New groups in classmates instead of registration (instructions). Creation of groups: from A to Z Topics for the group in classmates

“Odnoklassniki” is the most popular social network among the adult Russian audience (residents of Russia and other countries of the world). This fact has a positive effect on the possibility of doing business through them, since the growing population is the most profitable. So create a group in this social measures This is especially true for many types of businesses that target older audiences. An important role in this is played by the proper design and setup of the group on Odnoklassniki. Let's talk about that.

Group design and setup in Odnoklassniki

How to correctly set up a group on Odnoklassniki

A clear set up will allow you to create the necessary functionality and ensure the desired effect on the acceptance of new participants to the group. Below you can see the main points of how to set up a group in Odnoklassniki.

Closed or open.

These criteria are seamlessly integrated into the development of the group. At the first stage, new participants will be asked to join and will receive praise from the group administrator, who will accept those who are in need. For others, you can join the group. It is also important to note that in a closed group, the content and everything that is found in it is not visible to those members who are not its participants. You can select these parameters both when groups are created and further in the main settings.

Vikovi obmeneniya.

This parameter is well suited for the creation of a group under the singing age category. Here you can adjust the minimum and maximum age of the group participants - no one younger or older, according to the given parameters, can join before it.

Block above the line.

There are so many different tabs with topics, photos, videos, products and more. The group administrator can customize this block by selecting those items that have the highest priority for presentation to participants.

Discussed with the group.

The setting is given to remain until additional possibilities group members. The administrator of the conversation determines the ability of the participants to negotiate. So it appears that I allowed those to deprive comments under various posts and topics. You can find this parameter in the main group parameters.


This section will present a variety of products and services as supplied by the group. In this way, participants can find out what products they have and come through the group. Setting up a section is intuitively simple: you create a new product, enter a name, write a description and set a price. Also, don’t forget to include a new photo so that participants who are interested in this can clearly understand what kind of goods they are buying.

We divided “Photo” and “Video”.

Here you can download all the media content that the group has. In both sections, the administrator can create thematic albums, each of which can save photos and videos of the same category. You can also allow or restrict group members from adding personal photos and videos. You can earn money by checking the appropriate row in the group settings that correspond to these sections.

Congratulations to the group.

An important point in both information and commercial groups is the ability of participants to communicate with the administration of sleep from different foods. For whom it is best to open this opportunity for additional permission to inform the group. U zagalnyh tuned in There is a similar item that only requires one click. And notifications will be available to participants. It is better to allow others to write from the food that is collected, especially in the information group, where the administrative warehouse can be compared to them.

Group administration.

The warehouse that supports the group is considered the creator of the group (Vin – administrator). A group may have more than one administrator, but among them there may be:

  • analyst – with the expansion, the only thing that is newly important is the ability to study the group’s statistics (the best position to put in this position is the one who is responsible for the promotion and advertising of the group);
  • editor – publishes posts and can clean up comments that do not comply with the group rules;
  • moderator – May public access Before you can manage posts, comments and participants, you can clean out the group’s warehouse or accept applications for membership (as in a closed group);
  • super-moderator - who can be called the right hand of the administrator, with increased increased importance, on an equal footing with other participants in the group administration, in addition to all the above-mentioned capabilities, also to change the adjustment groups, and keruvat kerivnikami groups (reduce and exclude from the administrative warehouse and for the same reason - advance and signify as analysts, editors and moderators, especially from among the group participants.

The administrator himself can change the status of the group (open or closed), the main photo, customize the admin warehouse, transfer the position of the admin to another person, including deleting the group.

Wed 10 Jun 2015

In order to save a GIF picture from the Odnoklassniki website, you need a simple, easy program - with it you can also write a video, as well as record all the animation from any site, including from Odnoklassniki - GIF animation for further help GifCam. Suitable for everyone – both for experienced backers and beginners. Just two buttons - nothing foldable. Come on, let's see. To begin with, you need to enchant the program itself. You can download the program here:

For ease of use, pin them in the task panel so you don’t bother later when you need them.

1. Reveals in “renewed growth” I’ll need you a GIF picture

2. Click on the program icon on the task panel - a frame with the program will appear. The program will automatically be on top of all windows with its own frame. You can see the area for recording by simply changing the size of the frame - drag the cursor on the corners of the frame beyond the size of the animation.

3.You will not have to finish scrolling through the animation and press the REC button - the program will start recording. Play once twice and that’s enough - otherwise the picture will be very important and you won’t be attracted to the site later. Dali STOP. way - where to save yourself!

4. Wait until the process is completed - the green path is to reach the end and finish. Close the program - the axis and that's it. Nothing complicated. Good luck! Understand that the program is a camera. Everything in the middle of the frame will be your GIF. Use it, change the size. You can record everything you want by opening it on your computer. Games, movies, websites, through websites or websites on YouTube. To create a GIF animation from a video, launch the video and view it area required It is possible to edit. Let's go to Edit and select horizontal scrolling frames. Having pressed right button you can use Wiklicati context not menu. Each one has a view: one frame, a selected frame to the beginning or end, a view of all frames. Dodavati chi vidalati zatrymki. Delete even frames is required to remove half of the frames and save the animation (for resizing). Check the box to show the green screen. Savings are possible in 5 formats of different colors: 256 colors, 12, series, etc.

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Sat May 23, 2015

Yesterday there was a special inspection of OK and representatives of the initiative group including administrators. It was brought to the attention of the low-proposition schodo krashennya roboti s spіvpratsi site ta group.

The information/results are available behind the bags from the administration OK.

1. Classmates went to lunch the call of the bell. Our representative will add you to a Skype chat in full contact with the OK administration. Є the first home ownership in the permanent establishment is live, first once per quarter.

2. Before monetization, we will immediately real robot on the side OK change the situation with the promo view. The results will appear to be colored, but checking the rotation on the wrong position will definitely not work. It’s trivial - it will be more beautiful than the bottom, but it will be worse than the bottom. That's a fact. Soon a target will appear, which has already been tested. With the introduction of a promotional target, it is most likely to change at all times. This will be discussed, present your ideas. It’s impossible to get through everything in one bite and one contact.

3. Pre-moderation of posts is now possible via mail: (mail addresses will be available in the next couple of days). It will take a few days to improve the process. The essence of this action is prompt follow-up of your promotional campaign. Please come closer. Yak alternative option you can see the offer in sj, praised. And, like a butt, their posts.

4. Following our propositions to OK:

Every now and then people enter and leave groups. To put it succinctly in the end with the proposition of prepaying other official groups is accepted as a good idea.

Protesting, trying out the idea of ​​reposting groups is considered a good idea, but it’s already done and will be soon.

Blocking profiles - you need a clear statistical view of your nutrition before you can determine it. For example, a profile of N places N posts in N groups and removes the block. If you repeat, then the block will be recreated.

Blocking the group - stop being a mittev and go back. Our proposition about a stable system has already been accepted by many people and has already been discussed before.

Comments can be given more to the group participants - encouraged/praised

The function of the all-informing correspondent is to encourage/praise

Seen unnecessary tags at once with the post, what appears to be searched by tags - supported/praised

Add the roles editor, moderator, admin, with different rights - encouraged/praised

Deprive your primary post if you have deleted your moderator's profile - encouraged/praised

These are the things that we can already talk about with obvious obviousness. Even more specifics, details, new directions and implementations will appear in the course of further consolidation.

At the front post we saw the creation of a group in classmates, its initial formation and adjustment. On this topic, we’ll talk about the newly created group with some information, so that we can then begin to develop it.

Refresh a past topic You can go ahead and do it “How to create your own group in Odnoklassniki”

It's a pity, Narazi in Odnoklassniki, on the VKontakte group admin, you cannot formalize your groups so clearly and accurately. So far, all the decorations have been completed, including the creation of photo albums with beautiful pictures, the addition of instructions for the drawing of the dzherel, the publication of new topics and novelties. So I’ll just tell you about those What can you do in groups on Odnoklassniki? in the form of nutrition.

  1. When will it be best to publish new topics?
  2. How to attach a message to the group notification on classmates?
  3. Is it possible to put the message in the “message” section on a third-party site?

1. How often do you add those to the group?

To my mind special testimony, as well as based on research conducted by Russian SMM agencies, create 1 to 5 topics per day. With a larger number of users, informational noise arises and the group begins to be perceived as spam; with a smaller number, interest arises. At least once every 2 days, it’s not good to do it with those zagali. And the rhizik, that soon there are a number of those who, having entered the group, are beginning to overestimate the number of those who are deprived of them.

2. When (if) best to publish new topics?

At first glance, you might think that it varies at what time to publish new items - no, but it’s not like that! For example, if you publish a new post from the 3rd to the 7th rank, then you will have fewer participants and fewer classes, less likely. It is also not possible to publish from 18 to 19 (especially on working days). It’s simple to explain - people leave work and don’t sit on Odnoklassniki.

A completely different situation affects you when you publish new topics during the hours between 12:00 – 13:30, 15:00 – 16:30 or 19:40 – 24:00. Published at these intervals, those charged 2-3 times more for classes. This is especially true for groups whose number exceeds 10,000 individuals.

3. What kind of days do these texts come from?

The best way to pick up short notes is in rows of 3-4. The shorter and more precise you get the essence - more beautifully. At the same time, if you need to write a longer text, no one is blocked. Golovne, so that you can get the reader in the first 3-4 rows. And what’s even better is that the picture is attached to the notification to create it.

4. How to create something new and embellish it with a picture?

Always decorate your publications with a picture from the same side 4:3 (for example, 640×480 or 1024×768 pixels). Moreover, try to capture the images before you write the text of the notification. So let the picture go first (I don’t know why, but at the time of writing these rows in Odnoklassniki, after publication it is not possible to choose what can go forward: text or picture). For whom to press camera image then click on the button “ look around", indicate the retouching of the enchanted image.

5. How to attach a message to the group notification to classmates?

Below you will see the name of the page, which was sent to you as we indicated, as well as a picture of the image. taken from the same site. (If there are several pictures on this page, you can choose one). You can also not attach pictures. For this you need to check the box opposite the item “ no picture»

6. What is the need for a “sent” section of the group?

The Danish section of the vikoryst is being prepared for publication of the message in the competition, or just click on your thoughts, groups in classmates.

7. In the “message” section, is it possible to place the postage on a third-party site?

No. Nowadays you can show more than you can on a group in classmates.

8. How do I save the Posilanny section?

At the end, a list of all groups you are in will be displayed. Indicated by the requirements and embossed " add»

9. How can I put a message on a group that I’m not in?

It's simple. We enter the group, then send a message to it in the manner described above.

10. How to create a photo album for a group?

Menu item " Photo albums", button " create" Finally, what appears, enter the name of the upcoming photo album and stamp it on the button “ save».

Now that we have covered everything that can be done with this powerful group, let me give you a couple of recommendations.

  1. Some classmates do not give any additional assistance to form a group, but make the most of their obvious possibilities. For example, the new items you create will be better decorated in the future with a great picture- so the topic is more beautiful than new.
  2. However, since the theme of the group does not convey the obviousness of the photo album, I would like to create one album, for example, with positive pictures, as it would be acceptable to appreciate the permission.

Once your group is formed and filled with up-to-date information, you should think about its promotion, and that’s a topic for the next article.