Expensive computer case. Zovnishhnіy vglyad i dodatkovі outbuildings. Banal life butt

  • 1. 10 min - DeepCool Tesseract BF Black
  • 2.AeroCool Aero-500
  • 3. Thermaltake Versa
  • 4. Cooler Master HAF X
  • 5. Zalman Z11
  • 6. Be Quiet! Silent Base 800
  • 7. Deep Cool Kendomen
  • 8. NZXT S340
  • 9. Fractal Design Define S
  • 10. Corsaire Carbide Series Clear 400C

When choosing a case for a computer, a lot of unsatisfied buyers often pay respect only to their own good looks and focus exclusively on their sense of beauty, but such a product will threaten great problems during operation. So that such negativity is not blamed on our readers, we will hasten to present the rating of the shortest buildings in 2017-2018, in which we have consumed only those models, which we have already managed to positively recommend ourselves to the market and do not disappoint you in such important parameters, how to properly organize the pot noise.

Don’t forget that the form factors of the cases are heavily damaged one way or the other, and you should choose the right one especially for you already on the hallway, as you are planning to place it in a new place, so don’t hurry up to buy a shell for your PC, but respectfully all for and against. Well, now let's go to our top corpus!

10 months - DeepCool Tesseract BF Black

Price: 2200 rubles.

Massive building, conservatories in a conservative style. The dimensions allow this model to integrate the motherboard of any form factor, and you will not be surrounded by a choice of hall for this case. Rosemary so helped the engineers to create a well-thought-out interior space with a good turnaround and more low enough number of slots and be-like components.

The top and front panel of the case is equipped with filters, so you can choose the most convenient for yourself motherboard layout in the middle. A block of livelihoods from the bottom, which has long been in good shape when building corps, it also has a positive effect on temperature. A solid budget option without frills, but it includes everything you need.

  1. AeroCool Aero-500

Price: close to 2000 rubles.

Stylish strict case with wide customization options. Vbudovanie filters and the ability to install a spout of additional fans to allow to adjust the working temperature, to make the stuffing work harder. Up to the pluses of the varto, it is so self-imposed a low price for any market.

Іsnuє a number of nuances, about yakі varto nobility, buying a model is given. If you are a water cooler, then you may have problems with this integration - the back surface cannot have enough working space. Additional fans can make the robot of the system unit more powerful, less desirable. If you are ready to put up with similar waters - a good choice for your modest price.

  1. Thermaltake Versa

Price: 2200 rubles.

Vikonany in an elegant design, a building of insurance for the most modern technical warehouse. In the future, a number of cooling elements will help to get in touch with the very resource-consuming fees, and the quality of the material will protect you from vibrating noise.

Ergonomics of the body is simple and intuitively understood, and then, with the installation of new elements, it will turn into a newcomer. Well, if you want to take a less powerful to the expanse of the solution, then, perhaps, the Danish corps will be superfluous. And yet, if you take the case for the future - it’s a miracle choice.

  1. Cooler Master HAF X

Price: 12000 rubles.

And the axle and body are in the premium segment. Before us is no longer a budget plastic, but a miraculous steel vikonannya, but it’s immediately indicated on a vase - such a model is no longer possible to raise a trendy girl. Miraculous cooling system and aggressive red lighting to roar this model is one of the best when choosing a case for a gaming computer.

And a number of ergonomic imperfections, which can lead to a stubbornly disassembled block when new devices are connected, but if you plan to pick it up once and forget it - the option is practically ideal. You can buy it on Player.ru.

  1. Zalman Z11

Price: 4000 rubles.

The case looks like a legendary brewer. The Vikonan model is made of plastic and steel, which makes it look more expensive than plastic competitors, and the technical side does not call out the name - everything is needed on the job.

The system of laying wires is inserted to help not turn the inner space into a pile of tangled cords, which is also beneficial for circulation. If you want to take a change of time, the option is in front of you.

  1. Be Quiet! Silent Base 800

Price: 8200 rubles.

Practicality and efficiency in elegant design - short description axis I will build this. The company-maker is the market leader in noise dampening power supply, and you can not be turbulent with the drive of loud sounds. The latest coolers with the possibility of adding additional ones will tell you about the temperature in the middle.

The design allows carrying out practical manipulations with the winding and integration of components without twisting that other possession. The material from which the model is made looks durable. As soon as we don’t see any cardinal changes in the component market, then this model can be used for a long time.

  1. DeepCool Kendomen

Price: 3000 rubles.

Mabut, the favorite in the category of spіvvіdnoshnja tsіni i akostі. Here you will not find unique features, but you will definitely take into account the elementary selection of a case with a well-thought-out cooling system and a wire laying system, fantastic possibilities for expansion and even quieter operation. The body is easy to clean, no need to twist on the skin and in general it is ideal for quiet people who are not a fan of permanent digging in the shaft.

Calm, but welcoming design - one more bonus to the treasury and without that miraculous increase in functionality and modest price.

  1. NZXT S340

Price: 4250 rubles.

A variant similar to the one with a wonderful spіvvіdnoshennyam opportunities and pennies, like asking for them. You will find cable ties, additional fastening and screws in the box. The wire in this model can be buried behind the back wall and not be worried about the circulation drive after the middle.

The corps can't clearly show the shortcomings and scatter to the leading trio of our rating, which is a sign of strength on the aphids of such hard competitors.

  1. Fractal Design Define S

Price: 4400 rubles.

An innovative approach to the organization of internal space in this building, I am true to myself. Quiet, which does not heat up and does not look like a warehouse of stateless wires, the case will perfectly fit into any interior.

Possibility to add components is practically limitless, the case to contain in itself is absolutely be-like a modern solution. If anything, the design can be a bit simple and boring, but the incomprehensibility of the swid becomes a plus with the trivial vikoristanny. And you can beat the whole corps for a long time.

  1. Corsaire Carbide Series Clear 400C

6500 rubles.

Rating leader and by right. Beach panel opened with one dot, you don't need tools to get inside. Pilovi filters win their functions with a bang, their purification in their line is simple and not a labor worker.

The design of the case enchants like a call, so it is in the middle. Possibility to collect darts allows you to enjoy the view of internal warehouses. Pіdsvіchuvannya rob the hull similar to a stylish space ship. If you wanted to choose a good body, then in front of you, maybe, yourself short version for the right price.

Have a good time, dear readers, see, passing special features and other creations of this rich svetobudov! :) Let's talk about how to choose a body.

Well, we got to the bottom of the article, as if it were a guess, but rather, wrap and pack all those components, as we learned how to choose earlier, spiraling on the article, having already recommended the cycle with the maximum "criteria for selection", de reports about those, how to choose that chi in the warehouse of your computer or the periphery of the other. How richly someone remembers, if there are statti for choice, and richly what else.

Yak Vee already guessed from the heading, mova sogodni pide about choosing a case for computer stuffing. We know, for what it is necessary to pay respect when making a purchase, what to pay for overpaying and other times.

Vlasne, I ask you to take your place in the hall for peeping eyes, we will fix it ..

What do we pay for - enter for choice

If you buy some kind of goods, on what do you turn your respect into pershu? That's right, a return on the packaging, sweat on the morning and already only sweat on the price. In the computer world, everything is in order, and the packaging of components (to the case) practically does not add any respect.

Sound, if a person wants to bring a computer, the case in the list of components should be on the most recent positions, hіba scho in front of the bear and keyboard. Here it’s better to go with this logic: “first -“ I see ”the most hard, 4 cores, memories 6 GB, well, I’m sure it’s some kind of simple case. ” To sound like normal people are ready to pay for the morning, and not for the dressing. Chastkovo - this position is correct, but here the collar is not just a beautiful candy wrapper, the body is a guarantee of savings, stability and comfort of work and all computer stuffing.

Banal life butt

Not long ago, I was a witness, as a friend of mine, having spared the “spoiled Felix” - the corps. Vіn taking vidyuhi more expensive, processor spritnishi, memory wagon and virіshiv pack everything in a cheap (noname) case. Schob Wee thought it happened? That's right, the bіda came to the table: the unrecognizable smells of garou, melting conductors, overheating began to appear CPU and other "reconciliation" bonuses.

So, if you don’t waste pennies on the wind, it’s necessary to competently plan your computer budget and smartly approach the purchase of a “packing box” of your components - the hull. Let's talk about the rest of us.

How to choose a body and what to focus on

Otzhe, first for all varto say, there are no norms, canons and ideals in the corps building - no. And it’s not for him to “carry on” in yaskra phrases - short, overused, etc., all nonsense. In order to analyze the technical side, it is necessary to take care of the mother at the office (trimat in the head when buying), which should be based on the following parameters:

  • Case type (form factor, size);
  • material;
  • Cooling system ();
  • Structural elements, reinforcement;
  • Zovnishnіy look, design, gadgets.

Let's go through and sort out the skin parameter okremo, but at the same time, it will be important for the main constructive features / widdles of a practical case. Vlasne, having taken the cover of your system unit, you can see in the middle of the rich saw of the foot niche for installing computer elements (div. Image).

Otzhe, standardly:

  • Misce pid ( 1 ). In modern models, it is more common to roztashovuєtsya from the bottom;
  • Vіdsіki for installation of flexible accumulators ( 2 ). A rarity for rich corpora;
  • Empty for installing the motherboard ( 3 );
  • Nisha processor with cooling system ( 4 );
  • Roz'em under the installation of a video card ( 5 );
  • Peripheral roses (teddy bear, keyboard, sound, concentrators, etc.).

Now let's go straight to the parameters.

Enclosure type

The current market of computer cases of representations of impersonal models, however, is based on the same standards, vidpovidno to such a stench and released. These standards are embedded in the so-called form factors, which determine the overall dimensions of the computer case in the last bag.

Basic steps

  • Mini-ITX;
  • Micro-ATX;
  • ATX;
  • EATX;
  • XL-ATX;

You can also use this classification of corpora (bashtov, how to call them):

  • SFF(Small Form Factor) - micro;
  • mini tower- min;
  • middle tower- middle;
  • Big Tower- great;

The difference between the standards of the corps is in a different range of recognition of the corps. To estimate the dimensions, manually speed up the table (div. Image).

The visual expansion series visually demonstrates the advance of the image.

I think you don't need to say what the main criterion for choosing the type of case is to lie down on a quiet day, as you put in front of your computer brother. Tobto miniі microATX- these are ideal options for non-viable office workers, for some of them, a friend is guilty of simply fitting well into the interior (not taking up a lot of space), well, if possible, pick up the “important” of the robot at the sight of “open-close-save” the document and save it office fun :).

What do you see?

If your meta is a solid and productive unit in the world, then ATX those that the doctor prescribed. Well, the most trump card for lovers of spring is the whole building to the standard XL-ATX(wine Full Tower). As I have already said, the main criterion for choosing a different type of hull to fall into is the “metrics” maternity pay, Yaku Vi want to place it there for the vikonannya of the victorious zavdan. So the expansion of the body itself without intermediary flows into the coldness in the middle, and, therefore, into the term of life and the productivity of all components.


  • Mini-ITX- naimіnіatyurnіshi, zazvichay be delivered with vbudovanim BZ small ї tightness (up to 350 Tue) and paid for the "inch" amount.
  • Micro-ATX- this is a typical representative of flooring solutions for home coristuvachs. May already be three times larger in terms of expansion and is also often supplied with a built-in heating block 400-500 Mon. In general, it allows you to stay on your maidanchik as a whole “average” in terms of productivity.
  • ATX- often sold without a built-in PSU and giving the coristuvachev a new freedom of expansion.
  • EATXі XL-ATX- vіdmіnne, highly productive (among other servers and harder igrove) solution for linking dekilkoh graphic subsystems and numbering cores.

We pass to the "material" warehouse building.

Housing material

It would have been better if there was a difference in what the body was prepared for, not paper, that was good. And yet, the material is of great importance, more than wine is to blame for the safety of not only the coldness, but also the first step of protection from mechanical failures and vibrations. The most common material for the case of premium models (with the price of 8 tr) acts as such a metal, like aluminum.

The very wine (not rahuyuchi midi) can bring a lot of warmth to the building. Do not think that the material is not aluminium, then the case will be badly cope with its tasks, as much as it is. The largest number of models of the mid-price (mass slow) segment SECC- steel, covered with galvanized zinc.

An important moment when buying will also be the quality of the collection and the comradeship of the walls of the building themselves. It’s worth saying first that it’s not varto to buy (I give you at first glance) more metal cheap Chinese case. Most often so called noname the models are made from low-grade stamping, and the quality of the collection is too rich, so there is a difference in backlash, vibrations and gaps through those that the components of the case are slightly matched one to one.

It is not right to think that the whole body is solid metal, it is often possible to sharpen and plastic elements in the design of different panels, zatskachiv, fastening - not normal.

Tovshchina of walls is also significant parameter. How much less 0,5 mm, then the most important thing is to put respect for such a body not varto, because with the least vibrations, the gurkit will be such that no ears can help. Therefore, try to choose the composition of the walls of the corps 0,5 before 1 mm.

Cooling system abo "Carlson" in the building

As you can imagine, the case is not only a ventilator from scratches, but a ventilation casing of all components of your PC, which provides the necessary “chill” for hot elements. However, the rule "the more" wind blower "in the building, the better" does not work here. All fall in with a competent organization of the ventilation process (recirculation) with a way to install coolers in the required landing area.

In other words, 4-5 Factory fans are far from being guaranteed the safety of acidic cooling of computer guts, and even ventilation is created not by a handful of "turntables", but by air flows. And if the rest intertwine, stick together and respect one to one, then it’s not about the effective process of seeing the hot weather of the year.

Cleverly expanded ventilation scheme of the corps is offensive (div. Image).

At this scheme, one or more great “slow” fans are installed at the entrance, which draw in the fresh room air. At the exit (rear wall of the body) the fan is trochic smaller, but more “spritny”, which works on the view.

This design allows you to create a decent thrust in the enclosed space and the hull starts working like a large cooling turbine, so it is colder, stretching through all the hot components, cooling them down and giving names.

About kremo twists and how to vibrate the case by spiraling on them

Similar to the standard design, it is often supplemented with “twists” at the top and side walls of the body, which also work on blowing. In general, for the creation of a sour cooling medium in the middle of the body, it is necessary to follow the following simple rules:

  • More "krutilok" - does not mean better;
  • Potіk again is guilty of but tsіlіsnim and odnospryamovym, without breaking down yogo with other additional flows;
  • The hotter wind rises uphill, and the cold one sinks down, so don’t put a vertical block on the bench;
  • Unfastened building cables in the building damage the winding masses;
  • The big blades of the cooler are more beautiful than the small ones, because they create more circulation at a lower number of revolutions.

Likewise, just turn your respect on the fans themselves, or rather, on that volume of wind, which stench can “pump” into the case at one hour (khvilina). The technical parameter is called CFM(cubic feet per quill). Obsyag circulating wind in the middle of the body is guilty of constant renewal. To sort out the dimensions of the case, whichever fan is needed for you, it is necessary to delve into simple mathematics:

  • Multiply the parameters (length, height, width) of the hull in mm and determine the area;
  • signify CFM fan.

Acceptable, for housing with dimensions 253x502x563 mm, obsyag become 2,52 cube ft. To refresh the skin for two seconds, it is necessary to install a fan on 70 CFM. Even more often in the middle of the case, you can see large wind pipes near the tubes on the outer surface for cooling the processor (div. Image).

So the axis, the melancholy in them is sumnivna, then one’s “transfer” into the stringiness of the stink flow of the stench is brought in, to that one they distort the natural circulation again, moreover, it’s exactly the same, as if it were to break the uncleaned dross in the casing. Varto also guess about the not particularly required component of the ventilation system to the body - sawn mesh.

Their efficiency is extremely low, because literally through 2-3 Months of active stink of the computer's computer stench corny zasmіchuyutsya room saw, and ne reshkodzhaє normal circulation again and spryyaє overheating of the computer's components. Zagalom, similar trumpets are rarely really effective.

To the point, how to properly fight the saw in the middle of the system, we said in our article under the name, so read and don’t drink :)

Fastening: tongue and groove. Ergonomics of the case

It would have been better, why are the screws here, that axis is what. Even more often, in cheap cases, everything is creaked in the old way for the help of richly wooled screws, the replacement of which is transformed into a dance with a tambourine. Having twisted 5 things, while screwing 3, swaying a quarter, and one sunk into ruins in the dark cracks of the hull, use it to shukati (taking a lighter) and along the way buckle about the steel edge of the panels, how do you like such a prospect?

The workers of the first class buildings have long been dealing with similar problems with the system of plastic riveting and fastening, as well as the installation of sanchat for hard drives, What is seen on the wheels. Everything is gnuchko, crumbly and handy (div. Image).

Similar speeches (stubs, additional reinforcement, zatskachi, polishes) are positively reflected on the ergonomics of the body, or, in other words, on the functional “handiness” for the coristuvach. That is the ergonomics, if you want, the expansion of your body, its building can be easily transformed during modernization, including changing its external and internal light appearance.

Laying cables in the middle of the case is also an important moment of ergonomics, even if the layers can be easily buried, as well as lie and cool in the middle of the case. On the other hand, the darts are to blame but in short-term availability at times, you need to connect a new drive or a disk, and not to have a tug-of-war syndrome. If the wire doesn’t reach the nest, I’ll build it, but it’s all the same for me, because there are no more options.

Zovnishnyy look, design and "navarotov"

What kind of koristuvach does not like to show off his body? That one, which has no body :). All people and all want to see someone. Some computer cases have a "surprise" body design. Axis to you butt (div. Image).

Varto understand that design is a purely individual thing, so many people are ready to sacrifice the functionality of different flashing lights, backlights and a nozzle, and especially the skin right. However, do not forget that the case in strict colors with a minimal amount of illumination, sensors and other meshes will always look stylish and elegant.

Three necessary design and construction gadgets should indicate the presence on the front (or upper) panel of the case different types roses. Zamovchuvannyam zavzhdi viveni: headphones / microphone i USB. To whom such a “gentleman's set” is clearly not available, you can easily take the case with a “reserve”, de e port eSATA for connecting a portable hard drive, a speed regulator, a cooler wrapper and a couple of modern caps USB 3.0 ports (div. image).

OFF-f, we’ve finished with the practical-theoretical part, now let’s give some hints, so that you can get all the guidance material as best as possible and learn how to choose the PC case correctly the first time.

Parts of nutrition and parts of the diet

Otzzhe, remember so please, and such a dream, like buying the right hull, will become your primary occupation :).

  • Vyznachtesa z zavdannyami, yakі bude vyrishuvati your PC (office, igrovi then);
  • Vykhodyachi іz zavdan, pіdberіt nіbіbnі razmіri maternity pay і corps pіd neї;
  • The material of the walls of the body is guilty of buti tovshchina vіd 0.5 before 1 mm;
  • Do not buy non-name models, be surprised to see your own professional: Cooler Master, Zalman, Inwin;
  • Cooling systems 3-4 fans are sufficient for efficient heat input;
  • Do not save on blots, wine is guilty of significant tightness, otherwise your stuffing will sooner be filled with the middle pelvis;
  • The best location of the PSU in the building is from the bottom;
  • Change into the presence of plastic elements for the installation of railway and drives;
  • Try to bathe the body, vіlniy vіd rіznyh gvintikov i Shpuntik;
  • Give respect to the presence of additional roses on the front panel of the case;
  • Remember, the yakіsny corps starts its “price offer” with a sum of 6,000 rubles.

Please help me to find the right choice for you!

In two words it seems so.

effectively allow in the bust 14 days remember the goods without any food, but even in times of warranty problems, the store will stand on your side and help you solve any problems. The author of the site has already been corrupted by him 10 minimum (more than an hour, if the stench was part of Ultra Electronics), Why do you want;
  • , - one of the oldest stores in the market, as the company operates here 20 fates. Decent choice, average prices and one of the most popular sites. It is acceptable for the whole and the whole to practice.
  • Viber, obviously, is yours. Obviously, everyone there Yandex Market"And not knowing anything, but good shops I would recommend it to myself, and not just stay there MVideo and other great measures (which are often not just roads, but rather cumbersome in terms of service quality, robots and guarantees too).


    • The expansion of the case is great and allows you to install whether or not the board and other components without any special problems and reshuffle (video cards can be used for a long time, and the number of wires with a large number of components is a real value, which affects the circulation again in a small case)
    • The hard disks are faulty in the okremy block and may be damply fixed (sanchat without bolts for winding), and more importantly, fans for the perpendicular and may be independent cooling system, and therefore, the disturbing circulation is more
    • Everything has been thought out at the hull, starting with the number of additional bolts on the transverse beam and finishing the installation inside corps DBJ.

    Ale - own skin. Tse so, like a special thought.

    Well, the axis and went to the end of our chergovaya zalіzna statya, in which we learned to choose the right body. Now I’ve lost it on the right for small, go to the store and with a calm conscience, that you know everything, come back for a safe deposit.

    In the distance, come, sir and sir!

    P.S. For the basis of this article, thanks to a member of the team 25 FRAME

    P.P.S. If you have lost food, misunderstandings and other times, as well as additions, podiaki, thoughts and other things, then deprive them from the comments - we will be glad.

    If you have built your own computer and you will need to place all the warehouses in a superficial, powerful and durable building, then read our article. In the TOP 10, we recommend you a light, smutty, and less expensive computer case.

    Manufacturers create more and more new and unique cases for the computer. Top 10 was chosen shorter models buildings - from small and elegant to large and richly functional for more efficient possession. So we took the price and quality to respect, and chose the most popular models on the market, to satisfy all your wishes.

    Phanteks Enthoo Pro

    If you look for a slim case with a stylish design for a good price, then Phanteks Enthoo Pro will definitely suit you. The case can have a lot of space for installing cooling on all the main components of the computer - in the middle there can be up to 10 fans or even cooling of the middle size. Also in the middle, all wiring is manually placed. The building is available in white and black colors, and it is also possible to add a building with a large window on the left side. Nothing more to add, but I can say exactly what the whole corps is worthy of you.


    • Vaga: 11900 g
    • Body material: steel
    • Quantity of tickets: 5.25: 3
    • Rosemary: 235 x 535 x 550 mm
    • , 2 x USB 2.0

    Fractal Design Define R5

    Fractal Design Define R5 is a great case for a good price. The case is sold in three colors (black, white and gray) and, if necessary, you can add a case, in which side you can easily replace it with a metal cover. In the middle, there is a lot of room for the motherboard and for the expansion card, as well as ten years for hard disks. The basic configuration of the case includes two cooling fans, or you can replace them yourself for five consecutive fans or the cooling system as a home.


    • Vaga: 11200 g
    • Body material: steel
    • Quantity of tickets: 5.25: 2
    • Rosemary: 232 x 462 x 53 mm
    • Number of internal permits 3.5: 8

    be quiet! Silent Base 800

    be quiet! Silent Base 800 is the first case in our top 10, which works absolutely without noise, and it also has a cool design. Rozrobniki, zrorobili velma non-primary design, and ensured even quieter work by installing noiseless fans (three standard ones, and you can add more chotiri). Use the middle of the body to add space for installing the found extension cards. Also in the case there is the possibility of roztashuvannya filters, yakі will protect all the components and vіd zabrudnennya.


    • Vaga: 9310 g
    • Body material: steel
    • Quantity of tickets: 5.25: 3
    • Rosemary: 495 x 266 x 559 mm
    • Connectors: Headphones, microphone, 2 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0
    • Number of internal permits 3.5: 7

    Fractal Design Define Nano S

    The Fractal Design Define Nano S is a modified and expanded version of the standard Define S model.

    The case is compact, and may have a cicada design, as well as may soundproof.

    In the middle there is plenty of room for installing all the necessary components, and as an additional bonus, it is possible to install filters, so as not to allow swidden components to become entangled. It is also possible to install a rare cooling system. The case is superb, compact and smutty yakish, I think it's a fault for our readers.


    • Vaga 4600 g
    • Body material: steel
    • Rosemary: 344 x 203 x 412 mm
    • Connectors: Headphones, microphone, 2 x USB 3.0

    Corsair Carbide 400Q

    Corsair Carbide 400Q is one of the latest and greatest cases, propped by the American virobnik, the case has an elegant design, high quality and brilliance, all for an affordable price. The inner part of the body is divided into two chambers, which allows more space for installing all components, as well as more ventilation. The standard case model includes two large fans, but if necessary, you can install three subsequent fans or install a cooling system in the middle. It is also possible to install filters in the saw.


    • Vaga: 8200 g
    • Body material: steel
    • Rosemary: 464 x 215 x 425 mm
    • Connectors: Headphones, microphone, 2 x USB 3.0
    • Quantity of internal permits 3.5: 2

    Phanteks Enthoo Evolv ITX

    Enthoo Evolv ITX is one of the quietest cases, which may attract buyers in the selection of a smaller size computer. The body does not only have a nice modern look, but the internal design is well thought out (the body of subdivisions on two okremі chambers). The front panel has two audio sockets and two USB 3.0 ports. Possibility of installing a cooling system for the home, as well as installing filters against a saw. The case is available in three colors: mostly black, black with a red center and white with a black center.


    • Vaga: 9000 g
    • Body material: steel
    • Rosemary: 395 x 230 x 375 mm
    • Connectors: Headphones, microphone, 2 x USB 3.0
    • Quantity of internal permits 3.5: 2

    Fractal Design Core 3500

    Fractal Design Core 3500 is one of the shortest low cost cases for home decorating. Tsya model may have privablivay i thoughtful design. The upper part of the body houses an audio input, as well as two USB 3.0 ports. In the middle, you can install up to six fans, as well as filters against the saw. Also for sale is the version with a window in the left side of the case, but it will be more expensive.


    • Vaga: 8600 g
    • Body material: steel
    • Rosemary: 233 x 465 x 517 mm
    • Connectors: Headphones, microphone, 2 x USB 3.0
    • Quantity of internal permits 3.5: 4
    • Number of tickets 5.25: 2

    SilentiumPC Gladius M45W Pure Black

    Just look at the richly functional body according to affordable price, So you like Gladius M45W Pure Black. The body has a garniy design and a window on the left side. The housing is divided into two parts, three fans are included in the standard version (you can add two more), and it is also possible to install filters against the saw.


    • Vaga 6300 g
    • Body material: steel
    • Rosemary: 473 x 200 x 515 mm
    • Connectors: Headphones, microphone, SD card reader, 2 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0
    • Quantity of internal inspections 3.5: 3
    • Number of tickets 5.25: 2

    Raijintek Agos

    Raijintek is one more proposition as a pidide for buyers with a small budget. Agos is characterized by streaming style, the front panel displays a standard set of plugs for modern cases (2 x audio and 2 x USB 3.0). The case can accommodate a standard hardware configuration, and if necessary, you can see a place for a new video card. The fan also has room for eight fans (two of them are in the standard set), as well as the ability to install filters against the saw. The case is available in two color options - black and black-white.


    • Vaga: 5900 g
    • Body material: steel
    • Rosemary: 490 x 200 x 460 mm
    • Connectors: Headphones, microphone, USB 3.0, USB 2.0
    • Number of internal permits 3.5: 6
    • Number of entries 5.25: 3

    SilentiumPC Regnum RG1

    SilentiumPC Regnum RG1 Pure Black є found proposition in our top - 10, yak guilty zatsіkaviti koristuvachіv z small budget. In the first line, the body is made respectable with a two-chamber design, which is the same as in the previously described models, I ensure better ventilation of all components and easier wiring. The case allows you to install 6 fans (one of them is already in the basic set).


    • Vaga: 4400 g
    • Body material: steel
    • Rosemary: 447 x 208 x 450 mm
    • Connectors: Headphones, microphone, 2 x USB 3.0
    • Quantity of internal permits 3.5: 2

    You may have a hard graphic card, a water cooling system and different colors of braided cables, but the potential of your annex will be stained for free, as if the wines would be clogged into the body, which will not add additional possession ..

    Є kіlka chinnikіv, yakі vznachayut the quality of the PC case and only those products, yakі їm usіm vіdpovіdat, proponuyuchi schos dodatkove, enter tsey list. At the same time with our own opinions, the opinions of other top sites and the thoughts of Vlasniks, here short butts in the skin category:

    Short case for enthusiasts

    Dark Base Pro 900

    command functions

    Neumovirno tune in, charger attachment Qi, a miracle water cooling switch, three settings for the height of the motherboard, a great number of options for saving, a five-color light jumper switch and a fan controller in the front

    good | At a greater price є

    Rich space in the middle, even quiet, looking beautiful

    No bag for the life block, dear ($250), no air intake at the bottom

    If you are a fan of self-assembly PCs and cost power, you will be satisfied only with the best case. The miraculous Corsair Obsidian 900D, which was followed by Cooler Master Cosmos II and Phanteks Enthoo Primo, became a successor to the past fate. In any other way, however, we have a new champion: the incredibly quiet Dark Base Pro 900.

    First, remember what you are in which building, - you look deafeningly. Regardless of whether you choose orange, black, or silver, Dark Base Pro 900 simply changes its brightness. With a vag 14.39 kg and 58 cm at the height, vin about 10 cm shorter and 4 kg lighter, lower Obsidian, but still full of great militia corps. And yoga is a miracle, tinted slo-glazed on visual pyrosis.

    Incidentally, the best aspect of this case is the modular design. You can not only move the third motherboard tray (which supports E-ATX and XL-ATX) on three different vertical levels, but you can also place it on your feet.

    This flexibility expands to hard disk drives - in the Pro 900 you can have styles, but you can't. You can fit either one 3.5-inch drive, or a pair of 2.5-inch drives, as well as 2.5-inch roses on the motherboard panel, so you can insert it into the whole fifteen 2.5-inch discs. In addition, the wine comes with two 5.25-inch wheels, if you need the stink, you need to pick it up.

    With such a built-in approach, powering a case for a PC in the fall, a case that is fantastic for water-cooled systems, with room for radiators up to 420 mm at the top and front, as well as with a 280 mm radiator in the base and a 140 mm radiator at the rear.

    It comes with three 140mm PWM SilentWing 3s fans, and there are many options to add more. You can choose and install three 140mm fans, two 120mm fans, one 180mm fan or one 200mm fan top panel. If you see a fan for 5.25-inch drives, you can install an additional front 140-mm fan i, in the back of the housing block, you can install a 120 mm or 140 mm fan in the base.

    A 20mm gap at the back of the motherboard tray along with multiple grommets and Velcro straps means cable management won't be a problem on the Pro 900. The clear expansion of the case also helps in that regard.

    If you want to get a little marvelous, the Qi add-on charger, like being on the Dark Base Pro 900, is a quick and easy way to charge one of 1000+ crazy add-ons. Tse funkt_ya, yak just add to the add-on to the body.

    Combine everything with a five-color light switch and a fan controller in the front, a supervised airflow and, obviously, because the fan is quieter, and it’s better to make it a shorter choice for the enthusiast. The only insignificant moment is the price ($ 249), the number of hours of the case at the block of living and the number of days of the air intake.

    At the end of the day, the sheer number of customization options offered by the Dark Base 900 Pro means you can change your internal layout so often that you never want to buy another case.

    The category computer case for enthusiasts had a small number of famous participants:

    The case of the system block Corsair Obsidian 900D: a remembrance of the past fate, as before, it is seen as an absolute beauty of the case and one of the best water cooling systems in the world. The windows of the floor are great, so you can live in a new place, supporting two blocks of life and five points of radiator attachment. Alas, the stylish case is not cheap - it costs close to $340 on Amazon.

    Cooler Master Cosmos II: a luxury Ferrari for a luxury obsidian. Two buildings can be richly sleepy, although Cosmos is cheap at the same time, and choosing between them is often a right relish. Yogo aluminum frame, strong steel panels and povnistyu pofarbovaniya іnter'єr see yakіst.

    Phanteks Enthoo Primo: Another wonderful case, which is suitable for tons of hardware stuffing and ensures the miracle of water cooling. The Enthoo Primo, like Phanteks, is $100 cheaper than the lower 900D, and often sells for less than the Cosmos II. Wines may not be as great as other buildings, but the quality is just as great.

    Shrinking case for PC up to 200 USD

    Phanteks Enthoo Luxe

    command functions

    Namely spiky price ($125) and engineered design, supporting a wide range of water and refrigerant configurations, comes with tank mounting bracket and pump bracket.

    Storage space 5.25 / 3.5 / 2.5 inches, cable management, PWM fan

    Middle | Competitors can be better

    At that hour, as a premium case, there is a top for PC retailers, not everyone is ready, or they can pay more than 200 dollars for the life of their possession. If you fall into this category, then take a look at Pantheks Enthoo Luxe, which offers premium features and a fair price for a reasonable price.

    While the frame and design of the Luxe are identical to the Enthoo Pro, the more expensive model is equipped with more advanced features, including an additional 140 mm fan, aluminum panels with piskostruminnoy processing and a set of light-emitting lighting.

    It is obvious that the design building is designed for cooling the water; Luxe can accommodate radiators up to 420 mm and is supplied with a tank mounting bracket and a pump bracket.

    If you need to fill your case with fans, then in Luxe you will also know what kind of fan it is. Supplied with pre-installed 200mm front fan and two PH-F140SP. The case can increase the size of the number of fans in different sizes and may have a PWM hub that can control six of them.

    Numerical pads and velcro, in sufficient space, ruffled behind the back panel, mean that Luxe is a miracle case, to create a clear, clean collection. The inner part looks like a shroud to the block of life and a metal panel, like a haunting center of memory.

    Although the wines cannot support the same frustrating number of disks that are more expensive for the case, three Luxe disks for 5.25-inch disks, six 3.5 / 2.5-inch and an additional 2.5-inch disk may be more low milk to satisfy the needs of more people.

    The only real small case in the fact that people can be lucky enough to buy a similar Enthoo Pro for 50 dollars cheaper, but Luxe gives you a little more functionality and adds more power to what is already a wonderful case. For the price you won't know anything better.

    Shrink Mini-ITX Chassis

    NZXT Manta ITX

    command functions

    Fantastic cool look - mini Mini-ITX case that can support two 280mm radiators

    good | For the most part

    Massive side window, cover for the living unit, manual cable management, fan tray for eight fans

    Middle | Competitors can be better

    SSD drives are flipped upside down when installed, no 5.25" screws, no spacers

    The majestic choice of high-power Mini-ITX cases, meaning that the choice for this category is not an easy task. Vreshti-resht vіn buv velocities up to two contenders, and, after long thought of a corps, NZXT Manta viishov in the first place.

    First, you remember in Manta, tse yogo calliness; it’s not guilty to marvel at those that the designer drew inspiration from the Ferrari 458. The bent steel panels (which are easy to remove), the large window and the light-colored system to shatter yoga with such a body, which your gamer friend will be amazed at as hell.

    Alece is not just an elegantly designed case, it is also functional. Manta fit great for mini Mini-ITX, but can also fit Micro-ATX, but it means you won't have any problems installing a big video card (up to 363mm) in the middle. The interior is also equipped with one 120 mm and two 280 mm radiators. If you want wine to be a little zhorst, it gives you a great potential for cooling coristuvalny cycles.

    The case comes with two 120mm fans at the front - additional supports also support 140mm expansion - and one more 120mm fan at the rear. You can also attach a pair of 120mm / 140mm fans to the beast if you like. І on top of everything - a bushing for eight fans.

    In Manta, there are no options for accumulating 5.25, but stench becomes more and more rare, especially with smaller form factors. Two 2.5-inch drives can be installed on a right-hand drive platter like the motherboard, and a 3.5-inch hard drive and one more 2.5 / 3.5 drive to install on the bottom panel. One of the problems is that the SSD drives look upside down when installed, which is not so easy when viewed in the hard drive.

    The rear panel is also bent, providing a viny space for cable management, as well as a faceless opening of the lids, and a marvelous view of the gaskets. Prote, Manta allows even a clean tax.

    They cork everything with chain filters at all main entrances, with a mimic block of life and with an air flow again.

    Krіm zgadanih vshee small negative moments, such as yogo great rozmir, Manta ¾ min premium-case, which is delivered at a reasonable price - about 130 US dollars. Ale, if you need such functions, like a miraculous sound, a water cooler and a blistering cable management, that costs pennies.

    The smallest Mini-ITX case competing for the number one position is the Fractal Design Define Nano S Corp. space for a few disks, good support for the flow and the design.

    In front of Manta, three more cables were better managed, a bigger switch and a stylish assembly, the possibility of placing three more GPUs and a cover for the power unit. What's more, the fact that the Nano S uses GPUs and PSUs so closely one to one might resonate with people. Ale in some areas, de Nano S beating Manta, tse zvukі rіvnі (vіn vykladyvaniyu shumopoglіnіmі material) and price - you can know yoga for 70 dollars on Amazon.

    Shrinking HTPC Enclosure

    Silverstone Milo ML04

    command functions

    Vіdminny design, vіdminna tsіna, it's easy to choose.

    good | For the most part

    Middle | Competitors can be better

    Only low profile pay extensions can alleviate problems with cable services.

    At the sector of buildings of personal computers for home cinemas in the last hour, there were not so many new additions. With such Mini-ITX cases becoming smaller and more designed for the home, HTPC is one of the larger and more commonly growing form factors. This means that you want the computer to be under your TV and looking like a part of the audio / video setup, but you still don’t know the shortest all-rounder than the Silverstone Milo ML04 horizontal computer case.

    Available for around $70, the low-profile body design and aluminum lid make it look like a much more expensive kit. The exit button locks the front doors, which gives you an additional margin of physical security, for which you have two USB 3.0 ports, an audio input and a microphone jack.

    To say the least, the ML04 computer case can expand to a total of 350 mm in depth and 105 mm in height, you can choose to pay Mini-ITX or Micro-ATX, which allows you to choose more options, if you get to the right to the selection. In such a small case, there is also plenty of room for storage: a 5.25-inch drive, which can also hold one 3.5-inch drive or two 2.5-inch hard drives, two more drives, which can hold 3.5 or 2.5 inch, and a quarter inch, for one 2.5-inch drive. This means that the Milo ML04 can support a total of five 2.5" drives or three 3.5" drives.

    Several 80-millimeter fan slots, as well as larger slots above the processor and on the side of the case, help keep the cold temperatures down. Although the assembly in the middle of the ML04 is much simpler, lower than the larger HTPC of this size, cable placement can be a problem, especially if you pack it with discs. Rozmir is also between cards expanding to low-profile versatility, but it's unlikely to be a problem - it's not like the ones you choose to play in Crysis 3. motherboard, Alece to circumscribe the height of the processor cooler.

    If you want to win over a larger case, or if you want to look like an HTPC, an alternative is the Grandia GD08. Even though it looks like this before, it can be used in the world, but it is suitable for motherboards up to E-ATX, it can accommodate a GPU up to 13.6 inches, it can accommodate up to twelve drives for disk drives and it can accommodate a 120mm fan.

    Short micro-ATX

    BitFenix ​​Phenom mATX

    command functions

    It is easy to cope with two configurable graphics processors, beautiful and smart design, five expansion slots for motherboards, space for ten hard disks.

    good | For the most part

    Supplied with two 120mm fans, suitable for a full size ATX power supply.

    Middle | Competitors can be better

    Cable management can be problematic. All expansion slots are reduced to space with one screw.

    Another category, Yaka did not take away a lot of new products. More and more people are motivated to choose either better ATX or Mini-ITX, and therefore our choice for 2016 is the same as in the past: a case for the BitFenix ​​Phenom mATX gaming PC.

    The case is one of the largest Micro-ATX spaces, as you know. With five expansion slots, you can easily fit a couple of graphics cards up to 320mm in the middle of the Phenom. Vіn also proponuє impersonal installations of holodzhennya, yaki include space for 240-mm radiator or CPU cooler up to 160 mm high. The top (120 mm), bottom (120 mm / 200 mm / 230 mm) and rear (120 mm / 140 mm) parts have space for five fans, and the package includes two 120 mm fans.

    Aesthetically Phenom is a beautiful case with a smooth and minimalistic design. Smooth edge and metal design, insanely, zmushyuet yogo look more expensive, lower price of $ 200. In addition, the wine comes in black or white, so you can match it with your decor.

    The sheer number of saving options is one of the best features of Phenom. With this Micro-ATX you can install ten disks - five 3.5-inch and five 2.5-inch disks. Wanting to fill in all the slots, without a doubt, to force one of the short deciles of the small case: without cable management.

    In the end, this is a small negative moment, and the fact that the expansion slots are reduced to space for the help of one gwent is not enough to bring BitFenix ​​Phenom into the wild as a whole, to rob it with a daily helper.

    The second high-profile building in the third category is Fractal Design Node 804 ($100). Its clean, minimalistic design looks impressive, and it can support a few radiators, ten accumulators and ten fans.

    As an alternative, the Carbide Air 240 ($75) looks like the truly amazing Corsair. Its competitive price, low cost and compact body can accommodate radiators up to 240 mm, accommodating up to six accumulators and, as it stands out from the name, designing for optimal airflow. It's also fantastic for a small case with cable management features and a large side window to show off your skills.

    The shorter case is cheaper than 100 dollars

    Fractal Design Define R5

    command functions

    Micna design for a relatively low price, offering impersonal settings options, particularly suitable for water cooling, can choose between additional fans or greater sound insulation

    good | For the most part

    Quiet, hosting majesty graphics processors, 3-speed fan controller for 3 fans, saw blade cover on all inputs

    Middle | Competitors can be better

    No case for the block of life, viconna version cost over 100 dollars

    Deyakі pristrasnі vzbirachі PK say that it is not possible to take a high-quality case cheaper than 100 dollars, but it's not true. Although the other case is not easily hardened, the lower Fractal Design Define R5. Rozmir, vaga and we can see the quality of the design of the hull to talk about those that the price of $ 200 can be a pardon. Based on bituminous sound material to become a significant part of the 11-kilogram R5.

    In this case, everything can be right with a gnuchkistyu, with which section the systems can be remotely close to your shortest settings. In addition to up to two 2.5-inch SSD mounts on the back of the motherboard, the case can accommodate up to eight 2.5/3.5-inch drives and two 5.25-inch drives.

    Depending on the configuration of your cabinet and the R5 fan, you can fit GPUs up to 440 mm in back, PSU up to 300 mm and radiators up to 420 mm at the top and 360 mm in the front - an amazing feat for a mid-size case. The R5 comes with two 140mm Fractal Design Dynamic GP14s, and a total of 9 fan positions, so adding more is not a problem. On the front panel there is a controller with three ventilators, which increases up to three fans.

    Other features of this wonder product include Velcro straps and grommets to simplify cable management, ModuVent fan slot covers that allow you to choose between optional fans or soundproofing and saw caps on all inputs. The only real shortfall of R5 is the cost of a cover for a life block and the fact that you, more for everything, pay more than 100 dollars for a vicon version.

    Rating 0.50 (1 Vote)

    Hello friends! Today's statistics tell us how to choose the right case for your PC,even in a personal computer, literally everything is important, including the metal box in which the components are found.

    For the rest of the twenty years, I have passed over a lot of computer cases and I can confidently say that 99% of the coristuvachs, when buying a ready-made computer, do not attach due respect to the case and choose it through a similar design (stylish looking look), not a leathery one.possibility of ventilation, retouching of the living block (from top to bottom), retouching of buttons POWER i USB ports on the front panel, and other important nuances.

    And those koristuvachs, as if they want to spare and sway to their choice, often turn in front not to wonder, in which case they will be installed by the chosen ones components, vibirayuchi found.

    Already on the first day of choosing a PC, a person, like a bought a computer, starts to signify deeds of ineptitude, for example, to turn on the system unit is necessary bend over, sothe power button is located in the lower part of the front panel, the same is the same USB ports, you need to constantly bend your back for access or for accessing a flash drive. More serious problems begin already in the process of operating the PC - overheating and early retirementcomponents due to the reasons for the incorrect ergonomics of the PC case.

    In the rest of the hour, more and more of our readers are beginning, in the first hour they add a lot of respect to the choice and video cards, And the axis of the metal box is put on the rest of the place, and it’s cheaper to buy a yakomog, so it’s important that the body doesn’t add much to it, but it’s wrong at the root! So, I choose the shell for the computer stuffing in the same way, but save on it, not varto. And about those why, I want to tell you. So we'll talk about all the vidi, typical characteristics of computer cases.

    Rozmir to the corps

    Otzhe, first, for the sake of war, respect for the choice of the corps, cerezmir. All internal filling is to be taken without any problems. For this, it is necessary to go to the site of the picker and marvel at the sum of the sizes with other components.

    The form factor of the motherboard is to blame for the case form factor, or maybe less. And yet, in some times, the motherboard is not guilty of a larger format supported by your case.

    For example, only mini-ITX and Micro-ATX can be placed in a Micro-ATX case, but the ATX axis is not already available. Dalі, obov'yazkovo marvel at the expansion of the block of life, the height of the processor cooler and the back of the video card. You will 100% find the necessary information on the websites of the virobniks.

    Cooling system

    In addition, as we have been appointed with rosemaries, it is necessary, in a general order, to marvel at the development and potentiality of cooling systems. Especially for me, tse sami head parameter when choosing a metal box. So, in view of the airflow to the body, the temperature of the internal components of the system should be deposited. And in view of the temperature, as you all know, without any interruption, the productivity and resource of the work and all components. Nezalezhno vіd rozmіrіv whether the case is to blame for the mother of at least 2 fans, one for blowing cold air into the system, the other is visible in the hot flow in the middle of the system. The cooler for blowing is installed at the bottom at the middle for hard disks. And the cooler looks like a beast, close to the processor cooler. Such roztashuvannya is directly related to physics - hotter every time you climb up the mountain.

    Іsnuyut corps mayut additional coolers from the bottom and the beast. This ensures additional vertical flow again, which positively influences the temperature in the middle of the box.

    Ale varto nobility, more does not mean better. The most optimal and ideal option, I respect the presence of 4-5 colors. 1-2 for blowing close to hard discs, 1 for blowing from below and 2 for top view. Dodatkovі fans - zayvі. To say the least, coolers, as a rule, seem to be thicker and less durable, not worse than the top models themselves. That is why I recommend to buy good coolers okremo. There was a smut in the corps, they were transferred to landing sites, like here.

    If you want to splendidly you can play tricks and virіzati їх yourself, but then I’ll call you an amateur. Well, do not forget about the color change. Great shovels create a greater flow with a smaller number of revolutions, and therefore the stench is more efficient and less loud.

    Raztashuvannya block of living in the building

    Let's look at the pluses and minuses of the skin. With the upper rotting, the block of life is taken again from the bottom, so from the middle of the system and let it go up, from the name system. In the middle of the body it is hotter, lower call, and it means that the operating temperature of the living block at the upper fixed is higher, lower at the lower fixed. Tse to bring down the resource of the robot and the block itself. I can only add those pluses that the beast of the BP is less clogged with a saw, but with the presence of good filters and the BP will not be noticed from below. To this very fact, I recommend to everyone to bathe the body, which transfers the lower fastening for the block of life.

    I guessed the sawdust filters, I will say a couple of words about them.

    For some, this is not a key factor, but I consider it an even more important moment. The filters do not allow the saw to easily penetrate into the middle of the system, insanely, everything will accumulate there, but the time is significantly lower. Obviously, if cleaning the system unit is not a problem for you, then you can not apply for this criterion of any respect. So don’t forget about warto and about those who drank without intermediary, they contribute to the productivity of any kind of hall, increasing my working temperature. And we all know very well how it appears on our PC.

    If you have a lot of hard disks, then do not forget to look at the number of landing spots for accumulating passengers.

    Retouching the POWER, RESET buttons and USB ports on the front panel

    I especially like such a body. Raztashuvannya buttons POWER, RESET, USB ports, as well as outputs for connecting headphones and a microphoneto know the beast, which is better. Sily at the computer and do not need to bend over to turn on yoga, re-attach if necessary, plug in a USB flash drive, a portable USB disk or headphones.

    cable management

    The next important criterion when choosing cable management.

    Vin allows you to arrange all the darts in such a way that the stench does not just happen in the middle of the body. As I understand it, the thing is more sturdy, but the crimson of sruchnosti is so self-practical. A large number of wires create crossovers for an increased flow in the middle of the system, which influences the temperature in a negative way. And, as you have already realized, the temperature in the middle of the saliva shell is our everything. Even though more buildings are equipped with this function, in nature there are still copies without it. I can’t guess what, I’m not a moment.

    Such additional functions, like roses for installing a processor cooler, edging for protection from the air, anti-vibration legs and others, I think, are far from being viscous, but it’s still acceptable, like a case for all kinds of equipment. I want to be named in a direct rank on the price of the product.

    Since the majority of models presented on the market are made from the same material and can be made of walls in the same range (0.5-1mm), I won’t pay attention to which one. I’ll say more, don’t take the case with too thin walls, the wine will be thicker.

    Well, it’s worth it to the ovnishny look, then here on the right it’s completely individual. For taste and color, as they say. But one tacit rule is all the same. Don't sacrifice functionality for beauty. For example, they are more stylish than the body, which have a rush of fresh air around the front panel. Take this to the hull not varto through the trash of the blowing.

    Otzhe, remember this for the sake of:

    The form factor of the motherboard is to blame for the case form factor, or maybe less. Reshta komplekyuyuchi vinnі tezh without any problems put in the middle.

    The ideal cooling system is 4-5 colors. Large coolers are more efficient and quieter.

    The best location for the PSU is at the bottom.

    Pilovі filtri - a guarantee of cleanliness of your PC.

    Walls to the body with a thickness of 0.5-1mm.

    Sacrificing functionality for the sake of beauty is the wrath of God of all IT.

    Do not forget about additional functions that can make operation easier - cable management, security doors, etc.

    Finally, I want to know why you should save on housing not varto. All right in the fact that most of the components are morally and technologically obsolete. Їx to be brought to a constant minyati. And the axis of the metal shell of your system can be three, chotiri, and even richer than a selection of different components. The hull is rarely changed, so you don’t have to save on a new one. See you soon in new publications!