Methods of seo promotion and optimization. Black SEO. Methods of fenced SEO optimization

Be it an Internet resource regardless of its specificity and terms of creation, due to timely and effective pushing through. Even if this process is once launched, at another time you don’t have a trace of yoga - you can bring everything to zero, directing it to a turnaround in the past. Today at global network there are impersonal websites that will make sure to face the toughest competition. To the very same site, allowing respect from the side of your sergeant, it is easy to ruin among dozens of thousands of your analogues.

Today, the global network has impersonal propositions of marketing agencies and a few webmasters, which are engaged in search engine promotion of sites. However, first of all, it is better to use the services of a specific specialist, it will be indispensable to work with a new one, as well as the methods of wine are chosen to win in the process of promoting your web resource. Today is the main purpose of the methods of bringing an Internet site to the first position of search systems.

In the first place, this was the “before” technique, which transmits the number of entries officially allowed by the poke systems. Pushing the site, with some victorious fences, is called “black” and, regardless of its effectiveness on the cob, can lead to negative consequences for the future. A web resource that will be promoted for the help of such an approach will not be blocked by spoof systems, which, at its best, will bring the company's Internet representation in the city to a complete collapse.

"Siri" methods pushing the site: between the permitted and the fenced

Dorazhayuchaya their reputation, advanced optimizers try not to win "black" methods of pushing, zastosuvannya which do not mix promising and long-term spivpratsi with pshuk systems. However, the most optimal solution is to be found between fences and legal methods of winding up.

Most often, such a pidkhid is called "sirim", the shards in the process of spinning up do not victoriously accept the rules and accept, which they clearly destroy. At the same hour, at vikoristanni "Sirih" methods of winding up there is no guarantee that in a given hour the resource will not be blocked after changing the algorithms for a joke.

"Sire" pushing the site: main positions

Before "sіrih" accepting the site, you can add:

  1. Frequently used tags by type і , yakі vplyvayvayut on the ranking algorithm of search robots This method allows you to raise the rating of the site, but it does not є dovgostrokovim in the future.
  2. Exchange of non-thematic messages. Tsey method pushing allows you to turn the respect of the coristuvachіv resource for rahunok “pіdkidannya” poilań to him, the subject matter of which is not worthy of the resource. It’s better for all the website, promotion for the help of such a technique, you’ll be more than a one-time drink, shards of a koristuvach, like, having crossed over for help, you don’t know there what you’ve been fooling, don’t look at this side anymore.
  3. Please post on other websites. Danish method, which can be attributed to the fact that the text was inserted before the date of insertion, is widely used for services of the XAP and SAPE type.
  4. Services of automatic exchange of content. Here you can save such resources as, or so. Next, indicate what is in Narazi poke systems do not know the sites that such services have.
  5. Paid linkators to buy zvnіshnіh posilan. The most popular search systems are capable of recognizing low levels of strength, the number of such growths in geometric progression, to Danish welcome practically does not allow reaching a significant result.
  6. Exchange of non-thematic articles. The effect of such a receptionist will be approximately the same as that of a work with non-thematic messages. The difference lies in the fact that in every case the site needs additional materials for publication, it is necessary to pay for them.
  7. Vikoristannya silyan z obesnuyushchih web storіk. Such efforts are taken from resources, for some of the quietest reasons, to find shortfalls in the creation of scripts, as if they were supposed to be for random forms. Tsey method pushing sites pratsyuє in that vipadku, if at once with a zap, what to cluck, koristuvach to introduce into a row a joke of a singing symbol.
  8. Pridbannya maidanchikiv pіd vlasny content on other websites or placing on the sides of your site materials taken from other resources. Internet sites that sell space under statistics, risk taking under sanctions of shock systems, zocrema, for low rіven appearance of ranking in the text of articles that are published. At the same time, the calls to the site, which buy the material for their material, are not immune to the indexing process by the search robots.

Selection of "sirih" methods in the process of site promotion

With all the unacceptability of the "sirih" methods of promoting sites, the stench continues to be widely promoted by webmasters. The stench wins the role of long-term strategic approaches, investments in achieving a quick result, which will be necessary for further promotion.

An additional optimizer using the path of a complex quotation of "bilih" and "sirih" methods can achieve a better result in short terms, but in the case of a variant of one, only a few more methods.

Filters of search systems are constantly being improved, which will bring down the rating of a web resource, and in especially foldable cases, it will turn out to be out of sight. In such a rank, such a busy job, as if it were a site, it was better to hand over to the professionals of their own, as they could transfer the traces of their lives.

Siri Methods per-shook optimization methods of per-shock optimization, which are considered incorrect in relation to per-shock systems.

Some methods of optimization are popular among webmasters, so as not to drag a ban or filter along with you, but at the same time to drop a swedish site uphill in the results of the video.

All the same, vipadki trapleyayutsya, if the borders between sirimi and black methods are erased, and the site is blocked, for an hour or forever.

Among the other methods of optimization we see: the high frequency of key words, which make texts unsuitable for reading, the purchase of external messages, doors without a redirect (there is an automatic redirection of the koristuvach to the site that is being read). Let's look at the skin of them, okremo.

High frequency of keywords

The website relevancy rate is calculated based on the frequency of the keyword on the website, which is identical to the query. What is the higher frequency, what is the relevant resource. Optimizers lied to me long hour clogged website texts keywords what made them unsuitable for reading.

Due to the change of search engine algorithms, search engine systems began to lower the ranking of sites with such content.

The ideal ratio of key words to the solution of words in the text is 3-5%. It's a pity that robots can't read texts like people do, so optimizers fill in the content, as it seems, "to the eyeballs". The rules, in this manner, are broken, but nothing goes beyond the bounds of decency.


Here you can see more and more doors. Bіlі dorveї grayut for the rules pochkovoї system. The main function is advertising. On such sites, there is always a non-repetitive advertising content, which is sent to the site, which is displayed, and similar graphics.

Siri doorways are donor sites, whose main function is the translation of parameters to the recipient site. On the other doorways, there is some content that makes you look like a black doorway.

Buying a silan

One of the most extensive methods of gray SEO. The optimizer should be placed on third-party sites to promote the TIC or PR of the main Internet resource. Є navіt bіrzhі, yakі give such services. If you want search systems to be uncommendably placed before such resources, before a ban, such a policy of zbіlshennya pokzniki in the site should not be directed.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a set of techniques for submitting sites to search engines. How to sort out in more detail, the whole complex is different, what else to add to the shukovy robots. Competent optimization Helps to rank among the TOP-10, which means more traffic to the site. Wrong pidkhіd, at its core, can greatly harm the popularity of the site.

Competently that praised optimization, like not victorious fenced methods, took away the name - more SEO. Napіvliterate and not forever praised by poshuk systems - sіre prosuvannya. Black SEO is called fenced by spoof systems methods of seeing sites from the TOP poshkovo view.

SEO methods

Bila optimization - pushing the site without relying on the wrong methods. The most effective ways:

  • Improved usability.
  • Registration with popular directories.
  • Complete functionality of the site.
  • Polypshenya and optimization of design.
  • Work on behavioral factors.
  • and other methods.

Сіре SEO – Officially, сірі methods are not hindered, but stench is not hindered by poke systems. To lie down to the other methods:

  • Too many keywords on the side of the site.
  • Over the world number of paid sends to your resource.
  • and other methods.

Resources, yakі prosuvayutsya tsimi methods, can be-if you have to spend under the sanctions of poshukovyh systems.

Chorne SEO pushing - all methods that break the rules of spoof systems. You can use:

  • Send spam.
  • Cloaking.
  • Doorway.
  • Invisible text.
  • Prihovani sent.
  • and other methods.

For black slipping, some vicorists use evil resources, including, for placement of attachments, postings on resources that are slipped. Viki-sites are especially different because of the high level of search systems in the new stink, they become an easy and bad health for spammers.

black out the site

At whom we have divided mi rozpovimo, as it is not necessary to work. All the same, take it with a 100% guarantee that you will be kicked out of the TOP (you can also take it there). Unsurprisingly, webmasters will encourage the following methods:

  • Invisible text. This is such a text, like vikonaniya in one color from the background. Vіdvіduvachevі not visible to the text, but vіn є. І commemoration to joke robots. Today, robots have learned to recognize similar manipulations and punish quietly, who is guilty.
  • Prihovani sent. Іsnuє method of the publication of the necessary messages, which is not visible to the eye. Їx just sew in a letter, a rozdіlovy sign or a smiley. Animations when hovered are mute, and the koristuvach cannot understand what is being asked before him. Then, the Poshukova machine is such a way of roaming once or twice. I justly punish the silent, who, having tried to illegally manipulate the masses, sent.
  • Keywords. In the midst of unscrupulous SEOs, the servant is still alive, passing through the “key words”. Moreover, there are texts without adjusting the context and such a text is not subject to sensational preoccupation. Earlier search systems were effectively placed in the top sites, de bulo more than a hundred key words, but today there is a greater role in playing a rich text.

    Remember that you are writing not for a robot, but for people - it is important to write a corny text from up-to-date information. Todi koristuvachі zatrimuvatimutsya on the site more, and poshukovik you prosuvate in the city for your korisnіst.

    Tse does not mean that the key words do not work. Tse means that it is not varto to spite them in the texts.

  • Cloaking (cloak-mask, cover-up). One of the black hat SEO methods. There are reasons for the fact that different options of sides are shown to the search robot. New yoga vikoristati? Right in that it is important for the sides to optimize for different search requests. To this, two different variants of sides are created. The first one is with overspam of key words for the joker. The other is with human content. The creation of copies of the sides is a copy of the robot, shards are needed as the basis for programming, and the presence of such data, like ip or user-agent robots.
  • An offensive method of foundations on evil by spoof algorithms. One of the important parameters is the presence of keywords in the headings of the text (title h1). Numerous webmasters filled headlines with keywords by type (Targeted ads. Get advertised ads. Targeted ads cheaply). Previously, search engine bachiv anonymous keys and brought the site to the TOP. At the same time, such sites are taken off only "by the hat" - search systems have learned to recognize such manipulations.
  • Uncontrollable growth of masi silan. Another butt of scamming by legal SEO techniques. At the dawn of post-optimization, fakhivtsy were engaged in the most important purchase of messages for the resource. The arithmetic is simple - the more you send to the site, the more popular in the eyes of the joker.

    So it took until the release of the Minusinsk algorithm (from Yandex) and Pingwin (from Google). Now the posting is no longer the main factor of ranking and it is not less than the number of posts, but rather its quality (the quality of the sites changes in the fallage depending on the topic). The site is "older" and the site is "decent", the same is more powerful. Previously, fakhivtsy did not buy money by the thousands on resources for grown-ups - even if it’s rich, but it’s cheap. The first contributions were valued, however, by those who were taken from the top thematic resources. Today's situation is different - in the first place there will be a resource that will help you, then we will change the topics of the site - the donor and the site - the recipient.

  • Doorway method. The doorway method is used to extract traffic to a specially created resource (often with an absolutely unreadable tag, but with keywords) and redirect traffic to the required site.

    For such a look (not readable for people, but good optimizations for a joker), Dorwi is not koristuvach. It should be done like this: a doorway site is taken from a poshuk vidach. Koristuvach, clicking for help, immediately redirects to landing page or a site that receives traffic. You won't know if you've spent time here through the Dorwi site. At the same time, you can see that you don’t win, so that the search systems will automatically sanction the site for mobile redirection, be it.

  • Satellite method. A satellite or a satellite site, under which you will understand an additional resource. If we talk about satellites, we should draw an analogy with a dacha and an apple orchard. You have a dacha and an apple orchard. You take from them the harvest of apples. At this moment, you note that judges should not look at their apple trees and you tell them to look at the tree, so that the stench does not die, but lie to your brothers. This is how satellites work - they harvest traffic for you.

    Today is the day when someone is so upset. Great companies to take more month at the sight. Fahіvtsі z management of reputation among the merchants by the method of removing the negative from the visibility zone of the surveyed species.

    The method is absolutely legal, but effective doti, doki dotrimuyutsya rules gri. A large budget is needed for such a work, even if the skin resource is created well and spent months of work on the support of satellites. Necessary absolutely unique content that design of your resources. It is necessary to check for the variety of topics of your sites.

  • swapping. Otherwise - replacement of content. The methodology has been expanded and for the search-by-show approach, if you go to check out a corny resource, for a new richly loyal and sour audience, that subject will change dramatically. Often changes are made at b_k projects on kshtalt: casinos, sports betting, materials for adults, forex and more.

    Swap pracyuє і at a time - after all, it's like an hour earlier, a joker of understanding, that the subject has changed. But if it turns out, the site will be vitiated and taken to the ban.

  • Cheating behavioral factors. Today's behavior factors have come to the fore in the list of quiet, which is added to the position of the site by the species. Thinking for a short time, they knew smart people, how they would tell you the factor and "pіdkrutiti".

    They let you to the site robots or motivate traffic (people who need to earn on clicks, subscriptions, or other goals). All of your brothers walk around with your resource and create activity - just click, go to the sides, fill in the applications. In a word, a mess. Poshukoviki bachat such a suspect that unnatural activity and wikidave your resource from the species. You will spend heavily on organic traffic (about 90%) and spend on positions. Get out of the s-pіd sanktsіy vdasya less through the great gap of the hour. It’s impossible to say exactly how great it is - the process of "punishment" of automation and technical support cannot help in any way.

  • Cheating spoof tips. Another type of twist. It was noted that if you enter a search in a row like the word chi ask, then the search engine will tell you the end of the phrase chi is the next word. So it seems to the fact that the zap is popular and if you have introduced a part of the zap, then it’s easy to joke to yourself. Not all hints are shown there.

    Often cheating company cheats as an instrument of competitive struggle or political forces with the same method. Sometimes cheating tricks serve to serve the purpose of "black PR".

  • Relic bug. At my hour in Yandex, I discovered a bug. Your site in a moment for a few days or a year to get into the TOP. For whom it was necessary to send traffic to the site for multiple other outbuildings. The truth is, if the traffic stopped, then the site turned to a huge position.

We have told you about the black seo for the old, but, perhaps, not stubborn divergence. Rozpovіli everything without mystery. We understand that you won’t work like that and control your SEO specialist, but we want to give you a sprat on white seo.

If you want your site to go uphill and lean on the top of the search engine, then you will see our TOP rankings of SEOs:

  • Do not hesitate to repeat it. Write texts for people! Today we look for corny and cicada content. Grab your koristuvach with this article about “1000 and 1 ways to unconventionally vindicate your product”. Do not allow your texts to be transformed into a mix of key words into the phrase "buy a bike Moscow", but tell people how to choose it. We will come to you ourselves.
  • Generate unique content. Prodovzhennya forward item. Navit yakshcho vy slapped a subordinate text from competitors, you can’t just slam it like that. Poshukovik tse remember and it will hurt more. More shortly generate your own - uniquely. Such content will inevitably be shared, but it means for you to increase the authority of your resource.
  • Correct relinking. For these reasons, the availability of relinking reduces the hour of rebuying on the site by 30% and more. Show what a plus to karmi your resource?!
  • Adding the site to catalogs. Today's method gives little result. Basically, through those who have been, like 15 years ago, up to 1000 catalogs are added, replacing one - two top ones.
  • Competently spell out key words. Here, without comments, just tag them until the month and don't spam.
  • Keep track of the quality of resources, with which you exchange messages. Tilki nadіynі, "decent" and from your theme donors. On such rich things, it is possible to know your target audience.
  • Selection of pop-up banners. These are the same banners, as they appear at the entrance to the site for an hour, when you try five times, or just when looking at the content. І gnіv righteous vinikaє at koristuvachіv, and th at poshuk systems. For the imitation of clients from the pop-up context, it is better to do the conversion at any rate, but for the search-by-shoot optimization, it’s bad manners.
  • Spam on forums mass expansion or spam in the forums can also be negatively marked on the effectiveness of the transmission. So pripinyaet rozkidati your possilannya for all possible comments and gіlki on the forums. All the same, it’s less spammers to sit there, because they didn’t read these articles. And you read - do not work like that.
  • Favorite tags h1, h2 and title. Create appropriate headings, as if they reflect the essence and convey the curvaceousness. Highlight important key words and go ahead - to the root of the tops of the TOP.
  • Work on the security of the site. Analyze those who are corrupt on your resource. Where to click, de trim your respect, but how quickly you gag. I will give you additional data to improve your site. Zreshtoy, no one has yet lost the supremacy of behavioral factors.


Black methods and methods of promotion were grounded in time and again. Aje the system has not been perfected and is constantly changing. If you work with a “white” theme and your product or service is allowed to be advertised, then you do not need to go into such risky methods seo promotion. If you don't know why start, then best solutions bude razroblyat raznі strategії suvannya spilno z fahivtsyami. Poshukove prosuvanya trivaly and laborious process. Ale, and the result looks like the hottest clients of the same.

Methods of promotion of sites in the current year become more data, which is inspired by the development of search systems, as if to secure the data more parameters. Tse create songs of folding, but the most important difficulties blame others, if the rules of the gri are seriously changed. I usually change my site more often. As an example, you can bring a change in the installation of poke systems to overspam with key phrases, punish you for cheating behavioral factors, or buy a message.

For the same reason, when choosing a way to put the site through, it is necessary to look at it not only with the recommendations of search systems, but also with a healthy mind. Tse dopomozhe niknuti problems in the future. Methods of twisting are applied to white, gray and black. In this article, I will tell you about everything, but I once again recommend that you swear more than white. Sometimes you can victorious and siri, but with great care.

Bіlі methods of promotion of sites

You can find the necessary methods in the recommendations of the sniffer systems themselves. Sound the stench of the suttєvih vitrat of that high professional level of the optimizer. It can be said that the less you know and see from the one who is engaged in tracing, the result will be the best, but the greater will be your art. It's important to understand that I'm not just talking about poshukovo optimization, but about all methods of promotion. Let's move on to them.


Yakіsny and unique content - tse those that can give traffic stably and stretching the great term. What kind of content is good? Everything is individual here, everything depends on the subject of your site, competition from search engines, selection of key words.

The pardon has been expanded - save on content, especially if you are looking for folding topics. do not write to you garny text on a folding topic for 20 rubles is impossible. So, vinyatki є, but they stink alone. It is important to give respect to the content design: headings H1, H2, H3, lists, photos, videos - everything is positively indicated.

In addition, today the traditional approaches to the writing of the text were brought up, as if they were surrounded by key phrases. Poshukovі systems more and more understand the semantics and zdatnі analyze the content for dosing folding algorithms. Therefore, the titles of LSI-copywriting are becoming more and more demanded.

Design that structure

Not the same method of promotion, but a necessary element for the development of any site. The design of that structure is to help the core of the website, and not to complicate your life. There are no single recommendations here, a leather project will require an individual approach.

Speed ​​of work for the site

Here everything is easy to finish. The site is guilty of zavantazhuvatisya quickly, as a minimum it is not better for competitors. Mobile or adaptive versions are especially valuable mobile outbuildings). In addition, if your site is to be valued for a long time, a lot of other methods of promotion will be wasted in their effectiveness. There is no sense to get the vodvіduvachiv, as if the stench does not show the entanglement of the party.

Behavior facts

This show is becoming increasingly important. Today, it is important not only to take a look at the poshukovoy vidach, but also to answer to your question, so that you do not turn back. Also, try yoga on your website on trivial term. Conduct factors can be unambiguously attributed to important methods of promoting the site, on the basis of this, I will give special respect. The stench is made up of a combination of points, about which they spoke more.

Yakіsny content, garniy design, quickness of the work of the site, the structure of the mind - all this contributes to the reduction of behavioral factors and the position of the site. Analyze the behavioral factors and practice over their polypsies.

Zovnіshnі posilannya

Still an effective method, however, it can be classified as one of the two, so and other methods. All fall in vіd pіdkhodu. Good efforts (for yakim є tsilovі go) on non-spam resources - only a plus. Bulk purchases are posted on sites that sell them in thousands, in the shortest time you can’t get into trouble.

Social services

A hard tool, but not the simplest. V social measures You can run your own group, buy ads, send messages to your site (I don't care about spam). Practically everything, hto є in the Internet, є і in social networks. With the right approach from the social media, you can take away even a lot of targeted traffic. Well, the announcements of the right sources of materials in the event of a hard season can have a viral effect and spread by the coristuvachi themselves.

contextual advertising

One of the most expensive ways, but the most effective. Vіdvіduvachіv (or clients) can be taken as early as the first day of work on your site. In okremih vpadkah to help contextual advertising not less commercial sites, like selling goods and services.

This method of promotion is really one of the best, but even more so because you spend less on contextual advertising, and earn less on your site. This way is not suitable for informational sites, as they themselves earn on contextual advertising.


Tse crowd-marketing is just putting on your site. Folding here є: it is necessary to know the relevant forums and those mothers there to pump accounts. Ale, the method is really kind, which allows you to take away not less than dvіdvіvachіv, but y posilannya. Minus the fact that there will be a need for serious timchas, or it will be necessary to hire fahivtsiv.

Vvazhayut, scho social merezhі vzhe vytіsnili forums, but not so. So, the audience of the rest has fallen, but millions of people are corying with the Internet, they are still corying with forums. Hundreds of popular ones, the efforts of which can really give good traffic.

Purchase of direct advertising

Basically, the purchase of banners on popular sites, other options are possible (for example, written in articles that are considered). A good option, maybe cheaper for contextual advertising, or maybe more expensive. Here everything is lying down correct selection maidanchikiv and banner design. Ideally, they test a number of options, choosing their own optimal one. The underestimated method of promotion is not varto, it’s true that you can give stable traffic to your site.

Affiliate programs

Pіdіyde vyklyuchno for sitesіv, yakі sell goods and services. The result is rich in what to lay your minds for partners (tobto your witrats). If you can pay good money, then this method for a short term can secure you a large number of sales. You can be effective and cheaper for contextual advertising and a number of other methods, but everything is individual here. Necessary testing.

Teaser advertisements

They give bad results at low cost and quality, but definitely not for all sites. The Danish method requires serious testing, otherwise the pennies will be redeemed for darma.


Created video, captured on YouTube. In the description, you can send to the site, or in the video itself, you need to click to go to your resource. The method is expensive (if you want to make a video), but you can give good results. As an example, I can bring up a number of sites about sports betting. Go ahead and upload your videos and post them on YouTube. Mostly, just think about the bets, look around the bookmakers carefully.

Siri Methods

You can vikoristovuvati, but be careful. It’s not a fact that there will be negative consequences, but it’s not a varto.

Spam alert

The purchase of messages on filthy resources is uncontrollable; Possibly a positive effect as an increase in the position of the types of shock systems, but in the lower minds as a whole it is really possible to use a filter. Similar to Google and Yandex.

Postal services

Here, the purchases of data bases are toiled at the uvazi, which is the most obvious spam. Їhnya efficiency for great nutrition, post services You should clearly mark similar extensions and may send them to the Spam folder. Your site should not be harmed in any way, but the method of rozkruchuvannya is doubtful.


Tse spam at social networks, at comments to sites without looking back at the subject. Efficiency is practically zero, especially for sites that sell goods and services. Navіt yakscho u otrimaєte go, the result will not be, but it will not cost you a stained hour.

Affiliate Sites

The creation of sites-affiliates with the method of vitiating all competitors from the first side of the search engine. This way is not the best (especially for commercial sites), yakbee is not one but: one animal of your competitors and a filter will be applied to affiliates. In addition, search systems and independently dosit badly sign such sites.

Cheat behavioral factors

As soon as it became known about those that the behavioral factors were starting to put more and more pressure on the poshuk's vidach, the servants appeared, they were winding them up. Poshukov's systems reacted swiftly: they showed up in the air filters. Tim is not less, there are many who do it with these services. Rizik is great at the same time. Definitely a Syrian method of twisting, even close to black.

Black methods

Such methods of promoting a site can often lead to problems with search systems, and even to the visit of law enforcement agencies. Such a blessing is, high navit and theoretical. I do not recommend vicoristing similar methods, we will briefly describe them.


The creation of doorway from redirects to your site. This method can be seen before the others, which is not to blame for the main site of everyday problems. Ale doorways are becoming less and less effective, more dull and richer, and the vigo will be under great nourishment.


Similar to the scheme with doorways, only the axis of the redirect is hung on the broken site. Efficiency is even low, especially as coristuvachs are redirected from sites on other topics. Hacking sites - evils, about the varto of memory.

Cloaking and attachment text

For per-shock systems, one is used, for corystuvachs another. Otherwise, on the side of the page, there is a text (in the color of the earth), in which there is a set of key words. In this hour, these methods are practically not victorious, shards lead up to 100% of filters and bans on your site.


Modern minds have more respect for the varto than on white methods. Siri for those who are ready to rizikuvati. Blacks are absolutely unacceptable. To the blue and black methods, people often go into simply that they are cheap, but it is necessary to confirm that cheap traffic = inefficient traffic.

I can’t over-emphasize the fact that people still make money on cheap traffic (take a doorway if you want), but in this article I’m talking about the methods of promoting more sites. For them, all methods will not be the best choice.

The list of methods in this article is not exhaustive, depending on your site, you can always come up with your own options, which will be more effective, lower, if I overreact. But over them, you need to think more kindly, that stink for a skin project is a daily individual. What would it be wiser, about what I'm talking about, I'll bring two cicadas butts:

Є servis X, which is only starting its work. A press release is being created on the topic: "Russian startup X has received foreign investments for 2 million dollars." The press release is distributed to all ZMIs, and the result is that the service itself is taken away as a force from trust resources, and there are no other transitions. I realized that often there is no way to talk about such investments.

Similar non-standard methods of twisting vicory are single and that stench can be the most effective.

Chorne SEO - tse fencing. Poshukovі systems struggle with such methods, shards do not destroy the structure and reduce the quality of the search. Yakscho Wee conceived to push the site in unimaginable ways think again.

Like an Internet project to win from a black SEO, a resource to spend under the sanctions of poshukovtsiv.

Black and white SEO

The skin optimizer is wise, which is not natural for the site to be pushed through by poke systems without explanation. Poshukoviks don’t need it, it’s a skin resource, there are more disbeliefs, relying on TOP 10.

The control is carried out both as a posh robot, and as a specially trained person as an assessor. Adzhe Zhodna Poshukova system does not want to be harassed, or it is full of sites that carry non-cave or content content.

If you don't already know SEO, I recommend reading it.

However, if you still want to try the fenced methods of chi navpaki, if you want to avoid disciplinary faults in the case, I present a list of the fenced black SEO practices.

Take the test and find out more about black SEO

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Cheat Behavior - a new way of SEO or down?

Correct! Wrong!

Cheat behaviors, or rather, the behaviors themselves are insanely injected into positions and traffic. Only a few memories are left, which one has been personalized at once, split into clicks, look at cookies and run on geo. Navit so you don't get cheated. You, maybe, spend in the TOP vidach for schoolchildren.

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Spam at texts, keys, lots of synonyms - what's wrong?

Correct! Wrong!

In 2019, like Yandex, like Google, there are a lot of keywords and synonyms. Dosit less robiti competently optimizing the text and the joker willingly accept yogo.

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What is the secret of writing texts for SEO?

Correct! Wrong!

Zagalom storіnki zadalі more delinquent in the form of a behavioral official. However, some deeds will help you to get into the TOP: less driving, good readability, additional re-reading, quotes, headings (h1-h3 ..), seeing an important fat, without pardons.

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Methods of fenced SEO optimization

Black SEO-promotion is not a safe way of researching a way to improve (improve) search positions. If you want to piss off the web-platform on black SEO, you won’t be banned or waste money on the vidach. As a rule, it is important to rotate the website to a larger position after the early warning.

Poshukovі systems often change the algorithm of indexing and illegal methods of insertion waste practice.

Axis of action from popular and illegal ways of pushing.

Invisible text

Napovnenya site invisible content. This is the text that is seen in the same color with the background of the side. Zreshtoy koristuvach does not post anything, and the posh machine willingly recycles information. The method is not relevant;

Vіn not zovsіm invisible*

Prihovani sent

Rozpovsyudzhennya on the site of invisible messengers, yakі do not recognize vіdvіduvachi. This is a rozdіlovy sign, a small picture or a letter in the text. Animation when hovering is silent, so the person does not understand what is needed. And the car it is easy to know such skhovanki. Having fallen down, like only poshuk robots, they learned to recognize the fact of shakhrayism.

Attachment is one of the black ways of SEO promotion. You add piecework to the content, invisible to the eyes of the viewer. You can use a word, a dot, a letter, a small picture too thin. Increasing the mass of the silan and pushing the inflow for the trigger systems.


Text, overload of keywords abo phrases without structuring that semantic meaning. How only search robots recognize the damaged site and take positions in the search. It’s unlikely to award a ban to the site, but you won’t be able to improve the positions of the pollsters.

One of the ways of black SEO is to refill the content with key phrases. Earlier, this method was especially relevant. To finish the bulk just add a lot of key words to the text and even in the TOP.


A method similar to the process of key words. Dіє behind the principle what am i doing і what are you doing . On the right, in the fact that the site is able to download the correct content, and the robot search engine is another text, with keyword phrases.

The circuit is foldable and requires knowledge of programming. Before that, naskolki vіdomo, poshukі systems learned to show black seo method.

Filled with key phrases in headings

The sense is simple, reminiscent of the headings of the side with keys, but the shards headlines play a role at the prosuvanni, the poshuk bot takes it to respect. The way to learn to recognize search systems and not to be misunderstood.

Prote key words should be added to the headlines, but not on a commercial scale.

Overloading headlines with key phrases is one of the ways of black seo. However, our time method is not relevant. Poshukovi robots are kind to yakisny content like spam.

Masa is feasible

A popular way of hacked SEO. Specialist for the promotion of the distribution on the external resources of the promotion to the site: head side, another row of articles. Poshukovy robot reads this information see Maidanchik more for others.

The web platform is supported by others, which means that the site is “popular”.

This route is ideal for spamming. Dosit rozpovsyuditi posilannya on third-party resources and the site is already higher for іnshі, in the TOP-3 for example.

In 2019, search engine systems use this method of spam optimization and do not allow similar sites to reach the top of the search search engine. More practical method only becoming twisted and pedantic.

doorway method

What is a doorway? Doorway - a site that is created to redirect traffic to an authoritative resource. Maydanchik is reminiscent of incomprehensible content, but with a great number of key phrases.

Doorway in 2018 does not know the actual way of passing through. Accept children like you don’t give up earlier. You are to blame for the yakіsny content of the site and zrobiti yogo as much as possible for the koristuvach. Otherwise, your doorwire will not bring any cost for SEO optimization.

Satellite method

Satellite - a satellite site, which can be used as an additional resource. Tactics to encourage satellites in the field of excluded maydanchikiv competitors from the top of the search engine, replace the website on the need of the website. Dyuchy, ale laborious way. Sanctions take away unnecessary satellites, And the right thing is to take a month from the first ten.

Remember! It is enough to lead one side for the necessary requests, in order to beat out a competitor from the best. New website is new. Buy accommodation on a reputable site.

Think about how many times that cost will be needed to create and install more Internet sites. Until then, well 100% correct method overhaul the spoof system so that sites don't stick one by one.

The method of pushing satellites through is still relevant in 2019. Vrahovyuchi the fact that you can see a few of the most popular sites in satellites and take away the priority from the promotion of the main site, seo satellites can be called the current SEO optimization in 2019.

Content replacement, swapping

Swap is not a faster way, but advertising reception. The method is based on the fact that the content on the Maidanchik changes dramatically after the site reaches the necessary positions in the results of the search. Mostly at the casino, home video chi sites shakhraiv.

Such a site, when detected by police robots, is negligently dragged into a ban. Part of the traffic to the site still needs to be taken away, so this method is still vikoristovuyut.

Cheat behavioral factors

The secret to the method of piece traffic to the site. Robots or people walk around the site and make deeds, clicks on kshtalt, purchases or filling in forms. Sites with good behavior factors occupy the first positions in search.

Prote punishment for the cheating is more serious. Vipadanya from the witness for 8 months. The site is less likely to be shown for vital requests.

Vitalny zapit- this is the key phrase from the riddle about the brand or I will name the website.

Poshukov's hints

Poshukovі podkazki - complete phrases, like proponuє shukovik on the cob of the introduction. Poshukov's system looks like popular options, and shukach, having succumbed to zbig, chooses required option. You can often talk at the prompts at the same time by key the brand is abo im'ya, ta povіrte, scho so іnodi is not honest.

Poshukovі podkazki allow you to seo advance the site. Most people choose one of the proposed options for suggestions. Please be careful. For the cheating of hints, you can take sanctions from the spoof systems.

A number of procedures for the piece wrapping of the necessary supply are carried out. Poshukovik vvazha, scho asks the popular and add to the tips.

Yandex bug

The Yandex search engine has the same є bug, which brings the site up or down the other side even more sharply and more than others. Yaky? Tse all the same behavioral factor. Only you can't obov'yazkovo buy cheating. Just work it out so that you can get traffic to the site from different outbuildings. І Your resource will soon appear at TOPі.

Vіdpovіdno at pripinennya vіdvіduvan to the request, I will again fly to the next position.

More SEO

Bily SEO promotion. Mriya, meta that portal Kazkovy svіt for shukovy systems, spіvrobіtnikіv and people voting for the content, and naturally prosuvannya.

While in the distant 2006, link farming, blogging spam, and other ways of dishonestly promoting a site to the top were more popular, in 2019 it became more important.

What is it more seo?

What is SEO?

More seo - the process of optimizing the site, both internally and externally, without violating the regulations of the search systems. It’s not possible to go through the fence on the fence, or it’s not fair to reach the competitors, coristuvachiv and the robot-spider.

Bily seo-optimizer start the process of optimizing the site from the technical standpoint, content, speed, usability. The content is less original, and more information about the site goes along the natural path. In fact, the main thing is to enter the robot of a white SEO optimizer, and decide to spy on it yourself.

What can be done in seo-optimization and what can other factors say?

What do seo-optimizers seem like?

Like Google, Yandex and other search engine systems did not want to be honestly promoted, part of the SEO facivities, nevertheless, the methods of search engine optimization were not successful.

You can remember at whom you have divided.

Seoshnikov, povyazanih іz black prosuvannya divided into two groups.

Black and siri soshniks

Black SEOs are called unscrupulous optimizers, like vikoristovuyut black methods of pushing and do not see distant punitive approaches.

It's a pity that our market is similar to the practitioners, like for big pennies to promote the site to the top position, and after taking the hit, they throw up their hands.

Such a dosvіd is alive, even if for one dissatisfied client three more new ones come.

People are called SEO specialists, as if they were really dimming the dark blues with the optimization of the site. More black methods abound so don't overdo it.

The principle of working with a gray SEO, victorious fenced methods, is reasonably up to the tolerance of search robots-reviewers.

If you wish - fill out the application on the side of the italics.

Sire SEO

Sіre Seo - tse tactics and methods of pushing, yaki between black optimization, but please the search systems. The secret is with tsomu, to learn the black way and win with the help of deyakh dey.

Sіre seo is more popular among seoshnikіv and vikoristovuєtsya for poshkovogo prosuvannya.

Correctly sent

The method of expanding the message was abandoned in the distant 2005 roci, but the alternative was to turn over the dzherel and competently change the address of the site go to hell per-shook optimization

Corinthian satellites

So, search systems began to mean passing through satellites, competent interaction to give fruit from the taking of money from the top ten.

Disguised doorways

Dosi seo optimizers vikoristovuyut dorviїv for prosuvannya. Disguises doorway- correct dorvi. Yogo smoothly virahuvati that punish for damage.


Peresisthennya possilalnoy masi without intermediary on the resource, which is pushed through, leading to Poshuku downgrading, prote pomіrne vikoristannya send a haircut to the site.

Behavioral factor without cheating

If the site is drunk, then it will be great in search of vidaci. If you want to build up an audience (increase traffic) - it’s even more nourishing.

Is it necessary to vicorate black seo?

Competent optimization takes an hour To that it is not safe to trust the doubtful propositions about the security of the site on the first position of the search. Maybe what site to spend under the sanctions otherwise you will spend pennies, and in the first lists of a joke, you won’t show up. Otherwise, I swear to you.