How to find out information on Samsung by looking at it. How to save notifications on an Android device. How to open the story

Notification system on devices under Android controls, Perfectly, steadily decorated: the information is beautifully designed and efficiently performed. But, unfortunately, she has one shortcoming - having seen the notifications, suddenly and in vain, we can no longer turn around to the next one. What is the purpose of the notification magazine in Android? How to save backup copy notify everyone and expand them functional capabilities? About the results of the statistics.

The work with acquaintances is prompted by such an order that we have to look at them at once, or see them. In a situation where the panel is re-updated, you should be aware of and increase important notifications – the task is difficult and the decision is often reduced to simply clearing the list. In this case, Android does not give us another chance to return to the details later. In this case the best decisions It would be helpful if you could save your notifications so you can look at them later, or you might want to make a backup copy of all your notifications. The cross-border buyer of a smartphone, most likely, does not need it, otherwise it would be at least a minimum of waste for those who have stuck it through.

Vbudovanie magazine notification in Android OS

All notifications and system information on the Android device are properly recorded by the system in its own log. This, of course, does not have the same entries in the cards that we were asked to read in the notification panel, but in extreme cases, raising the history and finding push notifications in this way is entirely possible.

The easiest way to deny access to the system alert log is to add the alert widget to your desktop. It's called "Shortcut Shortcut" and has a gear icon. From the list of registered options, the widget needs to select “Notification journal” earlier versions Android).

This method has a low cost of defects. First of all, it is not suitable for all devices; some system widgets may be present in some branded Android shells. In another way, the log entries are presented briefly and are inactive - then take a look at more detailed information otherwise you won’t be able to launch the notification program. Well, and thirdly, the real shortcoming is that all notifications are recorded in the log for only the remaining 24 years;

If the notification provided by the magazine is not enough for you, you can move on to more important artillery - third-party programs that can significantly expand the functional capabilities of the notification.


Boomerang follows the concept popular service Included reader Pocket. The price of a new addition, which, in addition to other programs, does not automatically save information to the magazine, but deprives the user of the right to independently select activities according to their skin preference. Boomerang is great because it allows you not only to save notifications, but also to install predictions on your skin.

Installing programs is a standard process: you give the utility access to the notification and select the program from the list. Or you can allow the program to monitor notifications from your ears installing their programs. Boomerang comes into operation the moment you go to the standard notification in the curtain or on the lock screen - an additional panel appears with two buttons “Save” and “Save + Guess”. If you don’t earn anything, you will automatically get through singing hour, instructions for setting up programs. You can view a list of all your savings by launching the program. A long tap on the information allows you to add, remove or change predictions.

Despite the great idea, the program has shortcomings. First of all, I would like to be able to automatically save the history of everyone. In other words, Boomerang is not yet able to process system notifications and does not work with any system programs.


NotiBox creates a backup copy of all notifications on mobile device automatically, without the participation of the clerk. Moreover, it is possible that saving and system notifications is an excellent option in customized programs. As it turned out, the get utility completely ignores system functions.

The program follows the principle postal client: Collects information about all the notifications that have been received and displays them in your widget in the notification panel. The widget displays 4 remaining notifications, an unread notification and a Do Not Disturb button.

About the Do Not Disturb mode, it’s okay to say it right. This option does not enable system DND as you might think, but simply blocks the display of all notifications. Tim, no less, get the information and sign up for the journal. It operates DND in manual and automatic modes, allows you to set rules for certain additions, and set the validity of your actions.

NotiBox can also set predictions for notifications, or rather, record the event in the calendar, vikorist, system or third-party add-on. To do this, you need to open the program, go to the notification log and press the corresponding button. This function is implemented not as manually as in Boomerang, but, in principle, it is not the main feature of the program, but rather an additional bonus.

It is important to say how NotiBox behaves for you. The program does not work perfectly, but with third-party programs it works fine (mail, messengers, social measures), from system ones – “in the mood”, from system notifications – unfortunately, it doesn’t work.

Notif Log

Notif Log truly lives up to its name. This program monitors skin processes and records skin push notifications in a log. The positive thing is that you get a complete backup copy of all notifications. On the other hand, the Notif Log log is very likely to be filled with important, intermediate or unnecessary entries. Therefore, it is still recommended to turn it off immediately Unnecessary programsі system services zi list of active programs.

The main advantage of Notif Log is that the program saves the notifications in the original state. In the log, they will look the same as in the notification panel, with active action buttons in the report. Carrying out the entries is based on gestures, they can be pinned to the top of the list, turned off from the log, deleted or set to repeat. The magazine does not have an hour limit for saving notifications, but it does not limit the number of entries that you set yourself (maximum 999). As a bonus, the add-on gives you the ability to change the color scheme of the lining and fonts.

Notif Log has one minor shortcoming that can lead to all the positive aspects - when you restart your smartphone or some programs, the log is reset to zero. So varto matitse na uvazi.

Notification Manager

Do you know the situation when, throughout the day, the panel behind the curtain of your smartphone is filled with notifications, so that the only way out of this is to clear all records with one click on the back button? You can troubleshoot this problem with Notification Manager. In any case, this program will be cleaned for you. The program can sift through all notifications and add them to the notification panel.

Once Notification Manager has been given access to notifications, a simple widget is displayed on the curtain that shows program icons and the number of unread ones in order next to them. Ale tsikavіshe navіt not tse. Notification Manager gives you the ability to independently set rules for removing notifications: filter them, group them by add-ons, set the hours of the day if you want to remove or, for example, not remove notifications from existing programs. Fans of minimalism can always turn on the widget and set it up so that the curtain does not have daily notifications. Please contact us to come to the right place, s sound signal, and you can look at their axis only in the magazine in addition.

Customers use Notification Manager to receive unnecessary system alerts such as “battery full”, “SD card detected”, “savings screenshot” and others. In addition, there is no need to pay attention to saving money, not in an hour, not in a minute. Notification Manager does a wonderful job of dealing with all kinds of messages on the device, be it notifications from third-party programs or system notifications.


The Boomerang and Notification Manager programs are best suited for the “implementation/functionality” category. Boomerang revenge great idea Save important notifications and delete them “for later”, or, unfortunately, we cannot yet create a backup copy of all notifications automatically without the participation of a client, as you can stop other programs. Notification Manager when properly tuned can you serve by choice For those who need a backup copy of all notifications, including system files. In this case, the power of the organization to inform the group is even more accurate.

Current versions of the Android OS regularly display notifications about what to do with the system or program. You yourself may look at them or simply grab them and throw them to one side. It’s time to go out in such a way that you know how it’s been neatly tidied up, you need to take a quick look, but how can you make money?! The majority of this possibility is simply not transferred to Android, but there are additional solutions that still allow you to look at all notifications in the “notification magazines”.

Three rubles of history

Most devices running the Android OS are not short of such a miraculous function as reporting a magazine. In other words, all the information that was needed after reading or dropping was learned from the memory of the device. It was not without reason that at the time of the release of Android 4.3, the decision to add the magazine to the system warehouse was praised.

This log is part of the system and includes all notifications that occur on the device. You can get a lot of information about this part of the system useful information I'll arrange the robot myself. For example, Wi-Fi boost, a variety of mercy and much more.

How to spend it before the magazine

First method
The first time you can go into the section, please note that you need to activate the dispenser mode on your device. For this you need to work out a few simple steps. Depending on the firmware version and brand of your device, the item names may vary slightly.

To place a label on your desktop that will alert you when you click on a magazine, you need to select the following:

Another method
Danish method for installing additional data software security, what is installed in the store Google Play. The program is called QuickShortcutMaker and is designed for working with shortcuts. You need to do a few simple steps:

Unfortunately, the presented methods are not suitable for all firmware and proprietary shells. The work is 100% guaranteed on bare Android, Google devices, a couple of Xiaomi devices and Nokia smartphones. If you don’t mind, you may be spared and on your smartphone/tablet, after completing all actions, a notification item will appear in the journal.

Almost every application on Android has notification functions. For those who have notified us, we can quickly revoke access to the notifications, sheets or remaining options in the game. However, if you have a large number of programs installed, the notification panel may change to one great leaf with spam. Most often, in such situations, the doctor closes them all at once, without checking the skin. After similar actions, it may appear that you have missed important information, I need to take a look. We know about the couple simple ways How can I help you?


What is installed on your smartphone or tablet Android version 4.3 or later, then you have a special section called “Notification Journal”. From whose magazine are all the messages you have received in the remaining hour collected? How do you know? Everything is easy to complete.
1) Do a long tap on an empty desktop.
2) Click the "Widgets" button.
3) Scroll down, find the icon with a gear and the inscription “Shortcut adjustment 1x1”
4) Drag it to one of the work tables by selecting the “Notification journal” shortcut option.

5) Now you just need to launch this shortcut and the “Notification Magazine” will appear in front of you.

Addendum "History of the message"

If your mobile device has a version of Android older than 4.3 installed, then you can quickly third-party add-on. The program can be purchased cost-free from the software store Play Store. The functionality of this utility is almost completely the same with the use of the “Journal”. You can sort notifications into groups or add particularly annoying games to the black list.

Vi vipadkovo "waved" unread notification for curtains please inform your Android smartphone Do you have a tablet and are now worried that it might contain important information for you?
Don't be rude - y operating system Google є remembering magazine Android notification It’s easy to get access to whatever you want.

How to open the story

You can earn money for an additional system widget that you need to install on the desktop of your smartphone or tablet. For this, follow these simple instructions:
1. Go to the program menu of your smartphone or tablet, to the “Widgets” tab and find there a widget called “Shortcut Setup”.
2. Click on it and drag it to one of the working tables of your device.
3. In the window, select the item “Log notification”

Axis and that's it, now on your desktop there is a shortcut to access the Android notification magazine. Now, in order to see the notifications you saw earlier, you just need to click on this shortcut and you will see them latest list According to the assigned date, time and additional information, until the stink is due.

Have you suddenly “swished” the unread notifications from the notification curtains of your Android smartphone or tablet and are now worried that it could contain important information for you?

Don’t worry about it - in the Google operating system there is a notification log for Android, it’s easy to deny access to anything. Today I will tell you how to earn it.

And you can earn money for an additional system widget that you need to install on the desktop of your smartphone or tablet.

For this, follow these simple instructions:

1. Go to the program menu of your smartphone or tablet, to the “Widgets” tab and find there a widget called “Shortcut Settings”.

2. Click on it and drag it to one of the work tables of your device.

3. In the window, select the item “Log notification”

That's it, now on your desktop there is a shortcut for accessing the Android notification magazine.

Now, in order to see the information that was shown to you earlier, you just need to click on this shortcut and you will see a complete list of them with the designated date, time and additional information about what smell is visible (screenshot at the header).