Hydroacoustic complex pl in protichovnova borotbi. Vyskovo-sea fleet to purchase hydroacoustic complexes of the family "Kryzhen Literature and Dzherela Information

Russian underwater hydroacoustics at the turn of the XXI century

Viy'skova hydroacoustics is an elite science, the development of what can be allowed only if the power is strong


Volodyuchi with a high scientific and technical potential (13 doctors and 60 candidates of sciences at the enterprise), the concern is developing such a priority directly in the field of hydroacoustics:

Bagatofunctional passive and active hydroacoustic complexes (DAK) and systems (GAS) illumination of the underwater situation in the ocean, including for underwater vessels, surface ships, floating installations, recovery systems;

Systems with flexible extended towed antennas for robots in a wide frequency range for surface ships and submarine chambers, as well as stationary ones;

Active, passive and active-passive stationary hydroacoustic complexes for the control of the shelf zone and from unauthorized penetration of surface ships and sub-water chambers;

Hydroacoustic navigation and sound and service systems ";

Hydroacoustic conversions, antennas, phased antennas of folding-form arrays, which can fire up to thousands of receiving channels;

Acoustic screens and soundproofing obtichniki;

Systems for transmission of information via a hydroacoustic channel;

adaptive systems for processing the hydroacoustic information in the minds of the foldable hydroacoustic and signal noise environment;

Classification of targets based on signatures and fine structures of the sound field;

Vimіryuvachі shvidkostі sound for surface ships and submarine chavnіv.

Concern sogodnі - tse ten of companies, SSMSC perebuvayut St. Peterburzі i Lenіngradskіy oblastі, Taganrozі, Volgogradі, Severodvіnsku, respublіtsі Karelіya in їh chislі NAUKOVO-doslіdnі іnstituti, backwaters of serіynomu Key infrastructure gіdroakustichnogo obladnannya, spetsіalіzovanі pіdpriєmstva on obslugovuvannyu obladnannya on ob'єktah , polygon. There are five thousand and high-class faculties - engineers, robots, scientists, more than 25% of which are juveniles.

DAK pl (Rubin, Ocean, Rubikon, Skat, Skat-BDRM, Skat-3), a number of hydroacoustic complexes and systems for surface ships ("Rubin", "Ocean", "Rubikon", "Skat" "," Polinom ", station of detection of submarine sailors" Pallada "), stationary systems" Liman "," Volkhov "," Agam "," Dnister ".

Hydroacoustic complexes for sub-water chambers, set up by the industrial enterprise - unique technical means, the root of those who find knowledge and great admiration in hydroacoustics. Yak was only one assistant, the establishment of the appearance of the underwater chapel of the sound tracker for the folding is similar to that of the establishment of the appearance of half a candle to the country in a few kilometers on a nice sleepy day, for the time of the day about navkolishnє middle ground. Osnovnі zavdannya, SSMSC virіshuyutsya gіdroakustichnim complex pіdvodnogo chovna - viyavlennya pіdvodnih chovnіv, surface korablіv, torpedoes rezhimі shumopelengovanіya, automaticity suprovіd tsіley, viznachennya їh coordinate klasifіkatsіya tsіley, viyavlennya i pelenguvannya tsіley in rezhimі gidrolokatsiі, perehoplennya gіdroakustichnih signalіv a wide dіapazonі frequencies zabezpechennya sound underwater sound at great ports, safeguarding of the nearby situation and safety of sailing, lighting of the ice situation when swimming under ice, safe of mini-torpedo ships, etc. In addition to the important buildings, the complex is guilty of the power of the automated control system, the system of guarding the power of the power, it is guilty without interruption of the work of the folding hydraulic systems for the safety of the function of all the water supply systems. At the complex є simulators of all systems of the hydroacoustic complex, which will ensure the creation and training of a special warehouse.

The basis of any hydroacoustic complex is antennas, phased discrete folding grids, which are stored from p'zokeramic conversions, as they are guilty of preventing the reception of signals from the water center to the main floor The head of the DAK - detects signals on the most powerful noises, the noise of the traffic during the Russian chapel, the sea noises, which can be used for the purpose, and even for the bagatokh officials, and that the brown signal is masked.

The current DAK is an even foldable digital complex, which processes the great information flows in the real hour mode (the skin antenna of the complex is stored in thousands, or tens of thousands of other elements, the skin of which is to blame, but the chipping is synchronized). Yogo robot can only be used for new and innovative systems that can be used for one hour, in terms of space, and of a wide range, in frequency, guarded by exuberant acoustic fields.

The most important and most relevant element of the complex - attach a visualized information. When the cycle starts, it’s not only scientific and technical problems, but rather ergonomic, psychological problems - it’s not enough to receive a signal from the call center, it’s necessary for the operator to the complex (but at the most important moment) the safety of the ship, and the relocation of powerless targets, surface, sub-water, winds, which represent a potential threat or interest for the sub-water chauffeur. І vendors constantly balance on inter-problems - from one side, to visualize the maximum amount of information, to become complex, and necessary for the operator, from the other side, not to break the "Miller's rule", but in general

The specialty of the hydroacoustic systems is important, especially the antenna - it’s pricey to the point of being good, good enough to be able to work without repair, and replace it for more than a three-hour hour - in the minds of the combat service, it’s impossible to repair a hydroacoustic antenna, as a rule.

The current DAK cannot be seen as a self-sufficient system, the system is closed, but only as an element of the integrated system and caution, which is won and victorious without interruption on the basis of information about the process of development of the system, etc. the situation in the system, for analyzing tactful situations and types of recommendations for the registration of the current regimes of the DAK in the given situation.

The development of hydroacoustic complexes for the submarine chavna - without interruption of the targeting of a potential adversary, from one side, oskilki the most important, the establishment of the DAK - no parity in any given situation (the enemy of the enemy) by means of increasing the distance of the DAK, moreover, in the main in the passive mode of the leather-finding, which allows the development of the process, but without unmasking the power of the creation, and with the shipbuilders, the designers of the generation of the new water ships, With a new project, to navigate with a new skin motivated by a ship, and it is necessary to generate a signal that is lower by orders of magnitude than the noise of the sea. Apparently, the main point of the modern hydroacoustic complex for the submarine chapters of the XXI century is the price of the development of the development of the complex and the development of the chapel;

Dosvid design DAK pl, which є in our institute, allows us to see the main problem directly, such as a significant increase in efficiency in the closest possible.

1. DAK with conformal and conformal-curved antenna

The decrease in the density of the squares, connected with the zusilli of the designers for the optimization of technical solutions for the construction of the building and the mechanisms, called for a decrease in the range of the DAK for the current square. The larger apertures of traditional antennas (spherical or cylindrical) are surrounded by a geometrical nose part of the body. Obviously, in the whole situation, the branch of the conformal (confused with the contours of the square) antenna is of a total area, and this means the energy potential which significantly overrides the analogous indicators for the tra-Dizion antennas. The first signal at the end of such antennas appeared altogether in the distance.

More promising straight ahead є the root of the conformally-curved antennas, the rostalized sides of the square. Dovzhina such antennas can become tens of meters, and the area - more than hundreds of square meters. The development of such systems is associated with the need to update a number of technical problems.

The conformally-curved antenna grows in the area of ​​overburdened with inhomogeneous sickness, enriched with a structural gap, and also a gap in a hydrodynamic walking, including a winy for a breakdown, destroyed by a body of a stream. Acoustic screens are traditionally stagnant for lowering the flow of the switch to the antenna, which is not efficient enough in the low-frequency range of robotic on-board antennas. By means of a quick way to secure efficient robots of on-board antennas, judging from the overseas information,, in the first place, constructively differentiate the most noisy cars and mechanisms in such a rank, other pouring into the on-board systems, the algorithm of different transfer to the DAK tract (adaptive methods of compensation for structural jitter, including the pickups of the pickups that are placed in the middle of the antenna). Velma is promising to see the so-called "vector-phase" methods of information processing, so that the efficiency of the robot can be improved for the complex for the development of the spinal processing of watering in the vice and the quickness of the water. In one step, the reduction in the flow of the hydrodynamic isthmus, which flows into the efficiency of the conformally-curved antennas, ) reduce the flow of hydrodynamic transfer to the DAK tract.

2. Adaptive algorithms for processing hydroacoustic information, narrowing and widening

For "adapting" it is traditionally reasonable to build a system and change its parameters in fallowness from the development of new minds with the aim of improving its efficiency. One hundred percent of the processing algorithms for the term "adaptation" depend on the processing path (in space and hour) for the processing path with the characteristics of the signals and the conversion code. Adaptive algorithms are widely used in specific complexes, and their efficiency is in the main hardware resources of the complex. More sophisticated algorithms, which provide a wide-hour minimum to the channel by extending the signal. The stagnation of such algorithms allows one hour to receive information about the channel for the extended signal. Dzherelom such information can serve as adaptive dynamic oceanological models, which predict with sufficient reliability the temperature, gustini, salinity and some other parameters of the middle in the area. Such models run and spread widely behind the cordon. The confirmation of sufficient reliable estimates of the parameters in the channel is wider permissible, judging by the theoretical estimates, in the form of adjusting the accuracy of the values ​​of the coordinates of the center.

3. Acoustic systems, spaced out on kerovable, non-powered, underwater devices, as a result of polystatic detection in active mode, as well as a fanciful trick on the bottom of the water

Pidvodny choven itself is a majestic sporuda, more than hundreds of meters long, and far from all the projects that are necessary for the safety of the power supply, you can be virtualized by the ship's gate for the development of the water supply systems. One of these buildings is the discovery of the bottom and the frozen facilities, which provide security for the ship. If you look at the object, it is necessary to get close to it as close as possible, without opening it at all the hazards of moisture-proof. One of the youngest gates of the last of the problem is the stem of the single-bed, independent, independent device, which is installed on the front-door, which is built on its own, or the gate of control according to the required cable connection. In fact, the plant is similar to the stems of the hydroacoustic complex itself, ale of a miniature one, which can be used as a battery, which is placed on a small self-contained annex, which is built to stand out from the water chapel in the lurid sounding backward, sticky In the United States, there are such aparaties and enter to the warehouse of the new generation of water supply units (of the "Virginia" type).

4. Development and development of new materials for hydroacoustic redesigns, which are presented in a less mode and part

Piezoceramic conversions, from which antennas for sub-water chambers can be installed - superbly folding designs, p'zokeramika by itself is even more critical material, and requires significant power to achieve the highest efficiency And for a long time, there has been a lot of jokes about the material, but by these authorities, the transformation of energy into an electric one is not a polymer, a lightweight, a technological one.

The technology behind the cordon led to the introduction of polydimensional PVDF-type floats, which are volodiut p'useffect and handles for the victorian in the designs of the curved antennas (spaced on the board of the chapel). The problem here is that it’s in the first place in the technology of the production of these products, which will ensure the sufficient efficiency of the antenna. Even more promising to build the idea of ​​stemming material, as volodya by the authorities of the p'zokeramika, from one side, and by the authorities of the zhisnogo screen, muffling (abo rozsiyu) signals of the enemy's pilot, and lowering the power of the ship. Such material (piezoresin), applied to the hull of the underwater chapel, actually rob the entire hull of the ship with a hydroacoustic antenna, without providing a hundred percent increase in the efficiency of the hydroacoustic systems. An analysis of foreign publications showing that in the United States, such boxes have moved into the stage of pre-early education, at that hour we have progressed in the last ten years in the last ten years.

5. Classification of goals

Establishment of classification in hydroacoustics is a tricky problem, it is tied to the need for assigning a class for information, which is adjusted in the noise direction finding mode (in the small world - for the data of the active mode). At first glance, the problem is easy to see - it’s enough to save the spectrum by yelling about an object, correcting the data from the base, and rejecting the information - well, for the object, right up to the commander’s name. On the right, the spectrum should be covered in a wide range of motion, angle of view, in the area without a hydroacoustic complex, the spectrum should be hidden in one's own way, in a To tackle the task of razp_znavannya on the spectrum is practically unconnected. That is why in the vikorist classifications of vikoristoyutsya іnshі go, tied with the analysis of characteristic signs, lured to a specific class of goals. Another problem, which will require serious scientific dosages, is more and more necessary - the classification of the bottom and mumbled objects, is tied to the designations of the xv. Evidently and experimentally confirmed, how the dolphins can be finished in advance in the form of new and water-filled objects, vikonans from metal, plastic, wood. The head of presenters is the development of methods and algorithms, which implements the same order as a vison of a dolphin, a virtual analogue of preference.

6. Zavdannya self-defense

Self-defense is a complex task of securing the safety of the ship (including proto-torpedo protection), which includes detection, classification, targeting, visualization of data on the loss of protection and (or) technical problems. The peculiarity of this plant is the complex registration of data from the old DAK systems, identification of data, from the old dzherels, and the safety of information about the lost systems of the ship.

If we say more, it’s deprived of a small part of quiet promising straightforward times, which need to be taken care of, to improve the effectiveness of the folded hydroacoustic recovery. Ale vid idea to virobu is a great way, which is due to the presence of advanced technologies, the current pre-existing and experimental basis, the advanced infrastructure from the production of the necessary antennas for other equipment, etc. It means that the rest of the rock is characterized for our enterprise by the serious technical redevelopment of the federal and vocational base, so that it became possible to start financing within the framework of a whole series of federal special programs, such Zavdyaki tsіy fіnansovіy pіdtrimtsі for ostannі p'yat rokіv away povnіstyu vіdremontuvati i suttєvo modernіzuvati naybіlshy in Єvropі gіdroakustichny opitovy pool, scho znahoditsya on teritorії BAT "Concern" Okeanprіbor "radically onoviti virobnichі potuzhnostі incoming to the warehouse concern serіynih zavodіv, zavdyaki chomu Taganrozky plant" Arrived ”becoming a well-established business enterprise in Russia. We are building new virobnits - p'zomaterials, hand-made boards, in the future - new virobnic and scientific areas, stands for setting up and building possession. After 2 - 3 rockets of virobnichi and scientific efforts of the enterprise, when the "bank of danikhs" has received new ideas and retail outlets, allow to start until the end of the hydroacoustic recovery of the fifth generation, so necessary for the marine life.

Radianske diesel-electric power supply chapels

Hydroacoustic COMPLEXES PL

Diesel elektrichnі chovni Perche povoєnnih proektіv "proklali road" for ekіpazhіv Suchasnyj submarines in okeanskih campaigns nabirayuchi dosvіd ekspluatatsії boyovoї tehnіki, osvoyuyuchi priyomi pіdlіdnogo swimming, vivchayuchi gіdrologіchnu i gіdrografіchnu situation strategіchno vazhlivih rayonіv ocean vіdpratsovuyuchi tactics protichovnovogo Poshuk i protikorabelnoї Borotba.

The tactics of counter-fighting are often carried out to the point of making a joke and detecting enemy submarines behind the aid of acoustic sonic forces earlier, not to destroy the enemy.

At the same time, the center of the navkolishny submarine of the middle of the swell has the most important values, especially those parameters, such as the zone of acoustic safety and the position of the underwater chapel is obviously "thermoclin".

Zones of extraordinary and circular areas and near the submarine ship. The sound that goes straight downward towards the convergence point, rots out in the zone of insecurity, breaks in fallowness due to the pressure and temperature of the water, collapses uphill and downward along the road to the surface along the spiral through the middle of the standard halls, such as

The commander of the ship, if you don't mind not eating in the region, besides, de, on your mind, there is a meta, you can get out of the way. For the whole of you it is necessary to be in the boundaries of quiet districts, de the sound expands from its dzherel simply radially.

The easiest way is to take a position over the ball of a temperature striker (thermoclin), or from it, when it comes to the bottom of the water - those sounds that you see as a moving one, will be better for everything that is not in the world.

Temperature striking is a near-cordon ball under the water space, where the warm surface of the water and the larger cold areas are.

Diesel engines under the order of atomic power take the most important place in the aggressive plans of the National Navy's capital to the NATO bloc. By the tribute of the associate "Jane", in the mid-1980s the fleets of the provinces of the Indian Atlantic Union had 186 diesel engines.

Diesel podvodnі chavnyy perevagi before the atomic ones, Before them I see, sprout, less drunkenness, I’ll paint the robots of hydroacoustic stations (GAS) when we see the establishment of a counter-struggle.

In this hour, as soon as the Earth press has become available, the integration of hydroacoustic technology with BIUS and control systems has been developed, as it will be based on the wide competition of the EOM. As a result, the tactical capabilities of the hydroacoustic equipment have clearly changed. The dependence of the target and classification of the denied contact has been increased. In addition, it became real at once to quest for a decilkom (up to six) goals and clearly see the changes in its maneuvers, automatically remove information and continuously see it in an effortless way to visualize the system in an unimaginable way. , and if necessary, restruct.

The digital processing of signals allowed the systems of the passive location of the underwater chauffeur to reach precisely the beginning of only the noise of the bearing and the distance to it.

Nareshty, the integration of industrial systems on the basis of the EOM has simplified the control over the work and the maintenance of the GAS and allowed the speed of the service personnel, which is less important for the somewhat small ones for the water-tonnage of the diesel engines.

The main path of the acoustic station is a sound direction finding station from a distance of dozens of kilometers. In the low-frequency (220 Hz - 7 kHz) range, the reception of signals is sent to the conformal (along the contours of the nose part of the body) acoustic antenna is stored from piezoceramic hydrophones, and in the high-frequency (8 kHz) range, to the circular lead ... The cylindrical antenna also serve as a steeple for decalcom (up to chotiroh) purposes. Offense of the noise direction finding channel to add one to one. The navkolishn_y space look around the path of a swift lasting experience of the great number of transmitted 360 ° statically formed peels of the characteristic of straightness. Viyavlenі noisy meti bearings with high accuracy of the signal method.

The active tract gave the opportunity to conduct a circular look at all-direct viprominuvanny of one streak, or in case of viprominuvanny of a series of streams in the last day to change directly, as well as viprominuvate one-stitches in a singing direction. Received moon signals are displayed on the indicator screen and can be recorded for the Doppler frequency response.

The path of the passive location is on the skin board of the underwater chandelier, there are three receivers installed on the hull in the bow, middle and stern parts. The stench will take in the noise of meth, as it is a corelative image, which allows for a sufficient accuracy in value to the point behind three lines of position. Anteni to the tract can be vikoristovuvatisya yak additional for the tract of noise direction finding.

The station will secure the direct and non-directional sound underwater sound.

The path of detecting signals by the laser detector allows the emergence of impulse signals of a dynamic approach to a number of deciles of dozens of kilometers, by starting the frequency, triviality and directly to the signal.

The design of the station has a wide range of integrated circuits, the establishment of a whole change in size and weight, and the need has been increased. The data about the targets are displayed on two screens, automatically fit on the EOM auto-gasket system and control the torpedo gunner, and the commands for the gunner are sent.

Broken and simple hydroacoustic station. Vona includes noise-direction-finding taverns, moon direction-finding and passive locations. Shock and detection of targets is carried out in the mode of noise-direction-finding and detection of the signal according to the signal processing method. To see the whole distance to her, be aware of the path of vyprominuvannya straightened single severity, or by the method of passive location.

To increase the efficiency of the acoustic warning on the bottom of the water, you can also use it to increase the sound in the water and to signal the sound of the ear of wine to control the cavities.

To improve the efficiency of the GAS victorian, the device encourages the exchange of pictures to be introduced with data about the actual increase in the sound of the glibinia. The system is designed to function in the simulator mode with the simulated signals, so that it can be used for input from different purposes. All streaming information, which is entered into the system in the process of fighting robots and is played by it, can be recorded for a later revision and analysis. The system will be serviced by one or two operators.

GAS are the largest types of cylindrical section antennas. For a circular look around the space, 96 pelusts are statically molded with straight diagrams.

The value of the coordinates of the emerging goals and the step is one hour for a few hours to come in all modes for the additional EOM. In the active mode, in order to reduce the maximum range, the narrowing parameters are transferred to the vypromynuvannya (vyprominuvannoy tautness, frequency, type of modulation) with the actual hydroelectric minds in the area of ​​caution.

In the mode of detecting signals from the guides, there is a bearing on the signal, the frequency and amplitude, the frequency of the pulses, the frequency of the passage and the classification of the signal for all signals.

The station can also be used in additional modes: a simulator, a beam graph and automatic control of a technical mill, which will prevent the detection of faulty modules.

On the remote control of the GAS there are all control organizations and two screens. On one of them there is a tricolor indication, which is a circular look indicator, instantly visualizes in the central part of the situation with its ship in the center and a circular bearing scale, and along the edges - on the frequency, course, speed), data about the course and speed of your ship, about the mode and parameters of the robot GAS. On the other screen, there are texts of "hierarchical matrices", the processing of which allows to optimize the process of controlling the apparatus. Also, the information provided, meaningfully forgives the maintenance and operation of the station and allows one operator to visit.

At the fall of 1983, the nuclear submarine class VICTOR-III was rejected by the noise and characteristics of the fourth American missile carrier of the Ohio class.

On the idea of ​​a trip, the young ambitious captain of our submarine, nathnenny with the butts of the heroes of the Victory Day, it is not enough not to go into the bay of the enemy's base.

For acoustic masking K-324 in the Sargasso Sea, she took a small boat, as it was heading straight. Everything went well, as the speed of our submarine began to fall quickly, unimpressed on the speed of the turbine to the maximum.

Niyakі cunning and advice didn’t lead to positive results - the speed dropped to three universities.

Nichogo not porobish - brought splivati. There are few splivats not on the American coast, in the very "lіgvі", so bi moviti.

For a look at the main gwent, the noses of the cisterns were kept, the choven made a decent trim on the nis and the emergency team, the two "Kalashnikovs" and the two PMs (all appearing on the radianskiy nuclear submarine arsenal) looked at the stern part. So і, on the shaft we will wind up a yaky cable, even more mint, do not give in to a break, nor to an automaton: all the zusillas appeared as marnimis.

The commander took the decision to go to Cuba on the surface. It was then that the American people, sailors and tourists on sailing yachts were imagined.

With grief, they drove to Kubi. The commander was immediately clicked on "kilim". Ale, let us summarize about this share, turning the captain "on horseback" - an unhappy cable, winding around the gwent as an all-spirited driver, who appeared as a new American hygroacoustic antenna

Our celebrations and technologists have neglected irrelevant materials for vivchenia ...

Avariyna submarine K-324 in the Sargas Sea

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The proto-new Yak missile system has already fallen into disrepair, with the appearance in the 1950s of the atomic sub-water supply chambers of the required new systems of protection, building up the enemy under water conditions at a great distance. In the SRCP, robots in a straightforward way will be rooted

In the accessible for inspecting the Maybut underwater chapel and the prototypes of the Russian Navy-Sea Fleet, there will be a new type of hydroacoustic system. Nowadays, by the end of ten years, there is a great number of people in the household who have been involved in the situation. Some purchases allow to equip with some special tools for the creation of deviceless or modernized sub-water chambers, litas, etc.

In the end of birch on the official site of the state procurement by the Ministry of Defense of the BOUs of the new replacement, there is a need for the development of the material part of the Navy. From the published information about the tender, the ministry plans to purchase 55 hydroacoustic complexes (DAK) of the MGK-335EM-03 "Krizhen" family in new modifications. For the purchase of all the necessary virobes in the vіyskove vіsskomstvo get vitratity not more than 194.6 million rubles - in the middle of Monday, 5.3 million for the complex. The first complexes within the framework of the maybutny replacement of the guilt were delivered in the same place. Completed deliveries are scheduled for 2019.

Zagalna diagram of the MGK-335EM-05 complex

As a result of published data, we have already purchased three modifications for the Krizhen complex, so that we can equip them with water chambers, counterbalanced lattices and stationary systems. 16 complexes "Krizhen-A" are to be purchased for the submarine forces. The same number of systems is guilty of recognizing marine aviation. 23 sets of version "Krizhen-V" will be added for hydroacoustic development stations.

Applications for a tender are accepted up to 17 April. A contract for the supply of the necessary virobids will be signed without a fuss, for the start of the virobnitstvo. Yak already zgaduvalosya, in the house of the bazha otrimaty of the first hygroacoustic complexes and the necessary types already in the whole rotsi.

For obvious tributes, the hydroacoustic complex MGK-335EM-03 "Krizhen" is built by the concern "Okeanpribor" (metro St. Petersburg). Tsey complex of features for installation on ships of small and medium water tonnage. Є Possibility of installation of all the necessary equipment both during the operation of ships, and before the hour for repair and modernization. In the last resort, the "Krizhen" system is replaced by the old MGK-355MS complex. For obvious data, at the base of the ship complex, there were new modifications, designations for operation on the new bows. Yak nasledok, DAK of the "Krizhen" family can also be victorious with individual chambers, lithuanians and stationary systems of distribution.

Regardlessly from the nose of the complex, there are similar projects and maximum unification. To the chief executives є shudder from the water chambers. The purpose is carried out in an active mode for an additional ecolocation or in a passive mode - in such a way, there will be noises of the purpose. In addition, the ability to detect signals in other complexes, which operate in active mode, has been transferred. Similarly, the automation "Krizhen" is designed for independent supravodzhuvati know the meta and type of data on the target for the control of the fireball against the defenses of the nose. Є Possibility of automated classification of the revealed object. Complexes MGK-335EM-03 "Krizhen" can function with hydroacoustic sound at low and high frequencies. Also, the transmission of a code call and a report is transmitted.

Architecture DAK MGK-335EM-03

By adjusting the operational characteristics of the complex, there are a number of important features and functions. When the hydroacoustic complex is robotic, automatic control of the level of acoustic transitions is enabled. Automation is also designed to predict the distance of the system in the presence of current minds. Є Automated control over the robotics of all components in the complex and its development. Automation is self-supporting to the robot of the units and to carry out diagnostics. If there is a malfunction in the automatic mode, the localization will appear. Є The function of navchannya operators, in the course of which vicarists are imitated.

At the basic configuration, designated for installation on surface ships, DAK MGK-335EM-03 "Krizhen" has a number of basic attachments in its warehouse, which will be able to update the factory. By the head and by the same method of caution and detection of targets in the whole range є a sub-active-passive antenna. There is a viconan at the viglyadі cylindrical building, equipped with a great number of sensitive elements. To save the necessary positioning of the antenna for an hour, the robot will use a special adjustment system with stabilization devices. Antenna height 1 m and diameter 1 m

Also on board the carrying ship is guilty of mounting a generator set, an undersilience and control, wait a minute, and also attach a digital signal processing and control and control of stabilization. All the elements of the complex are made up of themselves. The supply of electrical energy to all components in the complex is provided for an additional supply of energy supplied from general ship electrical systems.

At the operator's workstation, a remote control is installed with the necessary control bodies. Data about the underwater situation, the evolving goals and robots of the hydroacoustic devices are sent to two color monitors. The main governing bodies are keyboard and trackball, spaced on the front console. Some of the buttons and shifters are placed by hand with monitors. The distributor of the "Krizhen" system also proposes a victorian wine indicator. On the one-sided view of the main console, you can set up an additional monitor to provide information about the current situation.

Subkilnaya antenna "Krizhen"

For obvious data, the "Krizhen" family includes hydroacoustic complexes of decilkoh models, which are displayed one from one warehouse of special possession, in the middle of the antenna and the first ones. So, in the MGK-335EM-01 project, the sub-antenna will be supplemented with a towed, flexible, extended antenna. Complex MGK-335EM-02 can be towed in its warehouse and will extend the antenna. Virib MGK-335EM-04 adapts to an expanded frequency range when robots are in active mode, allowing the viral movement of torpedoes, and the Krizhen version of MGK-335EM-05 can lower the acceptable and anti-viper.

According to the official data of the concern "Oceanpribor", DAK MGK-335EM-03 "Krizhen" is capable of vibrating underwater chambers with an equivalent radius of Re = 10 m at distances of up to 10-12 km. The coordinates of the target range start at an accuracy of up to 30 'in bearing. Accuracy in terms of range of reachє 1% of the scale of distance. In the mode of direction finding noise in the complex, the building captures sounds with a frequency of 1.5 to 7 kHz. For the purpose of detecting and taking on the suprovod, the accuracy of the bearing value is set to 30 '. The mode of detecting hydroacoustic signals, which is able to respect the detecting of other people's DAKs in the active mode, allowing control over the frequency range of 1.5-7 kHz. The bearing to the dzherelo of the signal will start at an accuracy of up to 10 °.

Analyzing the nature of the received or overcrowded signals, the MGK-335EM-03 complex was originally designed to be part of the object before it was in the class of technology. With the action of the operator's help, the hydroacoustic complex of the building's response to the underwater torpedo. At the same time, there is the possibility of one-hour visualization of the systems of counter-new protection.

The complex "Krizhen" is designed to achieve high characteristics of hydroacoustic sound, as well as a great deal of special mobility. Low-frequency or high-frequency ringing will work at ranges of up to 20 km. The code call, the registration of the detected object, or the change in the distance to the new one, can be seen at the stations up to 30 km. Behind the help of DAK MGK-335EM-03, the ship's flight can be used for telephone calls from Russian submarine chambers, as well as from ships that have a strong NATO frequency range.

Complex control panel

Surely from the last, in 2017-19 rocky, the Vyskovo-sea fleet will be guilty of rectifying 55 sets of DAKs of the MGK-335EM-03 "Krizhen" family in new configurations, intended for installation on the nose of new classes. It is planned to set up a large part of the whole equipment at the hydroacoustic development stations, so that these complexes will be victorious under the water chambers and litas. Accurate views about potential problems are being replaced by complexes, due to sound reasons, at the moment of the day. Until you start getting ready, you will be able to predict and get ready for it, as the technology itself will be equipped with such equipment.

In the range of versatile new types of airborne complexes of a new type, there can be used the IL-38 and Tu-142 remaining modifications. Infected technology to undergo repairs and modernization, in the course of which we will get new possession. The project's technical update can have a selection of new hydroacoustic systems.

16 complexes will be purchased in the configuration for sub-water chambers. Ymovіrno, the whole equipment will be stashed during the future repairs of the existing ships, according to the old projects. With a glance at the wick and the equipment is being used on the armored submarines, it is possible to allow allowances, with the potential noses of the "Kryzhen" systems. Far from all the ships of the Russian submarine forces are equipped with daily means of keeping an eye on the submarine situation, through which they will require new, submarine viruses. In the world of repairing stinks, you can remove new ones with advanced characteristics.

Tsikavo, in the minds of the in-line tender there is a point about the purchase of hydroacoustic complexes, which are intended for installation on surface ships. Virib MGK-335EM-03 spun off in the same ship as a ship, and only got less development, as a result of which it could get up on the nose. There are no sound reasons for the actions in the nearest plans of the Vyskiy administration for the purchase of shipboard DAK "Krizhen" on the day.

Scheme of the shipborne complex MGK-335EM-05 with a dodatkovy lowering antenna

How to see the latest information on the basis of mass information, also seemingly, where to go to bathe hydroacoustic complexes. With the help of the products of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense will be able to subordinate the decision to the military-sea fleet and marine aviation, promising for the success of the anti-military defense. The equipment will go to Kronstadt, Svєromorsk and Novorossiysk, as well as to the base of the Primorsky Territory. The details of the future operation of the promising systems will not be seen yet.

From the obvious tribute to the vipliv, the equipment of the sub-water chambers, lithuanians and stationary hydroacoustic systems with new complexes of the MGK-335EM-03 "Krizhen" family means positive legacies for all the prototypical defenses. In the course of business, as well as modernization of the underwater chapel, litaki, etc. otrimayut modern equipment for training for additional operations, which is a common rank to be recognized on the efficiency of their robots. As a heritage, it is worthwhile to increase the range and quality of the appearance of potentially insecure objects.

In addition to the main enterprises, connected to the development and superconducting of small enterprises, the new DAK can be used to determine the known goals, to indicate the goals of the control systems, etc. Also, the initial mode is transferred, which will take over the training of acoustic operators.

For the official data, in the middle of the week the office will complete the acceptance of applications for the recently opened tender and proceed to the selection of the owner of the required equipment. It’s not hard to get a supply contract, for which there’s a serial release of the DAK of the necessary modifications. The first idea of ​​such a possession is planned to be done in the same flow line, but the rest is not the end of 2019. Obviously, the delivery of such viruses will be carried out one hour at a time. This means that not less than the ear of the offensive ten years of vichiznyan's defense against new possession, and at the same time with new opportunities. All the same positively signify on the potential of the Russian-sea fleet as a whole.

For materials of sites:


1.1. Setting up the production of the hydroacoustic navigation complex.

1.1.1. Dosvid ІПМТ in the design of the given navigation systems.

1.1.2. Head of the department store HANS-UKB.

1.2. Amplitude methods of measuring goniometric information with small-sized (ultra-short-base) antennas.

1.2.1. Linear antenna equidistant.

1.2.2. Circumferential antenna.

1.2.3. Potential Accuracy of Amplitude Direction Finder IV.

1.3. About vimir zsuvu phases mezvdu two tone signals, twisting noise.

1.4. Rozrakhunkov formulas of phase direction finding in systems with antennas of idle configuration.

1.4.1. Double-element priymach.

1.4.2. Chotirohelement priymach.

1.4.3. Six-channel phase direction finder.

1.5. Method of direction finding of navigation signals from circular discrete antennas with a large number of elements.

1.5.1. Vynovok rozrakhunkovyh formulas і estimate of the hitching of the UKB-direction finder with a circular base.

1.5.2. Direction finding algorithms for a direction finder with a circular base with the snakes of the kutovoy arrangement of the antenna.

1.6. Visnovki.


2.1. Determination of direction finding based on statistical methods of processing.

2.2. Rivnyannya directionlenguvannya for multi-element antennas of a different configuration.

2.2.1. Linear multi-element antenna.

2.2.2. Antenna with a large number of elements on a circular base.

2.2.3. Chotirohelement antenna.

2.2.4. Circular antenna with additional element in the center.

2.2.5. Dual-scale antenna.

2.2.6. Visnovki.

2.3. Features of the processing of a rich frequency navigation signal.

2.4. Antenna configuration and assessment of potential accuracy.

2.4.1. Antennas with napivkhvilovoy vіdstannyu mіzh elements.

2.4.2. Razrіdzhenі antennas.

2.4.3. I will look around the sector vibration on the basis of antenna phasing.

2.5. Visnovki.


3.1. Assessment of the systematic warehouse adjustment of the bearing value.

3.1.1. Phase function of an incomplete richly elementary receiving antenna.

3.1.2. Development of the possession for metrological certification of suitable multi-element antennas.

3.1.3. Experimental dosage of antenna accuracy in laboratory minds.

3.2. Evaluations of the accuracy of a wide-angle direction finder (advancement of antenna characteristics for processing a multi-frequency navigation signal).

3.3. Experimental dosage of the main characteristics of the ultra-short-base navigation system in the drain of the dry sea.

3.3.1. The method of attestation of the system and the method of comparison with the data of the attested navigation system (on the application of HANS-DB).

3.3.2. Methodology for assessing the accuracy of kutovykh vimiriv based on distant data.

3.3.3. The method of gradation of an ultra-short-base navigation system in full-scale minds from the vicistories of the reference beacon-display.

3.3.4. Metrological assessment of the gradation of the ultra-short-base navigation system based on the data of HANS DB and GPS.

3.4. Assessment of the metrological characteristics of the HANS-UKB in the deep sea sinks.

3.5. Visnovki.


4.1.1. Country houses.

4.1.2. About the structure of the information symbol.

4.1.3. About synchronization.

4.1.4. About vibration impulse for evaluating the characteristics of the sound channel.

4.1.5. Processing of the Danih block.

4.1.6. Numerically model for the channel. 153 4.2.0 Razrobtsі wide-mugovyh p'єsoperetvoryuvachіv and antennas for DARS.

4.2.1. Shirokosmugovі cylindrical p'єsoperetvoryuvachі.

4.2.2. Cylindrical p'zopertvoryuvachi with kerovanny characteristics

4.2.3. Shirokosmugovi of the piston type.

4.2.4. About the electrical uzgodzhennі p'єsoperetvoryuvachіv in a wide smoothness of frequencies.

4.2.5. About the energy efficiency of wide-mugovyh redevelopment.

4.2.6. Characteristics of split antennas.

4.3. Bagatolement reception of DARS signals with adaptive HN kerovans based on the data of the direction finder of the navigation system.

4.3.1. Processing of Danihs.

4.3.2. Characteristics of the UKB antenna when receiving signals from the system and communication.

4.4. Experimental monitoring of incoherent multifrequency system and connection with amplitude correction of transmission characteristics of the channel.

4.4.1. Algorithm for processing a multifrequency signal.

4.4.2. Block diagram of the system and communication.

4.4.3. Experimental dosage of elements of the system and hydroacoustic sound in the minds of the dry sea.

4.5. Visnovki.

CHAPTER 5. RETAILING Doppler lag at the WAREHOUSE of the onboard navigation system and the PIDVODNY APPARATUS.

5.1. Anteni.

5.2. Spectral processing of short pulse signals.

5.3. Structure and circuitry.

5.4. The nature of the lag characteristics in the AUV warehouse.

5.5. Visnovki.

CHAPTER 6. TECHNICAL REALIZATION І DOSVID OF PRACTICAL STOFFED HYDROACOUSTIC FUNCTIONS IN THE NAVIGATSIS OF THE PIDVODNOGO ROBOT. 207 6.1. Technical implementation of hydroacoustic navigation systems with ultra-short base.

6.1.1. Structural diagram of HANS-UKB.

6.1.2. Special features inspire equipment.

6.1.3. Acceptance antenna of navigation system.

6.1.4. Processing of Danihs.

6.1.5. Koristuvach interface.

6.1.6. The program is safe.

6.1.7. Natural viprobuvannya and practical exploitation of HANS-UKB.

6.2. Technical characteristics for a set of equipment DARS.

6.2.1. Basic characteristics.

6.2.2. The principle of robotics.

6.2.3. Structural diagram of the receiver.

6.2.4. Structure of the DARS signal.

6.2.5. Results of nautical tests in deep sea.

6.3. Hydroacoustic navigation complex.

6.3.1. Warehouse and designation of the ship navigation complex.

6.3.2. Technical proposals for the development of a combined navigation and control system.

6.4. Complex viprobuvannya of hydroacoustic assistance in navigation and provision of information when carrying out real robots.

6.4.1. Complex viprobauvannya during navigation.

6.4.2. Dosvid of practical recording of hydroacoustic navigation during the implementation of real sonic robots.

Recommendations list of dissertations

  • Development of methods and algorithms in one-lighthouse navigation of autonomous non-populated sub-water units 2013 rik, candidate of technical sciences Dubrovin, Fedir Sergiyovich

  • Methods for processing hydroacoustic signals, which can be accepted in the Fresnel zone of domestic and viprominuval systems 2010 rik, doctor of technical sciences Kolmogorov, Volodymyr Stepanovich

  • Water connections and navigation from the vicistories of the electromagnet field 2006 rik, doctor of technical sciences Shibko, Anatoly Mikolajovich

  • Methods and systems for the advancement of safe floating on the basis of hydroacoustic navigation devices with a linear base of direct receivers 2006 rik, doctor of technical sciences Zav'yalov, Viktor Valentinovich

  • Navigation of an autonomous walk-in-water device behind an additional cardless internal navigation system 2017 rik, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Filatova, Guzel Amirovna

Similar dissertations robots behind the fah "Akustika", 04/01/06 code VAK

  • Development of the method of adjusting the accuracy of the positioning of sub-water objects 2013 rik, candidate of technical sciences Golov, Oleksandr Oleksandrovich

  • Parametric method of kerovized re-adaptation of hydroacoustic fields of noise and development of scientific-pre-ancient and industrial vessels, methods and systems and their analysis, based on the laws of non-linear acoustics 2002 rik, candidate of technical sciences Khaliulov, Fargat Amershanovich

  • Development of algorithms for processing information in highly positioned cut-and-volume systems from the use of advanced spectral analysis of signals 2005 rik, candidate of technical sciences Davletkaliev, Roman Kuanishevich

  • Methods and methods of ensuring the navigation safety of shipwrecks and control of the shipwreck on the basis of satellite technologies 2004 rik, doctor of technical sciences Slepchenko, Petro Mikhailovich

  • Theory and methods of designing over-wide-area antenna systems, radio direction-finding equipment, stationary and mobile base 2011 rik, doctor of technical sciences Rembovskiy, Yuriy Anatoliyovich

dissertational visnovok on the topic "Acoustics", Matvienko, Yuriy Viktorovich

The main results of the robot:

1. The principle has been adopted to encourage the ultra-short-base systems and display of the analysis of the basic methods of determining the core position of the dzherel tonal and wide-dark navigation signals when processing the information of small-sized reception antennas.

Otrimano rosrakhunkovy virazi and pre-lingering direction-finding characteristics of amplitude direction finders with total and difference data processing.

Due to the low potential of the accuracy of the systems of the simplest configuration, to replace one, two or three bets of orthogonal pickups in the phase methods of data processing, and it was pissed off on the need for accelerating the systems for increasing.

Proposed and numbered the way of direction finding of tonal signals, recording on the antenna with a large number of receivers, individually spaced out on a circular basis, based on the cumulative phase;

Otrimano rozrakhunkovy formulas and on the butt of circular antennas with a large number of elements shows the links of these sensors in the course, roll and differential and іх pardons by the value of the variable navigation parameters and іх adjustments.

On the basis of the method of maximum likelihood, the problem of statistical processing of navigation data in case of stagnation of discrete antennas of a certain configuration is performed. At the same time, the assessment of the shukany parameters should start with the way of the spil processing of all pairs of canals, taken from the small wagons. Vagovi performance is equal to a geometric warehouse, equal to a simple phase function in terms of a variable parameter, as well as an energetic, equal signal / noise transmission in the channel.

Viveno rosrakhunkovі spivvіdnoshennya for the designation of bearing and adjustment of bearing for a number of the most extended antenna configurations: linear, circular, combined.

The phased direction finder has been broken up, the grounds on the zasosuvanny circular antennas of the great khvilovoy size with a number of elements are enclosed.

The technology of reduction of the number of channels of the casing is equipped with the allowance for saving the cutover by way of a subdivision of the direction finding procedure into two stages: coarse direction finding for securing the sector to look around and the exact definition of equal bearing at a given accumulated bearing.

The possibility of allowing phase ambiguities to be detected during robotic deployment of antennas using amplitude bearing methods has been established.

Theoretically, it is grounded to reach the top permissiveness of 0.1-0.2 degrees with the number of channels 6-8 and the antenna size 3-5 times the frequency of the navigation.

Otrimanno spіvvіdnoshennya for rozrahunku small-sized discrete antenna, an hour of expansion of the acoustic signal at the aperture which can be adjusted from the period of the middle frequency of the received spectrum.

2.Performance of advanced methods for assessing the accuracy of HANS UKB and breaking down the methods for changing their characteristics in laboratory and field minds.

For the description of a discrete rich-element antenna, the vector function is proponated, the skin component is described for the seen element of the antenna, the stagnation of the phase of the received acoustic signal in the direction of its arrival. Accurately (experimentally) designation of the function of the ob'yazkovo when transmitting direction finding of the navigation facility.

A stand for attestation of multi-element antennas has been broken up, which is installed in a special acoustic pool and includes a remotely regulated signal and a high-precision system with a precision rotary platform.

Rozrobleno tehnologіyu atestatsії antennas, yak skladaєtsya in experiental vimіrі phase funktsії antennas viznachennі analіtichnih funktsіy scho aproksimuyut otrimanі danі i vikoristannya їh at virіshennі rіvnyan pelenguvannya, s tabulyatsієyu rіznitsі oderzhuvanoї otsіnki bearing i Yogo іstinnogo (ustanovchogo) values ​​at viglyadі otsіnki sistematichnoї skladovoї pohibki.

It has been developed that there is a lot of elementary reception of antennas for active signaling systems, so that the value of the systematic deceleration is close to 0.5 degrees.

A comparative analysis of the HANS DB and UKB robots was carried out in the sinks of the dry sea with a fixed installation of the UKB receiver antenna.

The method of assessing single kutovykh vimir is analyzed on the basis of the processing of the given data.

The method of attestation of the UKB system in the dry sea with the support beacon-displaying on the basis of the processing of the given data has been established. It is shown that, with a clear pardon, a range of ten miles, a pardon of a bearing value for an AUV, is shown that the antenna of a beacon along a closed trajectory does not change one degree.

An analysis was carried out and the accuracy of the characteristics of the UKB system was determined and the results of the robotics in the deep sea. In the strength of the reference data, the data of the HANS DB, the data of the on-board navigation system, the glibin sensor, and long-range data were included. Shown is the completeness of the analysis of differential differences in the given data for identifying fragments in the trajectory of the ANPA and the possibility of averaged averaging of kutovnyh data during trajectory. As a result of the analysis of the priming of the visnovoks, the gravestone was close to 0.5 deg.

The methodology of phase ambiguity, which is determined experimentally and experimentally, is found in the case of an increase in the size of the variable base by means of a statistical processing of high-frequency signals.

An extensively elementary antenna and equipment for receiving folding signals, evaluating system failures, which store ten parts of hail, have been developed and experimentally reconstructed.

3. Methods for breaking up the high-speed system of information transmission via the hydroacoustic channel from the AUV board to the safeguarding of the vessel have been added.

Vikonano doslіdzhennya metodіv pobudovi shirokosmugovih p'єzoperetvoryuvachіv i rozroblenі spetsіalіzovanі tsilіndrichnі i strizhnevі peretvoryuvachі Zi spetsіalnimi characteristics spryamovanostі, priznachenі for robots in aparaturі sistemi zv'yazku: zaproponovany visokoefektivny tsilіndrichny Peretvoriuvach of bandwidth to zdatnіstyu troh octaves of vikoristannyam thin uzgodzhuvalnih sharіv rupornoї konfіguratsії, CN yakih vidpovidaє vimogam for robots in the dribo sea; proponations of a richly resonant re-transformation for viprominuvannya and reception of high-frequency signals, vikonaniya in viglyadi a set of spivvy piezocylindra; proponated pistons with single-sided type chimneys for robots in the sinks of the vertical channel to widen the signal.

The structure of the system of transmission of tribute through the bagatopromene channel has been analyzed; The transfer of information to the unit is transferred to the process of adjusting the acceptance rate, and the time-scale adjustment to the unit is started by a continuous mill to the channel. Using the methods of numerical modeling, the peculiarities of the vibra of the sound signals have been analyzed and the efficiency of the combined phase and frequency manipulation of the signal has been shown.

The method for evaluating the impulse characteristics of the channel is proponent and for clarifying the moment of synchronization by the path of transmission and processing of a series of impulses the phase should be used.

The scheme of signal reception in the system and the connection of the multi-element navigation antenna with the implementation of the spacious filter of direct exchange in the minds of the large-scale widened on the display of one of the robot signals of the position

It has been confirmed that it is possible to transmit information in a multifrequency channel, and the transmission of information in a multifrequency channel with an alternate frequency response to a channel and a vibration of the flow communication based on a porous frequency analysis of the skin. Experimental advancements of such processing systems in the minds of the deep sea have confirmed the possibility of storing devices for transferring graphic images from a speed of close to 3000bit / s with a small amount of pardons.

4. For on-board navigation of the underwater robot of breaking up and integrating to the warehouse, the Doppler log complex.

Viconano advances and breakdowns of specialized lag antennas with a high moon-sensitiveness, recognized for the optimal acoustic-mechanical usability of an optimal acoustic-mechanical antenna with a robotic middle.

For an increase in the speed of propagation and implementation of the method of spectral processing of short pulse signals, so that a high frequency will not be sent for the development of more quasi-coherent realizations of the output signals. The method allows for the start of the fluidity component with minimal dispersion in one second.

Razroblen and vikorystu in the warehouse of the AUV experimental study of the Doppler lag

The methodology of grading lag in full-scale minds has been broken up by means of the calculation of the AUV's performance according to the distant data of the HANS.

5. Rozrobleno, viprobuvany i viprobuvany in real operatsіyah gіdroakustichny navіgatsіyny complex, scho zabezpechuє formuvannya navіgatsіyno іnformatsіynoї Kartini vikonannya mіsії go on board the ship zabezpechuє AUV i scho skladaєtsya of gіdroakustichnih zasobіv navіgatsії, peredachі Informácie i vimіryuvannya absolyutnoї shvidkostі.

Broken, viprobuvano in the dry and deep sea and integrated to the warehouse of the navigation complex HANS UKB, which includes: synchronization of the navigation signal to the object, the ship is connected to the complex with a receiving cable antenna on the cable. The system of advanced characteristics: range of travel - 6-10 km; change in bearing - less than 1 degree; range adjustment - 0.5%. Experimentally, the capability of the robotic system in the control mode of the rooting of the AUV was experimentally verified.

It is rocked, viprobuvano and victorious in the warehouse of the high-frequency system of the UKB navigation, which is attached to the device, from the dzherel on board the vessel, and the receiver - on the device.

Dissected and viprobuvan in the warehouses of hydroacoustic devices in the navigation and informational support of the AUV. The equipment will secure the transmission of data with a speed of 4000 bit / s, if the number of grants is close to one, it will secure the transmission of frames from TV images in 45 seconds.

It was broken up, tested and integrated to the warehouse of the onboard navigation system and the Doppler log, which would preserve the absolute speed vector of the AUV in the range of 0-2m / s with a flexible 1-2cm / s.

The technology of storing the navigation complex has been propagated:

HANS DB - for bagatoraz launches of the AUV in visible areas with a shock over the areas when the accuracy is increased.

HANS UKB in times of need for trivial transitions in case of extended long-distance operations or ruptured purposes, in times of emergency launches of AUV, in case of ukritti launches.<

DL with traktorіy rozraktorіy for the calculation - when the AUV enters the given point, with the additional provision of TV systems victories.

Demonstrated the success of the robot to the complex in the warehouse of the AUV during the presentation of real sound robots in the Ocean.

Good luck.

At the end, I want to see more visibility to all IPMT sportsmen, who took part in the development and production of hydroacoustic systems for underwater equipment. A special friend of academician Agyva M.D.


List of dissertational literature literature Doctor of Technical Sciences Matvinko, Yuriy Viktorovich, 2004

1. Ageev M.D. Modular Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle of 1.TP. - MTS Journal, 1996, Vol. 30, 1, p. 13-20.

2. Autonomous non-populated sub-water units. Pid foreign ed. acad. Agєєva M, D. - Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2000., 272s.

4. R. Babb. AUV Navigation for Underwater Scientific Surveys. Sea Technology, 1990, December, p. 25-32.

6. J. Romeo, G. Lester. Navigation Is Key to AUV Missions. Sea Technology, 2001., December, pp. 24-29.

7. Borodin V.I., Smirnov G.Y., Tolstyakova N.A., Yakovlev G.V. Hydroacoustic navigation. L., Sudnobuduvannya, 1983, 262s.

8. Miln P.Kh. Hydroacoustic systems and positioning. L., Sudnobuduvannya, 1989,316s.

9. Gestone J.A., Cyr R.J., Roesler G :, George E.S. Recent developments in acoustic underwater navigation. Journal of Navigation, 1977, v. 30, 2, p. 246-280.

10. Boldirєv B.C. Precision method. The value of coordinates for hydrophysical robots in the open sea. Sudnobuduvannya beyond the cordon, 1980. No. 2. pp. 29-42.

11. Kyslov A. F., Postnikov I. V. Accurate characteristics of lighthouse navigation systems with an acoustic base. Abstracts. Add. 2 All-Union. Conf. Doslidzhennya and mastering the ocean, L., 1978. vip. 2, p. 95-96.

12. Kasatkin B.A., Kobaidze V.V. Features of hydroacoustic navigation in the shelf zone. In zb. Pidvodnі aparati and їkh systems, View of the Far East Scientific Center, Vladivostok, 1977, p. 84-88.

13. Kasatkin B.A., Kobaidze V.V. Hydroacoustic synchronous distant navigation system. R.F. G01S 9/60, No. 713278, 1978.

14. Smirnov G.Yu., Tolstyakova N.A. Navigation systems with hydroacoustic beacons. Buduvannya ship beyond the cordon. 1980, No. 9, p. 45-54.

15. K. Vestgard, R. Hansen, B. Jalving and H. Pedersen. The HUGIN 3000 Survey AUV -Design and Field Results .- / Underwater Intervention 2001 /.

16. T. Martin and G. Pilgrim. Survey Challenges in Deepwater Acoustic USBL Positioning of Towed or Tethered Underwater Vehicles. .- / Underwater Intervention 2001 /.

17. Hubert THOMAS, Eric PETIT. From Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) To Supervised Underwater Vehicles (SUV). Oceans-97.

18. Paramonov A.A., Klyuv M.S., Storozhev P.P. Deyakі principle motivate systems of hydroacoustic navigation with a backbone. VII International Science and technology conf. "Modern methods and the use of oceanological studies", Moscow, 2001, pp. 244-245.

19. Paramonov A.A., Afanasyev V.M. Hydroacoustic navigation system HANS-M. VI International Science and technology conf. "Suchasnі methods and zobi oceanologicheskikh doslіdzhen", Moscow, 2000, p. 100-112.

20. Agev M.D., Blidberg D.R., Kiselov JI.B., Rilov N.I., Shcherbatyuk A.F. Mill and prospects for the development of underwater robotics. Marine technologies, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2001r, type 4, pp. 6-23.

21. Agyv M.D., Kasatkin B.A., Kiselov L.V., Molokov Yu.G., Nikiforov V.V., Rilov N.I. Automatic water supply equipment. L., Sudnobuduvannya, 1981, 248 p.

22 J. Manley. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Ocean Exploration. 0ceans-2003, p. 327-331.

23. V.V. Kobaidze The speed of the extended acoustic signals in the set range meters. Preprint, Vladivostok, TOI DVNTS AN SRSR, 1979, 37p.

24. V. V. Kobaidze Precision of Accuracy of Hydroacoustic Ranging. -Abstract of dissertation candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Vladivostok, TOI DVNTS AN SRSR, 1981, 26s.

25. Xavier Lurton, Nicholas W. Millard. The feasibility of a vaiy-long baseline acoustic positioning sistem for AUV. Proceeding of Ocean-94, Brest-France, 1994, vol. 3, pp. 403-408.

26. Kasatkin B.A., Kosarev G.V. Feature of development of the APS for very long range AUV. Proceeding of Ocean-95, San-Diego, October, 1995, v. I, p. 175-177.

27. Kasatkin B.A. Hydroacoustic synchronous distant system of distant action. R.F. G01S 15/08, No. 2084923,1995.

28. Acoustic Positioning. www. mors.fr.product.

29. Combined Range and Bearing Navigation Sensor. Model NS-031. -www. sonatech.com.product

30. Kasatkin B.A. Hydroacoustic synchronous distant navigation system. R.F. G01S 15/08, No. 2084924, 1995.

31. D. Thomson, S. Elson. New Generation Acoustic Positioning Systems. 0ceans-2002, p. 1312-1318.

32. Programmable Generic Transponder and Super Sub-Mini Transponder / Responder, types 7971/7977 / 7978,7970 / 7973 www.sonardyne.co.uk

33 B. Manson. Wide-area positioning with lm accuracy. -International Ocean Systems, Desember 2001, p. 15-19.

34. Kasatkin B.A., Kosarev G.V. Physical fundamentals of acoustic ranging. -Visnik DVO R AND998, No. 3.s.41-50.

35. V.V. Kobaidze Models of pardons and algorithms for processing distant information in hydroacoustic navigation systems. Preprint, Vladivostok, TOI DVNTS AN SRSR, 1979, 42p.

36. Kasatkin B.A. Invariant characteristics of the sound field in the sharuvate ocean. Add. AN SRSR, 1986, 291, No. 6, p. 1483-1487.

37. M. Deffenbaugh, J.G. Bellingham, H. Schmidt. The Relationship between Spherical and hyperbolic positioning. Proceeding of Ocean-96,

38. Kasatkin B.A., Kosarev G.V. Analysis of the accuracy of the measurement of the coordinates of the beacons-indications of the hydroacoustic navigation system. Marine technologies, type 1. Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 1996, pp. 60-68.

39. Kasatkin B.A., Kosarev G.V. Victory of the traverse method for the value of the absolute coordinates of the beacons-signals. Marine technologies, type 2. Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 1998, pp. 65-69.

40. J. Opderbecke. At-sea Calibration of a USBL Underwater Vehicle Positining System. -Oceans "2000.

41. Posidonia 6000. Underwater acoustic positioning system. www.ixsea-oceano.com

42. Newsletter. Kongsberg SIMRAD. Issue no.2-2000. www.kongsberg-simrad.com.

43 K. Vestgard, R. Hansen, B. Jalving, O.A. Pedersen. THE HUGIN 3000 SURVEY AUV. DESIGH AND FIELD RESULTS. 0ceans "2001.

44. LXT Low Cost Tracking System. www.ore.com

45. Thomas C. Austin, Roger Stokey, C. von Alt, R. Arthur, R. Goldborough. RATS, A Relative Acoustic Tracking System Developed for Deep Ocean Navigation-Oceans "97.

46. ​​Thomas C. Austin, Roger Stokey. Relative Acoustic Tracking. - Sea Technology, 1998, March, pp. 21-27.

47. M. Watson, C. Loggins and Y.T. Ochi. A New High Accuracy Super Short Base Line (SSBL) System. Underwater Technology, 1998, p. 210-215, Tokyo, Japan.

48. James E. Deveau. Underwater Acoustic Positioning Systems. OCEANS-95, Vol. 1, p. 167-174, San Diego, USA.

49. NAUTRONIX. ATS accurate positioning. www.nautronix.com

50. Yin Dongmei, Song Xinjian, Feng haihong. The Key Technology to Implement an Underwater object Tracking and Positioning System. -The 3-d International Workshop Harbin, China, 2002 p.65.

51. Yin Dongmei, Song Xinjian, Feng haihong. Designing an Underwater Acoustic Positining System. The 3-d International Workshop Harbin, China, 2002 p.43.

52. Komlyakov B.A. Hydroacoustic systems with beacons for stepping behind towed sub-water complexes. - Sudnobuduvannya, 1997, No. 6, pp. 39-45.

53. Paramonov A.A., Nosov A.V., Kuznetsov V.N., fellow S.A., Klyuv M.S., i I

54. P. P. Storozhev. About the adjustment of the accuracy of the hydroacoustic navigation system with an ultra-short base. VII International Conf. on oceanology, M., 2001 p., pp. 80-81.

55. Bogorodsky A.V., Koryakin Yu.A., Ostroukhov A.A., Fomin Yu.P. Hydroacoustic technology for the development and development of the ocean. VII International Conf. on oceanology, M., 2001, pp. 266-269.

56. Zlobina N.V., Kameniv S.I., Kasatkin B.A. Analysis of the hidroacoustic navigation system with an ultra-short base. In zb. Indoor robots and systems. Vp.5.1992, Vladivostok, IPMT FEB RAS, pp. 116-123.

57. Kasatkin B.A., Kulinchenka S.I., Matvinko Yu.V., Nurgaliev R.F. Doslіdzhennya characteristics of the phase direction finder for UKB-GANS.- In zb. Indoor robots and systems. Vsh. 6, 1995, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, pp. 75-83.

58. Kasatkin B.A. Evaluation of the hitching of the UKB-direction finder with a circular base. In zb. Marine technologies. Vip. 1,1996, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, pp. 69-73.

59. Kasatkin BA, Matvinko Yu.V The method of determining the bearing on the dzherelo vypromynuvannya and setting for yogo health. RF patent No. 2158430, Bul. Image # 33, 2000 rub.

60. Matvianko Yu.V., Makarov V.M., Kulinchenko S.I. , Nurgaliev R.F., Rilov R.N. Hydroacoustic navigation system with ultra-short base. Marine technologies, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2000r, vip Z, p. 102-113.

61. Matvienko Yu.V. Processing of the tribute in the UKB-direction finder, based on an incomplete multi-element antenna. VIII International. Science and technology conf. "Suchasnі methods and zobi oceanologicheskikh doslіdzhen" Moscow, 2003, part 1, pp. 24-25.

62. John G. Proakis. Digital Communications. Publishing House of Electronics Industry, China, Beijing, 2000., 928p.

63. M. Stojanovic. Recent Advances In High-Speed ​​Underwater Acoustic Communications. IEEE Journal Oceanic Engineering, Vol.2 l, No.2, 1996, p. 125-136.

64. M. Stojanovic, J. Catipovic, J. Proakis. Phase Coherent Digital Communications for Underwater Acoustic Channels. IEEE Journal Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1994, p. 100-111.

65. Stojanovic M., J.A. Catipovic and J.G. Proacis. Reduced Complexity Spatial and Temporal Processing of Underwater Acoustic Communication Signals - J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 98 (2), Pt. L, Aug. 1995 Rock, p. 961-972.

66. J. Labat. Real Time Underwater Communication. Ocean-94, Brest, France, vol. 3, p. 501-506.

67. A.G. Bessios, F.M. Caimi. Multipath Compensation for Underwater Acoustic Communication. Ocean-94, Brest, France, vol. 1, p. 317-322.

68. Lester R. LeBlanc. Spatio-Temporal Processing of Coherent Acoustic Communication Data in Shallow Water. IEEE J. Ocean. Eng. Vol. 25, No 1, Jan., 2000., p. 40-51.

69. Lester R. LeBlanc. Adaptive Beamformer For Communication In Shallow Water

70 B. Geller, V. Capellano, J.M. Brossier, A. Essebbar and G. Jourdain. Equalizer for Video Rate Transmission in Multipath Underwater Communication. IEEE J. Ocean. Eng. Vol.21, No 2, Apr., 1996, p. 150-155.

71. Billon D., Quellec B. Performance of High Data Acoustic Underwater Communication Systems Using Adaptive Beamforming and Equalizing. Ocean-94, Brest, France, vol. 3, p.507-512.

72 R. Coates. Underwater Acoustic Communication. Sea Technology, 1994, no. 6, p. 41-47.

73 A. Zielinski, Young-Hoon Yoon, Lixue Wu. Performance Analysis of Digital Acoustic Communications in Shallow Water Channel. IEEE Journal Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 20, No.4, 1995, p. 293-299.

74. L. Wu and A. Zielinski. Multipath Rejection Using Narrow Beam Acoustic Link. -Oceans-88, Baltimore, p. 287-290.

75. Wang C.H., Zhu Min, Pan Feng, Zhang X.J., Zhu W.Q. MPSK Underwater Acoustic Communication Modem.

76. ATM 870 Series. Acoustic Telemetry Modems. Users Manual. - Datasonics, febrary nineteen hundred ninety-nine.

77 K. Scussel, J. Rice, S. Merriam. A New MFSK Acoustic Modem for Operation in Adverse Underwater Channels. Oceans-97, Halifax.

78. J. Catipovic, M. Deffenbaugh, L. Freitag, D. Frye. An Acoustic Telemetry System for Deep Ocean Mooring Data Acquisition and Control. Oceans-89, p. 887-892.

79. F. Caimi, D. Kocak, G. Ritter, M. Schalz. Comparison and Development of Compression Algorithms for AUV Telemetry. Recent advancements.

80. P.I. Penin, E.A. Tsvelev. About the approximation deyak, as vikoristovuyutsya when opening the sound of hydroacoustic channels. Distant acoustic collection, vip. 1, Vladivostok, 1975, p. 15-18.

81. P.I. Penin, E.A. Tsvelev, A.V. Shulgin. Energetic design of hydroacoustic channels in the sound. Distant acoustic collection, vip. 1, Vladivostok, 1975, p. 19-23.

82. Chvertkin Y.I. Hydroacoustic telemetry in oceanology. - L. 1978. 149s., View of the Lenin University.

83. V.P. Kodanev, S.P. Piskarov. Methodology for optimizing the characteristics of the systems and transmission of digital information through the hydroacoustic channel in the heads of a single-channel reception. Acoustic journal, 1996, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 573-576.

84. Yu.V. Zakharov, V.P. Kodanev. Overshoot of adaptive reception of folding acoustic signals in case of the appearance of images from cordons in the ocean. Acoustic journal, 1996, volume 42, no. 2, pp. 212-219.

85. Yu.V. Zakharov, V.P. Kodanev. Adaptive reception of signals in the hydroacoustic channel, communication with the urahuvannya of the Doppler development. Acoustic journal, 1995, volume 41, No. 2, pp. 254-259.

86. Yu.V. Zakharov, V.P. Kodanev. Experimental follow-up of acoustic systems for transmission of information with noise-like signals. Acoustic journal, 1994, volume 40, no. 5, pp. 799-808.

87. Volkov A.V., Kur'yanov B.F., Punkin M.M. Digital hydroacoustic communication for oceanographic zasosuvan. VII International Conf. on oceanology, M., 2001, pp. 182-189.

88. L.R. LeBlanc and R.P.J. Beaujean. Spatio-Temporal Processing of Coherent Acoustic Communication Data in Shallow Water. IEEE Journal Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2000., p. 40-51.

89. M. Suzuki, K. Nemoto, T. Tsuchiya, T. Nakarishi. Digital Acoustic Telemetry of Color Video Information. Oceans-89, p. 893-896.

90. R. Rowlands. F.Kvinn. Between the information transmissions in the hydroacoustic telemetry. - in the book. Pidvodna acoustics, Moscow, Mir, 1970, pp. 478-495.

91. Khrebtyv A.A. Vessels for sale. JI., Sudosroenie, 1978, 286s.

92. K.V. Jorgenson, B.L. Grose, F.A. Crandal. DOPPLER SONAR APPLIED TO PRECISION UNDERATER NAVIGATION. OCEAN-93, vol. 2, p. 469-474.

93. Kasatkin B.A., Zlobina H.B., Kasatkin S.B. Analysis of the characteristics of the piezoelectric transducer of the phased antenna Doppler lag. In zb. Marine technologies. Vip. 1,1996, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, pp. 74-83.

94. R. Pinkel, M. Merrefield and J. Smith. Recent Development in Doppler Sonar Technology. ... OCEAN-93, vol. 1, p. 282-286.

95. RDI Workhorse navigator DVL. www.rdinstruments.com.

96. Demidin V.M., Zolotarov V.B., Matvinko Yu.V., Plotskiy V.D., Servetnik M.I. Hydroacoustic navigation system. Abstracts 22 Science and Technology Conf Dalnevost. Polytech. Inst. Vladivostok, 1974.

97. V.M. Demidin, Yu.V. Matvinko, V.D. Plotskiy, M.I. Navigation system for the "SKAT" drive unit. Abstracts of Report 1 to the All-Union. Conf. For the past and development of the resources of the Svitovoy Ocean, Vladivostok, 1976.

98. Dorokhin K. A. Presentation of the data of hydroacoustic navigation systems. In zb. Indoor robots and systems. Vip.5.1992, Vladivostok, IPMT FEB RAS, pp.94-100.

99. Dorokhin KA Hardware and software for securing the ship's hydroacoustic navigation system. In zb. Indoor robots and systems. Vip 5.1992, Vladivostok, IPMT FEB RAS, p. 101-109.

100. Dorokhin K.A. Controller of hydroacoustic navigation systems. In zb. Indoor robots and systems. 1990, Vladivostok, ІPMT FEB AN SRSR, p. 102108.

101. Sosulin Yu.G. Theoretical foundations of radio locating and radio navigation. M., Radio and Sound, 1992, p. 134.

102. Matvienko Yu.V. About the accuracy of the amplitude direction finders. - Marine technologies, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2003r, Vip. 5, pp. 56-62.

103. Smarishev M.D., Dobrovolskiy Yu.Yu. Hydroacoustic antennas. Handbook.-JI., Sudnobuduvannya, 1984, p. 171.

104. Ya.D. Shirman, V.N. Manzhos. Theory and technology of radio-locating information processing on the basis of a transcode. M., Radio i zyazok, 1981r., 416s.

105. J. Bendat, A. Pirsol. Applied analysis of vampiric tributes. Moscow, Mir, 1989, 542s.

106. Kenneth S. Miller, Marvin M. Rochwarger. Acovariance Approch to Specrtral moment Estimation. IEEETransactions on Information Theory, Sept. 1972, p. 588-596.

107. Weiqing ZHU, Wen XU, Jianyun YU. Error Estimation of Pulse Pair Correlation Differential Phase Estimator of Sonar Array. Oceans-96.

108. Zhu WeiQing, Wang ChangHong, Pan Feng, Zhu Min, Zhang XiangJun. Spectral Estimate in ADSP. Oceans-97.

109. Development of annexes, applied and principles to induce hydroacoustic systems for a water device. - // Sound for the ROC "Mayak-IPMT" //, Science. Hands. Matvienko Yu.V. Vladivostok, DFC NVO Dalstandart, 1992r, 190p.

110. Matvienko Yu.V., Rilov R.N., Rilov N.I. The opening of the receiving antenna of the phase bathymetric bichesky look. VII International Science and technology conf. "Modern methods and the use of oceanological studies", Moscow, 2001, p.

111. Development and construction of an autonomous deserted water vehicle with advanced long-distance travel and autonomy. // Science. Hands. Akademik Aguv M.D., vidp. Vikonavets Matvienko Yu.V., Vladivostok, IPMT FEB RAS, 2001r., No. 01.960.010861.

112. Special rank for ROC "Up to -1R" // Chief Designer Academician Agyev M.D. construct Matvienko Yu.V. Vladivostok, IPMT FEB RAS, 1998-2003

113.G. Korn, T. Korn. Dean in mathematics. - Moscow, Nauka, 1970r, 720p.

114. Matvienko Yu.V. Statistical processing of information on hydroacoustic navigation systems with an ultra-short base. In zb. Marine technologies. Vip 2.1998, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, pp. 70-80.

115. Rilov N.І. About the designation of navigation parameters in the UKB HANS for the data of the multi-element antenna. In zb. Marine technologies, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2003r, Vip 5, pp. 46-55.

116. A. Steele, C. Byrne, J. Riley, M. Swift. Performance Comparison of High Resolution Bearing Estimation Algorithms Using Simulated and Sea Test Data. IEEE Journal Oceanic Engineering, Vol.l8, No.4, 1993, p. 438-446.

117. P. Kraeuther, J. Bird. Principal Components Array Processing for Swath Acoustic Mapping. Oceans-97.

118. Overwhelming integral circuits and extremely fast processing of signals. Pid ed. S. Guna, H. Whitehouse. T. Kailata., Moscow, Radio and Zvyazok, 1989, 472s.

119. Marple Jr. C.JI. Digital spectral analysis of the same supplement. M. Svit., 1990, 584s.

120. A. Steele, C. Byrne. High Resolution Array Processing Using Implicit eigenvector Weighting Techniques. IEEE Journal Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1990, pp. 8-13.

121 R. Roy and T. Kailath. ESPRIT- Estimation Of Signal Parameters Via rotational Invariance techniques. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol.37, No.7, 1989, p.984-994.

122. Gao Hogze, Xu Xinsheg. Researching on phase Detection method of Multi-beam Swath Bathymetry System. IWAET-99, Harbin, China, 1999, p. 198-203.

123. Kinkulkin I.V., Rubtsov V.D., Fabrik M.A. Phase method for assigning coordinates. M., 1979 p,. 280s.

124. Matvinko Yu.V., Makarov V.M., Kulinchenka S.I., Rilov R.N., Direction finder of wide-dark navigation signals. In zb. Marine technologies, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2000r, vip Z, p. 114-120.

125. Matvinko Yu.V., Makarov V.M., Kulinchenka S.I., Nurgaliev R.F., Rilov R.N., Kasatkin B.A. Direction finder of hydroacoustic navigation systems with ultra-short base. RF patent №2179730, Bul. Image # 5, 2002r.

126 B. Douglas and R. Pietsch. Optimal Beamforming Techniques for Imperfectly Calibrated Arrays. Proceeding of Ocean-96,

127. M. D. Ag'v, A.A. Boreiko, Yu.V. Vaulin, B.E. Gornak, B.B. Zolotarov, Yu.V. Matvienko, A.F. Shcherbatyuk Modernization TSL is a sub-water device for robots on the shelf and in tunnels. - In zb. Marine technologies, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2000r, vip.Z, p.23-38.

128. Matvianko Yu.V., Makarov V.M., Kulinchenko S.I. About the vibration of the structure and characteristics of the apparatus for the hydroacoustic channel. -U Zb. Marine Technologies, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 1996r, vip 1, pp. 84-94.

129. Matvienko Y. V. Assessment of the main parameters of the hydroacoustic system and the sound for the underwater apparatus. In zb. Marine technologies. Vip. 4.2001, Vladivostok, Dalnauka, pp. 53-64.

130. Predictions of the advancement of a number of unified autonomous devices in the interests of improving the efficiency of systems for illumination of the underwater situation, navigation, opposite and anti-fight

131. Navy. // Sound on NDR "Centurion-DVO" //, Science. Hands. Akademik Aguv M.D., vidp. Vikonavets Matvienko Yu.V., Vladivostok, IPMT FEB RAS, 1996r

132. Theoretical foundations of radio locating. Pid ed. V.Є. Dulevich., Moscow, Radianske radio, 1978, 608s.

133. Kasatkin B.A., Matvinko Yu.V. Prior to the assessment of the broadband of low-frequency cylindrical p'єsoperetvoryuvachiv. Acoustic journal, 1983, volume 29, no. 1, pp. 60-63.

134. Balabaev S.M., Ivina N.F. Computer model of kolivan and vipromynuvanny of bodies of kintsev rosmіrіv. Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 1996, 214 p.

135. Piezoceramic conversions. Dovidnik pid ed. Pugachova S.I. -Leningrad, Sudnobuduvannya, 1984, 256s.

136. Matvianko Yu.V. The development and advancement of methods will describe that prompting the wide-cropped cylindrical p'єsoperetvoryuvachіv. Abstract dis. Ph.D. Doi DVNTS AN SRSR, 1985 p., 22s.

137. Matvianko Yu.V., Ermolenko Yu.G., Kirov І.B. Features of mid-frequency range antennas for hydroacoustic systems Abstracts. Add. Interuniversity Conf. , Publishing house of TOVVMU, Vladivostok, 1992, pp. 78-83.

138. V.A. Kasatkin, Ju.G. Larionov, Matvienko Y.V. Development of deep-water array for subbottom profiler. - Proceeding of Oceans-94, Brest-France, 1994.

139. Kasatkin B.A., Matvinko Yu.V. Power frequency spectrum of a cylindrical piezoelectric transducer. Acoustic journal, 1979, volume 25, no. 6, pp. 932-935.

140. Kasatkin B.A. , Ormolenko Yu.G., Matvienko Yu.V. Bagatofunctional piezoelectric transducer for sub-water sources. Zb. Indoor robots and systems, IPMT FEB RAS, v.5.1992, p. 133-140. "

141. Yurmolenko Y. G., Kasatkin B. A., Matvienko Y. V. Hydroacoustic vipromynuvach. Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2002381, 1993.

142. Kasatkin B.A., Matvinko Yu.V. Electroacoustic rework. -. Auth. Svid. No. 1094159, Bul. zobr., No. 19,1984.

143. Matvienko Yu.V., About the injection of the structure of internal storage on the characteristics of cylindrical p'esopertvoruvac. In the book: The use of modern physical methods in non-destructive preliminaries and control., Khabarovsk, 1981, part 2, p. 125-126.

144. Kasatkin B.A., Matvinko Yu.V. Cylindrical piezoelectric transducer with inversion of internal vipromynuvannya In the book: Victory of modern physical methods in non-destructive preliminaries and control., Khabarovsk, 1981, part 2, p.131-132.

145. Kasatkin B.A., Matvinko Yu.V. Vimіryuvalny vipromіnyuvach sound frequency range. Acoustic imaging. Methods and use it. IV session of the Russian acoustic partnership, Moscow, 1995, p. 4.

146. Kasatkin B.A., Matvinko Yu.V. Cylindrical electroacoustic perevoryuvach. Auth. Svid. No. 1066665, Bul. zobr., No. 2,1984.

147. Kasatkin B.A., Matvinko Yu.V. Cylindrical piezoelectric transducer with shaved characteristics. Acoustic journal, 1982, volume 28, No. 5, pp. 648-652.

148. Kasatkin B.A., Matvinko Yu.V. Pristriy for wide-smug vipprominuvannya sound. Auth. Svid. No. 794834, 1982.

149. Analysis and distribution of wide-mugovy hydroacoustic antennas on the basis of p'ozokeramichnyh conversions. // Call on NDR "Myslitel -1" //, Nauk. Hands. Matvienko Yu.V., Vladivostok, DFC NVO Dalstandart, 1983-1985.

150. Development and testing of the signal path for signals in special form.

151. Call on the warehouse part of the NDR "evolventi-strip" //, Science. Hands. Matvienko Yu.V., Vladivostok, DFC NVO Dalstandart, 1988-1990

152. Preceding the transmission function of the acoustic grower and antennas.

153. Call on the NDR "Aquamarine" //, Science. Hands. Kasatkin B.A., vidp. Vikonavets Matvienko Yu.V., Vladivostok, DFC NVO Dalstandart, 1989 .94s., Holder no. 01.890.073426

154. Kasatkin B.A., Matvinko Yu.V. Impulse characteristics of cylindrical p''seretvoryuvachiv. Abstracts. Report of the All-Union Conf. Svitovy ocean, Vladivostok, 1983r, p. sixteen.

155. Rilov N.І. , Matvienko Yu.V., Rilov R.N. Acceptance of the antenna of the phase bathymetric bichy looking around. RF patent No. 2209530, 2003r.

156. R.A. Monzingo, T.U. Miller. Adaptive array antennas. M., Radio i zvyazok, 1986r., 446s.

157. Matvinko Yu.V., Makarov V.M., Kulinchenko S.I. About one method to induce the DARS catch for the arches of the dr_b sea Zb. Doslidzhennya and development of the Svitovoy Ocean, 6 Vseros. Acoust. Conf., Vladivostok, 1998r., S. 162-163.

158. Matvienko Y.V., Makarov V.N., Kulinchenko S. I. Simple system of hydroacoustic communication in shallow sea for AUV. Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering, Problems and Perspectives, Vladivostoc, 2001., p. 495-498.

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171. Zolotarov V.V., Kasatkin B.A., Kosarev G.V., Kulinchenko S.I., Matvinko Yu.V. Hydroacoustic complex for a glibokovodny autonomous deserted underwater apparatus. Zb. Prats X session of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, 2000r. S.59-62.

172. Agyv M.D., Kasatkin B.A., Matvinko Yu.V., Rilov R.N., Rilov N.I. Hydroacoustic navigation of the underwater robot. VIII International. Science and technology conf. "Modern methods and the use of oceanological studies", Moscow, 2003, part 2, pp. 40-41.

173. Agyv M.D., Vaulin Yu.V., Kiselov JI.B., Matvinko Yu.V., Rilov N.I., Shcherbatyuk A.F. Water navigation systems for AUV. -VIII International. Science and technology conf. "Suchasnі methods and zobi oceanologicheskikh doslіdzhen", Moscow, 2003, part 2, p. 13-22.

To the respect, presented in the food of scientific texts of the dissemination for the recognition and recognition of the additional dissemination of the original texts of the dissertations (OCR). At the end of the day, they can avenge pardons, tied in with incomplete algorithms for the analysis. PDF files of dissertations and abstracts, which are delivered, do not have any pardons.

hydroacoustics (View of Greek. hydor- water, akusticoc- rumors) - the science of appearances, which is found in the aquatic middle and wives with rosters, vip promises and acoustic diseases. It includes the power supply of the rosette and the stem of the hydroacoustic devices, which are used for the vikorystannya at the water center.

History of development

hydroacoustics- quickly develop in the Danish hour of science, і maє, madly, great maybutnє. Її appeared after blowing a path of development of theoretical and applied acoustics. The first messages about showing the interest of people to the widening of the sound of the waters are known in the notes of the famous epoch of the Renaissance of Leonardo da Vinci:

The first vimiryuvannya vіdstanі for the additional sound after russiyskiy prelіdnik Academician Y.D. Zakharov. 30 worm 1804 didn’t fly to the winds of the earth with a scientific note and in the best interest of speeding up the sound from the surface of the earth for the purpose of being useful. Perebryuyuchi in the cat kulі, vіn shouting in a voice into a megaphone, straightening down. After 10 seconds, a clear vidlunnya came. Zvidsi Zakharov zrobiv vstnovok, so the height of the bag above the ground of the door is approximately 5 x 334 = 1670 m.

The order of theoretical nutrition in Russia was carried out to practice the expansion of sounds in the sea. Admiral S.O. Makarov in 1881 - 1882 p. proponuvav vikoristovuvati for the transmission of information about the fluidity of the flow under water, names with a fluctometer. The ear has been laid on the ear for the development of new science and technology - hydroacoustic telemetry.

Diagram of the hydrophonic station of the Baltiysk plant, model 1907: 1 - water pump; 2 - pipeline; 3 - vise regulator; 4 - electro-magnetic hydraulic shutter (telegraph valve); 5 - telegraph key; 6 - hydraulic membrane vipromynuvach; 7 - side of the ship; 8 - tank with water; 9 - sealing the microphone

In the 1890s, pp. at the Baltic Shipbuilding Plant with the initiative of the captain of the 2nd rank M.M. The first viprobuvannya hydroacoustic viprominuvach for sound underwater sound was carried out in the end of the XIX century. in the old pool in the Galerniy harbor in Petersburg. Viprominuvans їm kolyvannya were well heard for 7 versts on the Nevsky floating lighthouse. As a result of the day in 1905r. The first attachment was set up with a hydroacoustic sound, in which the role of the transmitting boom was a special sub-water siren, keyed with a telegraph key, and when the signal was picked up by serving as a bow microphone, it was fastened to the middle of the ship's hull. The signals were reconstructed by the Morse device by ear. The siren was replaced with a membrane type viprominuachem. The efficiency of the attachment, called the hydrophonic station, has significantly improved. Morski viprobuvannya new stations were introduced in birch 1908r. on the Black Sea, the distance of the received signal was 10 km.

The first series of sound-underwater stations designed by the Baltic plant in 1909-1910. were placed on the submarine "Corop", "Pichkur", "Sterlet", « mackerel»І« perch". When installing the stations on the submarine chambers with a change in the change the code is taken in a special lugger, which is towed behind the stern on a cable-rope. Before a similar decision, the English came deprived of the hour of the First Holy Day. With the help of this idea, they started to play and only in the late 1950s, they began to be victorious for a long time in the native lands at the time of the opening of the overwhelmingly high-quality navigation ship stations.

The first step to the development of hydroacoustics was the Persha Svitova Vіyna. During the war of the land of Antanti, they carried great losses to the merchant and military fleet through a series of Nimetsian submarine chambers. Vinikla needs a joke to fight with them. The uncomfortable stench of the bule know. The underwater choven in the underwater position can be sensed by the noise generated by the ridge screws and the powerful mechanisms. Prilad, which appears to be noisy ob'ykti and viznacha їkh mіsceznakhodzhennya, buv the names of the noise-locator. The French physicist P. Langevin in 1915 rozi proponuvav vicoristovuvati sensitive priymach from the Rochelle salt for the first noise-finding station.

basics of hydroacoustics

Features extended acoustic hvils near the water

The component of the event appears.

An ear of universal and fundamental ideas from the development of acoustic chills near the water was laid in the rock of Another holy life, which dictated the need for practical establishments of the Ukrainian-Black Sea fleet Experimental and theoretical robots have been promoted and promoted in popular rock and advertising in a number of monographs. As a result, many robots have emerged and clarified the features of the broader acoustic conditions in the water: chasing, extinguishing, visualizing and breaking.

The chasing of the acoustic energy in the sea water is summed up in two processes: the internal graters of the middle and the dissociation of the solutions in the salts. The first process of transforming the energy of acoustic energy into heat, and the other one transforming into chemical energy, is to bring molecules from an equally important stage, and the stench falls on them. The whole view of the chase is very growing due to the increase in frequency of the acoustic collation. The presence of important areas near the water, microorganisms and temperature anomalies can also lead to the extinguishing of acoustic damage in the water. As a rule, the losses are not large, and they include in the hallway the bowling, protein, which, for example, in the case of a breakdown at the side of the ship, it can be lost up to 90%. The detection of temperature anomalies must be produced before the acoustic experience is consumed in the acoustic zone, you can deceive yourself in the visualization.

Recognition of the cordon in the water - in the morning and water - in the bottom to make it sound like it doesn't sound like a sound 'yaniste. On small slopes, through the bagatoraz visibility of the acoustic sound between the bottom and on the surface of the vine, there is a sub-water sound channel, in which the acoustic sound can be widened over great places. The change in the magnitude of the soundness to the sound on the small slopes is to be produced to the extent of sound "changes" - refraction.

Refraction to sound

Refraction to sound in water: a - vlitka; b - levy; zlyva is the serpent of quickness with glybin.

The broadened sound of the sound ripples through the sea, moreover, the snakes lie down in the rock and in the day, the sea in water, and for a number of other reasons. Sound interchanges, how to go from the dzherela down to the horizon with a deyakim kut, to bend, and why the vigin is to lie down in the middle of the sound in the middle: so much, if the upper ball is warmer than the lower ones, the promenade to go down to the bottom energy; When the lower balls keep their temperature, at the same time the upper balls cool down, change to burns and go back to the surface of the water, at which much less energy is consumed. To that, the distance to the wider sound is greater, less so. Vertical distribution of soundness (VRSZ) and gradation of soundness Razpodil shvidkostі sound in the rural areas of the Svitovoy ocean in a smart way and change in hours. Razrіznyayut decіlka of typical vypadkіv VRSZ:

Razsiyuvannya and chasing the sound by the inhomogeneities of the middle.

Expansion of the sound in the pivodny sound. channels: a - a change to the sound of the sound; b - go changes in the audio channel.

For the broadening of sounds at high frequencies, if the sound is even smaller, they infuse other sounds, they appear in natural waters: gas bulbs, microorganisms, etc. As a result, due to the frequency adjustments and sound signals, the range of the widening will speed up. The effect is especially strong in the surface sphere of water, which is less irregular.

Rise of the sound by inhomogeneities, as well as by the irregularities of the surface of the water and the bottom of the sound, is the cause of the water reverberation, which is the strength of the sound impulse: Between the range of widening of sub-water sounds, it is itself surrounded by the powerful noise of the sea, it can be in two ways: a part of the noise of the winery is from the blows of water on the surface of the water, from the sea surf, from the noise of moving pebbles, etc.; іnsha part is tied with sea fauna (sounds, vyroblіvanі gіdrobіontami: ribs and ін. sea creatures). Tsim even more serious aspect to deal with biogidroacoustics.

Expansion range of sound levels

The range of widening of sound signals is a folding function of the frequency of the sound signal, which is unambiguously linked to the need for an acoustic signal. Yak vіdomo, high-frequency acoustic signals quickly extinguish zvdyaki strong watery midst. Low-frequency signals against the building widen in the water environment on a large country. Thus, the acoustic signal with a frequency of 50 Hz is widespread in the ocean for thousands of kilometers, at that hour, as a signal with a frequency of 100 kHz, it is very important for a bit of a glance, but the range is only 1-2 km wide. The approximate range of the day with the help of the guided radar with the lower frequency of the acoustic signal (even more) is pointing in the tables:

Zasosuvannya area.

Gidroacoustics rejected a wider practicality, some still have not yet established an effective system for the transmission of electromagnetics from water to a small amount of meaningful things, and the sound of that, we can use the sound of water. For ciches, use sound frequencies from 300 to 10,000 Hz and ultrasounds from 10,000 Hz and more. Yak vipromynuvachіv and pickup in the sound area vikoristovuyu electrodynamic and n'zoelectric vipromіnuvachі and hydrophone, and in ultrasonic - p'zoelectricity and magnetostriction.

Naybilsh suttuvi stasis of hydroacoustics:

  • For the release of the visitor's buildings;
  • Morska navigation;
  • Sound underwater sound;
  • Ribopoiskovoє development;
  • Oceanological dosage;
  • Spheres of activity for the development of the riches of the bottom of the Svitovoy ocean;
  • Vikoristannya acoustics in the swimming pool
  • Trenuvannya sea creatures.


Literature and Dzherela Information


  • V.V. Shuleikin physics of the sea... - Moscow: "Science", 1968 p .. - 1090 p.
  • I.A. rumunska basics of hydroacoustics... - Moscow: "Sudnobuduvannya", 1979 p .. - 105 p.
  • Yu.A. Koryakin hydroacoustic systems... - St. Petersburg: "Science of St. Petersburg and the Sea of ​​Russia", 2002 p .. - 416 p.