Self-contained povz antenna for 4g modem. Zovnishnya LTE antenna. MIMO antenna for LTE. Shirokosmugovі and vuzkosmugovі

Mobile internet and majestic passages. For example, if there is a 3G or 4G modem in Merezha, you can go to the country, in the car, on the go, on the beaches, in hotels, etc. mobile Internet Smaller, lower at the wire, you can still use it with great comfort. Anything short of 3G and 4G modems є in the main it is impossible to catch the stench of the Internet signal far from expecting. Adzhe vishki on the big world roztashovani only in places and great villages.

Correcting the situation with the rotten mobile Internet in our hour is not easy. For all it is necessary to add an LTE antenna. There are a variety of outbuildings on the market for a year-old lifeless. The current LTE transmissions can be seen by design, behind the installation site, or even after the frequencies received. When a vibor is similar to an annex, such a rank, it is brought to the vrahovuvati masu of the great bureaucrats themselves.

Also LTE technologies

Vlasne, the LTE method itself is a stage of the onset of development styling link... As a standard, you will be able to use all technologies that allow you to cut off the signal at a speed of 10 Mb / s. In case of other methods, data are transmitted in packets. The very tse and zaprechu value for the improvement of the shipment.

For a smooth transition from 3G to 4G in such complexes, transmission systems and uninterrupted transmission from LTE to 3G. In principle, the radius of such a visitor can be 30 or 100 km. However, in places and villages most often it is possible to bachit no more than a high complex, as the signal grows no more than 5 km.

It is located 5 km away in a large number of vapors for the potential assistance of the operator. And so, the Internet is necessary in a greater distance from the world. In general, there is a special attachment - an LTE antenna. In addition, it is possible to signal the strength of a signal, where it is seen, in a given specific mission, and, apparently, it stabilizes the Internet, making it more responsive.

Yaki pryzvodydi іsnuyut

Models of LTE antennas are now on sale without any problems. When choosing a suitable attachment, I respect the number of factors. For the design, for example, the antennas are fired:

    superb and MIMO;

    called and awakened;

    straightened, all-straightened abo sector;

    wide-cropped and high-cropped;

    panel, irradiators abo "Yagi".

Behind the scenes of installation, all auxiliary attachments are classified on the external LTE antennas and internal ones.

Winners and MIMOs

Victory of simple LTE add-ons will allow you to increase the speed of your mobile Internet up to 50 Mb / s. Alle the sale of the current and even more detailed antennas, which will prevent the reception of a signal at approximately 100 Mb / s. These are called MIMO models. Special designs are those that include two LTE antennas at once, mounted in one building on small town one kind of one. Offense to an attachment when receiving a signal and transmitting a signal to the receiving device one hour, or through two cables. And at the same time, I will secure the high speed of the mobile Internet. The MIMO abbreviation is deciphered in the English translation approximately as "multiple input, multiple output".

Cupuvati LTE MIMO antenna for 3G Internet is only vague, as it is the same as in 3G BS in standard practical mode.

Name and internal antennas

Offended and suspicious of attachments can be unsuccessful in helping to support the 3G, 4G signal. Internal antennas are cheaper and installed in apartments. If you choose such a model, except for the one, it is necessary to respect the animals for a complete set of cables. To install such antennas, call on the front door and direct them towards the nearest visitor. Dovzhin's cable is guilty of being sufficient for the fact that you can easily connect it to the USB port of the computer. Bazhano also perekonatysya in that, in the kit with an LTE-antenna and a cable, supplemented with jammers pereskod.

The signal of the internal antenna is not lost in the same way, since the visitor is not far from the booth. For more and more distant objects, more beautiful than vicoristovuvati zvniishny attachments. Such antennas hang on the dakh booth or on a tree. vibir specific models outbuilding lie down in front of the operator's signal. Chim Win is weak, Tim is going to cost an LTE antenna for the Internet.

Names and models

In most cases, the antennas are designed to support the LTE signal, and they are just outside the self-contained attachments. However, some of the internet-center is more or less possessed. Such complexes can be used for receiving both 4G and 3G signal. In addition to using LTE antennas, in the design of the Internet center, turn on the modem itself, the telephone port, the ports for the calls to receive the signal of the attachments, the routers, etc.

LTE antennas can be installed in laptops without any problems. For example, a sub-module є in any devices of the brands HP, Sony, Fujitsu LIFEBOOK. Surely, a simple, inexpensive working laptop with additional additional purchases is unlikely to be sold. Most types of LTE antennas have only cheap accessories.

Direct, all direct and sector antennas

In the skin of the skin, there are three categories of people with their own strengths and weak sides. Direct models for the received signal only from one station. The design of LTE antennas for 4G, 3G modems of a similar type is good for everything, but it also changes the number of unnecessary conversion codes.

The minus of the straightened models is the persh for all those that are quite easy to mount. If you want to install the LTE antenna, it is necessary strictly "at the rate" of the other station. In addition, there are not many other attachments to get involved in, and those who are in that kind of situation, if you stop working for some reason, the Internet will go to the booth immediately after being lost.

Sector antennas, sometimes with straight ones, є extensions are more simple to operate and install. Such models can catch the signal from the decal stations at once. As soon as one connects with a rapt, the Internet at the koristuvach does not know. The LTE antenna is just a little bit shy and in the early days, it’s better for everything, to annoy the signal from the dzherel. The construction of such an attachment allows you to monitor the quality of the sound from other stations and vibrate the most beautiful option automatically - without involving people. For the Internet, the sector antennas are entirely adjusted from the direct ones. However, these models are very expensive, unfortunately.

All-direct antennas, according to the day, є models are universal. Attached to the type of building, select the best signal from the newest blocked on Danish moment vishka hour. At the same time in the process of robotics such an antenna 3G, 4G LTE is stationary, at the view of the sector, "look around" at all 360 degrees. To the plus of such models, take those that absolutely do not require a stench manually adjusted... The minus of all-direct stations is to reach the same weak, in the context of simple direct and sector models, to make the signal stronger. Vikoristovuyutsya design type in the main only on small vidstani from vishok.

Shirokosmugovі and vuzkosmugovі

As a matter of fact, 3G and 4G signals are transmitted by stations on a singular frequency. Seasonal for sale є yak vuzkosmugov, as well as broadsmouth antennas. Attach the first type of building to the signal only at the same frequency. For a booth, it is more beautiful to vibrate all the wide-dark antenna. Such designs can accept, including the LTE-A signal, transmissions by range. Besides, it is possible to interrupt the 3G, 4G connection (which is often unstable). If there is a need for an LTE antenna, it will transmit a 3G, 4G or 2G signal at a given moment.

"All-common" wide-sized antennas, with such a rank, can be used in the zastosuvanny annexes of a large size, lower than a high school. However, such models still have only one serious minus. When a stable signal is delivered (the modem does not switch to the other standard), such an attachment will catch not only Merezh herself, but a different kind of crossover (for example, when the voice is triggered by GSM).

At any LTE 4G frequencies, Russian stylist operators work

As a matter of fact, the gentlemen of the booth sent a narrow-band 4G antenna all over the place, and it was connected to the parameters of the most popular stations. The vibration of such a signal went as before, at any frequencies the cyclists were running. At the present moment in Russia, the services of the mobile Internet service will provide 5 major great operators:



Operator "Iota" in all regions of the Russian Federation works at a frequency of 2500-2700 Hz (by default 2600 Hz). To the customers of the company, such a rank, as indicated by the 2600 Hz LTE antenna. With the operators of the stylistic link on the right, it's a pity, where it is. The smell can be noticed at a frequency of 2600 Hz, or 800 Hz, or 1800 Hz. The yak has already lost its head, it can be trampled so that one and the same operator can distribute 4G-Internet in several frequency ranges. To make sure that there are specific indicators in that chi іnshomu mіsci, next to carry out the test. A simple 3G modem for many victors.

Visiting the test site for the help of an annex with an approximate offensive rank:

    the modem is connected to the computer;

    show the program of your organization;

    go to the "Merezha" menu;

    select in the item "Type of hem" - "Tilki LTE";

    select any of the ranges in the list provided by the program;

    push the ok button.

When the modem is used, try connecting to the mesh in the selected range. Yakshho yogo "zusillia" will end with success - it means, the operator at the highest frequency of pratsyu. Exactly the same rank can be used to change all the points in the list with programs.

Vikonuvati testuvannya behind the aid of the modem next to the same point, de in the next place an antenna is installed. It is awkward to convert the parameters to the Internet for an additional iPhone. It is also possible to simply call your own stylistic operator by telephone and try to correct the information about the vicorist ranges without the need for the middle. Referring to the food about the parameters of the signal, the spy workers of such companies follow the rules of not goiter. Ale, call the stench to go out to your customers, giving them all the necessary views.

Riznitsya mіzh 3G and 4G-antenna

The offense is about the same principle. The difference between them is mainly due to the fact that the stench will receive signals of a different frequency. For 4G - tse, the yak is already zaduvalosya, 2600, 800 or 1800 Hz. The LTE 3G antenna receives a signal at a frequency of 2100 Hz or 900 Hz.

Also, the growth of two annexes can be used in a number of trips. The 3G model has only one antenna in most cases. 4G devices are often equipped with two input cables. Tobto, in essence, this model is one of the types of LTE MIMO antenna.

Panel, oprominuvach or "Yagi"?

In this particular drop, the antennas are vibrated in the fallowness because of the order in which the most popular bird was worn out to the booth. Oprominuyuvachi let you be victorious only todi, if you go to the station even more (on the cordon of the service zone), rather than perebouvon in direct visibility. The design of such antennas, except for the antenna, includes a parabolic reflector. Tsei element of signs for converting the spherical front into a flat one. The signal is received by the parabolic LTE antenna. Ale with a tsom and kostu such pristіy to finish it is expensive. Before that, the model type was even more foldable in the installation. Installation їх invite you to trust fakhіvtsyam.

Panel antennas and "Yagi" (khvilovoy channel) are also foldable in the plugged-in direct attachment. The performance capability in both models is approximately the same. Up to the plus of the Yaga antennas, they carry the small wag and sail. It is possible to carry such a load at an even higher height. The LTE panel antenna itself receives a signal to a minimum. Particularly high, such pidsilyuvachi do not get overwhelmed. Until the shortage of such models, they are deprived of those that cost the stink more expensive "Yaga".

input opir

Tsey exponent new models The antenna can be up to 75 or 50 ohms. For the first one, prisviyay be equipped with a pink type N, for the other - F. The vibration of a particular model for the whole parameter is to be found for all the characteristics of the fydernoy line. The input opier of the last one can be used with the same antenna indicator.

The system of adapters and cables is called a feeder; The 50-ohm line option is more expensive, lower by 75 ohms. Alle, in a large number of vipads, modem and router virobniks can use such a cable. Apparently, an antenna for receiving the LTE signal when it is squeezed will need to be coupled with an input voltage of 50 ohms.

vibration cable

When buying an element of the system, there are many important factors. we twist the vibrator for any LTE antenna, a cable is inserted:

    with a braided screen;

    with a central engineer;

    readings from midi.

Likewise, when choosing a cable, a single antenna with a receivable attachment will lead to great respect and satisfaction. Chim tsei an indicator of a bude vishche, tim is more beautiful.

Yak vibrati antenna: parameters of strength

The construction of additional outbuildings, in such a rank, can be of a size. It’s worth it, because the LTE antenna itself is vibrating for the booth, it’s still easy to finish, but it’s still possible. In addition to the power of design features, when choosing a model, it is possible to adapt it to specific parameters. Persh for all the slid marvel at those who are capable of being able to do it with an antenna. If you want to vibrate the best, go to the cim parameter of the pritiyy, then you can see the card for your own stylistic operator (you can find out more about everything on the official site). Get involved scho:

    at the exit from 1 to 3 km from the zone of the selected reception area, the antennas from the KU of 14 dB will be reached;

    from 3 to 8 km - 18 dB;

    from 8 to 12 km - 20 dB.

In the last resort, it will turn out to be better for everything, if you can use a parabolic model or a MIMO antenna. In the first variant of possession, the maximum KU indicator becomes 27 dB, in the other - 20 dB.

Yaki brand antennas are on the market

To carry out such products of rich companies. Ale are the most popular with customers є LTE antennas of the Remo brand. If you buy, you can buy, for example, the Khvila model from a virobnik, Berkut or an inexpensive Connect.

To achieve the popularity of Gellan brand antennas. The head office of the company is located in St. Petersburg. The company supplies only 3G, 4G and MIMO panel antennas to the market. In case of bazhanna, it is possible to add and designate for the installation of power supplies of the given virobnik.

More often, there are also LTE models on sale, which are released by the company NVP "Anteks". The chain was built in 2006. The company has viroblya models designed for both 3G and 4G reception. The head office of the company is located in the city of Yekaterinburz.

Deyak stylist operators can also supply LTE antennas to the market. For example, if you are bazhanna, you can go to a special shop "Iota". The vin values ​​are special for modems from a given operator.

Anteni brand Remo

The yak has already lost his mind, and the most popular virobnik in our country is the most popular. Remo's products are issued by the same vichiznyany company, the head office of the company in Samara. Collecting a virobnik of antennas in a single decile of patterns. For example, the Remo model LTE MIMO INDOOR, which is even more popular with customers. Qia antenna will be installed without being in the apartment. In most cases, the Internet is able to help you to navigate. Up to the plus point of the outbuilding, it is also compact, stylish, inviting and inexpensive. The minuses of the model are three and three of the largest delivery and no worse than the best roses.

Some of the models from the wyrobnik also deserve to be seen by the welcomers. If they are short-lived, then in most cases they are insignificant.

Connecting the LTE antenna to the modem

It's a misnomer for a yak on the street, as well as in the booth next to the best one. On the right, the LTE signal is strong:

    extinguishing through the kind of pereshkod (tree, gir);

    visualization (from dakhiv budinkiv, stin budivel, інshhkod).

When I vibrate, I can find an accessible point on the dilentz - a tree, a conic dahu and in., Slide can be seen directly from the LTE antenna.

Lack of knowledge often think that it is more beautiful for all the twists and turns of the mind to the closest. However, the price is not correct. Vishka can, for example, be the first operator to transmit only a 3G signal. Orinuvatisya when vibrating directly to the antenna is required for the speed of the Internet itself 3G, 4G. Remaining indicator of viznachatsya zazvychay simply by the method of testing. Having placed the antenna on the bottom of the booth or on a tree, then connect it to the modem and periodically change the Internet speed, turn the adjustment by 15 degrees. In such a rank, having scrolled the model 360 degrees, you will be able to find out from which side the best signal is found.

Antenna LTE can be mounted, for example, on TB or just on brackets - to the wall. The only way to go most beautifully for high two-, three-top cottages.

Best brands of cables

Vlasne, LTE-antennas on the current market are presented in a wide assortment. Protect vibration is not sufficient for the signal of the stylist operator. The cable, which connects the antenna with the modem, is also responsible for it. With a vibrating element of the system and the strength of the game, I respect not only the indicator of support, strength, etc. Obov'yazkovo varto marvel at the brand of the wire.

The specific characteristics of the cables from the shortest virobniks can be seen from the shown below table.

To get involved, the lower the -Db indicator, the more colorful the cable and the lower the signal in the new one. There is no need for a choice of 4G attachments, as well as LTE 3G antennas.

What is needed for the nobility

Deyaki internal antennas are connected without the need to a laptop or an attachment. In the kit there is a special rose for the modem itself. Such a design is finished by hand. Ale partly buvak navpaki - the antenna is connected to the modem. In all cases, the cable is inserted into a special rosette. Such an element є is practical in any bitchy modem. Chi is not possessed by rose only in old models. Connect the LTE antenna to such a modem, obviously, not visible. In this vipadku come to a new model.

The very roses in the current modems have two types - CRC9 (on Huawei) and TS9 (on ZTE). Structurally, the stench is even more similar. However, TS9 is still larger in diameter, below CRC9. When buying a modem of such a rank, it is possible to get a special adapter for the cable.

The all-standard logoperiodic antenna antenna is 800-2700 MHz for 2G GSM, DCS, 3G UMTS, 4G LTE standards. It is small in size and in case, the body is made of ultraviolet plastic. Easy to set up on the operator's base station and vicorian. 5-20 meter cable (optional).

Circular omnidirectional stele antenna for internal vicarystanny with repeaters with a power rating of 3-5 dBi. No configuration required. Dovzhin cable - 3-10 meters (optional). Attachment to the "Armstrong" -type in the set. Ideal for vicistories in areas up to 50 m2.

Panel antennas of 2 types: internal (leakage, fastening to the wall) and zovnishnya (airtight, fastening to the bracket / bracket, coil and clamp - included) with weights up to 6-8 dB. Stagnate for robots with repeaters (with a call), as they call (all-weather) and / or internal / distribute (a larger radius of the territory, lower in the round / bed).

Panel antennas of 2 types: internal (fastening for 2 self-tapping screws) and zovnishnya (fastening for a bracket / bracket, a coil and a clamp - included) with strengths up to 9-10 dB. Stagnate for robots with repeaters (with a call), as they call (all-weather) and / or internal / distribute (great hunting territory).

Universal Multi-standard antenna for receiving a signal in 2G (GSM, GPRS 900 and 1800 MHz), 3G (900 and 2100 MHz) and LTE 4G (800, 1800 and 2600 MHz) standards. Coefficient of strength - 9-14 dB in terms of frequency / standard. All-weather. You may be victorious in all the middle primitiveness and posture as if you were awake. Dovzhin cable - up to 20 meters.

The universal panel is a direct antenna with extended frequencies for LTE 4G 1800 MHz, 3G 1900-2100 MHz & LTE 4G 2500-2700 MHz standards, designed for robots with modems and routers. We are not very big. Prepared from saw-hair plastic, resistant to UV-viprominuvannya. Dovzhin cable - up to 20 meters.

A panel antenna 3G / 4G LTE / WiFi with extended frequencies is required, the reception and reception of the signal is required in every second of the day at a distance of up to 7-8 km from the operator's BS. Strength - 17-18 dB, cable gain - up to 20 meters. The body is sealed plastic. Available models: all modems and routers 3G and LTE 4G, but one antenna rose.

Naypotuzhnіsha panel is a straight wide-smugovaya antenna for the victorian with annexes, there is one pink (NOT MIMO) standard LTE 4G 1800 MHz, LTE 4G 2600 MHz and 3G 2100 MHz. Strength - up to 20 dB, cable picks - up to 20 meters. All-weather protection from UV-resistant plastic.

The MIMO antenna is stationary and is directly mounted on the panel with a built-in Huawei 3G / 4G LTE modem. Pratsyu with SIM-cards of any 3G operator and with (U) SIM-cards of any LTE 4G operator. Visitors to the cables. Dovzhin cable - 10 (ten) meters. I don't have much sail and waggle - you can attach the yak to the bracket, or to the schoglu. Modem included. Pratsyun up to 5-6 km from the operator's base station, low frequency.

The MIMO antenna is stationary and is directly connected to the BOX panel with a 3G / 4G LTE modem from Huawei or ZTE. Pratsyuє with SIM-cards of any 3G / LTE 4G operator. Visitors to the cables. Dovzhin cable - 10 or 15 meters (optional), rose - USB. Strengthening - up to 2 x 18 dB. Made from dry UV plastic, reduced sail, all-weather and non-vibrating, easy to install and adjusted.

Nypotuzhn_sha panel MIMO antenna with a sealed case for Huawei or ZTE modems. A modem, which can be used with a SIM-card of any operator, is included. All-weather, anti-ultraviolet. Easy to install. Dovzhin USB cable - 10 meters.

Antenna with sub-line polarization (MIMO) with a gain of 13 dBi. It is small in size and in vagu, ready-made from resistant to ultraviolet plastic, hermetically sealed. You may be victorious all over the middle and the calls of the budinks. Cable - up to 20 meters.

Antenna with sub-line polarization (MIMO) with a gain of 14-15 dBi. It is small in size and in vagu, ready-made from resistant to ultraviolet plastic, hermetically sealed. You may be victorious all over the middle and the calls of the budinks. Cable - up to 20 meters. Go for an office victoriannya.

Antenna 3G / 4G LTE / WiFi with mobile polarization (MIMO) at 17-18 dBi. Low frequency extensions - ideal for applications in 4G LTE 1800 and 2600 MHz standards, 3G 2100 and WiFi for up to 8-10 km from the base station, prepared from a strong UV plastic, hermetically sealed, all-weather, little sail, can be mounted bracket abo shhoglu. Cable - up to 5-20 meters (optional).

The panel is all-weather directing the 3G / 4G LTE / WiFi antenna, is rocked by MIMO technology (sub-polarization), as the signal is strong enough for the hedgehog signal - up to 20 dBi and with extended frequencies (1700-2700 MHz). MA two roses' mi N-type (N-female). Volodya is a pilot of hair protection with a body that is resistant to ultraviolet and vitro protection. Dovzhin cable - up to 20 meters.

Persha is universal Multi-standard MIMO antenna, which is capable of receiving a signal in 2G (GSM, GPRS 900 and 1800 MHz), 3G (900 and 2100 MHz) and LTE 4G (800, 1800 and 2600 MHz) standards. Coefficient of strength - 9-14 dB in terms of frequency / standard. All-weather. Dovzhin cable - up to 20 meters.

Panel mounted MIMO antenna for better signal strength. You can vikoristovuvatsya in the LTE 4G 800 MHz and 3G / GSM 900 MHz standards. You can be victorious in all the middle primitiveness and posture as if you were awake. There are small sizes and wagons, the corps of vikonaniy from the plastic stolen from the ultraviolet. all-weather use. Dovzhin cable - up to 20 meters.

Multi-standard antenna with a storage box, which can be inserted into a USB-modem. Pratsyu at all frequencies and in all standards. for new victorian... All-weather. Don't waste money on the cables, just over the cable - 10 meters.

The name is aligned with a MIMO antenna with a force of 22-24 dB. You can vikoristovuvatisya from usіma MIMO attachments: modems and routers, there may be 2 roses. All-weather. MA is a small wagu. Fastening to a bracket or a bar. Dovzhin cable - up to 20 meters.

The stationary direct antenna 3G UMTS 4G LTE is designated for victorious reception in the places of the filthy reception, or in general, during the day. During installation, go to the base station of the operator. Kryplennya go to the last side of the booth. Strengthening - up to 17 dB. Dovzhin cable - up to 20 meters. Necessary antenna adapter or pigtail.

Antenna for 3G (2100 MHz) and 4G LTE (2600 MHz) standards is required for the newest victorian. Fastening to a bracket or a bar. Head to the operator's BS. Strength - up to 24 dBi. Downgrade to the cable - from 0 to 20 meters. All-weather.

The name is aligned with the antenna with the maximum capabilities for robots in 3G (2000-2200 MHz) and LTE 4G (2500-2700 MHz) standards. MA can be up to 28 dBi. Mount on the bracket anyway. Head to the operator's BS. All-weather vikonannya. Dovzhin cable - from 5 to 20 meters.

The antenna is stationary and log-periodic for GSM-900, 3G-900 (UMTS-900) and 4G-800 (LTE-800) fences, designed to support the received signal of the fencing at a distance of 10-12 km from the operator's BS. Coefficient of strength - 10 dBi. Cable included - 9 meters, pink - N-male (for repeaters) or FME-female for antenna adapters for modems and routers.

Antenna GSM-900 / 3G UMTS-900 / 4G LTE-800 with a strength of 14 dBi is fixed. Vikoristovuyutsya in the nights of a filthy reception in an emergency stationary telephones, Terminals, routers, modems. All-weather. Dovzhina cable - 5 meters, can be increased up to 20 meters.

Two circular antennas 2G / 3G / 4G LTE / WiFi at 8 dBi 800-2700 MHz with a pink SMA, for the victorian in the quality of the WiFi antenna, an RP-SMA adapter (+200 rubles) is needed. For vicarystannya vseredinі primischenya. Ideal for stationary WiFi routerів, 2 antennas. Suitable for Huawei B593, B315, B310, B880, B890, B525 and other.

Budget GSM / 2G / 3G / 4G LTE antenna Designed for robots with routers, which can use SMA roses for 3G / 4G antennas. Strength - 4-6 dBi according to the standard. Antenna height - 19 cm, walk up to all 3G and LTE 4G add-ons / WiF-router / repeaters 2G GSM / DCS / 3G UMTS / 4G LTE (left behind).

Circular omnidirectional antenna 2G / 3G / 4G LTE / WiFi 800-2700 MHz for testing in areas with 8 dBi strength and rose SMA, for testing in a WiFi antenna, an RP-SMA adapter is required (+100 rubles). Go to the network using WiFi routers, so you can get the name of the antennas.

Antenna for stationary GSM-terminals, GSM-telephones and 3G WiFi routers Huawei, for example, Huawei B683, Huawei B681, Huawei B970 and in. Antenna can also be used to communicate with reporters in small villages or adjacent spaces, for example, in cars, garages, server rooms, etc.

A circular omnidirectional antenna on a magnetic base is designed to enhance the received signal of the fence at 4G LTE 800/1800 MHz, 3G UMTS 2100 MHz and GSM 900/1800 MHz extensions. Up to 13 dBi. Dovzhin cable - 3m. All-weather. Walk to the annexes with one antenna rose. You can choose to use GSM, 3G and GSM + 3G reporters.

The name of the wine antenna is 3G UMTS / 4G LTE / GSM (800-2700 MHz). It is intended for registration in the area of ​​non-accepted acceptance of framing, as well as in screened applications (ATMs, payment terminals, annexes to information collection). All-weather. Dovzhin cable - 3 meters. Roz'єm - FME.

MIMO kit for connecting to modems and a router, maybe 2 roses - stored with 2 circular antennas 4-6 dB. In the first place, there are signs for stabilization of the signal, for example, in a car. For a victorian, you need to add 2 antenna adapters TS9 or CRC9.

Antenna of multi-frequency (800-2700 MHz) circular omnidirectional at 5 dBi for Huawei 4G LTE 3G routers: B315 (B315s-22), B525 (B525s-23A), B612 (B612s-25d), B890, B880, B593 (B593u-12 , B593s-12, B593s-22), B683, B681, B68L, B6Ba i in.

The stationary direct antenna 3G / 4G / WiFi is designed for victorious in places of uncomfortable or filthy reception. During installation, go strictly to the base station of the operator. Attachment to the side of the booth on the bracket abo shhoglu. Strengthening - up to 10 dB. Dovzhin cable - 5 or 10 meters.

Nemaє in obviousness

Bagatofunctional attachment "3 in 1": WiFi router with WAN port, WiFi client with LAN port and WiFi reporter for additional zones WiFi network up to 2.5 times. The speed of transmission of tribute is up to 300 Mb / s. Harchuvannya from electric fences. Built-in MIMO antenna.

Nemaє in obviousness

The panel is fitted with an LTE 4G 2600 MHz antenna, and a YOTA SWIFT modem is inserted into the housing. I will be able to get the most out of the signal and the most expensive losses in the connection from the antenna cable. Highly durable plastic housing and cable up to 7 meters long with rose USB.

Nemaє in obviousness

Low-frequency sub-antenna YAGI (channel) with a special bracket, allowing the expansion of 2 antennas in different polarizations for securing the MIMO technology. Strength - 10 dBi x 2 і 14 dBi x 2. Working frequencies: LTE 4G 800 MHz і 3G 900 MHz. For mounting on the wall or on the window above the house. The cable is included.

Nemaє in obviousness

Nypotuzhnіsha circular omnidirectional MIMO antenna for robots at frequencies 2400-2500 MHz (WiFi). Do not use special tools when installing. Gain a base and the ability to mount on the wall. Dovzhin cable - 1.2 meters. For vicarystannya vseredinі primischenya.

Nemaє in obviousness

The name is aligned with a MIMO antenna with a gain of 16-17 dB. You can vikoristovuvatisya from usіma MIMO attachments: modems and routers, there may be 2 roses. All-weather. We are not very big. Fastening to a bracket or a bar. Dovzhin cable - up to 20 meters.

Nemaє in obviousness

One of the most popular MIMO antennas on the Russian market. Volodya pilot with a moisture-proof housing, resistant to UV changes. Vikoristovuuє Cable assemblies in a set, additional cable - up to 20 meters.

Nemaє in obviousness

In this hour, 3G technology is allowed overnight vikoristannya voice telephone call and transmission of data. There are three main types of antennas Huawei, ZTE and others, which are necessary for the provision of a signal to the signal at 2100 MHz (3G), 2600 MHz (4G LTE), 900 MHz (2G / GSM / 3G) and are available to a private client: direct, All direct and panel antennas.
Direct 3G, 4G LTE and GSM antennas of the "Khviloviy channel" type, or Yagi, which is called behind the cordon, allows the exact installation and tuning (aiming) of the antenna to the base station (BS) of the operator, so that you can reduce the maximum amount of heat in the country. Direct antennas Huawei / ZTE may be as strong as possible in relation to the other types of antennas. Children from them to navigate the building to prevent the signal there, even before it was not buoyed, at a distance of up to 10 km (in the fallowness of the frequency). The direct Yagi antennas are often used in the area: at rural and private booths, in dachas, in cottages, garden booths, etc.
All direct (or circular) 3G / 4G LTE / GSM antennas Huawei / ZTE can receive signals from any direct or not guilty but directly connected to the base station. Most circular antennas are mobile, so they are easy to transport, but not easy to use and stationary, all direct Huawei antennas. As a rule, it stinks on magnetic bases for victorian cars. Danish type The antenna is brown for koristuvachiv, I want to be able to get a strong, even weak signal. Coefficient of strength at all-direct antennas on the lower side, lower at the direct ones.
Panel antennas 3G and 4G LTE - there are middle and stationary straight and stationary circular antennas. The stench is simpler in pointing to the operator's BS, but it can also be used to fix it. The strength of the Huawei panel antennas is, as a rule, more, less for circular, less for less, less for straight. A subset of panel antennas - 3G / 4G LTE MIMO panel antennas (antennas with sub-line polarization) are stuck, as a rule, in the 4G LTE standard, and later - in 3G. Most often, MIMO antennas are panel ones, a little more circular (all-direct) MIMO antennas are displayed, and more often, MIMO antennas are "hwy channel" or logoperiodic.
There are also quarter-type 3G / 4G LTE / GSM antennas - virnish, a type of all-direct - so called antenna clamps, which are designed for mounting directly on the screen of the laptop of a koristuvach. Nikrasche Danish view to go for koristuvachiv, as to rise in price and to pick up their computers in areas with good signal hedgehogs. Antenna-pinch (and the very same way to change the "clue" from the English movi) vikorystovuєtsya not a style for the strength of the signal, but for a signal. The power of the Huawei / ZTE antenna is the most powerful one.

Working frequencies and mesh 3G and 4G LTE through their technical features may have even better penetration, and even more poorly - a maximum of up to 2 kilometers from the base station in the area of ​​direct visibility - like, naturally, it needs to change in a small window Practically, whether it’s pereshkodi (hey and not much), in case of someone's pressure on the signal, it drops even heavily, reaching the subscriber. For those who need antennas, as in a large number of vipadkiv to reach the visitor on the second hand, or to navigate from the inner side of the window, and to reach the signal in the middle of the third generation - in the fourth week of the week "in the fields" it is recommended that you direct the panel antennas and the "hvilyovy channel", which can give up to 2 times more circular antennas. Another problem, and in the least to find a kind of feather, is tied with a robotic hedge in the region - in the whole variety of fouls with the use of tying with the peculiarities of the muscularity: lowlands, foxes, that wine-growing anteny is not mounted on the edge of the dakha, according to the principle of what is more, but The need to forget is also about the fact that the call directing antennas need to be clearly directed to the nearest base station of the operator.

Vikoristannya all-direct antennas in the region are interconnected, so the stench is delivered to the harder, and the number of base stations in the region is smaller, less in the city. Another problem is that there are dozens of modems in young virobniks, as there are different antennas of roses, as a rule, there are 2 types: TS9 and CRC9, so when you select an antenna, you need to know exactly what the model is.

Before that, I want to buy a 3G (UMTS) antenna or LTE 4G for a USB modem Megafon, MTS, Beeline, YOTA, Rostelecom (and there is a pritrіy є the most popular for all operators to call) or a router (router) needs some -we will interconnect some antennas: so, having bought a 3G / LTE 4G antenna, the subscriber has the right to gain the 3G / 4G LTE signal for a modem on the base station no more than 5 km from the base station of the operator: the coverage radius of 3G becomes all 2.5 km, and LTE 4G - and even less - 1.5-2 km. For those people who live more, less than 5 km from the operator's base station, it is necessary to respond to the signal - a repeater, so that they can "close" the subscriber to the base station, see if the operator is located 10 km away from the operator. It is also necessary for the nobility, for the transmission of 3G / 4G LTE or for "active antennas", which are called, as a rule, not universal for both frequencies on the display from antennas, which can be quite effective at frequencies of 2100-2600 MHz and clear frequency distribution: either 3G, or LTE 4G. Find repeaters, built on both frequencies, ale, as a rule, two repeaters in one case - the price of these attachments is that, it's easier to buy two transmitters of low frequencies, at least one such "universal".

Varto okremo zupinitsya on antennas and pidsiluvach YOTA - LTE 4G antennas, as well as receive the signal of the most demanded operator of the fourth generation. In general, the stench does not come from 4G LTE antennas for MTS and Megafon operators: there are also robotic frequencies of 2500-2700 MHz, as well as they are straightforward and all directly, but with just one blame: modems YOTA on the view of the modems of the other operators, do not have standard roses for 3G / 4G LTE antennas (CRC9 or TS9), so connecting the antenna to them becomes problematic - otherwise you can only open the open and "reach" to the service roses 156, but "standard roses" (for example, SMA) yourself. The majority of robots cannot be considered, and for them the virobniks have invented antennas with a built-in modem - a modem that is sent to the panel 3 4G antenna, and the robot will use it to get an additional USB cable. Dani MIMO antennas YOTA є in a large variety of calls, but also known and specimens for storing in the middle of the week. These antennas have proven themselves unfailingly, so in the past, virobniks have become vipuskati universal antennas with embedded 3G / LTE 4G modems - koristuvach can access the modem, or perhaps without the proper change of SIM-cards of operators.

It is necessary, of course, that the price of 3G / 4G antennas does not depend on the strength: it is not a small role to play the dimensions, ease of installation and installation, aesthetics, etc.

Bagato koristuvachіv whisper in the sound systems of the Internet sov. transmitting modems or transmitting signals for modems, not smart, as they are attached to work, that and how to see also. The antennas, in essence, and by the very same drivers for modems.

In sound systems, there are fewer power supplies on the topic of 3G 4G LTE antenna with their own hands: the most extended options for self-propelled antennas є "bikvadrat" or Kharchenko antenna, "khvilovy channel" or Yagi-antenna, panel antenna - a phased array or looped antenna. It’s just as simple as a bicvadrat of zrobiti - it’s necessary for a small metal and a small sheet of metal, and awkward rosters can be found on the Internet, then also the Yagi-antenna of zrobiti is more foldable, if people want to talk about rosters, people don’t need to store them. Sticking out of the cim for the first time is unlikely to fit in for the cim for the first time. So, for the Yagi antenna, you need aluminum tubes or steel rods and a tool for their mounting (in the case of metal rods - a burning device), for a panel antenna - a metal sheet, knives for metal and the right side. There is also a need for intelligence, as simple as building a 3G 4G LTE antenna with your own hands, while it is less powerful: for Kharchenko's antenna - up to 8-9 dBi, for a bad channel - up to 16-18 dBi, for panel antennas - up to 20 dBi.

Top sellers

Antennas adapters (pigtails) for connecting more powerful antennas to modems and mobile router the third (3G UMTS / HSPA) and the fourth (4G LTE) generation, go to all USB modems and portable routers, flush the antennas of the rose, can be the mother of the rose from the other side: FME-male, N-male, SMA- female.

Universal 4G LTE + 3G modem. There are many roses and small sizes. Use the SIM cards of all Russian and European operators to call (YOTA, Megafon, MTS, Biline, Rostelecom, Tele2, Altel, Motiv, Tattelecom / Litai and in.). Acceleration rate up to 100 Mb / sec. Ideal for vikoristannya with laptops outside the cordon.

Antenna adapter SMA-FME for connecting a circular antenna to a router Huawei B970 / B970b, B260 / B260a, B660, B683 / B660, B681 / B8L, B220, B960, B593, E5178, B380, B315 3G9WB, 3G21WB, 3G25WR, 3G42W, ZTE MF28G, MF283, Zyxel LTE and ін.

LTE ric is new for the people, I make it rationally logical, it is implemented in the standard, then let's move on to reading the literature. The main focus of the technology is the promotion of the broadcasts of information and information on the Internet. When testing LTE robots in Bishkek, the traffic rate was 20 Mb / s. To the one who is limit of impositions, he will not re-energize the net. Goodbye, in cob mill(An ear of the 90s of the XX century) LTE does not mean digital. The protocol is insanely overwhelming in the specifics of 3G, the stylistic operators were kindly introduced to it. The group of companies, which is not honored to be able to use LTE, added the first option, so Yota began to cover the new standard with Bilorus, if it didn’t come from the Russian Federation. How can you prepare an LTE antenna with your own hands? It's so good!

LTE standard, LTE antennas

Uniquely doslijuvati netri LTE. It’s probably simple fact: the shvidkist is more advanced by the methods of coding information, the way of modulation. Polarization may be melodic line, vertical (typically stylized sound). Frequencies accepted by LTE do not need to be found in practice. Teza embrace Russia. First, check with the provider for the channel number (channel number), then repair the design of the LTE antenna. skinny stylist operator vede movlennya. In the Astrakhan region, they distribute LTE on antennas two or three. Frequencies at all rіznі, the numbers vary across the regions, on the right side, until the ringing becomes better and cheaper.

Driven to the view of newcomers: for the frequencies of the LTE operators, so the tele and radio companies themselves are established. The range is not overwhelmed, the form of goiters is tied to spatity. There is obviously a large number of LTE operators - there is a skin fee. It is not new to repent with the races of the great enterprises to replenish their belongings with chimal sums. To pay for LTE, say nicely, vvazhaєmo, on the right side of the line:

  • Radiohvili shkіdlivі to people. Insanely communicating fact. Reduce immunity, provoke self-esteem, increase the temperature of the body. We are sick of Ludina, having given in to the vipprominuvannya radiohvil.
  • Otzhe, the organization is guilty of taking control; In the midst of the population, there is a lot of ailments, nothing good will come. By the Committee of the State Humanitarian Committee of Ukraine, the reports are going to be made, read on the health thematic insights of the hemispheres. The organization is engaged in the distribution of frequencies.

Vvazhaєmo, no matter how, we rally together with LTE providers, those who are radio channels, do not bring great profits (vibrate to the editorial staff of the professional, if you have mercy). Pennies will pay off the majority of people who need to pay a salary, licensed, issued ... The state of the great arrival from LTE will not reject. There is no need to be astonished, as it is not possible to see the ominous operators on one LTE antenna. Range of Chimals.

However, it can be shown that it can catch all of the LTE antenna. Get it, slyly, lightly. It is recommended to insistently read the literature, the book of Kharchenko K.P. 1969 rock vipusku about UKH antenna. The name, you can, іnshe, vіrimo, overstate the readers, you can add and read the pratsyu (vikladenі pdf, djvu version).

Features of LTE antennas are interspersed with sizes. For GSM it can be used. WiFi lie vishche. The LTE antenna chiming the top channel of the TV tower, as it flares up, the antenna becomes storch (turn it 90 degrees).

Yak zrobiti good LTE antenna

Self-made LTE antenna can be an extraordinary haircut. It is proponymous to grow up. You know, - deyakі be carried out to the bіkvadrattroja triple superiority. Whole and dumb. At the bottom of Kharchenko, we write: with a small design, there is a wide range of changes in the range of 2 - 2.5 times. Let’s wonder now that LTE is on the territory of Russia. I see a lot ... take away the frequency, let's look at Vіkіpedіya, so do not carry out a serious delay, we will try to value the parameters of the technical staff.

The leather stylist operator is not pragmatic to help competitors. LTE antenna КР - 14 - 2050 - JG, the performance gain is set to 14 dB in the range 1900 - 2200 MHz. SWR does not feed 2. Well, і? Now take a look at Kharchenko's building, make a square with a store antenna. Do you think you don't need to pick up anything with your own hands? There will be problems with the connections, the possession of the disconnected inputs from the external antennas. Get to know the modem (okrem rozmova), vishukuvati are the methods of obtaining possession. As for antenna Kharchenko, it’s good, uzgodzhennya is very easy to carry out. Proceed to look at the design.

Do ten times the portal VashTechnik commemorate with the kind word of Anteni Kharchenko. I'll try again ...

Let's discuss the removal of virib. The reference antenna Kharchenko is set up with three contours. Probably the little ones of the original vision of 1969, thanks to the author's screaming copyright ruin. Yak bachite, you are told about the maximum amount of food (minimum frequency).

Yakshcho virity Kharchenko, the ratio of the crossover to the range of the warehouse is close to 2 (up to 2.5). Nowhere in the area of ​​the VSWR is more than 2. Beat respect, stand upright. The polarization will be horizontal. Kharchenko proponuvat vicoristovuvati design, catch telematics, authorize I want to pristosuvati accept calls. Bikvadrat put nabik.

Yak z'udnuvati contours, say it well, the author will show you ... Z baby next: the upper most square to go into the lower one, and navpaki. The middle stays on itself. On the contact maydanchiks three contours zbirayayutsya bus, live on the cable. As a matter of fact, up to a little bit, there is no explanation behind the text. Having taken chitachami, zvertaєmosya to pozhukach, not loved by non-virіshenih food ... The axis of the scho went into z'yasuvati.

Power design LTE antenna Kharchenko

For the theory, it’s not easy to know in the bottom, the diameter of the frame dart is guilty of becoming 0.016 - 0.02 of the maximum amount of damage. For the frequencies of the TV tower clock, the CPCP read:

  1. 1 - 5 (49 - 100 MHz) channels: 120 - 100 mm.
  2. 6 - 12 (174 - 230 MHz) channels: 34 - 27 mm.

The wire of the significant diameter of the wire is foldable, the bulo is pro-proponated to replace the wire provider with a flat one. The sail of the antenna has significantly improved, it can be called a positive factor, the preparation has accelerated, and the material has become smoothly handy. Three contours become stuck. Good news: we will work with frequencies of 750 MHz and other, with a diameter of 6 mm, with a distance of leather (clean the PV). A friend of goodness is new: they knew how to install. The author is not homey, having tried to take the baby out of the book, and described the process on the site Koshtovaya domain To that 99%, information will be distributed with a hard entuziast.

The author refreshed the little ones, a couple of words: from the sides of the mounting plate two round plates are laid, on which the other is soldered. Along the kutas (6 pieces to go to the outside), the frames are interchanged with metal smogs. Schodo traєktorіy mali ratsіyu. Touch the little one, do not be merciful. I didn’t accept the idea of ​​reattaching the dart, the antenna cord would not be required.

Antenna for LTE has been broken with your own hands. Yak uzgoditi, they wrote in a special survey, which is called Antena Kharchenko with his own hands. The current WiFi lovers are widely used in the design. In order to put the seal in a plastic case, we will add a seam with a silikon sealant, we will buy it in a plumbing store.

It is not only for the healthy communication and transmission of the occasion. zavdyak digital method transmissions, for the additional transfer of tribute is also possible. The given technology, in the field of development, is referred to as 3G and 4G. 4G technology will adopt the LTE standard. The speed of transmissions can be accounted for by some of the features of the mesh (provided by the operator), theoretically reaching up to 2 Mb / s for a 3G net and up to 1 Gb / s for a 4G net. All the meanings of technology work more efficiently with the presence of a strong and stable signal. For these purposes, there are more modems for transmitting and connecting external antennas.

panel antenna

On sale you can create a variety of antennas for improving the quality of the reception. The 3G panel antenna is very popular. The coefficient of strength of a similar antenna should be close to 12 dB in the frequency range 1900-2200 MHz. A different type of annexes to the building is also provided with a 2G signal - GPRS and EDGE.

Since the large number of passive outbuildings is important, there is a one-sided straightness, which at once allows the signal to reduce the level of the transfer from the street to the back. In such a rank, it is possible to increase the signal to acceptable values ​​in the minds of an unstable reception, thus increasing the speed of reception and transmission of information.

Fastening panel antennas for robots in 4G hemstitching

Oscillations of the working range of the 4G mesh is practical to use the range of the front generation, it is not the case of any folding antennas in the 3G 4G LTE mesh. For be-like technologies, the antennas will allow you to increase the speed of transmissions to the maximum value.

The new technology allowed for even greater efficiency in reception and transmission of data, as the vicious distribution of reception and transmission in one smoothie of frequencies. Construction of a connected 4G modem for transmission of MIMO technology.

Insanely rewiring of panel antennas - there is a lack of partiality and vinyatkova hope. The design has practically nothing, which can be evil to wind in the fall from great height. One weak point is a high-frequency cable, which can be changed in the middle of the case. In order to continue the term of service to the annex, the cable is guilty of being securely fastened.

MIMO technology

To increase the throughput of the building channel, the connection between the reception and transmission of these breakdowns is the method of processing the signal, if the reception and transmission is carried out on the development antennas.

Brutal respect! Zastosovyuchi LTE MIMO antennas, it is possible to increase the throughput of the building by 20-30%, even if the antenna is idle.

The basic principle of polarity is the connection between antennas.

Electromagnetics can be easily straightened by the land area. There is no polarization. Basically, they are vertical and horizontally polarized antennas. For the installation of a mutually injected antenna, one of the same polarization per cut 90 gr. The schob injected into the earth's surface is the same for both antennas, the area of ​​polarization of the skin changes by 45 gr. schodo earth. In such a rank, as one of the antennas, the polarization beacon is 45 degrees, which is, apparently, 45 degrees. One of one substitution should become necessary 90 gr.

On the little one it is clearly visible, like the unfolded antennas are clearly one of the same and the earth.

Important! The polarization of the antennas is to blame for the same as at the base station.

While for 4G LTE technologies, MIMO support is based on the base station, for 3G, in connection with a great number of add-ons without MIMO, the operator does not keep up with the new technologies. On the right, in the MIMO 3G netting, there will be a lot more.

Installing antennas for the modem with your own hands

The rules for installing antennas are not subject to any kind. Head of Umova - the readiness of the translation from the client base stations... A growing tree, dah, dah, shy, shy, the line of electrical transmissions, serve as high screens for electromagnetics. The more the frequency of the signal, the more attenuated it is, the more attenuation is introduced to the way of the wider radio transmission.

Regarding the type of antenna mounting, you can install it on the wall or close it on the wall. Є two types of antennasMIMO:

  • monoblock;
  • distribution.

The monoblock is also located in the middle of two structures, installed with the necessary polarization, and the spacers are stored from two antennas, which require a power supply, the skin is guilty of them but is directly aligned to the base station.

All the nuances of installing the MIMO antenna with your own hands are clearly and in detail described in the supervised documentation, or rather consult the provider beforehand, or ask for a representative for installation, having paid no more than a large sum, but having taken away the singing guarantee for the robot's Vicon.

Yak zrobiti antenna self

There are no principles of folding in case of independent preparation. Requirements for robots with metal, a soldering iron in the hands of the trimmies, bazhannya and accuracy.

Neodminna umova - suvore dottrimannya geometrical dimensions of all, without a blame, warehouse parts. Geometric dimensions of high-frequency annexes are responsible for being accurate to a millimeter and more accurate. Be-yak vіdhilennya vіdhilennya until the loss of characteristics. In the downward direction, the efficiency is better, the interconnection between the MIMO antennas is improved. In the end of the day, to replace the signal that is stronger than the signal, it will be possible to prevent it from weakening.

It is a pity that in wide access there are precise geometric dimensions. Yak vynyatki, appearing in the net material, based on the repeated actions of the factory designs, do not depend on the copied ones because of the given accuracy. It is not easy to lay down great hopes for publishing in the Internet schemes, I will describe those techniques.

On the other hand, if you do not need a strong strength, then the Viconan is independent, with the same settings for the MIMO antenna, all is one thing, if not great, but a positive effect.

The partiality of materials is not great, vitrati for an hour, with the presence of a button, is also not great. Until then, I didn’t try to test the results of the test.

To build a 4G LTE MIMO antenna with your own hands, you need two absolutely flat sheets of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.2-0.5 mm, and more than a one-sided foil sheet. One of the leaves before the readout of the reflector (pickup), and the other one - for the readout of active elements. The cable for connecting to the modem is responsible for the mother of opir 50 Ohm (this is the standard for modem possession).

TV cable vikoristovuvati is not possible for two reasons:

  • opir 75 Ohm vykliche unsuitable for the inputs to the modem;
  • great tovshchina.

It is also necessary to send the roses, as they are guilty of the accuracy of the display of the roses on the modem.

Important! The designation between active elements and the reflector is guilty of dropping out of the foil ball in the form of foil material.

In addition, a small size of a medium dart with a thickness of 1-1.2 mm is known.

The design is guilty but placed in a plastic case. Metal vikoristovuvati is not possible, fragments of such a rank of the antenna will be placed in the electromagnet screen and will not be.

Brutal respect! A great part of the armchair is carried not to MIMO antennas, but to panel ones. The name of the stench comes from the fact that one cable is supplied before the panel antenna is idle, and two cables are required to MIMO.

Having prepared two panel antennas, it is possible to correct the assignments of the options, and the POVZ 4G antennas can be selected with your own hands.

Pidvodyachi pidsumki, you can say, preparing the POVZ antenna with your own hands - no more important on the right. In case of proper retreat, you can easily negate the precessional attachment, sparing the amount of finances. Crumbs are simpler than a 3G antenna with your own hands. In general, there is still no LTE coverage, but it can also be a single option to improve the performance of the data.


Today is a lot of people skarzhannya on the weak Internet connection and low security. At the zv'yazyu z zim, the providers have broken up a new z'єdnannya - 4G. Wono will transform 3G and LTE internet. Connect up to 4G, you need to power up or open a new antenna.

The 4G antenna will allow you not only to increase the efficiency of your reception, but also to polish the quality of your reception. The Internet of a new generation is allowed without lags of grati in online іgri... With new data you have to increase fps and decrease ping. Do not allow you to navigate to the same kind of services, and more like the Internet connection.

New Years People Get Connected Until New high-quality Internet, Ale does not go to everybody to negate yakisne z'єdnannya. What is it tied with? It’s not wonderful that the operator is guilty, but the technology. In small places and villages there is no yakisnogo z'єdnannya. In general, only a 4G antenna can be used, as you can build it independently. We’ll turn around. Let’s see how you are going to make a transition for the Internet.

As a rule, it is necessary to rewire the hem, or at the same hour, there may be other reasons:

  • Great view from the station to your modem. It’s not possible to deny the possibility of doing business in villages or small towns.
  • Roztashuvannya modem. To respect everything is taken from all directions, to whatever the wines of rooting, to the material, which is to be victorious in the building.
  • Misses the modem. In general, there can be a transition to a lisu, or a transmission line.

How can you change? What's the problem? As soon as it was used, the 4G antenna will allow correcting short transmissions of signals. Vaughn to power the Internet connection and to allow the visibility of a high degree of visibility to go to the most abandoned village.

self-contained antennas

Antenna for Single Internet Policies. Bagatyokh people turbulent food: what can be done with the necessary construction independently?

Obviously, if you have the necessary knowledge on robotics with radio technology, you can take up the preparation. 4G antenna is a smart way of advancing the level of work with equipment, you can pick up the necessary items and learn new things. We are guilty of the reason that the antenna for the 4G modem can be burned, є її it is wrong to get it. Don't waste your pennies, you need to use all the recommendations for getting ready.

If you live in a small place or a village, then you can choose to drive a 4G modem. Infections can be found in deceptive schemes on the basis of such a design. Surely, if you have a lot of necessary knowledge, and if you cannot fit in with self-contained vignettes, then a short version is the MTS 4G antenna or Megafon.

Pidsiluvach for 4G modem

For a 4G modem, you need to take a jar of peas or a kawi. On the bottom, it is necessary to make one small hole. Vono to be used for the sleeve, yaku to be prepared from the rods.

When writing, the sleeve will need to be soldered. A selection of holes can be made on the case at the form of the letter "N". It’s guilty but it’s the size of the modem.
In a ready-made design, it is necessary to insert a modem (the center of the bank to the top of the modem). If you want to, you need to direct the driver to the side, where the operator is standing. It’s overwhelmed only by connecting the Internet to the computer via USB-podovzhuvach.

If you want to reduce the high speed of the Internet connection, then you need to use a cable, which can be used to connect an antenna with a modem, as it is possible to have less time. The price is brought experimentally.

Likewise, the modem should be able to stand up to the stele, so it didn’t pick up the signal. As soon as you speed up the number of recommendations, you can get Internet traffic.


4G antenna with your own hands can be prepared with a shape. Snuty vіdbivnі or zbіrnі form. As a rule, the form is locked to the modem, and the display needs to be pressed only to the 4G output. Reflectors are not able to change the shape, the smut - the correct connection.


Unfortunately, such designs can be used only for a room victorian. Stink, like a factory, doesn’t stand out because of the temperature difference. That їkh and vicoristovuyut only at home.

Unfortunately, a simple reflector does not provide a clear signal. 4G is about 10 times less than our self-box. Alet does not mean that the reflector is not a good standard for the Internet.

Antenna with your own hands

The signal strength is up to a 4G modem, it is possible to connect the antenna from the satellite tarilka. Tsey is a way to achieve an effective one, so as a tarilka can be set up on a station, and a good signal is received. Yak vigotoviti qiu construction? There is no folding mute here, we need to take a modem and a satellite tarilka. 4G antenna with your own hands will be done primitively. At the focus of the tarilka, it is necessary to install a modem and set it up to the required station. Thus, we can reach a good acceptor. Three of the problems are innocent. The less power supply is the whole setting.


How to set up nagaduє those, yak vstanovlyuyut companion tarіlka on companion for TV stand. The Internet has trochas in a way. Send the tarіlka downward. To wind, you can, if you can direct it down. Tse is tied with the curvature of the image. Schob as clearly as possible, set up a saputnik's tarilka, it is necessary to wrap it up and for help special programs stitches, how to change the Internet connection. In addition, as you re-connect, you have removed the maximum value, the antenna must be fixed.

The name of the 4G antenna is locked, now we can go to the offensive stage. Infected Varto experiment with focus. For new models of modems, it is necessary to adjust the converter holder in a simple way. For the whole of it is necessary to change the position of the focus and wonder for the quality of the received signal.

In order to correctly set the focus, it is necessary for the nobility, that the antenna for the modem is located on the opposite side of the USB. It’s obvious, it’s not so on all models, that’s why it’s good to go, it’s good to see it.

If you didn’t cope with the direct visibility, then you should take the design. It is also a plan to reduce the brightness of the signal, you can help to increase the diameter of the mirror. The 4G antenna is directly connected to catch the signal in great cities. Yak dressing diameter with a clear signal? In the middle there is a tarilka with a diameter of 1 m, you will not be able to reach the bad Internet connection at a distance of 30 km from the station. Connect the modem to the computer, you need to buy a USB cable. Yakiy guilty buty? Apparently, after the vicoristovuvati yakisniy cord, a small recession from screens and ferit on kintsyah. It is also possible to add a sprinkle of such cords and cords, as it is not to be lost in everything.

Slide pam'yatati, but do not vyde vikoristovuvati a supporter's tarilka for TV viewing and making it possible for his Internet connection. Surely, you can attach the modem to supporter tarіltsі The signal is correct. Ale slid pam'yatati, as well as the tarilka set up on the TB, it is not necessary to show it from the companion. A clear signal can be seen in the same way, as it is set on the mind of a direct visibility.


If you want to clean up the modem from the fall, you can use the design. For tsogo you can vikoristovuvati zvichaynu dance or package. Apparently, it is more beautiful to open a beautiful building with materials, as it can showcase temperature changes in a patient.


That's all. If you live in a small place, or in a village, you can quickly enjoy yourself and it’s great, people who live in megalopolises don’t get to know. The strength and flexibility of the Internet is based on the range of the modem from the station, the modem and the switch code, as you can graze on the highway. Obviously, if you correctly connect and switch on, then right from the latest transitions, you can get a high-speed Internet.