Basic rules for working with a laptop. Rules for repairing a laptop Why overheating laptop repair will be expensive

Nasampered - tse zabrudnennya saw a saw, dribnih particles of smittya, stink of your own creatures thinly. With your own cleaning of the laptop, you can eliminate a lot of breakdowns and continue the work of your helper.

Also, follow the instructions for operation, how to get to the laptop and remember the simple rules:

  • The working surface for a laptop is guilty of giving water, a saw, heat or cold
  • Do not put the laptop on a soft surface, for example, take a sofa in a soft place, put it on your knees, and by the same token shut down the cooling system, which will cause the laptop to overheat. In extreme weather, buy a special stand that is cool.
  • At the laptop, nothing can be fought by force, all the hands are to be smooth, do not varto close the lid of the laptop, which step by step will lead to the wear of the loops.
  • For a stable long-term work laptop, as well as other equipment, we recommend that you bring a block uninterrupted life, scho to protect against drops and stresses and allow for the elimination of frontal breakdowns.
  • If you drank the wet snow on the board, then bring the laptop to the reception, then dry it and less than the next time
  • If you brought a laptop from the cold in a warm place, then don’t turn it on for a while, but let it stand for at least 20 minutes

Let's take a closer look at the parts of the laptop, which are the most clever to the point of confusion, and let's talk about the tools, for the help of which you can clean these parts, without going to the help of computer services.

  • Corpus cleansing. On the surface of the laptop case, especially as glossy wines, there are fingertips, fat deposits, which, when interacting with a saw, turn into a ball of wood.
    Tools: cleaning spray for plastic and dry servets, cotton sticks, pilosus.
    Before the cob of the robot, it is necessary to unplug the laptop, remove all attachments and the cable of life.
    - On the working surface, put soft cloth, so as not to rip up the cover of the case, turn the laptop over and put it on qiu cloth.
    - Wipe the lower part of the body with a servette, soaked in a spray, without special zusil, humovі nizhki-upori.
    - With a pilosos, turn it on for a second time, clean the ventilation doors, be careful, so that they don’t squander the wood and saws in the middle of the body.
    - Clean all the slots and turn the laptop upside down and wipe the outside cover with a servlet.
  • Looking after the battery. After cleaning the hull, let's move on to looking after the battery.
    Tools: dry servets, cotton sticks, alcohol
    When the computer is turned on, we remove the battery, wipe it with a dry saw with a servlet, soak a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the battery contacts.
    Under the hour of operation of the battery, the varto indicates a few moments. How are you using a laptop? stationary computer More than an hour, then charge the varto battery and clean it in a dry and cold place. Ale not to forget to charge її once for two or three months, so as to ensure її long service. Also, it’s not varto to zahoplyuvatisya with games like batteries, because. it’s not better to endure the swedish discharge, and it’s not to hasten its degradation.
  • Display cleaning. The laptop display is the largest memory of a bunch of saws, fingertips and other small particles.
    Tools: spray for cleaning RK monitors and dry servets, or water servets for cleaning tube monitors.
    In front of the robot, turn off the laptop, turn it approximately at a 30 ° angle in order to make it easier to see everything, take the saw ball with a dry servette. Then wipe the surface of the monitor with a wet servlet, like in 15-20 seconds. If you can still see the patches, then once again wipe it with a clean, wet servlet, and then remember that you can’t push hard on the display.
  • Cleaning the keyboard. The keyboard, perhaps, is the most important detail of a laptop, because, due to its unevenness, it picks up the size of the brud, as a rule, the cinnamon powder, the crack, the hair, the wool, the drank, the popil, the fatty fingertips.
    Tools: pneumatic cleaner, water servo
    Before the cob of the robot, turn off the laptop, take a can with a pneumatic cleaner and insert a special nozzle there, then run it along the depressions of the keyboard, pressing on the trigger of the straightened jet again with the small bolons of the can. Squeeze again to clean up all the rubbish from the keyboard, which is more docile, lower to shake it in the old way. Let's wipe the keys and the touchpad in the woods and fat deposits with water servos.

You can work at home without special education, for more serious problems, you can

Incorrect typing can throw your laptop out of whack. Portable computer є foldable technical building but in the meantime, you can’t use a stationary computer with a laptop. Obviously, there are instructions for a skin laptop, but, unfortunately, few people read it. Good, like a koristuvach, look at the fence quickly. If you belong to the category of people, if you got a laptop, or if you didn’t read the operating instructions, then it’s worth telling you how to use a laptop, so that you will serve you faithfully for a long time.

Let's look at the rules of how to practice on laptops:

  • Install the laptop as needed on a hard, level, horizontal surface. Do not install in the places, as if vibrating.
  • Do not overcool and do not heat the laptop.
  • You can’t get attached to the sun.
  • Do not put the laptop down, in the process of work, on your bare body, you can take the shards for theory.
  • Varto step after him, so that the water does not drain on the laptop, or else it’s part of it.
  • Varto relatively stezhiti, so that a portable computer did not spend a drink or a brood.
  • Transportation of a laptop is required in special bags.
  • Can't lift a laptop by the screen.
  • Do not try a portable computer with attachments that generate more electromagnetic viprominuvannya.
  • Do not follow the annex three times a day, roztashovuchi yoga on the bed and pile cover.
  • Do not wipe the lens in the CD-ROM. For whom use discs for cleaning.
  • Chi do not hit the laptop.

According to statistics, 80% of breakdowns of portable computers are due to the impossibility of operating the keyboard. The main purpose is to see through spills of water on her. Skladnіst repair that way vartіst replace the keyboard, as well as other details, especially maternity pay, Lead to the fact that you have to buy a new computer.

When hit by a rodin

  • Shut down the laptop.
  • Turn on life.
  • Pull the battery.
  • Do not shake the laptop and do not turn it over.
  • Turn back up service center.

An important moment in power, how to properly use a laptop, is the battery. The battery can last as long as correct operation, 1.5-3 rocky, if її it will be necessary to change.

Battery operation

  • A new battery should be discharged 5-6 times. Tse is called training.
  • Approximately once a month, I will recharge the battery. After the next hero її with an attachment (want to use 1 piece), then put it back and charge it.
  • As soon as the laptop battery began to quickly discharge, varto repeat the exercise for yoga. If not, then vikoristovuvati energy-saving mode.

How to practice on laptops

  • With a working laptop, it is not possible to connect or switch between different peripheral outbuildings. Winnyatki to install USB and liC-cards, as well as bring other names.
  • Incorrect use of the battery will change the term of service. Be sure to read the instruction manual for the battery.
  • Slide from the very cob to create a laptop backup copies software.
  • put in good antivirus program. Resolutely check the information that should be on the laptop, how virus-free. Vikoristovuvaty licensed programs and revered dzherel. Like a virus having spent some kind of rank on a computer, you can damage this program, destroy the robot operating system.
  • The next memory shkidlivih programs that upgrade of the operating system is not included until the warranty service.
  • Do not press hard on the life button, and also "Reset", also do not wart the force when inserting the disk into the drive. All tsі dії can cause mechanical failure of the laptop.
  • You can’t splash the lid of a laptop, so that the matrix can break.
  • Slid is respectfully placed before blocking computer access or hard drive.

Laptops are becoming more and more popular, they occupy a larger niche among people computer technology. Aje even often trapleyaetsya, scho stationary computer is not є best option. Bagato koristuvachiv, like a laptop, stuck with tim, scho to portable attachment The next call, even if the robot is on a new one, it’s like working on a great desktop personal computer. Slide to establish the validity of laptops in the form of stationary computers.

Head of power in PC

  • Notebooks are task-oriented. That is why they have universality. All laptops are subdivided into class, category stale in the name of the machine. fold universal laptop on this day is impossible. And all through those that were richly able to connect to a laptop one by one.
  • Portable computers mobile. Notebooks can be easily moved, with which attachment you can work for an hour offline. Also a great plus is the possibility of dartless communications. To the desktop computer it is also possible to connect a non-rotor attachment, but with it the possibility of free movement is spent, which is the main advantage of such attachments.
  • Vіdminnostі v tekhnologiiakh. For a desktop computer, the moment of increased productivity is important. And the axis for a laptop is trivality autonomous robots, support in the boundaries of the norms of the temperature regime and the vag of a portable outbuilding.
  • Integration into building outbuildings. For a koristuvach, it’s not so important how to practice an outbuilding, a smut, to practice. But if you can’t rapt the sound, you’ll not be able to play it on the outer speakers, for example, then I’ll replace the laptop in the laptop, which, after being angry, you can’t get around. It will be necessary to solve problems in a complex way. There is a fee for mobility.
  • Upgrade. Unfortunately, the VIN is not suitable for laptops. Aje replace merezhnu card chi modem, yaki vbudovani in the motherboard, do not go. You can improve it with more operational memory. With singing difficulties you can replace hard drive. With even greater difficulties, you will have to shut up for an hour, replace the processor. I all. For rich laptops, such replacements are not possible. Zate z desktop computers everything is much simpler. You can buy yourself original computer and “grow” yoga for the needs.
  • Functionality and productivity. For laptops, optical storage devices work out of lesser speed, lower for a desktop computer, and less for portable computers. Similar situations are common with other universities. With functionality, everything is more beautiful. A lot of laptops can accommodate various ports, optical storage devices are often used. A unified set of ports, which is on stationary computers, is not portable. You can read these instructions about how to properly use a laptop and everything that is included in it.
  • Hopefulness. Food is twofold. On the one hand, the mobile appli- cation is more advanced, and even when it was prepared, new technologies were put in place. On the other hand, you can use a laptop for an hour of transportation. There are a lot of such nuances.

Now you are familiar with the basic rules and rules, which will help you to get food, how to learn how to work on laptops. Goofy remember that dbaylive installation to the laptop will help you to do more with yoga services.

07 Sep 2016 13:7

For rich people today, a laptop is a substitute for a stationary computer. Tobto replace the PC, which is composed of the monitor system unit, Coristuvachi more and more began to choose not such a cumbersome solution - a laptop. It's true - it takes less time, you can take it with you, it has low functions, like you have a great PC. And the efficiency of the robot is not checked by anything, so there is no need to resolve the oversight. In a word, clarity is in the presence. Buying a laptop, we essentially win it like a stationary PC, and we’ll permanently turn it on in the electric circuit. out of tune.
How to properly look after the battery, so that it served as a yakomog more?
Notebook batteries, like other batteries, powerful old age. Indeed, the battery is the same chemical speech, and the stench can change its power from hour to hour. Also, their powers lie in temperature. If you look at the warranty for your laptop, then sound there the warranty term of the battery is lower, lower on the laptop itself. In order to replace your battery, you may need to ask earlier, lower the laptop itself. If you see the components in harmony, then it is necessary yakіsny repair computer Repair companies can also repair the supply of problematic software, replacing damaged components in the case. Batteries and life blocks are also within their competence. Speaking of which, if you want to download free software from Microsoft Corporation, you can download it at For sim posilannyam, zokrema, you can say Excel different versions. So are all other products of the company.

How to know about the term of battery service?

Today, all batteries in digital equipment are lithium-ion. The Їх service term is used in discharge-charge cycles. Sound the battery at a normal operating time and approximately 2 - 3 years (300 cycles of discharge - charge), and then it is necessary to change it. Ale traplyatsya, what's in real life won’t use up your resource early enough, and it’s not enough to deposit it not only because of the number of cycles in the discharge - the charge, but also in the wake of it. laptops Apple Macbook are equipped with another type of batteries - lithium-polymer Li-Pol. This option is expensive, but to serve longer - insurance for 1000 charging cycles. Zalezhno v_d work on tsomu laptop battery to serve more - 3-5 years.

Proper use of the battery

So that the battery did not go out of tune earlier, it is necessary, it is necessary to operate correctly.

Operating rules:

  1. When you turn the laptop upside down, you need to be sure that the battery is 100% charged. It is possible that the battery can be charged for a long time, but at any given time it is not possible to turn on the laptop for life without checking until the charge reaches the maximum.
  2. Install batteries on the cob of the robot. To do this, go (for Windows) to the Care Panel, give "Obladnannya that sound" - "Electric animation". Here you can install a nailed coristuvacha. Recommended parameters for automatic keruvannya Notebook power supplies will be offensive. At additional parameters you can install "Wipe hard drive after 20 minutes". Power saving mode select - Maximum productivity". Hybrid sleep mode - "Vimk.", Hibernation - "Nikoli", sleep - "Nikoli", wake-up timers - "Nikoli".
  3. Here you can also set the function of the Live and Sleep mode buttons. Insert the "Sleep" mode on the buttons. It is also recommended to adjust the settings for dimming and fading the screen during downtime: turn off the screen at 5 min., turn on the screen - 10 min. I'll watch the video for an hour, the laptop doesn't flicker, adjust the multimedia settings when open access to multimedia - "Stop the transition from going to sleep."
  4. It is also important to put a low battery level marker re-discharging. The following parameters are recommended: full discharge - 5%, low battery charge - 10%. If you want to see a warning about a low battery charge, put "Uvimk" in front of you. With a low battery charge - "do not work everyday."
  5. Fahivtsі recommend limiting the battery charge to 50-80%, so that you can’t charge it at 100%. Krіm, zrozumіlo, the first recharging when buying. The first three charges can be up to 100% - charge and discharge to 5%, then charge again to 100%, charge again to 5%, and one more such cycle. After that, it is possible to install the installations for the exchange of a full charge up to 50 - 80%.
  6. With the first three charge cycles up to 100%, it is not recommended to charge the computer with programs that require a great resource (for example, DVD drive). At the same time, the battery is guilty of pratsyuvati not on the outside of the venture.
  7. Another thing to say is who is recommended to install a 50% recharge marker. Tse yakraz pidide yak is not possible better team coristuvacham, as if working out of a laptop, we will turn it on until 220V. The battery is not covered for such an operation, but a charge reduction of up to 50% allows you to save the battery for a long time.

It is not possible to deprive the battery of three times of discharge by 0-10%. It is important to know how to charge.
At the vimnen stani, the laptop is better than before electric lines. It is necessary to work from the deep mirkuvannya with accessories, as well as to save the battery. Obviously, as the battery charge is minimally critical, it is the fault of the connections until the moment of recharging.
The battery contains the same number of cycles in the discharge - charge. To the one that has more cycles, the battery resource will run out faster. To change the number of cycles, just work on the lines where possible to charge the battery as soon as possible.
In the mode of salience operational memory the laptop becomes overwhelmed, and the laptop continues to conserve energy. If you forget about your laptop for a long time, then in such a state you can charge lower for a critical level. Such situations cannot be allowed. Also, it is not possible to charge a new discharge, working on laptops as batteries. If you want to protect yourself from the latest discharges through forgetfulness, then just put them in the settings low rіven charge on the value of 40 - 50%. The term of service for whom to speed up - it also requires understanding.

From what has been said, you can make a short whisker:

  • It cannot be assumed that the battery lasted for three hours from a charge of 0 to 10% charge.
  • It cannot be assumed that the battery of a switched-on computer was three times an hour out of 100% charge and immediately charged in the measure.

Notebook wiki: widest
reasons for sending coristuvachs to service centers

Koristuvannya laptop - see the threats

Have a yaku box laptop invest report instruction how to use it. People who are studying її - іz satisfied chi without it - are implausibly few.

Let's take a look at the reasons for this, how to induce corruption at the service center, and once again, remember that you can't work with a laptop at any time.

Reason 1

I don't care about those laptopє mobile attachment, you can use it without zavzhd and not creaking: the recommendations of the operating range should be from 5 ° to 30 ° C (with the exception of stolen models).

It is bad to endure low temperatures, in the heat of the day computers are easily “overheated”: the electronics and the processor do not sound.

Such unsafe and temperature fluctuations - a charge, first of all, let the robot work, give laptop acclimatize: in such situations in the middle of the computer, condensate is established, which can cause the tracks to be run to a hum.

Surely, all pays are varnished, contacts are insulated, but still need to be resurfaced? Make it a rule not to expand anything beyond 10-15 cm from the laptop: laptop fans work in normal mode and do not allow overheating, and you won’t hurt anything.

Reason 2. The main enemy of a laptop is water.

It would have been better, dribnitsa: they ate a small board on the street and spilled kava on the keyboard; viterly - and you can practice.

However, after tidying up the bells and whistles, it’s practically impossible to start the ruining process: the motherboard, which is zapped under the keyboard, does not show such a beast - the day passes, a maximum of a month or two, and the computer freezes.

Call the service center to make a diagnosis of "corrosion of the strum-conducting paths of the mother board" and pronounce and replace.

Not varto practice on laptops And in a thunderstorm, so like in laptops the modem sounds integrated into the motherboard, it’s too expensive to change it, so the storm and the Internet are insane.

Not varto brother laptop at the bath - a great rizik zipsuvati pristriy. Another good thing: bring a special bag for carrying a laptop.

A number of constructive elements (protection along the perimeter, internal belt-fixator, water-resistant material) allow to increase the degree of protection of the device, both to natural factors and to the lowness of the share.

Reason 3. Dzherela eating

How to burn a laptop. The laptop is supplied with a power adapter for life and it is not recommended to replace it anyway. Vіdomі vіpadki vіkhodі vіkhodі z fret vіdіvіnnya vladіnnya akkumulyatorі vіkoristanny block zhivlennja z vіdіmі vіdnіnіnі vіhіdnі ї napruzheniya i strіmu strumu.

In the electric wire, voltage cuts are often trapped, so it is strongly recommended to add an additional wire filter or a voltage stabilizer.

Understandably, follow the elementary rules for the operation of the lace adapter (do not curl it with objects that make it difficult for natural cooling, bend the wire), but more importantly - DO NOT TURN ON THE ADAPTER WITHOUT A LAPTOP!

"Golden Rule": back on the cob lace adapter connects to the laptop, and then the adapter plug is inserted into the socket. Itself so, but chi not navpaki.

Another way to "burn out" the life adapter (or "forgive" the laptop itself) is to repair a faulty battery; as soon as the battery is charged, the working resource becomes 5-10 minutes, it won’t be replaced.

Similarly, following the work of the battery, for which the hour of autonomous work is gradually shortening.

If the laptop is new, then the battery should be “rolled”. The first charge can be as trival as possible (up to 24 years). The offensive krok is completely right, right up to the withdrawal of the apparatus, the discharge of the battery. Repeat the procedure 3-5 times.

The purpose of these manipulations is the installation of a “full range” of battery capacity, which allows you to take the maximum output for an hour of work.

Before turning on the laptop a special vypadok: Batteries SHOULD be recharged with a stretch of 10-15 strands; In another case, too much strum charge can bring in a life adapter.

Reason 4. Matrix

An unsightly look. Oh the matrix! The most valuable and most expensive element of a laptop, that is why it is necessary to put it before it reverently: it is necessary to push it, for example, on the cover of a closed device or put objects on it.

The most laptop matrix is ​​"afraid" of impacts - regardless of their strength and straightness; before hitting, it is necessary to close the cover of the device and raise the sound of the computer for it. About those who do not miss a laptop, guess not a trace.

The matrix is ​​broken or cracked, what you see on the screen is chaotic "the dawn of the sky" - the river is unacceptable, but you understand; other than the display of the colors, but on the screen - the correct dissimilarity.

Until the irrevocable naslіdkіv prizvodannya hit on the display of the water (they are stіykі plyami) and often the infusion of bright sony light (the transmission of the color is broken). Matrix do not blame dotikiv - neither with a finger, nor with a pen.

Before speech, the presence of decals of "dead" pixels (for TFT displays) or uneven transmission (for DSTN displays) is not considered a defect - the purpose is only the specificity of the generation technology. Vtіm, for new laptops it's not relevant, they all can be without water.

Reason 5. Save for cleaning. Mity chi not mity?

Dumka 1 . For wiping the matrix of a laptop, it is better to use a special zasib for cleaning and serving. From this drive there are two diametrically protruding thoughts.

So, it is necessary to use special tools for cleaning, and even if you use a laptop to clean up neatly, then you can get into the “tidying up” case without them: for this whole bag, the soft fabric is lint-free, soaked in water (do not forget to turn on the living block and screw up the battery! ).

You can vikoristovuvat neutral miyuchi zasobi, but only DO NOT ABRASIVE AND DESIGN. Hurry up with the inclusions after the water cleaning is not followed: the device needs to be dried, if only with a stretch of 20-30 strands.

Dumka 2 . To keep an eye on the laptop keyboard, you can use a small special USB keyboard pump.

Definitely, alcohol is not suitable for looking after a laptop: it can be used to build a case, (it doesn’t matter if it’s plastic or metal), in most cases you can drink on water farba.

Understandably, the first time you “take it” all you don’t see, but if you work with this manipulation regularly, then as a result you can take it on the surface of the fox, like a non-abyak zvnishnistnost of your love.

Zagalom, remember, if you behave with a laptop carefully and carefully, then you will be blamed
serve for a long time, right up to old age. And if it comes to you, I will virishuvate you.

History of life

Vidkrivate that close the laptop for the top cover, the number is effective. Viroblyayuchy stil once a day similar manipulations, the notebook's hairdresser mastered this number perfectly.

After three months of operation, cracks began to appear on the hinges. Shards in the instructions it was written that the loops were ripped for thousands of "voices-zakrittiv", the hairdresser's furry with a whole mind - they did not reach the first thousand stinks.

The warranty laptop was sent to the service center, de respect of the girl, they sent me to the instruction point, which recommends opening the cover, trimming it for the center, and it is preferable to explain that when the cover is replaced with a 15-inch power matrix, vigin, dosit big, i the sound of the sound nevertheless became the reason for the departure from the fret of these hinges.

Fortunately, nothing happened to the matrix.

How to squirm with a laptop

Install your laptop on a level surface!

UVAGA! Why not work!

Do not install yoga in quiet places, de vin can recognize vibrations (for example, charge it with a cleaning machine).

Do not expose the laptop to low temperatures (below 0C) and high temperatures(More than 50C).

Don't let your laptop get direct sleepy shifts, don't leave your car in the cabin on a gloomy day.

Do not put a laptop, which you work on, directly on your bare body (or your legs are alive). Theoretically, you can take opik.

Do not allow vologia and rare speeches to be consumed on a laptop of any part. Unique potraplyannya saw that ford to the laptop.

Do not wear yoga permanently with a well-packed bag (with a special mention).

Do not pick up and do not trim the laptop by the display;

It is not possible to trim a laptop closer, lower than 15 cm from accessories that generate stronger electromagnetic vibrations (refrigerator, TV).

Do not wipe the lens in the CD-ROM drive yourself - use special discs for cleaning.

Do not turn over the laptop if it is plugged into an outlet (or the cable may be damaged).

Do not use a laptop for a long time on a bed with a pile cover, because it accumulates heat under it.

Avoid hitting a working laptop. Whether it's a blow, it's not strong enough, maybe the mother's fatal consequences are ahead of us for the laptop matrix.

It is not possible to connect peripheral attachments when the laptop is powered on - you can enter the computer interface (or I will attach it) out of tune.

Tse rule do not reach PC-cards that support "PLUG & PLAY", as well as other floppy drives.

Incorrect operation with batteries may change the term of service. Go back to the instructions for working with the battery. Before the ear of the robot, give the battery a good workout.

Don't forget to make a backup copy of the software before starting work, as the distribution kit will be delivered to the hard disk of the computer.

Carefully review all the information that is on the laptop, for viruses.

If a virus is ingested to the computer, your data can be stolen and installed by all programs, and the integrity of the operating system is also broken.

Don't press too hard on the "Reset" button, and don't force yourself when the floppy disks are inserted into the drive - you can cause up to mechanical failure.

If a floppy disk is immediately stuck in a disk drive, go to a technical fahіvtsya service center, but do not try to force a floppy disk - you can bring it to physical damage to the head or other mechanical failure of the floppy disk drive. About every kind of change for the residents of Zelenograd on a note - the service center of Zelenograd laptop repair.

Do not splash the lid of your laptop - the matrix may break. Remember that MECHANICAL FAILURE IS NOT THE SUBJECT OF WARRANTY REPAIR!

Be careful when blocking access to a computer or a hard drive. Incorrect date and time of setting the password to the system can cause great inaccuracies.

Clarifying a "forgotten" password is not the subject of a warranty service, and it can be done for a fee.

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Secrets and subtle robots on the computer

Let's talk about laptop operation.

For a long time stable work a laptop, about a new one, it is necessary to take care of it - to work preventively cleansing, to be careful, to avoid blows, to prevent confusion, flooding with motherland and overheating.
Mi damo sprat simple pleasures about those, how to preserve this practice for a longer time, without going into an overhaul. You yourself will understand - laptop repair will not bring satisfaction, that cost is not cheap.

Also, in the process of operating a laptop, we often fail to set ourselves up to the new, do not adhere to the banal rules of operation (among others, recommended by manufacturers), we do not need to take preventive measures.
All the same, call to produce up to one finale - the laptop either starts to work properly, or to fail, or we’ll get out of tune, tobto. lamaetsya. I think that the prospects for such a short-lived laptop cannot be silenced.

That's how pardons are most robimo, shriveled by a laptop?
It's really not so rich. Let's take a look at the widest of them.

Pardon No. 1
їzhmo pid hour of work at the laptop

Qia pardon is widened, because a laptop is a mobile attachment, then it is often blamed for a quick bite to eat, working on it. It’s good to love someone, it’s acceptable in a cafe, put yoga on the table and sip kava / sik / tea at the same time or else, practice at the laptop or look at the media, rewrite in the social. fringes and the like. So it is. Ale, it’s necessary to put food - but why doesn’t it become “violent”, and all those who are at that moment (otherwise it’s worth it), lean on the keyboard or the laptop screen? So, judging by the statistics of repairs, it is common to do it often.

The worst thing for a laptop is not getting on a new vologist.
You can bring the laptop inside the middle of the laptop until it's out of tune like a keyboard (the easiest repair option), and even more serious breakdowns.
Just like with a stationary computer, everything is simple (the maximum possible is the keyboard, the price is hundreds of rubles), then with a laptop, everything is richly folded. Through the keyboard, the country can penetrate into the depths of the laptop and drink on electronic components(motherboard, different modules - touch, Wi-Fi, hard disk, bring it later).

When water gets on the board or modules of the laptop for the reaction of the water and electrics, they are oxidized. Vzaemodiya vody that electric struma I convert water into acid, so that I can literally “re-separate” the streaming paths on the board and help or harm the electronic components - microcircuit wiring, contacts, cables, microcircuits themselves and not only.

There is a path on the board.
Sochasnі maternity pay bagatosharovі, tobto. Tracks, like the electrics are big here and there, from the microcircuit to the microcircuit, not only from the outer sides of the boards, but also a few internal balls with such tracks (you can have six and more).

apply to the result of the oxidation of the components in the form of consumption

If you spend your homeland on a fee, and the laptop will not be constantly disturbed, then the possibility of spending it forever grows progressively. I see a great vision of the imovirnosti of the fact that the inner paths will be irrevocably acidified, which has become. You can try out the old roads, but the axis of the internal ones is a pity.

It is possible for you to pay for those who have a laptop on its own and you can look after it far away - you will have mercy. Motherland may be left over for a long time with components. Water electrical conductor, then. Electricity is transmitted through it, which will soon manifest itself as an unfamiliar behavior of the laptop ("glitches" - unreasonable failures in robots), and then the wines may stop turning on. If the process of oxidation has started, the electrician can calmly "walk" there, de yoma be tempted.

What is the reliability of the laptop, all the same, buv flooding

The laptop after flooding may be negligently vibrating!
In case of something it is necessary to turn on all the dzherel of life - turn off the battery of that outer block of life. Then the laptop is obviously necessary to put it in for a full cleaning in the main. Pulling zim vkrai is not recommended!

In due time, fakhivtsiv and external cleaning of the laptop cost a penny, repaired, which will not only be expensive and long-term (the variance of the motherboard motherboard of the laptop, for example, become 60-80% of the varnosti of the laptop itself), but the result of this is not overdone y ( it is difficult to give a guarantee ). The axis is approximate price for laptop repair in our main-price.

One more moment
Vіn also pov'yazany z їzhey behind the laptop - all third-party objects, like the keys of the laptop. Other various third-party objects (such as hard cladding, sometimes) building to break the mechanism of the keys.

You may see the reaction of pressing keys or their jams. Ale, in equal parts with floods, the problem is small, since the keyboard to the most models of laptops is for sale, and it’s a replacement for a vartistyu to get richer cheaper for repairing a flooded laptop.

Pardon No. 2
not fast for laptop cooling

One of the widest pardons is to work on a laptop in such places and positions, for which the ventilation system simply cannot work effectively.

You ask - what is the price for such a position?
It's simple - easy, cool, otherwise, where you put the laptop, the bottom (bottom side) appears to allow access to the air for cooling the system. And the laptop cooling system is the weakest place.
You are to blame for the fact that the expansion of that mobility of the laptop is within the reach of other authorities. Refrigeration is one of them.

Why can't you put a laptop on a carpet?

Look at your laptop from below.

On the lower part of the laptop case there are ventilation openings ( Mal. 1), through which the ventilation system takes in the air to cool the entire laptop. If you close the access again until you open them, peeling him at the foot (it’s obviously handy, nothing can be compared), and then more, putting yoga, say on the ground, you won’t get overheated laptop!

Also, pay respect to those who have a laptop with a cream ventilation grilles, and even lower ones ( Mal. 2). The very tsimi lows of wine and guilt stand on a flat surface. It is no accident that virobniks thoroughly calculate the necessary clearance of height (Fig. 3) that opening is open for ventilation. It’s worth trying in order to ensure sufficient efficiency of the cooling system for maximum processor utilization.

Grid on the side of the laptop ( fig.4), so you can’t curl up! If the hot air goes nowhere, otherwise it will be important, then the efficiency of cooling will also fall.
The result is the same - laptop overheating!

Mal. 1 Mal. 2 fig.3 Mal. 4
What is a laptop

Notebook, lower version personal computer(Great System Block). Navit processors are most likely to work alone. Ale, although in the computer there is enough room for efficient cooling, then in the laptop everything is connected with cooling.

Obviously, laptops have different energy-saving systems implemented, for which reason the processors work only on such pressure, as the system is needed for comfortable robotics and programs. It is necessary to reduce the processor's view of heat to a minimum, and give the possibility to freeze compact radiators and fans for cooling.

Most laptops have only one fan for cooling purposes.
The first system of radiators is still not efficient, as it would be desirable.

Everything is a fee for the mother’s ability to be portable, but at the same hour, advanced computer for roboti chi igor.

Pardon No. 3
Vvazhemo prophylaxis of the laptop is not binding

You, singly, were happy with your brand new laptop, if only you got yoga. Vіn buv clean, garni, pratsyuvav shvidko and mayzhe noiselessly.
And after an hour, the laptop is repaired, everything is more povіlnіshe and it becomes more and more gamirnim.

Be it a technique, it will require periodic technical maintenance.
The laptop is not to blame here - it's the fault of someone who has conflicts.

In this part of the article, we are talking about cleaning the insides of the laptop.

Why is the cooler spinning steadily, is it noisy?

Therefore, the speed of the cooling fan wrap is controlled and regulated by the laptop automatically, depending on the current temperature of the processor (temperature in the middle of the laptop). As the temperature rises, the speed of the cooler wrapping will also increase, the noise of the robot will become louder and louder.

Please note that if the laptop is overheated, it will also automatically reduce the speed of the processor (to reduce the heat that is seen), then. the laptop is repaired better. If the temperature in the middle of the laptop starts to drop, the fan will slow down (the sound of the robot will become quieter), and the speed of the robot will increase.

Such effects are not obligatory to speak of injustice or confusion. So the laptop can behave when launching "important" add-ons or even if its processor works on the border.
This is the standard mode of the laptop cooling system.

What does it say about overheating if the laptop is operating correctly?

It can also be blown through the radiator and the cooling fan.
If the internal empty cooling system and the radiator are covered with a saw ball, then the building is cooled down.

If the laptop is constantly working noisily, or the cooler is quieting down on short pauses (which practically works constantly on maximum speed), but if you don’t cheat on the programs, which means a lot of calculation pressure - don’t play games , but, for example, read the news or ask social merezhakh, then type of sign the one whose guts were clogged with a saw.

apply the zabrudne laptop with a saw in the middle

Krіm saw the ventilation of the laptop often soaked in the wool of his creatures and other dribnі that letkі chastki. From the middle of the cooling system, a small ball is created, which at times looks like a sponge. Vіn even nastily misses every other time, or else it gets clogged up, not letting me circulate again.

Overheating may cause thermal paste to dry out

Thermal grease is the same heat-conducting oil, as it is applied to the processor to increase the contact area and the ability to quickly transfer heat from the processor to the cooling radiator. Tobto. there will be an increase in cooling efficiency.

If it’s hanging (and it’s hanging out by the year), then the heat conductors of power are known to her. At this time, it no longer plays the role of a conductor of heat, but instead it becomes a heat insulator, which will again lead to overheating of the processor crystal and the entire system as a whole.

When is it necessary to work on laptop prophylaxis?

Prevention of a laptop under normal operation should be carried out approximately once per rіk (and once per rіvroku). It is clear to everyone that the prevention of illness is much cheaper than likuvannya.

Vikonati її can have a lot of service centers, which can not be expensive. True, the maistri is still guilty, but they are literate and may be certified (professionals).
Believe me, roblyachi need periodic prophylaxis, you better save your laptop’s work for now!

Preventive cleaning of a laptop, as a rule, is cheaper.

At the end, as an announcement, let's say, to some extent, we can bring overheating of the laptop.

What can cause overheating of a laptop

Understand what is in the middle of the laptop, processor, installed and other components - RAM, hard disk, video card and other elements and modules.

All stinks are afraid of overheating!

For example, the triviality of the life of a hard disk (hard drive, HDD) is practically implicitly connected with the temperature regime of yoga robots.
If the Winchester is constantly working at rising temperatures, then there is a high level of damage in his robots, and the appearance of the titles of "bedives" (beaten clusters), as physical damage to the surface of the disc plates, and is no longer confirmed. Tse threaten with a waste of valuable tribute.

Other components can simply be "buggy" - they are not stable and cause a pardon of the operating system (for example, a blue screen).
All the problems, like joys, can not be brought to anyone.

Everything described above is only a manifestation of a robotic laptop.
But overheating can tell yourself like a robot's failures. In the event of a constant overheating, the laptop may break out.

What in laptops can be damaged in case of overheating?

A lot of modern microcircuits (processor chips) can no longer be installed in sockets and slots. The stench is soldered on a fee for the help of small bags. The method is good and efficient;

Ale overheating or wigin pay (navit vypadkovyy) can bring to vіdrivu one or a few such soldering points (bag) in the pay. Naturally, scho is not practicable with any addiction.

Why overheating laptop repair will be expensive?

To that, for the resoldering of such a microcircuit (the so-called reballing sound) it is necessary, at least, a special equipment (infrared soldering station), as if it is more expensive by itself, that robot on a new one must be a specialist of high qualification ikatsii. Non-leather service center may allow this.

P_vedemo p_bags

How to take care of a laptop to save yoga for a long time:

  1. Do not work for an hour at a laptop
    (it is fraught with flooding of the laptop with homeland - tea / sik / kava)
  2. At an hour of work on a laptop computer, install yoga on a hard surface
    (For efficient robotic refrigeration system)
  3. Obov'yazkovo vikonuvat prophylaxis laptop z periodicity 6-12 months
    (deposit in the minds of exploitation)

Obviously, being careful with your beloved laptop will not be a problem.
Do not varto recognize yoga strikes (there is more work for an hour). The impact of a laptop can damage the case. And if you close yoga, forgetting any object on the keyboard, then the screen (matrix) can crack in it.

Well, maybe, we have taken into account all the main moments of exploitation. Be careful and respectful to your laptop, and then you will sing well and make you happy again.

Ale, if your laptop is still broken, then you can safely bring yoga to our workshop for repairs.
We have the knowledge and skills to help you with repairs.

I am sure that the article was not too boring and that it will bring you mischief.