The first installation of the tricolor. The installation of satellite control on the reception of the tricolor TV

Inspired by seven-league croques, I will be in the past, and IPTV systems will come to replace you satellite movement. All stinks are a great drink among the population, so as to ensure a beautiful image clarity, allow not to lie in natural and climatic factors (weather weakly influences the signal), and also give hundreds and thousands of additional services and subscriptions.

Understandably, our caretakers in Persh Cherga pay respect not only for the quality of the servants that they rely on, but for their virility. Bazhano, that there was a bula yakomoga lower. Vіdmіnnim svvvіdnannym tsіni i akosі spolіzovanіh sluzhа v sferі digital satellite television characterizes the country's company "Tricolor TV". Without a doubt, many of your friends or those who know are connected to their borders.

Installation and packages of channels at "Trіkolor" are even cheaper, and because of the swarm of more potential subscribers. Vtіm, our coristuvachi would not be like that, yakbi did not try to spare any trials. Today we will look at the setting of the receiver "Tricolor", as in the minds of the greatest minds it is called fahivtsy.

There is nothing particularly foldable in tsimu, but to that you sing-song fit.

Satellite antenna selection

Seeing the added instructions, how can you more carefully choose the antenna. At the selected points (bazhano on the uzvishsh) hardly harden the base. On the loggia or balconies, attach only to the outer side of the wall, vicorist. On the remaining surfaces, installation on the dahu is possible. If you live in a private sector, don't hang the antenna under the trees, but in the wake of massive events, you can have a negative impact on the receiving signal.

How to install?

As soon as you picked up the antenna, you should close it on the top of the base, flaring up straight for about 4-5 years, after which you sprung up by a chotiri-five degrees down. Once again, turn it over, that in the opposite direction, if I wanted to stretch five dozen meters, there are no massive objects, as if they could have a negative impact on the accuracy of positioning.

This kind of imovirnist is not so high, but sometimes it’s possible to increase the quality of the reception. In this way you can't fix the receiver "Tricolor" with all the trouble.

Attach the antenna to the brackets so that it could only turn under a surge of singing power. Under the fixed attachment, you can install the simplest clamp. As you do so, just make the most of the creaking bolts: the antenna will be more easily rotated, spiraling on the pristosuvannya.

pardon deacons

Often you can feel about those that the antenna with the receiver should only be connected with a medium cable, so it is easier to conduct a signal. It should be noted that a pardon of this kind was lost for hours of analog television, if the type of cable was correct and repaired a significant impact on the quality of the signal.

On the right, in the fact that digital information is transmitted from the satellite. absolutely baiduzhe, through the cable as a kind of yoga to transmit. If everything is going to be lousy, then you just don’t get the same picture on the screen. No smug, “snow” and something else, like it was for hours of analog TV, there will be no more.

How to prepare the cable?

In order for the signal to pass through, it is necessary to properly prepare the cable. It is often possible to be careful, if the corystuvants are inaccurately cleaning the contacts, turning half of the metal mesh, and then marveling at the reality that there would be no reaction in the presence. How to get away?

  • Starting at the edge, carefully clean 15 mm. In case of any other, it is important to make sure not to damage the screen ball.
  • The braid is tucked in, but again, if you put on magic, do not tear it.
  • Next to the cable, it is necessary to wind the F-pin up to the stop


Vtim, є one blame. If you win a good copper cord with a hanging screen and a tight central core, then the antenna can be installed at a distance of one hundred meters from the TV. It is especially important that you have a Full HD Tricolor TV receiver in your hands, as it is even more capable of transmitting data smoothly.

If you bought a Chinese virib, then in a vicarious weave, thin threads of unreasonable metal are entwined, and in the role you live outwardly, lightly open with a midi ball, you happen to dodatkovo dodatkovo a good pidsiluvach. If you don’t rob it, then the setting of the Tricolor receiver will not help.

It is also not uncommon to think that in order to ensure a high level of signal, the antenna needs to be raised higher. Qiu thought was also lost for hours of self-contained priymalnyh outbuildings for drota, which, in fact, showed the best result, as if they were fixed at the very door of the booth.

Rising to an unattainable height, you do not guarantee a good reception. Just in case: if it is folded closer to the ground, then the folds of the mass can act like a prism, improving the directness of the signal.

Let's get down to finishing

Before you start setting up the Tricolor receiver, it is necessary to carry out simple manipulations with the antenna itself. First, you get a receiver with a converter for an additional cable, if you can fix it.

Let's take a look at the procedure, when you can connect to the Bonum 1 satellite. For which it is necessary to enter the data of that transponder in the appendix, for the help of which you select a satellite.

Data like this:

  • Frequency - 12226.
  • Polarization parameters - horizontal.
  • Flow rate - 27500.

Basic receiver settings

So how is the setting of the Tricolor TV receiver fixed? First, we go to the menu by pressing the exit button on your remote control model. Apparently on the item "Installing the antenna" or "Transponder search", after which enter the data fields in the data fields, as you have entered more. If you don't know which menu item to find, just chill the instructions to your satisfaction.

It is even more important to know what type of converter you have in your settings. Select the "Single" parameter. Enter the number 10750 in the field for setting the local oscillator.

Watch TV without a receiver

Why can you marvel at Tricolor without a receiver? It’s not surprising, but it’s possible. On the right, in modern TVs there are often tuners that support DVB-S2. Receive a signal from the satellite, there will be a stench. Ale! Just take it, don't go about decoding the movie.

Better for everything, marveling at Tricolor without a receiver on such a TV set, you can, like a language about basic, cost-free channels. Vtіm, navіt tse dosit sumnіvnіvno.

Nalashtovuemo equal to the signal from the satellite

Further adjustment is due to the “Signal Equal” (Scan) item. Almost all modern models of tuners display two positions. Return respect to the “Riven” scale, so that it shows the parameters of the inverter at the input. Apparently, the "Brightness" parameter displays the level of the coris signal (frequency, speed and FEC). For the first one, a new signal is received, which includes ethereal noises, “white noise” and another “lushpinnya”, as it pours negatively into the receiver.

Before the converter is connected, the value of the signal on the first scale will be closer to zero (most often). A lot of tuner models can only have one scale. As soon as a signal is displayed, then there is a sir. In times, if the possession is on the companion, the color will change to green or yellow. axis taka basic stitching receiver "Tricolor TV".

Let's fix the companion's noise

I’m going to whisper the satellite on the “smіtєvogo” signal. Chim shukaniy ob'єkt more, Tim show-offs become commemorative. To look at the shukane, scan the sector in which it is hypothetical to know. Respectfully, a high tree, a barn, or other steps can increase the signal on the first scale. It was reasonable to focus on the varto only at that moment, if the “Yakist” scale is more likely to react or the color of the graph in the first column changes (we talked about it more).

"Thin" poke

More accurate research, as you can guess, is carried out for equal to another scale. Important! If you have a different firmware of the Tricolor receiver, or the wines can be up to some other model range, all menu items named by us can be changed in different places, and the quantity of a special warehouse on the scales can be horizontal or vertical. Obov'yazkovo inversion, active, the option "eating LNB", which otherwise will show the presence of the signal. Scanning needs to be repaired from the same position in which the antenna is installed.

In order to achieve the best result, in the process of searching, it is necessary to rotate by 10-15 degrees in different sides.

Respectfully, it is better to rotate the antenna next to it more, since the digital signal is processed by the receiver with a decent fading. Marvel at the value of another scale: if you know the frequency you need, you'll get carried away. In this way, with the utmost respect and caution, twist the plate until the ribs of the receiver become maximum. Once again, it’s better that the receiver for “Tricolor” (HD-brightness) is powerful up to this parameter, so give yourself more respect at the price.

As soon as the satellite didn’t get away, try to move the antenna uphill, or down the shackle, on which you have it fixed. As much as possible, you can happen to grow a dekilka of visits. As far as I can tell, the best proof of the success of the setup will be the picture on the TV screen.

As soon as you reach the maximum level of the receiver, it is necessary to tighten the fastening nuts firmly. Twisting them is necessary to be extremely accurate, as the smallest antenna sway uphill or down, as well as scrolling along the axis, can provoke a sharp decrease in the signal from the satellite.

The axis is how to connect the Tricolor receiver.

Get respect!

For rich amateurs, who tried to put the antenna "on the eye", nothing good came of it. So what is put before the closing of the next is extremely respectful. In addition to everything that has been said above, we suggest you a couple of others brown colors. First of all, do not hurry: turn the antenna literally by a millimeter, constantly controlling all the indicators.

To set up, choose only a clear and sunny day. So, like a plate of "Tricolor TV" you can swipe in the most remote village in the forest, marvel at those where direct converters are on the susіdskomu obladannі.

You can do it more cunningly: on a sleepy day, marvel at what place the shadow of the converter focuses on. As practice shows, such a simple trick allows you to speed up an hour of lashing up to 10-15 minutes. But then people spend an hour fiddling around, unsuccessfully trying to aim at a companion! Unfortunately, on the dark side of the converter, you can pay respect only for the autumn and the payment, if the sun is low. The representatives of "Trіkolor" themselves seem that it is necessary to focus on the day directly.

Well, the setup of the Tricolor receiver is completed! I'll take a look at you!

"Tricolor TV" is one of the most popular satellite television operators, the size of the audience of which is to become over 30 million TV viewers throughout the country and in order to gain the services of this company, it is not enough to bring the necessary set of possessions, the necessary housing correct setting receivers like Tricolor TV, antennas, and "evil" signal, for setting up channels.

nalashtovuemo receiver

The installation of the Tricolor TV receiver can be ordered as if for the help of a maestro, as well as independently. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of - the procedure for adjusting the receiver is absolutely not foldable, and it is much more often necessary to take better care of your power. Satellite Eutelsat W4 (36.0E)

Koristuvach is guilty of remembering some important moments during the installation of the Tricolor TV receiver:

  • The signal, which is picked up by the antenna, spreads out in a narrow sector of the sky. Dany promin in the shape of a cone roztashovuєtsya under the kutom at the top 1-2 degrees;
  • So, I’ll say that the whole C-Western region without a blame is located in the receiving area of ​​​​Tricolor TV, the whole installation should be installed with the smallest diameter of the antenna;
  • When receiving a signal, it is best to use the largest antenna for the diameter, prote, make such an antenna more twisted, the lower antenna is compact.

Stages of connection and adjustment of the Tricolor TV receiver.

Stage 1. Connecting the receiver to the TV is carried out behind an additional antenna cable at a high frequency.

Through the socket in the receiver, you can connect the receiver via the antenna cable. Connect the live cable of the receiver to the edge, and on the rear panel of the receiver, turn on the food toggle switch. The receiver's display will say "BOOT" when the channel number lights up. If the channels are not set, we start a search for channels. The scan will be assigned to the receiver's main frequency. If the message "No signal" appears on the screen, it will mean that you have connected everything correctly, and the connection to the TV is successful.

What is written on the screen looks different, it means. That when the connection was made, a pardon was allowed. We pressed buttons 4 and 5 on the receiver’s remote control, and at the same time we called out channel No. 45 (Tricolor TV channel), which immediately after you “catch” the signal from the satellite, start displaying the picture on the screen.

To display the “Signal intensity” and “Signal strength” scales, it is possible to press the “i” button on the red button, and if the scales show 0% - everything is correct, even if there is still no signal. The brightness of the captured signal is determined by itself according to two scales.

Stage 2. Choose the location of the antenna installation. Golovnya - a crossing (booths, trees, etc.) On the path of the line, like a rear antenna and a satellite.

Stage 3. We select the antenna in the order described in the instructions. All the adjusting bolts of the antennas must be tightened, so that the coristuvach was pressed to change the position of the antenna.

Stage 4. Direct installation of the antenna. Flip it, so that none of the most important objects (for example, the wall of a booth) did not respect the free rotation of the antenna. For fixing the antenna bracket on the surface of the workable rosette, it is necessary to drill through the hole with a perforator, opening and screwing the bracket to the wall. We gave the selected antenna to be installed on the bracket and prepared the cable. After all preparations, the cable is screwed directly to the converter.

Adjusting the antenna to the satellite.

This stage is the final one;


Tricolor TV Company, broadcasting a satellite television broadcasting service, offering services with a connection and a successful acquisition. But you can do it on your own, which is easy, following the offensive instructions. In case of this, you will spare groups of fakhіvtsіv for a week.

good signal There is a lot of reason to lie in the correctness of the chosen place for installing the antenna. Golovna vimoga - near high-rise buildings and trees, yakі can override the passage of the signal. If you live on the lower surfaces of the skyscraper, and in a few meters from the vicons, you will be ripped out the day, it will be rational to rout the antenna on the dakha. Never put attachments near your apartment or on the balcony. The next step is to choose the design of the antenna according to the instructions. Fasten the bracket to the surface of the wall for the help of the most suitable fasteners. Tse mozhut anchor bolts, screws, self-tapping screws or studs. The priymalny attachment is mounted in the upper part with the rose down, so that the vologer did not get into the distance. Before the new one, the cable is attached and the binding is tightened with screeds along the pressure, for which the “priymach” is installed. It is necessary to adjust the “plate” according to the region and the model, turning it under the hood.

Connect the cable to the TV. Further settings will be controlled by the help of the remote control remote care. Open the TV and go to the main menu section by pressing the "Menu" button. For zamovchuvannyam is responsible for the reflection of the Russian language. Go to the "Parameters" item, then to " System settings”, Enter the current hour here. A name will appear at the row "Sputnik" in the fallow in your region, as it is necessary to choose. You can either use Eutelsat 36A, Eutelsat 36B, Bonum-1 or Directv-1R. At the column "Type of a joke" set Tricolor TV.

After choosing a companion, press “OK” on the remote control. As a result, two scales appear - the level and the brightness of the signal. With the correct setting and correct values, the scale should show no less than 70%. In the other case, the next change was to change the angle of the antenna mirror. Adjusting the position, watch for a few seconds, so that the signal will change.

When you finish the setting, do not forget to tighten the fastening tighter and save the binding before exiting the menu. Riven signal can be warmed up for an hour before I finish, snowfall or strong wind. Don't forget to clean the antenna in the snow and in the woods.

Satellite TV operator "Tricolor TV" conducts and has millions of subscribers. The installation of the receiver of the Tricolor TV provider is the basis of an independent creation, which can be seen.

Analogue TB in the form of croques is far away in the distant past, for the change of which the companion's dream comes. The package of channels of the Tricolor operator has already typed a lot of vikoristannya and shanuvannya, and in general, it’s very easy to accept.

For the services of the service provider, the varto should provide a standard set of possessions. List of standard kit satellite control are stored in 3 warehouses:

  • satellite antenna;
  • receiver;
  • converter;
  • You need a coaxial cable.

Pridbati taka obladnannya not in a warehouse difficult for any certified dealer, but also in retail sales in trade merezhakh. Krim pridbannya necessary kit, varto nobility, how to install an antenna and send a satellite signal to a given antenna. You can connect the antenna independently, just like you choose the right one directly for installation, and find out how to fix the TV and antenna on the receiving signal.

Attachments for receiving a digital satellite signal Tricolor TV

Apparently, Tricolor TV binds the power cards to access to the singing outbuildings. If there are not many subscribers, they may be able to pick up devices, they fell down to their relish, oscilki to everything, the company is recommended to win not only singing receivers, but also CAM modules.

  • GS-8306S
  • GS-8307
  • GS-8305
  • GS-8306
  • GS-8305
  • HD-9303 and other extensions.

For the withdrawal of support from the Tricolor TV operator, it is necessary to pass the full registration and sign the contract for the reception of services. Cardsharing services provide typical services with more reasonable prices, but registration is absolutely necessary. If so, the registration on the portal and the otrimannya services will be carried out by the treatment of whilins, so for the support of the operators, you must always be online.

All the same, in this publication, the varto appears on the basis of a specific butt to improve the movement of the satellite TV operator Tricolor. Before the speech, TV operator Tricolor is permissible to marvel and without a receiver.

actually leather current TV You can also equip with a tuner that supports DVB-S2, but it's also possible to receive free basic channels. So talk about decoding.

Activation of the satellite movement: the acquisition of possession

First, as soon as the receiver is connected to the TV set and the receiver is set up, just install the antenna itself. Gave a connection to the converter with a vicarious cable, and then to connect the connection to the TV. Well, obviously, the receiver connects to the door and starts up.

Below you will find instructions on how to set up the Tricolor receiver. Instructions will be provided on the specific stock of the GS-8307 receiver. Connecting to a TV set varto zrobiti with a SCART or HDMI output. Varto means that the picture from this device is displayed only after one turn. That is, if in the settings the connection is made via SCART, and the TV is connected with an HDMI cable, then the screen will display the signal.

Information about the victorious roses is displayed on the scoreboard of the device. It is permissible to interrupt the exit:

  • The button on the remote control of the receiver: “input. signal »;
  • Or in the yoga menu in the item “Setting up AV outputs-video inputs”.

Adjusting the receiver of the Tricolor TV operator: instructions for manipulation

In order to activate the receiver, turn it on and insert it into a new operator card. When connected to the service of cardsharing, add a cost to register on the sharing portal.

Most of the time, when selling an add-on, the Tricolor TV channels are scanned, but this did not happen, otherwise the receiver is victorious, which is already a boon, then when the first time it is turned on, the “Installation Master” is launched. Varto go through three steps to establish a provider:

  • Choose a region for roztashuvannya;
  • Operator selection;
  • Scanning TV channels.

The first step is at the operator's choice, which is rotated from the remote control panel with buttons up \ down and left \ right. In this case, we have divided and selected victorious language.

When selecting the main region, all the operator's TV channels are automatically scanned.

The process is not foldable and takes at least an hour.

Firmware for satellite receivers of Tricolor TV operator

In order to flash the receiver, you need the next step of the add-on attachments:

  • RS232 - null modem cable;
  • Personal computer;
  • GS Burner - a program recognized for copying and downloading software and databases of GS devices:;
  • Firmware for singing receiver model.

The skin is represented by the firmware provided in the middle of the file with additional instructions for the specific Tricolor TV receiver:

- - firmware for Tricolor TV receivers: DRE-5001, DRS-5000, DRS-5003, GS-7300;

- - firmware for HD9305B;

- - software security for plugging DRS-8300;

- - firmware for attach Tricolor TV: GS8300 M\N;

- - software for GS8302 satellite receiver.

On stock GS-9305

Connect the satellite receiver only after you have completed all the necessary connections!

1. Insert the Tricolor HD smart card into the card reader slot located on the front panel satellite priming. The chip of the smart card is guilty of the beast, and the direct indicator (arrows) in order of the chip may indicate the direct installation of the smart card in the slot of the card reader. (5)

2. Connect the GS 9305 to the electric line. 3. To turn on the machine, switch the POWER key, which is located on the rear panel satellite receiver Tricolor TV, in position "l". 4. If the indicator of the “STANDBY” key glows green, then the receiver is in operating mode and you do not need to press the “STANDBY” key. 5. As the “STANDBY” key indicator lights up in a red color, in this case, it is necessary to press the “STANDBY” key on the receiver’s remote control or on the front panel of the receiver, in order for the receiver to enter the operating mode. 6. The receiver is turned on in reverse order.

The first time the primer is turned on, it is accompanied by the launch of the installation master. Vіn vlastovaniya such a rank, schob as much as possible to simplify the initial setting of the receiver, without the practice to scan the TV channel for you and radio channels. To set up the receiver, use the remote control. A large part of the settings for locking is optimized for the largest rows and widest settings on the receiver, then you, in the majority of settings, need only confirm the installation data by clicking on the “OK” key on the receiver’s remote control.

"Installation Wizard" is also launched after the receiver is dropped to "Factory settings". The “Installation Master” robot can be put on the skin stage by pressing the “EXIT” key on the remote control of the satellite receiver, or by selecting the “Finish adjustment” option. So you can turn pochatkovі nalashtuvannya, Selecting "Recommend".

Krok 1. At the 1st stage, it is necessary to select the installation space. Use the keys of the receiver remote control to move the cursor up / down to the row of required options. To switch options, use the keys up / down, or press the “OK” key to select the required option from the list.

To select the settings in the drop-down list, scroll up / down the buttons, to confirm, press the “OK” button.

The language of the menu - in different times you need to remember the language, on which the menu will be displayed, choose the language of the menu. The next stages of the "Installation Master" will be selected language.

Sound guide language 1 - call in this meeting will be automatically set by the receiver as a voice guide program.

Sound support language 2 - is selected, as the sound support language, if it is the same as the language specified in the “Audio support language 1” paragraph, is not available in the translation of the audio support language available on the external channel or on the radio station.

The automatic installation of the sound guide channel may not be saved by saving settings, in the case of tasks you do not transfer the language to the provider in the warehouse stream, so there is no sound guide, the middle of the sound guide available on the left side of the channel or the radio channel.

Time zone - you can set the difference between your time zone and the universal coordinated UTC hour (the hour on the Greenwich meridian) in which division.

Operator - enter satellite TV operator. For the European part, choose Tricolor TV Center. The receiver will automatically enter the settings satellite antenna, a designated provider that allows you to automatically scan the channels of Tricolor TV.

Krok 2. At this stage of the "Installation Wizard" it is necessary to specify the options that are suitable for connecting the receiver to your TV. To select the settings, move the cursor with the keys up / down, to the row of required options. To change the type of installation, use the left / right keys, or press the “OK” key to select the desired option from the drop-down switch.

To select an option in the drop-down list, use the buttons up / down, confirm by pressing the “OK” button.

Audio channels - you can view audio channels: "Stereo", "Mono". "Mono" sound will be played in mono mode, so the program will turn on the stereo sound guide.

The audio support of the TV channel or the radio station will be displayed in stereo only in that case, as the tasks of the TV or radio channel can have a stereo sound track, and in this paragraph “Stereo” is selected.

The screen format can be seen in the screen format: 16 by 9, 4 by 3. Format 16 by 9 - the picture is in wide format, from 16: 9 aspect ratio.

In this case, the picture of a standard format on a widescreen TV screen expands to the full screen with the help of the spoofdnoshnya storіn. Format 4 on 3 - the picture can be a standard format with 4: 3 aspect ratio.

Image Format Image format options can be attacked: “Yak є”, “Envelope”, “Pan-Scan”, “Combinations”. "Yak є" - the picture floods the entire screen, in which case the spivvіdneniya of the sides is created, in the case of the inconsistency of the format of the picture and the TV receiver.

"Envelope" - the sides of the picture do not change, the black lines on the screen are added (for a 4: 3 picture - in the left and right parts, for a 16: 9 picture - at the top and bottom). "Pan-Scan" - the picture is displayed on the right side (for the 16: 9 image) or on the top and bottom (for the 4: 3 image) to protect the sides.

When “combining” the formats, the power for the modes “Envelope” and “Pan-Scan” is blamed, and the power is reduced twice.

In order to open the list of available parameters, press the “OK” key, open the window for the additional keys up / down, select it, as the best way to be displayed on your TV "OK". On the screen winkne vіkno for confirming diї (otherwise, vіdmovi vіd ny).

For the help key to the left / right, select "So" and press "OK". At the same time, the stretch is 11 seconds. there was no response (or the “Hi” option was selected, or the “EXIT” button was pressed), then the confirmation was lost, the receiver left the old screen. S / PDIF format for displaying sound on a digital audio interface.

"Stereo" produces stereo sound, "Yak" sound is reproduced in the format set by your ISP. To turn to the front of the "Setup Wizard" select [>] and press the "OK" key.

Krok 3. here the settings of the antenna system are selected. For locking, the settings are selected, for the reception of Tricolor TV channels.

You can change the settings by adding your own. To select "Koristuvalnitskie settings" move the cursor with the buttons of the receiver's remote control up / down to the item "Antenna installation" and after the additional buttons to the left / right select the appropriate option. In the same rank, choosing the “Koristuvalnitsky installations” can be vikonat for an additional drop-down change.

For satellite antenna installations, it is necessary to select appropriate settings, such as: eating LNB, adjusting LNB, lower frequency, upper frequency, Tone, DiSEqC 1.0 in, DiSEqC 1.1 in.

At the lower part of the screen there are 2 graphical scales of the satellite signal value from the highest numeric data to the highest digits.

Lіva scale "Signal strength" - qi value to give the ability to assess the strength of the signal. The right scale is "Signal Yak_st" - the scale itself needs to be guided by the setting of the Tricolor satellite antenna.

Data of these scales can be victorious for clear alignment satellite dish. To return to the previous item "Installation Wizard" select [>] and press the "OK" button.

Krok 4. at this point you can check the strength and clarity of the satellite signal that is received from the voice transponder.

Use the receiver's remote control buttons to move the cursor up/down to the "Transponder" row. Select the frequency of the transponder using the left / right buttons, or press the “OK” button to select the drop-down switch. Select in the drop-down list, click for the additional buttons up / down, to confirm, press the "OK" button.

On the scales below you can see data about the strength and quality of the satellite signal. To turn to the front of the “Installation Wizard” item, select and press the “OK” button.

Krok 5. Select the required region, when scanning the channels of Tricolor TV, the exact selection for the region will help you scan not only federal ones, but also channels and radio stations that suit your region.

Use the keys on the receiver's remote control to move the cursor to the item "Choose a region". Select the region using the left / right buttons, or press the “OK” button to select the drop-down switch.

Select in the drop-down list, tick behind the additional key up / down, to confirm, press the “OK” key. If you still have doubts about the choice, set the “Basic” option. In this period, only federal television and radio channels will be scanned. To return to the previous item "Installation Wizard" select [>] and press the "OK" button.

Krok 6. at this stage, the receiver scans TV channels and radio stations "Tricolor TV". All known TV and radio channels will be available in 2 columns: "TV" and "Radio".

Following a search on the TV and radio channels on the TV screen, there will be a message. To end the search and save the TV and radio channels, press the "OK" button.

The found channels and radio stations will be stored in the memory of the satellite receiver, after which the receiver will switch to the mode of review (listening) of the 1st channel of the found channels.