How to find out the system rating for Windows 10

The Windows 10 Productivity Index is an OS system service that allows you to determine the level of efficiency of a PC or laptop. Varto respect that the zagale ball is not a matter of representing the zagale number of balls.

The terminal index is the number of the most productive component in the operating system. In Windows 10, the maximum value that can boost productivity is 9.9.

Typically, the most productive component of a system is a hard drive or solid-state drive (SSD).

In the tenth version operating system, as in the forefront versions of Windows, there is no component with a graphical interface that can help measure the computer's productivity index.

You can look at this display for more help third party add-ons or else, vikorists and command row.

Watch the index value behind the command row

The first and easiest way to check your productivity level is to enter the Command Prompt command. Special team allows you to start the Primus system service PC efficiency ratings

After completing the campaign, you can look at the report about the Wikon reconciliation right in the command row window.

Follow the instructions to complete your productivity rating:

  • Run the command line utility as the system administrator. To do this, right-click on the “Start” icon and select “Run command row (administrator)”, as shown in the illustration below;
  • At the console window that opens, enter the following command: winsat formal –restart clean;
  • To exit the entered command, press the Enter button;
  • Next, you will run the service command and away from it. Wait a few seconds until all analyzed parameters and their effectiveness values ​​appear in the command row window.

Remember! The assessment can be a little complicated. Do not close the command row during the hour of the military operation. Also, to obtain the most truthful results, do not launch every program (browsers, players, games) during the analysis.

You can view the results of the verification not only in the command row window, but also in the file saved on disk.

This is my locality: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore. The file itself is called Formal.Assessment (Recent). WinSAT.xml. It can be opened in two ways: using a browser or a basic notepad. Find and open the file.

Then press the Ctrl + F keys to search for text instead of the file.

In a row, enter the following parameters:

  • SystemScore - the value of the field and the index of productivity in the operating room Windows system in values ​​beyond the minimum values;
  • DiskScore – the value of the field with the index of the installed work solid state accumulator or else hard drive;
  • MemoryScore - productivity of the computer's RAM;
  • GamingScore – review of the computer productivity value in games;
  • CpuScore – productivity index central processor;
  • GraphicsScore – this value field is an index of the productivity of the interface, which allows you to create videos.

External view of the file with data on OS performance analysis

An interface for productivity assessment has been released. Therefore, it is no longer possible to run or evaluate productivity the way it worked in Windows 7.

However, you can still earn money using the additional “Team Row” and then see results in Windows folders. With which materials we know how to work.

How to run Productivity Score on Windows 10

In order to start productivity assessment in Windows 10, you first need. The easiest way to do this is by right-clicking the bear on the Start button and selecting “ Team row(Administrator)."

After the “Command Row” opens, enter the command winsat formal –restart clean(or just copy it, in Windows 10 you don’t have to enter commands manually).

After entering this command, an assessment of the computer's productivity will appear. You can take a few minutes, and at this time your computer will be a little warmer. After the final command is completed and information about the final hour of the war is displayed, the command row can be closed.

How to admire the productivity score of Windows 10

After running the above command, you can see the productivity score that Windows 10 brings to your computer.

For whom open the folder C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore And find a file there called “ exact date + Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml».

Next you need to open Denmark file For further help, please use any browser. To do this, you can simply drag the file from the browser window or select the “Seek Help” menu. In the middle of the file you can find a lot of text. Here you need to know the block of information called “ WinSPR»

At the place " WinSPR“There will be test results, as we were launched through the command row. The following parameters are available here:

  • SystemScore- Final assessment Windows productivity 10 (or the minimum productivity value).
  • MemoryScore- productivity;
  • CpuScore- processor productivity;
  • GraphicsScore- productivity of your graphics;
  • GamingScore- productivity of your graphics in games4
  • DiskScore- disk productivity;

Productivity assessment software for Windows 10

If the described method of assessing productivity seems too complicated to you, then you can use third-party programs, which will make the whole process easier. For example, you can use Vikory cost-free program Winaero WEI tool. Qia program looks like a tool for assessing productivity in older versions of Windows.

This program extracts data from a file Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml it displays them at a manual glance. If necessary, you can run a productivity assessment directly from the program. For this you need to press the button “ Re-run».

More information about Winaero WEI tool can be found on the retailer's website: ta.

U Windows interface 10th daily tool “System Productivity”, which is featured in “Simce”. However, the function itself of subtracting this parameter is not available from the operating system. Moreover, in remaining version The OS of the maximum display figure has been increased from 7.9 to 9.9.

Productivity assessment

Regardless of the importance of the Health and Productivity section, in Windows 10 you can check this display manually or using third-party programs.

For additional help from the team row

Launch the command line under the administrator account. After this enter the command: winsat formal –restart clean

Tsikavo! Team " winsat formal –restart clean» erases the history of revisions, after which the revision is re-configured. Team " winsat formal» does not show the previous data.

The assessment process will be arranged in a trivatima kilka hvilin. Once you are finished, close the window and go to the address:

Disk with installed OS -> Windows -> Performance -> WinSAT -> DataStore

Open the Formal.Assessment (Recent) file. WinSAT.xml. On the cob, name the file and indicate the date of creation. The document contains data on system productivity:

  • SystemScore is an indicator of the productivity index, which indicates the minimum figure identified during diagnosis;
  • MemoryScore – indicators RAM;
  • CpuScore – indicators of the central processor;
  • GraphicScore – display of the robot interface, video creation;
  • GamingScore - indicators of productivity in games;
  • DiskScore is an indicator of information exchange with a hard drive or solid-state storage device.


A short instruction on how to do everything correctly is presented in the video.

The productivity index is also indicated in the “Game” window. To look at it, enter “Viconati” in the utility shell:games After this, the “Play” window will open. This parameter is specified right-handed.

Important! If you are checking a mobile gadget (tablet or laptop), connect it to charging station Otherwise, the diagnostics will not start.

For additional help with WSAT programs

You can check your productivity indicators for help third party programs, such as WSAT. This utility runs a verification of the device and displays the results in the primary form for the user. The program does not need to be installed or configured, all you need to do is run it vikonuvany file. WSAT supports the Russian interface.


The video shows how to use the WSAT utility.

Increased productivity

Increase the productivity of your device keruvannyam Windows 10 It is possible in several ways: changing the adjustment of the system and/or changing the “climb”.

The main reason for the increased operation of the device is the old and non-original drivers. To marvel, go to:

Device Manager -> Select Ownership -> Power -> Driver

If the customer is Microsoft, go to the official website of the hardware distributor and download the driver collection from there.

Visible programs in the Start menu

The Start menu after upgrading to Windows 10 has a lot of “live” accessory tiles. They will help you to arrange resources, so you can take them away whenever you need them:

Click right button click (RMB) for the add-on -> attach to the front screen

Right-click on the Start menu -> System -> Additional parameters systems -> tab "Dodatkovo" -> block "Shvidkodiya" -> Parameters

In the window, select one of the items. For maximum productivity, set the marker to the "Ensure the best possible speed" value.

Windows notifications and hints

Center Notification Windows 10 vikorist significant resources will be added. This efficient operation takes a toll on the battery, leaving the system to check all programs. Go to:

Start -> Settings -> System -> Messages -> turn on messages you don't need

The Windows 10 prompts menu is configured in the same way:

Start -> Settings -> System -> View for the sake of working in Windows -> turn on

In Windows 10, the interface of windows and folders is reduced to a small one, which is like a desktop, which contains resources for the device.

Start –> Settings –> Personalization –> Colors –> Select color –> Automatic selection of head color and background –> turn on

Virus removal, free software, updated release

Cleaning the device from viruses increases productivity, as well as improving the “zap” installed on the device.


You can find out the productivity index of Windows 10 either independently or with the help of third-party programs. In another case, it’s more difficult to be afraid. After this, you can increase system productivity by changing parameters such as visual effects, display of prompts, dynamic adaptation of colors, installation of new drivers, which is briefly discussed in the video.

Many of us remember the feature built into Windows 7 for rating the productivity of hardware components, with which it was possible to obtain accurate and reliable information about the weariness of other parts. system unit. This tool is incredibly flexible, allowing you to determine the speed code of a number of components, and remove the high average value, while maintaining a minimum display from all stock parts of the PC. The next hour you can’t stand still, and most of the functions have disappeared, but a dozen have never reappeared. It has irrevocably disappeared and now we cannot run a rating assessment of the efficiency of discrete nodes on our PC? Of course, the mechanism itself has been lost, having changed the way it is called, and today we will talk about such a tool as Windows 10 productivity rating Here's how to run it and how to use it to extract information about other parts of the system unit.

What is the need for productivity assessment in Windows 10 and what comes into it?

Perhaps you want to upgrade by replacing the components of your PC with newer, newer and stronger ones. Without being blatant, it is important to know which parts are most productive on your computer, will require replacement first, and which can still serve you in a new configuration after an upgrade. Check out such reports and help evaluate the productivity of Windows 10 - a simple and accessible rating for identifying the speed code of your computer's storage areas. If you are testing a laptop, then it is unlikely that you will be able to replace all the elements, since all the components work in a single soldered unit, and when working with the system unit, the situation is exactly the same, and replacement is completely simple, And it is necessary to take part in the assessment.

How do I start the Windows 10 Productivity Score?

The first method is to launch the evaluation tool - to use the software tool for integration into the OS. To put our idea into effect, you need to run the command line as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the start button and select the “Command row (administrator)” option from the drop-down menu.

Next to the blinking cursor, enter the following values: winsat formal –restart clean and confirm your decision by pressing the Enter key. As a result, formal testing of the PC subsystems (graphics, computing, processor, disk, etc.) will begin.

While the verification is completed, you will have to tick a number of lines, after which the test results will appear on the screen.

These data are equal to those in the productivity rankings in Windows 7 (in fact, instead of synthesizing the resulting values, digital displays were taken, which is not so easy for the uninitiated ). In addition to displaying the captured data on the screen, the displays are still saved in an external XML file. Let's look at it in more detail so that we know what we're dealing with.

We go to the directory “C: Windows Performance WinSAT DataStore” and find the file Formal.Assessment (Recent) in it. WinSAT.xml and open it (important: the file name will be given the exact date and hour at which the test was started). By default, the file will be opened in the browser as a result of a double click on it. If you are unable to launch the file object, try using a standard text editor.

U closed file We need to know the part that starts with the WinSPR sequence. This category itself contains information about the productivity of discrete components of your personal computer It looks like they were used in the already familiar evaluation tool in Win 7. The file is already large, and so as not to search for the parameter we need manually, scrolling through row after row, go to the regular search engine (Ctrl+F).

What meaning is shown here? The Memory Score parameter provides information about the RAM speed, CPUScore - information about the CPU, or the processing unit, GraphicsScore - information about the video card, GamingScore - information about the PC's speed in games, and DiskScore - the speed of the robot. disk storage device. First of all, SystemScore collects all the rejected information into a package, analyzes it and shows the minimum score from all the rejections, which indicates the overall efficiency of the PC based on all aggregated results. A component that is of minimal importance claims the highest priority among all PC stock parts that are eligible for replacement.

Third-party software to improve the efficiency and productivity of your PC

You can use many additional utilities and entire software packages for maintaining your computer's speed code. One of the available and basic tools available for completing tasks is this Winaero WEI Tool. Dani, taken from him with his help, has the same look as the well-known trick in the family, then. We can see the same sign with reasonable visual evidence, which displays the skin speed indicators from the storage units of the PC.

To remove more important things detailed information about the reliability of the discrete components of your PC, please contact the evaluation service included in the package of add-ons SiSoftware Sandr a. With this help, you can test the CPU for the presence of arithmetic instructions that are supported by the hardware architecture (SSE, MMX, VT-x, EM64T, etc.), graphics video processing standards (Cuda, DirectX, etc.), productivity and the efficiency of installed RAM modules , as well as disk subsystem standards (S.M.A.R.T, SATA). This is the supplement It is well appreciated by technical specialists in the IT industry, whose work involves obtaining components from the real physical environment and giving recommendations to their clients about upgrading computer systems.

If you want to try other software tools for assessing sales, try modules such as AIDA64, 3DMark and PCMark. Similar tests are also available in their warehouse. As you can see, productivity assessment in Windows 10 can be made simple and effective if you know how to choose it.

It is critically important for an experienced gamer, or one who simply needs to be aware of the tension of his “workhorse” before his climb, as far as his own technical characteristics relevant on Narazi It turns out that some component of the system unit or laptop case is low-productive for the system, and whose replacement could greatly affect the overall picture. In Windows 7, the function of checking the productivity index has been introduced, which is the numerical equivalent of 1 to 10. By accessing the same form in Windows 10, you can see that this mechanism is valid here.

Has this function been completely removed from the system? Of course, no, and in this article I recognize how to rate the overall productivity of a computer in the “tenths” both for additional investments in the OS and for additional non-resource-intensive and non-viable external utilities .

What is the purpose of assessing computer productivity and is it still needed?

If you are planning an upgrade, or are still considering which components to remove and which to replace, you need to get a clear picture of the productivity of your hardware configuration: which devices are not subject to replacement, and could It will also serve in a shortened configuration, and in a “dancing neck” , and through which operating system it works with lags and delays. Productivity assessment allows us to see this picture. The utility provides the skin discrete node with a digital display, which can eliminate the need to replace a certain element on the entire hardware platform.

How to run productivity assessment on Windows 10?

Stock up on patience and check out a few drinks until the program finishes its work. This program tests the underlying performance of all PC components, and then provides actual digital displays instead of the synthesized ones that were stored in Windows 7. Moreover, the results, in addition to being displayed on the display, are saved in an external XML file. Let's take a look at what's written in New.

Let's go to the catalog C:\Windows\Perfomance\WinSAT\DetaStore And open a new file under the name “Formal.Assesment (Resent). WinSAT.xml” (another important point - they will be filled with the exact date). We open the file with a double click - it can be opened in the browser. If it didn’t work out, please use a text editor.

Find the device that starts the WinSPR series. Here you can find all the collected information about the productivity of computer components. To avoid going through the entire list, quickly search for it (Ctrl+F).

As you know, everything is presented here exactly, as in an integrated Windows components 7:

  • Memory Score provides data on RAM performance
  • CpuScore - information about the computing core (processor)
  • GraphicsScore – information about the graphics adapter
  • GamingScore – speed of PC performance in games
  • DiskScore – efficiency of the disk subsystem.

The first SystemScore item aggregates all collected data and displays the minimum indicator from all of them, which indicates the priority hardware part that is being replaced. If you are testing the components of a laptop, nothing can be replaced from an over-inflated product that is worth everything, then such information may turn out to be useless, for example, when buying a laptop, if nothing can be installed on it, and the information is rejected Mother's need.

Windows 10 Productivity Scorecard

One of the simplest third-party tools for assessing the productivity of your PC hardware configuration is the Winaero WEI tool. Tse no-cost supplement It works seamlessly with Windows 10, does not require installation, and does not contain any useless code (such as a click tracker, links to hacking sites, and keylogging). You can download the presented utility from the official website as instructed. All data shown is complete and informative.

To re-evaluate the computer configuration, click the “Re-run the assessment” button.

If you want to get a more detailed and accurate assessment of speed code, I advise you to quickly software complex SiSoftware Sandra. This includes all mathematical instructions and technologies supported by the processor (MMX, SSE, VT-x, EM64T, etc.), video processing standards (Cuda, PhysX, DirectX, etc.), latency, , one hour passed cycle by RAM modules, as well as standards supported by storage (S.M.A.R.T, version of the SATA interface).

This software complex is sought after by most computer specialists and technical accountants employed in the IT field who want to obtain more reliable information about the capabilities of their hardware.

Please note that such important programs as PCMark, 3DMark, AIDA64 are also available. Raju will also be furious with them.