How to create the inf file. It is controlled by automatic acquisition of additional help from Autoruns. Viruses are removed from auto-recovery - what do different colors mean?

Flash drives are mainly infected for
computers that are not connected to the Internet
- Wikipedia

Nowadays, few people think about such a concept as computer security. It’s also not surprising that this topic is quite extensive and most of the material on this topic is covered by a trained correspondent. Ale varto peresіchnym koristuvachevі zіtkіz with the problem of viruses (for example, the emergence autorun.inf file on flash drive), How active searches for methods of protection and fight against them immediately begin.

This article will look at:

Assigned to the autorun.inf file

autorun.inf file(English version) auto- automatic i run- launch) is selected in the operating system Microsoft Windows For automatic start add-ons from storage devices, which allows you to significantly simplify the user's actions when installing add-ons and drivers from storage devices.

The autorun file can be stored on almost any disk. software security Or maybe I’ll attach a driver somewhere. This will also eliminate the auto-start menu function on flash drives with pre-installed or portable utilities.

The structure of the autorun.inf file is divided into blocks, parameters and values. The file contains parameters that describe the disc, such as: the disc label, the disc icon, what the file is launched at, and other specific parameters. Zokrem, to automatically launch any program from a flash drive when it is connected to a computer, the autorun.inf file will have two rows:

open = filename

de - I am a block, open- parameter name, File name- move to the program file that will be automatically launched.

Varto note that worm win32 autorun The building is obfuscated (obfuscated) instead of the autorun.inf file, thereby complicating the analysis of the file. However, the program for saving a flash drive without problems recognizes it instead of the autorun file, after working on it autorun worm.

virus autorun

Initially, the innocent role of the autorun file began to be abused by virus writers as effective method wider worm win32 autorun. The autorun.inf file itself does not contain the virus code, but it cannot be launched separately autorun hrobak.

autorun virus This type of virus is called, which expands for additional copying condensed file(Your copies) on other devices and are written to the autorun file autorun.inf, thus infecting them. Absolutely all external storage devices (flash drives, mp3 players, digital cameras and other devices) that are not somehow protected by being written to the disk (hardware protection, or a file already present in the root of the stolen disk) are infected. ka autorun.inf) .

IN Windows XP autorun It is expected that it will be launched on significant grounds. There are a lot of ways to reduce this problem: from installing official patches (updates) from Microsoft before installation various adjustments. Antirun, a program for protecting flash drives from viruses, automatically removes this spillage during installation. Also in the program settings there is an update to the autorun function.

IN Windows 7 autorun It works a little differently: the default autorun for important connections, however, does not protect autorun from viruses from flash drives. To that for zakhistu view worm win32 autorun It is recommended to use the Antirun program together with the main antivirus.

Signs of an infected flash drive

The presence of the autorun file on the CD with the game means that there is a game installer on the disk. In the same way as on a CD with a movie, the present menu allows you to install codecs to watch the video. However, presence autorun.inf file on flash drive(Mp3 players, digital camera or other digital media) already calls out suspicion and very often indicates presence autorun hrobak on flash drive.

Let's take a look at a typical butt of an infected hot disk:

The little one can clearly see that there is presence on the significant disk (G :) file autorun. infі folder attachedRECYCLER. Analyzing the autorun file instead, it becomes clear that when you autorun a significant device, the file is launched jwgkvsq.vmx(Worm win32 autorun) from folders RECYCLER.

Apparently, to view the saved files and folders in Explorer, you need to check the appropriate box in the configured folder view (Service item in the Explorer menu - Folder Options - View).

Varto reminds me that not letting the autorun file start is a sign of virus infection worm win32 autorun. Possibly, on a flash drive there is an automatic menu with a set of portable programs, or the autorun.inf file indicates only the icon for the device.

When you try to open the autorun.inf file, the system displays a notification that access to the file is impossible, which means that the system is already infected and access to the file is blocked worm autorun.

Let's take a look at the Antirun anti-virus utility in this context. When connecting a device infected with the autorun virus (file jwgkvsq.vmx), the Antirun program will warn the reporter about the threat in the leaking dialogue in the area above the system tray:

This dialogue shows that Antirun has recognized the possibility of automatically launching a file ( jwgkvsq.vmx) І proponuvav yogo vidaliti. Also from this dialog, you can safely open the disk without launching a virus file, view information about the disk, or safely remove devices.

Signs of a system infection

As a rule, most autorun viruses, when active, block these and other functions of the system, with the help of some methods that can be used to prevent the threat. The most important of them:

  1. When you try to launch the Windows Task Manager, the message “ Manager for setting connections by the administrator».
  2. If you try, launch the editor Windows registry"This is a notification" Editing the registry is blocked by the system administrator».
  3. Created on disks file autorun.inf, And when seen, it is created again.
  4. It is impossible to open or delete the autorun.inf file. Windows informs you that access to the file is impossible. This is a typical manifestation of hrobak activity worm win32 autorun.
  5. When you try to open the disk, the dialog “ Select a program to open this file»
  6. If you try to open the disk, it will open in Wish you a good day;
  7. From the Explorer menu service znik point Folder power.

Dzherela infection

Wide range of colors worm win32 autorun having weaned off the woes of the everywhere vikorstan of foreign hoarders. Most of the time, every PC owner has a flash drive (or even a flash drive), a digital player, or a camera with a memory card. These devices are tested on different computers, most of which are not protected by antivirus, and do not even know about the current virus signature databases.

Any infected computer can be infected with the worm win32 autorun virus. Tse can buti:

  • photo laboratory where you gave the flash card for downloading photographs;
  • Work computer;
  • friends' computer;
  • Internet cafes and other public places.

The same applies if the flash drive is new, bought in a store, and has already been installed with worm win32 autorun.

In conclusion, despite the long history of the creation of autorun viruses and the emergence of a host of methods for protection and prevention, the problem is still no longer relevant. Not all market-leading comprehensive anti-virus solutions are competent in addressing these issues. For nadiynogo zakhistu For autorun viruses, it is recommended to use vikorist antivirus utility Antirun is complete with the main anti-virus complex.

The following articles will look at methods of protecting the system and external devices(Flash drive, mp3 players, cameras, etc.) Type of viruses autorun, like vikorist in its robot antivirus program Antirun.

without vikoristan third party programs And, without any special skills on computers, you can do a lot of different things.

For example, you can speed up the system, launch various screening procedures and create autoruns for any important storage devices.

How to create Autorun on a disk or flash drive? When you insert a disk or flash drive into the computer, a standard window will appear where you will be prompted to select an action (for example, open a folder). Don’t forget to manually, for example, if there is a disk with a game or program, you can add the file to the automatic launch.

Autorun.inf creation for a flash drive and disk for 5 dollars

When a flash drive or disk is connected to the computer, the system immediately checks whether the Autorun.inf file is on them. If it is, then the launch will take place immediately.

You can create it yourself and add it to any program so that it is attracted automatically. For example, if you have a flash drive with korisnoy program, Immediately after connecting, it will start.

What is Autorun.inf? tse zvichainy text document, You can create it in a notepad. I have plenty of intelligence so that I don’t need to remember it. Open the notepad and add the following rows there:

  • open = program.exe
  • icon = icon.ico

Instead of the word program, you must specify the name of the file to be launched. Replace icon, icon name. That’s it, click save and don’t forget to indicate the format in the name:

This text file needs to be added to a disk or flash drive. In one folder, you need to reload the icon and the file in .exe format (which will be launched). Also, on a flash drive or disk, everything should look like this:

Folders required for running programs, icon and autorun are required for automatic launch. The program itself can be found in this folder.

If you will add Autorun.inf to the root folder, and the icon or program will be in other folders, the addresses will need to be specified in full (open = Audio / 555 / program.exe

If you want Autorun.inf to remove additional functions, add a couple more rows:

  • open = program.exe
  • action = launch Workion programs
  • icon = icon.ico
  • label = name of the flash drive

The action function displays the text when starting the autorun. A row of labels is needed, because you have come up with a lot of ideas and wrote “ Nakopichuvach", Vaughn replaces them.

You can also run other files instead of programs. For example, if you write the line ShellExecute = page.htm (replacement open = program.exe), the HTML side will be opened and transferred to the flash drive.

If you need to create an original autorun, it would be better to use the Create Autorun program. Through it you can add comments to autorun, and also customize the window.

Hours of discs may have passed, they used to create Autorun a lot, doing different types business (selling discs with games, transferring photographs to clients, etc.).

You will also enjoy it.

If you want to completely control the operation of add-ons, services and services on your computer or laptop, then you definitely need to configure autorun. Autoruns - one cutting programs, I would like to allow you to do so without any special zusil. Our article today will be dedicated to the program itself. We will tell you about all the subtleties and nuances of the Autoruns website.

In addition, to the extent that auto-enablement of other processes of your operating system is well optimized, the speed of auto-enablement and the speed of code in general is ensured. In addition, autoviruses themselves may contain viruses if your computer is infected. While in the standard Windows autorun editor you can mainly manage already installed add-ons, in Autoruns the possibilities are much wider. Let's take a closer look at the functionality of the add-on, which can benefit the average consumer.

Advance adjustment

Before we get started with the Autoruns function, let’s first set up the add-on first. For whom we are interested in the next steps:

  1. Launch Autoruns as administrator. For whom is it simply embossed at the end of the program? right button bears and select a row in the context menu “Run as Administrator”.
  2. After which you need to press it onto a row "User" at the top area of ​​the program. It will be revealed at the end that you will need to select the type of server for which you will be setting up auto-advancement. If you have a single computer or laptop, you just need to select one oblikovy record, In which location you have chosen the name of the koristuvach. For the rest Danish parameter appears to be the last one on the list.
  3. Next section is open "Options". For this purpose, simply stamp the left mouse button on the row with the corresponding name. In the menu you need to activate the parameters as follows:
  4. Hide Empty Locations- put a tick opposite the row. Do not allow empty parameters to be added to the list.
    Hide Microsoft Entries- There is a check mark behind the rows in each row. You should pick it up. Enabling this option allows you to display Additional parameters Microsoft.
    Hide Windows Entries- in this row we recommend placing an ensign on the edge. In this way, you will receive vitally important parameters that can be greatly damaged by changing the system.
    Hide VirusTotal Clean Entries- if you place the icon opposite this row, you will add to the list those files that are VirusTotal are very safe. Please note that this option will only apply if this option is enabled. Let's talk about this below.

  5. After the adjustment of the image is set in the correct order, we proceed to the adjustment of the scan. For whom I am stamping in a row "Options", And after this we press on the point "Scan Options".
  6. You need to set the local parameters as follows:
  7. Scan only per-user locations- Please do not place the icon in the opposite row, as in this type only files and programs will be displayed that are related to a specific system user. The decision will not be reversed. And since viruses can be found in absolutely any place, it is not wise to check the box opposite this row.
    Verify code signatures- this row is important. In this case, digital signatures will be verified. This allows you to quickly identify potentially unsafe files.
    Check We also strongly recommend that you mark this point. You can also display information on the screen about checking files on the VirusTotal online service.
    Submit Unknown Images- this one started to move up to the first point. If data about files cannot be found in VirusTotal, then they will be sent for verification. Please note that in this case, scanning the elements can take a little more than an hour.

  8. After checking the boxes opposite the row values, you must click on the button "Rescan" What's the point?
  9. The remaining option for the deposit "Options"є row "Font".
  10. Here you can optionally change the font, style and size that is displayed. Having finished everything, don’t forget to save the result. Why press the button? "OK" What's the point?

The axis is in control and all the settings that you need to set in advance. Now you can go straight ahead to edit autorun.

Autorun parameters can be edited

To edit autorun elements, there are various tabs in Autoruns. Let's take a closer look at their meanings and the process of changing parameters itself.

  1. To get ready, open the tab "Everything". This tab will display absolutely all elements and programs that are launched automatically when the system is connected.
  2. You can create rows of three colors:
  3. Zhovtiy. This color means that a specific file is listed only in the registry, and the file itself is unique. It is best not to include such files, as this can lead to all sorts of problems. If you are not included in the list of such files, then see the row with its name, and then press the right mouse button on it. Select the item from the context menu "Search Online". In addition, you can see the row and simply press the key combination "Ctrl + M".

    erysipelas. This color indicates that the selected element has a daily digital signature. In essence, there is nothing terrible in this, except that most current viruses are spreading without such a signature.

    white. Danish color is a sign that everything is in order with the file. He has a digital signature, the registration goes all the way to the file and to the registry. Regardless of all the facts, such files can still be infected. We learned about this further.

  4. In addition to the color of the row, pay attention to the numbers that are found at the very end. VirusTotal is respectful.
  5. Please remember that in some situations, the value can be in red. The first number means the number of suspected threats found, and the other number means the total number of verifications. Such entries always mean that the file is infected with a virus. It is not possible to include the abductions and pardons of the scanner itself. By clicking the left mouse button on the numbers, you will be directed to the site with the results of the verification. Here you can find out what you suspect, as well as the transfer of antiviruses that were checked.
  6. Such track files should be disabled from auto-enablement. To do this, check the box next to the name of the file.
  7. It is not recommended to delete your settings again later, as changing them on the spot will be problematic.
  8. By right-clicking on any file, you will open an additional context menu. You need to gain respect for the next steps:
  9. Jump to Entry. By clicking on this link, you will open a window with a place to expand the selected file in the AutoLog folder or in the registry. This is useful in situations where the selected file needs to be deleted entirely from the computer or its name/value needs to be changed.

    Jump to Image. This option opens a window with a folder in Denmark file bv installations for installation.

    Search Online. We have already guessed about this option. You will be able to view information about the selected item on the Internet. This point is even worse if you don’t remember to include the search file for auto-enablement.

  10. Now let's go through the main tabs of Autoruns. We already wondered about those in the deposit "Everything" All elements of auto-engineering will be renovated. Other tabs allow you to control parameters and autorun in different segments. Let's take a look at the most important ones.
  11. Logon. This deposit contains all the add-ons installed by the investor himself. By checking or unchecking the appropriate checkboxes, you can easily enable or disable auto-enablement of the selected software.

    Explorer. This page allows you to enable application add-ons from context menu. This is the same menu that appears when you click on a file with the right mouse button. In this entry you can include annoying and unnecessary elements.

    Internet Explorer . The Danish point, swedish for everything, does not require introduction. As the name implies, this contribution contains all the elements of auto-enablement that are connected to the Internet Explorer browser.

    Scheduled Tasks. Here you will see a list of all the tasks that were planned by the system. This includes various revisions, updates, defragmentation hard disks and other processes. You can enable scheduled tasks, but do not enable those that you are not aware of.

    Services. As the name implies, this tab contains a range of services that are automatically activated when the system starts. Which ones to remove from them, and which ones to include, depends only on you, as all users have different configurations and requirements for software.

    Office. Here you can enable auto-enablement elements that connect to Microsoft Office software. In fact, you can enable all the elements to quickly upgrade your operating system.

    Sidebar Gadgets. Until this section you can address gadgets of additional devices Windows panels. In some situations, gadgets can be activated automatically, without losing any practical functions. If you didn’t install them, then your list will be empty for everything. If you need to turn on the installed gadgets, then you can make money from this investment yourself.

    Print Monitors. This module allows you to enable and disable the automatic activation of various elements that are connected to printers and their ports. If you have a daily printer, you can enable local settings.

The axis contains all the parameters that we would like to inform you about in this article. In fact, there are many more tabs in Autoruns. However, editing them requires in-depth knowledge, since thoughtless changes in most of them can lead to untransferable inheritances and problems with the OS. Therefore, if you still decide to change other parameters, then proceed with caution.

How are you the leader of the operating room? Windows systems 10, then you may also benefit from our special article, which discusses the topic of adding auto-enablement elements to the designated OS.

If you are running out of additional nutrition during Autoruns, please feel free to ask them in the comments before this article. We are happy to help you optimize the startup of your computer or laptop.


(Do not confuse autorun - the function of automatically opening programs from a connected disk or flash drive) is required so that after turning on the computer, programs that are necessary for Windows robots, So and third-party programs. For example, antivirus software should be launched first in order to stay ahead of possible threats. Desktop (explorer.exe) is also a program, part of the operating system, that launches just before antiviruses.

There are many ways to automatically launch programs, they can be added special programs. Let's talk about the most important part, and firstly about those programs that are most often registered in Windows auto-enablement.

What happens in the auto industry

Antivirus. this is the greatest parts of the program How to sit on most computers. Of course, what do you think about computer security?

Driver components. For example, driver Intel video cards write programs with obscure names hkcmdі igfxtray, Intended for the operation of hot keys and the display of the settings icon in the tray (besides the year anniversary). AMD and nVidia also have similar programs.

drivers for digital cameras Like to register in auto-announced programs that confirm the fact that the camera is connected and demonstrate how to work with photographs.

audio driver Realtek cards allows you to register the program RAVCpl64.exe - this is the Realtek HD Manager, without any sound in certain situations it will not be sent directly to the headset.

The reliability of a lot of software that comes with drivers is questionable, but you need to be careful. Luckily, everything can be turned back on.

Programs for the correct operation of a laptop from a printer. If Windows is installed on the laptop, there will be a number of programs for managing Wi-Fi, hot keys, energy saving, and so on. What you can see that is necessary.

after reinstalled Windows On the laptop, half of the functions did not request after installation required drivers- the problem itself is in the related software. Go to the manufacturer's website and download the necessary information from the page of your laptop model.

Programs for the correct operation of a desktop PC. Collecting PCs from well-known manufacturers Acer, Dell and others may reveal software similar to that for a laptop. Most often there are programs for encryption backup Information that is not available on the computer cannot be stored.

Tulbari, advertising software, viruses. Often guests on computers are stuck through the koristuvachs. Do you see ads when you launch your browser? The computer, in a sweet voice, estimates the income from investing pennies in the devil's pyramid? Is it possible to steal your VKontakte password? It all stinks - Trojans and advertising crap... bullshit.

stand quietly services. Programs that we don’t care about will end an important (and not so much) robot. standard services Windows is more beautiful Don’t turn it on, anyway, third parties are allowed. For example, the popular PowerDVD player installs the PowerDVD RC Service (PDVDServ.exe). This is required to control created videos from the remote control. It’s only a matter of time before the service can be turned on.

System programs Without them, your computer will not function as expected. So just like the Explorer program (explorer.exe), behind the work is the desktop, services and drivers, which are part of the system. They are easy to identify from third parties, there is no need to disable them.

What is the best way to clean your car?

Maybe we should delete everything like that?

If you are lazy, you are afraid because everything is in vain - close the tab and move on with your life. If you have a rebellious spirit alive in you, you want your computer to become more active, so that it stops showing up as unintentional programs - cleaning up your computer will be a sure thing. Just be respectful and work with a clear head.

Once you learn how to clean your car, you can make it easier on any computer (or laptop) that you touch. For which you need a little time, as well as a program for education or Autoruns.

Autoruns program

The cost-free Autoruns program allows you to find out about all the programs that start after you turn on the computer.

You may get confused by the number of tabs and rows. Fortunately, it is possible and necessary to filter out “unnecessary” items. Don’t uncheck the boxes (not to mention any problems with autorun programs), but for additional help, we’ll tell you about it later. If you don’t know a large number of points, it’s easier to get started.

Enable virus checking

We need to install Windows components and detect current viruses. For whom is the menu pressed? Options - Scan Options - This means checkboxes, as in the screenshot below, click Rescan:

So that you can better understand what you are doing, let us know about the points:

  • Scan only per-user locations- scan only the programs that are in the father of the koristuvach. Durable point, because viruses can be in any disk folder.
  • Verify code signatures- every program, including the system one, has a digital signature to prove that the program is of such and such type and that the file has not been changed (not confirmed) program code virus). A checkbox at this point is required to indicate substitution system files, Why shy away a lot Free programs.
  • Check checking the autostart for the virus of the skin element using the additional VirusTotal online service. In fact, this involves checking dozens of antiviruses. It does not provide a hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-odd-od-od-od-d-od-one-half-hundred-hundred-hundother-de-year guarantee of detection, since there may be an expensive program in the autorun that could launch a virus, so it is not possible to detect it. Visible to the Internet. Is it possible for you to show up “You must agree...” (“You must agree with the licensed site”), push Yes / So.
  • Submit Unknown Images- sends for scanning programs found in anti-virus databases. If you have a strong Internet connection, you can greatly increase the autorun verification (up to 10-15 minutes), then you can repeat - check everything.

after pressure Rescan The program will continue to update the list, checking the skin program for its “sparity”.

If you don’t have Internet access, you should invite Raja and check his computer. Unfortunately, there is no way to detect whether there were auto-infected viruses: the antivirus can see them without notification about those that were launched automatically.

Viruses are removed from auto-recovery - what do different colors mean?

At what stage do we need a tab? Everything, To learn all the ways to launch programs.

After updating the list, these items will be added to the last one erysipelas colori, There will be red numbers.

The points we highlight are important. It’s a yellow color to talk about those that don’t have a program, but an item in the automaker. Unfortunately, Autoruns does not always correctly detect that there are driver files on the site and sees them waiting, the connection leads to glitches even to the point of impossibility of starting the operating system, or better yet, don’t clean them until you figure out what’s going on.

Rozhev’s points and numbers talk about problems:

If you view entries on kshtalt 16/57, then the entire entry will start. virus. The evil number (16) tells you how many antiviruses detected the malware, and on the right (57) how many verified everything. Clicking on the entry opens a page with details: what antiviruses asked, what is called the evil that penetrated, if it was at the forefront of manifestations. If you prefer to ask for one or two antiviruses (1/57), then in 99% of cases you will only need to ask for one or two antiviruses, and this item can be ignored.

If necessary, you can Google the name and find out the details, but the most important step is:

1. Check the box from such a point. This turns on the autorun of programs that are deleted, but you can then turn everything back (in case of alarm).

2. Think about changing your antivirus, that's why. About cost-free antiviruses, Zdatnyh compete with the “great” sister cities, back in 2012. For the sake of what is relevant and today.

3. Re-want computer and restart Autoruns. If the hour is expensive, just press F5 on the keyboard - renew the list. We will help you identify viruses that can cause you to become infected with cars. As such, I would like to check your computer for help without any costs, as it is more aggressive in detecting threats. More no-cost program, How vikoristovuetsya without personal fakhivtsіv, but it is difficult to master for beginners. Next, I’ll tell you how to delete such programs manually.

The points highlighted to those born in the face deserve respect. The smell means that the program does not have a digital signature. Digital signature You can tell from viruses that the creators were generous, so there is a trace of respect for only those who do not have it in Microsoft programs - the authors of Windows.

An example of how everything is in order with the file is below:

Yakbi bulo (Not verified) Microsoft Corporation, Varto would like to ask you what the program or component is. The ale is for the inserted ones, for the cob the jackdaw is ready to remove the only ones in red lettering on the right.

Pouch: we go through the list on the “Everything” tab, including virus detection, and restarting the computer.

Cleanly avtozavantazhenya - Logon tab

After seeing the evil spirits, one will lose all the meaningless points. Your hands are itching to turn them off, right? You even feel that the computer will turn on even faster.

Let me tell you a secret - you can enable everything on the tab Logon And the computer will continue to work. It’s better to play it safe.

At the menu Options programs Autoruns Check the first three boxes:

Then go to the tab Logon(“Log in”) and uncheck all items in the list, except those in the column Publisherє (Verified) Microsoft Windows(Call the first item), as well as the list in the next section.

What should I include?

Do not enable programs that come from drivers sound card, Video cards and so on. Reason: blame the glitches. If you don’t switch the sound source to the headphones when they are connected, the additional buttons on the keyboard won’t work, there may be problems with starting the game and so on.

Marvel at the column Publisher("Vidavets"). As per the list, do not read the item:

  • Microsoft Windows;
  • Microsoft Corporation;
  • Adobe Systems;
  • Google Inc;
  • Intel Corporation;
  • Advanced Micro Devices;
  • nVidia;
  • ESET;
  • Realtek;
  • Kaspersky;
  • Comodo;
  • Broadcom;
  • ...and also the brand name of your laptop/PC. for example, Acer.

The name can be discussed in detail. For example, Intel seems to be very different:

well worth it antivirus Autorun can have views as one item or as a multi-item one. Theoretically, you can enable autorun of current antiviruses using the additional Autoruns program, since antiviruses continuously update their entries in the autorun, but in practice this fails. In any case, you can turn the checkbox again.

After restarting, the computer will turn on much faster. The tray will also be clean (the area with the anniversary icons):

This means that most programs will no longer turn on when starting Windows. There is no Skype, no leaking panels, nothing third-party. Lapota!

Clearly - Scheduled Tasks i Services

Don’t forget to just uncheck the jackdaws and remove the program from Automatics. For example, you can’t just get caught up in the dirty Ask Toolbar advertising module. After restarting the computer, the item will be available again:

Why be timid in such a situation? Cream tabs Logon Programs can be launched in any number of ways. We re-enable the item that appears, which is important for the meeting and goes through the tabs Scheduled Tasks(“Planned tasks”) i Services("Services"). Here you will find program entries similar to those previously connected:

Let's take the checkboxes out of them. Guess more than Ask Toolbar, before speaking, I’ll still show up again, about such tough programs in the future.

Protective with tab Drivers!

It’s great to enable all items in other tabs, for example, Drivers. Including drivers may cause your operating system stop being flirtatious. How to update the work of a computer, I am just a job for those who are patient and only have another computer at hand. Click on this tab only those items that you can see (Publisher column) which is avoided with the tab item disabled Logon. And even better - don’t read anything there until you connect with programs.

Tip: First of all, turn on everything on Logon, then on the Scheduled Tasks and Services tabs.

How can programs be added to the program?

After re-engaging in the Autoruns list, are the items still included? There are two reasons:

1. The program (virus?) was launched at this moment. Vaughn constantly reasserts herself that she is in love with herself and, as soon as the record is visible, she turns it over. The Autoruns program deletes an entry from the Windows registry as soon as you check the box in the list, but does not check whether the entry was added again. You can get more value by updating the list (by clicking F5 on the keyboard).

2. When the program closes, it checks the record again. When the computer is restarted, when the signal about the completion of the work is interrupted, unprofitable programs give themselves a new lease of life.

We need to get rid of the bastard.

on deposit Logon press with the right button on the item that comes up again - Jump to Image. The folder with the downloaded program will open. More precisely, their names can be found in the column “ Image path«:

Press the right button on the file (in our section there is tbnotifier) І renamed її in, for example, tbnotifierblablabla:

Sometimes change the name and do not exit due to the “File” blah blah blah open in the program blablabla2". Push into such a situation Ctrl + Shift + Esc, start Dispatcher. on deposit in detail search for the riddles of the program. In my case there is only one program, you may have one:

Clicking the bear in a row - Take over the task - Complete the process.

Then turn around in Autoruns and go to the tab Services. I'm calling Jump to image according to the point, the checkbox appears on any new sign and rename it the same way as before. If it didn’t work out because of the same error (“File opened in...”), look at the name of the service (first step), run Dispatcher, Go to tab services, Search for this item, use the right mouse button to click on it - Zupiniti:

Try renaming the file again. You can see everything in a sing-song manner.

Don't forget to look in the folder Scheduled Tasks And marvel - suddenly the jackdaw appeared again? Remember, you won’t be able to get a bad program right away.

You can marvel at the tab Drivers, Because there may be a bad driver. If you are making a deposit on this deposit, the item will appear again on the deposit. Logon, This means that you have “run into” a serious virus, as you know your rights as a citizen. The “virus-driver” + “virus in autorun” scheme rarely occurs; if you google the names, they are launched - we will be happy to help you identify such evils correctly.

Close Autoruns, Job Manager and restart your computer. If the jackdaws have nevertheless turned (the axis is an ambush!), do everything the same again, but instead of turning off the computer through the “Start” menu, restart the computer with the button on system unit Or unplug the battery or power cord from the laptop. Such a strong re-installation will not allow you to quickly find out that the computer freezes and requires you to add entries again. It’s a pity, there’s a s-small amount of damage file system disk, so... only at your own risk! It’s my pleasure to talk about those who work. And other methods, which are the best at the cost of reliability.

In Windows 8 and 10, in the task manager, there is an “Automatics” tab. You can try to enable it and the program will easily start there.

What else can you turn on?

You can move on and turn on even more programs. The computer will start up even more quickly, and there will be problems when launching programs and opening folders. Why should I explain why the other tabs are needed and how Windows autostart works? This great topic is intended for publication. As soon as you show up, I’ll deliver the message.