How to tidy up extras from auto windows. How to tidy up programs from autostart (autostart)? The obsession with the computer is coming soon. You can see auto-enablement in CCleaner

Autostart is a very interesting thing, especially since we are talking about add-ons that need to be unlocked regularly. For example, Skype or antivirus. Ale often sit there with active programs: they are only interested in working and tampering with the system.

For example, the torrent client uTorrent. Of course, if you are constantly interested, it may be bad, but in most cases wine is not required. So, is it time to hijack the system once again and waste Internet traffic?!

There are a few ways to enable autorun. I'll tell you about them, and sometimes it's not so easy to uninstall a program. Let's start with the simplest things.

method No. 1

Enabling autorun in the program itself

Often autoloading can be enabled directly in the add-on itself. To open the program, go to settings and check the appropriate box. I’ll show you on the uTorrent application.

1. At the top right of the window, click the “Settings” button and select the “Program Settings” item from the list.

2. At the end (in the “Secondary” section), check the box next to “Run uTorrent simultaneously with Windows” and “Run hot”, stamp “Freeze” and OK.

You see, everything is very simple. Alas, it’s a pity, it won’t work for a long time. With some add-ons, this setting may be closely guarded, or it may remain unavailable.

method No. 2

Cleaning out the “Avtozavantazhennya” folder

We got into Windows, and in any version (XP, 7, 8, 10) є special folder, Where are the program shortcuts that will become interested in the system. You can find it in Start, under “All Programs” and it’s called “Autozavantazhenya”.

If you know that there is a hateful addition in it, don’t worry about it. Robst tse yak zzvichey: right button mishi - Vidality.

If you do not have these folders, open them via search. To do this, in Start, in the search row, select shell: startup and open the folder you found. Delete applications and then open and clean the folder shell: common startup in the same manner

In theory, yes, of course, but in practice there are only a part of the programs that are in autorun. And it’s not a fact that among them you will find the one you want to wake up to.

method No. 3

Editing the system configuration

One of the most reliable ways to get a program from autorun. Practically the first time.

1. Open Start, enter msconfig in the search window and select the found file.

We uncheck unnecessary programs, then press “Freeze” and OK.

The cream of primary software is included in this list service programs, It is not recommended to turn on attractions at any end. Therefore, tidy up the birds only in that episode, as you definitely remember that it is “the same” (unnecessary) program.

After this, it appears a little at the end, where Windows proposes to restart the system. Robiti is not necessary. In any event, when the computer is turned on, the change will take effect.

method No. 4

You can see auto-enablement in CCleaner

CCleaner is a program that helps the user clean the system of any junk (remove notes, clean the registry, and much more). In addition, through it you can configure autorun.

Often this add-on is already installed on your computer and can be found in Start - All Programs - CCleaner folder. If you don’t have it, and you would like to keep the system clean and tidy, then you can download this utility without any costs and install the drive axis.

1. Launch the program, select the “Service” item (Tools), go to “Startup”. The culprit here is to open the “Windows” tab.

Programs that are in autorun mode will be seen in a stronger color and in the “Enabled” section it will be written Yes.

2. Click on the program you want to get from auto-play, and click on the “Disable” button on the top right.

3. We reset the computer so that the changes take effect.

method No. 5

You can enable autorun through the registry

The register is the place where all adjustments are made Windows systems. You need to do things carefully, even if you make the wrong kind of money, you can make your life very difficult.

We are especially talented, for example, in completely getting the system in order, after which the computer can simply function. So if you don’t sing in yourself, better yet, don’t risk it: follow the ways I wrote about.

1. Open the registry editor. You can get started by searching in “Start” by typing the word “regedit”

2. Open the folders in this order (from the left side): HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Run

3. C right side relearn commands that launch these and other programs. The axis of the star needs to be deleted.

And turn over the current RunOnce folder. The first route to it is: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce. There can also be commands here that launch all sorts of add-ons. We see them in exactly the same way.

You can also check and, if necessary, clean the axis and two folders:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce

What programs can you get from autorun, and what programs can you remove from it?

For maximum attraction Windows robots Autostart should be maximized as much as possible. However, it is important to be aware that this can even lead to serious problems, especially when accessing services.

Such programs as iTunes, uTorrent,, Yandex can be safely removed. Cause stinks right during installation, specially added to the car and do not spoil anything.

And everything that has in its name such words as Intel, Nvidia, Microsoft is better left out. And, of course, do not clean the antivirus - you are responsible for running it continuously from the moment you turn on the computer until it turns off.

As a messenger, the situation is ambiguous. The fluidity of the system suffers greatly, but a manual start requires additional time. And sometimes you can completely forget to launch some kind of Skype and miss an important call or notification. So decide for yourself.

And if you doubt it, you can download the name of the program into the search engine Yandex or Google and find out what to work with. For everything, it will be written there that you can delete it from autorun without leaving a trace.

Automatic program activation when starting Windows- the option is very interesting, as we go about the programs of the first necessity. Koristuvach allows himself to perform routine operations of step-by-step launch (clicking on shortcuts) in order to open network clients, messengers, text editor. Everything needs to be done right away - the computer is set up in a working manner in the best way possible, and without your participation.
Handily. Definitely.

Ale, since the program is too rich in auto-engineering, the songs of difficulty arise:

  • The computer takes much longer to start;
  • the system “works” through programs that are launched automatically and “hang” in the tray;
  • A merciless waste of computer hardware resources: add-ons with autorun are turned on, but it’s very rare for the user to get to them.

Who knows how to turn on autorun programs in Windows for additional help? third-party costs.

setting up programs

If you need to deactivate the autorun of any song add-on, take a look at its settings first. Many programs have an option that allows you to turn on auto-enablement.

Let's take a look at the connections on specific stocks:
For the uTorrent torrent client: Menu → Settings → Program settings → Settings → option “Run... at once with Windows” (you need to check the “birdie” at the end)

To remove Skype messenger from auto-enablement, open the following in its menu:
section “Tools” → Settings → Zagalni customization→ function “Run... when Windows starts” (uncheck the box by clicking the bear).

Standard option

In the “System Configuration” system panel, Windows allows users to independently enable autorun programs. The procedure takes place literally in just a few clicks:

1. Click on the “Start” button on the taskbar.

2. B prick row dial menu - msconfig. Press “Enter”.

3. In the “System Configuration” window, click the “Automatics” tab.

4. Select “birds” from the list for utilities, programs, Game add-ons, Any launches that need to be deactivated.

5. Consistently press the “Set” and “Ok” buttons.

editing the registry

Insertion into the system registry using the automatic startup method must be locked if, for any reason, the msconfig option and third-party tools cannot be used. Correction involves the use of new beginners and completion of work in the registry editor. However, in case of incorrect actions during the victorious procedure, the system can go wrong.

To get your car keys, follow these steps:
1. Press Win + R on the keyboard at once.

2. In the “Disable” row, type the directive - regedit. Click “OK”.

3. If you need to enable automatic software launch for everyone cloud records, Open the lid:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → Microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Run

To configure auto-recording in a streaming cloud recording:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER → Software → Microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Run

4. In another editor panel (Name / Type / Values), right-click the key necessary supplement And in the menu, select “Visibility”. After activating the command, you will be included in the auto-want list.

Folder "Avtozavantazhenya"

1. Open the Start menu. Scroll down the list a little.

2. Locate the “Auto Vantage” folder. Right-click on it and select “Unlock”.

3. Remove shortcuts from unnecessary programs from the window: for help context menu(Option “Vidality”) or by dragging it into “Koshik”.

special programs

You can also uninstall the program from Automatic Installation using special service utilities. Which approach has all the advantages: you don’t need to change the OS settings, quick access, Manual alternative interface and other.

We present to you two popular special utilities that allow you to remove the program from auto-installation.

CCleaner is a cleaning program. Its main functional task is to clean file directories and the registry using a program cleanup. And one of the additional options is Windows autostart configuration. catless version The CCleaner distribution can be downloaded on the website

After launching and installing the program, click on the description below:

1. Click on the icon for the “Service” section. In the submenu (next column), click “Automobile”.

2. Click on the list of additions that you need to select from automatic launch.

3. Press one of the buttons:

  • “Vimknuti” - time-sensitive deactivation;
  • "Vidality" - outside view from the list.

Autoruns is a useful tool for managing modules, services, processes and auto-attachments of the system. Developed by Sysinternals and added to by Windows retailers (Microsoft Corporation). Fixes all running program objects in the system. Recommended for use by experienced buyers.

To set up Autoruns for additional help:
1. Go to the official site for downloading -

3. Save archives:

  • right-click on that Autoruns archive;
  • option in the menu “View to stream folder”.

4. Once unzipping is complete, run the autoruns.exe file.

5. In the utility window, go to the “Everything” tab.

6. In the sections of the registry “... CurrentVersion \ Run”, uncheck the boxes for programs that need to be retrieved from auto-enablement.

7. Upon completion of the procedure, close the utility, restart your computer and change the changed autorun setting.

Viruses in automobiles

There are a lot of viruses (browser hijackers, miners, adware, etc.) that are “registered” in the security system of the system. And in some cases, their automatic start cannot be enabled either by standard system features or by third-party utilities. After turning off the koristuvach when starting up, the stench still turns on again.

Tom If you are infected with a virus, it is necessary to use anti-virus tools to ensure proper auto-enablement.

Most effective in solving similar problems:

Krichitny, ale suprazvichaynno brown antivirus scanner. You can protect against scammers not only in the autorun list, but also in browsers, programs, system registry.

Rozpovsyujutsya without any harm on the offsite https: //ru.с/adwcleaner/.

After launching and completing the AdwCleaner update, click “Scan” in its panel. Then remove the detected virus objects and restart Windows.

Used when the PC is heavily infected with viruses. There are malware that are invisible to the main antivirus running on the system. Successfully detects many types of digital infections (worms, Trojans, rootkits).

To download the scanner, press the " Bezkoshtovne zavantazhennya»On the page The scanning can be started in the “Verification” menu: Select the verification mode → Adjustment (if necessary) → Launch.

Regularly check your auto-activation system settings. Especially after installing a new one software security, Igor. Disable automatic launch of rarely used, unnecessary programs. In other cases, you can use your computer's resources without any irritation. And on low-powered systems, malfunctions and upgrades of Windows may occur.

Successful setup of your PC and comfortable use of the operating system!

How to turn on auto-enablement - these options are asked by many users, including those who have SIM cards on their PCs. Most often the problem occurs through reduced computer productivity. This is due to one reason - the great number of installations Windows program, Which turn on immediately after the entire system starts. At the moment, the computer begins to malfunction, and launching Windows can take a lot of trouble and more. To resolve this problem, you need to understand how to enable autorun programs in Windows 7.

Similar situations arise not only from cross-border correspondents, but also from witnesses. For greater productivity, to limit wastage of resources and speed up the work of “getting started”, you need to turn off the Unnecessary programs in the program autorun menu. The point is that almost all programs are automatically turned on after being turned on. You can find a special “window”, where you will ask the koristuvach about it, but the table is small or located in a distant corner, so that most people simply do not mention it. Setting up autorun or auto-enablement of programs is a lot of things, but most people simply don’t know how to set them up.

When you turn on programs, you need to be very careful and not try to turn off everything. These utilities are directly related to the work of Windows 7, you can create incorrect system malware and create even worse problems.

Method one: select program folders for autorun

How to uninstall a program from autorun in Windows 7. This is the simplest and most extensive method known to most skin sufferers. To do this, you need to go to the menu “ Start", Then in all programs and click on the folder "".

This folder itself is the main point for launching programs on your computer. Everything that was installed in it starts when the system is turned on. How to isolate their auto-on. The simplest and most crude method is to simply delete all the utilities that have been added to the “” folder. Practically, any kind of koristuvach would like to be timid once in his life. But the problem is that you want to limit their launch, rather than remove them completely. Then you will stop being tormented by the autostart of Skype or other similar programs.

Another method: using the standard MSConfig utility

This method is for those who need utilities installed, but cannot simply take them and delete them. If connection is still lost in your tasks, in such a situation you need to act quickly standard program. It is installed as standard in Windows 7 and on your computer without any problem, you do not need to install anything or download it from the Internet.

To launch the utility, you need to open the menu “ Start“I press the word on the row, and the name is driven into it.

Some searches can show you what's missing on your PC. Then search for the address on the screenshot and launch it with the last click. Then it finally opens, all the adjustments are in the upper compartment. We need to click on the “” tab and uncheck all the boxes next to unnecessary programs. In this way, they will no longer start automatically when the computer is turned on and cause you insecurity.

If you don’t know what each utility stands for, then don’t change anything, use only those you know specifically. Click OK after you have turned off all unnecessary programs on the list. You need to restart your computer. Please be assured that the process does not affect our settings in any case. The main advantage of this utility lies in its simplicity, and not least in its low functionality. It is not possible to turn on all other programs. But this is a problem for active investors, so they should look at other options.

Method three: Turning on programs manually

To complete this process, we need to open the registry editor. To do this, press the Win + R keys or directly go to the menu “ Start" There you need to search for the word “ regedit».

The editor of the registry appears before us, he looks scary, but really nothing like that. Of course, it is better not to change anything in anything, so that there are no changes in the system. Ale, as you know, if you are afraid, there is no point in being afraid. Our team needs to know the address " Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run».

Folder " Run"- those to which we are pragnemo. As soon as we launch it, a large number of new folders will appear in front of us. Here is a list of all files that are launched when the system is turned on. We select one of them, press the right mouse button and select it. It's too easy, but it's not the same effective method, Which can be done in a complicated manner or with possible malfunctions in Windows 7. Prote, this procedure can be carried out every day, it is very easy to use this option as one of the shortest.

Fourth method: turn on programs and download the utility for help

This is the most popular method. You just need to install a program that can help you enable any software on your PC. The advantage is that for whom you just need to go to I need a tab And tick all the boxes, that’s all. But first, you need to choose the program itself that allows you to change its functions 100%. In modern minds, knowledge is important, and even on the Internet there are thousands of similar utilities, most of them are of low quality.

Fakhіvtsi profess to benefit from the program Autoruns The main advantage is that it is completely cost-free. When this utility is even more powerful, it has great functionality. With help, you can turn on absolutely any program in just a few clicks. It’s worth allowing the crooked hacks to use all that Windows software that they simply don’t need.

Before using any programs that work with the registry, don’t forget to check the reviews and recommendations first.

We download the program from the official website, one minus - English language, I would like to know the Russified version. Control panel Autoruns It’s so simple that you can grow your skin in it. We unpack the archives and press on autoruns.exe. The program does not require installation and will run immediately.

Also of interest is the second click with the mouse pointer in the recording order. When to open the line system program(Utility) Windows, which confirms the launch of the log file. For example, if you click on the SunJavaUpdateSched row, you will see a window like this open again:

To enable autorun for a specific program, you just need to uncheck the opposite box.

How are you talking? Autoruns It’s very simple to install and also doesn’t require installation. You will only be unable to enable unneeded software. And don’t forget to work on the update points before you cancel your changes.

Now, we are confident that you have cut off all your power supply by turning on autostart programs in Windows 7, and now you can significantly speed up your PC.

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Autostart program is an absolutely necessary function for normal work computer. With additional autostart, the operating system independently launches those programs that are required to work continuously during the computer’s operation. Alas, software developers are obsessed with this function. As a result, many programs that are absolutely not required by the computer are installed automatically and create a permanent presence on the computer, without stopping any of the necessary robots. This material will help you learn how to enable autorun programs in Windows 7.

You can enable automatic startup of programs in Windows 7 using several methods. First, you can open the program settings and turn on the autorun function. Well, it’s a pity that not all programs have such functions in the settings. However, if you want to enable autorun for several programs, then this method will not be very easy and will take a lot of time. In such situations, you can quickly use the MSCONFIG utility or special programs to enable autorun programs.

Method No. 1. Turn on autorun of programs for additional setup.

Open the required program and go to settings. Here you need to know the autorun function and turn it on. This is demonstrated in the application using the uTorrent program.

Launch the program and open the “Settings” menu. From this menu, select the item “Setting up programs”.

After this, a window with program settings will open in front of you. Find the autorun function for these programs and turn them on. Once uTorrent has the function to be located in the “Zagalni” tab.

After setting up the program, close the window by pressing the “Ok” button in order to save changes. That's it, there are no such people folding way We enabled autorun of uTorrent programs in Windows 7.

Method No. 2. Turn on autorun using the additional MSCONFIG utility.

Here you can see a list of programs that start automatically immediately after startup operating system Windows 7. In order to enable their autorun, remove the icon opposite the name of the program and save settings by pressing the “Freeze” button.

Please note that some program activities may not appear in the Automatics tab. This is eliminated because the stinks are launched as services. To enable autostart of such programs, go to the “Services” tab and place the icon next to the “Do not display Microsoft services” function.

After this, you will see all the programs that run automatically in the services box on your computer. It’s just as easy to enable autorun for such programs. Why do you need to remove the icon opposite the name of the service and save adjustments?

Method No. 3. Turn on auto-enablement of programs using additional special programs.

So you can speed up third party programs. So one of the most stuck and manual programs for keruvannya automatic startє. after launch given the program scans the operating system and collects data about all programs that start automatically. These programs are divided into groups and displayed in in several tabs Autoruns program.

In order to Autoruns help You will need to select the icon opposite the required program. Most people will be attracted to the automatic programs available on the “Logon” tab. In order to enable autostart of services, you need to go to the “Services” tab.

One of the reasons for the increased operation of the OS is programs that are present in autorun. As a rule, not all of them are necessary for the correct operation of Windows, so you can do things to improve the productivity of your computer by becoming more interested and responsive to your commands.

You will learn more about how to enable auto-enabled programs in Windows 7. Please keep in mind that these add-on services, deactivating them can lead to malfunctions in the operating system. Having cleared the list of programs that will automatically turn on, you will note that it will take less than an hour to install the OS.

What about autorun?

There are a lot of additions that are found in “autorun” that contribute to the speed of the operation. You, melodiously, noted that a computer, which was recently acquired, after a few months begins to become less attractive, and during the hour of work it is still “squeezing.”

After installing various add-ons, stench will be added to “Autostart” without your permission. You yourself need to turn on auto-enablement programs in Windows 7, which you rarely use, otherwise you won’t need them. All robot processes use computer resources, for example, RAM, What is indicated on your speed code.

Of course, not all programs in “autorun” need to be deleted, since some of them are effectively needed, and also because they are obligatory to engage with the OS. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is clear the “Auto Vantage” list and look at what you don’t include in the most important way.

Why are supplements given in Avtozavantazhennya?

As has already been said above, many programs can be added to “Autorun” independently. For example, you are tempted by some kind of add-on, and you are tempted to demonstrate another one that is placed in “Auto-Run” without your permission. One on the right, when it works required program, For example, to control the video adapter. If you don’t need the add-on, you need to know how to turn on auto-enabled programs in Windows 7.

Most often, in “Autostart”, customers add programs that they most often require. For example, if you absolutely need to be on Skype, you can include it in your auto-wanting list. There are also software add-ons, such as antivirus or firewall.

If you are not comfortable launching Galma regularly, and you cannot find out how to turn on auto-enabled programs in Windows 7, then read about the following.

yak program

Well, you wanted to try out some add-ons in “autorun”, but don’t know how to get them. In fact, everything is very simple. To see what programs you have there, go to the “Start” menu, open “All programs” and find a separate section, which is called “Automatics”. By clicking on it, you will see a list of all add-ons that are in “autorun”.

If you want to see the “Autozavantazhennya” program, then you can get help command line. Press the “WIN + R” buttons, and then enter the “msconfig” command there. Press “Enter”, open “System Configuration”, where you need to go to the “Automatics” section.

Now you can independently enable auto-enabled programs in Windows 7. Know the proportions, install these add-ons, which you do not use. Before speaking, if you don’t need the stench, then remove them through “Programs and Specials”.

How to enable auto-enable programs in Windows 7, vikoryst, Autoruns and CCleaner

You can't remember which keys you need to press to click. Or maybe you want to open the list of autorun programs for everything in a few clicks. Then you can install it on your computer in one cost-free supplements What are you allowed to earn?

The first program is called Autoruns. It is recommended to download it from the official website. on Danish momentє only English version, Ale lyakatisya not varto, and even the interface of the wiki in such a way that you can get back to the beginning of the koristuvach.

One more popular supplement- CCleaner. You can also attract it from the official website. In order to enable auto-downloading programs in Windows 7, you need to launch CCleaner and go to the “Services” section. Now select “Autostart” and click once on the add-on that you want to remove from “autostart”. On the right are the secondary buttons.

First of all, you need to remove it or, on the off chance, add it to “Avtozavantazhenya”, it is necessary to get acquainted with the several rows of accredited correspondents:

  • It is not recommended to clean up “autorun” antivirus program, So, after installing the OS, you may forget to turn it on, and, therefore, there is no threat of a virus penetration.
  • If you don’t know that you can enable a certain program, then look for information about it on the Internet, and then make decisions and add on the services.
  • Cleansing cream "Avtozavantazhennya" zayvikh program, It is recommended to activate the service activities that can be found on the same tab in the “System Configuration” window.
  • If you are wondering how to turn on auto-enabled programs in Windows 7, cancel this operation completely. unnecessary extras, To ensure minimal stress on the system before startup.


As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to open “Automotive” and see all the “smitch”. You will only need to remember one “msconfig” command. Having tried these steps, you will notice that next time your computer will be much more popular, especially since the “autorun” included a large number of add-ons.

Often, users who download a movie from a torrent forget to close the client itself and lose access to distribution. As a result, Internet pages open up more and more. However, if you take this addition from “autorun”, then the problem will arise. Then, if you need to enable it, you manually launch the client and close it.

Well, now you know how to enable auto-enabled programs in Windows 7. It is recommended to regularly check what you have there. Before speaking, you will be asked to add them to “Autozavantazhenya” yourself.