Failed to start the child service. What work?

Pardon "Don't run away daughter service Abo group "with code 1068 means that the service is turned on for the first time, or it cannot be started for any reason. Blame such a problem when starting the OS, launching programs, performing operations with Windows services.

Ways to correct pardon 1068

To correct the pardon 1068, if you didn’t manage to launch a daughter service for a group, try some methods.

method number 1

  • Press "Win + R" and enter "services.msc".
  • We know that in the list of the service that is included in the pardon. For example, the "Server" service.

  • Under the clapping of the clapping, we are raising the service. If the "Start" button is not active, in the startup type, select "Manually" or "Enable", and then reactivate the service.

  • After the change has been made, the computer must be restarted.

Method number 2. How not to work windows service Audio

more services operating system Windows is connected to the absence of other services. Costs and such a service like Windows Audio. If it doesn't start, check the status of these services:

  • Service "Kharchuvannya" - the status of the launch is "Automatic";

  • Multimedia class planner - launch status "Automatic";

  • Zasіb pobudovi kintsevyh Windows dot Audio - launch status "Automatic";

After changing the status of these services, the Windows Audio varto will set the startup type to "Automatic" and restart the computer.

Method number 3. Pardon 1068 with a lace connection

As a pardon 1068 when starting the services of the vinication when connected to the Internet, wart to reverse the work of the attacking services:

  • Service to the gateway equal to the addendum - the status of the launch is "Manual";

  • PNRP protocol - start status "Manual";

  • Dispatcher for the number of participants - the status of the launch "Manually";

  • Dispatcher Windows connection- launch status "Automatic";
  • Removal of the cycle of RPC procedures - the status of the launch is "Automatic";

  • SSTP service - start status "Manual";

  • WLAN autoconfiguration service - start status "Automatic";

  • Service of notifications about connections between connections - the status of the launch is "Automatic";
  • WWAN autoconfiguration - start status "Manual";
  • Connection manager remote access- the status of the launch is "Manual";
  • Automatic connection manager for remote access - the status of the launch is "Manual";
  • Routing and remote access;
  • Telephony - the status of the launch is "Manual";
  • Plug and Play - the status of the launch is "Manual".

Also, you can start the service "Dispatcher for the participation of merezhevyh participants", but do not change the type of launch.

So varto means that it’s given a pardon vinikaє i merezha do not show up, її decision may come:

  • start command row With the rights of the Administrator, enter the command "Net stop p2pimsvc". Next, put "Y" and emboss "Enter".

  • Next, press "Win + R" and paste the address "C:\windows\serviceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Roaming\PeerNetworking".

  • We see the file "idstore.sst".

Reboot the PC.

When working with an operating system Windows koristuvachi can close with a pardon 1068. It happens after the launch of one of the processes, in the parameters of which there are no autorun prescriptions, and the wine does not start at the start of the OS. Most often when you try to turn on the sound, sound access before the Internet connection, or the created coristuvach on the screen of my attachment, I’ll set up an admonishment: “Pomilka 1068: or a group.” When such a problem is blamed, do not fall into a panic, even if there are ways to overcome it.

First way: start and restart required services

First of all, you need to run the "Services" utility. For whom you need to click right button Click on the "My Computer" icon and select the "Management" menu item. If so, in the left part of the century, know the item "Services and add-ons" and double-click the left mouse button on the item "Services".

Another way: for the help of the Win + R keys, open the Vikonati utility, type services.msc in the field and press Enter.

The right part of the "Services" window contains a list of all service add-ons of the operating system, which can be sorted by name. Here it is necessary to know the “Telephony” service, go to the authorities for help, deem it necessary to recognize its manual launch at the main branch, stop the change and launch it for vikonannya. Then we will carry out similar actions on:

- "Promotion of self-sustaining Plug and Play".

- "SSTP service".

- "Dispatcher of automatic connection to remote access".

After the launch, the next change is in the fact that everyone works only service start. Pardon 1 068 is due to call. If not, then you can speed up in offensive ways.

Another way: checking the rights of system folders

To recheck access to system folders, you need to go to the root of the disk with the installed operating system, know in the new folder Windows and context menu, Vіdkriti її vlastivostі. Vіdkrivshi distributed "Groups and Coristuvachi" tabs "Safety", followed by reconciliation, that all three groups of Vlasniks have full access rights. You can check in the bottom column for rights by choosing one of the groups.

Having worked with any group for daily access, it is necessary to give it, setting the main point in the distribution of changes and setting up new settings. If the system has accepted the changes, after the access is granted, the PC needs to be reconfigured. If pardon 1068 (“do not dare to start a child service”) is still present, it is necessary to try and fix it for help in the third way.

Third way: reverification of Logfiles

You can also pardon 1068 through the service "Collector Podіy Windows". As soon as a robot is logged in, the collected information ceases to be fixed in the Logfiles folder. To check the practicality, you need to run Windows in safe mode. For the system to be loaded in the process, before the logo appears, press the F8 button on the keyboard and select the appropriate item.

After the OS starts up, it is necessary to know the Logfiles folder by C:\Windows\System32, rename it or move it to another place, after which you need to restart the PC in the normal work mode. Pardon 1068 (“do not dare to start a child service”) is not guilty anymore. However, although this method has not been worked out, there is only one.

Fourth way: system renewal

hoch given method don’t wait to help me to get a pardon 1068, you can still try yoga. It is necessary to run the "System Reset" utility, search for "Start" menu, or enter the settings of the system, and select such a reset point, in which case the pardon did not appear. After the system completes the check, the computer will be restarted.

Graduation, if the comp'yuter is visible: “Salting the shiStaysi -vizim: do not go to the daughter of the submarine of the submarine” - for vilestavnna can vicoristovati Firmov Utlіt corporate part of the Microsoft, and the Sludyuychi to her iznststtstets. Well, it’s possible to use the methods of adopting a pardon without grafting to success, to help the cardinal method - reinstalling the operating system.

Computers and operating systems are up to scratches and pardons. Pardons to wash your numbers. In that case, when you start the program, or the operation, in Windows, you get a pardon with the code 1068 "could not start the child service", the computer is trying to say that the service is enabled and cannot be repaired.

What work?

In order to correct similar pardons, it is necessary to spend in the management of operational services Windows systems. For whom it is necessary to press Windows key+ R. The next thing in the text field is to enter "services.msc" and press Enter. Bude vіdkrito vіkno, scho mіstit the list of services and їх in-line camp.

In order to change the parameters of any service, you need to double-click on it, and in the next window you can remember the type of startup, as well as the start button or start. In that case, if the startup option is not available, then you need to change the startup type to automatic or manual, stop the selected change, and just try to start the service. In this case, it may not be launched through fallback for any other enabled services.

The problem does not persist and in that case, as if after all the computer changes that were carried out, there were no changes in the computer.

Pardon 1068 in the Windows Audio service

If it is impossible to launch a child service related to audio, it is necessary to convert the stations and other services: food, class planner, make sure to set endpoints and remote calls of RPC procedures. Once all stinks are started, the Windows Audio service most often stops signaling a pardon.

Like a pardon of a thousand sixty-eight years "didn't get away to launch a child service" blamed when working connection to the border, For example, if you set up a home group or are connected to the Internet, then it is necessary to convert the work of impersonal services, as if they are connected without intermediary links, and turn them on.

Okremo, in case of malfunctions in the robot, you can try vikonati steps:

  • Zupiniti service, remembrance for the consecration of the merezhnyh participants.
  • Find the idstore.sst file on your computer and visualize it.
  • Rezavantage after another computer.

Search for required services manually to correct pardon 1068

So like a faceless possible options Since it is impossible to correct the pardon for the launch of child services, you can try to fix the pardon 1068 “could not start the child service” manually. Such a way for a large number of situations to appear pardons in Windows in the firewall, dispatcher and other options.

When you saw a reminder in the new day, you named your service, as if calling for a pardon. Displaying the list of services of the operating system, you need to know its name, after which you press the right mouse button and go to power. After that, it is necessary to go to the "Deposit" tab. For example, for the dispatcher service, you can tell others that you need to remove the remote procedures, and the firewall can use another service for filtering, as well as one service.

As soon as all the necessary services will be available, you need to try to turn them on. Since there is no default way to start, it is necessary to select the automatic type and reset the personal computer.


It is important to note that services such as Plug and Play and "Kharchuvannya" are not seen in fallows, but all the same can be even more important for robots. Yakshto blames the pardon for the launch of daughter services, on the first day of the year, it is necessary to give a lot of respect.

Well, in that case, if you want to rehabilitate more options that don’t help you solve the problem, I’ll start again to remind you “I didn’t get far to start the daughter service”, what should you do? You can try tweaking the turning points or other methods to upgrade the system before you fall into the trap and rebuild the operating system.

Today we will look at the pardon with code 1068, which does not allow the computer to connect to the high-speed connection. As a rule, after the appearance of a pardon 1068, the system starts to see a pardon with the code 711. Below, we will try to sort it out, as to solve this problem.

Pardon 1068 - an unfortunate guest of Windows OS, and won't tell you about those that the remote access service was not running in the system.

You can solve the problem in a few awkward stages.

Stage 1. First off, let's try to start the necessary services. For whom you open the window "Vikonati" someday Win+R , And then run the command services.msc.

check out the window "Services" . Seeing the list here, all services of the system are sorted, sorted in alphabetical order. Find a service "Telephony" , Click on them with the right mouse button and select an item "Power" .

In retail "Startup Type" set the value "Manually" . Now press the button "Zastosuvat" , and then "Run" .

Analogous to the following services:

Support for self-sustaining Plug and Play

SSTP service

Automatic connection manager for remote access

If pardon 1068 continues to manifest itself, proceed to another stage.

Stage 2. Now we have re-verified the rights to system folders. For whom go to the disk c:\ and select the context menu of the folder Windows , Clicking on them with the right mouse button, Select an item "Power" . Go to tab "Safety" and in retail "Groups and Coristuvachi" change in the fact that the points are given more access "CREATOR-VLASNIK" , System і "TrustedInstaller" .

You can recognize this information by seeing one of the paragraphs and marveling at the bottom in the right column.

If there are any items that cannot be accessed again, see it by clicking the mouse, and then select the button "Change" . In retail "Allow for the group" tick off « New access» . Click on the button "Zastosuvat" .

After doing this, restart your computer and try to run a high-speed connection. If pardon 1068 is lost, apparently, go to the third stage.

Stage 3. In some vipadkas, pardons 1068 and 711 can be vindicated through those who serve "Windows Pod Collector" could stop fixing information in the "Logfiles" folder.

In order to convert, the computer must be restarted in safe mode. For which permission, the computer is rebooted and until the moment the system displays the Windows logo, press the key F8. Return menu item "Safe Mode" .

After zavantazhiv computer, go to the folder c:\windows\system32, Find folder "Logfiles" and change її to "logfiles.old" . Rezavantage the computer in the normal mode and reverse the practice of the high-speed plant.

Stage 4. Danish way infrequently cope with pardons 1068 and 711, but try your luck all the same varto. For whom you wish "Start" and enter a search in a row . At the menu, select that point of entry, if the system has not seen a pardon. After the process is completed, the system will be restarted.

I to the stop. If you have tried any of the methods without success, you can help, if possible, by reinstalling Windows.

So that the problem was solved automatically, go to the distribution. To fix the problem manually, go to the distribution.

just fix it

To automatically clear the problem, press the button take advantage. At the dialogue window Entry file press the button viconati or vіdkriti and follow the instructions of the master of simple repair.
  • Possibly, the master is available only on English. Ale automatically corrected for any new versions of Windows.
  • If you are working on the wrong computer on which the problem is, you can save a simple fix to flash memory or a CD, and then run it on the computer you need.


Just fix 50562

To fix the problem, change it so that all child services are running. For whom, follow this way.

  1. Press button Start and choose a team Dovіdka ta pіdtrimka.
  2. In retail select a date select element Tools for reviewing information about the computer and diagnosing problems.
  3. In the region Tools select element System adjustment.
  4. On the right panel, click on the message Starting System Setup. You will see the system settings program window.
  5. Open tab services.
  6. Check that all the services listed below are running. To turn on the service, install the ensign.
    • Service to the gateway equal to the addendum
    • Merezhevy connection
    • Lease Alert Service (NLA)
    • plug and play
    • Automatic connection manager for remote access
    • Remote Access Connection Manager
    • Removal of Weekly Procedures (RPC)
    • telephony
  7. Press button OK and select an item.
  8. After restarting Windows, restart the global access master before connecting to the Internet.