Starting page How to create a starting page in Yandex browser. How to get Yandex home page in different browsers

If you have long wanted to make it easier and speed up the process of searching for the Yandex main page and becoming the home page of your browser, then this article is for you! Why is it easier to work with the sound system, since it is installed as a “starting side”?

When you open the browser, the search agent page will automatically open, which will protect your time and effort. Knowing how to install a web site is really cool.

You don’t even have to waste time and immediately open the page you want to click on in your browser. It is quite difficult to make this setting, but those who use the Internet may not know how to do it.

Two main competitors - Yandex and Google

At the same time, you can see 2 main search services - Yandex and Google . Among the Russian population, primarily The leader is the Yandex search system itself. And there are no reasons for this leadership. Yandex compares with its competitor in a number of advantages:

  1. High information content. From the home page you can immediately access all the services of the search engine: news, posters, weather, mail, etc. You can now manage your account with additional widgets and modules.
  2. High intensity of information type.
  3. A nice new look that can also be adjusted to suit Yandex themes that are constantly being updated.

The simplest way to install as your homepage is tse vikorystuvati special supplement, which Yandex itself promotes. You can install this program at As a new addition, all browsers will automatically install Yandex as the main page. There is no need for any additional manual adjustments in this situation. If you happen to have not designed this program or simply don’t want to take advantage of the additional program, you can make adjustments manually in your browser.

Setting up Yandex in different browsers

The steps for installing the home page are practically identical to all browsers, although protea browsers have minor differences in installing the home page. We will look at how to create a Yandex home page for key browsers:

  1. Mozilla Firefox;
  2. Opera;
  3. Google Chrome;
  4. Internet Explorer;
  5. Yandex Browser;
  6. Safari.

The most popular and powerful browsers for Internet users

Yandex home page in Mozilla Firefox

The first browser to look at is Mozilla Firefox, which is the leader among Russian browsers.

To set your home page, go to the settings menu in the upper right corner, or simply type “about:preferences” in the address bar of your browser.

In this section, in the “Home Page” or “Home Page” row, indicate the address of the starting page, and itself and press the “Ok” button.

A nice feature of modern browsers is the importance of the register value, so that the browser will be all the same - in large or small letters you write the address of the site.

Home page Yandex in Opera

As was said earlier, the configuration of all browsers is very similar, so the configuration of the home page in Opera will be practically the same as in Mozilla.

To do this, open the browser menu and select the “Customization” section.

The remaining versions of browsers are very similar, and many settings are also configured, including settings for the home page.

After that, press the “Add a side” button and in the window that appears in the “Add a new side” row, indicate the address

You can add several pages to the list at a time, so that when you start the browser, several tabs will be opened.

If, at the time of installing the start page, your browser has the Yandex page open, you can not enter the address manually, but simply click the “Victorize full pages” button and the Yandex address will appear automatically.

After all actions, press the OK button.

Google Chrome header

Setting up a private access page in Google Chrome is as simple as in the previous options.

For this, in the “Menu” of the browser (the button that looks like 3 horizontal lines at the top left corner), select the “Customization” item.

In older versions of Google Chrome, the “Menu” section may be located in the right hand corner of the browser.

The “Customization” section of Google Chrome is similar to the same section in the Opera browser. Isn't that right?)

A tab has opened, where you need to enter your home page address; in our box, you have Yandex addresses. We wait with our introduced changes and press “Ok”.

As in previous browsers, you can simply do this and click the “Add other pages” button, since the search engine page is already hidden in the browser.

Yandex home page in Internet Explorer

There are many versions of this browser installed on computers or laptops, so let’s look at the installation of the Yandex home page on the remaining versions of Internet Explorer - 10 and 11. If you have an older version of this browser installed, then the installation process will be similar The algorithm is lower and it is not important for you to independently install Yandex as the start page on your browser.

Here are the simple steps to install your home page for Internet Explorer:

  1. It is necessary to open the browser settings menu (on the right hand);
  2. Select the "Browser Power" tab;
  3. In the “Background” section, find the “Home page” item and enter the address in the empty row.
  4. At the “Automatics” item, place a checkmark on the “Start from home” row and press “Ok”.

Home YANDEX In Yandex browser

The new look of the Yandex browser is similar to the Google Chrome interface, and you will be able to perform all activities when installing your home page.

Scheme for securing the home page:

  • Open your browser settings.

The “Adjustment” section of views is visible with gear icons on the side of the page

  • From the context menu, select the “Customization” tab.

Which browser does not have the ability to pin the start page installed? It is possible, however, that all of these programs should be used, including the Yandex search service.

This point refers to the fact that when you re-open the browser, tabs will be opened, renewed from the remaining session, and in which case the subpoint “ Open, as there are no tabs" If you closed all tabs before closing the program, then when you launch the browser, the Yandex page itself will open.

Start page Yandex in Safari.

Safari is a young browser, released by Apple for proprietary ownership. All current users of iPhones and MacBooks know about this simple and user-friendly browser. To set up a home page in Safari you only need three simple steps:

  1. At the top right corner, click on the gear icon and go to the “Settings” section;
  2. Next, select the item “Basics”;
  3. In the “Home Page” window, enter the address of the Yandex search engine.

What to do if the start page is not installed on web browsing?

Rarely, if situations occur, if you follow the instructions, it is not possible to set the start page through setting up the browser manually. Why work for such a time? With a few propositions:

  1. Try downloading the program, which was mentioned at the very beginning of our article, and try to automatically make changes to the browser. Just remember that the start page will change for all installed browsers on your computer.
  2. Clean your computer for help with antivirus Then try setting Yandex as your home page.
  3. And finally, since all methods do not help achieve the desired result, get ready for support service your operating system. Describe your actions in detail, indicate the damages that occur, and add screenshots of your actions to your notification.

Just a few words first for those who don’t know what a browser is.

When we open the Internet with you, we launch a special program for it. We listen to and read information (websites), check email, check social networks.

There are a handful of such programs for the Internet. Most popular axis:

For everything, one of them you pay to look at the Internet. This program axis is called a browser.

What about Start page? This is a site that attracts attention as soon as you open your browser.

The address of this site can be identified in any way: I love the search system, news, mail site, social network, or anything else.

Or you can tidy up the address. It just happens that the program has already been adjusted. Then, when you open your browser, a site you don’t need will automatically open. You can set up your work in such a way that no addresses are created.

Well, let's assume:

Startova or Home page- this is any site that opens immediately from the browser. You can indicate your address independently and tidy up.

For example, when I go to the Internet and open the browser, I am immediately drawn to the website. I didn’t specifically train anyone - I just got a little crazy myself. The axis of this site is the home page of your browser.

In this case, when you open your browser, the site is not automatically visited, which means there is no start (home) page. This is normal - it’s easier to tell people who are rich. But others, however, need such a side.

For example, I start every time I access the Internet by checking my mail. Well, it would be better to set the home page address of your mail site. I would never have had the chance to open it by hand - I would have gotten carried away with it myself.

Who set my start page

It often happens that we ourselves didn’t mean anything, but the side still opens up. This has already been fixed.

True, sometimes this happens: some browsers have already entered the starting page. Then a new website is “sewn” into it, which will immediately open when you launch the program.

But it happens differently: from now on, the side begins to crumble, even though it wasn’t there before. Previously, when you launched the browser, nothing would open, and you immediately began to become obsessed with some site.

This will happen after you have installed a new program on your computer.

It seems like this. You become interested in any program and start installing it. As a rule, press the “Next” button as many times as necessary. The first axis at one of these stages is written in small font that the starting side will be replaced.

The birdie will be installed there. And before the speech, you can remove it and then there will be no change, but whoever reads everything... It turns out that we ourselves have assigned a new home page.

Another situation when the site is being hijacked is a computer virus. There is an obvious replacement for the table, but it is simply impossible not to replace it.

How to get a starting page

The start page can be changed at any time: either to indicate the required site or to turn it off.

For this you just need to remember one small setting in your browser. Ale, of course, in each such program it is adjusted. It is also important to believe that the best results can only be obtained after the program is closed and re-opened.

Instructions for setting up the home page will appear in your browser when you click on the icon:

To enlarge the picture, simply press it on it, and use the arrows to move to the next or the next one.

Google Chrome

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser.
  2. Press the button from the images of horizontal lines (right-handed, at the end of the address row).
  3. In the “Pochatkova Group” section, choose one of three options:

Wi-Fi access page. If you choose this option, then immediately when your browser is open, you will be able to see the sites you have recently visited on your browser. There will also be a Google search row there.

Continue with the robot from the same place. In this case, tabs with sites that you have visited in your browser will be opened and not closed.

New pages: add. Here you can set the starting page or a number of pages per time. To add the address to the site, you need to click “Add” on the message.


Continue from the same place. In this case, immediately when you start your browser, tabs with sites that you have accessed in your browser will open and have not been closed.

Open the cob side. Based on the image of a guide with your favorite sites, this is the name of the “Express Panel”.

Open a single page or several pages. Here you can specify a site or a number of sites that will appear as the start page. To add an address, you need to click on the message “Set side”.

If you can't log out, it means that you have an earlier version of Opera installed on your computer. This time you need to set up your home page differently:

  1. Open the Opera program.
  2. Click on the small button at the very top of the screen - it’s called “Opera” or “Menu”. Point to “Nalastuvannya” and select “Zagalni nalashtuvannya” from the list.
  3. The window that appears (in the “Basic” tab) tells the browser how it should behave when launched.
    If you want the home page to open, select “Start from home page” and enter the address below.
  4. Press “OK” on the box.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Press the button where horizontal lines are displayed (right-handed, at the end of the address row).
  3. From the list select “Adjustment”.
  4. It will open at the end when you need to click on the “Basics” text on the left hand side.
  5. At the top of the window (“Launch”), tell the browser what it should do when you open it.
    If you want the home page to open, select “Show home page” and enter the required site in the next field.
  6. Press “OK” on the box.


Unlock the private access page. In this case, when you open your browser, you will be drawn to the browser's default browser with those sites that you have recently visited.

Renew tabs, open last time. If you select this item, then when you start Yandex, tabs with sites that you visited the last time and were not closed will be opened.

You can also install a bird on the OpenCrypt, since there are no tabs. If all the tabs you close are restored, then when you start the browser, the Yandex website will open.

Internet Explorer

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click on the “Service” inscription at the top of the program or on the button from the gear images and select the “Browser Power” item from the list.

3. At the end of the page (the "Home" tab) there is a part called "Home". The great white field, which will pay for everything, will be the address of the site - the start page. To change it, you just need to erase this address and change the other one. This will open immediately when you start Internet Explorer.

And to ensure that nothing opens, you just need to click on the “Create a new tab” button. Then, when you start the program, a list of sites that have recently been opened is displayed.

Before speaking, a little lower, in the “Automatics” section, you can configure the browser in such a way that at the time of launch, the tabs are opened, but the tabs are not closed. To do this, click “Start from the tabs opened in the previous session.”

4. Click the “Freeze” button, and then click the “OK” button at the bottom.

Setting Yandex as the home page allows you to automatically open the popular Russian search system on the first side when the browser is open and you are connected to the Internet. Who knows a lot about this? So the very popular question is how to get Yandex as your homepage? We have already seen on the pages of our website how to earn money for, and now let’s earn money for Yandex.

Setting the start page in Mozilla Firefox. We launch Firefox (we remain at the time of writing version 13.0.1) and write in the address row and press Enter so that we are logged in to the Yandex main page. What you need to do next will be clear. At the top left corner of the browser, click on the orange Firefox button and select the “Customization” menu item in the left column. At the end of the adjustment window, we go to the “Basics” fold, as we are currently in another tab. In this tab, we check that in the row “At the time of starting Firefox:” there is “Show home page” and press the “Show home page” button, after which we press “Ok”. This is how we created Yandex as a starting page. To check, you can close and reopen your browser. As the main page, Yandex is to blame.

Setting the home page in Google Chrome.
Lastly, we vikorized Google Chrome 20.0.1132.47 in order to show you how to get Yandex as your home page in this browser. The interface is somewhat unique, similar to other browsers. You can also open the Yandex main page by typing into the address bar of your browser and pressing Enter. All other pages, except Yandex, on other tabs need to be closed. Next, click on the image of a wrench at the top right of the browser and select the “Customization” menu item. In the window that has opened, in the left column, select the “Settings” section, if you are not currently in them. We are working on the Pochatkova Group block. We press on the request “Add”. A window opens in which the original pages that are launched simultaneously with the browser that opens. By clicking on the button “Vikoristovat current pages” we will install Yandex as the starting one for chrome. Press “Ok” and close and open the chrome again to check the correctness of the adjustment.

Setting the start page in Opera.
For demonstration purposes, we have used browser version 12.0. This follows the same algorithm that we used to make Yandex the homepage of Firefox. In the address bar of the browser we type and press Enter so that the Yandex start page opens in front of us. Next, press the Opera button in the upper left corner, select the “Settings” menu, which appears, and in the next merged submenu “Regular Settings”. You can also access Advanced settings by pressing the Ctrl and F12 keys on the keyboard. In the window, select the “Background” tab, if you haven’t touched it right away. In this tab, set the value “Start from the home page” in the “At the time of launch” window and set it in the “Home” window by clicking on the “Stream page” button. Pressing “Ok. The adjustments are saved, Yandex is now installed as the main page.

Installing the start page in Internet Explorer 9.
The game is similar to the Firefox and Opera browsers. Open the Yandex home page by typing in the address bar and pressing Enter. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the browser. From the menu, select the item “Powerfulness of review”. Let’s go to the “Zagalni” tab, since we didn’t waste time on it. In the “Home Page” group, press the “Online” button, then at the bottom of the window there is an emboss “Stop” and “Ok”. Now, when I open Internet Explorer, we are sent to Yandex for some troubles.

Setting the start page in Safari.
Safari is not as popular among Windows users as the previous browsers we looked at, but there are only five of the most popular browsers. It is especially popular among fans of Apple computers. That's why we decided to look at how to make Yandex a starting page for everyone. The remaining version at the time of writing was 5.1.7. Vaughn and bula vikoristan in butts. Everything is timid according to the scheme we already know. Launch Safari and open it to the new Yandex main page. Let's move on to the adjustment. To do this, on computers running the Windows operating system, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the browser and select the “Customization...” menu item. As you can access from the menu, you can also do this by pressing the Ctrl (Control) and “,” (coma) keys on the keyboard.

On computers running the Mac OS X operating system, click on the menu bar at the top of the screen with the browser active in the Safari section and in the “Settings” section, or click on the settings using the Cmd (command) and “,” (coma).

Further setup is similar for Windows and Mac OS X. In the setup window, go to the “Basic” tab, and make sure that the row “Home in new windows:” is set to “Home”. After a few minutes below the “Home page” row, click on the “Stream page” button. In case of other browsers, you do not need to press “Ok” or “Save.” Just close the window and thereby save the adjustment. Apple's approach is focused on simplicity and simplicity in the world.

Of course, there are other ways to make Yandex your homepage. For example, you don’t have to open the Yandex main page or press the “Stream Side” button for now, but simply write the correct address in the top row with your hands. In addition, there are all the issues with which you will be bound by yourself after reading this article.

If you have been wanting to get your Yandex homepage for a long time, but you just don’t get around to it, or you don’t know how to get it, this article is for you.

Before speaking, what happens if Yandex is set as the starting page? When you click on the browser icon, the Pushkovik web page automatically opens.

Knowing how to install this or any other web site as the main one is worthwhile. From now on you will be able to build up your starting position without wasting time. We decided to take Yandex as a butt, since this search system is considered the most abused in Russia.

The algorithm for installing the header page is approximately the same as in most browsers.

We will take a closer look at how to create as a home page for:

  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Opera;
  • Google Chrome;
  • Internet Explorer;
  • Yandex Browser;
  • Safari.

Yandex main page in Mozilla Firefox

To create a Yandex main page for Mazil Firefox, click on the following:

As you know, it’s easy to create a Yandex home page on Mazili.

In addition, Mazila offers a unique option - search for Yandex on your home page at home. Finding information in the search system for such settings is much simpler: related sites are displayed automatically.

How to earn Yandex with your home page?

  • Open the browser and go to “Customization”;
  • know the block “Browser for cleaning”;
  • know the button “use Yandex browser to get started”;
  • press "Ok".

Yandex home page in Opera

The interfaces of most browsers are similar to each other, so installing the home page on Opera will be similar to installing it on Mazil.

How to create Yandex with a single start page for Opera:

Yandex homepage for Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a standalone browser that is rapidly gaining popularity among Merezhi users. I am impressed by the simple and user-friendly interface, which is childlike.

Installing the home page on Google Chrome is slightly different from the already considered algorithms. This is due to the fact that this browser is young and new developments are being developed for new developments.

However, there is nothing complicated except knowing a specific algorithm:

You can also create “Yandex Post” as a header in Google. When you open your browser, you will see the Yandex Mail page. There are a lot of electronic screenshots floating around the RuNet. For example, one screen is used for browsing at work, and the other is for chatting with friends.

Another handy addition to Google Chrome is visual bookmarks. They help you go to other pages in one click.

Tabs are small sketches, often with folded sides. When configured, you can change their thickness, color, background, and also delete or add new bookmarks.

The main thing is that it saves time for people.

Of course, people want to install virtual Yandex tabs in Chrome. We would like to remind you that this option is available for Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Let's look at how to add the virtual bookmarks option to the Google Chrome application:

Yandex visual bookmarks are one of the most popular tools among clients. It’s not surprising that the shards of stench are brown, handy and steadily regenerated by retailers.

Video: How to get Yandex as your homepage

Yandex main page in Internet Explorer

The Internet Explorer browser offers a wide variety of versions installed on laptops and Windows PCs.
We will look at how to create a Yandex header for new versions of Internet Explorer - 10 and 11. The algorithm for installing the header for older versions of the browser is similar to the instructions we provided.

Algorithm for installing the header page for Internet Explorer:

If you are using Internet Explorer 9 (or another, older version of the browser) and you are unable to install the header, then write about your problems on the official website. Ask to contact competent people who will give evidence as soon as possible to solve the problem.

Yandex main page in Yandex browser

The Yandex browser interface is similar to the Chrome interface, but parts of it worked on the same engine.

However, the installation of the main page in Yandex will be slightly disrupted - the Russian company has made its changes:

The browser of the Russian company allows you to return a number of home pages. The most popular websites will be automatically added.

On the Google Chrome virtual bookmarks platform, this browser supports a tile panel with subsites. It is possible to remove unnecessary sites and add new ones. Try to use the “Add” – “Add” buttons.

For people who don’t like dubious sites, the Russian giant has developed a special version of the browser - family Yandex. You can safely allow children to access the computer - unnecessary information and suspicious sites are strictly filtered.

It’s important to say which browser is better: Google Chrome or the Yandex browser. The insult is done manually and simply at the vikoristan.

Home Yandex in Safari

Safari is a young browser, developed for Apple products.
All users of iPads, iPhones and MacBooks know about the simplicity of the Apple browser.

Setting up your Safari homepage is very easy:

What should you do if you can’t get your Yandex start page?

Sometimes the following situation occurs: you follow the instructions, but do not achieve the desired result. It is especially unacceptable if you cannot manually install or update it on your computer.

If you are unable to install the browser header through setup, then there are other ways:

  • download the program "";
  • Clean your computer using antivirus software. Try installing your home page again;
  • If all these methods do not work, then turn to the service of support for your operating system: describe yourself what the program looks like, do not hesitate to add explanatory screenshots.

Bring the right to the end. Once you figure out how to set the start page, you will not only save a special time, but otherwise you will become a daily computer user.

This article was written to expand the knowledge of Koristuvach about computers. Now you know how to install a browser header and set up visual bookmarks. These tools are manual, they will save time and remove the Internet from you.