Korisnі dodatki for smart tv sumіsnogo. Additives for smart tv

Hello to the readers of the blog site Today I want to tell you about those who watch TV online on smart TV . on the given moment among wealthy televisions spring pickers more people are getting attached with the function of smart TV (you can read about those that you can read in one of my articles). These TVs allow you to use various functions, which were previously only available on computers.

One of the most popular functions that allows you to use smart TV is:

  • the ability to review the video through all views YouTube service(The most popular service for reviewing video and video clips);
  • revisiting films through the ivi supplement;
  • off, on the Internet, vikoristovuyuchi in the browser;
  • review tv online (both Russian and foreign channels).

Before that, as soon as you can enjoy all the benefits of such a unique building, connect it to the Internet (about those, as I described it in this article, I will not go too deep into the description of all activities). The only thing you want to pay attention to is that when you connect a TV to the Internet, it’s best to switch the router, which allows you to connect like dartless sting(Wifi), so on wired. Before that, how to think about the organization of such a measure, raja get to know this article, .

In my opinion, the connection on the dart (patchcord) is the most important, the shards are more stable, lower without a dart zv'yazok.

From the same time, we figured out how to connect the TV to the merezhі, now varto go straight to the description of how TV is watching TV online on smart TV.

How to choose a program for reviewing TB online

At the moment, on televisions smart function tv as well as on mobile phonesіsnuє, scho allow koristuvatisya all the blessings of the Internet. I will not get lost in the pererakhuvannya of all types and names, the shards of us squealing addenda allow you to look at tv online. From the abundance of such programs, I can see two main ones:

Vintera. tv this addendum is even more popular at the moment, maybe for the sake of the one that turned out to be one of the first, but in my opinion it won’t be the best. The right thing is that wintera is not easy to manage, if you want to get a lot of goodies. zavdyaki functionality which appendage able:

  • reviewing a large number of programs via the Internet;
  • reviewing the provider's channels without installing additional equipment (for example, in St. Petersburg, the westcall provider provides a cost-free package of TV channels, so you can watch online on TV and on your computer). Raju popsikavitisya chi allows your provider to view the provider's channels on smart TV. If so, then you can actually act;
  • setting up other channels (enter in the field the name of the program you need and the next time there is no need in the search for the average number of tv channels);

The only reason is the presence of a large amount of intrusive advertising when viewing tv online on smart TVs. On the right, in that this product is cost-free and viable, the retailer wants a little bit of resilience. Advertising daily only when looking over the provider's channels.

peersTV one more time popular supplement gives you the opportunity to watch TV online on smart TV. In my opinion, it’s more easy to use, so that you can’t get lost in all kinds of work. At the first launch, Peers automatically selects the provider and when the playlist is available in digital format, it is automatically selected. Here, as well as in Winter, it is possible to take advantage of the provider's channels, however, the stench is not included in the list, but in the wild, with Internet channels. It is also a handy tool to add favorite channels to the folder, which allows you to quickly switch between required programs.

It’s a pity (more precisely, luckily) Peers is also cost-free, which confuses retailers to zavantazhuvat advertising, but on the vіdmіnu Vіd Vіnter ads are not so intrusive and for the review of the needful transmission to finish the short commercial.

If you didn’t sign up, if you are the most suitable for the additions, then I can induce you to set up an insult, so that by the method of special currying, you can determine which you will be cursing in the future.

actually for description varto would be to add instructions for installing add-ons on your TV, but the shards of the varto work on the butt of models of TVs, then I was told not to navantage Danish material, Sob not porridge in my head, but write okay. So that you don't miss out on new articles, please subscribe to my blog.

On this I will finish my description about those, how to watch tv online on smart tv and I say goodbye to you. I’m sure that the given material will turn out to be ugly to you, but if you are deprived of food, then I’m always ready to help.

On your TV, you would like to know if the system can function on a computer as a great program, so it's very good and give you the full range of basic options.

Really improve new package Smart functions for LSH or TV of other brands are easy to connect, they are easy to connect not only to the TV, but also to connect to laptops and a standard PC without any problems. It gives you the ability to easily marvel at any kind of multimedia content on a computer monitor.

Handy and comfortable Smart program TV allows koristuvachevі vikoristovuvat maximum opportunities, otrimuvati I need information, Zastosovuvati її for learning, work on various projects, and also save an hour. create home merezha it’s easy to build a newcomer, for the help of Smart TV, you can forget about the unconventional movies on a flash drive, now you can marvel at the cinema, you can only push on the buttons for the help of a bet. With the presence of all the necessary current outbuildings, Yakі vzaєmopov'yazanі mіzh themselves, koristuvach zdatny himself chooses to review the necessary files.

How to marvel at TB on a computer

A lot of koristuvachiv want to watch TV channels on their PC or laptops, the oscalls of this way are the best. The Smart TV software package, installed on the computer, is gaining popularity with skin rock. Looking at the PC gives you the ability to record need programs and then look at them at any convenient hour. by ourselves the simplest option The connection requires a different adapter for a TV tuner, as it is sold by either a PCI slot card or a USB card. The other type allows you to simply insert software security adapter for a computer or a laptop.

In the first place, you will have to spend more than an hour to connect the troch and insert the tuner in the right PCI slot, which is a patch under the cover system unit or a laptop. If you need to just start the computer and install on the new software, if the installation is successful, you will need to connect the antenna to the tuner, cable or satellite dish. Canals can be adjusted in inserted addendum For help, you can marvel at your computer at any hour of the day, as well as record the necessary programs on your hard drive.

Connecting TV to a PC for the help of DVI / HDMI

As long as your PC has a video card installed, equipped with DVI, and you also have a TV set with an HDMI input, you can easily get away with a pink cable and then watch movies from your computer on a larger hand-held TV screen. For the connection, you may need a small adapter, the shards for sale are represented by a sprat of types, choose the type you need in the fallage in the form of a cable. at correct choice connection not to cause everyday problems and folding.

Connection for an auxiliary S-Video socket

Not all the shorty guys who need to know how to connect a computer to LG TV or Samsung TV, are aware of those who are the most popular option to manually connect via S-Video. Vіdіyde vlassnikam tvs with comfortable sockets SCART type z 21 pins and video cards with S-Video outputs. For a full connection, you need a few important details, including:

  • required cable, equipment with S-Video plugs;
  • adapter with SCART plug and video, audio and S-Video jacks;
  • in the ranks alternative pidide cord with S-Video plug.

Tim, who wants to hear the sound through the TV speakers, needs an additional cord with a plug and the so-called TV-pins. In the process of choosing cables and cords, it is necessary to stitch, so that their length is the same. Before connecting the equipment, it is necessary to turn on the power supply, and then connect the plugs to the sockets and roses of the required color. If you need to fix the computer, after turning it on, press it on the work table right button bear and choose the distribution of power.

It is necessary for a new person to know the Parameters tab, two monitors will appear there, one of them indicates a computer, and the other is a TV set. Use the mouse key to click on the other monitor and check the box next to "Extend the desktop on Danish monitor". Then just select the “Shut down” command, at which stage the setting will be completed. Then you can go to the TV, on which you need to turn on the Video channel, such a button for equipping the skin with a standard remote control.

Times are successful smart settings TV on a personal computer, on the TV screen there are tapestries on the working table. Functional Smart allows you to beat two outbuildings at the same time in the best order. For example, while on television, we review the necessary cartoons from hard drive, Іnshey koristuvach can be practiced on a PC in any add-ons or on the Internet without shkod for data transmission speed. Also on TV you can upload photos and video files from your computer, upload them to a special programmer.

Then let's turn the mouse into the right corner of the monitor, which allows you to imagine yoga on TV. for more manual revision you need to choose fullscreen mode. More koristuvachіv already could evaluate all the advantages of LG Smart TV and other TV models, like summіsnі with the format of any computer. This is the best way to review for those who want to better appreciate all the advantages of innovative technologies, as well as enjoy their head pluses. Read also.

Should I install an add-on, if I have a TV set-top box from Rostelecom? We don’t know how rich the multi-screen service is, so the popularity of SmartTV add-ons is only gaining wraps. And the Smart TV platform itself, among other things, allows you to watch channels on any TV without additional wires and set-top boxes. Ex-Zabava to enter the market under a new name - "Interactive TV"

Interactive TV on SmartTV Samsung


How to know?

You can install the add-on in the SmartTV distribution of your TV. Go to the add-on store Samsung Apps.To know the program, press the button Search on the remote and enter "Interactive", or go to the branch "Video"

Robot without attachment

By itself, a robot without a prefix is ​​possible, but, in any case, the service of "Interactive TV" you are guilty of connecting, tobto cost-free, just by installing an add-on on Smart TV, nothing will work. Naytsіkavіshe, scho connected services interactive TV impossible without a prefix. You don’t need to find out if you don’t need it, you can either rent STB or buy it. Rostelecom simply does not give other minds when connected. In this rank, after the connection of the service, you can become an addendum “without a prefix”, simply by putting it in the kut.

The only option in this situation is to connect "Interactive TV" with some kind of promotion. Ring when connected to the share of the rent of the prefix 1 ruble per month. More details about promotions can be found on the website rt.ru

List of supported Samsung models

Respect! Approximate list! Please ask more in the comments, your model is supported! Give respect to the release of your TV. Below 2012 - not supported. Televisions on Tizen OS - are not supported yet, additional information will be provided, if we have additional support for OS.

Pіdtrimka ochіkuёtsya next hour:

2015 (Tizen platform): UJS9000, UJS9500, UJS9800, UJS9900, UJ6400, UJ5500, UJ5510, UJ6200, UJ6300, UJ6330, UJS6000, UJU5900, UJU6000, UJU7000, UJU7500, UJU7800, UJU8000, UJU6300, UJU6400, UJU6500, UJU6600, UJU6700, UJU6800, UJ5510, UJ5520, UJ6200, UJ6300, UJ6330, UJS6000, US9F

2016 (Tizen platform): UKS9800, UKS9500, UKS9000, UKS8500, UKS8000, UKS7500, UKS7000, UKU66A0, UKU6510, UKU6500, UKU64A0, UKU6400, UKU630D, UKU6300, UKU6000, UK6300, UK6250, UK6200, UK5600, UK5520, UK5510, UK5500, UK5300, UK4300


Designated models, ALE TILKI 2012 release: UES8000, UES7500, UES7000, PE8000, UE7xxx, UE6xxx, UE5xxx, UE4xxx, PE7000, PE6500, PE570, PE550, PE540, PE6500, PE550

2013 (orsay platform): KF9500, KS9C, PF8500, UF7000, UF7400, UF7450, UF7500, UF8000, UF8200, UF8500, UES7000, UES7500, UES8000, UES9000, UES9010, UES9500, PE7000, PE8000, UF9000, US9, US9VCN, US9VCN, US9200 UF7100, UF7150, UF6xxx, UF5xxx, UF4500, PF5500, PF5200

2014 (orsay platform): US9CN, US9VCN, US9V, UF9000, UHU8500CV, UHU9000, UHU9800, US9, UHU7500, UHU8500, H8000C, PE8500, UF7000, UF7400, UF7500, UF8200, UF8500, PE8000, PE7000, PE7000, PE7000, PE7000, PE7000, PE7000, PE7000, PE7000, PE7000, PEC UES9010, UES9500, H8800, UH4500, UH4570, UH6400, UH6410, UH6500, UH6600, UH6700, UH7000, UH7100, UH5500, UH6300, UH5570, UH6200, UHU6900, UHU7000, UHU5900, UHU6000, UHU7500, UHU8500, UH4303, UH5303, UH6203

Do not support:

2012: TB750, TB550

2013 (orsay platform): BD-F8900, BD-F8909, BD-F8500, BD-F8509, BD-F6900

2014 (orsay platform): HT-H6500WM, HT-H6550WK, HT-H6550WM, HT-H7500WM, HT-H7730WM, HT-H7750WM, BD-H6500, BD-HM65, BD-H8500, BD-H850, BD-H8900, BD-H8909

When you try to reset your password, write "Pardon when changing your password"

This problem can be solved only through technical support. call 8-800-1000-800 . necessary editing oblіkovogo record in the database. Virishuetsya, as a rule, either on the day of the recruitment to the technical training, or on the coming day. You will not be able to change the password before submitting the application - you will be pardoned for the whole hour

Other problems and solutions for Samsung TV

Q: Write that the servant is blocked. If you want to use the phone, that set-top box shows everything visually

Your TV set is bound to an incorrect image record. Return to service technical support(8-800-51-000-51), sob vikonati correct binding

Q: The add-on starts correctly. Constantly hanging zavantazhennya and as a result does not start.

A: Yes, if it is installed old version supplements. Upgrading addendum to the remaining version

A: Upgrade addendum to the rest version

Q: When you sign in to your account Smart TV Samsung TV looks like a pardon: e-mail not found

A: You need to manually correct the physical record through the technical support service

Q: After launching the Samsung SmartTV program, the message “There is no content to display” appears

A: First of all, the wrong date and hour are set on the TV itself. It is necessary to check and correct these settings for the correct ones.

Q: Log out at startup

reminder "This service is not expected in your region"

A: Follow the time zone, date and hour on the TV, so in addition. Also, pardon can be said about those that the program cannot connect to the server, so the problem is purely merezhev. Restart the router / modem, after which turn off and turn on the TV (it should not be switched from the remote control to stand by mode, but turn on the socket itself)

Q: The image freezes up and hangs up constantly, after which the “Repair of the day” alert appears on the screen

The feasibility of modern technology is gradually becoming wider and wider - Smart TV has not been available for a long time. Today we look at you sprat cost-free supplements, For the help of any kind of your “smart” TV, you can achieve maximum power.

Twitch TV


This popular media player is currently running on Android TV and other SmartTV platforms. Є support of media formats for help in the development of codecs. Other options you can choose:


Tsey appendage is just goiter buti on skin television. Vono is a great video library, in which you can find practically any content: from a cartoon series to a rare TV show. With help from Ivi, you will always have access to the latest news.

365 body workout

The program is designed to turn your TV into a professional fitness trainer. With help, you can:

Lean Key Keyboard

If your device's keyboard appears non-handed in a robot, try LeanKey Keyboard. With her you can:

  • Manage from the remote control;
  • It is easy to move between the words of the introduction;
  • Vikoristovuvati dodatkovі remote control buttons.


We have looked at you a squirt of supplements, for the help of which you can build Smart TV into “full strength”. There are a large part of these programs for Android, but if you are lucky, you can find their analogues for other TV platforms.

One of the main achievements smart technologies TV - easy installation and selection of various programs. Appendices, distributed for Smart TV by Samsung, are installed in the same way as in smartphones.

Koristuvach opens the tab " smart hub»I enter the Samsung Apps software market, where you can find out about a thousand utilities, whether you need to click on it or not. Here we have implemented a manual and clear sorting of utilities by categories, and also a function shvidkoy poshuk.

To that, if the manager of Smart TV like Samsung already knows what the fault is, then it’s enough for him to type a few letters with the names of the necessary programs, and the system will immediately send the transfer of the necessary add-ons to the TV screen. Dali dodatok is installed literally with one push of a button.

Most popular

Below are the most recommended programs for Smart TV. Obviously, for rich people, it will be obvious that the first popularity lies with widgets, that it allows you to watch movies, video clips, TV channels, etc. at any time.


This program can be called a cinema, which will avenge the indefinite number of films for adults and children, as well as the majestic retelling of serials. It is necessary to note that until the review of the bagats from them, access is absolutely cost-free.

This cinema, for statistical data, is less than a trifle stepping forward, but richly coristuvachiv vvazhayut for the best yoga itself. There are no less chances to marvel at the movies without cost, but the consistently high quality of the image cannot but rejoice the calm.

Programs for Smart TV of a gaming and respectful nature are especially popular, as they can get into a hoarse stunner at once decals of koristuvachiv. Yaskravim with a butt is a utility, rozroblen for fans of billiards. Easy POOL stands out especially with its slick graphics, which immediately turns the life of a TV master into a billiard club.

You won’t need this resource in special recommendations, so maybe you’ll be a person, if you want to once open the great base of video content (films, music videos, lighting channels, etc.), you can always know the middle of the rosemack topic itself . To the main shortfall of YouTube, you can only see the folding in the resource to marvel at the video of the koristuvach, so it’s impossible to fly in the new hour.

The Samsung company, specially for its televisions, has a handy browser that supports the expansion of 1920 x 1080. Web viewer of equipment with a ringing tab for the short version "Vibrant", as well as other similar functions. Through this vlasnik on your TV, it is already possible to install the necessary programs without intermediary global network, And not only those who are promoted in "Samsung Apps". The robot in the browser is possible like from the remote control remote care, So it is with a Samsung smartphone, synchronized with TV, which is even more convenient, especially when there is no joke, a hint of obviousness in the phone's QWERTY keyboard.

Allows you to manually marvel at the broadcast of the game to the whole world. Implemented the function of quick search for the start of sorting broadcasts by category.


Obviously, this is far from the latest additions, as if they are easier and instill the life of a smart TV master with roses and brown chips. Also, through "Samsung Apps" koristuvachі can easily install and koristuvatisya, for example, Skype, weather utilities, Google Maps, social media, Yandex add-ons and others. At Samsung TV, you can install skilki for a yearly addendum from "Apps", so that the stench does not take up a lot of space in the memory of the TV itself, but is saved in gloomy hell all-world web.