De know nfc in smartphones. "Yak tse pracyuє". Smartphones now need NFC technology, and how it works

It is impossible not to remember how fast these days various services are expanding, so it is possible to pay for an additional mobile extension. So, our country has recently launched a system. To speed up with її advances, a device is needed NFC on board. But not everyone buys an expensive smartphone just to get a service Android Pay. For such people, we have prepared a selection of five available telephones, in the arsenal of which there is an NFC module.

1. Huawei Nova
This compact device looks stylish with a sultry look zavdyaki podednannyu warehouse and aluminum. Krіm functions NFC model props a high-quality processor of the middle class Snapdragon 625 Octa-Core with a frequency of 2 GHz, a clear IPS Full HD display, as well as 3 GB of “RAM” for communication with 32 GB of storage. We are glad to see the new generation of USB Type-C roses. The smart phone is even thinner, the thickness does not exceed 7.1 mm, with which the battery may not be too tight 3020 mAh.

2. samsung galaxy A5 2017
The niche of an outbuilding of the middle level has recently become the strongest engraver in the Samsung brand. Freshly, I have everything in my arsenal that a koristuvach needs today. A smartphone, regardless of its availability, is more comfortable than ever. Here there is a solid 16 MP camera, a wonderful SuperAMOLED screen in FHD format with a size of 5.2 inches, as well as a solid metal construction from the back of the warehouse. Perevagou apparatus є zahist vіd vologi (IP68). Є pіdtrimka is no less than the system of mobile payments Android Pay, but Samsung Pay . The software plan is based on Android 6.0, and the hardware plan is based on the 8-core Exynos 7880 chip graphics core Mali-T830 MP3. The rozrobniks did not mess up that memory, the device is equipped with 32 GB of ROM and 3 GB of RAM.

3. Wileyfox Swift 2X
Whose smartphone is on the current list of those who have found it, but it doesn’t look like it’s wrong. How to get inspired, you can show that the model is given - it's a miracle solution for koristuvachiv, how to value Android in a classic way. The device, crim of the NFC module, is equipped with a processor Snapdragon 430, 5.2" Full HD display IPS matrix, a battery capacity of 3010 mAh, Quick Charge 3.0, which gives a quick charge, a “RAM” for 3 GB and a 32 GB one. Serious stuffing for an inexpensive add-on, wait a minute. Another option is a 16-megapixel camera and Cyanogen OS, based on Android 6.0.

4. Xiaomi Mi5s
For the balance of the price and equipment of the model, there are no equal averages for the smartphones presented by ours. The top of the device does not have an abyssal processor, but a top one Snapdragon 821, Because of productivity, everything is wonderful here. The metal body, the tight 12-megapixel photomodule with a double sleeper, the large amount of RAM and ROM, as well as the compact 5.15-inch IPS-screen can not deprive anyone of a Chinese device. Acceptance bonus - the presence of NFC. Koristuvacha zustrіchaє friendly shell MIUI 8, as it is based on Android 6.0. Live Xiaomi Mi5s with a 3200 mAh battery. Yogo can be quickly charged with Quick Charge 3.0 technology.

5.Lenovo P2
Over the years, this gadget has recently been vicotized by the Lenovo company, which has a good technical warehouse and a wonderful autonomy. So, the presence of an NFC sensor is the main receiving moment, but it is far from the most important in Lenovo smartphones P2. First, the model has a 5.5-inch Full HD SuperAMOLED panel and a high-capacity 5100 mAh battery. In a different way, buying a metal body, chipset Snapdragon 625, the memory is great. Definitely one of the most advantageous solutions for Narazi.

I have a smartphone with NFC support.
What is it like that yak їy koristuvatisya?

NFC (Near Field Communication) - wireless technology high-frequency call small radius diї (up to 10 cm), which allows contactless exchange of data between outbuildings, spreading on small stands: for example, between reading terminal and stylish phone or a plastic smart card.

NFC technology is based on RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification, radio frequency identification is a method for automatically identifying objects, in which for additional radio signals, data is read or recorded, which are collected in transponders or RFID-mite). kah), so that the technology of transmitting information over a radio channel, yak supports both active and passive devices.

For example, Sony NFC key fobs do not need additional food (reading data), so the stench can be used more passively.

There are three most popular options for using NFC technology in mobile phones:
- emulation of cards - the phone pretends to be a card, for example, a pass or a payment card;
- reading mode - the phone reads a passive tag (Tag), for example for interactive advertising;
- P2P mode - two telephones communicate and exchange information.

How to “wear” an NFC chip is most often used mobile phone- attach the flooring and mass, like and individually, and the smut is inseparable from your hairdresser, speaking like:
- payment zasib (virtual gamanets),
- zasіb identifikatsії Vlasnik,
- key,
- bonus card
- proїzny ticket.

In this hour, NFC solutions are already popping up in rich areas.
For example, for the help of this technology, booking and sales of electronic tickets, payment for travel in public transport and parking of cars, NFC technology are actively gaining ground in the sphere of services and rozvag, in the sphere of security and access control.

The maximum radius is close to 10 div.
The module operates at a frequency of 13.56 MHz.
Transmission speed: 106 Kb/s - 848 Kb/s.

Why is NFC recognized as Bluetooth technology?

The most important NFC milestone is the most short hour of the call, one tenth of a second.
In addition, NFC has a smaller radius, so that this method of transmitting information is more likely to be protected.
NFC allows you to transfer data with a speed of 424 Kb/s, which is less than Bluetooth.

The development of the technology of contactless payments called for before the appearance of such cards as Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass, which may be equipped with an antenna and work behind the NFC standard.

The development of which market has led to the fact that Google, MasterCard, Citibank, Sprint and First Data have created Google service Wallet, installations on some Android phones.
The addon allows you to change your phone to credit card, which you can cry in any terminal, which supports PayPass.

Chi support your NFC device

You can check the presence of the NFC adapter in the device using one of the following methods:

1. Appearance of the NFC logo on the device.

2. Availability to write Near Field Communication I'll add it to the battery.

3. Through the settings menu I will add:
- Go to the menu to set up an Android device - at the branch " Bezdrotovі merezhi» press «More…» - you should click on the NFC button.

NFC activated

If you have an NFC adapter, you may need to allow some other device to exchange data between other NFC devices.

At the branch "Nalashtuvannya" - "Bezdrotovі merezhі" - "More ..." - put a check mark on the item "Allow the exchange of data when the tablet is confused with other attachments".
When this happens, the Android Beam feature will automatically turn on.
If Android Beam doesn't turn on automatically, just click on the new one and select So, to turn it on.

Although Android Beam is disabled, it does not interfere with the ability to exchange NFC between devices.

What are NFC tags

NFC tags are small programmed information zones, which can be used in posters, billboards or on police stations from products at retail stores.
Having reached the icon, you can take additional information, for example, maps, web addresses and movie commercials.

Scanning NFC tag:

1. Verify that the NFC function is activated on the phone.
2. Move the phone above the icon so that the NFC zone displayed on the phone is placed.
3. The phone will show the sign and show the removal in place.
4. Stick around instead of a mark, to open yoga.
5. To see the sign, to hit it.

Broadcast music file to another phone for NFC assistance:

1. Check that both phones have NFC and active screens enabled.
2. Open the music player, go to the main screen and select "Multimedia" - the "Music" icon.
Like the "Music" pictogram, it does not show up, it is touched by the "Program screen" pictograms, and then - by the "Music" pictograms.
3. Go to the My Music tab to open the media library.
4. Choose a musical category and choose a record that you need to send.
5. Touch the record for confirmation.
Then you can touch the “Pause” icons to start the recording.
Transmission is possible, if the recording is acknowledged or suspended.
6. Open your phone and the receiving phone with the rear parts so that their NFC recognition zones stick around.
7. After the phone call is set, the phone will vibrate and the data transmission will start.
8. Immediately after the vibration, remove the phones and one in one.
Remote phone calls one day after the vibration will prevent repeated connection attempts, as they can override data transfers.
9. After the transfer is completed on the phone, which is received, the music file will be automatically deleted.
One hour the file will be saved in the Music program.

NFC has its own dark sides, the technology can make a lot of everyday tasks easier, but at the same time it can make things easier from a security point of view.
The technology of transferring data is less practical in the near future - but it is not practical.
For the ultimate indulgence, you can use NFC as you don't care about the technology.
But then all the power of the technology is evaporated and you can use other methods.
In addition, keep everything and keep your smart phone up to date.
If you use your smartphone like a mobile phone, but if you don’t protect it with anything, then you can blame problems.
Please don't forget to use the PIN code as required.

In addition, reveal a possible scenario for spending or stealing a phone.
Just the lucky one who knows (or the evildoer) can speed up with all the functions and payments.
But all the same, be realistic: if you spend a lot of money or the keys in the car, then you will not be safe to blame for that. NFC is safer

The first phone with an NFC chip was released back in 2006: the Nokia 6131 “layout box” began to reach out to them.
Vtіm, due to the presence of the infrastructure, the function turned out to be absolutely unclaimed.

One of the serial smartphones NFC module - Sony Xperia S.
This device with a dual-core processor and a 4.3-inch HD screen works well operating system Android 2.3.7 (upcoming updates to Android 4.0).
This phone is supplied with two XPERIA SmartTags NFC tags, which allow you to program the launch of new operations in the device at the same radius (for example, turn on Wi-Fi or start the navigator just then).

One of the steps of the current computer industry- Intel Corporation plans to introduce NFC chips into ultrabooks of the next generation, which guarantee future technology in the first generation.

In breasts 2016 Accept NFC Controller Interface 2.0, NFC Activity 2.0 and NFC Digital Protocol 2.0 specifications, as well as NFC Type 5 Tag Candidate.

Specification NFC Controller Interface (NCI) Technical Specification Version 2.0 defines a standard interface for an NFC-enabled device between an NFC controller and a CPU.
At new version added ACM support for P2P connection and NFC technology-V Technology to allow NFC devices to interact with a wider range of devices and tags.
Also, the possibility of the Listen Mode Routing mechanism has been expanded, and it has been further improved, including the use of NFC for making payments.

Specification NFC Activity Technical Specification Version 2.0 defines its own “goal” (Activities) for which the radio frequency protocol is formed.

Specification NFC Digital Protocol Technical Specification Version 2.0 defines the digital part of the radio frequency protocol developed by NFC-enabled devices.
This is a duplex protocol that allows attachments to act as read / write attachments, cards that can be used, or I will add P2P.

The NFC Forum Type 5 Tag Candidate Specification defines a new type of tags that can save NDEF notifications.
The information from the first notice indicates various differences, as a victorious attachment, as a matter of fact.

Files Go will be Google's first file manager

Smartphone under keruvannyam Android OS without built-in file manager it is built with a rich, incompetent outbuilding due to sumnivnoy ergonomics.
Nezabara Google to add to the company's digital store with better software security, to help newcomers and newcomers to sort out personal archives on smartphones.

The program under the name Files Go, how to declare yoga retailers, allow you to rationally cherish a collection of special data and bring your smartphone to the right.
The space for Files Go is already reserved in Google Play, but the program is still unavailable for bidding.

Sered key features Files Go means the possibility of a quick exchange of files between devices in offline mode (without an Internet connection), the function shvidkoy poshuk documentation and literate tips on programs that allow you to change the space for those chi and other purposes.

The debut of the Intel Optane 900p SSD line from memory 3D XPoint

Intel Corporation officially introduced the first solid-state storage devices for PC and working stations, created on the basis of perspective memory 3D XPoint.
Add-ons have upgraded to the Optane 900p line, available in versions with a volume of 280 and 480 GB, and they are ahead of the competitors' solutions, as well as in the case of server analogs, high swidcode when working with other files is an order of great resource record.

Intel Optane 900p storage available as low profile cards PCI-E expansion, So it looks like 2.5-inch add-ons with U.2 rosette (only 280-gigabyte models).
In both modes, the transmission channel is a couple of lines to the PCI Express 3.0 interface.
The maximum speed of subsequent reading and recording is 2500 and 2000 MB / s, and the speed when working with four-kilobyte blocks reaches 550 thousand. IOPS when reading 500 thousand. recording operations.

One of the advantages of the representations of NVMe-accumulators is their resource.
The TBW parameter (total number of bytes that are written) for a 480 GB model becomes 8760 TB, and for a model with a volume of 280 GB it will be 5110 TB.
In this way, you can be guaranteed to overwrite over 18 thousand times.

Considering the recommended varsity, the Intel Optane 900p storage device with a volume of 480 GB will cost at least $600, and the 280-gigabyte model was estimated by the chipmaker at 390 dollars.
On all outbuildings, the 5-fold guarantee of the picker is being expanded.

New sets GeForce drivers 388.10 and Radeon Crimson ReLive 17.10.3

Released Wolfenstein: The New Colossus after AMD and Nvidia released new driver packages, clicked to fix problems caused by unstable job new shooter
Offending releases may be a beta version and do not carry new game optimizations.

Plastic bag Radeon drivers Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.10.3 fixes "hanging" and "villoti" in the games Wolfenstein: The New Colossus and Destiny 2 on graphics adapters Radeon series RX Vega.
Game optimization for these projects included to the "red" set of drivers, starting from front version (17.10.2).

Lately, Nvidia, in order not to disturb gamers by checking for the release of the Game Ready driver, optimized specifically for the new shooter like MachineGames, released a small patch for the looking GeForce 388.10 Hotfix.
The key task of the new release was security stable work Wolfenstein: The New Colossus on video cards of the Kepler generation
The release of the full Game Ready driver is scheduled for next week.

New malware for stealing pennies from ATMs

"Kaspersky Lab" has revealed a new shkidlivu program that allows malefactors to steal pennies from ATMs.

Be aware that the malware is named Cutlet Maker.
To attack an ATM of Zlochintsev, it is necessary to remove access to the USB port.
If so, it is necessary to sequentially win the low programming tools.

A special Stimulator module enters the Cutlet Maker warehouse, which displays the number and denomination of banknotes in ATM cassettes.
Tse allow the evil-doer to pick the heart of the heart in order to take revenge on the largest sum of pennies, and not the child “sleepfully”, sorting out the cassettes one by one.
In this way, an hour will pass to carry out an attack, and then, the chances of confining evil-doers in the place of robbery will decrease.

The situation is getting worse now that the Cutlet Maker malware is propagated to anyone on the public Internet market.
The cost of the program is $5000, moreover, the dialing includes the instruction manual.
In this rank, you can inflict evildoing on a found evildoer.

So far, I have not figured out who is behind the cutlet maker.
But analysis shows what is for creators shkidlivoї programs English language not native.

Apple may block smartphones with a non-genuine display

With the release of iOS 11.0.3, Apple has the ability to block smartphones and tablets from an installed non-original display.

Also, now the "apple" virobnik can be remotely controlled with devices and you can see how the components are victorious in them.

Apple commented on the update:

“The problem of the impractical touch input on the iPhone 6S was fixed, through which the screens of some attachments did not react to the dot, removing counterfeit components.
Replacing faulty displays with non-original ones may cause a decrease in the brightness of the image and malfunctions in the robot.
Repair, certified by Apple, vindicated by experts, like victorious original details.

Early view Vlasnikov iPhone 6S came in scargs on the display hatch.
Deyak koristuvachs repaired their gadgets in certified service centers.
At some point they have ceased to practice sensory input.
Then Apple released an update that removed the problem.
We also recommended that the iPhone be repaired only in authorized service centers.

In this way, if there are millions of iPhones, iPads and other Apple products, they will cease to be manufactured, because the stench was repaired by third-party facsimiles.

Let's take a look today, what is NFC. This technology appeared in smartphones already a long time ago, but a lot of koristuvachiv undeservedly deprive you of respect. What is it for? What's the deal with NFC? On all meals, you will be informed by your stats. Let's take a look at what the wonderful abbreviation NFC means. It is deciphered as Near field communication, which is transferred as a near field communication to a near contactless call.

Look, at the same practice of NFS technology, do not move 10 centimeters. A maximum speed transfers become less than 424 kb/s. The central frequency of the NFC robot is 13.56 MHz. The development of technology was carried out in 2004, and the first specification of the standard was approved in 2006. The first addition to the NFC support - Nokia 6131.

In a nutshell, the principle of NFC technology can be described in this way. The skin attachment has an induction coil that generates an electromagnetic field. On the other outbuilding, there is one more such cat, in it, under the inflow of the field of the first cat, the electrician is winking, as if it were transformed into a signal. The device is capable of generating electromagnetic fields and exchanging them. Such a robotic mode is called active. And є th passive mode, if only one attachment generates an electromagnetic field. In this rank, cards or RFID tags are processed.

Now let's take a look at NFC in smartphones. First and, perhaps, the widest zastosuvannya - tse file transfer. There is one expansion of the myth, many people think that the transfer is carried out without intermediary via NFC. But really, it can be controlled either by bluetooth or by Wi-Fi Direct.

NFC acts as an important identifier for the outbuildings. For example, Google transmission technology danich android Bin vikoristovuє bluetooth for transmitting data, but if everything worked out as a requirement, it was necessary to add one to one via NFC. Samsung has its own implementation of sbin, which transfers data at a faster rate to the one who works already over Wi-Fi.

Another stagnation of NFC, as it began to gain more and more popularity - contactless payments. At the moment, low banks and electronic gadgets have learned how to use NFC in smartphones. As a result, you can immediately pay for the assistance of the NSF for travel by public transport, fares at cafes and shopping in supermarkets. Such a way to pay for a good team that you know at hand. If you can still forget the card, then we are not separated from the phone to get more sleep.

In order for all this magic to work, we need three speeches.

  1. Obviously, the smartphone is made of NFC chip
  2. Special software for paying and saving data (details of the payment system card).
  3. Terminal at the store, which accepts contactless payment.

Without a doubt, you are asking for food: “How safe are the NFS payments?”. How can I be able to carry out a transaction remotely without your permission? Well, judge for yourself. In order to make a payment, the phone needs to be brought about 5 centimeters from the terminal, when the smartphone is guilty of unlocking. I movirnіst that tі dvі mind will be like podlashtovanі shahraєm, pragnet zero. And if you want to inspire stars not on your self-interest, then on the defense of gamantsa you will become obezhennya for the maximum amount of payment. Most of the payment systems and hamants have a fee of 10-15 dollars. The threshold for the baggage can be taken.

Payment Crime NFC allows you to quickly install a couple of peripheral buildings. You can connect in a few seconds to smartphone bluetooth headphones, stand or turn on the TV. For example, Sony has TV models, to which you can connect an NFC phone. With the help of a list of non-trivial speeches, if you can connect NFC, you can continue for a long time, and I will bring all the applications. The first thing that comes to mind is a door lock with an NFC chip, which can be opened from a smartphone, which is more convenient. You can also speed up for any NFC ring.

You just program the necessary algorithm for doing it and link it to the sign. We got into the car, reported the phone to the mark and your smartphone was filled with a mustache, which is necessary. Similar scenarios can be predicted as a whole, both for work and for home. Good, that the tags are not expensive on Aliexpress. More than anything, this article describes far from all the ways to get NFC installed, and yet you seem to win this technology out of the blue, share your ideas in the comments.

Without a doubt, deyakі z my chitachiv chuli about the technology "NFC". A number of people actively cultivate victorious technology in their life, but the absolute majority of coristuvachiv do not know about it and achieve inexpressibly razumіє, what is it and how it works. This material of exclamations shed light on this topic, in the new I will report on what NFC is on the phone, I will learn the reader about the history of this technology, we will tell you how the principles of its functioning and how to get along with it.

NFC - technology for jetless transmission danih

Tsey termin NFCє abbreviation in the form of words "Near Field Communication" (at the translation of "near field communication"). This name was not taken casually, since NFC is a technology for wireless transmission of data on short (up to 4 cm) distances for an additional radio wave.

The technology has been assigned to expand the capabilities of the current standard of contactless cards (ISO 14443 coding). NFS works on the basis of the magnetic field induction and the interconnection of the loop antennas, the operating frequency is set to 13.56 MHz, with this data exchange speed is small, only 424 Kbit / s.

Zavdyaki to their small roses, slowness of the day and low energy supply given technology mass vikoristovuetsya in small outbuildings (the so-called "NFC tags", smartphones, plastic cards, too). If you don’t know what you do, I recommend that you find out for help.

What is NFC and what’s wrong with a smartphone [video]:

History of NFC

In order to better understand what NFC is on your phone, I recommend watching the video above, but we are moving farther and learning the history of this technology. To its roots, the NFS embraces the technology of "radio frequency identification" (English RFID), which has been on the cob since 1983. The technology of Near Field Communication made it possible to record the necessary data for additional radio signals, which are collected from special RFID tags.

The fate of the people of the NFS was adopted in 2004, if three IT giants - Sony, Philips and Nokia created an "NFC forum", a non-profit organization, calling for the creation of a single interface for interfacing attachments, which is based on a simple dot one.

Zavdyaki a distant development These technologies in 2006 were called "NFS tags", in 2007 a similar tag was introduced in Nokia 6131, and in 2009 the NFC forum created the Peer-to-Peer standard, which allows smartphones to exchange contacts for the help of NFS, ylanni, initialize Bluetooth and so on.

Nine technology NFS is included in the functionality of the multiplier mobile outbuildings(The support for this technology appeared in the OS Android version 4.0); bank cards and so far.

Advantages and shortcomings of NFC

What are the advantages of NFC over other alternative technologies (the same Bluetooth)? Wow like this:

  • Small radius dії. Through those that the NSF works on a small radius of diy, the humility of the apparent data is even lower. This is especially true for penny transactions, which changes the possibility of stealing one;
  • Shvidke connection between NFC attachments. If the same Bluetooth needs to be installed at the same time, it is necessary for a certain hour, then on the NFS connection it will be mittevo;
  • Minimum size of outbuildings. Chip NFS can be a place to be, and create a great field of possibilities for yoga;
  • Small variety. NFC tags can be bought for a small amount of money, they can be freely programmed for an additional smartphone.

The main shortfall in technology is the low speed of data transmission. In order to compensate, the programs are encouraged to use the NFS technology with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi (when the device is installed between the devices, the NFZ security, and when transferring the files themselves - Bluetooth and Wi-Fi).

What is an NFC tag

Ring out, the NFC label is called small annex, Equipped with NFC chip. Such a mark can’t build its own life, live as a receiver (smartphone), without any way out it’s just marna.

Sound like this, the marks can shape the shape of small visionaries (or pofarbovannyh) mugs, which can be used in posters, monuments, billboards, stands at shops too. If your phone is able to wake up the NFS module, then you can read information from such a tag (for example, when you enter the NFS tag on a monument, you take away information about the date of creation of the monument, its creation, and so on).

How to know what is on NFC phones

Otzhe, you vyrishili speed up the advances of NFC technology, and when you click, how to recognize that there is NFC on your smartphone, read further. Ring out the virobniki technical characteristics Instruct the device to indicate the presence of the NFS technology (you can search for information in the instructions to your phone). In addition, the riddle about the presence of the NFS can be played on the battery of your smartphone (or under it).

Revisiting the support of NFC technology in telephones

Well, the usual attributes of the presence of the NFS were not revealed by you, then you can go to the setting of your Android smartphone, select the item “Droid-less meshes” there (otherwise “ Dodatkovі nalashtuvannya), and if your phone supports this technology, then you can check the checkbox there (it is necessary to check the box for this activation).

As for the iPhone, the NFS technology was implemented with the iPhone 6. On more early models, the technology was given daily.

How to use NFC on smartphones

To enable the NFC function, go to the “Parameters” of your device and activate the “NFC” mode (sound the VIN to be in the “Root-Free Port”, or there may be variations of this item, associated with a specific version of your operating system systems). It is also necessary to enable the “Android Beam” option and think about those, so that more than one of the two attachments (like touching smartphones) does not block the screen or is not in sleep mode. I am aware of what NFC technology is, and now we are learning how to make a fuss.

If one of the attachments has a significant NFS tag, then bring the smartphone to it with the back side (previously activated by the NFC and Android Beam functions) and get the characteristic sound signal, after which instead of the labels will be read and appear on the PC screen (as a substitute for appointments for a great visual demonstration). This technology is similar to the common technology of QR codes, which works in a similar manner.

In this way, you can share not only photos, but also letters, virtual business cards, text and apk-files and other information of a small amount. To transfer files of great expansions, it is better to use other ways (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and others).

In addition, there is a row external additions, who win the droto-free remote technology in your robot. For example, in additions File Expert HD, Send! File Transfer technology NFC is recognized for a quick connection, and for data transfer it uses Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, which guarantees a quick transfer of large files.

To write information to NFC tags, use the functionality of such NFC add-ons ReTag, ABA NFC, SmartTag Maker and others.

Video lookout Near Field Communication

Since we have figured out that NFC can also be used in telephones, the technology has become an inseparable part of our life. Some of us can help with stosuvannya when working with terminals and banking transactions, when transferring information between smartphones, in public transport and other areas and areas of social life. At the same time, the functionality of the NFS continues to expand and fully expand, and, in addition, more than once, we are familiar with technologies based on NFC in the future. Axis please.

In contact with

The theme of NFC today is on everyone's lips. Ale sho hovaєtsya for tsim skorochennyam? Below, we will try to develop our technologies, and we will also suggest possible scenarios for the future. Obviously, you will need a phone with NFC support. Let's take a look at the terminology. Under the abbreviation NFC, "Near Field Communication" means "Near Field Communication". І tse appointment seems to be for itself. The NFC link for transferring information over a short distance is about 4 cm.

To demonstrate the feasibility of the technology, we took it again, the only traces of this model in our test laboratory, the NFC technology was implemented from the latest performance to the specifications. Obviously, NFC is also supported in other phones, for example, in the same Galaxy Nexus, and in the Sony package there are so-called "smart tags" or smart tags, such records have a song code. Varto just put the Smart Tag keychain in the back phone Xperia S, how to start need a program otherwise it will be vikonan, whether it’s for another, deservingly, in the form of a koristuvach’s coat. It is possible to change the status to change the SMS or change the interface. We tried to briefly demonstrate these functions on the hovered video clip.

Marvel at the possibility that one can see the future:

The Touch & Travel function is already being introduced in Europe for buying tickets, although it is still only in test mode.

Vtіm, NFC can win not only for these scenarios. Google plans to introduce a "Wallet" payment service, if it's enough just to put the phone on the counter, after which confirm the transaction. At such a time, you can come up with products, not get the hell out of the gut. Meanwhile, since the stores have started mass-producing similar costs to the payment, NFC phones can occupy a larger part of the market. You can come up with other possible scenarios: for example, buying tickets from the European metro, the price of the trip to lie down in the city, pay off automatically, you won’t happen to pay off in the sea of ​​​​tariffs. Otherwise, you can go with your phone, for example, to a concert, as if they sent a ticket back far. Also, other scenarios appear, if the NFC phone works as a car key, and also activates some profiles (for example, I love the radio station). Obviously, you can guess the impersonal other scenarios, and the programs with the NFC support on the phone show immensity. Ale yak schodo bezpeki? Below we will try to look at the technical aspects of NFC.

Technical details:

Sony Xperia S already has NFC - the so-called "smart tags", as it is easy to simply allow you to select a number of actions.

The NFC technology is based on RFID, that is, the technology of transmission over a radio channel, which supports both active and passive devices. For example, Sony NFC key fobs do not need additional food (reading data), so the stench can be used more passively. The similar principle of work significantly facilitates everyday operation and promotes arrogance. How to secure data protection in such a passive / active system? All the same, security is still a prerogative for the time being active systems, if the offending parties may be eating that sufficient "intellect" for the zahistu danikh. Tue, at NFC phones vikoristovuєtsya active chip, to that deaky zakhist is quite possible. All other functions are connected through the smartphone's add-ons, like in the Xperia S window, but can you run them with the same success, like copying a passive key fob? Obviously, when a copy is guilty, it’s close to the smartphone, but is it still a little bit imaginative such a scenario? І scho can be with the naigrish one? Can the intruder turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or phone functions or send SMS?

Technically, NFC transmits information on channels of 13.56 MHz, the range is declared to be a maximum of 10 cm. Vtіm, on such a security you can easily transfer information about contacts, code verification and whether or not other text data. Obviously, two active extensions are communicating, as we already guessed more, the code can be encrypted.


Not all those gold scho shine. І NFC has its shortcomings. The technology of transferring data is less practical in the near future - but it is not practical. For the ultimate indulgence, you can use NFC as you don't care about the technology. But then all the wisdom of the technology is evaporating, and you can earn money for all scenarios by other methods. In addition, keep everything and keep your smart phone up to date. If you use your smartphone like a mobile phone, but if you don’t protect it with anything, then you can blame problems. Please don't forget to use the PIN code as required, as Micro Systemation has demonstrated with its Software XRY.

In addition, reveal a possible scenario for spending or stealing a phone. Just the lucky one who knows (or the evildoer) can speed up with all the functions and payments. But all the same, be realistic: if you spend a lot of money or the keys in the car, then the troubles will blame you yourself.


NFC is an endless technology of the future. mustache more smartphones equipped with a powerful chip, electronic payments are becoming more popular, and that and a variety of common functions are becoming easier. But that's the problem: people deserve comfort, but wines bring their troubles. All the same, security mechanisms are important for comfort, but you will have to check the additional input and recheck, for example, the PIN code or the password. That is why it is so impressive that in the press there are mass announcements that someone has put in a phone with NFC, after which there is a bank account at the bank. And as a result, it turns out that this person was fighting with additional security entries for greater comfort. Would you like a reference stock? Have you checked the PIN code on your phone?

The same can be said about technology: NFC has its own dark sides, technology can make a lot of everyday tasks easier, but at the same time it can make them safe from the point of view of safety. Vіd us to lay down those, which technology will become the nearest fates, and like me їy y koristuvatimosya.

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