Smooth launch. A universal utility for opening files of any type. Get a universal program for opening computer games

After the troublesome Windows OS, robots and installations software security There is often an accumulation of various unnecessary data that requires the system to start up again. Adequate maintenance is required so you can speed up the start and operation of your PC again.

There are various programs for cleaning operating system, Turn off unnecessary additions Autostart or stop at the beginning in order to use Windows as soon as possible, and then start your work. What programs are similar to these tasks, we will most likely try to understand, and you will decide which is best for you.

A lot of koristuvachs use hibernation mode on the computer, so they want to speed up the acquisition. Another group again recommends using MSConfig to enable only the services you need.

For those who know that MSConfig is not configured, we present a few useful programs that can solve a big problem in a simple and safe way.

CCleaner has provided significant support to the users. This is a very universal and comprehensive cleaning program that removes all unnecessary and incorrect entries in the registry, as well as cleans up time-consuming files and Internet activity (systems and add-ons, such as IE, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, MS line and a lot of others).

Another advantage is that you can use it absolutely cost-free and the portable version can be carried on a flash drive. We recommend CCleaner for its good productivity and ease of use.
To control the programs, enter the cross-sectional koristuvach.

Auslogics BootSpeed.

A program with a new set of functions to launch the Swedish system. Cleans the registry, defragments hard disks, Clears the area of ​​previously deleted data, and then renews it automatically deleted files And, of course, it provides a wide range basic information, Removed by scanning the computer.

You can also install functions for running programs that automatically launch when Windows is running. You can turn it on or select add-ons that you consider unnecessary and stream the system.

A very simple utility with a clear mission - to save processes and programs from autorun. Here you can find a table with many additional features, divided into criteria in 17 different categories, so that it is easy for those who need to know the problem process.


Soluto is a specialized program for Windows. The main advantages of this program are free licenses, simplicity of the program and graphical receiving interface. I will also provide the supplement backup copy at any time, whatever was crushed by the koristuvach in order to put the system back into operation. After restarting the program, how long does it take to restart the skin program?

You can easily select which processes and programs you can turn on, and which ones you can simply start for (seconds, seconds, tens of seconds). Now you will be able to work normally with your computer, and your add-ons will launch smoothly and completely.

Not great no-cost program to configure Windows startup speed.

On many (it’s impossible to say on all) operating systems today, we can use special shortcuts to easily launch all the add-ons.

This method has not become so popular for nothing, but it also has its shortcomings. And the main one of them is a shortcut that occupies a place on the desktop, which is not immense... So, at one “wonderful” moment we realize that the entire expanse of our monitor is covered with dozens of icons, among which it is very important to know what you need.

Natural for startup required additives You can quickly access the standard Start menu. However, the programs are not placed in the order of their installation, if you do not remember when you installed them, then the search for them can also be frustrating.

There is also a third way - to use third-party software for easy access to files, documents and folders. I encourage you to get to know each other today Hidden Menu.

This program does not appear at all after launch, but if we move the cursor to the tray, a pop-up menu will appear in which we can place the shortcuts we need. Despite its modest size, Hidden Menu practically does not compromise on functionality compared to professional paid software. Let's look at the level table:

Change Hidden Menu with paid analogue TrayIcon Pro

Another advantage of Hidden Menu is that the program does not require installation. We simply collect the archives, unpack them into any folder and we can start working.

At the first start, you will be asked to set up programs:

Setting up Hidden Menu

On the Vietnamese deposit, please pay attention to write English in the first row. By clicking on them, you can select the program interface.

I recommend that you choose the Russian language version for further examinations by your humble servant - the Russian (from BestFREE) .ini file;), as in the standard localization, some menu items have been lost in English (div. Screenshots).

Now that the word has been sorted out, you can proceed straight away to get things done. The first section here is “Zagalni”:

Here everything can be deprived as it is. The only thing to gain respect is the sensitivity of the menu (Popup reaction). Behind the preparations there is the greatest sensitivity. Then, just like you, move the cursor to the lower right corner of the tray - the menu will immediately appear.

When necessary, you can adjust the flow after shading (though it’s not that great - about 1 second).

Everything is simple here. You can customize the font of the letters, their color, size, as well as the background fill to your liking.

The “Popup” section indicates the settings for the popup menu:

In the left column we can set the place, when you hover the cursor over something that will merge our menu.

The right column is a list of icon sets we have created. Well, well, we can create a bunch of menus and switch between them as needed. This is how “clever” people manage to manage various programs using the Hidden Menu (as it clicked, add it to the Winamp Controller.ini menu list, for example)!

The remaining section (“Menu”) allows you to add and edit entries in the pop-up menu:

To add a new file, enter its name in the “Description” row and enter the path to the new one either manually in the “Launch File” field, or by using the “Enter Path” button and select it in Explorer.

It’s easier to add a folder - you’ll have to enter it manually. However, you can make your life a little easier :). Select the type of program to launch any file from required folders, And then just put its name in the “Launch File” row. Ready!

Additional options Hidden Menu

h additional possibilities The following indicates the possibility of adjustment by the type of window that opens. If you click on the “Window Mode” button (at the end of the “Start in” field), you can set the window to open in full-screen, windowed or lit mode. The “greatest pilot” in Hidden Menu is the creation of a powerful menu for managing any program.

To deny access to a specific function, you need to know the system command that is assigned to it. This command should be entered in the “Parameters” field, and then a button will appear in the menu that we have created in any process.

Another important feature is to assign icons of your keyboard shortcuts to your creations for their smooth launch. To set hotkeys in the “Hotkey” field, select the hotkey button, and then click on one of the control key options (available Win, Ctrl, Alt, Shift).

After you have customized the Hidden Menu to your liking, you can click the “Accept” button and admire the results of your efforts.

As soon as we move the cursor to the lower right edge of the screen, a menu will appear in which we clearly added the program earlier (or an empty straight forward one, since you did not specify anything during the setup process).

clickmo right button in any part of the melting ending, and we will be lost in the Hidden Menu context menu. Here you can quickly add, edit and delete new items and columns, add a program to the tray, pin a window, go to settings, save changes, or simply exit programs.

Under the “Add” button in context menu Click on the “Add Special” button.

With a simple addition, you can insert only files and folders into the menu. “Special” opens up a new window in front of us, in which we can set empty fields, new rows, columns, as well as separators for a more comprehensive design of our menu.

Everything that needs to be entered, so many elements are added, and when working with separators, I will write the name and color.

With just some simple manipulations using a special insert, we can create a more attractively ordered menu:


Thanks to the wide range of program settings, you can create menus that will specifically respond to your requests. Now the Work Desk can be used only for saving documents that you often use Danish moment you work, and not like a monster for dozens of labels.

You can add Hidden Menu to all your programs and folders and forget about the troubles on your monitor screen!

P.S. It is permitted to freely copy and quote this article without prejudice to the active sending of authorship to Ruslan Tertishny.

If there is a task in front of you - hurry up infatuated with Windows, I need to earn money without vykoristany third party programs, Then you really need to read this article. The fragments in this collection are simple, but the firebrand two ways accelerated use of the Windows 7 operating system, which you can do without a stopwatch.

Whenever a computer starts, it first launches the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), and as soon as Windows starts, it needs to start from scratch. In the BIOS we have two options: the priority level and the Fast boot function.
This will significantly speed up the system startup by searching and checking the BIOS of connected devices. However, this function has its own drawbacks - by turning it on, the device turns on a number of devices connected via non-standard connectors (USB, S-Video, hosts for mobile devices). It will start working after you start Windows again.

To quickly access additional BIOS settings, you need to:

Important! The little one shows “Cherga Zavantazhennya” for the Dell Inspiron laptop. On other devices there may be slight differences. As a rule, the functions are limited to a visual warehouse, while the names of tabs and commands are almost always identical (standardized) for all devices.

Also note that Fast boot works even better. As a result, computer users are physically unable to press the urgently needed button to re-enter the BIOS. This problem occurs when pressing the unlock button BIOS settings(A) before turning on the computer.

another croc

It is now time to quickly connect all processor cores (if there are more than one) to start the operating system. For whom:

Wikonian manipulations will begin to work after restarting the operating system.

Krok third

Coming soon we will be disconnected unnecessary programsі services that are involved in starting the system.

Services activation

Here you need to turn on unnecessary services, Remnants of the stench vantage the system, navіt yakscho not vikoristovuyutsya koristuvach. Especially when starting Windows. You can read in detail about those that can be turned on, and what’s more, on the Internet, but you can guess about the operation of the service yourself. For example, you don’t need the “Drug Manager” because you don’t have a printer.

“Service” is indicated by clicking on it with the right mouse button, and clicking on the “Power” item. After that, open at the end and select “Disabled” in the “Startup type” column.

Croc quarters

Next, you can configure which Windows programs are automatically launched when the system starts. There are already a lot of programs that like to be registered in autorun, in which case not only does it not vikorystovuyu them, but they probably don’t suspect that the stinks are working.

Setting up auto-enablement in Windows 7

Changes made will take effect when the operating system is started.

krok p'yatyi

The last step to speed up the system startup is to organize the space occupied by files on the hard drive, in other words - defragmentation hard drive. This procedure suggests the ordering of the placement of books in the library. What is needed for more manual, I'll search for you books (in our selection of files) and their wiki.

The disk defragmentation service in Windows 7 is launched by the following command - defrag.exe. This must be entered in search row the “Start” menu or the “Windows” window (Win + R).

After running this command, you will open the “Defragmentation” window, then select the disk on which the operating system is installed and run its defragmentation.

The defragmentation process can take up to an hour or even a year.

Also, it’s best to immediately enable the function of periodically starting defragmentation by clicking “Adjust layout”.

I select the parameters that are optimal for you and start. After this, you can start defragmenting your hard drive.

Porada. It is not advisable to lock up your computer during defragmentation, or rather remove it until the process is completed.

How do you run programs in Windows? A quick click on the label on your desktop? more effective ways- Windows introduces a number of installed applications to quickly launch add-ons. It is clear that many of you have long been familiar with all the learned tricks. In which way you can try Launchy or others third party add-ons To demonstrate more possibilities, the search function is integrated into the Start menu in Windows. What about Pochatkivets koristuvach Windows, Then you may benefit from all points of this article.

Labels on the panel

In Windows 7 or Windows 8, add-ons with shortcuts attached to the task panel can be launched in this way - by clicking on the Win key, and then on the serial number of the related program. For example, in my case, pressing the Win + 1 key launches Internet Explorer, And if I press Win + 2, Media Player will open.

Search through the Start menu

To launch programs using any number of keystrokes, you can select the search function in the Start menu. First, press Windows key on the keyboard. Then enter part of the name of the required program (you can enter it immediately after pressing the Windows key). You can enter the same program names, but it’s not at all complicated, because in most cases, additions will be found after entering the first two or three letters.

You can also use this function to open files that are saved on your computer.

Hot keys

If you use this tool very often, you may need to use a dedicated key to start it. First, find the program shortcut in the “Start” menu or on the desktop, right-click on it and select “Power” in the context menu.

Place the mouse indicator in the “Swipe click” field, enter the required key, and then click OK.

Dialogue “Viconati”

To quickly launch add-ons, you can select the “Viconati” dialog box. To open it, press Win + R. Enter the name of the program and press Enter to launch the program. Example: typing firefox and pressing Enter will launch Firefox, or typing chrome and pressing Enter will launch Chrome.

Launchy or other third party launchers

Launchy is one of the most popular utilities for quickly launching add-ons in Windows, and it’s also cost-free.

Launchy will be activated automatically, and to click on it, you need to press Alt + Spacebar. As soon as you start typing the name of a program or file, Launchy will independently “browse” through the list installing their programs I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. Once the program you need is found, you just need to press Enter to launch it.

Have a wonderful day!

If you work on a computer and often launch the same programs, it would be a good idea to carefully adjust their smooth launch, so as not to waste a lot of time searching for them.

Therefore, in this statistic we consider available Possibility Windows(No installation additional programs) Allow us to set up the most optimal scheme for us to launch our favorite programs.

Zokrema mi let's talk about making adjustments autorun programs, launching programs for additional shortcuts to work table, Launch programs via Panel, Through the fixed area in start menu and for help hotkeys.

Let's take a look at the predictions of possibility, report, vikory and operation Windows system 7, and once you are done with the basic applications, you can figure out how to specifically organize the launch of your favorite programs in the shortest possible manner in your operating system.

Alright, let's start in order...

Quick launch of your favorite programs via autorun

Most programs can be configured in this way so that they start automatically when the operating system itself starts. As a rule, your loved ones and daily use programs such as postal program, Skype, electronic notebook, etc.

Enabling and disabling important programs at the time of starting the operating system can be done in the program settings. Let's take a look at this process in the examples of several programs, installations and wikis that we have already seen on our website.

Autostart for Skype

To configure autorun, firstly on the Task Panel, find the icon for this program, click on it with the right mouse button and in the drop-down menu go to fine-tuning:

Autostart for Evernote

For a more detailed method of setting up the speed of launching your favorite programs, take a look at the setting for automatic start notebook

Let's go to the menu service-> fine-tuning:

I have a deposit underground means Launch Evernote at system startup and embossed OK:

Having done it in such a manner, automatically attracted For your favorite and most frequently used programs, you can gain extra handiness with your favorite computer - the programs you need are already running!

Well, it’s important to say that you don’t need to add too many programs to Automatic, because the more programs there are in Automatic, the more the operating system starts at startup.

Quick launch of programs for additional shortcuts

This is the most commonly used method for launching programs among early adopters, since shortcuts to most programs, as a rule, are already added to the desktop after installation.

A shortcut is a small file that only launches the required program. Do not display the shortcut until you have deleted the program itself. The initial shortcut on the desktop is displayed with the icon of the program itself (so that you can clearly see what the program is) and is additionally indicated by an arrow, so that you can see what the shortcut is:

pluses vikoristanny of shortcuts on work table: It’s immediately obvious which program to select to launch.

not enough vikoristanny of shortcuts on work table: If it’s easy to add shortcuts all in a row, then there is a problem with the Work Desk and the very essence of why shortcuts are added (for a smooth launch) is wasted, since a large list becomes more difficult to quickly know required label to launch the program.

In addition, with a personal computer, we can periodically add files, for example, a music or video file, a document, to the desktop on a timely basis, so that we can then decide where to go.

And if there are a lot of labels, then Denmark file(Files) maybe in the middle of a great number of labels they will simply be lost. I like this great file, For example, some kind of film, then this is the place in RAM computer, which you can use on the speed of your computer.

You can also access shortcuts on the desktop only when the windows are lit, and if you already have open any programs and (or) the Explorer window, then you need to click on the additional action in the lit window. Before speaking, about how to do this is described in the following article:.

Well, if there are a lot of shortcuts on the desktop, then this “covers” the desktop screensaver itself, which in itself, in my opinion, is not very beautiful.

That’s why, in my opinion, there should be only a few shortcuts on the work table, or if possible, they decided to turn it off.

And how to earn money for you, decide for yourself. It was too late to show you how to add labels to the work table yourself.

Let's take a look at the example of adding a shortcut to the work table to start the transfer.

You need to go to the menu right now Start— > all programs. There, add folder 3 to the list required program, Open it, find the file that launches the program. Then press the mouse with the right button and go to the window Submit— > Working table (create a shortcut):

A shortcut will appear on the work table:

Let me remind you that such shortcuts can be removed from the Work Desk, but the program itself will not be visible.

Note: Shortcuts can be created not only for launching programs, but also for any folder or file. For example, if we often go to the folder with music or movies, then you can create shortcuts to these folders in the same way and place them on the desktop.

Easy launch of programs via the Control Panel

You can get a quick launch for everyday programs by quickly taskbar, Rotated, as a rule, at the bottom of the screen (it can also be retouched on the side or side, in a place where it has been adjusted).

The main advantage is the placement of program shortcuts on the command panel, making them accessible in one click, since they are always visible.

Let's take a look at adding your favorite programs for speedy access to the Data Panel, in addition there are two programs: (one standard programs, What to log into the operating system) and browser.

Explorer on the command panel

Let's go to the menu Start-> all programs(1), go to the folder standard(2), known (3). Then we press the right mouse button and the window is embossed Pin a task to the panel(4). As a result, an icon (5) will appear on the task panel to launch Explorer:

Browser on the panel

Let's also go to the menu Start-> all programs(1), known browser(2). Then we press the right mouse button and the window is embossed Pin a task to the panel(3). As a result, the command will appear on the panel icon(4) to launch the browser:

Of course, there are a lot of programs that cannot be added to the Command Panel, so how else can they be added there? running programs. Ale, how often vikorist programs will be added to the speech.

Easily launch programs from the Start menu

Another one to finish manual way launch your favorite programs, use the Start menu. Only in the first mode, in which way programs can be launched not in one, but in two clicks.

I'll show you the Start menu on the cleaner's app.

Let's also go to the menu Start-> all programs, we know CCleaner. Then we press the right mouse button and the window is embossed Pin to Start menu:

І shortcut for launch CCleaner is added and pinned at the top (1) of the Start menu, as well as all other programs that we launch, after changing one below (2):

Quickly launch programs using hotkeys

Authorities of program shortcuts have the ability to manage their launch using hot keys. I learned about this method.

This course seems to have a fast launch of programs for encrypting data. I’ll show you in a simple way how to make this setting, and you can then adjust the program anyway.

We know in the Start menu we need a program that we want to set up for a smooth launch using hot keys, click on it with the right mouse button and select power:

In the Shortcut Properties you can specify a combination of keys for quickly launching programs, pressing zastosuvatiі OK:

That's it! Now we can launch I'll give you the program for help with hot keys. And if you need to change the shortcut to other keys, then just go here and change to a different combination.

Note: To set a key combination, you need to place the cursor in the Quick Click field and press the required keys on the keyboard at once. For the butt I entered the combination Ctrl + Alt + T(I used the letter T - call it a program. You can choose it manually and it will be remembered for you):

What exactly does Raju want:

  1. clean Work table, Having tidied up unnecessary labels.
  2. Add to startup a couple of your favorite programs that you need immediately after upgrading your operating system.
  3. Add 1-3 shortcuts per Panel on frequently vikorized programs.
  4. Attach 3-5 programs to start menu, Like the victorious threes before the front ones.

In this manner, go out quick access up to 7-10 main programs, which are what we use most often.

In this article, we looked at the ability of the operating system to launch programs quickly. Well, there are also programs that allow you to gain quick access to any programs, folders and files on your computer in 1-2 clicks. One of these programs will be discussed in one of the upcoming articles.