Formation of information competence of the teacher. Formation of information competence of the reader Formation of information competence

Tsigankova Nadiya Dmitrivna

Viktor of special disciplines DBOU SPO ST "Ural College of Life Sciences, Architecture and Entrepreneurship" m. Yekaterinburg E-mail: [email protected]





Abstract. The article examines the level of formed information competence of students of secondary vocational education, presents a model of the formation of information competence of students, which includes target and theoretical components, which mean opportunities before organizing an analysis called process; an organizational and technological component that replaces the process of developing information and computer competence of students, and an effective component that determines the transfer of the result. The implementation of the model promotes the effectiveness of the initial process based on individualization and intensification and the achievement of the necessary level of professionalism in various ways computer science and computing technology.

Key words: information culture, information literacy, information competence, equal formation of information competence, structural-substitute model for the formation of students’ information competence.

The emergence of information technologies in people’s everyday and professional lives, as well as Russia’s entry into the single European lighting space, will require modernization of lighting, which is also necessary changes in the overall goals of the initial process, which, in line with social understanding, may be directly aimed at the formation and development of learning opportunities for robots with information. The result of the pedagogical process is information-competent specificity.

The advancement of ICT has changed the nature of communication from communication to mediation, and has shifted the emphasis from maintaining a distance between subjects to searching for ways. effective wiki in newly acquired daily communicative abilities and installations the call of the bell in inter-personal interactions between participants lighting process on the rise.

One of the food that was brought in front of the lighting system in connection with the development informational partnership, informatization of awareness and promotion of distance learning and nutritional formation of information culture, information literacy, information way of life, information competence.

From the outside perspective of the fakhivts, which traces the essence of information culture and the problems of its formation, we can say that information is

Culture is a clear characteristic of a particularity that conveys a high level of development in the extraction and processing of information. Information culture of specialness is one of the warehouses of human culture, the totality of information and knowledge systems that ensure direct independent activity with optimal satisfaction of individual information needs from both traditional and new information technologies (so-called functional level of information culture). In its own way, information literacy of students is the basis cob raven the formation of information competence includes the totality of knowledge, skills, and behavioral components of learning that allow you to effectively find, evaluate, and analyze information for successful inclusion in a variety of forms And in activity and activity. Information culture and information competence among everyday people information minds It is an invisible part of the Zagal culture.

Information competence of a particularity transmits active information activity(human activity associated with the processes of abstraction, transformation, accumulation and transmission of information), the need for independent search, processing of information, formation of selection skills, creative rethinking of the necessary


Information to enable you to effectively carry out your initial and professional activities.

Structure of information competence:

1. Cognitive readiness: knowledge of ICT; knowledge about methods of working with information in the information and lighting environment.

2. Motivational-valuable readiness: interest in working with information; demand for Wikoristan ICT; readiness to use information resources using ICT methods; awareness of the value of information.

3. Technological readiness: learn how to use ICT; water by methods of extracting, saving, processing and transmitting information.

Thus, the term “information competence” is brought to the key terms of educational standards of another generation and is defined as “the ability to independently search, analyze, select, transmit necessary information using oral and written communication information technologies.”

Information competence can be assessed based on such criteria as cognitive, operational-actional, value-meaning, and motivational (Table 1).

The identified criteria and components make it possible to characterize the level of formation of information competence. Psychological and pedagogical literature has the widest view of three levels: low (reproductive), middle (heuristic) and high (creative) (Table 2).

Thus, information competence transfers, simultaneously, known both in the ICT industry and in the area of ​​their effective implementation in the process of distance learning (DL), focused on the use of information resources.

Security with this method high vigor training of competent frontline workers of the Middle Lanka, in the experimental part of our research, carried out within the framework of the border interaction of lighting installations in the Ural region, was divided

a model for the formation of information competence of college students in the minds of distance learning and experimentally demonstrated its effectiveness.

The research was carried out on the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Secondary Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region "Ural College of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Entrepreneurship" (DBOU SPO SO "UKSAP"), Yekaterinburg. The study involved 1st and 2nd year students with a total of 48 individuals, divided into 2 groups - experimental (EG) - 23 students and control (CG) - 25 students.

As a specific technology based on the model, the technology of designing technical systems was selected, which means that it indicates the principles of design and the logic of this process.

The design of the model was guided by the current logic:

1. differences between models and formulations and design;

2. formulation of the mark and specification of the model;

3. structuring of principles, on the basis of which the design of the model is based;

4. lining the model components and disassembling them;

5. vision of the minds of the effective functioning of the model;

6. based on the main result that can be achieved when implementing this model, processing technology and diagnostic tools;

7. experimental testing of the model among visionary minds.

We have expanded the model of the process of forming information and computer competence of students as a subsystem of an open type, introduced into the context of the system of professional training in secondary vocational education.

The proposed model for the formation of information competence of students includes three components (Fig. 1):

Table 1

Criteria and components of information competence

Components of information competence Criteria of information competence

Cognitive Operational-actional Valuable-meaningful Motivational

Evaluative-sounding Knowledge of the principles of functioning sound systems. Know the sign of the reliability of the information. Significant indicators of the search. Search for sound systems Evaluation of information Meta search for information

Analytical and transformational knowledge of the typology of information and methods of transformation of information types. Efficient submission of information Tolerance of information Proper submission of information

Information security Knowing the types of information threats and methods of protection. Knowledge of the socio-legal aspects of the use of information. Establishment of information security features. Use of information on legal, moral and ethical norms Installation on the development of social and legal norms by the use of information Willingness to develop social and legal norms by the use of information

Municipal lighting: innovation and experiment No. 4, 2013


Aim for the development of student information competence

Table 2

Name Characteristics of the level of components of information competence

Rivnya Evaluative-search Analytical-transformative Information security

Reproductive (basic) low - the creation of declarative and procedural knowledge in the field of computer science and IT, the creation of an independent robot based on the assigned algorithm; - knowledge of algorithms for searching for information, identifying search indicators corresponding to the type of information being searched for - evaluating the information found for relevance; - knowledge of the main types of information and the ability to convert from one type to another - moderately important information and its flow onto social media; - knowing the types of information threats and taking preventive steps to avoid them; - continued benefits in the vicinity of information products and services

Heuristic (partially sound-based) - average - the visibility of a system of declarative and procedural knowledge in professionally oriented IT professionals, the use of basic techniques and algorithms for searching, analysis, and evaluation of information; - the ability to make decisions in a similar situation with other professional IT orientations based on updating the necessary body of knowledge, intelligence, and information; - understanding of the principles of arranging and functioning of sound systems; - consistently present information in the most effective manner from the assigned tasks - knowledge of the basic methods of protecting against information threats and how to implement protection using hardware and software methods; - Awareness of the need for tolerant information

Creative (creative) – high – visibility of information science, special and methodological knowledge in informatics and IT; - timely synthesize, classify professionally significant information - ability to design your information behavior and take decisions in non-standard situations; - modeling the impersonality of indicators for searching for information using various advanced parameters of sound systems; - be careful when working with information about the social-legal and moral-ethical aspects of the source information; - willingness to bear responsibility for creatures information product; - the reliability of the project and the level of scientific information are important; - independently develop a defense strategy against information threats

Motivational-valuable: will provide a mechanism of readiness for the implementation of special creative potential (presence, demand for stagnation of information technologies in professional activity) and a mechanism for promoting information competence (awareness of the importance and importance of information technologies in professional activities);

Cognitive-active: provides a mechanism of learning through mental activity (knowledge, knowledge, skills, knowledge about information technologies and the basic laws of their development, etc.) and a mechanism of learning through practical activity (use of information technologies to achieve specific tasks);

Emotional-volitional: lies in adequate awareness and assessment of the power capabilities and possibilities of the stored information and communication technologies in initial and future professional activities.

To enable this interactive interaction, you have to transfer the necessary information to the middle BEFORE transferring boundary lines: e-mail, teleconferences, electronic classrooms, electronic libraries Students who start using remote technologies work on their own most of the time.

The model we have proposed is a special organization of practical activities that directly shape the information competence of students, so it is of a pragmatic nature. The structure of the fragmented model of the formation of information competence of students is presented by the whole and theoretical components, which represent the possibilities before organizing the process, which is considered to be the organizational and technological component that constitutes the the process of forming information and computer competence of students and an effective component that determines the transfer result .

The model is complete because all the designated components are interconnected with each other, carry a meaningful meaning and focus on the final result - more student achievement high level information competence (Fig. 1).

The stages of formation of information competence of students, which begin with additional distance technologies, their characteristics and types of activity of educational representation in Fig. 2.

At the skin stage, it is necessary to train students to a value system with specially organized

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Fig.1. A model for the formation of information competence of students, who are the brains behind the education system.

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Stages of school activities

Stage 1 Pridbannya zagalnogo manifestation that mastery of the middle is the beginning. - Involved in interaction with the middle, forming values ​​of splicing and computer literacy.

Stage 2: Expanding, deepening knowledge, learning and learning about ICT in the process of initial cognitive activity, forming active and cognitive competence and computer awareness. - Independently use the information resource; - Search for information; - Vikonuet the plant; - There are typical jobs.

Stage 3 Improve your knowledge and skills in ICT. - Create a powerful information resource; - Vikonuet the plant; - Identify typical items; - Vikonuet the plant; - Discover non-standard design; - analyze power activity; - revise methods for processing information resources.

Fig.2. Characteristics of the stages of formation of information competence of students, which begin with the help of additional distance technologies.

bathroom robots with their own motivational sphere, which served as a basis for this report clarify the characteristics of a valuable warehouse space as a motivational-valuable one.

In the process of learning the discipline, the basic method of combining materials is adopted, in which the lecture material is combined with the one-time practice of beginners on personal computer. After each practical block of the program is transferred to an independent creative robot, which involves preparing the user

The user will continue to work independently with the software package and securely remove the items.

Particular respect in the workplace is given to the system practical work. The system transfers information to a specific set of orders. A block is applied to the skin functional capabilities a specific medium and, apparently, a logical completion of the technological operation (Fig. 3).

The minimum warehouse of skin EMC with discipline (module) includes:

Work discipline program;

Small 3. Zrazkov’s scheme for conducting practical robots

Municipal illumination: innovation and experiment No. 4, 2013


Table 1

The table has been created results of studying peer information competence of students

Before and after the molding stage)

Groups Levels of professional competence, % up to the starting number in the group

high middle low

abs. number pro/% abs. number 0/% abs. number of pro/%

before after before after before after before after after before after before after before after

E G with about Yu,1 N8 n 4 oo,6 17.4 13 z tl,p p4.6

KG 4 t 10 2 0 t 0 az 3 2 14 1T oo 4o

Course of lectures (beginner's guide);

Methodical helpers to take up all types;

Viconnian calendar schedule control orders aastaaiplon (power).

Ochіkuvanii rttrlrtat-іtt snosoopathy and all students work creatively, independently add-vop-tonpn, learn about the importance of si^e^nіE, Fminop vati, analyze-otatn and discuss them.

At the beginning of the experiment and in the final stage of the study, we will begin to evaluate the level of information competence.

The experiment showed that the fragmented model is effective in shaping the information competence of students who are starting to receive additional education.

Control has shown that about the resl-tate of the implementation of the model we have developed uro-vasn-^formemionets 1^^mpot^oo^sis^tpsa^yud-nt^tt E1" moving forward: the number of students with a high level of zb increased by 34.9% , with a low level - decreased by 13.2%. This level also changed, but the number of students with a high percentage increased by 4%, and the number of students with a low level of information decreased by 8%. ї ї ї кілкісті petennostі (lab. 1;Fig.4, 5).

With this rank, the mule was obviously changed in both groups.

To verify the significance of the changes that have been made, we will use the Criterion f * - Kutovo

Fisher's re-creation (Fisher's criterion). Statistical analysis of the results showed that the changes in the EG have a statistical significance f * = T.6N6, while the warring cataO oesizmtpіniya vin can have a statistical significance f * = 0.368.

The results presented confirm that it is clearly deserving of greater respect for the work done in the USUZ Ooo^oy1 -gus^sh^tyum otebatm іpodaliya). They give students the opportunity to manage coon 7b-iyaniosis, to express powerful thoughts and nomosfspaitn pansuyapiya dreams. eua■ptattlpks-experimental follow-up to confirm that anedonpo mz=y^i ffchirovanny snf-rsntssonsm competence of students in the practice of the educational process corresponds to a more effective form of information competence students.

Thus, it is presented in io^l^^(^E^a^1i mtoals ptttot bs^sio iffeatten=T, nizh moto=b, focused on traditional forms, methods and phdotra rol=different initial work of students.

Development; ^%noisshch^^sysg^nuV^and increase in the effectiveness of the initial process on the basis of its individualization and intensification, the reach of an unknown level of professional And here it is true in theonics, preparation of areas of the aromatic aroa^ss to life-savings under the conditions of technological supremacy, as well as increasing the competitiveness of future information-competent facists.

Fig. 4. Current diagram of the dynamics of the development of information competence of EG students.

Municipal illumination: innovation and experiment No. 4, 2013


information competence of CM students.

The technology of forming information competence with the development of information technology is seen as one of the effective ways to improve the main contradiction, which itself satisfies the demand in information society. epetenti^.


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Municipal illumination: innovation and experiment No. 4, 2013

The current stage of development is characterized by widespread advancement in the initial process of computer technologies. Information technologies find their stagnation in various subject areas of all centuries.


Forward view:


Gubar O. M.

MAOU "ZOSH No. 11"

In line with the modernization of the current school system, the implementation of a competent approach to education is relevant.

Information competence is one of the key competencies and includes basic knowledge, intelligence, skills in dealing with information, including emergency work information (computer, interactive whiteboard, printer, modem, etc.) and information technologies (audio-video recording, e-mail, Internet).

The current stage of development is characterized by widespread advancement in the initial process of computer technologies. Information technologies find their stagnation in various subject areas of all centuries.

In the information society of the 21st century, the main value is the acquisition of new knowledge, created by instant access to information and the visibility of basic skills and competencies to deal with it competently .

In this world, the direct connection between a person’s information competencies and the nature of life is more clearly evident. From a glance, there is an objective need to make necessary changes before the start of the secondary school process by intensifying the development of students’ information competencies. The need for change is dictated by the fact that the Internet is becoming an important agent of information exchange, that is, a reality that can no longer be ignored. This is the reason, as well as the rapid development of information technologies, to highlight the growing role of people’s information competencies in everyday life.

The information competencies of a representative of a temporary marriage will not only ensure the successful socialization of the individual, but also guarantee effective methods of collecting, accumulating, transmitting and processing information ii throughout the entire socially active life of people.

The current concept of modernization of the Russian system is connected with the socio-economic minds of the region that have changed, primarily connected with the development of the problem of informatization, and the establishment of principles approaches are oriented towards such a level of informatization of lighting, on which they are actively developing and targeted development of information competencies of the participants of the course. process. However, we cannot prevent the situation if a graduate who receives a certificate with a mark upon entry to a university cannot base his knowledge on a specific practical situation. Such super-eternity arises through those that, as a rule, in a real initial-evolutionary process, goals are set, but not achieved.

Thus, there is a superfluity between the needs of great knowledge, the memory of a student and the low level of development of necessary information competencies.

The current development of marriage dictates new approaches to assessing the quality of school education. In line with the “Concept of modernization of Russian lighting”, the assessment of the result of lighting is oriented towards knowledge, and at the same time stagnating them in practice, focusing on non-standard situations yah, development of “competence”, “competence” of scientists.

The basis for the formation of a competent characteristic is the result of illumination, which appears in a young student with a different set of methods of action.

Learning, in any way of activity, is based on the integration of various results of education (knowledge, intelligence, skills, values, etc.), and setting (or assigning) the mark. This is how you become aware of the process of managing your activities – your competence.

The main theoretical approaches in which the problem of forming information competencies has been thoroughly investigated were dealt with by N.I. Gendina, M.V. Ryzhakov, V.N. Borzdun and others.

Today there are a lot of different thoughts regarding the classification and vision of the most important competencies. Information competence, regardless of authors and classification methods, always hangs as the most important hypotheses.

Considering the importance of the problem posed, I developed and tested a model for the formation of information competence. The development of knowledge and skills in working with information may go through a progressive order of formation of information competence: successively opening, including the understanding and active use of information resources by children.

Students are advised to receive information in the electronic version and use it for initial purposes (the first hour of the lesson may involve a variety of computer effects that are new to them: And, the ability to operate with information on the screen, the shadow of the projector on the screen evokes turbulent emotions);

  1. Search for electronic dictionaries, dictionaries, encyclopedias for finding basic information
  2. development of basic robotics with basic programs for expanding subject knowledge;
  3. collection and systematization of the last hour (quarter, first half or other portion of the hour) of thematic information
  4. Please submit information
  5. Creating a PowerPoint Presentation

Access to available computer resources for obtaining information.

In my robot, I use the highest order algorithms, information maps, as well as various types of information models:hierarchical model,Merezhevy models, semantic models.

Working with these models and maps allows students to gain an interconnected understanding of what is being learned and communicate with relevant information.

One of the pedagogical minds in the development of information competencies of students is the organization of independent research activities. At the heart of the research activity lies the urgent need for new information, new insights and knowledge, and new results of activity. This need has an unknown warehouse specificity.

New principles of competency-oriented awareness, individual approach, and subjectivity encourage new methods of initiation.

Most of these methods, identified in the arsenal of light and natural pedagogical practice, are similar to the current project method, which underlies the concept of competence-oriented illumination.

During the process of completing initial projects, the student develops the following information competencies:

1. Competencies in the field of basic information search (discovered keywords for information search; self-discovery of information on the Internet).

2. Technological competencies (work plan, selection of literature on the topic, transfer of information from one form to another).

3. Subject-analytical competencies (cerebral vision, analysis, systematization of information, formulation of guidelines and regulation).

4. Operational and operational competencies (development and development of various skills of precision in the development of creative projects, design of an information product in the form of a computer presentation).

5. Communicative competencies (presenting a valuable information product).

Formation of information competence of young schoolchildren during lessons and extracurricular activities. The main goal is to thoroughly educate yourself – read and understand and gain the knowledge you have acquired, then. as formulated by fr political. Actor Jacques Delors - learn to learn, work, live and live at the same time. The task of mastering information competence is to obtain a study that entails information competence, then. There are a variety of problems associated with rumors, alterations, and misdirected information. The school is responsible for learning this, and at the first stage, because the first proof of working with information is laid at this stage itself and becomes a guarantee of a successful beginning. The process of beginning informational cooperation is aimed at directing the activity of the reader and student, who develops in the information-illuminative environment. Tobto. the role of the teacher is transformed into a direct-consulting, supportive one, and the role of the teacher-led teacher is transformed into the role of a partner in the learning process. The important, informational, control function of the process of traditional brainwashing of the information society is transformed into an oriented, presentational function of the function of pedagogical support. Federal State Educational Standard for NGOs change of the enlightened paradigm Instead of transferring the amount of knowledge - development of the specificity of the study with the development of methods of action. The main immediate result of the educational activity is the formation of key competencies. Formation of key competencies in the process is called a competence approach. What is important to this approach is the mental stimulation of light. And one of the main key competencies in the approach is information competence.  What is a student’s “information competence”? Information competence is the ability to independently search, analyze, select, process and transmit necessary information using oral and written communication information technologies. Otherwise, information competence is the power of specialness, which is evident in the ability to find, save and retrieve information in its forms (verbal, graphic, symbolic, digital).  How was this problem presented in the relevant documents of the Federal State Health Insurance Fund? The “Federal Sovereign Standard for Corneal Illumination” names the meta-subject results of mastering the basic educational program for corneal education. It is said that the meta-subject results are to be reflected: a variety of different methods of searching (in pre-school research and open primary information space on the Internet), collection, processing, transmission of information. This includes the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the primary subject. In addition, it is noted that the subject results of mastering the basic educational program are based on the specifics of the subject areas, which include specific initial subjects that must be represented: You can independently choose the right literature: use research tools to understand and obtain additional information. Thus, information literacy in the new educational standard is viewed as a component of meta-subject and subject results.  How to develop information competence in a young student?

The formation of the foundations of information competence can be seen through classroom and extracurricular activities, and these types of activities interact and reinforce one another. His work has a very large number of different forms, techniques and methods aimed at the formation of this competence. I'll get to know what they do. The “6th power” technique is based on learning, reading or listening to a scientific or popular science text, by seeing the 6 main ingredients: Who? Why bother? De? If? Yak? Why? As a result, you learn to structure the text and then follow the visible structure from the hour of preparation to retranslation. This technique allows you to navigate the flow of information, save, systematize and implement it. The technique of “anticipation”, anticipation, intuitive transfer of possible future opportunities. Students are asked to read the title of the essay and guess what is in the text? After reading it is clear that we have taken the place. With this additional technique, scientists establish a correspondence between obvious authoritative evidence and excluded information. The term “cluster” is a graphical organization of material that shows the meaning of the field of a particular concept. The technique is that the student writes down the key concept in the center of the sheet, and then draws arrows on different sides, this technique is especially useful in the 1st grade, children are still able to read well, and draw better. Priyom "cinquain". This is the top of five rows that will follow the singing rules. This technique allows you to work short steps based on the results of processing the submitted information, preparing for further work in the future and ensuring the development of a reflexive warehouse. The process of reading in “stops” conveys the created and compiled information until it is completed. For example, in the classroom, children read the text and put a “tick” on the information they already know, sign “+” for new, sign “” for those they didn’t know, put a sign on the information they already know. powered and energized Dodatkove vivchennya. The technique of “letting the student know the logbook” allows you to record your thoughts, caution, and hostility under the hour of learning. Good for the lesson, the world is enough for yourself, group robots. The skin group identified the necessary information from the text and voiced it to the class, other scientists listened respectfully and wrote it down in the logbook. That. Students present information as a coherent verbal and written text, explaining the logic of the choice of substructures, and demonstrate operational and operational warehouse information competence. tobto. The “waterfall” technique allows you to provide children with information on the topic of how to understand the structure of the bath. For example, the word “suma” is in English. The food asks: “What word did you hear? Is it so, then? It is important to listen to all the voices, then add the sum of numbers. Children identify thoughts that can lead them to the acquisition of acquired information. There are a number of options for dealing with “uncertainties” (collisions). The first between old, already acquired knowledge and new facts. During the lesson on the topic “Domestic and wild creatures” in 1st grade, children are introduced to cards with images of creatures for their division in the group. Learn to collect treasures and bring the parrots to their own creatures, after which the teacher projects on the screen a photo of the parrot in nature. The problem is that it makes you think and search for additional information. Another method of dissimilarity between the same nature of knowledge, both of the lowest and highest level. In the 2nd grade at the Russian lesson on the topic “Guys with voices” the assignment was given: “Write down the word LU[K].” Either by writing down “meadow”, or by “cibula”, or by writing “meadow” or by “cibula”, explaining what information was needed.

And the acceptance of the inconsistency between scientific knowledge and everyday knowledge, which is why the discussion is to blame. (For 4th grade) The result of this process is the development of students to formulate a strong reasoned position, based on the strong evidence and information that develops motivational and operational This is the main component. Reception "Vibir zavdannya". A series of numbers (lines) are given. How would you like the manager to put it in place? Navischo mi yogo vykonuvatimemo? Propose another task with these numbers (words). The technique allows students to create explicit information and use it for analysis and ranking according to self-defined criteria. Reception "Thickness and subtle nutrition." The following methods allow the implementation of the treatment: problem-dialogue; doslednytskyi; design The problem-based dialogue method ensures more creatively acquired knowledge for students through dialogue with the teacher. The main goal of the problem-dialogue method is the creation of a problem situation. We were thoroughly introduced to this method at the courses conducted by Olena Leonidivna Melnikova. є stastosuvaniya pre-slednytsky method of learning. The main result of this research activity is an intellectual product that may be socially and practically significant. (“What kind of indoor plants are in your home?” “What kind of creatures and plants are listed in the Book of Reds?”) For the formation of information competence, an important and effective method for the formation of information competence is the project method. The project involves specially organizing by the teacher and independently constructing by the children a complex of actions that will culminate in a created product that is formed from the object prepared during the design process, which is submitted within the framework of a written presentation. Here it is necessary to understand that it is possible to maintain a high level of motivation among students and to promote the development of communicative aspects of skills in working with information. the development of ICT students, which is how to determine the formation of information competence of early-stage students. During the 2 years of teaching the “Infoznaika” group, the students became familiar with the following programs: graphic editor MS Paint, text editor MS Word, editor MS Power Point; We have learned to use MS Excel on the Internet. The use of ICT opens up new possibilities for the mastered subject and for day-to-day activities. For example, participation in the “Leader of Reading” competition, presentation to the class. Finally, prepare your own presentation and present it to the class.  classy? At this stage, it was important to work on the formation of information competence. In the 4th grade I will continue to work on this topic and for diagnostics I will use the rapid method of E.A. Khasyanov and S.Yu. Prokhorovy. We also continue to work with additional help "Typical tasks for forming the UUD. Working with information." for the 4th grade, “Complex work”, which is composed of the text and 12 tasks, instead connected with the text. The story of Vikonanny, which is based on stories based on situations from real life, will help the child determine how effectively she can be taken into account. The information space of the skin robot is organized in order to provide evidence for independent determination of the task, and for control-evaluation activities, which ensures the presence of evidence before the task. Formation of information competence is one of the current tasks of elementary education. In addition, to the extent that these tasks are implemented in school practice today, the success of socialization of students will lie in the future.

Formation of information competence of the teacher.

Pestov Sergey Oleksiyovich,

postgraduate student at the Ural State Pedagogical University, . Ekaterinburg,

senior academician of the Nizhny Tagil State Social-Pedagogical Academy.

The current stage in the development of human society is characterized by the increasing importance of information and communication technologies, increased use of information, the emergence of high technologies, which is a primary factor in the development of the economy, politics, science, education.

In the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, the field of information technology education is given great importance. Laws of the Russian Federation “About education”, “I am looking for post-university professional education”, “The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010”, State educational standards set before NZ task of preparing a graduate as an active subject of pedagogical activity, creating a power strategy professional activity, including the information process of the lighting process.The “Project of Professional Standards of Pedagogical Activity” is about the teacher’s knowledge of current teaching methods, including the development of new information technologies in the initial process, and current teaching methods.

Teachers' mastery of new technology means familiarity with new information technologies (IT), and the ability to competently use them in their professional activities. According to the opinion of the American scientist M. S. Knowles, who has made a great contribution to the developments of the theory and practice of education, one of the main tasks in the field of professional education is the preparation of competent facists who would build their knowledge in the minds that change, and “ ... the main competence lay in intelligently engaging in steady self-indulgence in the continuation of one’s life.”

There are different interpretations of the term “professional competence”. One of them is “professional competence - the teacher’s ability to effectively carry out his or her professional activity.” [5.p.176]

The professional competence of a teacher is a rich concept. Zokrema, O.S. Belkin lists nearly 70 teacher competencies. One of the main competencies at the level of knowledge development is information competence (IC).

INFORMASIINA The competence of the recoverer is manifested by the VMINNALICALY MISTRICATIONALLY ONE ANALISHICTICAL, Projective, prognostic, reflective mind in the sprout of the stagnant -free INformation at the teacher DIYALYSTI. In addition, with a warehouse of information, technological culture of the teacher, and new integrative functions, serve as a reliable source of advanced pedagogical and special knowledge and skills. It should be noted that the currently neglected term “information competence” most often conveys the origin of computer information technologies, and more precisely, the term is interpreted as “computer information “Information competence”. In addition, Y.I. Kuzminov puts into the concept of “information competence” the methodical aspect of the teacher’s activity.

P.V. Bespalov defines information competence as “ integral characteristic of a particularity that conveys motivation to acquire advanced knowledge, achieve the highest level of responsibility in initial and professional activities and for additional computer technology and computer science techniques.” [2.p.176]

The information competence of the reader is formed at the stages of computer training, the development of information technologies as an integral part of the process of professional activity and is seen as one of the facets of professional maturity i. Analysis of the teacher’s pedagogical activity allows us to see the following uniform formation of information competence:

the current level of information;

rіven koristuvach computer;

The level of logical functioning and knowledge of the characteristics of possession;

A range of subject-specific tasks with a focus on a creative, interdisciplinary approach.

The main pedagogical minds, in the author’s opinion, are what should be poured into the formation of the teacher’s identity:

a) the creation of professionally oriented tasks, pedagogical situations during the lesson, create motivation for the development of information technologies;

b) learning to use scientific models, multimedia features, and Internet resources that stimulate the process of IC formation;

c) the development of creative projects based on the initial specialization of students in the field of information technologies.

The main elements of the molding process are:

Use information technologies to demonstrate other and graphic documents;

Use information technology to demonstrate audio and video materials in class;

Make presentations;

Please systematize and collect data from additional tables and technological maps;

Alignment tables will be available and patterns will be revealed using a computer;

It is important to use information technologies for modeling processes and objects, design and sketches;

Vmіnnya vikoristuvati computer testing;

Use the Internet for advanced pedagogical information, information collection, participation in teleconferences, access to scientific, pedagogical, and methodological data.

p align="justify"> The reader's information competence is conveyed by a wide range of computer technology, electronic versions of basic materials, basic programs, pedagogical technologies of a creative nature. The teacher is responsible for the necessary preparation for correct differentiation of the abilities of students in the initial group depending on individual characteristics, motivation, developmental and psychological characteristics.

The provision of a lesson on advanced computer technology includes a number of warehouses (div. Fig. 1).

Small 1.

Our evidence from work with teachers allows us to see the peculiarities that may arise during the development and implementation of the initial VNZ programs, the system of advanced qualifications of teachers associated with the formation and informational competence. These features include:

It is important for the initial emphasis on practical and laboratory use of computers and the organization of independent work for teachers;

In advance, VNZ students learned the methods of introducing specialized pedagogical and methodological disciplines. Basic disciplines related to advanced information technologies in the initial process can be taught in senior courses;

Representation of the specificity of the specialization of readers (Russian language, physics, technology) in the place of primary disciplines related to the formation of ІЧ;

Mastering by teachers the methods of using information technologies at various stages of the lesson (organizational-preparatory, theoretical, practical, activity support).

ICH is one of the main competencies of a daily teacher, which has both an objective and a subjective side. The objective side appears in the consequences that the partnership represents before the professional activity of the teacher. The subjective side of ICH is determined by the individuality of the teacher, his professional activity, the peculiarities of motivation for the thorough development of pedagogical expertise.

Problems associated with the problem of developing the teacher’s information competence can be divided into three groups:

The interests of the marriage are reflected;

Represent the functions and replacement of the professional and pedagogical activity of the teacher;

The individual professional needs and interests of the teacher are reflected.

The teacher’s form is conveyed:

The knowledge they have mastered and the knowledge of computer science and information and communication technologies;

Development of the teacher’s communicative skills;

Carefully navigate the information space, analyze information, reflect on your activities and results.

At the warehouse, readers can see four warehouses:

· motivation - the presence of a motive for achieving a goal, readiness and interest in work, setting and awareness of the goals of information activity;

· cognitive-Availability of knowledge, skills and data to establish them in professional activities, analyze, classify and systematize program features;

· operational and operational- demonstrates the effectiveness and productivity of information activities, the implementation of information technologies in practice;

· reflexive - ensures readiness to identify new problems that arise, their creative transformation based on the analysis of one’s professional activity.

Formation of the teacher's personal integrity is an important part of his professionalism.Systematically, completely identifying information competence, seeing the structure, structuring criteria, function and level of formability, allows for the purposeful and effective organization of the initial process within the framework of public relations activities, move up the level subject-specific knowledge, take effective decisions from supervisors, and purposefully and systematically develop education.


1. Belkin A.S. Pedagogical competence. – Yekaterinburg: Vidavnichy branch of UrDPU, 2003.

2. Bespalov P. U. " Computer competence V contexts specifically-oriented learning»/ / Pedagogy. - 2003, No. 4.-Art. 45-50.

3. Kuzminov Ya.I. Professional standard of pedagogical activity (project) // Newsletter. 2007. - No. 7. - Art. 17-24.

4. Knowles M.Sh. The daily practice of educating adults. Andragogy versus pedagogy. - M.: Vidavnichiy branch NMC SPO, 1998.

5. Repkin V.V. Primary dictionary of Russian. - M.: “Vishcha School”, 1995.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary behind-the-light school No. 3" p. Linyovo"

Formation of information competence

in literary reading lessons

first qualification category

adv. p. Linyovo

1. Explanatory note ……………………………………………………. 3

2. Concepts of information competence…………………………………… 4

3. Goals and specific formation of information competence……… 5

4. Analysis of the handbook “Literary reading” and

assistant “Abetka” …………………………………… 5

5. Methods for developing information competence…10

6. Diagnostic investigation …………………………………………. 12

7. Literature………………………………………………………………... 17

8. Addendum………………………………………………………………. 18

Explanatory note

The priority of immediate illumination, which guarantees high brightness, is the beginning, focused on self-development and self-realization individuals. The metamorphosis of today's global awareness of the formation of a person who is ready to make a strong, humanistically oriented choice, which has rich functional competencies, which allows him to independently resolve various problems in all daily, professional and married life. This response to the “call of the hour” will require not only the preparation of people to understand the current set of actions, but also to evaluate these actions from ethical, moral and ethical positions.

One of the main priorities with the method of daily illumination is information competence. Researchers note that in different periods the development of individuality is necessary to formulate different key competencies (for example, in school children there are special features and communicative skills; in school children there are special cultural, initial cognitive, informational, communicative; during the period of professional training - valuable meanings, cultural, social and labor, informational, communicative, political and social, competencies of living in a rich cultural community, competencies that will begin to realize the goal life). The prote is low competence, which must be molded over the course of a long life. Such competencies require information.

Concepts of information competence.

The concept of “information competence” is viewed by many authors as the peculiarity of independently searching, selecting, analyzing, organizing, presenting and transmitting information. For example, he views information competence as “universal methods of searching, separating, processing, identifying and transferring knowledge.” Under the information competence of the mind, “to constantly navigate the wide, rapidly evolving and growing information field, you will quickly find the necessary information and incorporate it into your system honesty, to establish for the most practical and pre-sleep instructions.” They view information competence as the ability to recognize and process large amounts of information using modern multimedia tools. includes information competence to independently search, analyze and select necessary information, organize, transform, save and transfer it using real objects and information Other technologies. This competence will provide skills in learning activities with information that can be found in basic subjects and lighting areas, as well as in extraneous light.

Meta robots of the teacher of cob classes: laying the foundations for the formation of information competence of students. To lay the foundations for the formation of information competence, the most current zavdannya:

1) create a mind for the development of basic information skills during lessons;

2) develop skills in extracting and processing information;

3) develop peculiarity, adapt properly to the world.

To implement these tasks, I have focused on all my lessons, and I attach special respect to literary reading.

The school’s strategic meta of literary education is the development of intelligent peculiarity, which is clear and understandable in reaching the world (to alien people, creatures, nature), which lives “beyond the laws of beauty” (Leo Tolstoy).

A more specific meta is the inspiration of the enlightened creative reader, who may have a formed need in the reader.

“Relevant reading, as, according to the words of M. Tsvetaeva, is the essence of creativity.”

Analysis of the assistant “Literary reading”

and the assistant “Abetka”.

Literature reading as a primary subject is of great importance for the development and awareness of students and plays a key role in their education, since in these lessons children become familiar with artistic works, moral potential It is very high, and its mastery by the reading students is acceptable to their appropriation of ethical values ​​created by humanity.

At the assistant “Literary reading”, create selections in such a way as to kindle the value of the world in front of students. The texts, food and food before them show the student how important and how important it is to become a person.

The robotic method with the text is correct:

1) the principle of integrity of the artistic image, importance,


2) the possibility of special perception, “individual” reading

artistic image;

3) the guiding role is played as the basis for motivating interest in reading.

The skill of informed, correct, concise and meaningful reading is developed when thinking about the features of the text in the process of listening and rereading for various purposes.

The food and task of the teacher is laid out in such a way that you learn to re-read the text of the work several times, so that it is directed to the motivation for re-reading: “read with different intonation, with different mood.” Reading, zastosovuyu rіznі types of work are widely understood:

Reading in whole words using a choice of intonation;

Read the roles, remember;

Staging of works;

Understand that writing is based on an image, based on a picture and in a free form.

The material in the guide allows you to develop other basic skills, such as basic information.

“The ABC” not only helps the reader to get started with the basics of reading, but also helps the reader to thoroughly develop this basic knowledge, but also to learn to work with information.

Analysis of the assistant “Abetka”. Knowledge that forms information competence:

Side of the handyman

Formulation of the department

Sent for molding

How many mothers, fathers, children does your homeland have? Now complete your family, paint your relatives, friends, acquaintances - you still have a little star in your eyes.

analyze, document, process information.

- “The people used words to call everything that she discovered and created herself.” It’s true that everything has its name. Turn it over! What else can you call a budinok?

searching, processing information, concealment.

How many pieces does the skin word break into? Think about it?

analyze, collect.

Choose from clues to riddles. Why? Prime the answer.

select, analyze, systematize, organize, transmit information.

How do you deal with such a situation?

select and analyze information.

"Words words…"

Explain the historical approach of the words, go to the untidy conclusion.

joke around, tease out information.

What role do you want to play in this tale?

select, transmit information.

“What’s behind the door?” PC

analyze, search, select the required information.

What can you say about this word? (daddy, pavich, Fluff, penguin)? What about objects?

analyze, select, transmit information.

Who is this? Shepherd? Shepherd? Cowboy?

Why were they called that? Dormouse, dzvinochok, kulbaba, snowman, sonitsa?

Explain the entry?

I'm healthy...

analyze, select, present and transmit information.

You entered the superechka. Choose: quiet tone, calm tone, fists, chuckle, scream, good nature.

processing, documentation, transmission of information. Independently collect, analyze, and transmit information.

"Why were they called that?" (See the furnishings in the kitchen).

organize and transmit information.

“Why are we saying this?”

searching, processing, transmission of information.

“Who has given the favor?” (words, expression of heroes). See what happened...

independently analyze, collect and transmit information.

Vikonay zavdannya sings and fills in the gaps. (“What can’t we live without?”)

What do names mean? What does your name mean?

Why did they call you that?

independently search, collect, organize, give information.

What can you say about the words of the stovpchiks? About these words?

If we think so?

registration, processing, transformation of information into knowledge.

Write the letter to the “zayvu” box. Explain your choice: w n y...

select, analyze.

Come up with and play scenes with these words.

transmit information.

Give your mercy.

“Who should owe what?”

systematize, organize.

Find out what sounds the letter C can represent: soft, hard, ringing, deaf?

independently search, gather, analyze.

Equalize the words you use. What does the verse indicate its name for instead of its sounds? (“Sinichna skoromovka”).

Can the letter X represent a hard and soft sound?

And the letters Zh, Shch, C?

select, analyze, present, analyze, organize, transform information into knowledge.

With any pairs of words you can solve a rebus.

Make a story with these heroes.

select, analyze, submit and transmit information.

Behind these signs are a group of creatures called creatures.

select, analyze, organize.

Find out what sounds the letters Ch, Sh can mean?

independently select and process information

You're walking on the street. You don't have an anniversary. You don’t know what time it is for you to go home. What way out will you find?

In the skin group, find the “third horn”. – How many options are there?

independently search, gather, analyze, inspect.

Methods and methods for forming information competence

p align="justify"> To form the foundations of information competence, the most effective principle is to work with information. My research helped to identify the components of information competence that will ensure:

mastery of basic material;

Formation is able to analyze, organize, systematize and select selected information;

Minimal assistance call.

Apologies (creative)

It is important to predict possible difficulties and problems in the search for a solution;

Design complex processes;

Skillfully transferring obvious knowledge, skills, methods

activities in a new unknown situation;

Availability of assistance on call;

Providing assistance to other participants in the sleepover


Remember to reflect on your actions.

Diagnostic investigation

So, as I began to explore the topic, when my children started in the 3rd grade, the diagnostic results at that time were such that the scientists had an important level of information competence formation, which became 66.7%, and the boys the average level of possibility - 33.3%. (Appendix 1).

In the 4th grade, during an hour of literary reading lessons, I tried practical learning material on this problem.

I provide an example of diagnostic material that allows you to maintain the level of information competence formation. (Addendum 2, questionnaire 1.)

Analysis of this test showed:

1. Analysis of this core information – 75%.

2. Selecting the necessary material (removing the necessary

information) – 62%.

3. Organization of the material (smart book orientation) – 65%.

4. Transformation of information (add more changes) – 53%.

Turning to the table (p. 11), I have great respect for the changes that resulted from the formation of the foundations of information competence of 4th grade students:

Low rhubarb (obov'yazkovy) 6 people - 25%;

Middle (range of possibilities) 14 people. - 58.3%;

Sticking through (creative) 4 individuals%.

Among the students there are 4 individuals who could finish the job without outside help and help other participants in the work.

When enrolling children in the 1st grade, I had a problem finding a handbook that would replace the “Russian Abetka”, because, in my opinion, the material of this handbook does not help to develop a competent approach for the beginner.

“Abetka”, the analysis of which I compiled and put in the table (p. 6-9) not only helps the reader to get started with reading, but also to develop this skill, and to learn to process information .

The work to form the foundations of information competence was in its infancy.

I assessed the formation of the foundations of this competence, spiraling onto the same table.

Through centuries of peculiarities, first-grade students obtain the necessary information with the help of adults (fathers, teachers - first lieutenants). Well, the results of the 1st phase are as follows:

Obov'yazkovy rhubarb becomes 69.5%;

Average (rhubarb again) 30.4%.

Practicing the ABC, I tried to make reading lessons more effective, which helped me study three times forms of organization robots in the lesson: individual, frontal, group.

Forming the foundations of information competence, I plan to progressively “move” students from the obligatory level to the middle, and from the middle to the creative.

In order for the teachers to help other participants in the creative activity (formation of ways of activity on the creative level (prompted)), initial training is required. In order to teach children to work successfully at home, it is necessary to develop communication skills. Among them I saw:

Remember to stay home;

Please exchange thoughts;

Remember to listen to your partner;

Please evaluate each other and yourself.

My boys happily worked through the hour of reading lessons in groups, evaluated each other's work, and gave recommendations.

I will diagnose the process of forming the foundations of information competence (Appendix 3, questionnaire 2).

This test shows the current results of developing the foundations of competence, which includes:

Analysis of dzherel (type of dzherel) information – 85%;

Selection of unnecessary material – 52%;

Organization of the material (smart orientation in the book) -75%.

During the hour of literary reading lessons in the 1st grade, I myself was working, analyzing the tasks, with additional necessary material that would help me formulate the foundations of information competence (Addendum 4).

I respect that I laid the foundation for the formation of information competence, which allowed us to achieve the current results.

Start result table.

Literary reading.

Rick navchannya


Number of students

Brightness %


The results, entered in the table, show how the knowledge of the subject is progressing, which is obtained as a result of forming the foundations of information competence.