Mega hmara addon for windows. Additional possibilities of the program

I’ll start from the fact that the Internet is not particularly fast for me. So yak in given moment I live in a village, then I have to use Megafon Modem. Merezha 3G. I have 100-200 kilobytes per second for the Internet, and 500-600 KB per second for most. And it will constantly change in the fallow time in the hour of doby and in the weather minds. But still, for such conditions, I was successful in getting a massive file of 12 GB from Mega file exchangers. We will tell you about the cause, but you will know for yourself Corresponding information about those, how to get great files.

After downloading small files from Mega, you can just use the best browser. Before speech, looking at those who have access to the entire file exchanger through deaks, especially through closing, then it’s necessary to find additional ways to go to a new one. Call the file addresses to start the order If you can’t enter through them, then you just need to remember the symbols “” to “”.

first way file downloads - should be downloaded with the best browser. It is recommended to download Google Chrome for more successful downloads. As a file of greatness behind the world, then it is necessary to clean the browser itself from the back of the head in any moth, which accumulates in a new one and starts a distant robot - this history of zavantazhen, cookies, a magazine of visiting sites. For these purposes, I vicorist costless utility I'll call it CCleaner.

How to go through the process of downloading to Mega through a browser? A bunch of wines are saved in the browser, and then, if I do it again, it is automatically transferred to the computer. Naychastishe in the folder "Enterprise". Well, otherwise they put it in the other folder, in the yaku.

Select the file you want to zip, and click on "Zip to zip". Or you can click on the files right button. Show up at a glance, in which click on “Zapantage”, and then choose either the size of the zavantazhennya, or download it in zip. I would like to better capture files in archives like zip and others.

I have downloaded one object - archives in 8 GB. Everything went well. On the next day, I started to grab a 12 GB file. My vin is about 22 years old. I tortured him. Shvidkіst bula unknowingly why even small. Let's see, if the download file is already 90% higher, then the download process was constantly interrupted, and it was necessary to launch it continuously. Bulo is written in English, so the download will continue after you type in the browser. Maybe 12 GB for a browser is a bit too much. Plus, I’ve added the fact that I didn’t clear the browser before downloading. І like a bag, 99% of the interest on the Mega Bula was interrupted. I am a disappointment, to that nothing could be done with it. That vitrativ couple of hours and traffic. Tom had a chance to find another, more successful method of downloading from Mega.

another way, How to hack from the file exchanger - to win the Mipony program. She has a lot of pluses. You won't dokachuvati, don't create time files. I installed її z site My antivirus program in this file did not reveal any signs of an "evil" virus. That site is now official, at least similar to this one. True, at once with this program, a bunch of programs that were not necessary for me were installed. I’ll have fun with them, because I don’t need the stink, even though I look awkward. І among them is the Amіgo browser. Yak vin me already nabrid. I will install yoga at once with any programs. Maybe what the retailers have software such a scheme of promotion - pay the owners of other programs, so that at the same time with the installation of their file, they were installed and their additions.

What do you choose need files but all. For the download to start, press down on the “Select download”. All the files after tsikh dіy start downloading.

The whole process of recruitment takes place in the "Download" section.

Don't forget to put in the right lower fold the swidkіst "Without borders". I had 10 KB / s on the cob. It's not enough and to capture large files with such speed you will be not just days, but months, which are not fates.

As a result of using Mipony, I was able to get a 12 GB file in about 8 years. You can take the whole process for less than an hour. All fall in vіd shvidkostі Internet, like Vikoristovuєte.

Success! I suspect that the article about those, how to take advantage of the Mega file exchanger, was a black one for you.

A program for exchanging money with a dark container. The service offers 50 gigabytes of space for cost-free savings and a stagnant policy of zero access to information.

What you need to know about Mega Cloud Drive

This is a safe, gloomy gathering, as if it were visible in the presence of more similar services to the so-called “Zero Access Policy”. According to this principle, all data between the client device and the computer are transmitted using a protected protocol. For otrimannya access to objects in the "gloomy" you need a mother for koristuvach cryptographic key. Without a new file, neither the retailers of the service, nor the special services can do it - it is disabled by the logic of the work of the collection.

One more plus of Mega - tse dosit big obsyag space, scho seen without cost - 50 GB. You can save up to 4 Terabytes on a disk for 29.99 euros per month, є and more loyal "industrial" tariffs.

Among other features - chat integration, address book, automatic synchronization of objects, squeezing files into archives before downloading, integration into the explorer and the possibility of using a proxy server. Of greatest interest is the option to generate messages, to the very fact that Mega often acts as a file exchanger with the function of providing "direct" URLs for downloading files.

Briefly, it is clear:

  • virtual disk for collecting information;
  • matching to the Zero-knowledge algorithm;
  • 50 GB free space for all coristuvachiv;
  • wake-up chat;
  • menu of the client in Russian language.

MEGA- a cross-platform add-on for computers based on Windows, macOS, Linux, with supportive gadgets for Android and iOS, which allows you to freely download 50 GB to save data (the so-called, "gloomy" treasure). Otrimati access to zavantazhenih on MEGA Try with music, video, audiobooks, photos and other documents in the form of only You.

MEGA functions

  • Shvidke revealed and reviewed all the files, captivated in the "gloomy" collection.
  • Possibility of synchronizing your device with a computer and your other gadgets.
  • All primary operations with files: adding, renaming, deleting them, moving to other folders and creating new folders and others.
  • Clear display in the program free space on an outbuilding and in a shovishche.
  • MEGA browser extension available.
  • MEGA email and MEGA chat.

Installing the MEGA software

First, install an addendum, go through registration on the site In order to install the program on the computer, there is nothing to do with similar ones. After the interest of MEGA Google Play or App Store(Depending on the version of the program, it can be downloaded from 10.1 to 10.3 Mb), install it on your device, following the instructions-suggestions.

Additional possibilities of the program

Without cost MEGA hopes to get a great deal for saving files - 50 Gb. And if you don't have enough, for an additional fee (about 8.5 euros per month) you can save a collection for information, totaling 4 terabytes (4000 gigabytes of free space). Why, you can transfer up to 96 terabytes of information: this service is also included in the MEGA monthly payment package.

MEGA is one of the most visible, most efficient and secure services gloomy savings special data, which we give to our coristuvachas to achieve a large amount of disk space. Having speeded up the cim service, the skin subscriber can take 50 gigabytes (free of charge) up to 4 terabytes (if tariff plan there will be an uproar).

The high speed of file exchange (navit during parallel synchronization of anonymous folders) in the dark MEGA reaches for the implementation of the technology of rich-channel data transfer by retailers and the great effort of the service infrastructure itself. The reliability of saving special data of the coristuvach is secured by a way, the so-called, scribbled encryption. Be-overheaded and the turn of data is turned on again, all the shards transmitted information encrypted and decrypted only by the client devices themselves.

In order to gain access to the service and the ability to manage it, it is necessary for users to enable and install the special MEGAsync client program, which allows you to synchronize files between your computer, tablet, smartphone and MEGA storage. Access to the tools and setting up the service is established through the corystuval account, which can be created on the official website of the retailers, or when installing the client add-on itself on the computer. Also, there is a special browser extension MEGAsync, which allows you to win the service at a glance.

Apart from the main functions for victorious gloom, MEGAsync can offer its coristuvachs a number of additional possibilities. For example, if you are corrosive by this client, you can add need people to the list of contacts, give other contacts and separate access to up to 4 folders and files, etc. So, in the near future, retailers plan to equip the program with efficient, uninterrupted, necessary telecommunication functions, and add chat, voice / video calls (conferences) and the ability to use electronic mail. is a gloomy thing, as if offering its koristuvachs free of charge 50 GB of disk space to save data. Such a proposition sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Bagatom such a vagoma increase to a zhorst disk cannot be wound up. All data posted in gloomy hell, are saved in encrypted form.

In addition, as per the decisions of the US authorities in 2012, the largest file sharing service Megaupload was closed down, and its founder Kim Dotcom launched a new gloomy service for saving files on the Internet.

The founder of Megaupload has gone under scrutiny by US law enforcement officers in New Zealand. Exactly after the closing of a popular file exchanger, over 160 million coristuvachivs from the whole world were sent to the world, and a new project was launched: the gloomy file storage site Mega.

Years ago, MEGA service was bought by investors from China.

Mega Treasure Features

The main point of view of the gloomy collection of in the form of similar resources is that in present moment, Khmarne skhovische free of charge offers registered coristuvachas 50 GB of disk space to save their files. In Mega co nz, there is no room for expansion in the collection of files.

The name of the MEGA service is deciphered as "MEGA Encrypted Global Access" (MEGA Encrypted Global Access).

A dreadful thing allows you to upload files to the server, save them there, and also exchange files with smaller files. In the capture process, the files are encrypted in the browser behind the help of the AES algorithm, which protects them from unauthorized access.

Physically, the files are saved in a gloomy folder in an encrypted way, administration gloomy service can't access them.

The file exchange service Mega can support a lot of mov, including Russian mov. For the cob of cob of a gloomy collection, it will be necessary to register in a new one.

Registration in MEGA

After entering the site using a stolen z'ednanny, on head side service on top panel it is necessary to choose a Russian language for a larger handy songwriting.

Then you need to click on the "Register" button on the top panel of the service window. At the specified fields, enter your data (required language reference, please, indicate your login), enter your address email(Reference), and then choose a password to enter the storage file storage.

After setting the right next to the item assigned by the year to the services of this service, you need to click on the "Register" button to complete the registration procedure in the gloomy Mega co.

Whatever you need to send to your e-mail Postal screenshot, Indications at registration, open list in Tim MEGA. and then go to the prompt to complete the registration process in the collection. You will need to enter your details when registering and see it in a safe file folder.

Yak koristuvatisya

When the folder is launched, the menu "File Manager" will appear in front of you. At the very top there is a menu bar, and below there is an area for working with entangled folders and files. On the right, there is a column for managing and displaying the structure of the collection.

koristuwacam browser Mozilla Firefox prompted to install the MEGA EXTENSION add-on. Without installing additional retailers, recommend a vicorist browser Google Chrome. Since my main browser is Firefox, I installed the recommended extension for my browser.

Vіdminnіst v vikoristanny servіsu sama vіdmіnіst Google browser Chrome believes in the fact that on the view of other browsers, like Google Chrome, in the dark place of you can capture not only files, but whole folders.

The axis looks like this in the control panel of the Mozilla browser Firefox. On the panel, the button "New download" is ripped. Behind the help of the "New download" button, you can see the downloaded files in a gloomy shishishche.

There are two buttons on the Google Chrome browser: “Upload file” and “Upload folder”. For the help of the button "Attach file", you can download a file in a safe place on your computer. After clicking on the “Get Folder” button, the Explorer window will appear, in which you need to select a folder for downloading in the file folder.

In order to get around, other browsers can create a folder in Mega with exactly the same name, as that folder on the computer, as it is necessary to add it to the collection. Then it is necessary to open the folder on the computer and make sure to replace the newly created folder in the file folder. in such a manner, folder needed I will be more interested in Mega.

In the menu bar "My physical record»You can marvel at your status, oblige the victorious expanse of the collection, and also fix the transfer of tribute.

Here you can change the number of concurrent charges for advancing and the number of parallel charges for downloading. If it is necessary for you, then you can enter the exchange for security of interest.

By clicking on the menu button "Membership Pro", you can choose a paid package to choose a larger size of your files from 500 GB to 4 TB.

If you click on the menu button "Menu", then you can learn more about the rules of using the gloomy collection.

You can create a new folder by clicking on the " Nova folder". I have a newly created folder, you can import files, and also create in your folder, other new folders. After clicking on the folder with the right mouse button, in context menu you can choose different commands for distant diy with folder.

To download files in the file folder, you need to click on the "Upload File" button in the Google Chrome browser, and in other browsers, click on the "New Upload" button. At the window of the Explorer, select a file or add a dekilka of files for downloading in a dark place.

The security of the downloaded files is not fenced, because you have not fenced it in the service, and it will lie in the security of the Internet connection of your computer. You can move the files in the dark collection, move them through the folders, rename them, go to them hot access, Take care of them, copy or see.

You can follow the process of uploading and downloading files in the lower part of the service.

Working with files in MEGA is accessed through a web interface. So far, clients for the computer and other attachments have not been released.

Great access to folders in MEGA

To the folders that are saved in the gloomy Mega nz service, you can give a double access. For this, it is necessary to click on the daddy with the right mouse button, and in the context menu, click on the “Global Access” item. If you open it in the “Global Access” window, in which case you can give the new koristuvachevi the rights to open access to this folder.

You will need to enter the e-mail address of the correspondent and choose the right to use the new password for access to the folder located at your gloomy treasure. You can give another correspondent the following rights: “Only for reading”, “Reading and writing”, “Review access”.

on the email addresses Koristuvacha will come with a letter of request, according to which you will need to go to remove access to the official folder, which is found in the gloomy collection of Mega files. Folders, to which spylny access is given, the trochs are with a sultry look in other folders of a gloomy collection.

Yak otrimati sent to

In order to give other shortlisted users permission to download the file in the gloomy Mega data collection, it is necessary to right-click on the file, and in the context menu select the item “Remove the message”.

In a different way of encryption, the file can be downloaded only by the same koristuvach, which, having removed the message on the file i special code security. It will be impossible to download a file for such a request without a security code.

On this image, there are two items “Send to file” and “Key to file” are activated. In this way, when you pass on the strength of this kind, download dani file it is possible to be a koristuvach on the Internet, which may have access to cim messages.

Koristuvach can save the file at his own store by clicking on the "Import" button. In this case, it will be possible to import the file from one folder in another way, without downloading the file to the computer. You can import files in the same way, as the koristuvach has his own collection on the service.

After the transition for the help, in the new window, the koristuvach will be guilty of entering a new security key for you to download the file, or for saving it in your file folder. After entering the key of the coristuvachev, you will need to click on the button "Get" and activate the item "I am fit for the minds of the MEGA services".

In order to remove the security key for the downloaded file, after copying it to the file, you need to activate the "Key to file" button, otherwise the buttons should be inactive for this hour. You will give the key to the file you are responsible for to another correspondent at once from the forces sent to download the file.

After the transition for the removal of the security key to you, at the end of the gloomy service, the koristuvach will be guilty of entering the security key for the withdrawal of the security key. After entering the key to the file, you will need to check with the minds of MEGA's employees, and then click on the "Get" button.

When you click on the "Import file" button, there will be savings in the gloomy store of the koristuvach, as if that koristuvach has his own account in the gloomy store of Mega co.

They gave a window “The download is completed”, in order to complete the download, you are prompted to save the file manually. For the “Save file” button, for the “Save file” window, and for the “Save file” button, for the Explorer window, select the location for saving the captured file, give the name to the file, and then click on the “Save” button.

After all, the file will be saved on your computer.

Other items "File" and "Expand file" at the window "Application", for downloading files of special significance, do not and mistat final information about downloaded files.

Through those files placed on the services of the gloomy data storage, they are in an encrypted view, you cannot look over them, program or eavesdrop, while the stench is in the gloomy shovishchi. for total withdrawal The files from the gloomy collection will need to be cleared by "Koshik".

visnovki statti

Fucking shitty Mega co allows you to save money on your servers with a total amount of 50 GB. The files are saved in a gloomy data collection in an encrypted way, and more than that, all the data is saved without any cost.

P.S. After that. Since MEGA was bought by Chinese investors, the tariff policy was changed on the service, as a result of which, no more 50 GB disk space can be sold free of charge.

Khmarne skhovische Mega - free 50 GB to save data (video)