How to open the context menu on your computer. Context not menu

Context menu - Philosophy section, Department of Informatics Information systems Context not Menu - Tse Menu, Yake Revenge Group of Commands, Without Middle...

To click on the context menu, you first need to fix the mouse pointer on the selected object, and then click on the new one right button. The appearance of the context menu may be different for different elements. The little one has 3 views of the context menu for the desktop.

Small 3. Work table with context menu.

The context menu for the desktop contains available options:

- “Arrange icons” - arranges your arranged icons (labels) in alphabetical order by name, by type, by size, by date and automatically;

- “I know” - symbols in a straight line;

- “Create” - allows you to create new folder(Catalog) or a label on the work table;

- “Vlastivosti”. Serve to set and change the settings of the desktop, screen and display parameters.

If in the menu below the name of the command (options) there is an arrow in the shape of a tricut, this means that if you set the mouse indicator to this option, a drop-down menu will appear where you can select commands that are connected There are options.

In order to create a folder on the desktop, you need to place the mouse indicator on the top of the table, turn on the context menu by clicking the right button, move the indicator to the “Create” option and select from the drop-down menu to fix on the desired item. After this, an image of the folder will appear on the surface of the desktop, in the field shown in a different color, then label the folder name.

Creating a shortcut is carried out in the same way as creating a folder, but after selecting the “Shortcut” command, a dialog box will appear on the screen, requiring you to enter the next route to the launching program file, which will be activated when you click on the created shortcut face

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All topics in this section:

Functions Microsoft Excel call the combination of several computational operations for the ultimate task. Functions in Microsoft Excel are formulas, which are

Copying and moving data
For moving and copying, a buffer for intermediate storage of information (Clipboard) is used instead of tabs, which allows you to move data between tabs

Microsoft Excel 2000 has a 12-hour clipboard, which allows you to copy table fragments not only within Excel, but also in other add-ons, for example, Microsoft Word. dl

Search for data
To find out the text sequence or number, you must: ¯ in the Edit menu, select Find; ¯ in the What field of the dialog box Find out what you need

format masks
Number format masks allow you to display values ​​in numbers. The significance of masks is not yet clear. The main one is that numbers are displayed in the format in which they were entered.

Virus instead of commercials
Instead of the middle, they can be aligned along the left edge, along the right edge or in the center. On the new working computer, the format is Primary, in which date, date and hour are aligned to the right

font setting
To install a font you need to: ¯ see the group of middles; ¯ in the Format menu, select the Cells command; ¯ vibrati styling Font;

Changing the sizes of rows and stacks
The middle is woven to the standard width and height. The row height is determined by the size of the font. To change the row height or width of the sleeper, you can move it between the headers as necessary

design table
Tables in Microsoft Excel can be framed and filled with different colors. For framing you need to: ¯ see the middles that need to be framed; ¯ in the Form menu

Grouping table elements
Microsoft Excel allows you to group elements in compiled table in order to create one element. For example, in order to group months into quarters for practical purposes or for

fixing the window sill
Sometimes it is necessary to fix one part of the table. For example, fix the table title so that it will always be present on the screen. For fixing only vertical or only horizontal

Assigning a name to a line, interval or formula
When expanded to the middle, the range or formula replaces the addresses of the cells, you can change the names attached to them. To add a name to a formula: ¯ In the Insert menu, select Name

creation of notes
Microsoft Excel allows you to add text notes to the middle. This is especially cool in one of the upcoming episodes: ¯ the working arch is vikoristed completely by dekilkom koristuvachami

Sorting tributes
Sorting allows you to arrange the elements of a row in a table by any field. For example, to organize the tributes at the price of the money. To sort the data, see one column of the table and click on it

form tributes
When performing database-specific operations, such as searching, sorting, and adding bags, Microsoft Excel automatically treats the table as a database. When looking at each other, changing

Setting a range of criteria
There are two types of criteria. ¯ Calculation criteria - these are the criteria that are the result of the calculation formula. For example, criteria interval = F7> AVERAGE ($F$7:$F$

The AutoFilter command inserts the buttons of the added voices (the buttons with the arrow) directly in the row next to the names of the columns. From here, you can select database records that will be displayed on

Extension filter
The Extend Filter command allows you to filter data using a specific range of criteria to display only records that meet your criteria. When filtering again, there will be a request

Lecture 18, 19.
Working with presentations in MS PowerPoint: hidden news; On-screen interface, launch and setup. Creation of a new presentation and operation of the structure; presentation design; show pre

Tipi tributes. Microsoft Access databases work with available data types.
· Text - type of data, wikis for saving original unformatted text of a limited size; · Memo field - a special type of data for saving large obligations to the text (up to 6

Problems of the relational approach
It can be argued that the data structure can be turned into a simple double table. This is the most important thing both for the operator and for the machine, and is most important

We have already said that the process of transforming a hierarchical or border structure of data into a relational one is called normalization. This operation is quite simple, but some nuances should be ignored

Reliability of information
The fragments of the first filled table and their introduction into the machine are driven by a person, the exceptions in the data are not exceptions, but the rule, and whether the system is responsible for diagnosing and correcting the errors.

Fundamentals of rozrobki base data
First of all, before you start working with the database, you first need to select a data representation model. Vaughn is guilty of confirming let's step on the vimogs: · Initiality of information

table structure
The structure of a table (also called a designated table) is specified when the table is created. The table structure must be designed and created before any data is entered into the table. won

Create table
Since tables are the objects that will store most of the program data, it is necessary to approach the design of the table carefully. The correct breakdown of the table includes a lot of asp

Select for a table field of this type
The type of this table field can be selected from the list, which is revealed in the Data Type section. When choosing the type of data to be displayed in the field, you must select the following steps: 1.

Authority Field size
The Field Size power determines the maximum size of data that can be stored in fields with data types of Text, Numeric or Personal. Type of power Data type

Healer field and replication
The replication code is generated during database replication to create unique identifiers to ensure replica synchronization. When replicating a database, it is necessary to specify the type size

Authority Field Format
The Power Format field allows you to specify formats for displaying text, numbers, dates, and the hour on your screen or other device. For example, for the Price field it is reasonable to specify in the authorities Format p

Power Field format for numeric and penny fields
The Power Format field allows you to specify a variety of customized and special numeric formats for numeric and penny data types. The following table will contain the following symbols:

Authority Field format for text and MEMO fields
Power Field Format allows you to create special formats for text and MEMO fields for additional help special characters. For whom the following symbols are used:

Field format and data entry mask
In Microsoft Access, similar results can be obtained by changing two power fields: power field format power field Input mask. Property Format field.

simple key
If a field contains unique values, such as codes and inventory numbers, then this field can be designated as a key field. If the selected field contains repeated or empty values, then it will not

Indexes - database objects that will be protected quick access up to several rows in the table. The index is created by increasing the productivity of the query operation and sorting table data

created by index
You can create indexes, like keys, one or several fields at a time. Warehouse indexes allow grouping records when selecting data, in which the first fields can have new values. index

The Unigue method ignores the value entered in the field that is repeated. This type of demarcation can be installed either for one field or for several fields of a folded key. on

A mysterious picture of boundaries and support for the integrity of data
Obmenenya - the deed is interfering with the mind. A database has a basic understanding that covers a wide range of aspects of database management: keys, values, data types and formats, etc.

Indexing in the database
An interchange in a database is a declarative rule that interconnects values ​​that can be entered into a table or a set of columns in a table. Exchange of databases and declarations

Not Null
The Not Null entry blocks the entry of empty values ​​into the full table. It will soon become stagnant until the end. Obzhenya Not Null vikoristovuyutsya, to guarantee that everything is for important data

The Unique exchange blocks your entries into the column or the collection of duplicate values. The Unique exchange can be activated for a single column or for a combination of columns. Near the villages

Maintaining data integrity
When maintaining as much continuity as possible between the head and sub tables, the following rules are often used: ° an ordered row cannot be inserted until the main head is in

Cascade updates and cascade updates
For links for which the integrity of the data is important, the user can specify and then automatically concatenate for the linked records of the cascade update operation and cascade update

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Current software features.
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The context menu is a menu where you can place commands that apply to the object you are using Danish moment indicates the cursor. This menu is often called the right-click menu - after what was historically created by right-clicking in Windows.

Context menu for notifications in Apple Mail (left-handed) and Windows Mail (right-handed).

Do you want to use the context menu?

. I really don’t want to use them for online stores, such as Lands End or Amazon. I also don’t want to use context menus for other sites that don’t require complex interactions: banking sites, dating sites, Facebook.

I appreciate that context menus are most effective in serious corporate applications, What kind of koristuvach vikoristovuyu often and in what kind of good understands. In such add-ons, the context menu is super-colored. Why?

In front of us, context menus help you save money. If the user of confusion often uses repetitive actions, then using the context menu helps to save unnecessary waste - instead of selecting objects, and then “moving the cursor” to the toolbar in order to select any action , koristuvach can do everything right on the place.

In a different way, context menus help users learn more about objects in addition. By opening the context menu, you can see what commands are available for that object. This helps participants understand what they are interacting with at the moment and what the supplement allows them to do with an object of this type.

However, in such supplements you can note that a lot of koristuvachiv vzagali do not koristuyutsya context menu. Here, there is the same group of hackers, who also do not use hotkeys. Therefore, you should come to terms with the fact that not all of your clients will use context menus and create their product based on these steps (about this).

Now, since you firmly believed that you can’t do without a context menu, then let’s think about how we can create it correctly.

How do I click on the context menu?

Traditionally, in Windows applications, the context menu is clicked by hovering the cursor over an object and clicking on it with the right mouse button. On MacOS systems, you can also press the right mouse button, or you can click on the object with the left button while pressing the Control button. Call this activity simply called “ right click».

Right-clicking at any point on the object causes clicking on the context menu. If there is an icon with a signature, then right-click on both the icon and the signature to click on the same context menu. Since the object is a row in the table, then the same menu must open regardless of where in that row the button clicks. No, can you feel it? no Do not show different context menus in the sequence when you click in any order.

A little respect: Most devices with touch screens (such as the iPad), for example, do not have a cursor that can be pointed at an object. In such a situation you can name three possible ways indicate on the object:

  • Show the context menu immediately after clicking on an object (this may not work)
  • Show the context menu after tapping with a finger or tapping for a fraction of a second (in this situation, the problem of non-obviousness is always to blame, but rather than the first option)
  • Adding a control that clicks on the context menu (possibly this will lead to a serious problem - this is discussed below).

Context menu for a graphic file in MacOS X (left-handed) and Windows Vista (right-handed).

Adding an element for the Wiklik context menu

Some web applications have an interface element that, when clicked, opens a context menu. This is called the “menu icon” - this is an icon that displays a down arrow, which is located directly next to the name (or image) of the object.

With this control enabled, users can press the left or right mouse button to open the context menu ( Never use mouse hover as a way to open the menu). The best thing you can do in this type is not to show the menu only to the person who pressed the control button not with the right button of the bear, but with the left one.

Menu control, which shows what menu is available in this section.

If you want to use menu control, you should do it in such a way that pressure on something is different from pressure on the object itself. In the current application, if the user clicks on the Ahmed Hassain row, then he simply sees the entire Ahmed Hassain row, but if he clicks on the end of the menu for that row, he selects the context menu (and the row is not visible).
In addition, users can also simply right-click anywhere in the row to open the context menu - without having to click on the icon.

Chi varto vikorystuvati control menu? This is clearly one of the great problems with context menus: many people don't know that context menus are available. In web add-ons, developers often assume that there is no context menu (which is also missing in desktop add-ons).

Menu control also helps to show the context menu and also supports the user interface.. On the other hand, there are also operators who always transfer the menu to it, and they themselves will be tempted to open it. If you are working as a supplement for a whole group of business owners, then you are not obligated to work on specific controls for click menus.

The big problem with the menu icon is that it often repeats itself on the screen and is noticeable. This problem can be solved by showing the icon only when the mouse cursor is hovering over the object.

Controls the menu that appears when the mouse is hovered over the mouse.

Another problem with menu control is that it is difficult to attach to certain objects. Take, for example, the context menu for a toolbar: the toolbar itself is a great element of the interface, and it’s not entirely clear where to put the menu control in it, so it would be clear that there’s a menu here. Therefore, menu controls are far from straightforward.

What should be done in the context menu?

The context menu must contain commands that go to the visible element. This means that you can place commands in the menu and toolbar rows that can be limited to the visible element.

The context menu does not have to contain ALL commands available for the object- to make the menu grand and important for the victorian. Focus on the most frequently fought and most important teams. Rearranging the menu with unnecessary commands is the best you can do with it. Focus on the important, clean up the mess.

Axle, for example, three context menus for the visible text fragment: in Dreamweaver, Microsoft Word and Apple Pages. The Dreamweaver menu is designed to resemble a Swiss jackknife and presents all possible commands in one context menu. Through this it comes out so great, with a bunch of embedded lists, that it becomes important for them to get involved. What I especially like is the Wi-Fi and context menu in Dreamweaver.

In this case, the most frequently used functions (for example, “Copy” or “Paste”) are expanded closer to the end of the list. In Word and Pages, however, frequently used commands are listed at the top of the list, and commands that move nested lists are listed at the bottom. The stench was also chosen for the menu only by yourself important functions, I organized them better.

If you want to make your context menu more precise, add only 60% of the most important commands instead of 100%. If you try to fit all the important commands into one menu, you won’t achieve anything good - the size of the menu will increase, and the ease of use and speed of work with it will eventually decrease.
Remember: the main reason why the context menu started to be used is to save the time of the cheater.

Context menus in Dreamweaver, Microsoft Word and Apple Pages

The context menu must not contain commands that do not apply to the visible object(Such, for example, as “Refresh the page”). Concentrate on those commands that would be useful for working with this object, which you should direct your attention to.

If possible, group the teams into blocks of 1 to 6 pieces per skin. Reinforce the blocks with lines. The most frequently abused commands are moved to the top of the list, the least frequently abused commands are moved to the bottom. If the command is used very rarely, it may not have a place in the context menu.

Don't hesitate to vikorize the lists, Proceed with commands with nested lists and bring them to the bottom of the context menu. I don’t like nesting lists, because through them the user can earn money, and besides, a lot of time is spent on them - while the sense of context menus is reduced to saving time.

How can you vikorize non-standard menu items?.
For example, at the same time as the context menu in Microsoft Word 2007, a floating palette opens, and in the context menu for a file in Mac OS there are special color buttons for selecting the color of the label. Just because we say “menu” does not mean that it must be surrounded only by text.

The context menu can be more than just a list of commands

The context menu cannot accommodate unique commands that are only valid for new. In other words, any context menu command must be available in other ways: on the toolbar, menu row, or in any other place on the screen. Remember that most of the users have never opened the context menu of your application. And this means that the stench does not bother the team, as the presence of only one is there.

Let me place the “command for cleaning” first in the context menu. This is the command that is used when clicking on an object (for example, the Open command in the context menu of a file). If there are no teams to fight in the object, concentrate on the most victorious teams.

You can use the object name in the context menu to use commands more intelligently. For example, instead of naming the command “Unclick”, you can use the phrase “Unclick Screenshot.png”. When choosing this method, it can be difficult to find the middle ground - you need to create a menu that is self-evident, but not rich in explanations. Menus in Mac OS include the name of the object in some commands, but not in others.

I do not select icons in my context menus. To be honest, I didn’t put any vikorista in my appendices - in my opinion they will notice the interface and do not carry any special korista ( note of translators - o_o). However, this is just my thought, and you decide for yourself.
The context menus of many add-ons do not have hotkeys or commands. I think this was broken up to make the menu easier to set up. Here you just see it.

How many objects have you seen?

Do you want the context menu to be clicked for one visible object, or what if the user selects a few objects and then opens the context menu? Let's take a look at a bunch of butts.

Apparently we have six objects: four folders (A, B, C, D) and two graphic files (E and F).

Folders and files in Windows

butt 1

The user selects folders A, B, C, and then clicks the context menu, placing the mouse on folder D (important: folder D was not selected at first). This is the case for objects A, B, and C It is necessary to select the video and open the context menu only on the video D.

butt 2

If the user sees A, B, and C, and then clicks on the context menu with the mouse pointing to C, then we must immediately recognize that A, B, and C are objects of the same type. Otherwise, it seems, in all these objects however no menu? If so, then everything is simple: Make sure that all commands in this menu are consolidated for all visible objects.

If, for example, there is a “Unlock” command, then you must open all three objects. If there is a command that cannot be limited to more than one object, then you need to make the command inactive without taking it away from the menu.

Earlier, I talked about the fact that we can write “Unclick Screenshot.png” instead of “Unclick” in order to help others understand how stuck the team is. In the same way, in our box we can write “Open 3 objects” - this will help you understand that the action will be completed for all objects seen. In our video, the context menu can be viewed as follows:

  • Open 3 objects
  • Vidality 3 objects
  • Copy 3 items
Apple champions a similar approach in Mac OS X, but it does not champion this approach everywhere. I can’t understand why the context menu says “Squeeze 3 files”, but doesn’t say “Squeeze 3 files”. Marvelous.

butt 3

Now let's take a look at what happens when a user selects a number of different objects, such as folders A, B and graphic file E. As you understand, the context menus for folders and graphic files are completely different.
This is what is called a mixed vision. In the application below you can access the context menu for the folder (left-handed) and for the image (right-handed) - they are very different.

context not Windows menu for folders (left) and graphic files (right-handed)

What should we do in a time of confusion like the context menu of vikorystuvat? The most advanced option is to show a context menu for the object on which the mouse cursor is hovering.

Vikorist the context menu of the object that the mouse cursor is hovering over

For example, the user selects A, B, and E from mixed views and clicks the context menu on E. The context menu is the same as you open the context menu for E (you will also later open the context menu for the object where your mouse cursor is positioned).

Livoruch: Folder A is visible, and the context menu for the folder is displayed.
In the center: Image E is visible, the context menu for graphic file E is displayed.
on right: Select two folders (A and B) and graphic file E, and the context menu for file E will be displayed.

Context menu in a mixed picture

However, if you choose from the context menu for files different type command, so that you can follow up on all the objects you see, so that you can complete the task. Thus, if the “Visit” command is selected, all images of the object will be deleted, such as objects of a different type.

On the other hand, if you choose the menu for E and select the command, if you can’t get to A and B, then only up to E will get stuck. If you choose the “Export” command, you can get to just E, only E will be exported.

The two little ones below show the same views: A, B and E. The evil little one has a closed context menu on B, and there is a similar menu for folders. On a small right-hander we see the same objects, but the menu is open to E, and there is also a menu for the image file.

You will be greeted - this approach is used in most important additions that you regularly use. Think about this: if you select the “View” command, you will see that all three objects will appear.
This is one of these speeches that may sound awkward, but will not work for the prostitutes.

The problem with this approach is that it is not always necessary to transfer. By selecting “Export” you do not know exactly which objects will be exported. You can appreciate the operating principles of such an approach only in these additions, as you already know well.
In order to cope with such ambiguity, I can once again repeat the correct names of the commands, for example:

  • Vidality 3 file
  • export Screenshot.png
I think I’ll make a big splash and forgive the situation.

This approach has one difficulty in implementation - you need to go through all the commands in all the context menus and think about which commands can be included in mixed views, and which ones cannot. The more similar context menus you have for different objects, the easier it will be for you. Mac OS X has completely different context menus for folders and files, which has made life much easier for Apple.

Mixed views and context menus in OS X

This butt shows what shortest method solve the problem rather than simply disappear and appear. In other words, if you try not to use different context menus for different objects, then the problem associated with the mixed views will not endanger you.
Therefore, one solution was to make the context menu work the same for all types of objects.

What can I do to throw away the video?

If the user sees a number of objects (for example, A, B and E), and then clicks the context menu on any of the objects, the view is discarded. The object on which you click the menu is displayed, and the menu is set only for that object.

I especially don’t like this approach, as sometimes there are problems when a person has spent a lot of time trying to create a good vision. Disappointment in dropping the video in such a situation will not be accepted. I think whose approach is unique.

How can you create a new menu?

To solve the problem further, you may want to create a new context menu to include only commands that are valid for all viewing objects at the same time.

I can say this - not varto. This is bad for a number of reasons. There are a lot of problems in design and programming - every time you add a new command to a menu, you have to go through all the possible menu combinations. This is not fun, tell me.

And what is the greatest - such a path of filth for the koristuvachs themselves. This is a non-standard solution and it is popular with people. The system in the menu is based on positional memory (pattern songs that our brain forms to make it easier to scan the interface), so that it remembers DE There are commands in the menu.

If you show him unimportant menus that change while streaming, you introduce confusion into his positional memory, causing the user to spend more than an hour working on the menu.
Thus, through this approach, users can earn more rewards and spend more hours - which is exactly why we have used the vikory context menu.


Now let's sum up the bags:
Context menus are not suitable for all add-ons. First of all, remove them from the bottom, so that the rusty ones will stagnate them, and whatever else they need.

If you are not asked to do so, conduct a number of usability tests and check what users would like to open. If testers complete repeated routine tasks and use them without ever opening the context menu, this is not necessary.

Context menu meta - saving time. Create them in such a way that they effectively save an hour. Keep them short and well organized.
Think carefully about the design of the context menu.

I came up with a bunch of ideas: adding a menu control that appears when the mouse is hovered over an object; Insert in the menu which objects the same command will touch. I’m amazed, there are so many possibilities for development. Do not hesitate to take this “standard” formula as a basis and thoroughly analyze it.

For these articles, you will learn how to add an item in the context menu of files to open them in required programs. Using a text editor, I will show you how to edit files with primary and secondary rights. You can use this method to open files from the context menu in any program.

To write the material I was inspired by the discussed problem that people who use UAC struggle with when trying to edit a file, installing it in system dad. I will tell you that I have solved this problem for myself.

However, opening files with full rights will be dedicated to another part of the article. And today we talk about the menu item for opening files with primary rights. Which is sufficient in most cases, and when cloud recording control is turned on - forever.

Meta - fast robot

By adding the ability to open files in your favorite program from the context menu, you will speed up your work in the system. You don't need to open the "Click for Help" dialog box because, obviously, you need to open the file with full rights.

Notepad, which is included in the Windows 7 warehouse, integrations in the context menu. For many types of files, the “Change” option is displayed, and you can quickly open the file in Notepad.

However, this point does not apply to all file types, including files without extensions. You can increase the speed of your work in the system by adding an option to open in the context menu whatever files in notepad.

I’m not surprised that instead of notepad you use a third-party editor with more extensive capabilities. Most text editors can be integrated into the context menu. For example, Notepad ++ does not work on its own, but with the help of plugins.

However, when UAC is enabled, this method is not suitable for editing files in the Program Files or Windows system folders (the classic example is a file hosts). Once the file opens, you will not be able to save changes.

This means that from the context menu the editor is launched with primary rights, inheriting the rights of the explorer. And to save files in system folders, you need administrator rights.

In addition, not all programs can be integrated into the context menu, and later we will deal with some of these shortcomings. If you have read my other articles, you will know a lot.

Adding an item to the context menu for all file types

Adding launch programs with basic rights in the context menu is very simple, and I will show you in the notepad application.

Manually editing the registry

The menu item is available for three kroki.

  1. Go to the registry section HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ * \ shell

    The menu item for which this section was created will appear in any file for all users.

  2. Create a structure with any names, for example, Editor, And create in something new ryadkovi parameters:
  • parameter MUIVerb(Obov'yazkovy) is responsible for the name of the menu item, so you can choose any value. I named mine Open in Notepad.
  • parameter Icon(Non-language) sets the icon for the menu item. You can set the path to the library (dll) and the number of the resource (icon), or the other path to condensed file(If you are from the system dad, please indicate only the names). For my item I set a standard icon notepad.exe.
  • parameter Position(Unnecessarily viscous) indicates the expansion of the item in the context menu. You can give you the meaning Top(First menu item) or Bottom(Bottom of the menu). If you do not set a value, the item will appear at the top of the menu, after the standard items “Unlock”, “Druk”, etc.
  • parameter Extended(Unnecessary) indicates that the item is displayed in the menu. If the parameter is present, in order to access the creation of the item, you need to click on the context menu using the right key SHIFT. This parameter does not require any values.
  • In separate Editor create a subtitle command, And in the next two days click on the parameter (For the rest) and set the value notepad.exe to %1

    If you register a third-party editor, enter the new route to the new one. for example:

    C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++. Exe%1

  • The registry looks something like this:

    REG file

    You can import the following REG file, making any necessary changes first.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "MUIVerb" = "Open in Notepad" "Icon" = "notepad.exe"; "Position" = "Bottom"; "Extended" = ""; Notepad@="notepad.exe%1"; Notepad++; @="C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\notepad++.Exe%1"

    To return the respect that in the way up to the addition vikoristovuyutsya podviynі Slash.


    All is ready! The item appears in the context menu Open in Notepad, And the number is displayed for all files.

    The trick to the added item in the file context menu is, of course, not new. With some variations, this works in Windows XP, where the menu item is named under the name of the registry key, and the icons are not supported.

    Unusual section of the registry

    Do you know that we made changes to the unknown section of the registry? The HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (HKCR) section is important because it is not physically active on a daily basis. Under this view in the registry editor the following sections are displayed:


    HKLM saves global parameters for all customers, and HKCU saves the parameters of an in-line customer, in which HKCU takes precedence over HKLM. Therefore, different users can assign different programs to the same file type. This makes it possible for everyone to listen to music in their favorite program and access it on the Internet in their favorite browser.

    If you want to create a menu item just for your regional registration, Make changes to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes section.

    Windows retailers position the HKCR section for reading and the section for writing. This does not mean that it is wrong to write data there. When you make changes to the HKCR section, they are written to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes. It's easy to check - delete creations sections Editor from HKLM, and from HKCR.

    In a couple of days I will show you how in different ways Create a similar item in the context menu to open the file in a program with administrator rights. I will also look at the power of instantaneously opening several files in programs so that you can create tabs for their display.

    And you text editor integrations in the context menu? Which editor do you prefer and why?