Sound editing in Sony Vegas. How to insert music into a video to record a new sound vegas pro

Proponuyu chimali possibilty for sound editing, zastosuvannya transitions and effects so it is possible for sound fragments, as well as for video. And also it is possible to open audio files for the project in special audio editors, such as Sound Forge from Sony.

The management of fragments on the audio track is exactly the same as on the video, so let's move on to such warehouse audio editing, like the original. What is it?

It is simpler to manage equal density, by itself for the help of a bypass. This is the horizontal line of the stretch of the last sound track. The management of the obvіdnoї vіdbuvaєtsya for additional key points.

Take the original sound support. For whom we create an envelope on the sound track of our video. For which Envelope Edit Tool is selected? context menu required tracks select Insert / Remove Envelope -> Volume. To change the volume level, simply move the envelope up or down. And in order to turn on the sound of the track again, lower the envelope to the very bottom, or click on the Mute button

on the track control panel.

Now let's create a smooth transition to the beginning of the video, so that the music does not start abruptly. For whom we will need to create a key point. Just double-click on the circle in the required area, or move the edit line in the place you want to create a point and select the Add Point item in the context menu.

Mіzh two points will pole the plot of a smooth transition. Just drop the left dot down and the transition is ready!

In the end of the clip, you can put the same transition, but also at the return bik. For which we will need to create two new key points and right down. It is a beast of respect that the rest of the rights of the speck manage the quality of all the decisions of the path.

So we ourselves can, for a certain hour, turn on the sound of the track, for which we need some key points.

The two extreme points will signify the cob and end, which includes a gap, so as not to reduce the bulk on the other plots of the path. Those dots that are placed between them are needed to manage the density, just roztashuemo tsi key points under them, which mean the cob and the end and the dilyanka will not sound. In this rank, you can make the sound of dekilkoh tracks.

Before that, how to proceed to the creation and editing of the sound subroutine, it is better to edit the entire video sequence.

We will talk about the setting of special transitions and effects for audio tracks in a moment.

Vitayu, dear friends!

Today, my small article is dedicated to how to display an audio file in the Sony Vegas program. In other words - save sound okremo video video.

Vipadkіv, now it's necessary, I think, it's not varto to describe. Otherwise, you would not be on this side, would you? ..;)

See you well, sir ta sir!

Also, in order to save the sound from the video, mi:

1. Well, it's clear that this video is in Sony Vegas.

3. Why do we go to the menu item "file”, Dali“ RenderAs»І at the end:

  • - specify the folder where to save our audio file;
  • - in the field filename»Let's name yoga;
  • - and in the field " Saveastype»From the list, we choose the option of the AUDIO format that we need, so that the output will be the SOUND file itself, and not the video. I, for example, choose the mp3 format:

4. Well, now it's just enough to squeeze " Save».

All! Now we just need to check the completion of our audio file. If you know what yoga You can in the papacy, they told me in front of the savings. Well, I'm blowing you!

Save. Listen. Enjoy!

I will also tell you to watch the video about those, how to save the audio track from the video in Sony Vegas Pro 13:

Well, that's all for now. Success in creativity and practice! ;)

Your Victoria

When working with video materials, it is often blamed for the need to pick up the original sound of the recording, to correct it and to add more or less to replace, for example, a musical accompaniment. It's easy to dig into Sony software Vegas.

The nuances of robotics with sound from Sony Vegas.

There are two ways to look at the audio track: see it or just mute it. Stay better, if you don’t know for sure, you will become in good fortune in the process of creating a new project.

method 1

Before you remove the audio track, add the video to the Sony Vegas editor. On the top you bachite a frame, and below - a ball of audio, and the stench is indistinctly tied between them. Yakscho in given moment try to erase the audio sequence, at the same time, a clip will appear with it.

In order to open the sound of the video, see it and press the U key. Reverse the elements, pulling the edge of the video sequence. As if the wine collapsed on its own, it went well.

At the bottom of the audio track, there is a small setting at the end. Click on new right button Click and select "Delete Audio Track" or "Remove Audio Track" (deposit as software version). The sound row is gone.

method 2

You can also just clean up the sound, muffle yoga, or save the track. To stick not to the whole row as a whole, but only to the element, press S on the keyboard and see the bug, and then right-click on the bear and select "Switches" (or "Toggle") - "Muffle".

In order to mute the soundtrack itself, or the soundtrack (as the track is composed of fragments), look at the menu next to it - there is an icon with a signature.

Such a path can not only achieve silence, but also increase the difference in density in the necessary areas. For which one, press Shift + V and place markers on the track where changes will be made. When the marks are moved, a sound curve is created. In order to be effective in your function, you need to be right, then go out and go. Now, if necessary, you can turn to the original sound, which would be impossible with the audio track removed.

Adding a new track

Now let's talk about those, how to insert music or voice recording into the project. First of all, you need to prepare a new file in MP3 format and save it in some folder. Let's import the video sequence into the editor and press Ctrl + Shift + Q (or through the menu "Insert" - "Audio / Video Track").

Next, insert a piece of music. It is planned to have a few tracks in the course of the clip, for the skin of them an audio track is created: in Sony Vegas, the same principle is used - “one object - one ball” - which is typical for graphic editors Photoshop icon. If you muffled the original audio track, then you split the video and sound in front of it, like in Sony, it's neob'yazkovo.

voiced video

If you want to voice the video in a clear voice, plug in the voice microphone (in laptops in the wake-up call) and create a new empty audio track (right-click in the extreme left menu, De-stacking tools for editing). Vyskochit in the end with the proposition save the record in the same folder. We'll wait, or we'll change the place of printing and emboss OK.

On the right, a different indicator appeared - a microphone ready for work. At the bottom, press the “Rec” button and dictate the text.

In the same row, you will see the “Stop” icon. After the audio recording, you can listen to it and, if necessary, process it - there is an icon in the end of the track that shows the current options. In the list you will find silent sound effects, clarity settings, and noise reduction.

Good day. Today we'll talk about sound editing. Sound plays an important role in the wildly inspired film. The skin of the film has a sound support, as it includes the dialogues of the characters in the film, sound and noise effects, as well as a musical support. In domestic minds, it is also possible to create a film, a kind of revenge for a sound support. Sound support is created directly in the Vegas program. Actual sounds and noise effects can be processed into special programs, The titles of sound editors. Also, the Sony Vegas Pro program is a tool for editing sound support to remove anonymous filters, which are used for sound correction and creation of sound effects. Therefore, in the majority of cases, with the creation of a sound accompaniment, it is possible to do without external programs.

Change the volume of the audio file

For starters, let's wonder what the sound track on the panel is Trimmer(Urivok). The sound file on the Trimmer view panel looks like an amplitude-frequency graph. The greater the amplitude of the graph on a single space in a file, the higher the amplitude on a given space.

After adding the audio file to the editing table, we can adjust its volume. To adjust the thickness of the track, use the twigs "Vol" and "Pan". Vol- to increase or decrease the density of the track, Pan- to regulate the balance of the density of the left and right channel.

Most often, when editing a film, it is necessary to change the volume on a specific section of the audio track. The regulation of density on the singing dilyantsi of the path is built for help obginaє thickness.

See the necessary path. Select menu command Insert/ Audio Envelopes/ Volume(Insert / Sound light / Guchnist). On the sound track, a light of darkness will appear, which is a horizontal line of blue color, which passes through the center of the sound clip.

The change of agility for the help of obvіdnoi is created by the coming rank. Key frames are created on the circumferential line. Between two keyframes you can change the shape of the circumferential line, thereby reducing or increasing the density on the given space. For which keyframe it is necessary to move uphill or down. When moving the keyframe down, the density on this space is reduced. When moving the key frame uphill, the volume moves up.

And now, let's take a closer look at the process of creating an obvіdnoї thickness on the singing dilyantsі paths:

  1. Insert the cursor of the streaming position of the editing into the cob of the clip.
  2. Set the mouse pointer to the point of the line of the cursor line of the current position of the edit and the line on the road so that the pointer takes the look of the hand with a binary arrow.
  3. Click on the keys. A key frame will appear at the point designation, which is a square marker.
  4. Move the current position cursor three times to the right.
  5. I will again clap the mouse. The designation of the point will have another keyframe.
  6. In a similar rank, we create the third and fourth key frames.

We created some key shots on the sound track with a clip.

7. And now let's move the space between the other and third keyframes down, reducing the volume on this space to the minimum.

The form bending on the distance between the first and fourth keyframes will change.

All oginaє richness on the singing dilyantsі is created. Let's analyze it. Between the first and the other key shots, the line goes down sharply, to talk about those who are lowering on the given space. On the distance between the other and the third key frames, the line of the corner passes along the lower boundary of the path, which means that the density on this distance is minimal. Starting from the third key frame, the line starts going uphill. The value on this dimension moves up and reaches the final value in the fourth key frame.

Other audio output

Advance view obvіdnoї - Light Mute. Insert / Audio Envelopes / Mute. Tsezh oginaє sound. Її key frames can be placed only at the very top or at the bottom of the track. The upper position is the sound of inclusions, the lower one is the sound of switching off. In this way, by stretching the tracks, you can turn on - turn on the sound on the singing plots.

In the same menu, turn on Mute and press Pan. Chervona line - tse check the balance. The middle position ensures the same level of sound in both channels. The higher the dot, the higher the sound in the left channel and less in the right. The lower the point, the less equal the sound in the left channel and more in the right.

The life of a skin lover of video editing has come to a moment, if it is time to learn not only the effects of video, but also audio - how to remember the soundtrack. And sometimes it’s necessary, because the sound of the video fills up the shortest and it’s necessary to replace it. Otherwise, I would like to add a video series with a special piquancy or rodzinka, for example, the effect of the moon, the assembly hall, the sight of the city and more.

Sony Vegas Video Editing Software this type robots, before that, you can easily master a newbie.

Also, our today's lesson will be about editing audio tracks in Sony Vegas. Let's take a look at some of the main basic methods.

1. Viewing and changing the audience.

This technique is useful in order to replace the essential audio on whether or not (for example, to replace the drunken trills of the guests on the party to represent the hit of Verka Serduchka, or just to see it.

We bring the project into the new required video fragment and drag it into the working area. If you sip the video on the working area with a bear, then remember that both video and audio are inconsistently following at the same time. I don’t want to lie in addition, pulling you with a bear for a piece of video or for a piece of audio.

Obviously, you will try it in such a situation for the help key DELETE delete the audio track, then delete the second video at once from the video. In order for this not to happen, it is necessary to “rip” the video and audio. For which you need to click on the video clip and press the key " U ". Then, sipping the video again with the bear, you will sing that it is already collapsing around the audio track. Її after all, we simply see it and put it behind the bazhannyam.

2. Change equal to sound.

This technique helps the sound to jump from loud to quiet, if at the singing moment it is necessary to muffle the sound, or, at the same time, lift it up. Otzhe, for which we go to the menu item Insert ->AudioEnvelopes ->Volume otherwise vikoristovuemo hot keys Shift+V.

Let's turn to our video, or rather to the audio track, I've got it. Under the click of the bear, we put marks in quiet places, where we will regulate the sound.

Let's sweat, pushing the marks and rushing them, you can raise or lower the sound of the sounds. Listen to what happened, it might be funny.

It is also possible to create such an effect, which I call " Live Wuho - Right Wuho". The sound of the audio is transmitted either in the left column, or in the right one. For which we go to the menu item Insert ->AudioEnvelopes ->Pan otherwise pressing keys Shift+P.

I'm going to put a mark in the decal areas on the audio track, so that you can stop the audio effect.

I, like in the front slope, for an additional mark, it is regulated, de audio will fall on " left wuho', and de - on ' right wuho».

3. Special audio effects

Sony Vega has its own set of audio effects, which will help to embellish the sound of the video. To know them, go to the menu item view ->Plug-inManager .

To our glance, it turns out in the end with the absence of audio effects for any relish.

In order to win one of them, you need to drag the appeal to our audio track with a bear and set the necessary characteristics.

4. Sound enhancement

In order to “stretch” the audio sound (as it is in English - slowmotion), it is necessary to select the necessary video clip, in different cases, use the pressing the key " S"). And then we will use the clothes to move to the side.

And then we press the key CTRL and we pull the video row by the edge, in such a rank stretching yoga. Axis to you and improved zyomka, and sound.

Danish lesson of preparatory work within the framework of a cost-free initial course "How to Create a Masterpiece from Home Video", Subscribe to which you can:

  • enter your Name and EMail in the right column of the blog and press the button "Reset rate";
  • by clicking on the message.

I am sure that the lesson of the letters is korisny and zavdyaki yomu you will learn your mastery of video editing.

And for today I have everything.

Good luck and good luck!