Yak nalashtuvati form priyom danih. Yak create a form to receive a tribute Realization to the Queue interface

configuration mime-types (6)

It’s worth sticking to such pardons, like Pomilka: do not give a record of a duplicated pick of the “mimeMap” type with a unique key attribute and /

At least it did not solve my problem.

I need to add a new MIME option to extend the .woff files for IIS Express.

I will add the offensive snippet to the IIS Express "applicationhost.config"


If I didn’t want to do it in my “web.config”, I’m not guilty of the skin broker, but I’m not guilty of locally changing my “applicationhost.config”.

That is why I saw him know about the file "applicationhost.config" and adding the next fragment to the "web.config" project:


It’s a pity, it looks like it’s not so, so, if I’m trying to restore access to the .woff file, I’ll reject the HTTP 404.3 pardon.

Why am I not so shy?

Worship yogo in "web.config" is visible. The problem is, I'm wrongly picking up the MIME type. Change font / x-woff or font / x-font-woff application / font-woff :


Div. Similarly, it is a MIME type: https: //.com/a/5142316/135441

updated 4/10/2013

I have a problem with rejecting many ASP.NET 5.0 / MVC 6 programs for servicing static pre-existing types of files or for looking through virtual directories. It looks like it's okay to run Configure () on startup. Div. See http://docs.asp.net/en/latest/fundamentals/static-files.html for a quick primer.

If you want to see the problem, click on the configuration parameter "MIME Types", at that time on the left panel of the address of the root university of IIS and on the order "Dodati ..." An offensive dialogue will appear. Give extension .woff and include "application / x-font-woff" as the default MIME type:

Use / x-font-woff2 for woff2

I am not a vicious IIS Express, I am running against the local main IIS 7.

To the one who would like to try new things, I added the mime type for woff through the IIS manager

Email; Vikoristovua to enter the address of the e-mail. In the whole field, a reversal of the correctness of the address is automatically added, in case of an incorrect address, a pardon is issued. Telephone; Vikoristovu to enter the phone number. In the whole field, the correctness of the telephone (digits and deyaki symbols) is automatically added. You can add a mask to the telephone in the field nesting areas. im'ya; Vikoristovuєtsya for the introduction of the name. Automatically zastosovuєtsya reversal, schob in the field boules only letters. Symbols @, &,% and ін. Introduce bude is unwise. Field for insertion in one row; The field for the introduction of the text, when the field is victorious, the revision will not be stuck. The field for insertion into the row of rows; The field for entering the text into the row label, the field is added by height. When the field is victorious, a change does not get stuck. A drop-down list; A field for a choice of one of the variants of the form. Options are set in advance in the Content block at the general floor, skin options for a new row of Food with options for the display; The field is for selection of options, as it is immediately visible under the name of the field. You can adjust the vibir of one option (radio buttons), as well as a decal (checkmark) Checkmark; A field for confirmation of any information from a koristuvach, call for a vicarious statement for a year with a privacy policy. file; The field for zavantazhennya file from the side of the koristuvach. For robotic fields, you need to register in the Uploadcare service and get the key. Date; The field for washing dati is from the side of the koristuvach. In the case of a victorious type of assignment, the field appears as a calendar with a calendar, in which it is possible to vibrate the date. In the nalashtuvannya of the field, you can vibrate the date format and the type of distribution - a dot, a hyphen or a slash. Є automatic conversion for the appearance of numbers and the correctness of the input. hour; The field for the hour in the YY: XX format. On the published side in the field there is a sign of two-dice for the correct reserve of the field. Number (plus / minus buttons); A field for entering a new number or a choice for additional buttons plus and minus. Є Conversion to the presence of numbers. Posilannya; The field for entering the position on the side, є automatic conversion to the correctness of the position. Text commentary; The system type of the field, which is not a field for input, but serves for the addition of additional information and fields in the form. enter; The system type of the field, which is not a field for input, but serves for additional input between fields. The field is prized; The system type of the field, in which you can write a text that allows you to identify the form, so that it is important that the application came from the form itself. The information will not show up to the recipient, but will be passed on to the service to receive the tribute.

Algorithms + Structures danih = Programs.
Niklaus Wirt.


When writing programs, it is often the case that you need to collect a set of objects. There can be numbers, rows, ob'єkti characteristics for the classroom, etc. In this statute, I will try to classify and describe the basic class of collections in simple terms.

The children of the readers can have power supply: what are we looking for, how are we є masivi? True, there is a lot of vikorist collection there is derebate and not required. If there is a need to apply a dynamic change to the structure of the data, or to automatically order the structure of the data in the world, additional elements, etc.

Have daniy statti mova pide itself pro Java Collections Framework So here are the numerical alternatives:
1. Guava(Google Collections Library) - A library of additional realizations of danny structures, such as multi-set, multi-display and bidirectional display. Reduced efficiency.
2. Trove library- Implementation of collections, allowing you to take advantage of primitiveness (in the Java Collections Framework, primitiveness is not possible, only obtuse tips), but allowing you to adapt the efficiency of the robot.
3. PCJ(Primitive Collections for Java) - so the very thing and Trove are designated for primitive types, so that you can enable efficiency.
4. Nareshti You can write a vlasnu kolektsiu (the same ringing list). Ale daniy підхід is not recommended :)

Yak bachimo, vibrati є wow. But for the cob, you need to master the basic Java collections, which are the most common. As well as actions of third-party libraries to implement the interface Java Collections Framework(Guava butt). In order to know the hierarchy of classes of basic collections, it is possible to more quickly master third-party libraries.

basic interfaces

The library of Java collections has two basic interfaces, the implementation of some of them and represent the complete set of all classes of collections:

1. Collection- collection of ob'ktsіv (elements). Here are the main methods for manipulating data, such as inserting (add, addAll), viewing ( remove, removeAll, clear), Poshuk ( contains)
2. Map- I will describe the collection, which is stored in pairs "key - value". The skin key has only one meaning, which is similar to the mathematical concept of an unambiguous function or representation (tar). Such a collection is often called an associative array. It does NOT apply to the Collection interface as it is independent.

I want the framework to be called Java Collections Framework, interface map and yogo implementation enter into the framework maybe!
Collection and Map interfaces are basic, ale the stench are not unique. Їх expands інші interfaces, which add additional functionality. Let's talk about them.

Collection interface

Let's take a look at the basic interfaces, as Collection:

The yak is seen from the diagrams, the interface Collection not є basic (yaka intriga: D). interface Collection extended interface Iterable, Which has only one iterator () method. Tse means, Iterable guilty to turn the iterator.

Implementation of the Set interface

I will be astonished to step on to the diagram. Namagaєmosya understand :)

HashSet- a collection, which does not allow taking the same objects (like a Set). HashSet encapsulates in the object HashMap(Tobto vikoristovuє for a hash table).
As a large number of readers, it’s important, I know, a hash table of information, which is called the mechanism of hash, in which, instead of a key, it is used to value a unique value called a hash code. The whole hash code will then be stored in the index, which will be associated with the data available from the key. The re-insertion of the key into the hash code will be displayed automatically - just don't change the hash code itself. Likewise, your code cannot be without an indexed hash table. The reason for the hashing of the field is in the fact that I will not have a constant time for visiting the add (), contains () methods, remove ()і size (), Navit for great sets.

Yaksho Vi want vikoristovuvati HashSet to reassign the hashCode () and equals () methods, In addition, two logical-identical objects will be used in different ways, so when you add an element to the collection, the hashCode () method will be applied to the Object class (which will turn the hash code for your objects).
It is important to note that the HashSet class does not guarantee the ordering of the elements, and that the hashing process itself is not, by its very own, the origin of the assorted sets. If you need a variety of picks, then we choose a selection of one type of rings, such as the TreeSet class.

LinkedHashSet- we add a ringing list of elements to the set in the order in which they were inserted into the stench. This allows organizing an ordered iteration of the insertion into the set. Tobto, if you have reused the LinkedHashSet class from the iterator's stinks, the items will be played in the same order as the stench of the bullets.

Treeset- kolekts_ya, yak zberіgaє its elements at the viglyadі ordered behind the values ​​of the tree. TreeSet encapsulates in its own TreeMap, which, in its own way, is a vikorist unbalanced binarne red-black tree for the selection of elements. TreeSet is a good team, but for the add, remove and contains operations it is necessary to guarantee the log (n) hour.

Implementation of the Queue interface

At this point, I am now even more forgiven for the hierarchy.

PriorityQueue- One direct implementation to the interface Queue(do not rakhuyuchi LinkedList, Yakiy more є in the list, lower in the list).
Qia chergu in the order of the elements, or in the natural order (vikoristovuchi interface Comparable), For an additional interface Comparator, Otrimanogo in the constructor.

Implementation of the Map interface

interface Map identify unique keys with values. The key is tse ob'єkt, as you vikoristovute for the forgiven viluchennya danih. Put the key and the meaning, you can put the meaning into the object of the picture. In order to ensure that the price is saved, you can correct it by key. interface Map- tse uzagalnye interface, denudation so, as shown below.

interface birch<К, V>

Here, I will specify the type of keys, and V - the type of saving value.

The hierarchy of classes is even more similar to the hierarchy of the Set "and:

LinkedHashMap- expanding class HashMap... There is a ringing list of elements in the cards, rostasovaniye in the order in which stench were inserted. Tse allows organizing the re-sorting of the picture in the order of insertion. So, if you see the iteration on the collection of submissions of the object to the LinkedHashMap class, the items will be turned in the order in which the stench was inserted. You can also open the object to the LinkedHashMap class, which rotates your elements in the order in which they have been accessed the last time.
I recommend that you read it yourself http://habrahabr.ru/post/129037/

old collections

The onset of collections are old, and they are not recommended, but not fenced in.

1. Enumeration- analogue to the Iterator interface.

2. Vector- analogue of the ArrayList class; I will see the ordering list of elements that are taken from the "internal" array.

3. Stack- class, old type Vector, in which the method of pushing (push) and vyshtovuvannya (pop) elements is added, so the list can be interpreted in terms accepted to describe the structure of the given stack (stack).

4. Dictionary- analogue to the Map interface, I want it to be an abstract class, not an interface.

5. Hashtable- analogue of HashMap.

All methods Hashtable, Stack, Vector are synchronized, making them more efficient in one stream add-ons.

synchronized collections

It is possible to optimize synchronized objects of the rings with the help of static methods synchronizedMapі synchronizedList class Collections.

Map m = Collections.synchronizedMap (new HashMap ());
List l = Collections.synchronizedList (new ArrayList ());

Synchronized framing of the synchronizedMap and synchronizedList rings. I call it smartly flow-safe - all operations are not flow-safe, but after the last few operations, there is a good reason to keep the results of the competition in front of them.
(Dzherelo http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/ru/library/j-jtp07233/)
I am mindful of safe flows, so that you can take care of synchronizedList and synchronizedMap presents itself with a threat - the dealers are involved, well, since the collection of synchronized, it means that the stink will increase the flow of safe, and do not need proper operational synchronization of warehouses. As a result, if you want the programs to work with easy customization, or even if you have a serious custom stench, you may want to see a NullPointerException or ConcurrentModificationException.

In addition, there is a clear possibility of "classic" synchronization behind an additional synchronized block.

All is taken together

Otzhe, amazed at the diagram of the classes:

pic 7
Great picture: http://piccy.info/view3/4760074/fd5ec046ce4336b8003475b57e56e02b/

Yak bachimo diagrama to finish massivna. Ale taka architecture vvazhanuyu in OOP.


I thank you for the report If there is enough pobazhan in the comments, I will write a part of the statty to a friend, and I will put the butt down on all the rings. (To see only: on spybesidy you will be fed about the architecture of rings in java, and you will draw the little ones in front of you.
Thank you for the respect !!!