Book format. Moscow State University. Main formats of book videos

Format and resize books and all other types drukovanih see standardized

(GUESTS +1342 -78 and 5773-76).

The most commonly used formats of modern books (in millimeters):

  • Miniature book format
    (70 100) x (100 125). Dictionaries rozmirom from the bottom, travel guides
  • Changed (intestinal) book format
    (100 130) x (140 177). Artistic literature in paper obkladinci, deak dictionaries.
  • Standard book format
    (130 145) x (200 215). A large part of the artistic literature and mentors are seen in this format.
  • increase
    170X (215 260). Deyakі child vydannya, spetsіalna literature.
  • encyclopedic book format
    (205 220) x (260 270). More encyclopedic sights can be such a expansion.
  • Even great book format
    (245 265) x (340 410). Art albums, atlases, children's books.

The format of the books is accepted in a short time. For example, viraz 60x90 / 16 means that the format of the book should be 1/16th part of the arch of paper with a size of 60x90 cm.

Standard book formats (GOST 5773-76)

View after cutting (mm) Drukovana paper (cm) / piece of sheet View after cutting (mm)
84x108 / 8 265x410 60х90 / 16 145x215
70x108 / 8 265x340 60х84 / 16 145x200
70x100 / 8 245x340 84х108 / 32 130x200
60x90 / 8 220x290 75х90 / 32 107x177
60х84 / 8 205x290 70х108 / 32 130x165
84x108 / 16 205x260 70х100 / 32 120x165
70х108 / 16 170x260 70х90 / 32 107x165
70x100 / 16 170x240 60х90 / 32 107x140
70x90 / 16 170x215 60х84 / 32 100x140
60x100 / 8 245x290 84х100 / 32 120x200
84х100 / 16 205x240 84х90 / 32 107x200
60x100 / 16 145x240 80х100 / 32 120x190
84x90 / 16 205x215 60x70 / 16 145x165
70х84 / 16 170x200
small-format vision
84х108 / 64 100x125 70x100 / 64 82x102
70х108 / 64 82x125

In the SRSR, the largest sizes are 60x90 / 16 and 84x108 / 32.

The area of ​​​​stopping the largest wide formats

format 60х90 / 16the most widely used for primary literature, in such present formulas and tables, as well as illustrations, and a great deal of material coverage is great. Some people see artistic literature in such a format - with a great commitment, create, if it is not enough to divide yoga into a sprat of volumes.

format 84х108 / 32. In this format, sound the art literature.

book format 60х84 / 16may have the same width, as in the format 60x90 / 16 and the same height, as in the format 84x108 / 32. In this format, the weak sides of the two forward formats are chosen: with a given width of the book, the length of the row is large for viewing oriented on a swedish reading, and the height such a bookish smuga is not guaranteed for the placement of folding formulas and tables. However, for the okremih vidan such a format can be added, if you want to win by an order of magnitude less than the others from the main group of book formats.

format 70х90 / 32і 75х90 / 32- Changes (intestinal type) - often zastosovuyutsya for books, razrahovanyh on Shvidanya reading: art, popular science literature, dovіdkovo-virobnihі vidannya. Format 75x90 / 32 has one advantage over the format 70x90 / 32 - the height of the smuga is 12 mm higher. For the rahunok of this area of ​​the drokovy arkush, it increases, which improves the economic performance of the sight.

One of the different formats70х108 / 32. Not as wide format and not as portable as the two in front. This format is well suited and stable for creative works, as well as for visual art with wide illustrations.

format 60х90 / 32і 60х84 / 32often vikoristovuyutsya and zastosovuyutsya for intestinal dovidkovyh vidan. Different dictionaries, rozmovniki, transport guides, travel guides, different reminders. It is also widely used for artistic literature in the paper region. However, it is necessary to be careful with such formats, so that such a view can be easily zipped by inaccurate printing presses: with a reduced density of the other dry font may be bad to read. Vtіm, yakіsny druk zavzhdy maє znachennya when you see the book, no matter what format.

wide increase format 70x90 / 16often victorious and zastosovuetsya for seeing a great number of great illustrations and for seeing great font(Most importantly childish books).

With the presence of great formulas, great tables and illustrations, it is recommended to twist the format extensions70x100 / 16Otherwise, the format is 70x108 / 16.

Medium encyclopedic formats are widely used format60х84 / 8. Tse ob'emnі vocabularies, phone dialers, Various types of encyclopedia. The text in such publications can be typed in two or three columns. Such a format is convenient for books on art, which include a lot of great illustrations, books on drawing geometry and for various visions for children of the preschool age.

format 84x108 / 16it is widely used for artistic literature, which is published in magazine design (an example of such a publication is “Roman-newspaper”, which is published for radio hours). Such a format is not the most easily readable format, but it is the most economical after changing the obligation of the booklet robots.

If you want your vision to be seen in the middle of the mainstream, then the shortest way for you is to choosenon-standard format: Square abo, navpaki, podovzheny. In the first place, choose the format for sure to fall in the same way as the material.

In quiet views, where it is more beautiful (in more of its own illustration), GOST allows the variation of standard formats in the so-called landscape version, while the width of the view is greater than one height.


Good day friends! Today, I want to tell you about the formats of other arches, as if we were victorious with each other.

The digital friend has a European system of formats in other arches, as it is based on the format A0 840x1190 mm. I will not redirect the encyclopedia, I will only guess three main speeches:

  • the smaller advancing leather format comes out as a step on the base sheet, so A1 \u003d 1 / 2A0 or 594x841, A2 \u003d ½ A1 or ¼ A0 or 420x594 mm, etc.
  • such marvelous expansions appeared as a result of the search for optimal, close to golden feathering, side
  • use the formats of group “B” - more variant in offset and the formats of group “C” are variated for the identification of envelopes, for example, an envelope pid archush A4 210x297 mm - C4 229 x324 mm, an envelope pid A5 148x210 mm = C5 162x229, an envelope pid A6 105x14 mm - 105x14 mm C6 114x162 mm. And the Euroenvelope axis is called E65 205x105 mm

Reopen the format table

row A row B row 3
recognition mm recognition mm recognition mm
A0 841х1189 B0 1000x1414 C0 917x1297
A1 594x841 IN 1 707х1000 Z 1 648x917
A2 420x594 IN 2 500x707 C2 458x648
A3 297х420 3 353x500 C3 324x458
A4 210x297 AT 4 250x353 C4 229x324
A5 148x210 AT 5 176x250 C5 162x229
A6 105x148 About 6 125x176 C6 114x162
A7 74x105 About 7 88x125 C7 81x114
A8 52x74 About 8 62x88 C8 57х81
A9 37х52 About 9 44x62 - -
A10 26x37 AT 10 O'CLOCK 31х44 - -
A11 18x26 OB 11 22x31 - -
A12 13x18 About 12 15x22 - -
A13 9x13 - - - -

At the same hour, in book publishing, there are more accepted formats that designate a part of the arch, for example 70x100 / 16, which designates the format 1/16 for a sheet of 700x1000 mm or 170 mm by 240 mm. The formats of books and all other types of other publications are standardized (GOST 1342-78 and 5773-76).

Expand the table of the main formats of book publications

Rozmir arkush paperu, mm piece of leaf Book format
Smarter recognition Rosemary, mm
maximum minimal
600 x 900 1/8 60×90/8 220×290 205×275
840 x 1080 1/16 84×108/16 205×260 192×255
700 x 1000 1/16 70×100/16 170×240 158×230
700 x 900 1/16 70×90/16 170×215 155×210
600 x 900 1/16 60×90/16 145×215 132×205
600 x 840 1/16 60×84/16 145×200 130×195
840 x 1080 1/32 84×108/32 130×200 123×192
700 x 1000 1/32 70×100/32 120×165 112×158
750 x 900 1/32 75×90/32 107×177 100×170
700 x 900 1/32 70×90/32 107×165 100×155
600 x 840 1/32 60×84/32 100×140 95×130

Books have more accepted formats that designate a piece of arch, for example 70x100 / 16

Choosing the format of a second-hand knowledge is even more important. From one side it is necessary to choose the most optimal option for the visualization of information. І tse zone of viability of designers and layout designers. From the other side, the economy of knowledge is important. It is necessary to maximize the efficiency of exploiting the feasibility of Drukar technology, including digital technology.

Choosing the format of a second-hand knowledge is even more important.

For a colorful friend in digital imaging, the site is awarded by the Ricoh C7100X CPM. We have tsіy machine we have є tsіlih five trays.

A digital friend is necessary for viewing books with a circulation of 1 to 250-300 examples in color or 1 to 1000 examples in black and white blots.

I won’t talk about trays 1.2, since the stink is recognized for office work and we practically don’t vicorate, because we can’t vacuum the supply, but we’ll tell you about trays 3.4, A, since the skin of them has its own peculiarities.

The main standard for digital druk is ce SRA3 + 320x450mm. This format is ¼ in the format of 640x900 mm.

Tray number 4, the main tray of the machine, so that the sheet is fed without virgins and for the rahun of this є the possibility of other other materials up to 350 g / m2 or 400 microns of a curler.

The maximum format is 330x487 mm and additional dimensions can be even more important for other books or for plotter cutting.

For the selection of this format, we divide a sheet of 700x1000 into 4 parts.

Also, the current intermediate format for others is 325x470 - ½ similar to the 470x650 format (half-format) - the largest extension of the paper storage format in our warehouse. Just to the one who is handily currying.

The main standard for digital druk is ce SRA3 + 320x450mm. The maximum format is 330x487 mm and additional dimensions can be even more important for other books or for plotter cutting.

Tray number 3 can be reshaped and its maximum format is 330x700 mm!

Wine is also vacuum, with a single vision - a friend in a new way only a simplex in one run, so for bilateral friend the leaves can be turned over and put on the other side. Also, the supply of paper is no longer direct, so the amount of materials is surrounded by 300 g / m2.

The possibility of such a format is even more popular and necessary for others, for example, such types:

  • landscape brochure A4 - format in spread 210x594 mm, another sheet 300x640 (1/3 sheet 900x640)
  • lining for album vidan A4 with creaking on the short side of the CBS or on the graphic bolts, size 210 * 594 + tovshchina corince
  • booklet "3 A4" with two folds of a similar size 297x630, another sheet 330x700 (1/3 sheet 700x1000)
  • super lining for a book or lining with flaps and a lot of something else.

The maximum format is 330x1300 mm. The tray is frictional, the paper is 220 g / m2. Such a capacity to achieve for other liners.

The maximum format is 330x487 mm. The trays are better suited for thin offset papers of 65 gr/m2. Also, without any problems, a thin melovka 90 g / m2 is served. Navіt yakscho won after offset druk.

In other books of Drukar technology, the situation is similar in terms of formats, so the following formats are the most popular in digital books:

Close to A4 - obrіzny block format 205x290 mm

Close to A5 - obrіzny block format 145x200 mm

Close to A6 - obrіzny format block 100x140 mm

From one side, name the formats in the same way for a wide number of people, from the other side, the stench is the most economically efficient, so as to occupy the maximum area of ​​the archway and multiply it with the minimum number of entrances.

Why can't you use a smaller, lower SRA3 + format.

To that paper of a smaller format, through hundreds of leaves, to remove its trace on the belt, and even with a different working format, this trace will appear in the region of the other in the sight of smuga. Vіdbitki - in shlyub, pіch - in repair.

It is also necessary to charge a small number of sheets in a smaller format - it is allowed, moreover, the Ricoh C7100X has a service function for smoothing the belt. A special abrasive roller polishes the belt and can remove fine artifacts and defects. Zvichayno, yakscho poshkodzhennya glibokі - roller powerlessness.

GOST 5773-90

Group U35


VISION book and magazine


Book and magazine editions. Sizes

ISS 01.140.40

OKP 95 2010
95 3010

Entered date 1991-07-01


1. DISCOVERED AND INTRODUCED by the Sovereign Committee of the SRSR on the other

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED TO THE DIA by the Sovereign Committee of the SRSR for the management of the quality of products and standards of 11.06.90 N 1477

3. ZAMINU GOST 5773-76

4. Exchange of the term dії znyat according to protocol N 5-94 of the International State for the sake of standardization, metrology and certification (ІUS 11-12-94)

5. REVIEW. Breast 2003 r

1. This standard establishes the format of book and magazine vidan, dahl - "vidan".

The standard does not expand on the formats of albums, atlases, toy books, booklets, facsimile, bibliophilic, music videos, calendars, videos that are released for export, videos that are used on foreign bases, as well as miniature, unique and experimental videos.

2. The formats of book and magazine publications are listed in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1

Rozmir arkush paperu, mm

piece of leaf

Book format

Smarter recognition

Rosemary, mm



M signifies - from the side of the arch of paper, the machine can run straight.

Table 2

Leaf rosemary
paper, mm

piece of leaf

Format of magazines


Rosemary, mm



Note. It is allowed to issue small-volume magazines of the "Crocodile" type with a format of 270x350 mm without trimming on three sides, which can be used with a format of 70x108 / 8 on a special holder.

The format of vidan is mentally denoted by the size of the arkush paper for the other in centimeters and a piece of the sheet.

The format of the view in millimeters is set: for the view in the obkladinci - the first dimension after the trim on three sides, for the view on the palette cover - the dimensions of the block cut on the three sides, with the first number indicating the width, and the other - the height of the view.

The maximum format is the shortest for zastosuvannya.

It is allowed to change the format of the view to the minimum for height and (or) width with different views on machines of old designs, imported ones, as well as with the improvement of technological features of the production.

The choice of paper with the designation in Table 1 by machine-directed paper binding when using on sheet paper machines (with which it is allowed to stack sheets in half and lower formats), which are designed and imported for import of roll paper machines.

3. Boundary limits for formats installed for a given circulation are not greater than 1 mm in width and height of the block.

Electronic text document
preparations for ZAT "Code" and feedback on:
official appearance

M .: IPC Vidavnitstvo standards, 2004

With a small capacity (up to 200 sides), it is necessary to increase the number of entries. For example, 105x160 mm. The book, the number of sides is even smaller (up to 100), may have a sense of growing similar to the school zoshit and the leaves of the violin. For seeing such a format, a soft palette is needed. A solid palette of truths for texts with a total of 250 sides. Vtіm, tovshchina can be pieced together for a piece of paper paper. A selection of verses will look perfect in a small format (110x165 mm) - both in soft and in hard palette. The same format is used for works in prose up to 250,000 characters with spaces. In this case, the book will have approximately 220 sides.

The format of book publications in Russia is standardized:

Rosemary of Drukarska paper, mm

piece of leaf

Smarter recognition

Format of the image after the image, mm





















































We can see three of the most popular book formats:

Great A4. The outline format of the block is 205x290 mm. (60х84/8)

Standard A5. The outline format of the block is 145x200 mm. (60x84 / 16)

Kishenkovy A6. Obr_zny block format 100x140 mm. (60х84 / 32)

Depending on the specification of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), there are three series of formats: series A, series B and series C. From the last range of other products, the most commonly vicarious varieties are series A, and more - B.
On the formats of the standard group A, we will make a presentation. Largest amount -A0 - borrow one square meter. If you want to cut the sheet on two equal parts of the short side, take the A1 format. In case of splіvvіdnoshnja storіn zberіgaєtsya, and mi otrimuєmo one standard format from іnshoy. When changing the scale of the image, the proportions are saved. The skin of the advancing format of the group A comes out, as if splitting up the forward format.
Image (ISO), sizes 297x210 and 210x148 - all portrait formats. 210x297 is the same A4 landscape format, and 148x210 is the same A5 landscape orientation.

Paper group A

Paper group B


format, mm


format, mm







IN 1




IN 2








AT 4




AT 5




About 6




About 7




About 8




About 9






When choosing a book format, pay attention to the size of the font. If it is great, then the format of such a book is about 145x215 mm (127x200 mm minimum). This makes the text easier to read. Text volume 1,400,000 characters (with spaces), typed in font 11 pt, borrowing 700 sides (with a format of 140x215 mm). Drukarnyu, I'm ready to let out such a tovstu book, to gossip.
Books that avenge rich illustrations are better than great ones (size 170x240 mm). Tse to forgive the layout, and it will be more original. If you want to prepare a book with pictures - do not save on prepared ones, otherwise seeing will not please you. The financial vigoda will depend on the virtuous choice of other people, as well as on the summation and creative habits of people, as they are engaged in prepress preparation. Letting a beautiful book into the world, it is necessary to turbulate about the quality of її zmіsta, format, color vision, like paper.

How to choose a suitable format for a song book?

Format 60x90/16.
Optimal for a book of 30-40 arches. Widely zastosovuetsya for the preparation of mentors, virobnicho-instructive and scientific knowledge. Here, tables, formulas and illustrations look good. In this format, there are others seen, recognized for Swedish reading. However, it is still impossible to recommend yoga for other artistic literature.

Format 84x108/32.
It’s also good for basic and scientific knowledge, but remember that the material here will be less collapsible, without big formulas and tables. In this format, one sees mass-political and artistic literature, and books for Swedish reading are better than the size of the world, no more than the average.

Format 60x84/16.
There is a middle between the two described formats, the other side is weak. The length of the row is not suitable for swedish reading (too large), and the height of the book smug does not allow bulky tables to be placed. Tim is no less, whose format is included in the group of middle and good looking in various types of literature.

Move the formats below to the middle ones. Books of such size are light and handy: you can keep them in your hands for a long time, put them in the gut or a small handbag. The length of the row will be approximately 4.5 square meters, which is optimal for fonts 8, 9, 9/10 kg. With this rank, you can save the papers and change the obligation. The format is suitable for books, as if they were protected on a Swedish basis, reading is artistic literature, as well as mass-political and scientific literature. Ideal format for dictionaries and instructions.

Format 70x90 / 32 and 75x90 / 32.
Get some more. Suitable for other great works, with whom the book does not look too important.

Format 70x108 / 32.
Wide format, suitable for smaller than average. The wine is not so portable, like the front options, trim the book in your hands unhandedly (the wide sides bend, and the rows dovg). The format is for the preparation of books from art with great illustrations, as well as for verses with long rows.

Format 60x90 / 32 and 60x84 / 32.
Small, garni for intestinal vidan, most often for dovidkov: dictionaries, pamphlets, statutes, travel guides. Format pіdіyde і for artistic creations, yakscho work, like a slіd, over the design. In such vidannies, it is easy to transcribe a thin word paper. However, even though the printing will not be good enough, the book will draw a rebellious look.

Wide format 70x90 / 16 and 75x90 / 16.
Suitable for knowledge, like great illustrations - books from science, assistants, scientific knowledge. Good in such a world look the children of the book, especially, as a victorious great font.

Format 70x100 / 16 (small extensions) and format 70x108 / 16 (subdivisions).
Suitable for other folding material with large tables and bulky illustrations.
Books of great formats are handy for reading, as they are recognized for vibrating reading (common phone books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, catalogues, chair assistants). As a rule, the text in such books is arranged in 2-3 columns.

Format 84x108/16.
Such books are easy to read, but hard to read. Most often, in this format, one sees artistic creations in a magazine design. For example, "Roman-newspaper".
Format close to square.
Suitable for books, where illustrations are of great importance. It is so easy to create the originals of the paintings with different sympathy of the sides. obov'azkovo garna yakist!
Strongly subform format.
Give respect. Suitable for ambitious sights, as it is necessary to see from the book mass.

Format 108x84/32.
Album. Pidіyde for children's picture books, knowledge of the arts, advanced knowledge of a rozmovniki. Roztashuvannya text will be tabular or two-column.

Format 84 × 108/32.
The widest for other artistic literature.
Reserve share of books in type of format
In the first line, in the format of the book, there is arrogance and voicing. Great vision can only be read at the table and practically impossible to carry with you. And a book of a small size is easy to fit in a bag, on a police station, on a table, and it’s easy to read in your hands, which means you can win in transport. In the format to lie down, to read the book manually (for example, long rows are not comfortable enough). These are important criteria that buyers look for when choosing a book.

Depending on the format, designate for yourself the recognition of a future book. Why do you publish tvir? To win a financial advantage? Abo prepare gifts for friends and relatives? Analyze the different books you have been honored with and think about what you want to do with yours. Unravel a number of sides, as if borrowing your twir. For example, the 105x175 format is not guilty of accommodating more than 400 sides, and with the 127x200 format, the number of sides is not guilty of exceeding 500. Even though they are larger, think about a larger format. In a turnaround situation - if you need to increase the number of sides - change the format or experiment with layout. Having expanded your financial investment and assessing your abilities, proceed to the milestone. Success!