What is Jailbreak and how to install or remove jailbreak on iPhone (iOS). What is Jailbreak and how to install or open jailbreak on iPhone (iOS) Jailbreak 9.3 5 iphone 4s

More and more coristuvachivs are being considered about jailbreaking with a skin day, but there are many who are afraid of yoga robiti. Warto means that after the jailbreak, the jailbreak will take away a lot of new opportunities, calling out the interest of the cores. Jailbreak can be a win, so it’s not enough, having become aware of what you can do with whiskers, which can hack your gadget.

What is jailbreak

Jailbreak is a procedure for the malicious iOS operating system that allows corrupted access to unauthorized access to file system add Apple. A jailbreak is being triggered to help reveal the inconsistencies of the Apple security system, which is why the coristuvach denies access to previously inaccessible system files. After jailbreaking the gadget’s locker under iOS hacking, you can hack in the file system and install various programs from third-party add-on stores, including the main Apple view ( App Store). I will add all the functions available to those who have “hacked” the iPhone and iPad, as before, including iTunes and the App Store.

One of the main functions of jailbreak is the possibility of modifying the iOS function, as well as customizing the iPhone or iPad interface.

Why do you need an iPhone or an iPad

After jailbreaking, the jailbreak removes one additional Cydia software store, which can be used to check for programs that are in the App Store or iTunes daily. If you know that jailbreaks are capable of modifying iOS, then Cydia itself has all the programs that can help you fix the operating system for the taste of koristuvach. Also, Cydia has a large number of cost-free programs, which are paid for in the App Store. Next, indicate that everything cost-free programs h Cydia (among the people “tweaks”), but only copies of licensed supplements, like in most paid ones.


  1. Dodatkovy store programs Cydia. Most of Apple's employees are trying to jailbreak just for the sake of Cydia, as they hope to be able to get free programs that are available in the App Store for a fee.
  2. Improving the interface and iOS functionality to your taste. Jailbreak allows you to change old look that zmіst operating system, for additional zavantazhennya spetsialіzovanіh dodatkіv z Cydia.
  3. Attaching Apple's ability to add access to the file system. Jailbreak will allow koristuvacham not only to speed up with the captivating capabilities of iOS, but also to take access to the file system, which will allow you to control the operating system and change code codes.


  1. Possible problems from zavantazhenimi programs. Since the tweaks from Cydia are not licensed add-ons, but only copies, then the problems with the stability of their work are more frequent, and also their victories can be brought up to a large scale of licensed add-ons, which were previously worked out stably.
  2. Different tweaks - different problems. After installing either a remote tweak, zavantazhennoy s Cydia, the system cache of the tweak (smіttya) is deleted in the system, which is permanently lost on the extension, and also the vanishing of the madness of the tweaks is marked, through which the stench does not work.
  3. iOS update problems. It is impossible for an evil add-on to update iOS, and when an update is released, the jailbreak is always active, through which all the tweaks from Cydia and changes to the interface are visible.
  4. The relief is quiet. support from retailers and Apple guarantees. If repairs are necessary, I will add a coristuvachev to get out of the jailbreak, and if you need a quick guarantee - in the service center, take it to the service center.
  5. Apple security jailbreak. The evil of the gadget can lead to infection with viruses, after which personal data can be entered, among other things, information about payment possibilities (details of a bank card).
  6. Changed robotic battery autonomy. The iOS operating system is shut down for a reason, even Apple retailers are optimizing the charge rate on the system shutdown in order to balance the energy consumption of the battery and maximize the autonomy of the battery.
  7. Loss of vigor zv'azku. A lot of koristuvachіv noted that the jailbreak can get in the way of a call for an hour of calls. There are a number of problems and partial interruptions of the call, if only to call the voice of the subscriber.

tipi jailbreak

Non-binding jailbreak is performed once and works until the next flashing is released. In the basis of this type of jailbreak, there are inconsistencies, which give the ability to gain access to the file system for an hour of the gadget’s skin involvement without any other hand.

Jailbreak bindings give short access to the file system of attachments like Apple only until the first restart or I will disable the attachment. When the gadget is re-advanced, problems often arise with its launch, or it will start up, and then the tweaks will stop working or you will have to appear.

Instructions from the installation

For the help of a computer

In order to jailbreak the core, it is necessary for the jailbreak to acquire the Pangu 9 cost-free software.

  • Upgrade iTunes on your computer to the original version.
  • Create a backup copy of your data via iTunes or iCloud.
  • Turn off screen lock and Touch ID (Settings > Touch ID and password).
  • Turn off Find My iPhone (Settings > iCloud > Find My iPhone).
  • Activate Airplane Mode at Control Point.

Yak Zrobity Jailbreak - Pokrokove Kerіvnitstvo

After the upcoming reboot of the gadget, the jailbreak process will be successfully completed, about which, write "Jailbreak completed".

Without the help of a computer

  1. Read this instruction in Safari browser on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
  2. Go to itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https://www.iclarified.com/jailbreak/pangu-pp/jailbreak.plist and click "Install".
  3. Get the download of that installed PP program needed for jailbreaking.
  4. Go to the menu "Settings" > "Basic" > "Attachment maintenance".
  5. Choose the profile of the retailer that when you show up there, and at the window, type “Trust”.
  6. Run the previously installed PP program.
  7. Please wait to receive a reminder.
  8. Press on the colo, stash in the center of the screen, and block the attachment by pressing the Live button.
  9. Reboot the add-on, after which run Cydia to reverse the installed jailbreak.

Do not react to the input message and the hour of the jailbreak.

After all jailbreak installations, moreover, without using a computer and data about the Apple ID record.

The main tweaks, for the sake of some of the warto zrobiti Jailbreak

Yak vidaliti on iPhone or iPad

On this day, there is a special tool that can be used to remove a jailbreak, with which you reset all settings to factory and non-wicory flashing.

First, before proceeding to the next jailbreak, you need to create a number of steps, and for yourself:

  • Create a backup via iTunes and iCloud.
  • Connect the device to the Internet (optimally via Wi-Fi).
  • Charge your attachment less by 20%.
  • Insert a SIM card.
  • Change your Apple ID affinity to the Find My iPhone feature (which is still enabled).


  • You need to go back to Cydia.
  • Go to the BigBoss repository, which is installed behind the lock and know the Cydia Impactor program.
  • Then you need to install Cydia Impactor.
  • After a successful installation of Cydia Impactor, it will appear on the work table and it will need to be launched.
  • When you see Cydia Impactor, the English language text will appear on the screen, for which you need to press the "delete all data and unjailbreak device" button.
  • Next, you need to press the “Delete all” button, after which the procedure for removing the jailbreak will begin. At the same time, you can’t push anything at any time, but just check close to 10 credits.
  • After the completion of the withdrawal, the attachment will independently re-advance and it will be necessary to re-activate.

Possible problems and ways of their vision

Problems with the jailbreak are more common, but the solutions are not so simple.

Pardon Error 0A (hangs at 45%)

This pardon appears every hour of the jailbreak, but the utility freezes by 45-50%. To solve the problem, you need to connect your device to your computer, open iTunes (may have a fresh version) and know your gadget from the list. Then go to the "Backup copies" and take the ensign from the item "Encrypt the backup copy of the iPhone". After vikonanyh, it is necessary to repeat the jailbreak test.

Button "Start" sira

Also, the "Start" button is gray and not clickable - it means that Pangu 9 does not allow you to start a jailbreak add-on. In order for the "Start" button to become clickable, it is necessary to turn on the device in the computer and install the remaining version of iTunes and try again. What is installed rest version iTunes, but the "Start" button is still the same - try running iTunes as administrator or reconnect to the Internet.

Cydia didn't show up

It often happens that the jailbreak procedure was successful and without pardons, but the Cydia software store did not appear on the screen. For clarification, Pangu's utilities were suddenly not allowed to access "Photos". To solve the problem, the varto is only to re-zlamat the attachments by allowing access to the "Photo" addon Pangu manually. Zrobivshi tse, Cydia is guaranteed to appear on the screen of the gadget.

Cydia won't start

There are fluctuations, if the jailbreak is successful, there were no pardons, Cydia appeared on the screen, but the test of recognition is completed as soon as the attack on the icon. To solve the problem, it is necessary to throw off the upgrade, I will add it to the factory ones, after which it will update the firmware version (like an upgrade). It is further recommended to create a backup copy or to re-verify the current state, as it has already been created and try to start Cydia again.

Chi varto zdіysnyuvati jailbreak svogo pristroyu koristuvach can virіshiti independently, on the basis of all the advantages and nedolіkіv tsієї procedures. There are a lot of possibilities after a jailbreak, so why not fix the interface to your liking, or else to use your iPhone or iPad for warranty service - food, which is more and more important for iOS gadgets.

Today I have some good news for you all. Hackers tihmstar and s1guza may still have Phoenixpwn jailbreak for iOS 9.3.5. You can download and use it to jailbreak your device.

  • Update (July 23, 2019) - Version 5 with offsets for iOS 9.3.6 firmware.
  • Update (August 9, 2017) - Version 3 is now. Ce fixes custom offsets. Download link is updated and mirror will be up soon.
  • Update (August 8, 2017) - Version2 is now live and fixes bogus binary files that can be clicked.
  • Update (August 8, 2017) - You can immediately install it directly from the Internet without using a computer or Cydia Impactor.

Table of Contents

What is Phoenix jailbreak?

This is a semi-untethered jailbreak tool for iOS 9.3.5 firmware. Tse is compatible with all 32-bit devices. Here є name the retailers, yakі pratsyyut on tsoma.

  • Semi-untethered exploits - s1guza and tihmstar.
  • user interface- REALKJCMEMBER.
  • Other - mbazaliy and qwertyoruiop.

As you can see the technique, clicking on the button, be kind, so that Phoenixpwn wins. Moreover, the installation process is very easy and the UI shows a lot like a Home Depot jailbreak.

Herein, I will be demonstrating the Phoenixpwn jailbreak procedure using my iPad mini running 9.3.5.

Why is Phoenixpwn jailbreak useful?

This tool is important as iOS 9.3.5 is the end-of-life firmware for the best 32-bit iOS devices. Let's add a new jailbreak for life, so we can jailbreak for iOS 9.1-9.3.4.

Here's what you can do with iOS 9.3.5 jailbreak -

  • Run Cydia tweaks on iOS 9.3.5 (Recommended).
  • Press on iOS 8 or lower firmware (with SHSH Blobs).
  • Dual-boot different firmware versions on the same 32-bit iOS device using Coolbooter.

stink є zastosuvannyam tsgogo new tool. You can robiti be-yak z tsikh diy, vikoristovuyuchi tse. You can also upgrade to the songs without SHSH Blobs.

However, I wouldn't recommend you downgrade to iOS 8 as app compatibility would be a major issue. This means that iOS 8 is now considered “legacy” and hardly any app supports it.

Yak far as the stability on iOS 9.3.5 is concerned, it runs very smooth on my iPad mini. Therefore, the first option is always recommended.

Which devices are compatible?


  • iPhone 4S
  • iPhone 5 (GSM)
  • iPhone 5 (Global)
  • iPhone 5C (GSM)
  • iPhone 5C (Global)


  • iPad 2 (WiFi, GSM, CDMA, Mid 2012)
  • iPad mini (Wi-Fi)
  • iPad 3 (Wi-Fi)
  • iPad 3 (GSM)
  • iPad 3 (CDMA)
  • iPad 4


  • iPod touch 5

Download Phoenixpwn


  • A compatible iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 9.3.5/9.3.6
  • Cydia Impactor
  • A working Internet Connection
  • A computer running Windows/Mac/Linux
  • A genuine USB cable

How to jailbreak iPhone, iPad, iPod on iOS 9.3.5 with Phoenixpwn

No computer (No PC)

Step 1 Open Safari Browser.

Step 2 Go to this web address - ayouch.me/phoenix. There may also be an iOS 9.3.5 jailbreak file in the Yogo webpage.

Step 3 If you want to speed up this display, press the Install button.

Step 4 Wait for it to install. Once it's done, go to General > Device Management and verify its developer profile.

step 5 Processing with literature in the first place after the cob in Step 10.

With Computer

Step 1 Download the Phoenixpwn IPA file as download links given above. IPA file size 47.2 MB.

I may also uploaded the file to Mega.nz only in the same way as the original download link goes down. I also recommend that you get on your working table to make the process easier.

Step 2 Download Cydia Impactor utility link given above if you haven't already. Z'ednati ZIP archives and packets of yoga together until the next month, or I'll add it.

Step 3 You can see everything new and everything that is in the world. Now you need to require your iOS to be connected to the computer and run the current jailbreak process.

Step 4 Wait for Cydia Impactor until your addon is recognized. This may be the case, but it should not change USB slots.

step 5 Now drag and drop the Phoenix.ipa file over to Cydia Impactor window.

Step 6 Impactor will now ask you to enter your Apple ID username and password. You can correctly log in to your credentials, just like they stink at Apple's servers.

However, as you are a bit too paranoid about your identity, you can also create another "burner" Apple ID and win.

Step 7 It is necessary for the IPA file, sob buv nalashtovaniya i lіt Impactor do its thing. Once it says “Complete” as shown below, you can safely plug your device into your computer.

Step 8 Phoenix jailbreak app will now be present on your home screen. However, if you open it, it will throw the Untrusted Developer error. To fix this, open the Settings app and navigate to General > Device Management on your device.

Step 9 Select your Apple ID email, tap Verify app and press Verify again to confirm. Wait for it to be verified.

Step 10 Run the Phoenixpwn app and tap on Prepare For Jailbreak.

Step 11 It will be right for you to add the Mixtape Player. You can download it using the Download Free Mixtape Now button or you can tap the Proceed with Jailbreak button to continue installing Cydia.

Step 12 Phoenixpwn will now begin patching the kernel, filesystem and installing the exploit. You will also need to patch tfp0 patch on your device. Just be patient and wait for it to complete.

Step 13 Tse bude at once, schob vikonati, schob save your attachments є supported. Once you get to this screen, tap Use Provided Offsets.

There's no need to use the Specify Custom Offsets Feature as all the offsets are built into the app.

Step 14 Wait for your device to respring. Once it's done, Cydia will not be present on your home screen.

Step 15 Go ahead and start installing your favorit Cydia tweaks! That's all there's to it. Hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

If you wanted to cherubate in the deakіy world, write down a comment better.

How to Rejailbreak Your Phoenixpwn Jailbreak

After Rebooting

Yak wi bachite, Phoenixpwn jailbreak є semi-untethered. Tse means that you can get by with your attachment, you will be needed on your pants, whatever.

To do this, simply launch the Phoenix jailbreak application and select the Kickstart jailbreak option. That's it.

You will start your attachments in the timer.

After 7 days

After every seven days, the app will expire. Like vee, yak ve robit tse, tse will run for help "Untrusted Developer" error.

You are guilty of repossessing and sideloading it with Cydia Impactor in-depth tutorial given above.

The 7-day limit exists only on free accounts, not paid accounts. If you win a retail account, then the app will speed up your phone for a period of one year.

I know this process looks cumbersome at the very outset. But if you choose something new, it seems very easy. For anyone who can't access a computer all the time, keep trying to get updates on your firmware.

Here's an update - once the app runs out of signing, simply use ayouch.me/phoenix to install it again .

How to safely upgrade to new versions

Developer tihmstar may have already stated that there will be no fix gsc error for v2 immediately after v1. Awzhez, we may have one more version, please use some manual work before you can take the best fixes.

Version 1 to Version 2

Here's how you can safely upgrade from version one to version two.

Step 1 Download Terminal See BigBoss Cydia repo.

Step 2 Enter the following commands step by step and press return key after each line. type

alpine (this is your default password)
rm /usr/bin/sed && /usr/libexec/cydia/firmware.sh

Step 3 Once this is done, execute the "restart" command -

Step 4 After restarting my jailbreak, kickstart jailbreak for an additional rejailbreak procedure given above using v2. That's it.

You can also speed up your add-on and jeep from the scale with Phoenixpwn 2.0. No matter which method you choose, don't forget to update.

Version 2 to Version 3

Version 3 is actually a minor update but it's still good to stay on the latest version. The update process is really simple.

Just sideload v3 IPA file using tutorial given above. Doing this will automatically replace v2. You don't want to reconsider, what is the yogo retailer certificate again.

Did you Jailbreak iOS 9.3.5?

Tse neabiyak bring back your legacy device back to life. I don't know how you will continue to beat my iPad mini and it's good to know that I can win new animation.

I am off to install my favorite Cydia tweaks! By what kind of peace do I let you in on your plan? Let us know in the comments section below.

In order to catch up with my guides, you can on Facebook and Twitter.

The skin update for Android and iOS has its own advantages. However, sometimes it is so that fresh version the system may be critically short-lived, as it will not be corrected by the retailer for a long time. Otherwise, you can blame the situation, if the new update is just a motorized move to bring down the mobile attachment and the galmu. One of these recent updates was iOS 9.3.5. And everything would be nothing, wiyshla New version, Yaka corrected the recent shortcomings, the update became the last one for a number of attachments based on the A5 processor, and more specifically:

  • iPad 2

  • iPad 3 (iPad with Retina display).

  • iPad mini (1st generation).

  • iPhone 4S.

  • iPod touch 5

Before us, we need to vikoristovuvat exploit, which will allow us to jailbreak. A list of outbuildings, on which yoga to go back, looking like an offensive rank:

  • iPhone 4S.

  • iPhone 5

  • iPhone 5c.

  • iPad 2

  • iPad 3.

  • iPad 4

  • iPad mini 1

Yak Zrobiti Jailbreak

  • 1. Zavantzhuemo

  • 2. Get excited

  • 3. Connect an iPhone or an iPad to the computer for an additional cable.
  • 4. Run Cydia Impactor and drag it to the windows program ipa file.

  • 5. When requesting, enter your Apple ID details at the merging phone.

  • 6. Go to "Setup" -> "Basic" -> "Attachment Management" on the mobile device, select the Phoenix certificate and press the "Trust" button.

  • 7. Return to the home screen and launch the Phoenix program. Let's wait for the proposition to accept push notifications. We tick off the Phoenix at the bottom and emboss on the colo.

  • 8. Lock the screen mobile annex And after a few seconds you will be reminded about the successful evils of the system.

  • 9. Unlock your smartphone or tablet and unlock Phoenix again. Please provide an animation to tell you about the preparation before installing Cydia. Check the reinstallation of the add-on, after the Cydia program is installed.

  • 10. Please specify if you need to repeat steps 7-9 after skin resurfacing.

How to download to iOS 8.4.1?

  • Look for the Cydia store and search for Filza File Manager.

  • Start your file manager.
  • We go to the address /System/Library/CoreServices

  • Shukaemo file SystemVersion.plist

  • Editable Version (9.3.5) and Build (13G36) to Version (6.1.3) and Build (10B329) are valid.

  • We take it and re-adjust it (one hour we press the button of life at the same time with the Home key and it will be reduced to the appearance of an exciting screen with an apple).

  • Let's go into the setup and check the version of the system. If we were lucky, if we were given, then everything went well.

  • We go to the “Update software” section and we want to update to iOS 8.4.1

  • After the update, it is necessary to perform an external download through the item "Erase all content and update"

On April 27, the Pangu Team presented the English version of the iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak, but with some nuances. On the right, in the fact that the term of the certificate is victorious with an addendum, being separated by less than seven days, which means that the coristuvachevi had a chance to jailbreak the jailbreak.

Luckily, the team has released an updated version of Pangu 1.1, like a victorious certificate valid until April 2017. See below for details on how to jailbreak Pangu on iPhone or iPad with iOS 9.3.3.

2 . Remove screen lock password and Touch ID on iPhone or iPad,

as well as the function " Know iPhone«;

3 . Connect iOS devices (with or without jailbreak) to the computer using an additional Lightning cable.

4 . If a jailbreak is already installed on the device, activate the stealth mode (remote programs) and remove old Pangu or PP programs from the home screen.

Note. After vikonannya tsієї procedures program Cydia and all tweaks will be saved on the extension. If the gadget is NOT jailbroken, you can skip step 4.

5 . Open the program .

6 . Open the folder " Enthusiasm» and drag and drop the IPA file from the Cydia Impactor window.

7 . At this stage, you will need to enter your Apple ID. After entering the data, press the OK button.

8 . Enter password and press OK.

9 . Cydia Impactor is a more lucrative process.

When completed, the Pangu program will appear on the home screen of the iOS device. Next, open " Nalashtuvannya» -> « Main» -> « Building management».

10 . In retail Rozrobnik software press Apple ID.

11 . Click on the button " Trust”, I stashed the order from Apple ID. Click again on the button " Trust».

12 . Return to the home screen and launch Pangu.

13 . On the screen you will see a request for a reminder. Click on the button OK.

14 . Reverse the presence of a tick on the option " Win a certificate, valid until April 2017» (Use embedded certificate effective until April 2017), and then press the button Start.

15 . To show up for a request (div. screenshot below), press the button Wimk blocking outbuildings.

After a few seconds, the following notification will appear on the blocking screen:

16 . Dock a re-advancement, I'll build it. If you can, you can remove access to Cydia and all jailbreak tweaks.

17 . In order to revise the term of the certificate, go to the program " Nalashtuvannya» -> « Main» -> « Building management».

From i all. Now you can use your gadget without the need to jailbreak your skin this day.

update: Content of this article has been published! Please follow for Cydia download your iPhone, iPad & iPod.

Apple may released iOS 9.3.5 latest firmware update for iPhone, iPad & iPod with fixed another three security vulnerabilities. Dekіlka days that stench is also related to the great vulnerabilities in iOS 9.3.4, which is celebrated in Pangu for jailbreak iOS 9.2 - 9.3.3. What about jailbreak & install Cydia for iOS 9.3.5 ? You can recognize the real information.

The reason for this is that the method to install software name is called Cydia for your devices. More than 50% of new Cydia loving users have no idea how to hack Cydia application for their devices. As a matter of fact, the fake apps name is called Cydia for their devices. Cydia can function as a download alternative for the Apple App Store. We can see many applications related to Cydia. But all other applications are unable to give Cydia features.

Apple patch major three security vulnerabilities with iOS 9.3.5. Be a caress, for koristuvachіv Cydia for iOS 9.3.5 now. Ale Pangu team working hard to give solution for users.

Is Cydia ready for iOS 9.3.5, 9.3.4? No, Cydia application cannot install for iOS 9.3.5, 9.3.4 at once. Apple closed downgrade gate for iOS 9.3.3. You may accidentally upgrade to iOS 9.3.5 or 9.3.4, which is necessary to install the Cydia application.

If you can update Cydia, please do no update your firmware. Wait until jailbreak update release for iOS 9.3.4 & 9.3.5 public users. Cydia is available until iOS 9.3.3 version this moment.

This month is over, April 26 Apple Apple Released iOS 9.3.5 for public users. This update is registered as update security and users are unable to get any advantage using iOS 9.3.5. Might update patch exploits with Pangu developers. Ale hungry Pangu Security Research team is working hard to release its next version for users.

Few days ago, celebrity iOS retailer Luca had installed Cydia for iOS 9.3.4. Well, for the rest of the hour, team OS also posted a video showing Cydia installation on an iOS 9.3.4 running device. Hі, not one registration is a tool for huge coristuvachiv before jailbreak iOS 9.3.4. There is no any news about iOS 9.3.5 jailbreak attempt yet. So, iOS 9.3.3 is the rest of the public user can be jailbroken & download Cydia at this moment. Touch with us, we have developed cydiainstaller.mobi Cydia navigation application for our loving users. Tse bude cheruvati your rock old rіk s iOS update.