Gps does not know android satellites. What work and how to do it, how not to use the GPS system on Android-Kerivnitstvo. What does not work GPS on Android

) The rest of the hour became necessary not only for motorists, but also for pedestrians, the stars of good living will be on other routes. Ale to finish the bagats with the koristuvachas, they have to stick around with them, which they don’t work, or they work badly GPS system on Android. Tse can turn into problems different type, Scho lie down in the same way, which itself called a breakdown.

Unblocking the monitor screen. Allows the sign to work as an addendum, if it is not possible to unblock attachments. Give the program permission to delete the personal data of your device. If you don't want to erase the addition, you can turn it on in the menu "Cleaning Up".

New access to the Internet is necessary for the commander and for editing electronic sheets. Perelyad I will become a fence - I will be attached to the rest of the permission to access the Internet. Repeated departures of redirect calls - the only part of the opportunity to attach the addendum badge. You will dial a special number, which addendum points to open the program. Vibration control - vibrating to turn on the vibrator at the ringing hour when it is used. Photo capture and video - for access to the camera, you need a remote camera.

  • I will read and identify by phone.
  • The oskіlki badge has been opened, you need to turn around in addition.
  • Change sound settings.
  • To change the density of the outbuildings without sound and overhead.
  • Reading contact details.
  • For attracting contacts and the weekly journal, as well as the weekly function.
After that, as you have taken an addendum, you need to work it out.


What is GPS? Tse navigation system - strictly seeming, GPS / GLONASS is a navigation module, which allows you to create an impersonal add-on to win navigation. Tse, vodobrazhennya wait in your place, depending on your actual location and adjusting the add-on for the correction of this factor (weather, time zone and otherwise).

  • Check out the compass and other statistics.
  • Let's press the "Get" button in the menu.
  • You are to blame for revealing what is richer better, lower earlier.
The only shortcoming of this method is those who are not obov'yazkovo and permanent corrections.

We didn't waste our time here.

Even more beautiful, however, blimaє new radio. If you don't change places, your standard security method will continue to improve and stop. This function was fantastic if it showed up first, but at some point it simply stopped working sequentially.

For the help of this system, routes are most often selected. The stench can be like a car, so you can drink or a bicycle. In fact, with a reference robot, such a module helps to know whether there is an object.


But in some cases in the robots of such a module, there may be other problems. The nature of their differences, ale stinks, however, respect the practice of the system:

Check, if you want: This history has a silver lining. I don’t have a great sense, respect, and there are no reasons for which you need to work. You, obviously, will be required to enter your security code, first go to the next menu. Choose "Hopeful place", then hit a row in order to make sure that the place didn't work correctly and choose a parameter for editing. The cards are touched, then we move a finger to move the red contact in the most accurate place. To find out how the place of roztashuvannya looks from the very cob, shove it on the right side of the footer, so that you can figure out the system of innovation yogo. Tse, better for everything, change the text, which you see on the screen, from the first address of the street to the set of latitude and longitude coordinates. Press "Update" in the lower part of the screen, then press the "Do home" button of your annex to turn to the main screen. It's all the same and stupidly, how it sounds, how can it be a trick.

  • Povna impossibility to designate a position;
  • Inaccurate definition of misuse;
  • It’s more time to update data or it’s time to update (for example, you move in space or turn around, but the indicator on the map does not change its position for a long time).

More problems can occur on their own when restarting or when moving to a different zone of the map. And if this doesn’t happen, then it’s necessary to know what the stink of the victors and how to eat them.

After that, as you have installed a place of roztashuvannya, physically moving the red contact on the card, the replacement of which everything, is given, turns to the norm. How to apply, you can create additions, how to give coristuvachs in the real time mode of updating on the vіdstanі, shvidkostі and directly, or to ensure the eyes of the eyes are sharpened to the coristuvachiv. However, if you ask for data about the cost of living as a supplement for years, you do not need to worry about those, the data is taken about the cost of the economy, the system will take the data for the help of the most energy efficient method.

Possible reasons

Viklikati problems of this kind can have a lot of reasons. But all of them can be divided into two great groups - hardware failures and software failures. About hardware problems seem to be the same, if there is not enough moisture in the physical navigation module, and about software - if it is not so fixed in the software security of a smartphone or a tablet.

However, as described in the upcoming divisions, your supplement must be completed with these provisions. On your anniversary, you are guilty of taking away the data about the misfortune for assistance. Your program is guilty of revealing the situation and getting ahead of the reporter about those who are unavailable.

As your addendum points to the constant flow of data, your addendum may show a waste of money, ahead of the cost and gracefully degrade in functionality. For the help of this method, you implement the method of revealing and recording the growth in the world of change.

Important! Troubleshooting the software type easy to get on and get used to independently. If the language is about hardware breakdowns, it’s better to trust the right service center, so for a non-specialist, the process of lagodzhennia can be done by folding. І є risik aggravate the situation.

If you lean on an unknown territory, you may find it difficult to ask for input from an absolutely unknown person, especially if you hurry up, and you don’t want to get stuck on straight lines. However, there will be fluctuations if this function does not work. In order to fix any problems and do not work before, reset the phone, check the “battery charge” and re-adaptation. Turn to the addendum, like you have won, and try to install blocking.

Change your phone's life management settings

Turn back to the front menu and search for the same ones. If nothing happened, adjust the parameters of the life of your phone. Chi not v_dvoryuvati without permission. There is no one to love, so that they got stuck in the middle of the month, as if they didn’t know better, naming directly and asking for help from the otochyuchy.


One of the biggest problems is caused by the first launch of the module, So, if you are running an add-on that uses GPS on your new smartphone. For a stretch of 15-20 hvilin, geolocation may not work, nothing will be done, there will be no place for roztashuvannya. At the first start, it’s a normal camp, but in a distant taka, it can’t be repeated.

Solution 2. Switch the air mode

Turn yoga and check for at least 5 seconds. Reverse, the problem has been corrected, for which you have stumbled. Lightweight mode can be easily switched by navigating to the help area of ​​your phone, and then click on the icon for the baby mode.

Solution 3: Wiymіt the body of the phone

Once your problem is fixed, you know who on the right was the culprit.

For this purpose, you need to wake up your phone and press it in the power saving mode, so that you can turn it on, even if it turns on. On the other hand, you can also access the Settings menu of your phone and click on Battery to see if you can turn on the power saving mode.

A similar situation can be blamed for that fall, as you passed through a significant distance, for example, moved to another country or region, with the use of a navigation module. In this moment, at the first start-up on a new mission, you will also need an hour to “think”.

The problem may occur at some point and when starting on a high speed, for example, every hour of driving by car - in this case, the module will “glow” the first hour after it is turned on.

solution 5

When you re-advantage, you can fix the impersonal problems. Restarting helps the phone to restore its own settings and fix any pardons that stick with our phones. It’s especially handy at that hour, if you can quickly know the place, and you don’t have time to spare a lot of small problems.

As you are often confronted with such a problem, you are guilty of revisiting other solutions for permanent improvement. However, it will become only once, if you have chosen correct settings.

  • See in the menu to customize your add-on.
  • Scroll through, to turn over the place of rotting and stomp on yogo rotting.
  • Press "Mode".
Here you note that three different parameters are available in the mode.

Take care that in life itself - navigation in the middle of the accommodation will not be. Your approximate place of roztashuvannya in budіvlі is appointed for the help of roztashuvannya of zones wireless internet and vishok style operators, Ale not GLONASS.


The GLONAS module can be turned on through the phone, often on new models of wines it is not included for locking. That's why there are a lot of newbies, because they didn't sound like Android, don't turn on yoga before the navigation program. To the point, this type is told about those who need to turn on navigation.

As if you kept updating for a significant period of time, it is clear that the phone cards are outdated, which can lead to pardons in the exact appointed place of the cash advance. Some cache files and data files that are created on your Maps attachment may be different. To solve this problem, you are responsible for deleting the cache and data for Maps and rechecking, the problem has been fixed. If you want to clear the cache is not of any importance, the cache files will be automatically created when the program is attacked, be it given, if they are saved, they will be deleted.

The inaccurate designation of the place of roztashuvannya is due to the peculiarities of the zone. Not in all zones the system works well, however, due to the peculiarities of the work of the companions. Є "sleep" zone, if the navigator skips or it does not show exactly. It is impossible to fight with zim.

The cost savings will be spent. It is even more important that you may want to take it to the house, you are responsible for the work, first of all, to see the data files for the Maps.

  • See in the "Settings" menu of your phone or tablet.
  • Scroll down to find "Program Manager" and tap on it.
  • On the tab "Program Engagement" find "Cards" and hit yoga.
  • Type "Clear cache" and confirm it with the merging window.
  • If the cache files are cleared, hit "Clear data".
Perevirte, what was the problem, for which you stumbled, it was virishena.


Poshuk that usunennya inaccuracies, ring out, let's forgive. Ale, after accepting all re-arranged calls, the problem did not get lost, it is possible that on the right in the malfunction of the module and faults, replace it in the minds of the service center.


There are no ways to "sun" the program after the first launch of the navigation module. Koristuvachevy it is necessary just to get around 15-20 days after the first launch of the program - in an hour, the electronic warehouse will add navigation to the current workflow and roztashuvannya to be appointed.

Schob perevіriti, chi can dodatki vyniknuti problems, and perevіrte, chi pratsyuє vіn normal. Press "OK", and you will be re-advanced safe mode. . You can hear the words “Safety Mode” written on the screen to confirm that you have entered the safe mode. If so, then the problem may lie in one third-party addenda, Yakі you put on your attachment. You can turn your device back into normal mode by restarting your phone, like normal.

It is recommended that you run this module for configuration after buying a phone, so that you do not check in the situation, if you need a term.


Turning on navigation on your smartphone is easy. Most often, the supplement "feeds" itself, turn on navigation, in times, if it is turned on. Then it is necessary to click on “SO” or “OK” to open the window, and additionally turn on geolocation itself. If such a prompt did not appear, turn on її manually, finishing the algorithm:

To solve this problem, you can either restore the factory settings to the phone, to delete all the data, including all the add-ons, so you can install it on your phone, and turn software security phone to yoga installation holidays. Below are descriptions for changing the factory settings.

Solution 11. Update your firmware

On the other hand, you have the ability to see additions, which, in your opinion, can eliminate the problem. Skin renewal to avenge the correction of pardons and possible problems. To check the availability of the update, go to the "Adjustment" menu of your add-on and press "Information about the add-on".

1 On the unlocked screen, on the desktop, hang the menu, Zrobivshi kovzne ruh in the upper mezhі screen down;

2 The menu with the main settings will appear- know the icon in the new Godinne / Transfer of geodata / Geolocation / Positioning or etc.;

Solution 12: Cache partitioning

You can also troubleshoot problems with other add-ons on your phone. Press the button to reduce the volume, tightness and home, until the phone also vibrates before it turns on. Turn off the vitality key and continue to decrease the volume increase button until the end, until you reach the refresh menu. If you have split the cache in future, use the hardness key to see the restart parameter and confirm the restart with the help of the life key.

Solution 13: Return to factory settings

Unmute your phone. . Re-install attachments to factory settings to bring the software security of your attachment to the same camp, like Bulo, if you previously brought attachments out of the box.

3 Click on it to make the icon active.

Another folding method:

4 Go to I'll build it;

5 Find a branch Miscellaneous;

6 Put the brace in the active position.

Now the place of roztashuvannya will be recognized normally and more correctly pratsyuvati. If nothing happened, try to reconsider the stability of your work in another addendum. Even if you don’t work there, then it’s better to turn to fakhivtsiv in service center.

Often when buying a new smartphone for android (especially Chinese ones), people get stuck with the problem of not working GPS. And if you don’t respect the given functionality, then it’s okay, but just on the contrary, then the problem needs to be solved.

We tell you, for some reason, GPS is not working on Android and how to fix the situation.

Why not use GPS on android

The axis of the widest cause of this incomprehensible phenomenon:

Weak (defective) GPS module

A case that screens the GPS antenna and reduces the brightness of the received signal

Wrong in system file GPS.conf

"Bitiy" firmware

What are the problems GPS module(Apparatus), then you can help only repairs, which can only build a fahіvtsі service center.

The case can always be taken and checked for correct GPS operation. And if there is a problem with the firmware, then just reflash the attachments (how to do this, read here).

Ale, we won’t be respectful to whom we are, but let’s move on to the third paragraph.

Automatic GPS setup

The easiest way is to set the geolocation settings automatically for the help of a special addendum, for example. Dose less choose your continent and region - everything else the program will do for you.

Manual GPS setting on android

You can adjust the GPS and manually. To edit the GPS.conf file you need Root rights(Yak їх otrimati -), a third-party file manager, for example, and an addendum.

PHP? File = 1 & id = to prevent manual editing

Install Root Explorer and run yoga. Let's move the downloads from earlier GPS.conf to the / system / etc folder. Confirmation of the replacement of the system file.

We allow it to be installed as it is indicated on the screenshot

start GPS add-on Test and in the settings, press the Clear Only button

Rezavantazhuєmo device and radio swedkoї і bezpomilkovoї robotic GPS.


Now you know what you need to work, like mobile extension on the basis of OS android does not work GPS. If you have winickle food, ask them in the comments below!