How to clear the external and internal memory of an Android phone, remove unnecessary programs - the procedure. How to clear the internal memory on Android How to clear the memory of an Android phone

Your Android phone or tablet can help you earn so much money: start with what you can spend, listen to music, watch videos, practice by electronic mail, chat and browse web pages; An endless list of tasks that can be saved on your phone.

Unfortunately, the more you are attracted to programs and content, the more your phone will become addicted. Once you refill, problems may arise. You may want to take some video with you so you can watch it before you leave, otherwise there is no room on the device.

Well, the great news is that there is a new place for android phone Because tablets are enough for simple tasks. In this article, we will show you how to create a place so that you have plenty of space for your favorite photos, videos, music, programs and games.

  1. Vidalennya program, so do not vikorist

As you have a number of add-ons that are no longer needed on Android or tablets, they can improve your space and increase productivity on your phone. To get started, go to the Settings menu -> Program Manager and delete programs that you don’t need.

  1. Clearing the app cache

You can also clear the program cache on your phone. Clearing the cache removes timely program files and thus can free up some space. To do this, go to Settings -> Program Manager, find the programs that are taking up the most space, and then click on “Clear cache”.

You may benefit from:

In addition, you can use a cache clearing program, such as Clean Master, which will help you quickly clear out unnecessary files.

  1. Embrace your photos in an online madness

Photos often take up a lot of space on smartphones. Instead, to save everything on your phone, you can speed up the service of careful saving, for example, Google+ Photos, the vikory function of automatic backup All your photos are with Khmaru. To turn off synchronization with dark, go to Settings -> Automatic synchronization -> Automatic synchronization. All your favorite photographs can be safely viewed on your PC and on Android devices, connected to yours regional registration Google.

  1. Delete unnecessary files and folders

Most people uninstall files on their gadgets after being corrupted. These files “save” a lot of space and devices and become inaccessible to further attackers. Regularly remove unnecessary data from the building. To do this, try a program called DiskUsage, which will help you find files and directories on the memory card that support a lot of space. It displays all the information in a graphical format, making it easier to access which files and instead “eat” as much space as possible. Just be careful if you want to see what you are thinking about in DiskUsage.

  1. Move programs and media files to SD card

You can’t just move programs and media files to an SD card. internal memory phone, and also increase productivity on the phone. To move supported programs to the memory card, you can use AppMgr III. This program is cost-free for downloading and does not require root access. All you need to do is install this program on your phone and that’s it. Please be aware that not all programs can be moved to an SD card. Any programs that are responsible are stored in the internal memory of the phone, and they cannot be moved.

Early and late in the morning, the Android device is faced with a task - to clear the phone’s memory. The expanse of internal memory, no matter how great, unfortunately, still comes between. Every “beautiful day” and “year X”, every time renewed, informs the correspondent with an alarming message: “I can’t install a new addition!”

"Memory Eaters" in operating system Android is no less than Windows, which is used on a computer. Unnecessary files (time clock), browser cache, external programs and content, installers, etc. The phone also needs to optimize its “RAM” and clear its external and internal memory.

To get a “digital mower” from the device and use it more efficiently (to enhance the functioning of the system memory), you can use special software tools - programs available on the official web resource Google Play. We are aware of their capabilities.

Automatic cleaning

A cleaning program, a system optimizer and an antivirus in one product, both for those who are familiar with the problem, and for newcomers who are likely to get into trouble with basic adjustments Android. After launch, your panel displays the availability of flash drive and RAM data. Detects redundant files, but deletes photos. Speed ​​up RAM and games. It informs the customer about programs that indicate CPU overheating.

To find unnecessary files and other “programs” on your phone using Clean Master, select the following:

1. On the utility panel, click on the end of the “Smitt” section.

2. Uncheck the items that do not need to be cleaned. Click “Clear” (button at the bottom of the list).

Get ready! Once you clear the cache memory, all progress will be lost. Be respectful of the nadbuds!

3. After completing Clean Master, you will be notified of how much disk space you have managed to free up on your device. Once you have read the information, click Done under the notification text.

Let's rozvantazhiti RAM Use the “Fast Memory” function (button on the head panel, under “Smitty”).

1. After scanning the cleaning add-on, display the flow of programs and services that can be optimized. Select unneeded items (if needed) and press “Speed ​​up”.

2. Click “Done” to exit the section.

The Android version of the mega-popular cleaner for computers running Windows has been ported. Keeps your folders, clipboard, and other directories on your mobile device that are often touched in a clean and orderly manner. Ensures safe web surfing. You can delete SMS notification and call logs. Allows the robot to install RAM and storage memory.

Vibirkov cleaning and analysis of directories

Helps you quickly identify and neutralize “important” files and folders on the device’s memory cards. After the analysis, display on the screen a diagram of the occupied space.

Directory hierarchy graphic scheme Programs can be scaled as needed: expanded instead of folders and subfolders.

To delete a video file:

  • open the menu (tap the “three dots” icon on the left and right corner);
  • Select “Delete” from the list of options;
  • In the additional window, confirm the launch of the command (press “Delete”).

Displays in detail information about the available space on SD cards, USB devices, external and internal connections in the form of infographics (radial diagrams) and about the standard form (you select the display mode to be koristuvach).

Rose is everywhere without any harm. It has the status of a trusted software (does not contain viruses or advertising modules).

It’s great to know and I don’t know unnecessary folders ta files. Indexes all objects that are saved on disks. Equipped with internal search: find the element behind a given search within a few seconds. Displays ten most important files. Supports context not menu to select various actions from the selected object. Use a widget for quick disk transfer from your desktop. Adapted for use on both phones and tablets.

View of installed programs

Many manufacturers install third-party programs into the operating system of their mobile gadgets. But not all of them are brown for the koristuvach. As a matter of fact, the “Galm” drives take up expensive disk space. As a rule, you won’t be able to access their standard phone functions. It is necessary to use specialized utilities, as well as enable root rights.

One the finest tools for viewing system add-ons on a “rooted” Android. Before cleansing, it is possible to temporarily freeze (deactivate) the program. In this mode, you can determine how the operating system operates in this regard. Since everything is fine with the phone, the program can be safely taken away from your savings account without any recourse.

Comprehensive prevention

To keep your phone's RAM and storage in perfect order, you don't have to install a bunch of utilities (one cleans, the other optimizes). For greater ease, complex cleaning and acceleration of the operating system can be combined with additional multifunctional programs. This saves space for storing, and you spend less time on “cleaning up.”

The add-on harvester removes everything unnecessary from the device and speeds up the OS. Detects additives that are supernatural to live with system resources(RAM, CPU battery energy). Delicately restore order to the Android shell cache and installed add-ons.

Clears your browser's search history. Increases the level of confidentiality of special data.

Promotes the absorption of unnecessary components. Helps you select optimal settings in settings (energy saving, display brightness, etc.).

Let your Android have only one thing in the future beautiful programs ta dani!

The problem of filling the internal memory of the device is often faced by all owners of gadgets on the operating system. Android system. How to clean it and avoid problems associated with ROM upgrades. Let's get along.

All manufacturers of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices declare their internal memory characteristics. However, when starting up such a gadget, you need to understand that part of this memory will already be occupied by the operating system and system programs. This creates problems when downloading the remaining episodes of the series or the discography of your favorite group from devices. If you don’t want to write bachiti “ Android internal memory is full“You have to compromise and download one.

This can be avoided if, in addition to the bad memory, you can add a large flash card for your device. However, not all current devices support external storage devices. What should users of such devices do to clear the phone’s memory?

A portion of this food:

  • Transfer “important” files (pictures, audio and video) to your computer
  • Clear memory of unnecessary (smattered) files
  • Transfer files to "khmara"

Transferable files to a flash card

We also need more power for devices that support SD cards. Would you like to know how to move files to Android? There is nothing simple. In order not to waste your memory, you can save all possible files to a flash card. For whom to show such possibility in settings:

  • Cameri
  • Voice recorder
  • Browser
  • Messengeriv
  • Preservation of files

This list can be continued for a long time. Particular respect must be given to such programs that work with “important” files. For example, image, video or audio editors. When saving files to a memory card, create a folder there for each program (as long as it doesn’t happen automatically). You can also avoid problems with the re-memory of your device.


This method of clearing the memory of the device cannot be vikorized system files. This can cause problems with the functionality of the gadget and will not go well.

Moving files from the built-in memory to the card is easiest with the help of a file manager. U Play Market There are a lot of programs in this category. The most popular today.

Many people value this manager as the best for Android and it’s not for nothing. With this help, you can instantly move a number of folders and files, and you can save apk files of installed programs and much more.

How to move files to Android using ES Explorer:

  1. for which they need to be seen (trival of pressing on one file),
  2. Wiklikati menu ("More" button)
  3. find the item “Move to”
  4. For the registered list you need to select "SDCard"

How to move files to Android using an additional PC

Synchronizing the device with a computer is a great advantage. You can exchange files and use free memory as needed. For example, before going to work, download new sections of audiobooks, music albums or videos. This procedure can be carried out immediately if you need to update and delete such files.

It's very easy to connect your Android smartphone or tablet to your computer. It is enough to connect the device with an additional USB cable. For this you do not need to install any software or drivers. Today's computer operating systems can easily determine the type of device connected. You can access the memory using standard conductors.

Today you can make more immediate decisions. AirDroid. With this help you can exchange files from your PC remotely. While hanging out in your room, you can download a music album or movie from your media library and listen to it. There is no need for a long wire. What is needed is a stable Internet connection. Until then, connections to both PC and mobile devices are possible.

It’s easy to set up such synchronization for another service. Thanks to the friendly interface of the program, you can tell someone who, until this day, has never been able to exchange their files on the device.

How to transfer programs to a memory card

Whatever the program is installed behind Paly Market, it is installed in the device’s memory. And it occupies an incredibly rich place there. In order to transfer programs from the memory of a smartphone or tablet to a flash card, you need superadministrator rights () and install a special software security Link2sd.


If the procedure for unrooting is carried out incorrectly, your device may become permanent. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out this procedure very carefully, while controlling your skin. However, if the routing is carried out correctly, it voids the manufacturer's warranty. Chi warto rikuwati? Let me tell you.

Any programs can be transferred from the device memory to the card without special program rights. To do this, you need to go to “Parameters” and select the “Programs” section. There you can find a sparse set of tools for such a transfer.

Another way to transfer programs to a memory card is the program Android Assistant . In essence, this is a whole package of small utilities that will help you do all the necessary things with your Android system.

Qiu program can be found in the Play Market. After you install and run it, you need to go to the “Toolbox” section. Among the lists of tools, you need to know App2Sd. When you click on this item, a menu will appear. You need to select “Information about the program”, and then “To SD memory card” (as this item is active).

Z please help Android Assistant can be used to create a package of unneeded programs. And now I need to clear the memory of my device.

How to clear the internal memory of Android by email

The amount of memory required by any device is very great. In order to trim the strength Have a good time Under your own control, you must periodically clean the system of such files. It’s easier to get help from a special PZ – Clean Master.

Under "sm_ttyam" is meant to respect the cache of Internet pages, launched add-ons and their surplus after uninstallation. Over time, this amount accumulates and not only causes the internal memory of Android to fill up, but also negatively appears on the speed code of tablets and smartphones.

Clean Master is even easier richly functional tool to clear the internal memory of Android by debugging and optimizing the device. To speed it up, you need to install this program and select the menu item - “Smitty”. Then click on the “Clear” button. Program algorithms analyze the memory and find files that can be deleted.

Saving files on bad services

Zavdyaki Swedish Internet Today there is no need to download the files you need to smartphones or tablets. You can enchant them on special services(“khmari”) and make fun when necessary. Almost all wireline companies offer the possibility of cost-free communications gloomy services. And since the amount of space allocated for such a tariff will be small, then it can be expanded in the future for a reasonable amount.

The most popular gloomy monsters are:

In this case, we use a program to easily synchronize files with a remote service. It is enough to install such a program (or a computer), select the files that need to be placed on the server and, after transferring them, delete them from the device. Then, if you need to quickly access such a file, just go to the add-on and click on it.

Most budget devices are equipped with a small amount of internal memory. As a rule, it is 8 GB, but there are devices that have a little more than 4 GB. Apparently, they leave very little space for installing programs, videos, music and photos. What can you earn from such a time?

Transferring programs to a memory card or storing them

If the programs are installed in the device’s memory, you need to transfer them to the memory card. Zrobiti tse can be yak. To get started, go to the settings of your device (Add-on "Parameters").

No one seems to have third-party programs. For example, our vipadka has the idea of ​​Cut the Rope. We press the program on the icon.

Having finished your settings, click “Move to SD card” (in our option - “Go to SD card”, which is generally the same).

The game will be transferred to the memory card. You can spend many hours stuck in the program's size.

If you are not using the program, delete it by clicking on the same button.

Transferring video, audio, photos

In many cases, video or audio recordings, and often a large number of photographs, take a great place. You can transfer these files in two ways: with the help of an explorer or with the help of a computer. In the other option, connect the device to the computer using an additional USB cable and transfer files from the internal memory to the memory card manually.

For the first time you need file manager, for example, ES Explorer. Launch the program, find the folder with the file, click on it and copy.

That's it, that one has been moved.

Clear the device of old and unnecessary data

For this purpose, you can use different programs, and on some devices there are proprietary cleaning utilities. We speed up the SD Maid add-on, which we have highly recommended. Lock it in, install it and launch it. Press the “See” button and check back when the system has collected all the data.

Then click “Clear” to clear the data.

Our fallout was not a big deal at all. Sometimes you can accumulate up to a gigabyte of memory. So that.

Before speaking, unneeded files can be saved from the storage facility. Bagato gloomy crowds absolutely cost-free, you can quickly use this service to save, say, unnecessary photographs.

Smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system actively use the device's RAM. The firmware and shells can be cleaned in standard ways For others, you have to use third-party software. The more RAM you have available, the faster the device itself works. In addition, people who use it often notice internal accumulation, not depriving themselves of a new place (games, videos, photos, etc.) and forgetting about the need for cleansing. As a result, problems with productivity, system breakdowns, excessive re-engagement and freezing occur. This article will tell you how to clean your Android phone and what tools you need to use.

Let's first look at the types of internal memory that contribute to the productivity of the phone. U mobile devices Just like on computers, there are two types of memory: RAM and ROM.

  • RAM)– a fast-memory device that saves data even during the daily operation of the device. Launched games, tabs in the browser, running programs - all these processes use up part of the RAM;
  • ROM (ROM)– a device that permanently remembers. The memory saves all data until you delete it yourself. This category includes all files on the hard drive, cache of additional files, etc.

When the resentment seems to run out of memory, the device begins to behave inappropriately. To remove it, you need to clean the “smittya” of the OZP and PZP.

Cleaning methods

You can use all cleansing methods absolutely cost-free. Choose the appropriate method depending on your device's manufacturer and operating system version.

Start cleaning unnecessary files can be done using the following methods:

  • For additional help with the new functionality;
  • Third-party software for mobile devices;
  • Through a personal computer.

We will also look into methods for clearing caches and viruses using additional special programs.

U bagatioh current outbuildings Samsung, Lenovo, Fly, Meizu, etc. (regardless of the company or manufacturer), you can check the RAM status like this:

  1. Press on the system key (it can be operated left-handed or right-handed). In the window you will see a list of all active programs (1), full RAM (2) and the possibility of cleaning (3).
  1. Press on the cross, after which all RAM occupied by programs will be cleared. System memory, Vikoristovuvanu OS, can not be cleaned.

How can I clean it by hand?

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of using third-party programs, but you don’t have enough space for installation, you can do the cleaning manually. After all procedures have been completed, the phone will work faster:

  • cleaning browser cache and add-ons;
  • further information;
  • removal of old and unnecessary supplies;
  • Cleaning saved files on your phone (photos, videos, etc.).

All stages will take more than an hour, including cleaning with additional programs, otherwise the result will be much shorter.

Additional cache

Let's figure out what the phone's cache is right now. The cache is an intermediate buffer with information that may be requested in the near future. After saving an hour on the calculated task and major problems, the productivity of the device obviously improves. The file cache is accumulated, saving information on the installed and downloaded add-on. If detected, you need to clear the entire cache.

For this, follow the presented algorithm:

  1. Open the menu to customize the device.
  1. In the settings you will find the section.
  1. In the manager, which is opened, you can keep track of information on cache memory, system and third party add-ons. Sort the list of all programs by size.
  1. Open the program. In the new edition you can "Erase all data"(shows saved information on the hard drive) and . Push a friend's button.

This procedure must be repeated exactly installation of add-ons to completely clear the cache memory.

How can I view Smittya in my browser?

  1. Log in to your browser and open the bikini menu. Select from the menu.
  1. At the window, press.
  1. Set the settings that are pleasant for you (which can be removed at any given time) and click on .

Cleaning looked at the butt Google Chrome, some of them are one of the standard browsers on the Android operating system. In other browsers, the procedure is slightly different.

More information

This point will not be complicated, since we are talking about a very new device. A tablet or phone, which uses a lot of money, saves a few thousand, or even tens of thousands, in information. During the year, a lot of them (including MMS with multimedia data) can take up space on the internal memory. You can completely view the notification like this:

  1. Click on the notification icon in the menu or on the desktop, press your finger on one of the notifications and select .
  1. Vikonite diyu.

Vidalennya programs

If you cannot install new programs or games, the phone's permanent memory is full. For purification and guilt, remove Unnecessary programs through the Android menu.

If your device carries firmware without a full menu (for example, Xiaomi phones or Meizu), then you need to view the programs directly on the desktop. To do this, press your finger on the desired end and move it to the box at the top of the screen.

Since the shell of your Android deserves the presence of a full-fledged menu (for example, Samsung Galaxy or else Sony Xperia), then you will be able to see the label at your desk. For see you again you need to go to the menu and click on the program at the end, then transfer it to the box.

File view

You can get rid of your internal storage by using a standard file manager. As the interface on your phone is damaged, we will need to clean up files using the ES manual explorer.

  1. Go to Android from the Play Market, enter the name of the program in the search row and click on the page with information.
  1. Launch ES Explorer and get acquainted with the cob crops. At the top of the screen there is information about the occupied/unavailable space on the internal memory (1), a button for analyzing the need for cleaning (2). Press button "Purification" (3).
  1. After this program will analyze your information and give you a list. Click at the bottom of the screen.
  1. Now go to the food menu. Go to section (1), and then click on "Pristratiy" (2).
  1. You will see a window with all the folders on the created folder. Here you can check them instead and remove everything unnecessary. To do this, press the file for 2 seconds after clicking in the bottom panel of the drop-down menu. This way you can clear the SD card yourself.
  1. Through ES Explorer you can also clean libraries of images, music, etc. To do this, go to the menu again, select the section and go to I need a tab (3):
  1. To clean the cat on Android, go to the section through the menu:
  1. Obov'yazkovo invert the reality received files who can take up the duty. To do this, press the item in the menu, then go to the folder again and check their appearance.

We learned how to carry out manual cleaning with the help of an additional ES conductor. Now let's move on to other software applications.

How to program vikorystuvat?

Through third-party software, you can automatically clear the RAM and ROM of personal data, thereby speeding up your phone. Vikorize these programs:

  • SD Main;

With their help, you can clear the place, clear the RAM and protect your phone from viruses. In addition, the utility is suitable for a variety of smartphones - from current ones to devices on older versions of Android. It will become clearer in the distance. All programs are installed in the same way as ES Explorer - you can find more instructions.

On the main screen you will find the following tools:

  1. Cleanup – cleans the device of any old files after scanning (advertising, old programs, system cache, etc.).
  1. Antivirus – will scan your device for unkind software and files. The functionality includes a social media recorder, checking the memory card, gallery, and blocking add-ons.
  1. Speed ​​up your phone – the tool scans for the need for optimization running processes.
  1. Cooler – optimizes the operation of running machines by lowering the processor temperature.

SD Main

After scanning is completed, you remove detailed information about skin from divisions: estimates, system, supplements and databases. After this, you can cleanse the skin with a squeegee, pressing it onto the cat, or start the cleansing outside. SD Main also has a file manager, in which you can specifically manage files on the internal memory of microSD:

- A handy tool for cleaning in one stroke. When you log in, the program immediately scans the system and displays the cleanup login in an easy-to-read form:

With the help of the Deep Clean button, a deep scan starts. When the process is complete, press « Clear":

This program will be an excellent alternative for those who own old smartphones (for example, the Fly or Samsung Duos model 5-6 years old). For such devices, a simple Mobile Boost option is suitable, since it supports older versions of Android.

To clean, simply launch the program and press the button « Clear":

How to clean your phone via computer (via USB)

The remaining option for deleting unnecessary files from the internal memory of the phone is to connect to a computer. For this you need a miniUSB cable. Connect your device to your computer and connect the following:

  1. Select action on your phone.

What needs to be cleaned?

How do you know if your phone/tablet will require this procedure? Persha is an indirect sign of decreased productivity. Since the technical side of the phone is completely correct, then on the right you have the prescribed OZP and PZP.

You can also go to this page for additional assistance in downloading programs. on various outbuildings It can be earned in different ways. Your device has a standard file manager installed, and the size of all internal memory files is indicated. Knowing the hidden duty of the PPP on the phone, it is easy to understand if the internal storage is clogged.

Now you know how to clean your phone via a computer, via USB, how to see the memory usage statistics, how to clear the cache using standard tools third party programs. As a minimum, one of the ways to definitely find the right one for you is that you can make your device more useful and useful!

Video instructions

You can also watch thematic videos.