When you enter your accessory number.


Instructions The additional number can only be dialed from the dial if the telephone is switched from pulse mode to tone mode. To do this, simply press a star (*).

Most phones use this method.

Your phone is being transferred tone mode Otherwise, explain how to do it in the instructions.

Another method can be used if the phone has a pause button for entering a number.

In this case, you should not check the lines from the mini-PBX. Dial the main number, and then press the pause symbol, after which you can enter an additional number. A pause can be indicated by the “P” symbol.

However, not all mini-PBX companies that require the renewal of extension numbers support the pause symbol and indicate the number on your phone.


Some bells greet you, and then listen to the text. Enter additional number You can only enable auto-receipt to be detected. When you listen to the promotion, you can almost hear the command: “...Check the operator’s line and after the signal, enter the extension number.”

Remember, if you want to lay the cable and not spoil the appearance of the interior, you need to add special decorative boxes.

There are also droneless ATSs that are more powerful and reliable, with fewer factors affecting the power of their robots.

However, such devices are more expensive to purchase. Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses. Lay cables for mini-PBX, install and connect telephone sockets, select a place for other equipment. Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses. Turn it over so that everything can be completed manually and accessible. These robots must be careful and careful to ensure that there are broken cables, sockets, etc., or a bad contact can lead to hissing in the telephone handset and a decrease in communication speed..


Therefore, it is recommended to entrust this task to professionals. Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses. Some organizations have at least one telephone line number, in which the PBX office is connected to the line. Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses. To reach the main telephone number, after answering the auto-informer, you need to dial the additional number

start ringing at Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses. tone mode Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses. Yakshcho you called on Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses. office PBX with

Stilnikov phone Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses. They, like early push-button models, cannot operate in tone mode. Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses..

If you often make calls at an office PBX, and your phone does not support this mode, buy a special device - a beeper. Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses. It consists of a keyboard, an electronic synthesizer of DTMF signals and speakers, and runs on batteries. Consider this option and take advantage of the economic benefits of such expenses. All you have to do is move the beeper speaker to the microphone of the handset and dial the corresponding numbers - and the PBX office will recognize the additional number.

Because the phone does not support tone dialing, and there is no beeper, but because it has an additional

The required telephone number is unknown to you, after requesting the auto-informer, do not do anything, and the secretary of the organization will inform you through your phone.

Tell the person you want to talk to by the name of the employee you want to talk to, and it will switch you to your secondary contact. by hand. Respect, just TODAY! Everything is okay V called in

pre-vidov service

And you felt asked to switch the phone to tone mode, and then dial a few numbers in that mode.

How can you earn money? Instructions1Using the absence of buttons shotgun phones

є special...

Landline telephones have two dialing modes: pulse and tone (tone).


Enter the company's telephone number.

Since it is made up of two parts, then the first one is responsible for the main number of the company, and the other, if you want to take it into the arms, is the additional one.

It is up to you to allow you to connect with the required branch. Dial the main number of the organization on your phone and call. You will receive an automatic transmission. You must listen to your call again, otherwise you may get lost and have to redial the number. At the end of the notification, you will feel the transition of the main additional numbers and the option to dial the necessary one after the characteristic signal. Turn it over, it’s yours landline phone

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change the tone mode of the robot.

This is necessary in order to contact the extension number.

If you are confused, then simply press the “star” button on the phone, which is located under the main dial buttons.


telephone devices

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Today, practically every great enterprise organizes correct and well-designed work for the provision of so-called additional numbers.

The additional number is a special numeric identifier assigned to a specific line of business, for example, to a special branch.

So, you can note that the telephone number of the company where you need to call is made up of two parts.

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The first one is the main telephone number of the company, the other one (the name is indicated at the arms) will be the additional number that connects you with the required branch or person. Not everyone tried this and not everyone succeeded, but it’s obvious that you dialed the extension number correctly..

Additional number: dialing rules

To get started, dial the phone number.


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Then there will be an auto dialer, which will revert all available extension numbers so that people can select the ones they need and call.

You need to listen to the auto-show until the end!

To understand how to call an extension number, you need to understand what it is.

This forwarding point is at a virtual automatic telephone exchange, which is assigned to one of the current telephone numbers of the satellite (Moscow, mobile, SIP or Skype account, etc.).

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The additional number has a four-digit format - from 0001 to 9999, which limits the maximum number capacity of the forwarding point on the 1st virtual number.

The first two digits of the additional number indicate the serial number of the forwarding list, and, as a rule, belongs to the 1st department of the company.

Master's statement:

When you dial the telephone number of any great enterprise, you often encounter the problem of dialing an extension number in order to talk to a person or contact the required representative.

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Such additional numbers allow the enterprise to organize the correct and beneficial work of all workers. However, many people cannot and do not know how to dial extension numbers correctly. First, enter the telephone number of the required business.

Since the number is made up of two parts, the first one represents the main phone number, and the other, which is written in the arms, means the additional number.

The other part will help you connect with the required branch. Now dial the main number on your phone and call a new one. You will feel the auto-reply. You will need to listen carefully to your message, otherwise the call may ring and you will have to dial the number again. For example, automatic notifications will be...

Dial the company number to find out how many you need to check to enter the extension number.

Try entering your extension number after connecting.

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As it turns out, at the hour of entering the number, you will quickly use the pause function or any other. telephone call, you need to enter additional numbers, which are numeric codes that are assigned to song subdivisions. Zazvichay, phone number