Satellite dish from handicrafts. Self-installed satellite antenna: fixed, connected, adjusted. How to make a satellite dish in home minds from a dart.

What did we do at our apartment - and drywall, and tension steel, and wind a shower cabin! The hour has come to expand between our possibilities that

  • TB. The thing is unsupported, but you can’t install the antenna without it. If everything works alone and the antenna is placed on a daha, then a portable TV set will be required, so that you can work with it without intermediary in the installation area. As a helper at the television in the reception, it is necessary to keep a constant call with him on the telephone of the worker.

    Everything is richer simpler, yakscho tse є balcony.

  • The converter is attached to the trim and is attached to the focus antenna.

    How to install a satellite antenna yourself?

    Such a position is set by the very design of the fastening, prote, possible and a small tolerance of a couple of centimeters. Precisely, the positioning of such a coil is determined experimentally by turning the converter at the trimach with a one-hour assessment of the signal strength. For now, just put yoga in the center of the mirror.

People who have been stuck in the past with the choice of a satellite dish, are giving us respect for the future. I tse verno, but there are a lot of officials, yakі need to correctly evaluate. The shape, the material of preparation, as well as the plates are perforated, mirrored and rich in different designs, in such a way that you can drink your head on the spot. In addition, choosing a plate, it is necessary to appoint such authorities:

- territory to receive companions;

- like channels to chirp you;

- what can you nalashtuvatsya on a companion: what do not respect the life, what to stand in charge, that other objects;

- For one companion, a plate is selected or for dekilkoh;

- Economic warehouse.

direct focus

The task of the satellite dish is to select and focus the signal to one point. At a direct-focus lens, it focuses right in the center, it looks right at the satellite. The focus is on the spot where the converter is attached to the metal shears. І converter and trims cast a shadow on the mirror, changing the brown coefficient of the surface, which is visible. That is why the plates of the most efficient large diameter are 130 div.

Before that, when a direct-focus dish is fixed, the degree to the horizon can become up to 20%, so in the bowl you can get enough snow, ice, water, leaves, woods, which will settle on the vіdbivachi and signifi- cantly decrease the reception of codes. We direct focus to give priority, as it is planned to receive a signal from distant satellites.


At the offset focusing center, three shifts are down and they are installed vertically. It cannot boast of such a clear signal, as it is direct-focused, but it is good to catch with a small diameter of up to 150 cm, it is easier to install and it is not necessary to clean. That won't be the best fit for a single-button victoria.

Suputnikova, 2 mirror, toroidal multifocal dish

Suputnikov, 2-mirror, toroidal multifocal dish allows one hour to receive a signal from 16 satellites. This is a miracle alternative to motopidvis. Crimea kuta mіstsya that azimuth in tsіy antenna nalashtovuєtsya th nahil mirrors, scho lie down in the georoztashuvannya priyomu that companions, on yakі you choose to target. Antenna to catch a signal at a sector of 40-60 degrees.

The most important thing when buying such a plate is to revise the original in the form of a drink. By the way, you can work for a vag and like a metal. Pidrobki slablyatsya z thin metal, which is more trimming the geometry of the plate.

You can still respect the choice of a pelyust plate. It’s handy for transporting that pidide, so you put the plate on the summer in the garden, and from the end of the season you take it to the place. The only minus is crying, so you need to be careful with it.

Solid or perforated

Antenna perforation is carried out only for changing the windage and the car. This is important, as if possessing a shoglu is installed. If the wind blows, it can give a weight of up to 200 kg and a perforated mirror is guaranteed to be visible. Perforation in the same order does not add to the clarity of the signal, which is absolutely the same in both perforated and hard surfaces. Such outbuildings are brought in from behind the cordon, which is costlier for the price.

Choose a type of suspension

There is one more important parameter for choosing an antenna. It's just that cheap azimuth adjustment allows you to easily adjust the control on a specific satellite. In order to sound a signal for something else, it is possible to carry out a changeover outside.

Installation of a satellite antenna - a daily option for broadcasting TV

Bigger folding and the road is polar pіdvіska nalashtovuєtsya. Vaughn allows you to set up a dish for a spear of satellites in different orbits.

Material prepared

Satellite dishes can be made of aluminum, steel and plastic. Aluminium-plates are expensive to finish and, obviously, overturn for richness in characteristics, including for resistance to corrosion. However, the stench is more gentle to deformation through the softness of the metal. Deformation of the plate may worsen the quality of the received. Most of the aluminum plates are beaten for mounting on motorized engines. swedish reminiscences between channels of various satellites. Zavdyaki її light vase won't have less attention on the gears.

If you increase the size of the steel plate, then you will receive a signal on the same level as aluminum, it is 3 times cheaper and it will be less than 10 years old. However, such a plate is more important and more resistant to corrosion due to the presence of defects in the coating.

Plastic plates are more of a trend, especially the vzimku and skhilnі to deformation due to sleepy changes and temperature drops. If you want more ribs of hardness on the plate, then you won't do it. More snow sticks to them. That stink is not more popular.

In this rank, inexpensive and functional steel plates are more likely to be drunk. In the meantime, there are no reasonable arguments against buying aluminum plates, as they allow koshti.

Rozmir - ce smut!

Rozmir is the primary parameter. Itself for this situation, it is necessary to make a decision: what is bigger, then more beautifully. The difference in signal reception between a plate of 55 cm and 90 cm will be better remembered. There are no clear recommendations for the one who installed the antenna. When choosing, you can apply the principle of practical rationality. It is more necessary to grant additional permission, as in the plans there is a transfer of permission for one more companion. Tolerance is not guilty but more, so you don't overpay for the big centimeters.

Choose the diameter to lie down according to the tightness of the signal in your region. Vin is determined by the card covering the specific skin companion. Otherwise, depending on the diameter of the satellite dish, you can lie down in the middle of the purchase. Don't forget to make allowances for the weather. Great operators satellite television to supply from your dealer center complete sets of possession with an already re-insured mirror diameter for a specific territory.

It is important that in order to fit more lower for one companion, the optimal diameter of the dish should be 120 cm, for one companion it is 90 cm.

What did we do at our apartment - and drywall, and tension steel, and wind a shower cabin!

Satellite Paradise

The hour has come to expand between our possibilities that robiti installation satellite antenna with your own hands. Do you think it's impossible? No, totally real. There would be an antenna.

Tools and materials for independent antenna installation

  • The kit itself satellite control and the fixing elements.
  • TB. The thing is unsupported, but you can’t install the antenna without it. If everything works alone and the antenna is placed on a daha, then a portable TV set will be required, so that you can work with it without intermediary in the installation area. As a helper at the television in the reception, it is necessary to keep a constant call with him on the telephone of the worker. Everything is richer simpler, yakscho tse є balcony.
  • Transferring for connecting to an instrument and having it.
  • Perforator for fixing the bracket to the wall/base.
  • Pasatizhi, nippers, twists, rozvіdnі nut wrenches - for the job.
  • Coaxial (television) cable with 75 ohm support and two sockets type "F".

Choose a location and install a satellite antenna

We can’t just point a finger at the sky and slander aby like a companion. Required to know exactly yoga parameters and that name. Here one cannot do without singing theory. Having omitted the details, we can briefly say: all satellites "hang" over the equator at a latitude that is closer to zero, and for us, it's right for the day. The stench is rozraznyayutsya for a long time, as indicated by the name of the companion himself. Let's take a satellite "Luna 15E" - here 15E means 15 degrees of cold weather (East). It is our fault to direct the antenna strictly in a straight line in such a way that there is no overshoot on the signal path. For such minds, the majority of the vipadkiv vіdpovіdaє dah budinka chi balcony. If you are the only happy keeper of the satellite antenna near your house (or district), then you will have to fiddle around with the coordinates of your place and the magicians behind the compass needle. But I’ll hurry you to calm down - you can do without astronomy, so just point the antenna there, where to marvel at the other antennas at your booth. Tsej way to practice.

  • It is important not to harm the surface of the antenna mirror. Navit small zastryagannya that podryapini can strongly vplinut on the receiving signal.
  • The converter is attached to the trim and is attached to the focus antenna. Such a position is set by the very design of the fastening, prote, possible and a small tolerance of a couple of centimeters. Precisely, the positioning of such a coil is determined experimentally by turning the converter at the trimach with a one-hour assessment of the signal strength. For now, just put yoga in the center of the mirror.
  • The bracket is fixed to the base behind additional anchor bolts. The dowels and self-tapping screws are not suitable for any weather - blowing strongly in the wind is easy to bend them out of the month.
  • The antenna is attached to the brackets, but just bolt, fix it, until it is tightened, so that it can be turned.
  • Antenna cable is processed and screwed on new roses. Note that the central conductor did not short out anywhere with braids.
  • We connect a converter to the receiver, a receiver to the TV set, and less than once we give them life.

Do-it-yourself satellite antenna installation

The most complicated stage. It is impossible to describe it in detail, because there are no known models of receivers and other options for customization. Zagalna scheme taka:

  1. The menu selects the required companion.
  2. Enter converter data, type and frequency.
  3. We go to the menu to search for channels.
  4. Adjustment of horizontal polarization. We begin to turn the antenna horizontally, simultaneously following the signal strength scale. If the signal does not appear, then the trochs are changed vertically and continue to sound.
  5. If we go to reach the maximum, we pass to vertical polarization. Її nalashtuvannya zdіysnyuєtsya wrappers of the converter against the year's arrow. Also follow the signal scale.
  6. If the maximum is found, then tighten the rest of the bolts. Ale neatly - wind a couple of millimeters of kills can beat all the lashings.
  7. Direct descent of the antenna cable from the dahu to fight on the supporting steel cable, or better to start yoga in the underpass and lower the cable shaft.
  8. If the cable is broken, it is also not possible to wind it up near the bay.

Like bachite, installing a satellite antenna with your own hands is possible. More often than not, it’s possible to turn the antenna for a long time at the sound of a strong signal, but it’s not more complicated to pour the screed or to create a steel with light signals. Accept here forever, you can correct your pardons and make sure everything is correct.

External antenna for WiFi/3G/LTE from offset satellite dish

Like your 4G (LTE) modem is rotten at the dacha, but low speed access to the Internet and a small signal does not control the signal, then by installing a remote monitor on the satellite antenna, you will remove the 4G (LTE) reception signal on the station up to 8 km outside base station call operator. Further increase in the distance to the receiver is between the operator, the antenna itself is built to provide a sufficient level of signal at a distance of up to 20 km.

When replacing a large converter, a special upgrader is installed, which is attached to the satellite antenna. In the fall, depending on the diameter of the antenna, the coefficient of strength can reach 32 dB.

The deposit of the settlement according to the diameter of the plate (data given)

From the modem to the antenna, a high-frequency winding cable is extended up to 15 meters. This cable may be 7-10 mm thick and cannot be inserted into the modem, so you need to get a cable adapter to connect the modem to the high-frequency cable.

When installed, the tamper is pressed against the trim of the plate. Most operators in 4G-internet win X-polarization of the radio signal. In order to recognize the polarization of the signal from your 4G operator, it is necessary to try turning the trim switch by 90 ° and look at the indication equal to the signal in the program on the computer. In the case of an incorrect choice of polarization, the value of the signal falls by 30 dB, or more strongly. We put a plate on the vezhu. For which arc from the dish to the oprominuvacha, it is to blame, but it is directly directed to the operator's 4G card.

How to build a satellite antenna in home minds?

You can give up, that the plate marvels at the ground. Really, it receives a signal from that directly, where the arc is straightened, as if it were an oprominuvach. If you are far away, then the arc will be approximately parallel to the ground, as shown in the little one.

Significantly, whether it be necessary to cross between the operator's guardian and yours, to bring the signal to a weakened one. Tse can be wood, budinki, spores, uneven relief. Therefore, choose the place of the installation of the plate in such a way that, if possible, the direct visibility of the vessel is possible.

With the lower rotting, the prominence of the pellets is straightened uphill and the response to the received signal of the land extensions changes significantly. Receiving signals from other people's outbuildings will inevitably affect the productivity of your system. Particularly relevant, as special mode is enabled eXtended Range at outbuildings on the "Atheros" chipset.

Mode eXtended Range increase sensitivity by 10-13dB, when the arc is detected weak signal. The problem is in the algorithm of the manifestation of collisions, which victorious in Wi-Fi outbuildings, which will help the transfer of data from the kіlkom by outbuildings at once. CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Acsses Collision Avoidance). Your attachment jetless access do not transmit data, vvazhayuchi, that the channel is busy all the time.

On mirrors up to 90 cm, problems with support are not to be blamed for any kind of roztashuvannya oprominuvach, and no matter what type of support. Elements of fastening make a reserve of regulation, allowing you to press the pellets to the ground with straightness diagrams. For otrimannya 0-th kuta viprominyuvannya, parallel to the horizon, the mirror due to the mother nahil in the vertical 26.5-28 degrees.

"On the eye" postaviti easily. He made such plates so that the vlasnik oprominuvacha took a position parallel to the horizon.

Your sovereign mini-companion. Now they have such vinikla mozhlivist. Wanting a hobby is more expensive. Adzhe koshtuє nabіr for choosing a companion from 5999 dollars and more.

Back in 2013, the PocketQube project was born, aimed at creating special sets for choosing good satellites from home minds. The Kickstarter campaign was launched, as it successfully ended on the 1st fall of 2013, and became the starting point for the first such set.

The set of PocketQube Kit v1.0 supplies the skin with all the necessary components for the selection, modification and adjustment of the moisture mini-companion. Tsey nabіr є only the first crochet before the availability of similar constructors for the future.

The skeletal frame of the Alba Orbital, victorious for aluminum, which wins in aerospace industry, enters. The buyer can choose one of three options for the frame, which is made up of one, two or three in the middle. To lay everything down, depending on how much possession you want to place in the middle of the companion. Fallow in the size of the middle frame is important in the size of 69 to 151 grams.

An offensive warehouse set is a transceiver radio station (receiver) MiniSatCom, divided by the forces of the Radiobro company. The transiver is offered in two versions: operating at frequencies of 420-450 MHz and 902-928 MHz. As a matter of fact, the transceiver is more complex with the interface of other components, as it is included in the kit.

Motherboard LabSat for installation to it's other components and linking them together. The fee allows you to hide the dart, the jumper and the fold of the roses. Koristuvach can most effectively fix the board and all components, and for yourself, it’s a matter of fact that a microprocessor is mounted on the board, which allows you to interact with it. There is also a handy USB socket on the board. In addition, the board is stolen due to the efforts of the evil-doers to take it down to it remote access chi crossover tsіnі danі.

The on-board computer has a microcontroller TI MSP430, which works in low power mode and is flexible to a very flexible setting. The computer has a built-in temperature sensor, a real time clock (RTC), an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer. The computer can easily be re-flashed with new software to your choice. The collected data is saved on SD cards.

For a standard minimum package, as a cost to you 5999 dollars, you can add other elements of the companion to your choice. For example, you can buy sony batteries so that your companion is instantly puffed up in the light of the sleepy light.

Despite the constant drop in prices and the availability of the so-called “dish”, articles on the topic “How to build a satellite antenna with your own hands” in the measure to do it rich. Most of the time, they ask themselves either if they want to spare (want to go somewhere else), or just lovers of work. However, in case of any kind of fluctuation, the result is achieved by the same rank, and if we are so dragged out by “self-consciousness”, then this article is for you. Otzhe, how to fight the satellite antenna with your own hands from the crowd of hand-me-downs?

Which way to choose? Cooking methods

Distinguish two cooking methods I will build this.

  • For help, scrolling on the matrix.
  • For help soldering mesh and honey dart.

In the first way, we can control and change the shape of the plate when cooked, looking at yoga itself.

Stages of preparation

As if in any other process of preparing radio-technical or electronic devices, flying satellite antennas with your own hands, do not forget to paint the armchair in advance, whichever you want to take on the exit. Zavdyaki exact values ​​and rozrahunkam you zvedete rizik otrimannya details of irregular shape to zero. At the armchair it is necessary to draw a parabola, like being transferred to a sheet of steel. Before speech, the rest of the debt becomes approximately 0.05 cm.

  1. A frame made of steel rods with a diameter of 8-10 mm is prepared behind the back of the brewing apparatus. With this, the ribs are twisted with a knife, and the bearing is welded at the top of the structure.
  2. The lifting frame is installed on a flat area, after which the pipe is mounted vertically in the center of the installation. After that, as the part is fixed, the washer bearing (the rest may have a larger diameter) is installed on the structure lower.
  3. Thick concrete is poured onto the plate, after which the matrix is ​​removed to dry for about 4-5 days on a fresh surface.

What did you give?

The final stage of feeding “how to fight the satellite antenna with your own hands” is a dish plate. Її you can work in many ways. In order for the robot not to be foldable for you, divide the finished version into sprats of sectors. As a rule, the satellite dish is divided into 6-8 equal parts. Prostezhte, schob іnval mizh tsimi sectors buv equal. Dali for vykleyuvannya vykoristovuetsya special sklotkanina, cut with smugs, that epoxy grunt. A little more, it is necessary to apply oil on the surface of the matrix machine, after which put the pipe in the washer. Then a small ball of resin and a piece of cloth was applied to it. To prevent the bulbs from settling on the surface, periodically smooth out the application of the component. The reflector itself is pasted over with additional aluminum foil. Everything, the satellite antenna with their own hands is residually crushed.


When installing this add-on, it is important to remember that the signal is being blocked by metal walls and concrete. So install custom antenna filed for them, and better for finding a part of the booth.

It should be noted that we have offsets of the industrial zrazzka from the father, we have installed that lashed on three-chotiri satellites by us, the experiment was carried out with the method of showing that "not the gods of the miners sing". In the material, there is a description of the method of making a mirror and fixing a direct-focus parabolic antenna with a diameter of 60 cm from hand-made methods. Why is it direct focus? The reason is simple: on the vіdmіnu vіd offset zі zmіschemim focus, it's easier to open a direct-focus mirror in home minds. Tsikavo? Todi affectionately please pіd kat.

Prepared mirror. Deyakі mathematical vikladki

As seen from mathematics and optics, key feature Paraboloids are those that all change, that come from one straight away, are taken from the focal plane (another trick is inconsistency, but don’t chime in on us). While optical principles are valid for radio waves, ours is the case for frequencies of 10-12 GHz of satellite TV. Template for the preparation of a reversible mirror with a parabolic wrapping formula with a focus of 190 mm for opening a parabola of 600 mm. The aperture of the half of the parabola (of the future pattern) has been opened, it is presented in the table:

Kut rozkrittya antennae razrahuёmo for formula 1:
α = 2*arctg (D/(2*F*(1-(D^2/16/F^2))))); (1)
De: α is the cutout of the mirror, D is the diameter of the cutout, F is the focus of the mirror.

Substituting our values, we take into account:

α = 2*arctg (D/(2*F*(1-(D^2/16/F^2)))) =2*arctg (60/(2*F*(1-(60^2/16/19^2)))) ~ 151°

Our mirror itself is not only direct focus, but also short focus: F / D = 190/600 = 0.31. Razrahunkovsky directivity of the mirror at a given KVP = 0.95 (after all, the surface is strong, not grati) is good 23.6 dB. If you want to put a decibel 3 on an imperfect surface and the fact that the converter changes the KVP of the antenna, more installations in the center of the antenna, then all one is lost not a few not a few 115 times.

* Such a small focus of considerations for practical mirroring: in the first place, the sail capacity and dimensions of the entire structure are reduced, in another way, the fastening of the low-frequency converter in front of the antenna mirror is easier.
Remark about the conversion of the converter

Серед іншого, буде потрібна і модифікація опромінювача офсетного конвертора (ми вирішили взяти звичайний офсетний (лінійний) зважаючи на дорозу конверторів під прямофокусні антени, але з подальшою доробкою - вставки хвилеводу, по суті звичайної алюмінієвої трубки діаметром ∅10 мм -12 ГГц від штиря до focusing phase center). ∅18 mm of fumigation with a clear chisel at the converter. In the presence of damp suppressors, which are the hvilevodny kіltsya for a quarter-doublin, the N-harmonics were not spared (the deacons їх vіdpilyuyut), their blocking the tube itself, which I will hold. It should be noted that the end of the opening of the splendid tube-hvilovodny is 180 °, to turn off the switch, to come beyond the borders of the cut of the opening of the mirror, add a small mouthpiece on the end of the tube with the end of the opening of 151 °. More than that, whether a converter of linear polarization can be converted to a circular path by installing a dielectric plate at a 45 degree angle to a reversal.

Software securityfor rozrahunka

If you are shown the foldability of similar roses, then you can speed up our old-fashioned program for a mirror rose of 2008. You can download її zvіdsi (300 kB).

The program creates an interactive view of the parabolic antenna according to the parameters, which are set by the size, such as the diameter of the mirror aperture, focus and KVP (coefficient of surface variation), as well as the visualization of the fallow of these parameters in one view of one at a glance. The output parameters of the program are the visualization of the DPC, the width of the DN, the depth of the aperture and the parabola aperture along the coordinate axis 0X, 0Y in the table and visualization graphics.


Need such materials and possessions:

  1. A package of food-cement bag for preparing the base for the template (~ 3 kg).
  2. Alabaster for fixing the base of the blank and the central tube (~0.5 kg).
  3. Water.
  4. A plywood template-pattern, beating at the sight of half of the parabola diagram with a tube for fastening for wrapping in the center.
  5. Foil for baking
  6. Newspaper paper.
  7. Glue "Bustilat" (~ 1.5 kg).
  8. Farba-enamel of gray color in an aerosol can.
  9. Wooden slats - for folding ribs of hardness and fastening the frame of the mirror.
  10. Wide washers for fastening the edges of the mirror to the ribs of hardness.
  11. Fastening-tripod for the converter from dielectric tubes or plates and, vlasne, the converter itself to the Ky-range.
  12. Low-frequency coaxial cable, for example Finmark F660 with steel-lined cable (but not copper at once).
Sequence dіy:
  1. We mix the food-cement rozchin to the density of sour cream (divine instructions on the packaging of the bag), pour it on the working surface and form a ball-shaped weight.
  2. We wrap a pattern around the center of the weight and form a blank-paraboloid wrapper as a basis for sticking to the frame of an upcoming mirror.
  3. After catching the design, we prepare a frame-obid from plywood or paper - a possible edge of hardness to the frame.
  4. Pasted with newspaper paper over the surface of the cement template like papa-mache, and then with ball-bearing bustilate **, forming a frame.
  5. On the inner side of the frame, glue the surface of the possible mirror with overlapping foils (enough centimeter).
** Why bustilat itself? Right in that bustilat -glue on a water basis, to the storage of which to enter latex, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) thickener and crede, and when it is loosened (vaporized water), latex and CMC are left behind, which gives flexibility and susilla to opening for the carcass, and hardness of construction on the crade.
Photos of the stages of preparation (what did they catch :)):

To improve the reception of 3G, 4G, or WiFi, install a mirror in the form of a parabolic antenna. Russian shards love halava, more and more often joking on the Internet like a “satellite dish” in household minds. Let's take a look at a few options at once.

To start watching the video...

Whoever has the Internet is not more than swedish or "unlimited" and cannot (or does not want to) marvel at the video, then I will describe the technology in my own words.

On the back, show how to virіzati іvne kolo z "plex", then we take the lid from the pan (maє the shape of a parabola), place it in the oven at once from the workpiece with plexiglass. When heated, the "plex" takes on the shape of a parabola. Then you can glue it with thick foil and the mirror is ready.

Hotch video gives the butt of the preparation of the parabola, but minus the fact that the diameter is small for the antenna. Wanting an oven and a larger expansion, in short, we took away the information for reflection, gave your imagination to help ...

This is one option, let's look at another.

On the back of this variant it is necessary to try out paper with a scale of 1:4 or 1:5 on an arcade.

Otzhe, for otrimannya mirrors with a diameter of 80 cm, you need cardboard 100 X 100 cm. focus mirror door 13 cm.

Let's break down yoga like this:

Recreation on 16 identical sectors (22.5°) and 4 stakes with radii r1, r2, r3, r4:

Kil radius:

  • r1 = 75 mm
  • r2 = 254 mm
  • r3 = 400 mm
  • r4 = 528 mm

For tsim cola, there will be vigins.

Now it is necessary to make a virizi of 16 rice from the stand between the pellets s1, s2, s3, s4:

Vіdstan mіzh pelyustami:

  • S1 = 0 mm
  • S2 = 11 mm
  • S3 = 29 mm
  • S4 = 50 mm

For the price of harvesting, you can add it to the estimated sheet. The rear end of the mirror for the parabolic antenna is ready.

Option 2

In the article I will describe a suitable method, like building a satellite antenna with your own hands. Having read on the Internet (I don’t remember, on which site): you need to take an antenna from the land, put it in it and fill it with plaster. Reveal your її vag, and support the wind.

Otzhe, here we can see how to create a parabolic "mirror" itself, and how to fix the antenna (wifi, 3 | 4G) to you.

As an option, you can work like this:

You take a galvanized sheet and work it up, then you put the pellets together.

The second option. We need a great ball:

Robimo z drotu first with a diameter, as you need and put yoga on the ball:

K1-K4 - stake with a steel dart with a diameter of 4-6 mm. Cross the lines under the stakes with a marker.

Potim z'єdnuєmo stake alyumіnієvim tovstim drotom cross on cross, znimaєmo virib. Aluminium. drota, one at a time is replaced by steel and welded to zvaryuvannyam.

It's good to go like this:

Colo 4, we can’t close it if we don’t have enough, we’ll pass the checkpoint there. Reshtu needs to be stretched out with a dart - to build a net.

As an option, a mirror can be covered with a finished aluminum mesh:

Focus - tse znakhodzhennya oprominyuvacha (antenna) z vіdrivom vіd center satellite antenna. Tsya vіdstan to fall in vіd rich factors. For example: frequency, rozkrivshi "mirror".

The parabola is the whole part of the kuli, and the focus is at the kuli in the middle.

Like an antenna, like Ant3, then the focus will be less on the equal of the antenna itself, too thin.

Insure the diameter of kіl.

Now about the frequency. The focus of the frequency is calculated according to the formula, as the actual frequency itself and the diameter of the mirror. So, no matter what diameter your "plate" will have, it's better to know the trick and the experimental way.

Let's say you want to install a 3G antenna Kharchenko,

fasten it on the rod and put it in the column 4. Run the program like MDMA (in dB it shows the level of the signal) and properly destroy the rod to the antenna or in it.

At the end, I would like to say about the diameter. In practice, the strength on the Kharchenko antenna and the satellite antenna diameter of 90 cm reached 40 dB.