PC, і laptop;
  • it is necessary to build a local line (for rich pochatkіvtsіv - it's a good price);
  • milk low speed data transfers (compared with "direct" copies from one disc to another). If you want to transfer files regularly, then local merezha one of the shortest exits (you won’t be here and there smikati a hard disk 🙄).

That's all, successful connection!

As practice shows, it is often necessary to connect a hard disk of a computer attached to a laptop. The reason for this may be the need for a “digital bida”, like a rapt vinyl. This article describes ways to solve the problem, how to add a laptop hard drive to the laptop.

Tse to finish basic information for today's day. It is made up of two recommendations. At the article, the options for the interface-interaction of accumulating information, which differ among themselves for the type, are broken. Metoyu vsogo conceived є otrimannya public access data, which are stored on a hard drive.

Retail at the infamous recognition of Winchester

Stationary computers are equipped with one type of storage devices, laptops - with others. Offenses and outbuildings may be universal building. The stench saves and robs the information. In such a way, vіdminnostі vіdmіnnostі vіdminnostі vіdmіnnosti іnіdіfісі pіd hіvіshennya zavdannya, yоkklyuchiti zhorstі disk od one device to іnshoy, you can not torkatisya. As a rule, most koristuvachs blame the shock camp, if they can’t know access to information, how to save it on a hard disk, like that viishov out of tune. Ale not varto worry so much. Vyhid іz tsієї situatsії obov'yazkovo naydetsya. Tim more, є kіlka ways for tsgogo. Take a look at the report itself.

Connecting a hard drive to a laptop

Warto elaborated in detail in such a situation. For example, if you have a working laptop, which means you have to connect HDD to personal computer. A special SATA-eSATA adapter is required at the back. It is necessary for the process of choice to kerubate technical characteristics laptop. In this case, you need a "friendly" eSATA-roz for a laptop. A lot of current portable configurations provide a similar interface. Do you need help? zhorstkogo connection wear.

For the obviousness of this type of interface, the process of initialization does not cause difficulties. Vin vikonuetsya mayzhe mittevo. The operating system of the building was immediately recognized that it was connected to the device as a storable accumulator. At the same time, the speed of the work with the zd_isnn_ process of synchronization should be done to the temple. Won to become up to 6 Gbit / sec. With an eye on such parameters, it is possible with ease and comfort to interact with information, no matter what. Zvisno, in the midst of the reasonable.

Help for IDE hard drives

How to correctly connect a hard drive to a laptop with three old interfaces, so that a laptop can have a universal USB socket? Tse nutrition, no doubt, more foldable, especially for an unacknowledged koristuvach, musing him to seriously think. However, there are still such problems. The solution is to choose a special adapter connected to the laptop for an additional USB cable.

Zavdyaky vkhіdnomu IDE-roz'єmu add іsnuіє mozhlivіst podklyuchiti zhorsk disk of a personal computer. The cable, like a vision of the okremo, vikoristovuєtsya like a life-giving kіntsevik. Sound these gadgets, they will be universally installed. To that, two types of connections are often transferred - SATA-USB and IDE-USB, with one adapter-controller.

"Brotherly mind" two cords

As already mentioned above, there are no problems from connecting a hard disk of a laptop to a laptop, as a laptop can guess the last interface. At the same time, the "reconnect" arsenal is to blame for the eSATA to SATA adapter. If you don’t see the validity, see the nearest electronics store, so that there is an available “gut” for the old HDD. This option is the most optimal for the ideal solution of the problem.

The master of this HDD-container building is easy to pick up the device for direct recognition from the look of an additional, well-known accumulator of data. Varto means that the HDD can be connected not only via the eSATA interface, but also via the USB port, which can be universally installed. It will definitely make the task easier, as it is necessary to transfer 2.5 - accumulating a portable computer to a stationary one. personal annex. The benefit of such a treat is obvious.

In this way, for the sake of power, how to connect a hard-nosed laptop to a laptop, if the situation is frustrating, you can quickly access information on the external hard drive, as well as for the intelligence of the USB adapter required and the availability of a flash drive for access to the Live distributor. If an exciting Flash-accumulation is created, it is necessary to vimknut that nestrumiti attachments. Then it is necessary to dismantle the laptop battery. The back of the laptop will replace the HDD text labels.

This is the title of a guide that indicates the placement of a hard-to-wear laptop. It is necessary to unscrew the cover and carefully twist the HDD. Slid to show maximum caution. On the spot, as now it has become free, it is necessary to install a Winchester, which saves the necessary data. If the capture from the flash drive is completed, then you can get acquainted with the "secret information".

At the principle, tsі dії do not become anything collapsible. After vykonavshi їх, you can solve the problem of connecting a hard disk to a laptop. The main methods of obtaining access to information that is stored on an external HDD are reportedly reviewed in the article. The stench can become a good skin coristuvachev, which closes with the need to connect a hard disk of one laptop to another attachment. Vikonati such procedures are possible as a person with an enlightened programmer, and as a great computer lover, as a great support for programming.

The hard disk is the main storage for saving files and programs, including documents, videos and music. There are plenty of reasons why vlasniks might need to connect a PC hard drive to a laptop. For example, for the retrieval of data after the collapse operating system or to transfer data to new laptop.

Himself accessible way Connecting a hard drive to a laptop є a switch adapter to a docking station.

Such a docking station costs about $30-40. For example, Anker USB 3.0. The only problem is that it won't be better for everything, it doesn't support IDE and SATA interfaces. If you want to connect a hard disk IDE or SATA, it is better to use special adapters.

Sabrent USB to SATA/IDE adapter

The butt of the adapter between USB and SATA є "Sabrent USB-SATA / IDE adapter", which allows you to mount hard disks like a portable HDD or a flash drive.

Historically, these adapters were made foldable, proto-development of technologies allowed significant changes in them. Modern USB/SATA adapters with superior functionality affordable prices. The model we can see is Sabrent USB 3.0 to SATA/IDE adapter. Tse nadіyny, swedky and water tight adapter. Vіn maє vbudovaniya Molex transformer. Tse allows you to turn on disks with any interfaces. More adapters can be found practically in any computer hardware store. The stench is safe from the connection of a hard disk with a computer, the prote cannot support yoga (especially old HDD stationary computers). For robots with such adapters, it is necessary to live through the old power supply of the computer, which is not possible.

Adapter connection

If you already have the power, then everything you need to rob it should be connected to the power adapter (3.5 IDE, 2.5 IDE or SATA) to the hard drive.

Note Note: change if the HDD jumpers are set to “Master” (especially if the disk is old; today SATA accumulates rarely change jumpers).

Connect the adapter to the USB port on the computer and connect it via the MOLEX connector on the adapter. After that, turn the jumper on the cable, so that you can sleep. Axis seems to be correctly connecting an IDE drive

After that, as a life is connected, the accumulator is turned up and is obliged to report to the Windows explorer as if it were otherwise local disk. The axis looks like a manifestation of the disk in Windows Explorer.

Now you can use all the old data, so you can copy it to the main nose.

Note: pіd hour vіdkrittya, kopiyuvannya or vidalennya folders on the old ones. hard disks If you have previously installed Windows OS, you may be stuck with access problems. Such a pardon is blamed on those who have secured file access rights to files placed in front of the operating system. For most vipadkiv it is enough to press the button "Continue" at the window.

If your drive is not an operating system, but you connected everything correctly, then the reasons may be offensive:

1) Jumpers are set to "Slave" mode. You are responsible to install the jumpers correctly.

2) The file system is not supported by the OS. Most of the time, this problem is attributable to the fact that the hard disk is formatted in Linux OS. For anyone who wants to, it is necessary to get involved with Linux in order to gain access to data.

3) The disk is damaged. It is practically impossible for anyone to win a victory.


As an example, a standard SATA disk will be seen, but scalable IDE disks are already crowding the market of modern technologies, although at the moment there are universal tools for connecting disks of both types. Zhorsky connection disk before laptop ask for the help of a USB container.

Before you, you need to open the container and insert into the new required hard disk (do not forget about different sizes containers and carriers - 2.5 and 3.5). Let's create a container interface with a hard drive, and then with a portable computer. The introduction of a new USB 3.0 interface will allow for a significant increase in the speed of transmission between devices.

Zalezhno to the type of container zdіysnіt vіdpovіdne podklyuchennya zhivlennya. Now you need to turn on the laptop itself or the netbook. After the operational systemy zhorsky the disk is guilty automatically assigned and shown in « Windows Explorer". If nothing happened, try installing special drivers from disk What is the set with a container. In some cases, it is necessary to connect to the Internet, for example, if the current driver is old and a new version is released.

Sometimes you can get stuck with such a problem: if the system fails, the disk does not show up at the "Windows Explorer", but the icon is in the "Appliance Manager" applet. The solution to the problem will change the priorities that are connected. disk, because a streaming disk (in a laptop) and an old one may have one option of the “Primary disk».

Restart your laptop. For an hour to read information about the add-on, press the Delete key, F2 or otherwise, to activate the BIOS SETUP menu entry. Navigate to the Boot distribution, select a new one, and check the box next to Secondary Master.

Press F10 to save money and reset computer. When the printer appears, launch "My Computer" and check for the appearance of a new wearer. Better for everything, the system after installation feeds one more re-advantage. Lost vikonati tsyu diyu that koristuvatisya dodatkovym free disk space.

Purchases new zhorsky the disc will be installed on the computer. This procedure is transferred to a mechanical robot - screw, attach, install the driver that formats the disk.

you need

  • Z'ednuvalni droti, spinning, disk with drivers


It is selected from the model of the attached hard drive and by the connection method. On older models, it is necessary to install a special jumper between the terminals of the hard disk, so that the operating system has learned, to which one it is necessary to turn them into the first black. Such hard disks that are connected via the Sata controller, such hand lashing do not require.

Video on the topic

Return respect

The arrival of a hard disk must be checked out on a hard disk computer. After vimknennya yogo z merezhi dotorknіtsya to the computer's case, schob take static voltage.

Korisna porada

When choosing a driver's jack, insert the disk that is included with the hard drive, and enter the next path. Drivers from the compiler can be updated from existing drivers in the operating system. Later, you can update the driver via the Internet.


  • Ways to install a hard disk in a computer case in 2017

Sound new chorus discs connect in order to increase the capacity of your PC, increase the amount of information storage space. In order to connect a dodatkovy zhorstky disk, it’s not obov'yazykovo viklikati maistra - you can do it yourself.

you need

  • new zhorstky disc and a small piece of simple working tools.


The SATA cable can be the same in roses. One rose to the mother's board, the other directly to the hard drive. Incorrect connection of SATA disks - operation is not possible;

SATA disks do not suffer from the presence of jumpers - the reason is even simpler;

Put the disc in your container and connect it with internal wires;

Plug in the cable that leads to the USB socket in the laptop.

In order for your operating system to be able to boot a new disk, you need to set the robotic disk mode. Zdіysnіt z'єdnannya vsіh darts. A signal lamp will light up on the adapter.

BIOS Setup will appear on the screen - go to the tab for selecting parameters installed outbuildings– take a look at all available add-ons - among them there can be HDD SATA.

When installing, be it an operating system, you will need additional drivers for your disk. However, different versions of operating systems may already have the same drivers.

When a hard drive is installed with an already installed operating system, the drivers are forced into the system as soon as the computer is enabled and the welcome screen appears.

As soon as the operating system is occupied, the containers are automatically detected by the system. On the screen, a message will appear about the need for re-advancement. Press "Yes". At the next hour of the upcoming reboot, the disk will be installed. Go to "My computer" and switch over to yoga.


  • roses for laptop hard drive

Porada 5: How to connect a hard drive from a computer to a laptop

It may be so, if you ever need to connect a hard drive from a great stationary computer to a laptop, for example, to transfer a great deal of information. Good luck, you already know, like a robiti.


Bring a special adapter (adapter) that allows you to transfer information from a stellar hard drive via a USB connection. Modern adapters support both the transition from SATA to USB, and from IDE to USB, with which the stench can be small mesh adapters for additional life of a hard drive, as well as to support hard drives form factors 2.5 and 3.5 inches.

After that, as you have chosen the required adapter, connect it to the hard drive, and the necessary connector. Apparently, a wide connector is required for an IDE interface, and a small plug for a SATA interface.

USB connector, which comes out of the adapter, connects to the laptop's USB controller. With this hard drive, it’s like a great USB storage device. If there is a light indicator on your adapter, check if it is giving positive signals.

If you have a hard drive with a SATA interface, and in the adapter you have transferred only the life for the hard drive with an IDE interface (some of these contacts), then attach a special adapter from the life for the IDE to the life for SATA, but in any case it is not the same complete set, but also a day-to-day adapter). Be sure that the IDE connector is on the adapter with a plug, not a socket.

Don't worry about the drive of what operating system is installed on your laptop, modern adapters work with systems like Win98 to Vista and Mac.

For any type of change, it is best to consult with the salesperson in the computer accessories store. Let me know what kind of hard drive and what kind of laptop you need to connect to. Vіn you obov'yazkovo pіdbere optimal variant for your purposes and, ymovіrno, give dodatkovі recommendations.

Video on the topic

In the rest of the hour in the assortment of computer products you can find different noses: optical disk ta, flash drives, memory cards and old people discs. Stay, even if not the same miniatures, like a memory card or a flash drive, є most important gadgets at a glance Connect an external hard drive to laptop but the computer is awkward.

you need

  • - Computer.


Look at the packaging of the old hard disk and take it out. Find the cable before attaching that cable to the computer. If you have added a 3.5" form factor hard drive, then in the package, as indicated, we have a life adapter.

Connect the live adapter to the hard drive, which requires additional power supply - sound as it is necessary for the hard drives form factor 3.5". Plug the live adapter into the socket, and the cable laptop- have a USB port. You can tweak whether it's a USB port on a laptop, whatever you need.

Check, dock the laptop to designate the current nose. Sound the operating system of the form beep when connected, be it a wear. If you have an active autorun from your nose, you will show up at your choice. If not, then after the driver is installed (as if automatically) instead of the hard drive, it will be available through any file manager.

Do not varto connect unconverted nose to the computer without antivirus software. Such viruses vikoristovuyut autorun from the attachment, so that you can copy it to your operating system. At the first launch of portable media, viruses that reside in them are automatically launched and integrated into the computer's registry, so do not turn on the anti-virus software.

The word Winchester is often used when naming a hard disk of a computer. You can give up, what kind of attachment, having taken off a friend, I will name him in the name of his retailer. However, we think not so.

What is another name for hard discs?

Zhorstkі disks have been awarded a variety of different names, and Winchester is far from being the only one among them. Thus, the abbreviation HDMD was used by old assistants in informatics, as it was deciphered as a storage device on a hard magnetic disk. The prices of computer stores can be replaced more quickly - HDD (Hard Disc Drive). It's victorious and in the memory of the computer. It is possible that the name is also shortened - Hard Drive. But at the hearing of the coristuvachi, as before, the word "winchester" is left out, as well as the worse ones - "gvint" and "winch".

Helpful clue to the word "Winchester"

In fact, the American winchester was called the Winchester, as they won during the hours of the Wild Sunset. This information looks like a lot of marvelous, even a metal box with magnetic disks is unlikely to look like a firearm.

Accumulated names with Winchester of the name of the American company IBM, which released a hard disk in 1973. Fahivtsі companies, yakі worked on similar products, created a model 3340. Vaughn avenged disk platters and heads, which read, in a single case. The stench didn’t stick around one of the zavdyaki prosharka from the stream again, which is gaining, made with a swedish wrapper. Pratsyyuchi over the annex, the engineers zastosovuvali internal name - "30-30". Qi figures spoke about the presence of 30 sectors and roads.

At that time, the United States let out the Winchester towel. It was loaded with cartridges, small caliber 7.62 mm. The marking of this cartridge was like this: Winchester 30-30. The numbers, which were placed in this markup, ran with a working name, as if it were given to a hard disk. Continuing the analogy, the engineers began to call their development a Winchester.

Even though the twine itself, it was called the Winchester model 94. With this zbroy, other companies, the Remington brand, were released. At the majority of vipadkivs, the wintivka was vicorated at the hour of polyuvannya on great game. Then the government of the United States surrounded the zastosuvannya of cartridges with a shot with a method of watering. As a last thing, he falls sharply on the towel. In Denmark, yoga is bathed mainly by collectors.

In Europe and the United States, the word "winchester" is no longer alive on a hard drive. In Russian language, the name is left with a sing-officious name, and on slang, the words “gvint”, “vinch” and “vinik” are played.

Video on the topic

Porada 8: How to connect another hard drive to the computer

The need to connect another hard drive to the computer can be blamed in case of failure free space for saving files on a standard hard drive, and also, as it is necessary to transfer information from one attachment to another. This operation may have its own peculiarities.

How to connect a hard disk to a computer

You can connect one more hard disk to the computer, no matter how large it is, for example the great 3.5-inch, vicarious special Mobile Rack adapter. The connection is made via a USB cable, as well as a cable with an adapter for 220V, which are sold in one set in computer equipment stores. Just insert a hard disk at the adapter, close it and plug it into the socket of that computer.

Most often, it is sufficient to connect another hard drive to the computer, and the wines are immediately recognized by the system. However, in certain types of attachments, it is necessary to format it forward, so that it can be updated file system. For this, open the "My Computer" folder, click right button by the icon of the connected disk and select the “Format” option. Enter file NTFS system at the window, and also activate the "Swedish formatting" function.

How to connect a hard disk from a computer to a laptop

Try connecting a hard drive from your computer to your laptop for the help of a special USB container, which you can get in one of the computer hardware stores. The attachment is responsible for the format of the hard drive - 2.5 or 3.5. Open the container and put a disk next to it. Vicorist cables from the complete set to the container, connect the hard drive with the laptop and electrical outlet at 220V. The speed of transmission between noses is dependent on the type of interface - USB 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. The new USB 3.0 interface allows for a significant increase in file transfer speed between devices.

Activate the laptop and take over the operating system. If there is no new attachment in the "My Computer" folder, it is necessary to complete the connection of the hard drive to the laptop through the BIOS. Reseat the portable computer and press the F2 key once, Delete or otherwise, as you launch custom BIOS. In the Boot distribution, select the Secondary Master item, then save the settings and re-advantage. Please note that for normal operation I will add a driver update through system service"Supply manager".

There are such situations, if it is necessary to transfer information that is saved on a hard disk laptop on a stationary computer. You can blame songs of folding through the inconsistency of roses. Ale stinks are easily used for the help of special adapters.


Use an adapter to connect a hard drive laptop to PC. Is it necessary? If your laptop has gone bad for 3 years, then there is a risk that the hard disk may go wrong. To get lost again required information it is necessary to grow її backup copy, yak will be humiliated in a zhorstky disk personal computer.

Bring an adapter to any computer store. Potim, schob connect hard drive laptop to the computer, connect the adapter with the wide side to the IDE cable of the motherboard of the stationary computer. To the narrow part of the adapter, connect the roses of the hard disk laptop. First of all, don't forget to turn off your computer.

Start the life of the desktop computer after connecting the hard drive laptop to the computer. A new addition will be revealed at the time of the advance. To make sure that you transfer all the necessary data to the hard drive of your personal computer, you can only after re-reloading. It doesn't matter what version of the Service Pack the operating system has to win. Do not go through again.

Use a special HDD container, if you don't want to bother with adapters and if the process of transferring data from a hard drive laptop on a PC, you can repeat it often. This container is connected to the computer behind an additional USB cable. Tse put a penny on the transfer of data, but at the same time to work the process successfully. You can get an HDD container from any computer store. Uses a small version, in the middle of which is a container, which by itself is an adapter for the IDE motherboard of a desktop computer. Tobto. when vikoristanny does not suffer swidkіst exchange danimi, like in case of a USB-container.

DVD-players will go step by step in the past, stepping into the hands of media programmers and TVs with USB-interface. Right, now choose buy discs at that hour, if all the films can be played on a hard drive connected to TV set.


A hard drive can be used as a stand-alone attachment, which can have a cable for connecting to USB, as well as part of a computer or a laptop. І as in the first day you do not need to connect to TV set if there are no additional additions, then in another you will have to come old building for a hard disk Such cases are sold in computer stores and help connect any hard disk to a computer. TV set, music center and other technologies.

Just because your TV does not have a USB interface does not mean that you cannot connect to a new hard drive. It’s enough to have a media player for creating multimedia files from any USB devices and using it as an adapter between zhorstky