Organic chemistry of computer programs. Filey

The Chemistry Olympiad for 11th grade students consists of 6 tasks. If you have a sub-score of 6, the task will be insured 5. If the participant has scored the highest points, then one of the tasks with the lowest score will not be insured. For skincare, the reward can be deducted from 1 to 10 points. There are 180 khwilins for your new job. There is no need for special equipment for viconn robots. It is allowed to use an unprogrammed calculator, a periodic system of chemical elements, a table of the breakdown of acids, salts and bases in water and a series of metals/electrochemical series of voltage.

The game is intended for all chemistry lovers. The meta game lies in the fact that it is necessary to spell out the term chemistry, indicated on the slide as a hint.

Program in which the technology is created: PowerPoint 2010. When starting a presentation, you must enable macros.

Whole audience: for 11th grade

The program is designed for solving simple chemistry problems based on ONE level of reaction. She herself puts together, balances the equation and carries out the adjustments after choosing the output speeches. The decision is submitted to text view With short explanations. The main difficulty, in my opinion, is the brainwashing of the mind (the program gives you all the effort itself, otherwise you still have to practice).
Students (who are practically unaware of theoretical chemistry) can figure out how to correctly transfer the mind from the handbook to the program. And the program will help specialists obtain numerical evidence at a fraction of the cost, without going to the length of the calculator’s data.
The program develops a balanced reaction on the basis of advanced theoretical principles of chemistry, so non-standard processes may be recorded incorrectly (they are unlikely to be victorious at school). I will be very grateful for respect for the propositions that would be introduced.

Try to gain the respect of experts before testing based on the presentation (and adding something to yourself). The test consists of 10 orders (no problem changing), and the set order is not repeated from test to test. At the skin approach there will be tests of all types (one-selections are closed, depending on the validity, understand and open). Two levels of test complexity (middle school students, Olympiad).

Displays new information about the test on the screen and as a file in the program folder. If obvious computer network The whole class can be tested, and the total resultant information is recorded on the teacher’s computer.

Out of satisfaction, I will listen to constructive criticism.

Whole audience: for 11th grade

For most students, the speech formula is an abstraction and is not connected with any observations or guesses. Qia chemical game created to make up for this oversight. I believe that scientists remember that NO2, not a brown gas, important for wind, can react with H2 and NaOH and does not react with O2 and HCl; You can choose the thickness and thickness of your choice.

Another level of complexity - for those who know, they can think and state facts. What am I writing? Try it yourself! I dare you to sing, but it won’t be easy for the first time. In short, the other rhubarb is a good toy for readers and Olympiad participants. You can also try to hold a tournament among your colleagues and win (only you are unlikely to want to take part)

Whole audience: for 11th grade

Subject – chemistry. Main purpose - rozrakhunok mass chastka rechovina u rozchini(when dissolved, diluted, evaporated; also for the extraction of liquids that react with water and crystal hydrates) and the determination of the necessary mass composition of components to remove the necessary concentration. Changeover of all types of concentrations(mass parts, molar, molal, molar parts) from one to another. Є small block of theoretical material on topic.

All files after unpacking are located in the same folder.

The audience is broad, wide-ranging. readers.

Tselov's audience: for the teacher

Know level of chemical reactions for a given output speech or product from a large data base. Means the molar mass behind this formula. Make historical records about simple speeches.
The target audience is wide, including readers and those who are preparing for the Olympiads (since specially designed to introduce non-trivial competition)

Tselov's audience: for the teacher

Porivnyannya operating systems, select Windows 8.1, advantages, level antivirus programs, look around software security to help the teacher of chemistry and biology. Analysis of cost-free software from the Windows Store.

In the “Files” section, you can find small chemical tools with light and practical directness.


Virtual Chemistry Laboratory- visual laboratory simulator laboratory robots with inorganic/analytical chemistry, which includes a new laboratory robot editor.

Visually, the Laboratory is presented in the form of two-dimensional interactive graphic scenes, based on chemical experiments based on a built-in thermodynamic model, which automatically distributes chemical and thermal energy reaction defects.

Installed and launched: Virtual chemical laboratory є Java add-on, so before installing and installing, check that you have the Java support installed (the site allows you to check the version of the installed Java middleware and ensure it remains updated)!

Create a shortcut on the desktop, through which the version with the Russian interface will be available:

  • Click right button mice on the free surface of the robot Windows desktop
  • From the menu, select “Create” o “Shortcut”. The window of the master of the shortcut opens
  • You need to specify the location of the vlab.jar file, click the “Look” button in the field for selecting the location of the object. The window for selecting folders and files will open
  • Select the VLab directory and the vlab.jar file, click the “OK” button.
  • Press the “Next” button on the shortcut.
  • Enter the name of the shortcut that is displayed on the desktop, for example, VLab and click the “Done” button

A VLab shortcut will appear on your desktop. However, this shortcut launches English version program To launch the shortcut in the Russified version, it needs to be edited.
To do this, right-click on the shortcut and select the “Power” item. The “Object:” window displays a new path to the vlab.jar file. Until the end of the row “-l ru” (with a wire gap, without paws).
For example, in the “Object” field there was:
D:ChemistryVLab lab.jar
then after correcting the row there may be:
D:ChemistryVLab lab.jar -l ru
After that, click the “OK” button. After editing, the shortcut launches the Russified version of the virtual laboratory.


MacMolPlt provides all the necessary functions for the creation of molecular structures and processing the results of quantum mechanical developments.
Includes tools for preparing Gamess input files and visualizing data: light enthalpy, geometric parameters, population of energy levels, molecular orbitals, electron analysis Gustiny, animation Kolivan and much more.

Avogadro- visualizer with sufficient great possibilities, includes a series korisny function, such as the folding of input files, forward optimization of geometry using the method of molecular mechanics, etc.


DynVis 2.0 - Qia program allows you to visualize the surface of the potential energy of the reacting system, and also allows you to trace the movement of a configuration point along a given trajectory and the energetic profile of that trajectory. The program is also designed for calculating PPE and the trajectory of movement along it and for the visual presentation of the extracted data.


EquPixy plugin for Microsoft Word additional help in robotics with chemical and mathematical formulas. The plugin's functions allow you to press the restart button with one press mathematical formula, written in one row, the formula has full numbers, signs, roots and degrees. In chemical formulas, numbers are automatically changed to indicate the number of atoms and sequential text. There is also a plugin to check the correctness of chemical equations for a number of elements, right-handed and left-handed, and on the control panel there are buttons for quick insertion of symbols of the Greek alphabet and mathematical symbols. This plugin will be useful to schoolchildren, students and graduate students. Rose is everywhere without any harm.

Respect! Before installing, change the Word macro security settings: Tools - Macro - Security - set to "Medium" and restart Word, then open the EquPixi file and enable macros, after installation, do not forget to update the macro security level in to "High".

English-Russian dictionary Qdictionary will help you understand English texts, program interfaces, articles. A simple interface that consists only of fields for entering a query (for one word) and a list of dictionaries, you can translate the click on a word in another program (for example, a browser).

List of dictionaries: English-Russian, English-Russian (additional), encyclopedic, English-Russian polytechnic and scientific-technical dictionaries, engineering and development dictionaries, programming, etc.

However, there is not only one science, which today’s researchers are working on popularizing. And, of course, her respect has not gone away with chemistry - the very best science about everyday speech, which immediately evokes children’s fear of foolish elements and formulas. Hello, it looks like it’s coming soon. It is possible that if one can understand the periodic table in terms of the history of various species and familiarize children with the concepts of chemical valence with the help of a simple and intelligent addition, then the subject itself will not seem boring to them. otherwise unavailable. So it is important to ensure the collection of additives and resources for the development of chemistry.

An addition to learning about chemical elements, the English writer and actor Stephen Fry once said: “For this program, buy an iPad!” The Elements is a complete database of basic chemical elements as represented in high-end 3D models. Based on the book “Elements” by Theodore Gray, author of the Gray Matter column in Popular Science Magazine, The Elements has the potential to go far beyond the conventional wisdom.

For the skin element, select a butt, which is what the 3D model looks like, what is wrapped (for example, a tin soldier - for tin, a gold coin for gold, etc.), which can be independently launched, turned over, enlarged - with a glaze, followed from all sides. Next to the skin element is a column of facts that tell in detail about its characteristics. Retailers characterize their product this way:

The Elements is not a development program; This rich and luscious love story from the periodic table is recounted in words and pictures and allows you, as many times before, to experience the beauty and grandeur of the grains that make up our Universe.

Bagatorazovo is recognized as one of the best programs For chemical training, The Elements costs only $4.99. The program can be downloaded on iTunes. Unfortunately, the video review is only available in English, but the visuals are enough to understand how good this program is.

In Tsomu catless supplement you will find three-dimensional models of different speeches. Molecules has a number of visualization modes that allow designers to wrap models, change the scale of the molecule, increase/change the size, etc. The program itself has a decent base of molecular models, but at the same time the developer has the ability to use applications from specialized sites of international analogies of biological molecules and their three-dimensional models. To do this, you need to enter the name of the speech in the search row (Water, Gold, Insulin, etc.). Of course, about the skin molecule and the molecular half, a wealth of information is presented here: the names of the molecular structure (do you remember that most words are called briefly, but the names are only known to the Fahians?), There are different types of amino acids proteins, nucleotide sequences for DNA and RNA, names of traces of the connection and much more. The program is available on iTunes.

Created by a chemistry professor at Michigan State University, this program helps students understand the principle of how molecules come together. The gameplay consists of five levels, on the skin of which it is necessary to create 2D Lewis point structures. The one who got out of business will be the one who transforms the 2D structure into a 3D model. In addition, at the end of the skin level of additions, you will see the philosophical rhetorical nutrition about the influence of the Universe and its speeches, so that you will not fall into valence, the philosophy of chemistry will become a little closer to you oh. You can download Chemical Valence in the App Store for $0.99.

This is your own virtual chemical laboratory mobile device. Here you can carry out further investigations with different speeches and guard against the most adverse reactions. As you understand, in the virtual space you can experiment with vibrations and radioactive speech. The results of the investigations are simulated in real time, during which the insurance program takes into account a number of parameters: air storage, temperature of the medium, mass and volume of speech, which is mixed, etc. To make it easier for the chemist who is starting, a database of the main skin reactions from the periodic table is additionally available. At the same time, you can “chemically” and intensify your emotional reactions. Laboratory Chemist is available on iTunes, priced at $4.99. Ale is the costless version.

Do you think there is another chemical laboratory? You guessed wrong! Chem Lab is a practical test to test your knowledge of basic chemical formulas. Koristuvachevy is confirmed through the 5th task (drag the required elements into the test tube to remove the gas or combine the other words). Finally, the experiments show the necessary results from skin testing and compare with the achievements. Be careful - if you react too quickly, you may swell or burst. Of course, the work is additionally safe, but it is impossible to at least talk about those who really are not willing to repeat such evidence. The add-on is available in the App Store and costs only $0.99.

Talking Ben the Dog is a game for the youngest. Dog, needless to say, Ben is a retired chemistry professor who is pretty tired of life. All you have to do is eat, sing and read newspapers. You can try to destroy it, or you can simply press the “Chemistry” button and send the old professor to the laboratory to carry out the simplest chemical tests on him (mix the two together and watch for the reaction єyu). There is nothing particularly interesting, but at a minimum it is known that mixing two words can lead to an undesirable reaction. It seems like a bad start for a child talking about chemistry as a science. The program is freely available on iTunes and Google Play.

Another tool for scientific chemistry, which allows you to learn about the activity of elements, study oxidative reactions, resolve problems in chemistry, and remove end products and equalize the coefficients. In addition, there is a description of the reactions of thousands of chemical compounds. The program interface is very simple, however, as is the robot: to react, you just need to select the necessary elements from the table and connect them. The program can be purchased from Google Play free of charge.

Supplement-gra for the development of chemistry. Now you don’t need to force your child to cram chemical elements, just install Elements Quiz, where the periodic table is shown in a simple game form. The basic rules of the game are the chemical elements assigned to the program in the table. What can we forgive? Then the child, in the process of such a search, gradually memorizes the name of the element, its symbol and place in the table - the basics that are necessary for the further successful acquisition of the object. For more advanced students, the program has quizzes that are not so easy to screw up. In addition, there are additional links to Wikipedia, so that you can always access additional information about any other element of the free encyclopedia.

This is a program that allows you to paint formulas for organic results without any hassle. However, as the experts say, the program cannot describe and display full-scale reactions, so MolPrime+ can still only be used as a formula editor. Before speaking, you can easily share your achievements with your friends via Twitter and email So you can get involved in mastery. MolPrime+ is easy to attract