Unofficial design msi afterburner. MSI Afterburner (video card testing and distribution)

In order to turn off all the barvi of life and know how your computer starts upє new gro on high settings, you need to update the rozgin with such a program, like, for example, MSI Afterburner. "Yak koristuvatisya їy?" - Completely logical power supply. Little explanation is needed for the message.

What video cards can be used?

The company (cleverly Nvidia), when preparing a small batch of graphic cards, conduct a test for stress and boundary values, and then just display the same stable values ​​for all display cards.

The virobnik simply cannot transform the skin of the broken video card for stiffness before the razgon. I will simply set the bar on the value, when a video card is protested, it will not work. In general, the video card itself is installed in your PC and demonstrates high overclocking performance. The indicators for the increase in FPS from the acceleration range from Gris to Gris: boom, Lead will reach up to 10%, and sometimes and will increase by all 50%. To lay down the price of the one that you know,


It is natural that food is about those who are not uncomfortable. The indicators were also tested and picked up by the company by the virobnik. It’s not like that. Inodi buvak, wyrobniks themselves recommend three rosignati vidokartu, if it smells good, what a "cheap price" and went back to low values.

If the rozgin is not recommended by a virobnik, all one thing can be violated. All modern video cards are stolen by innovative technologies, which are sensible to be produced before the offensive: if you overheat, then you just get lost and drop the value on the cob. Those same will become, if you overdo it and whistle back great value quickening. The computer will rewire and skip the settings for the video card.

Encryption and installation of programs

In the given statistics, it will be said about the MSI Afterburner 2.3.1 program, how to use it and the main aspects of the robot.

You can customize the program on the official website, on the side of the program, check out the downloads from the Downloads tab.

And then click on the order button from the first program presented on the side.

During the installation process, you will need to vibrate, the installation folder and the components will be installed. It is recommended to install RivaTuner Statistics Server - a program to expand the capabilities of your computer's robot.


To be able to see how to use MSI Afterburner, you need to get familiar with the interface. Wines are stored from some of the main elements:

  • The number 1 of the vision shows the current clock of the video adapter.
  • With the number 2, it is possible to display temperature indicators and spasms, not to be lost in statistics.
  • The number 3 denotes the main part of the program, which is displayed for the designation.
  • The region, seen by the number 4, is the center of statistics.

But all the same, the main food with MSI Afterburner: "How can I get a video card?" To that, we are familiar with the razgone razgone more in detail:

  • Core Voltage (mV) - Denmark parameter vidpovida for the video card harvesting. For more energy, the temperature and more can be given by the frequency of the video card.
  • Power Limit (%) - The setting will set the power limit for the power-on technology - throttling. In the process of grids, when the video card is repaired with a rapt, changing the parameter, the throttling and reduction of the frequency to the standard, and sometimes even to the lesser level, is turned on. People who ask for food about those who use MSI Afterburner, and only know about the program, blame the nobility, overwhelmingly overridden the permissible conditions (about which you can read on the official sites of the Power Limit), you will often not be asked to fill in problems before for editing.
  • Temp Limit - the parameter will set the temperature threshold, if the video card includes throttling, so that the Power Limit function is applied, only for the temperature, and not for the temperature.
  • Core Clock (MHz) - (eng. "Core clock") - the clock that has been chosen for overclocking. The change of the value of the new frequency is accurate, by 10-15 points, the skin times are saved and the correctness of the new frequencies in the graphical supplements is changed.
  • Memory Clock (MHz) - (eng. "Memory frequency"). Take care of the rozgіn, varto pam'yatati, scho Memory clock razgіnі mіzhe marno - the parameter does not pour into the productivity without razgіn, so і Core clock itself.
  • Fan speed (%) - a control for regulating the cooler on the video card.

Brown functions

You can easily change the MSI Afterburner interface in the software. Bagatom is similar to the old style of programs:

The Default MSI Afterburner v2 Skin interface is hovering below.

It can be not handy, it’s necessary to use the skin once the program is used for storing the boom. In this case, you can fix the Apply overclocking at system startup setting. It is necessary to operate the network only at the same time, as it is in the original frequencies.

It is also more manual є the ability to save the settings in the profile and distant settings according to the needs. For the whole of it, write Profile on the icon and select the number of the profile.

Piznishe, in order to fix the settings, just click on the number.

Write Start Up Windows icon... If you put it in active mode, then MSI Afterburner will be launched at once with the operating system.

Statistics Center for click on the Detach button okreme vіkno with data.


Crazy, if the game looks like 65-70 FPS, it doesn't matter how much your graphical chip is going to be built up. On the right, if the computer is abiyak vityagu 15-20 FPS. This type of video has a gain of 5-10 frames per second, and it also gives a hundred and a half of the picture, and the layout of the video card of the building. Tim is not safe anymore (like an hour ago, if the video card can be displayed in a direct sense of burning), but sometimes it is recommended to navigate if you don’t know how to use MSI Afterburner.

MSI Afterburner is the most beautiful of its kind on Danish moment... It is unambiguously necessary for the victors to be able to use a lot of gravitas - the team who has no 3 GTX 1080TI in the background. Ale golovne - pam'yatati, how rozgin video cards in any kind of vidad to її bolsh shvidnogo otkhodno, navit as you know,

MSI Afterburner was released on the basis of the Riva Tuner. Prior to the її functions, the following shall be applied: the distribution of graphics processors for the adjustment of the power supply of key elements, the increase in the frequency and function of the memory, the adjustment of the speed of the wrap-up of the cooler and the monitoring of the graphical flow-rate unit. Yak koristuvatsya MSI Afterburner, and it looks like itself, clearly visible below.

Note! It is even more important to control the temperature when using additional saws. graphics processor, Do not overheat the attitudes and do not lead you to bad luck. When victorian tough gamer video card is more beautiful than podbati pro new system chilled.

Utility to keep pace with the dynamic temperature of the device and in vivoditi vivodity about the replacement of the critical (established by koristuvach) value.


Install MSI Afterburner

Zavanazhennya programs zyisnyuєtsya from the Russian version of the official resource її pіdtrimka, roztashovany for the best.

  1. For the transition to the new embossed "Download Afterburner" and check, until the archives with the installer get stuck.
  1. rozpakovuєmo stiles file for help.

Small. 2 - Rozpakuvannya archive via 7Z

  1. I will say “OK” to the interface and embossed.

Small. 3 - Vibir move to the interface

  1. In the іnshikh windows embossed "Dali", having entered the instalation programs.

Small. 4 - Vkazuumo shlyakh іnstalyatsії

  1. After completing, copy and restore the files in the Afterburner launch.

Small. 5 - Launch Afterburner for installation

By launching the programs on the display, the interface with the main data will appear: the current parameters of the function and the stan.

Stylishly designed Afterburner

Change the skin for the program is no worse than the use in exploitation, that is a lot of koristuvachіv at once it’s more friendly. For the whole viclikєmo "Nalashtuvannya" click on the pictogram of the gear in the center of the congress.

Small. 6 - Button wikliku nalashtuvan programs

Then go to the "Interface" tab and in the third pidrozdilі "The power of skіnіv ..." vibiraєmo bilsh type decorated with programs. Immediately, you can use it, the temperature format (Celsius / Fahrenheit) and hour.

The "Basic" deposit has a vibrating graphics processor, so that the configuration is ready, if a pair of video cards is selected, or, if integrated, is installed and discrete. With the presence of two of the same annexes, it is possible to work in a connection, by the same token, the option of synchronization and adjustment.

Fig. 7 - Vibir of the victorious for the suggestions of the video card

On the left panel, there are data with numbers about the exact frequency of the robotic graphics processor. The right-handed person can see the correct temperature and pressure.

Small. 8 - Information panel

The central part of the interface is occupied by a frame with calls, for the help of which and there is a regulation:

  • strains on the core;
  • obmezheniya straining;
  • boundary temperature;
  • graphics core frequency;
  • memory frequency;
  • number of cooler wraps.

Small. 9 - Frame for video card

On the frame of the order with a button wiklik vіkna nalashtuvan roztashovan klavіsha skidannya nalashtuvan at the factory.

Small. 10 - Button for skidding nalashtuvan

The lower part of the MSI Afterburner interface is borrowed for monitoring the temperature graphs and other operating parameters of the graphical payment.

Small. 11 - Key indicators monitoring

Remaining an important element of the interface is the panel for managing the profiles and mixing between them.

Small. 12 - Managing presets

Simple rules of management

The program allows you to regulate the voltage on the wired graphic adapter. Regularly from the microarchitecture and the vicious microcircuit, the parameter can be displayed in millivolts or in hundreds of cob values.

Deactivated for all outbuildings, except for companies (from MSI). For її activation, you need to go to the main program setup and enable one of the options. There are several modes: for standard microcircuits, for chips from MSI and third-party graphics adapters.

Small. 13 - Rozblokuvannya function of management of energy supply

As soon as the activation of the parameter win is still inactive (we will be fooled into the blue color), it will turn up to the core of the operation of the graphics processor. Shvidshe for everything, Afterburner will not install the microcontroller on the attachments of the programs, you can navigate through the program.

Increase the value of the parameter next step, by the number of skin changes, and the sawing stitches for the temperature and stability of the robotic display of the meaning of the skin change. With a significant adjustment, there will be more overtaxing and more pardons in pro-rakhunks, as well as great immorality in the process of malfunctioning in the robotic system of the whole system, if artifacts appear, etc.

After reprogramming the controller, like clicking on the buttons from the checkbox images, it is more convenient to carry out, for example, for the additional Kombuster utility. As long as a bet of years has not been mentioned, the indicator can be changed for a few times or dozens of ones.

Small. 14 - Stagnation of new configuration

If you want to save the value of the core stress to change to the standard, try to go to the settings and the vibration control method, but you will not be able to control the value through MSI Afterburner.

Pidvischuvati / reduce the parameters of the varto for a few dozen or so on the skin, carry out stress tests for the skin preservation, adjust or launch. Another vipad is recommended to run RTSS, the installation will go to Afterburner. The program in the overlay mode (overlay) will visualize a number of frames, so that it can be seen as a video card in the grid.

Small. 16 - Adjusting the frequency of the graphics core

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About koryst to the rod. Part three - video card

10.06.2011 03:55 List: 1 out of 3| | version for druku | | archiv
  • Stor. 1: Intro, MSI AfterBurner, stability test
  • Stor. 2: Perevirka-2, participants and rozgin, Inno3D GeForce GTX 480 iChiLL, Inno3d GeForce GTX 460, Gainward GTX 550 Ti GS
  • Stor. 3: AMD Radeon HD 6870, AMD Radeon HD 5850, additional information, stand, productivity, visnovok


This article was written for newcomers to the development of the right. Її meta - display the "extraordinary" video card driver, which does not transfer the system and the cooling, improve the liveness or flashing the BIOS. "

  • Frequency that can be applied to all of them without the blame of GPU revision (except for defective ones) - does not mean that some of them can be more efficient;
  • The value of the vividness of the video card core (Vgpu) is optimal in terms of the frequency of GPU robots and thermal imaging (not typical for top video cards);
  • The level of thermal imaging (and that means Vgpu, which intertwines the GPU frequency), depending on the productivity of the standard cooler, is used for cooling this video card model.

The increase in the frequency and the video memory is more important to lie in the factors identical to the graphical core. If Vgpu appears on the screen to be within the recommended NVIDIA and AMD value, then the value of the videopamyat (cleverly meaningful yak Vmem) is on the right side of the list. One and the same video card model can be stored in memory іznykh virobnikіv and different parties. Todi Vmem can be swollen at quite a few fringes, as a result of which uneven drops, if the spurt is less than recommended by the virobnik. Whim, buvaє and navpaki, if Vmem, in spite of the fact, revisits the recommendations of the rivn.

Basic reconsideration before launching video cards. for central processors and operational memory : Not all specimens within the same family are distributed the same way, for a successful run it needs to be cooled down and a block of livelihood, a set of runners will be found in all sizes of lively ones. Ale, on the view of the processors and RAM, the video cards are raised over and over by BIOS, And programs.

Control over the frequencies, the conveying formula, the number of active upper processors and so far the most efficient way to use the GPU-Z program (a kind of analogue of CPU-Z for processors):

Rosegin video cards are displayed with such programs as MSI AfterBurner, Sapphire Trixx, Riva Tuner, Ati Tray Tools, Power Strip and others. Nibilsh has been extended for the Danish moment by MSI AfterBurner.

MSI AfterBurner

Won the offensive RivaTuner and allow you to play all the up-to-date (or not even worse) video cards. There will be plenty of opportunities for an overclocker.

To do this, switch the program interface from English (set for the deputy) to Russian, slide into the lower right corner of the head window by pressing the "Settings" button. At the top row, the tabs were displayed to turn over to "User Interface", then vibrate the Russian language and re-enable the program. It's a pity that most of the programs are all too English.

Rozgin will move to the right to the required frequency and the onset of the “Apply” button.

Basic settings can be found under the button "Settings".

Synchronization of adjustment of the same DPs (graphics processors) allows you to instantly unlock all installed in the PC identical GPUs in the form of SLI or CrossFire configuration. Significant offensive two nalashtuvan zrozumilі from їkh name. Rozblokuvannya controllnja vnruguyu allows koriguvati Vgpu value on bagatooh models of video cards. Activation of monitoring and "speak" for itself. forcing post-life springs Allowing to change the Vgpu value in 2D mode until 3D.

At the "Cooler" tab, when the software mode is turned on, you can set the fan speed change curve in the amount of the temperature of the video card core. The shape of the graph can be used in a modern form koristuvach for an additional clatter with the help of the keyboard of Misha. For the change the speed of the wrapping is read every 5 s (5000 ms). Temperature hysteresis is determined by the difference between the temperatures "A", when there is a gap in the graph, there is a change of speed in front of it, and "B", when there is a start.

So, for example, if the fan fixes its performance at 60 degrees Celsius, then if the hysteresis is 5, the performance will change only when the temperature drops below 55 degrees.

Sens bolshosti nalashtuvan bookmarks "Monitoring" of sounds, you name it. It will be clarified if the lower unit is designated as an option.

The inclusion of filtering tributes allows you to minimize the mercy of reading from the sensors in the time of the one-hour registration of the documents to the monitoring. As soon as you hand є the keyboard of the Logitech company with a built-in LCD screen, then all the necessary information can be transferred to the new one. If there is a lot of necessary parameters at the end of the so-called "tray" (in the lower right corner of the year), it is necessary to see the available option.

I especially respect the OED - an overlay screen display. This function allows koristuvachev in real-time mode to support video cards in 3D additions.

Depending on the settings set on the screen, the necessary parameters are set up: temperature of the DP, temperature of cooling, setting of the DP, and so on after the list. When pushing the button "Dodatkovo" will be available dodatkovі nalashtuvannya:

At the tab "Locked screenshots" you can create hot keys, format and save screenshots.

Behind the analogue with the front tab, adjust the parameters of the video recording.

A step-by-step tab is designated for setting up profiles.

The settings for the interface are not large: mov, skin and displaying interactive cues.

When pushing the button "Detach" in the main window, the programs will display the window for monitoring with graphs. Turn on the place, you need to press the close button in the upper right corner.

In the process of overclocking the video card, the Radeon 5850 was uncomfortable without additional tuning by the programs, the video card core was larger than 775 MHz - the "overclocking" of the GPU simply did not collapse.

To increase the frequency between the programs, go to the MSIAfterburner.cfg file in the notepad, and the stitching in the papa programs. Know these rows in a new one.

MSI Afterburner is one of the most popular utilities for overclocking video cards. The Qiu program can be used to change the frequencies of the core and memory in order to improve or reduce the productivity of the pool. It is especially topical, as it is koristuvach pratsyuє on an old laptop or a personal computer, a video adapter, which is not integrated.

Aje bagato asked themselves about the kshtalt of that, yak nvidia video card rosignati or amd radeon on a laptop or a personal computer. The axis of food and salary is our statute.

The program for the rocking video cards nvidia/ Radeon (as well as other virobniks) can be divided into several functional modules - basic and additional. Before the main functions, a separate section for changing the available parameters of the video card is used, the conversion and testing will be possible for the installation of an additional component - MSI Kombustor.

Additional functions of MSI Afterburner allow real-time monitoring of the adapter mill in real time (a variety of video card processor temperatures are available). Є Possibility and take a copy of the screen (work screen shots), as well as save parts of the screen for recording video.

The MSI Afterburner head-end program has basic elements for robots with video card parameters. Here you can bachiti core frequency, memory frequency, cooler speed, temperature and energy... For some types of video cards, not all parameters are available for change, so as virobniks can block some of them, so that they do not have the ability to independently use video cards for non-commercial use. Also, on the control screen there is an additional menu, where you can use additional settings, you can change the performance of the cooler wrapping.

When you install MSI Afterburner programs, the Russian language will immediately install the utility under the name RivaTuner Statistics Server. Vona vikoristovuyutsya for displaying the different characteristics of the video card on the monitor screen in the form of a Windows-vidget, regardless of the fact that the program is currently on display. For example, we can support the change of the FPS parameter directly on the monitor screen before the hour of the day (tobto in per screen mode gris).

Uvaga: you can’t wait for a video card, vikoristovuchi I will give the program... First of all, there are no rozrobnikiv provinces. Here, a great role is played by video cards virobniks, for those it is not obvious that they were using them. Smell you can see one and the same model in an overclocked viewer, so Nvidia often came up with it. Ale, yak show practice, a lot of models can be rozignati, smut nobility, yak tse zrobiti correctly and without a computer for a computer. Well, and the program itself msi afterburner You can add a link from the official site or from ours, which is simpler and easier. The remaining version is available in Russian.

Features of the programs for running:

  1. an effective robot with video cards from other virobniks;
  2. online monitoring will become a video card for the great number of parameters;
  3. to change the characteristics of the video card, there is no need to re-enable it and go into the BIOS;
  4. friendly and intelligent interface with lecture notes for the skin element;
  5. the function of documenting the video adapter robot, - the robot with a screen shot and recording video from the screen;
  6. Individual settings - you can customize the program for yourself, changing the scale, format for an hour, zovnishniy viglyad to the interface and to navigate the add-ons.

However, it was later to respect the presence of shortcomings in the program.

MSI Afterburner has a lot of functional nuances, which can be embedded in a wide range of video cards:

  • it is hard to know between the possibilities of the video card;
  • When the overheating occurs, the system overheats with insufficient cooling, which can lead to a mimic switching on of the computer, or to a permanent reloading.

On top of that - a few words from the expert: for the robot with the program, we will accept the additions of the utility RivaTuner Statistics Server. Vaughn allows you to view the system in every additional supplement and game. An important point is the increase in the temperature of the cooler, especially if the system is proud of the high voltage rating. With the help of MSI Afterburner programs themselves - the developers tried to create the most friendly interface, so that the corystuvachi could quickly go to the majestic circle of adjustments, all the buttons could be prompted for a quick smarter function. Crumbs didn’t mind that the MSI Kombustor component was not brought to the warehouse by the programs from the ear itself. In the MSI Afterburner interface there is a button to launch Kombuster.

The little one is small, last version MSI Afterburner video card acceleration software is a good alternative to other similar programs (є pidtrimka russian movi). You can choose to test and run video cards, monitor parameters with a wide range of options for a filed document. In addition, the program can, in its rich arsenal of functions for capturing video, serve as an alternative without koshtovaya programs Fraps.


The MSI Afterburner utility is designed for overclocking the video adapter in a computer system. More often than not, overclocking is an enticement in the sphere of overclocking computer components, as it leads to extreme productivity. Ale vona is also suitable for ordinary people who need a small increase in the productivity of their video cards.

Vikoristannya programs

In addition to the video card acceleration, the MCI Afterberner has low additional functions, such as monitoring systems with temperature graphs and the installation of the main components of the computer.


If you want to use the utility, you need to add it to the official site.

Zagalny viglyad

For the launch, the program will be divided into 2 sections. At the left section, the head panel is for the boom, and the right-hander is for the monitoring of the system.

The head panel is clearly visible.

The main panel includes:

  1. Video adapter model.
  2. The version of the video card driver.
  3. tab " information»- about central processor and about the video adapter.
  4. « Core Voltage"- control over the core.
  5. « Power limit"- the border of energy service.
  6. « Core clock"- the frequency of the graphics processor core.
  7. « Memory Clock»- memory frequency.
  8. « Fan Speed"- the speed of the video card cooler.
  9. button " Reset»- Skidding of all parameters.
  10. option " Apply overclocking at system startup»- zasosuvannya boom at the start of the operating system.
  11. button "Settings"- adjustment of utilities.

The main points for overclocking the video card in home minds are the memory frequency and the frequency of the graphics processor core. With good improvement, the productivity of the video card will grow. at standard settings You can install an interchange of higher frequencies for correct robots video cards. Ordinary koristuvachams are not recommended to use the kernel and energy supply. It is also possible to change the speed of the video card cooler to a sufficient one, if necessary.

monitoring panel

Prikіntsevі graphіki

The monitoring panel includes:

  • GPU temperature
  • cooler speed
  • cooler tachometer
  • core frequency
  • Temperature of virtual streams of the central processor
  • Temperature without front processor

Also, for monitoring, you can see it from the main panel:

For a full onslaught, the button " Detach».

Show up as soon as you can fix it on any screen.

Basic setup

Show menu nalashtuvan natisnit « Settings».

View basic settings.

Here we are bachimo, controllable (Core Voltage, Power Limit) and monitoring of the power for the connections. Deyakі vіdeokarty can not adapt tsі functions. In the graph " Power of summity AMD"Presence of function" Expand the boundaries for the official mode”, Vona increased frequency overclocking of the core and memory of the graphics processor, as well as control over power. Koristuvacham, who are not enough to get out of the razgoni, are not recommended to turn on the function.


At this point, you can set the temperature and fluidity of the cooler:

Check the box against the function " Turn on programmed values ​​for koristuvach automatic mode».

Tsia opts_ya is good for a strong drive, so the cooler is victorious to the maximum. In any case, it is not possible to set the fan speed to 100%, in any case, you should not be angry. Yakshcho rozgin is minimal, it is recommended not to be considered an option.


You can get unused graphics from your depositors for monitoring purposes and only need to override the main ones:

For the whole, in front of an unnecessary point, a tick is tidy and onslaught. OK».

For the change, the frequency of reading the tribute is 1000 ms, it is also possible to change:

The inscribed number is stamped " OK».

Another plus of this utility is the ability to record and monitor in text document... You can set the maximum size to the file, as well as overwrite the sounds when starting a new session:


You don’t have to spend a lot of time on the razgin, you can forgive him:


If necessary, the deposit " interface»You can tidy up prompts, change the message, remember the format of temperatures, the format of the hour, and set up the design of the main panel:

It is important to remember: before launching the video adapter, it is necessary to be grateful from the knowledgeable koristuvachi or to read the profile on the video adapter on the Internet.