Instructions for enlightened people on the operation of a laptop. Proper use of the laptop battery. Troubleshooting Other Notebook Components

It seems that repairing laptops is more complicated and more expensive, lower cost stationary computers. If you think that your mobile PC (or laptop) should work better and without any problems, then for whom it is important to take into account a few inconsistent, but significant nuances. Further you know about those how to properly behave with a laptop in order to secure the most trivial terms of yoga work.

We don’t worry about the fact that the technology is morally obsolete, but the rest of the time it’s getting better and faster. It is more than necessary to indicate that the laptop is ready for the completion of the virib and by the same token with the system unit.

To say that all the power is in the details. Whatever is named by those means coming: when using a laptop, there are few moments, which at the same time add to the trivality of yoga uninterrupted work. Also, let's take a look at the report of 12 points, which were rehabilitated more at Zmist.

1. Correct connection

Do not connect to your laptop while turning on the life block (itself charger attachment). It’s better to work navpaki - a bunch of plugs, and then we’ll connect the plug to the outlet.

Rice. 1. Connect the plug to the laptop, then insert the plug into a 220 V socket

2. Unique soft surfaces

Do not put your mobile computer on any soft surfaces - kilim, bed, mattress etc. I’ve overheated to the point of overheating, and I’ve also sprinkled a swedish picking saw, which I can bring to my heart to the point where I get out of tune, for example, hard drive, and you may also need to clean your electronic friend.

Rice. 2. Laptops do not like contact with soft surfaces and household critters

It is important to quilt so that the ventilation surfaces do not overlap with crosshairs. Wart to add that often the ventilation slots are not only on the sides of the laptop, but also on the bottom side under the keyboard. For laptops, they make special plastic stands, which miraculously solve this problem.

It looks like a desk from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum at a time for laptops:

Obov'yazkovo vimikate the laptop for an hour, whether it's moving. So you don't just protect your hard disk, but you can get away with the problem of overheating of the equipment.

What is the cost of the work of the battery itself, rather do not charge it up to 100% charge. Ideally, the battery charge should be charged already for 40% of capacity and run out in the region of 80%. The beginning of this clumsy recommendation can significantly continue the term of laptop battery operation.

9. Cleaning of ventilation openings

Periodically turn your attention to the ventilation openings of the laptop and carefully clean them from the saw.

As you have shown respect for those that the laptop is not primed fast and overheats strongly, next it is negligent to carry out preventive maintenance of the cooling system. Overheating the processor will not bring anything good.

10. Guardian of the homelands

At the same time, do not trim water near the laptop and other sources. One nezgrabny Rukh can "drive" your laptop forever.

Rice. 7. Protecting with rіdinami, pens and other items in order from a laptop

11. Dodatkovo you can connect the keyboard, mouse, monitor

If you want, you want to add attachments for entering data (keyboard) of your mobile computer served yaknaydovshe, connect to the new add-on keyboard via USB port. So, that very cup of cavi or licorice tea spilled on a laptop will cost you 400, not 4000 rubles. It's just that keyboards that are connected via USB can be cheaply made at once, but (in other places) they won't be cheap.

And vzagali, for a robotic laptop, you can build a system unit, to some additional mouse and keyboard.

Rice. 8. Functional keys work from a different operating system

The laptops are the most versatile and the most easy to use for a hard worker, there are also function keys from F1 to F12. The handy functionality of such keys is sewn into the laptop. Tse i good, i nasty, more with rearranged native operating system like a bula when buying a laptop, it’s practical for a new system.

Often ask de zavantazhiti programs for function keys. You can, obviously, look at the official website of the laptop manufacturer, but you can forget about the clarity of the work with such keys, or you can turn the laptop to the factory settings.

It would be a good idea to come dzherelo uninterrupted life(abbreviated DBZH), especially if your booth in your office has old wiring, or there are often power outages.

Rice. 9. Dzherelo uninterrupted life

It’s a pity that electricity is not yet at the height of rich places and villages. And the price of DBZH does not compare with these batteries, you can find out when buying a new battery or repairing life controllers.

Particularly relevant will be the DBZH, as you often work on a laptop without a battery, because the battery is essentially the same DBZH, and without it, the laptop becomes irritable in case of failures in the electrical wiring. .

Now you know how to properly behave with a laptop in order to secure your work term. Try not to forget about these clumsy recommendations, and that way your technique will serve you correctly more than one day.

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. 07 Sep 2016 13:7

For luggage today, a laptop is a replacement stationary computer. Tobto replace the PC, which is composed of the monitor system unit, Coristuvachi more and more began to choose not such a cumbersome solution - a laptop. It's true - it takes less time, you can take it with you, it has low functions, like you have a great PC. And the efficiency of the robot is not checked by anything, so there is no need to resolve the oversight. In a word, clarity is in the presence. Buying a laptop, we essentially win it like a stationary PC, and we will permanently plug it into the electrical circuit.
How to properly look after the battery, so that it served as a yakomog more?
Notebook batteries, like other batteries, powerful old age. Indeed, the battery is the same chemical speech, and the stench can change its power from hour to hour. Also, their powers lie in temperature. If you look at the warranty for your laptop, then sound there the warranty term of the battery is lower, lower on the laptop itself. In order to replace your battery, you may need to ask earlier, lower the laptop itself. If you see the components in harmony, then it is necessary yakіsny repair computer Repair companies can also repair the supply of problematic software, replacing damaged components in the case. Batteries and life blocks are also within their competence. Speaking of which, if you want to download free software from Microsoft Corporation, you can download it at For sim posilannyam, zokrema, you can say Excel different versions. So are all other products of the company.

How to know about the term of battery service?

Today, all batteries in digital equipment are lithium-ion. Їх the term of service is used in cycles of discharge - charge. Sound the battery at a normal operating time and approximately 2 - 3 years (300 cycles of discharge - charge), and then it is necessary to change it. Ale traplyatsya, what's in real life won’t use up your resource early enough, and it’s not enough to deposit it not only because of the number of cycles in the discharge - the charge, but also in the wake of it. laptops Apple Macbook are equipped with another type of batteries - lithium-polymer Li-Pol. This option is expensive, but to serve longer - insurance for 1000 charging cycles. Zalezhno v_d work on tsomu laptop battery to serve more - 3-5 years.

Proper use of the battery

So that the battery did not go out of tune earlier, it is necessary, it is necessary to operate correctly.

Operating rules:

  1. When you turn the laptop upside down, you need to be sure that the battery is 100% charged. It is possible that the battery can be charged for a long time, but at any given time it is not possible to turn on the laptop for life without checking until the charge reaches the maximum.
  2. Install batteries on the cob of the robot. To do this, go (for Windows) to the Care Panel, give "Obladnannya that sound" - "Electric animation". Here you can install a nailed coristuvacha. Recommended parameters for automatic keruvannya Notebook power supplies will be offensive. At additional parameters you can install "Wipe hard drive after 20 minutes". Power saving mode select - Maximum productivity". Hybrid sleep mode - "Vimk.", Hibernation - "Nikoli", sleep - "Nikoli", wake-up timers - "Nikoli".
  3. Here you can also set the function of the Live and Sleep mode buttons. Insert the "Sleep" mode on the buttons. It is also recommended to adjust the settings for dimming and fading the screen during downtime: turn off the screen at 5 min., turn on the screen - 10 min. For an hour I'll review the video, the laptop does not flicker, adjust the multimedia parameters when open access to multimedia - "Stop the transition from going to sleep."
  4. It is also important to put a low battery level marker re-discharging. The following parameters are recommended: full discharge - 5%, low battery charge - 10%. If you want to see a warning about a low battery charge, put “Uvimk” in front of you. With a low battery charge - "do not work everyday."
  5. Fahivtsі recommend limiting the battery charge to 50-80%, so that you can’t charge it at 100%. Krіm, zrozumіlo, the first recharging when buying. The first three charges can be up to 100% - charge and discharge to 5%, then charge again to 100%, charge again to 5%, and one more such cycle. After that, it is possible to install the installations for the exchange of a full charge up to 50 - 80%.
  6. With the first three charge cycles up to 100%, it is not recommended to charge the computer with programs that require a great resource (for example, DVD drive). At the same time, the battery is guilty of pratsyuvati not on the outside of the venture.
  7. Another thing to say is who is recommended to install a 50% recharge marker. Tse yakraz pidide yak is not possible better team coristuvacham, as if working out of a laptop, we will turn it on until 220V. The battery is not covered for such an operation, but a charge reduction of up to 50% allows you to save the battery for a long time.

It is not possible to deprive the battery of three times of discharge by 0-10%. It is important to know how to charge.
At the vimnen stani, the laptop is better than before electric lines. It is necessary to work from the deep mirkuvannya with accessories, as well as to save the battery. Obviously, as the battery charge is minimally critical, it is the fault of the connections until the moment of recharging.
The battery contains the same number of cycles in the discharge - charge. To the one that has more cycles, the battery resource will run out faster. To change the number of cycles, just work on the lines where possible to charge the battery as soon as possible.
In the mode of salience operational memory the laptop becomes overwhelmed, and the laptop continues to conserve energy. If you forget about your laptop for a long time, then in such a state you can charge lower for a critical level. Such situations cannot be allowed. Also, it is not possible to charge a new discharge, working on laptops as batteries. If you want to protect yourself from the latest discharges through forgetfulness, then just put them in the settings low rіven charge on the value of 40 - 50%. The term of service for whom to speed up - it also requires understanding.

From what has been said, you can make a short whisker:

  • It cannot be assumed that the battery long hour perebuval іz charge vіd 0 to 10% charge.
  • It cannot be assumed that the battery of a switched-on computer was three times an hour out of 100% charge and immediately charged in the measure.

Notebook wiki: widest
reasons for sending coristuvachs to service centers

Koristuvannya laptop - see the threats

Have a yaku box laptop invest report instruction how to use it. People who are studying її - іz satisfied chi without it - are implausibly few.

Let's take a look at the reasons for this, how to induce corruption at the service centers, and once again, remember that you can't work with a laptop at any time.

Reason 1

I don't care about those notebookє mobile attachment, you can use it without zavzhd and not creaking: the recommendations of the operating range should be from 5 ° to 30 ° C (with the exception of stolen models).

It is bad to endure low temperatures, in the heat of the day computers can easily “overheat”: the electronics and the processor do not sound.

Such unsafe and temperature fluctuations - a charge, first of all, let the robot work, give laptop acclimatize: in such situations in the middle of the computer, condensate settles, which can cause the tracks to be run to a chime.

Surely, all pays are varnished, contacts are insulated, but still need to be resurfaced? Make it a rule not to expand anything beyond 10-15 cm from the laptop: laptop fans work in normal mode and do not allow overheating, and you won’t hurt anything.

Reason 2. The main enemy of a laptop is water.

It would have been better, dribnitsa: they ate a small board on the street and spilled kava on the keyboard; viterly - and you can practice.

However, after tidying up the bells and whistles, it’s practically impossible to start the ruining process: the motherboard, which is zapped under the keyboard, does not show such a beast - the day passes, a maximum of a month or two, and the computer freezes.

Call the service center to make a diagnosis of "corrosion of the strum-conducting paths of the mother board" and to pronounce and replace.

Not varto practice on laptops and in a thunderstorm, so like in laptops, the modem sounds integration motherboard, it’s too expensive to think, so that the storm and the Internet are crazy.

Not varto brother laptop at the bath - a great rizik zipsuvati pristriy. Another good thing: bring a special bag for carrying a laptop.

A number of constructive elements (protection along the perimeter, internal belt-fixator, water-resistant material) allow to increase the degree of protection of the device, both to natural factors and to the lowness of the share.

Reason 3. Dzherela eating

How to burn a laptop. The laptop is supplied with a power adapter for life and it is not recommended to replace it anyway. Vіdomі vipadki output from the fret pay the control of the accumulator with vikoristanny unit living with the same values ​​of the external voltage and force of the stream.

In the electric wire, voltage cuts are often trapped, so it is strongly recommended to add an additional wire filter or a voltage stabilizer.

Understandably, follow the elementary rules for the operation of the lace adapter (do not curl it with objects that make it difficult for natural cooling, bend the wire), but more importantly - DO NOT TURN ON THE ADAPTER WITHOUT A LAPTOP!

"Golden Rule": back on the cob lace adapter connects to the laptop, and then the adapter plug is inserted into the socket. Itself so, but chi not navpaki.

Another way to "burn out" the life adapter (or "forgive" the laptop itself) is to repair a faulty battery; as soon as the battery is charged, the working resource becomes 5-10 minutes, it won’t be replaced.

Similarly, following the work of the battery, for which the hour of autonomous work is gradually shortening.

If the laptop is new, then the battery should be “rolled”. The first charge can be as trival as possible (up to 24 years). The offensive krok is completely right, right up to the withdrawal of the apparatus, the discharge of the battery. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times.

The purpose of these manipulations is the installation of a “full range” of battery capacity, which allows you to take the maximum output for an hour of work.

Before turning on the laptop a special vypadok: Batteries SHOULD be recharged with a stretch of 10-15 strands; In another case, too much strum charge can bring in a life adapter.

Reason 4. Matrix

An unsightly look. Oh the matrix! The most valuable and most expensive element of a laptop, that is why it is necessary to put it before it reverently: it is necessary to push it, for example, on the cover of a closed device or put objects on it.

The most laptop matrix is ​​"afraid" of impacts - regardless of their strength and straightness; before hitting, it is necessary to close the cover of the device and raise the sound of the computer for it. About those who do not miss a laptop, guess not a trace.

The matrix is ​​broken or cracked, what you see on the screen is chaotic "the dawn of the sky" - the river is unacceptable, but you understand; other than the display of the colors, but on the screen - the correct dissimilarity.

To irrevocable naslіdkіv prizvodnya hit on the display of water (they are stіykі plyami) and often the infusion of bright dormouse light (the portability of colors is broken). Matrix do not blame dotikiv - neither with a finger, nor with a pen.

Before speech, the presence of a number of "dead" pixels (for TFT displays) or uneven transmission (for DSTN displays) is not considered a defect - it's just the specificity of the vibration technology. Vtіm, for new laptops it's not relevant, they all can be without water.

Reason 5. Save for cleaning. Mity chi not mity?

Dumka 1 . For wiping the matrix of a laptop, it is better to use a special zasib for cleaning and serving. From this drive there are two diametrically protruding thoughts.

So, it is necessary to use special tools for cleaning, and even if you use a laptop to clean up neatly, then you can get into the “tidying up” case without them: for this whole bag, the soft fabric is lint-free, soaked in water (don’t forget to turn on the battery life block and bleed! ).

You can vikoristovuvat neutral miyuchi zasobi, but only DO NOT ABRASIVE AND DESIGN. Hurry up with the inclusions after the water cleaning is not followed: the device needs to be dried, if only with a stretch of 20-30 strands.

Dumka 2 . To keep an eye on the laptop keyboard, you can use a small special USB keyboard pump.

Definitely, alcohol is not suitable for looking after a laptop: it can be made into a case, (it doesn’t matter if it’s plastic or metal), in most cases you can drink it on a farba.

Understandably, the first time you “take” the whole thing you don’t see, but even if you work with this manipulation regularly, then as a result you can take it on the surface of the fox, like a non-abyak zvnishnistnost of your love.

Zagalom, remember, if you behave with a laptop carefully and carefully, then you will be blamed
serve for a long time, right up to old age. And if it comes to you, I will virishuvate you.

History of life

Vidkrivate that close the laptop for the top cover, the number is effective. Viroblyayuchy stil once a day similar manipulations, the notebook's hairdresser mastered this number perfectly.

After three months of operation, cracks began to appear on the hinges. Shards in the instructions it was written that the loops were ripped for thousands of “voices-zakrittiv”, the hairdresser’s furry with a whole mind – the stench did not last up to the first thousand.

The warranty laptop was sent to the service center, de respect of the girl, they sent me to the instruction point, which recommends opening the cover, trimming it for the center, and it is important to explain that if the cover is misplaced with a 15-inch matrix of great power, the sound of the sound nevertheless became the reason for the departure from the fret of these hinges.

Fortunately, nothing happened to the matrix.

How to squirm with a laptop

Install your laptop on a level surface!

UVAGA! Why not work!

Do not install yoga in quiet places, de vin can recognize vibrations (for example, charge it with a cleaning machine).

Do not expose the laptop to low temperatures (below 0C) and high temperatures(More than 50C).

Don't let your laptop get direct sleepy shifts, don't leave your car in the cabin on a gloomy day.

Do not put a laptop, which you work on, directly on your bare body (or your legs are alive). Theoretically, you can take opik.

Do not allow vologia and rare speeches to be consumed on a laptop of any part. Unique potraplyannya saw that ford to the laptop.

Do not wear yoga permanently with a well-packed bag (with a special mention).

Do not pick up and do not trim the laptop by the display;

It is not possible to trim a laptop closer, lower than 15 cm from accessories that generate stronger electromagnetic vibrations (refrigerator, TV).

Do not wipe the lens in the CD-ROM drive yourself - use special discs for cleaning.

Do not turn over the laptop if it is plugged into an outlet (or the cable may be damaged).

Do not use a laptop for a long time on a bed with a pile cover, because it accumulates heat under it.

Avoid hitting a working laptop. Whether it be a blow, not a strong one, it may be a fatal legacy for the laptop matrix.

It is not possible to connect peripheral attachments when the laptop is powered on - you can enter the computer interface (or I will attach it) out of tune.

As a general rule, do not use PC cards that support "PLUG & PLAY", as well as other drives that store on floppy disks.

Incorrect operation with batteries may change the term of service. Go back to the instructions for working with the battery. Before the ear of the robot, give the battery a good workout.

Don't forget to create backup copies software before the cob works, as the distribution kit will be delivered to the hard disk of the computer.

Carefully review all the information that is on the laptop, for viruses.

If a virus is ingested to the computer, your data can be stolen and installed by all programs, and the integrity of the operating system is also broken.

Don't press too hard on the "Reset" button, and don't force yourself when the floppy disks are inserted into the drive - you can cause up to mechanical failure.

If a floppy disk is immediately stuck in a disk drive, go to a technical specialist at a service center, but don’t try to force a floppy disk - you can bring it to physical head damage or another mechanical failure of a floppy drive. About every kind of change for the residents of Zelenograd on a note - the service center of Zelenograd laptop repair.

Do not splash the lid of your laptop - the matrix may break. Remember that MECHANICAL FAILURE IS NOT THE SUBJECT OF WARRANTY REPAIR!

Be careful when blocking access to a computer or a hard drive. Incorrect date and time of setting the password to the system can cause great inaccuracies.

Clarifying a "forgotten" password is not the subject of a warranty service, and it can be done for a fee.

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Secrets and subtle robots on the computer

Anastasia Sergeeva

Do you know how to use a laptop correctly? You don’t want to go to the nearest future to spend money on repairs or purchase new batteries, for the sake of reading the rules for the operation of the laptop, we have given you more about it.

Talk about good ventilation

The first rule of how to use a laptop is not to let it overheat. In case of trivial robots, zavantazhenny "important" іgor and programs internal spare parts of the laptop are warmed up, that's why fans are installed in the case for cooling. Tobto the back of the computer creations in such a rank, to cool down on its own, prote the wrong look at the laptop can cause cioma. For example, the robot behind the laptop on the couch, on the couch, on the knees thinly, negatively spills onto the yoga camp, the shards are distorted, open the ventilation and sprinkle the saw in the middle.

How to have such a vipadka corystuvatisya with a laptop right? In a first step, put yoga on a hard surface, for any purpose. Otherwise, you can come to the store just a podstavka for a laptop, so as not to open the ventilation vents, or to install a special stand, so as to cool the laptop dodatkovo. At the extreme end, you can make up with a small life hack - put attachments on a cardboard stand for eggs.

Don't charge your laptop

Another pleasure for those who want to know how to prolong the life of a laptop and understand how to respect them correctly: do not charge it constantly. When using home laptops, we often find ourselves charging them literally in non-stop mode, not plugging in the charger from the socket, but also making it easier to keep an eye on the laptop. The battery of the laptop is starting to use up a charge capacity and, after a rec-two after operation, it may not be more than 15 hours of autonomous work.

How can you use a laptop to charge it, as you basically work on a new home? Superchki z togo drive continue dosі, but mi proponuєmo viynyat laptop battery and save yogo okremo, pіdtrimuyuchi charge by 80%. If you need to improve on the computer autonomously, then you put the battery back and you will be at the next charge. And you can use your laptop with a laptop, just charging it with yoga.

Buy bezperebіynik

From the previous rule of operation, the following is required - the purchase of a block of uninterrupted life (DBZH). Obviously, if you don’t have power outages in your area, then you can risk working without a new one, if you want a sudden surge of voltage from various reasons, there’s no insurance. But if you still need to pay, then you can spend the money hard drive, and the laptop itself can become unacceptable, so, if you don’t pay for two, rather talk about DBZH.

Save display

The most striking detail of the laptop is the display, so it’s not just a matter of time to rub it with your hands, but it’s not a trace to wipe it, anizh. Navit do not think to wipe the screen with alcohol! Radimoly koristuvatisya either with special servettes for displays, which have no pile, or with soft ganchirochka, soaked in roses, drive that otstu (1:1). The water must be distilled, so that the separation of that siege is not lost.

Koristyte bag

To make it possible for you to wear attachments for training, work and work, where necessary mobile access to the computer, you will need a laptop bag. Nasampered vona zdatna zdatna zahistiti vmist vіd saw, brud and mechanical poshkodzheni vnaslіdok shtovhanini, for example - especially relevant for repacking buses and subway cars. Also, the bag needs to be shriveled up, so that the laptop should not be overcooled in the cold.

Before speech, don’t wart with a laptop as soon as you came to your destination in the cold. Check if you want forty minutes, so that the attachment will adapt to the new temperature, otherwise unsafe condensation will appear on the new one, and the laptop itself can go out of tune.

Cleaning periodically

So, anyway, the laptop all the same gets stuck in the middle, so that the fans will drag it out for a new one for an hour of work and right at once from the windows. If the saw accumulates too much, it begins to seriously overheat, which can lead to breakage and waste. To that it is necessary approximately once in a second or two service center, why do you clean the "fillings" of your electronic handbrake in the saw and, if necessary, replace the thermal paste.

You can also clean your laptop at home, so you can go to the other one with your mind - the example of the testimony of this video:

Take your own, tell your friends!

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