How to get dropbox files onto a Lifehack computer: Downloading from the crazy Dropbox. Automatically save photos from your gadget with Dropbox

From the site, the site can be added to the folders again, in order to correct the offense of the onset of hardness:

  • Zagalny obsyag folders less than 20 GB
  • Papa has no more than 10,000 files

To grab a folder directly from the website site:

  1. site site.
  2. Find a folder, you need to get it.
  3. Press icon (marks) right-handed in the name of the folder.
  4. Press take advantage.

Your browser will make the folder look like one archived file (in ZIP format). You can find the file in ZIP format in your folder, where you want to name your browser (it is indicated in your settings). The file will be named the same way, like the folder itself, only in the world you can get it .zip.

To remove access to the file in ZIP format, open it and unzip it.

Most operating systems can unzip ZIP files without affecting the installation of additional software. If you can't open a file, you can find an archiving program on the Internet.

To return respect: what do you have Mac computer If you have zipped a ZIP file larger than 4 GB, the Archive Utility in MacOS may not be able to decompress the ZIP file. As it turns out, you will need to use another program or Terminal to unpack it.

Why work, how do you replace the “Apply” button?

How do you bachite the button Vidkriti button replacement take advantage This means the folder is already synced with your Dropbox folder on your computer. Press button Vidkriti to open a folder on your computer.

Do not hurry to say: “I don’t need it,” after reading the heading of this article. Since you are a happy master of any Apple iOS device, as well as an active Internet connoisseur, then I am more worried about the richness of this material for you. Oh, what is the article about? It goes without saying that you have often been corrupted by file exchangers with the method of transferring files to your friends, or just to save some special data.

However, the obvious shortcomings of primary file exchangers are the possibility of manual synchronization with computers and iOS devices.

Dropbox + iFile + iPhone (iPad, iPod Touch) to allow you to exercise further control over your special tributes from any point of the world. You can easily save, capture, capture, edit and exchange your files, like for a help computer, pid keruvannyam Windows or Mac OS X, so I'll add an iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch). And so, in order:

Dropbox - the most popular and most popular service that allows you to save your personal data on from remote servers(“Hmari”) that share with them for the help of the Internet. If there is a file of your data, you can send it directly to the mother for the benefit.

Dropbox client installed on Windows, Mac, Linux or iOS add-ons.

2 . Please install the Dropbox client on your computer, iPhone or iPad.

Freetariff plan, which gives you 2 GB free of charge in the "gloomy" Dropbox and allows you to increase the gloomy space up to 18 GB for receiving referrals. You will deduct additional 500 Mb of space for skin registration for your referral requests or requests.

Pro 50- a tariff plan that gives 50 GB from Dropbox for $9.99 per month or $99.99 for rivers and allows you to increase your gloomy space up to 82 GB for receiving referrals. You will deduct an additional 1 GB of space for skin registration for your referral requests or requests.

Pro 100- a tariff plan that gives 100 GB in Dropbox for $ 19.99 per month or $ 199.99 per river, which allows you to increase the gloomy space up to 132 GB for receiving referrals. You will deduct 1 GB additional space for skin registration for your referral requests or requests.

team- tariff plan for corporate clients, you can get 1 TB in Dropbox “gloomy” for 5 credits for 795 dollars per river, with the possibility of adding credits. Kozhen dodaniya koristuvach zbіlshit rozmіr korporativnoї "kmari" for 200 GB for $125 per river.

5 . When the client is installed on your computer, it will appear special folder Dropbox. At the hour of the її vіdkrittya You should open the folders Public, Foto and others. Qi folders can be seen or re-named for the bazhannyam. Your own folders You can use the web interface Dropbox service by logging in to

The principle of operation of Dropbox is based on synchronization, tobto. If you share a file with any Dropbox folder on your computer, then the whole file will be instantly copied more quickly and in the dark, and will be available to you through a web interface from any point of the earth's backwoods.

The Dropbox skin folder can be an indicator of what is shown on the process that is being processed.

Files do not allow the terms of saving on the authority of more file exchangers.

7 . Vitaemo! You've become a hard-working, gloomy Dropbox service. You can sing yoga to save important documents, music, videos, etc. Try to independently test the service by creating a folder and placing it in a new file.

How to capture and capture files from Dropbox on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch using iFile from Cydia?

1 . Jailbreak on your iOS add-ons. Detailed instructions You can find out from our distribution.

3 . Launch the iFile program and press the Settings icon in the lower left corner of the program window.

4 . Press "Contact Dropbox". І at the end of the authorization, enter your registration e-mail and password.

5 . Press the icon at the bottom right corner of the program.

6 . Click on the "+" sign.

7 . Select Dropbox from the menu.

8 . To appear before you new tab with a list of folders in your Dropbox public record.

9 . Open the Bazhan folder and select the required file. When pressed, vibrating the file is more likely to be taken up, and you will be asked for a list of programs, for the help of which you can open it or re-edit, naturally for the presence on your device.

Dropbox is one of the most popular shady services for saving data. Its main functions are file synchronization, the ability to exchange information, save data from the dark, work with files, documents, photographs, presentations, or whatever other projects and create simple sites.

Khmarne shovische є server, but a little server with hard disks of great volume. Servers can be like a charge, so be it one way or another. At the hour of the client's registration on the server, the last memory of the client is seen. At the dropbox dropbox client, during registration, 2 GB of disk space is freely available. For an additional fee, according to the tariffs, you can take 1 terabyte to an unrestricted space on the server.

You can access your files, placed in the dark, from a large number of attachments and operating systems: all Windows, Mac OS and Linux. android smartphones, iPhone, BlackBerry, iPad tablets and the Kindle Fire, and also, recently, a support for phones and Windows tablets has appeared.

The work with Dropbox is quite simple: after registering that installed program, you will be prompted to create a folder, instead of copying it into gloomy skhovische it can be synchronized between usma devices, on which the Dropbox client is installed. If your attachment is not supported, you can still access the files in the cloud via the web interface. Files can be shared, so that you get more access. The program creates a message to vibrate a file or files, so you can send it to anyone. If the file is a double vision, or if the wrong version is captured, then it can be easily corrected, for 30 days Dropbox saves the history of changing the skin file in the folder.

I'm far from complete list all the possibilities to Dropbox!

Key Features and Functions

  • Dropbox allows you to change files. You yourself carry out this process. Now you don't need to practice FTP server or use the web interface;
  • data processing is carried out in a manual mode for you. She will act independently, so that she does not care about your uninterrupted fate. Up to one client can come with a piece of computers;
  • saving the necessary versions of files. Previous version you can update;
  • the program works with the use of file extensions and folders;
  • facilitating the publication of files in the media and it is updated automatically when changes are made on your computer;
  • a private transfer of data is possible, but it is quiet, so that the changes were given;
  • may be the possibility of revival of vtrachenih data;
  • All data is saved if you change the files, if they were created for the remaining 30 days. Can connect stringless history "Pack-Rat";
  • may be an ideal defender. Data is sent over an encrypted channel (SSL) and stored "in the dark" in an encrypted format (AES-256);
  • I have the option to open files for access for the help of the “Public” folder, as well as the possibility of exchanging files;
  • it is possible to create "Shared" folders for access by a number of people, so that you can have different accounts on the service;
  • High efficiency of the program, you can independently regulate the speed of delivery and receipt of data.

It is even more important, if the files, yakі you save on special computer, would be more dubbed, actual become, here on a third-party collection of data. Establish expensive offline attachments that are connected via computer merezh(NAS Links) or old disks. However, you always want something that is cost-free and superb. And even more important can be called the intellectual ability to access these files from any point of the world. Zvіdsi, of course, screaming solution vikoristovuvaty such a service gloomy sberіgannya files.

mabooth, Dropbox serviceє one of the most popular services of gloomy savings and exchange of files for ordinary coristuvachs on the Internet. Of course, there are other similar services, but Dropbox has been around for a long time and is the most successful gloomy service on the Internet.

Among other people in Russia services of gloomy file storage you can call, "Yandex.Disk", Google Drive, SugarSync, CloudApp and others.

How to tag the Dropbox service?

  • To start tweeting this service, you need to go to and create a new face entry.
  • If necessary, install a special client program for your operating system. Learn yoga for handy work.

Now, reporter, let's figure out how to do it.

Registration of a new public record on the Dropbox service

When registering a new koristuvach, it is necessary to indicate the following statements:

Installing the Dropbox client software on your computer

Dropbox software client setup

To adjust the parameters of the program, it is necessary to select the [Settings] item, context menu autoload icon.

In fact, everything is created from the appointment of the initial entry in the service and the folder layout, so that the files will be picked up. All of these folders, regardless of their connection to the Internet, will be synchronized with the virtual folder of the gloomy collection. With whom, that folder, as you say, will be the root, and reshta - її daughters.

If you want the sync to run smoothly, then set the permissions on the "Run Dropbox when my computer is on" and "Enable local sync" tabs.

Why can't Dropbox be "clean"?

  • Connect a copy of folders. There is less than one folder for viewing other programs. To be led to go to tricks.
  • Robiti list send on files of the same category. However, many gloomy services cannot.

How else can you vouch for the Dropbox service?

Stopping the Dropbox service is no longer limited by savings and file sharing. For the help of this mechanism, one can take away a few other additional and brown possibilities.

Creation of a single music library. You often find yourself in roses, but you have the Internet at your fingertips, you can listen not only to online radio stations, but also to your favorite audio files. Your music collection is now in sync with your PC or smartphone. The most beautiful - music, saved in Dropbox, you can listen without interruption from the Dropbox website without fail in a new online player.

Program synchronization. By selecting one of the folders, as if you would be typing on the computer for placing all portable programs, you can get a lot of brown speeches, such as password synchronization for the KeePass program. Crimean portable programs can be easily downloaded and changed, especially if you can add another folder for savings in them.

Reference list Instead of offline programs for maintaining a list of streaming references, you can stop and add to the list of current references, and you can also use Dropbox for help. available on any computer and secure your own access to notes and lists of references.

In order to capture new torrent files using the method of further exploration of any computer in the program, such as a torrent client (uTorrent, qbittorrent, Trasmission), you need to specify a folder in Primus Primus, for which it will be entered automatic start downloading files with extensions.torrent. If you want a rich torrent client to have "administration away", we won't use this method.

Transferring large files. Post services, until recently, it was possible to transfer hundreds of megabytes of files. Dropbox does not have a limit on the size of files that are transferred.

Plugins, services and utilities for Dropbox

People always don’t get enough, that’s why mothers want more opportunities in different services. The shards of the standard Dropbox profile cannot be cleared up by them, so you may have to beat others third party programs that site.

File rozdruk on automatic. For the help of a simple VBS script, such as Aloaha PDF Suite, Batch Files Printing, Batch Doc Print, SilentPrint, you can set up automatic distribution of documents that move the directory to the disk of the koristuvach. Now you have the ability to edit texts from remote PCs and mobile phones.

The service allows you to capture videos from YouTube into Dropbox for offline viewing. For whom it is necessary to log in for additional Dropbox data, and then copy it to the YouTube video in the field.

CloudShot is a utility program that allows you to create screen shots (screenshots) with the ability to save the selected region, active window or menu. Integrate with Dropbox. Signs are automatically uploaded to the Internet.

The service will redistribute the files uploaded to Dropbox by the master of other registrations. is a special site, which is for transferring files without intermediary to the Dropbox of a koristuvach. For reinsurance, you can transfer files by entering a password.

For the help of the plugin "Dropbox Plugin for Windows" you will be able to transfer files. In one click from the Explorer menu, any file can be moved or copied to Dropbox, and publicly sent to the new clipboard will be automatically placed.

BackWPup is a plugin that automatically saves sites on CMS WordPress from Dropbox.

Dropbox Forms - forms that are configured for uploading files to Dropbox, so that you can get directly to the site, so that users can upload need files yoga to the master.

Dropbox Automator is one of the best plugins for Dropbox. Zalezhno vіd nashtovanih zazdalegіd ruled umіє vykonuvati z different types operation files. For example, documents can be converted to PDF, merged into Google Docs, automatically merged into e-book, images can be taken on Facebook, Flickr, Picasa or processed (change the size of the world, fix the effects, add the text). Regardless of the type, any file can be automatically sent by mail, archived, uploaded to FTP.

Rechecking your computer For additional utility Automatically Take Screenshots Software, by specifying an hour interval (for a lock of 10 seconds), you can take screenshots of the screen and save them from the folder. Through Dropbox on another computer, you can find out what is available on the first system.

Note-I'm glad about those, how to capture a large number of files from the shared Dropbox folder

A few days of that are small, but important family is holy. Shards of the celebration took place near my native place in the Zaporizhia region, and we live near Kiev, then my friend, a photographer, had a chance to upload photos from Dropbox, so we can take them. For a new paid public record, it was not difficult for him to get a 10 GB space and send me a message to share a folder with our photos. I wanted to download all the photos of myself to my computer, but that was not there! Before my costless Dropbox", in which there are only a few more gigabytes, I can’t connect such a large folder - the button " accept just bula syroyu:

A lot of reports from Dropbox's correspondents, obviously, they immediately thought about such a handy function of this service. Zavantage yak ZIP file I know honestly - I'm thinking about it right now and clicking the mouse on the button. At the vіdpovіd otrimav one more vіdmova:

Unfortunately, it is not allowed to assign decalcom files to groups and to capture ZIP files in the functional service.
Obviously, you can look at a skin photo for a review, and then, corking with the possibilities of the service, capture them one by one. Ale їх I have seen a thousand!
Vitrativshi chimalo hour vigaduyuchi search requests Russian and English I do not know the solution of my problem. I had a chance to think independently :-) and nevdovzі solution was found.

I want to get ahead of the Russian readers, that on some screenshots the windows will be Ukrainian - I am Ukrainian, I live in Ukraine and I, just like you, it should be, that the interface of my computer is my own. I sing you, scho tse not vpline on the accuracy of my instructions.

What do we need?
1. Cost-free manager zavantazhen Download Master;
2. Text editor Notepad (Notepad);
3. Mozilla Firefox browser;
4. Extending (additional) CopyLinks to the browser Mozilla Firefox:

Otzhe, let's do it.
1. Install Firefox and Download Master, install CopyLinks extension, restart Firefox. Download Master is better to close at this stage, as you have launched it, the shards of it, the function of overflowing, has been sent for the time being, we are only interested in it.
2. Apparently, in the Firefox tab, the Dropbox folder with photos is shared, and in any empty place, the side is clicked right button mouse, choose at the point Copy Links subparagraph Copy All Links:

After completing the operation, the clipboard will be copied to all messages that are sent to the side. In addition, sent to the courtroom photos for review (please respect yourself for review, but not for downloading).
Now the hour has come to speed up with regular text Windows editor- With a notepad - and for this help, one small, albeit brown cunning Dropbox service will speed up. Trohi about the trick itself: as on the side of the open folder with photos, right-click on the thumbnail of the photo and select the item "Copy the message", then copy the message, moving on to the side of the photo; In addition, if you want to add a small command to the end of the list, then we can also send it directly to the capture of the original file, the axis is the command: ?dl=1. Otzhe, speeding up with cunning. When you start the Notepad program, new blanks are displayed text document, remember yogo instead of the clipboard, speeding up with the command Redaguvannya => Paste or a combination ctrl+v. Take approximately the following:

As you remember, in order to remake, send the photo to view the photo to download, you need to send the back command to the skin address of the photo ?dl=1. Zrobimo tse through the Notepad function Replace..."by launching її from the menu Redaguvannya=>Replace... or by pressing a combination ctrl+h. At the vikni " Replacement"by the field" Know we write the expansion of the photo files we need: .jpg , and in the field Replace on We write this expansion, but to add our "cunning" command: .jpg?dl=1 , as in the next illustration:

Press the button " Replace everything", close the window" Replacement And thanks to the received result, bachachi, what did our download team get to see the pictures:

Download Notepad - it's time to start Download Master. Run, go to the menu Tools => Nalashtuvannya, vіdkrivаєmo razdіl Zagalni => Integration and rechecking the meanings of paragraph " Show URL in clipboard", although not indicative - indicative:

onslaught OK that gortaєmo Download Master. Let's go to the Notepad window, to take revenge on the forces, we can see all the forces through the menu Redaguvannya => See everything or a combination Ctrl+A. Copy vision text to the clipboard using the menu command Redaguvannya => Copy or a combination ctrl+c. Download Master immediately responds to the appearance in the exchange buffer and sends a message to it later:

After downloading the clipboard Download Master will show us the window. Buried from text", in which I bachimo all the efforts are taken by him. We need to choose only the help for the advancement of photographs, speeding up the function" Filter"having pressed the exit button, and in the end, it appeared" Customize URL Filter"choose option" Vikoristovuvat such an extension", you can see all the listings in the text field of the extension and enter there only the necessary extension JPG:

Press the button " Zastosuvati"And bachimo, scho Download Master showed the middle of the system only a few messages for downloading files with JPG extensions, ticking the skins of them with a checkmark next to the appropriate checkbox:

Pressing "OK" and we have an approaching dialogue window - " Add interest", in which we can select the parameters of the first file in the list of files we need. Pressing the button" Change"bіlya fields" save from"We can choose a folder to save the downloaded files. It is necessary to check a couple of important points: it is necessary to check the checkbox" Enclose the maximum number of sections for downloading" ta postavity parameter " 1 "(Download Master does not start downloading the skin file from the download stream), and also uncheck the checkbox" Reset the file size when adding an attachment". Just do not lie two moments, then dropbox accept the Download Master "as a pardon of the browser (if you don’t transfer, why we want to download files, instead of looking at them) and the file does not download or download with pardons. After setting the necessary parameters, press the button" Almost zavantazhennya". Download Master will show us the rest of the end before downloading the cob, in which it will automatically ask us to add the files we have downloaded to files that are missing:

We'll wait a bit, by pressing the button " So". Stop downloading files and stop, what we need to rob - ce around a large number of files, which are downloaded one hour to 5 :

Even if you don’t rob it, some files can be captured with pardons, or not downloaded enough - they’ve been misread by an informed path. Obviously, Dropbox bridges a number of parallel connections.

Naprikintsі dodam - it’s extremely possible to win, whether it’s appropriate software security I just tried to explain how I robbed myself for the help of the programs I knew earlier. In Dropbox, not only images are captured, but files of other types - they can be captured by the algorithm. Golovnya - copy all the requests from the side, add the command to the end of the request ?dl=1 and chimos all tse zavantazhit.

From i all. Radiy, for whom my joy will be in good fortune.