How to reconvert the shvidkodiyu computer, schob know, on scho vіn zdatny. How to reconvert the computer's code, how to get familiar with the system in Windows 8 System assessment in Windows 8

Productivity Index (WEI, Windows Experience Index) front version Windows showing how "smart" є your processor, video card, hard drive, memory that visualized Bali at the power of the computer. However, Windows 8.1 cannot be recognized by such a rank, I want it to be counted by the system, it is only necessary for the nobility to marvel at it.

Another way of knowing about the house is - self-checking at the demand windows files 8.1. For Tsiogo:

You may find that the file is not available at the instructions given by the fathers, which means that the test has not yet been performed by the system. You can launch the performance index, when you are finished. danish file with the necessary services.

For Tsiogo:

  • run the command line from the name of the administrator
  • Enter command Winsat formal that press Enter. It is necessary to print the test before the completion of the testing of the computer components.

Axis and everything, now you know, your computer is so smart and you can boast to your friends.

In order to increase the productivity of the computer for additional tests, it is not necessary to use third-party programs and utilities.

Adequately speed up resources, already installed in the operating system.

I want to reject more detailed information koristuvachev will have a chance to know a different program.

Based on the test results, it is possible to change the settings, such as for PC parts, or for a laptop, you should replace it earlier, but not for information about the need to buy a new computer.

The need for a revision

Testing the performance of a computer's robots є accessible to any kind of koristuvach. To reconcile, no special knowledge is needed, no robots are required singing versions Windows. And the process itself is unlikely to require vitality more than a year.

To the reasons, through yaki varto, I will speed up utilization or a third-party supplement to carry:

  • This is the trust of the computer's robots. Moreover, not necessarily the old one - a rewiring is necessary for detecting problems in new PCs. So, for example, the least of the results is that indicators of a good video card are reported incorrectly installed drivers;
  • change the attachment for an hour to select a number of similar configurations at the computer store. Call it so timid before buying a laptop - launching a test for 2-3 functions that are practically the same for the parameters of the annexes to help you understand, which is more beautiful to go to the buyer;
  • the need to adapt the flexibility of the new components of the computer in order to gradually modernize. So, if the least value of the productivity of the HDD, it means that it is replaced by the first one (for example, on the SSD).

According to the results of the test, the speed of the test by the computer of the new enterprises appeared, it is possible to find problems with the drivers and the inconsistency of the installed attachments. And only to find nasty functional details that went wrong - for the whole, it is true, to know more functional utilities, below those, as they were introduced into Windows for reasons. Standard viprobuvannya show a minimum of information.

Reconstruction by means of systems

It is possible to rewire the productivity of some components of the computer for additional operational capabilities. Windows systems... Their principle of information and information is approximately the same for all versions of Microsoft platforms. And the reason is less in the way of launching that information.

Windows Vista, 7 and 8

In the 7th and 8th versions of platforms, as well as Windows Vista, you can find the performance indicator of computer elements in the list of main windows about the operating system. There is enough click for getting to the screen right button Misha behind the icon "My computer" and vibrate power.

As soon as the test was carried out, information about its results would be available at once. As soon as the test is won, it will be launched, having changed to the menu of productivity reversal.

The estimate is maximal, yak allow you to edit Windows 7 and 8, to become 7.9. Think about the need to change the details of the varto, if you want to be one of the indicators lower in 4. The gamer should go more for the value 6. The Windows Vista has the best indicator of 5.9, and the "critical" indicator is close to 3.

Importantly: To accelerate the productivity of the test, you should be able to test all the programs for an hour. When testing the laptop, turn it on until the bottom is in place - the process is cleaned and the battery charge is turned on.

Windows 8.1 and 10

For modern operating systems, it is not so easy to know about the productivity of the computer and start up children. To run utilities, assess the parameters of the system, slіd viconati takі dії:

1Jump to command line operating systems(cmd via menu "Viconati", wiklican against the one-hour onslaught of Klavish Win + R);

2Include assessment processes leading the team winsat formal –restart clean;

3Finish the completion of the robot;

4 Go to folder Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore roztasovanoi in the system catalosis Windows on system disk computer;

5Find that view in text editor file "Formal.Assessment (Recent) .WinSAT.xml".

Koristuvach is guilty of the textless text know the WinSPR block, de roztasovani approximately the same date, which are seen on the screen of the Windows 7 and 8 systems - only in the first view.

So, I will name SystemScore have a foreign index, which is calculated for the minimum values, and MemoryScore, CpuScoreі GraphicsScore Poznachayut indicators of memory, processor and graphic picture is obvious. GamingScoreі DiskScore- productivity for reading / writing hard disk.

The maximum value of the indicator for Windows 10 and version 8.1 becomes 9.9. Tse means, shho to the master office computer You can still allow the system with numbers less than 6, ale for a povnotsinnoy robot of a PC that laptop won’t be guilty of reaching the hocha b 7. And for the game add-on - hocha b 8.

Universalny way

Є method, the same for any operating system. Win polyagaє at the launch of the dispatcher after the onslaught of the keys Ctrl + Alt + Delete. An analogous effect can be reached with the click of Misha on the panel of the factory - there you can find the point that starts the same utility.

On the screen, it will be possible to poke a graphical number - for the processor (for the skin flow okremo) and operational memory... For big reports Go to the "Resource Monitor" menu.

For a lot of information, you can make a lot of things, like locking up some PC components. Nasamper, the price can be zrobiti for a lot of entanglement, with a friend - for the color of the line ( greenery means normal robot component, zhovty- Pomirnu, chervonia- The need to replace the component).

Third-party programs

For help third party supplements Converting computer productivity is simpler.

Deyak from them are paid, for cleverly-without-shipment (so that you can pay for the completion of the trial period, or to adjust the functionality).

However, testing and supplementation should be carried out in greater detail - and it is not easy to see the same lackluster cinnamon for the information clerk.

1. AIDA64

At the AIDA64 warehouse, you can find tests for memory, cache, HDDs, SSDs and flash drives. And when the processor is tested, you can convert to 32 threads at once. In the middle of all the plusses є and the water is not big - a program without a pot can only last for 30 days. And then if you happen to either switch to the іnshu program, or pay 2265 rubles. for the license.

2. SiSoftware Sandra Lite

3. 3DMark

4. PCMark 10

The program allows not to deprive you of testing the robots of your computer's elements, and to make sure that you change the results for a fake victorian. One short of programs - at least a little bit more. The pay for the new one is $ 30.


Image tests are stored for 300 thousand polygonal images, which are stored for more than 2000 units. And the result is seen by the viglyad PTS indicator - chim vin bolshy, tim hard-working computer ... The program will be spread out without koshtovno, so it is easy to know that it is in the fancy.

6. ExperienceIndexOK

Information can be seen on the screen at the balls. The maximum quantity is 9.9, yak for the last version Windows. For them, the ExperienceIndexOK robot is assigned. It’s more simple to speed up with such a program, not to enter commands and shukati in the system catalysis files with the results.

7. CrystalDiskMark

To test the disc, vibrate the disc and set the flip parameters. That is, there is a number of runs and files that are available for diagnostics. Through a sprinkle of hilin on the screen, there will be information about the average speed of reading and recording for the HDD.

8. PC Benchmark

After finishing the test results of the program, you will optimize the system. And even if the robots are reduced, the browser will display a side, it is possible to measure the performance indicators of your PC with other systems. On the same side, it is possible to reconfigure which computer can run deyakі uchasnі іgry.

9. Metro Experience Index

10. PassMark PerformanceTest


Vikoristannya different ways Reconstruction of the productivity of a computer allows you to reconfigure how your system is working. І, if necessary, adjust the speed of the robotics to the elements and the indicators of their models. For a preliminary assessment, such a test can be carried out with the help of additional utilities. If you want to make more money for your special supplements, it’s more, but in the middle of them you can know how to add functional and non-staff members.


Tі z koristuvachіv, who already got up to switch to Windows 8.1, melodiously remembered, new version OS is the component "Index of productivity". Daniy іnstrument bv is an alternative benchmark and is recognized in the main for the development of documents and іgor. The knowledge of the middle of the rest of the wines is so and we do not reject, but ordinary koristuvachi are concerned, then many of them did not know about their rightfulness. Tse became the main reason for yogo kasuvannya.

І vsezh " Productivity Index"I have not seen it. Mozhlivo, at the offensive Windows versions it’s not known, but the data didn’t leave, but it’s generated by it, can be viewed in text and graphical formats. Let's take a look at the insult and the way. In Windows 8.1, the performance index is saved in systemic papacy DataStore. Please wait until her, go to the address C: / Windows / Performance / WinSAT / DataStore... U tsy paptsi maє buty XML file Formal.Assessment (Initial) .WinSAT.xml.

The axis is win yakraz us and required. On the ear of a new document, ask for the date of the given productivity index, so if you know a number of such files in the DataStore catalog (it’s very small), you need to select a file with the last date. However, it can also be that the DataStore folder appears empty. For such a single XML file, I will need to install it manually.

For tsyo speedyєmosya with the help of the command row. Open the console from the name of the administrator and view the command Winsat formal.

Call the loan analysis close to the same amount. When the analysis is complete, close the command row and update the empty folder DataStore.

And the axis of the program can be rotated through the graphical Windows interface you need third-party utilities. At our butts, we have a high speed program ChrisPC Win Experience Index... You can sign up from the website of the retailer

Koristuvachi, know with index Windows productivity 7, zazayutsya nutrition, kudi vin znik u operating systems Windows 8.1 and 10?

Check the assessment of the productivity of the computer під keruvannyam windows 7, enough to press the right mouse button on the "Computer" icon next to the "Start" menu or on the work table and vibrate the "Power" option from the context menu. At the turn, in the "System" section, against the "Otsinka" item, you can get a general assessment of the productivity of the system.

As a matter of fact, Windows 8.1 and 10 didn’t know how to evaluate the productivity of the system, the developers simply cleaned up the graphical results. Well, it’s not like that. Read the report below.

Zagalna otsinka

Shvidshe for all the productivity assessment is already broken down automatically on your computer Windows installed 8.1 or 10. If you want to look over the result, force the combination of "Win + R" keys and type the command from the "Viconati" window:

Shell: games

Display in a window, the image is below.

In the lower right corner of the window, a backward estimate of the productivity of the computer will be displayed, the one that was previously displayed on behalf of the "Windows Productivity Index" for the authorities of Windows 7 systems.

Note that Windows 8 has the highest adult productivity rating from 7.9 to 9.9.

Assessment of system components

Also in Windows 8.1 and 10 it is possible to update the estimates of the system components, although this will not be as bad as the estimate.

Go to the directory "C: \ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore", there you can improve the productivity of the system. Know the XML file with the latest expiration date, the name of which has a phrase:

"... Formal.Assessment (Initial) .WinSAT ..."

"… Formal.Assessment (Recent) .WinSAT…".

Open it as a browser by pressing the right mouse button on the browser and using the command "View for help" from the context menu. Know the "WinSPR" partitions in the XML file. To speed up the robot, speed up with a jolt (call the keys Ctrl + F).

Check out the estimates of the productivity of computer components. At the bottom of the list, the values ​​are highlighted, showing the names of the component estimates in Windows 7:

  • SystemScore- the initial assessment, the name of the lowest assessment;
  • MemoryScore- memory (RAM), operation access to memory in a second;
  • CpuScore- processor, calculating operations per second;
  • GraphicsScore- Graphics, productivity of the working table for Windows Aero;
  • GamingScore- graphics for Igor, productivity of trivial graphics and Igor;
  • DiskScore- main hard disk, data exchange from disk.

Manual launch of productivity tests

If you are in the catalog "C: \ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore" Do not add files to productivity sounds, or if you want an updated assessment, I will hand you the launch of productivity tests.

Open the command line with administrator rights. To click on the "Start" button, in the list of programs, see the section "Services - Windows" and in the new one know the item "Command row", click on the new one with the right mouse button. At vіdkritomom context menu Viber pidpunkt "Dodatkovo> Launch from the name of the administrator" and confirm the action.

Enter the command:

Winsat formal

if you want to re-evaluate the computer:

Winsat formal-restart clean

and press the "Enter" key to run the tests.

After a dozen hour of the test program to complete its robot and vived the real data of the productivity of the computer components near the command row.

Also, estimates of the productivity of computer components will be recorded in the "C: Windows Performance WinSAT DataStore" directory. Follow the instructions from the section "Assessments of system components" of the general statistics for detailed information about the assessment of the productivity of your system.

Vibirkova reconversion of productivity of computer components

Console utility WinSAT You can visually rewrite about the components of the computer and show the real results of efficiency to the command line. For the whole message of the command winsat through the prob_l it is necessary to add the command to the test. Below are the commands for vibration testing of computer components:

  • formal- Viconu new set of estimates and data from the XML file from the catalog "C: \ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore";
  • dwm- The dispatcher's assessment on the working table;
  • cpu -encryption abo -encryption2 abo -compression abo -compression2- Vikonuє assessment of the productivity of the processor;
  • mem- Vikonu assessment of the throughput capacity of the operational memory;
  • d3d- Vikonuє assessment of Direct 3D for іgor;
  • disk- Vikonuє assessment hard disk abo SSD;
  • media -input "go to video file"- Viconu assessment of multimedia: productivity of coding and decoding (vidvorennya) video behind the additional Direct Show;
  • mfmedia -input "go to video file"- The evaluation of the productivity of the decorating (editing) video for the additional help of the Media Foundation;
  • features- Provide information about the components of the system.

For the butt, to learn about the throughput of the operational memory, use the command:

Winsat mem

Learn about the possibilities of the programs winsat, Viklichte as a team.

To learn about the productivity rating of Windows 8.1, it will be necessary to update it soon.

1. Launch the command line with the administrator's rights. For all you can get Windows keyboard+ X ta. You can press the START menu with the right bear button.

2. The command is set

stamped Enter and check for the completion of the value of the system productivity index.

3. Launch PowerShell utility as administrator. The START menu is displayed, stamped on the POSHUK icon and written "power". Embossed with the right button of the bear according to the known Windows element PowerShell і vibrate "Launch from іmenі administrator".

4. For a glance at the Windows 8.1 Productivity Index, the command is set

Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT

і embossed Enter. Enter the command by manually copying the required text and pressing the bears with the right button at the PowerShell window.

My tsikavi have the following meanings:

  • CPUScore - processor productivity index;
  • MemoryScore - evaluation of operational memory;
  • GraphicsScore - index of productivity of the graphics adapter or video card. From the cim to the virtual machine, it is even foldable.
  • DiscScore - index of the subsystem of the collection of danikh.

The evaluation of the computer is outlined, as I am, the WinSPRLevel parameter. I have 2, ale for virtual machine tse ok).

The minimum rating is 1. The maximum rating is 9.9.

You can marvel at the system's productivity score without using PowerShell. For the most visible provider, we go to the address

C: \ Windows \ Performance \ WinSAT \ DataStore

Vidkrivaєmo for help Internet Explorer file at the name of which to be revenged

We are divided by WinSPR.

There you will find information to be duplicated.

The Windows productivity assessment can be calculated, but the results are not displayed in the manual graphical interface, as it is in the front OS. If you have a system installed more often than not, you can see the file at once Formal.Assessment (Recent) .WinSAT.xml.

As soon as you have completed the upgrade, if you want new index - set the command in the command line, launched with administrator rights,