Domain name in the tk zone. Registration of non-cost domains of the first upper level. gb - domain names in the zone RU - the national domain of the islands of Tokelau, which, in order to increase the prestige and familiarity of the territory, was made free for registration. Vіn is not the only one in his family - for "thank you" you can also register domains in the zones .gf, .ga, .gq, .ml.

paid registration

Far from being a yaku address here you can otrimati bezkoshtovno. As a matter of fact, it is added up with more and less symbols - you will have to pay for something. This is also a legal address, such as a paid one - for information on the registrar's website, such as the name of a special domain, whose commercial value is higher (therefore, you can change the price to a "different" paid address).

Tk domain can be registered on a paid basis for a term of 2 to 5 years. Vaughn gives a sprinkling of serious perevag:

  • legally owning a domain and rights to a new one;
  • the ability to win your own DNS;
  • be known to the authorities with the right to continue up to 9 years;
  • there is no restriction on the number of ventilators;
  • WHOIS is displayed.

The payment domain is left with the Volodymyr's ruler, regardless of whether there are any connections to the new site. 60 days before the date of registration completion, the company is working hard and giving the opportunity to continue with the domain for a longer period, on the term of 3 to 9 years.

No-cost way

You can select a free, because I have had more than a few symbols and have not been occupied by anyone else. However, not to rob the yak, she won the same address with Yogo Vlasnik. The company is deprived of the master.

However, the benefits are clear:

  • without cost;
  • you can register for any term from 3 months before the date;
  • it is available to change a shortened address when TiKilinks is connected (but it allows you to connect a site with other Dot TK i domains, as a company name, to get more credit for your account);
  • you can continue the registration for an hour from 3 months before the due date, also free of charge (the company had to advance 15 days before the end of the term).

At the same hour, there is a serious cold water:

  • .tk domain cannot be registered “in reserve”, as it is free of charge. Blame your website, personal page, web profile, blog or portfolio. After a certain hour, the fahivtsі of the company must be checked and, as there will be nothing for the specified address, the registration will be canceled and
  • For a stretch of three months on the site, you will be charged at least 25 vacancies. In a different way, the domain will be taken away, and I will again become available to everyone.
  • WHOIS for a non-cost address is not shown.
  • For feedback from some of the webmasters, the company can click without cost im'ya without clearly defined reasons.
  • Poshukovі systems are wary of being put up to the domain zone zone and can (not brought, ale imovirno) pessimize such resources, navigating them as a unique content.

To whom to varto buy addresses of Tokelau

Cost-free can be hosted by anyone who wants to try their hand at web mastering, but is not ready to invest in the pennies. Also, it is not a good choice for various experiments (if you want the result, especially the installation of per-shock systems to the domain zone zone can be affected). Bagato also vikoristovuyet like timchasov before the full launch of a new project.

Paid names in the .tk zone are to be bought by the team who provide the services of the promising transportation (.tk - “truck”), or the team whose business is connected with the islands of Tokelau.

How to register a .tk domain free of charge

You can get a .tk domain from the registrar By typing this address, people will be automatically redirected to head side with a large field for entering a travel address. For the site to be entered without extension, so, as a result, it is necessary for mother, in the required field, enter only dzedze and press "Go".

Fallow in addition, chi vilniy bazhany address and chi є vіn bezkoshtovnym, another crochet is required. If everything is in order, the captcha side will appear. Here you can choose one of three options for how the domain is assigned: redirection and її tsіlova storіnka, choice of DNS introduction or choice of hosting, promoted by the service.

After the introduction of the captcha, the registration option becomes available, and it is also possible for the deputy to enter it independently, in addition, having registered this person). It’s even better, vtim, to register - only in the same time a new vlasnik can carry out operations with a domain address and continue the registration hour.

If you select the “Sign In” option and enter the captcha correctly, it will show up in the window, and the system will request the login from the account with one of the extensions to choose.

You need to confirm the right to access to information on the side of the border. After the procedure is completed - .tk domain is ready to know the new vlasnik.

A sprat of words about the registrar

Registrar of Dot TK is a joint project among the islands of Tokelau, private company BV Dot TK and organization Teletok. BV Dot TK is a company recognized by a number of islands as a wine registration object, it is engaged in commercial activity, like Dot TK Registry, which, in its own right, establishes itself on private capital and has its own servers in all corners of the world. Registration of the .tk domain on a paid and cost-free basis allows you to boost the economy of Tokelau and raise the prestige and recognition of the country among the inhabitants of the planet.

Hello everyone. Today, I would like to tell you about cost-free domains for the site 2 and 3 rubles, which can be absolutely quick. Moreover, you do not take away the nіsenіtnitsyu, but the full domains ru, com, tk and іn. If you want to try yourself as a webmaster and create your own website, then you don't have to pay for a domain name. And then raptom you try it, but you don’t get it. And maybe you have important finances, so you want to reduce all costs to a minimum? Let me know how it is today, on which resources you can fulfill your needs. I'm sure, my list will be dear to you.

Why do you ring vicorous free domains

  • Like you, like a first-rate webmaster, you have created your resource in the Internet, not obov'yazkovo at the same time to buy a paid domain and hosting. You can work out on bezkoshtovnyh.
  • In some cases, for the promotion of your main resource, it is necessary to register a copy of others and place texts on them with messages to the main resource.
  • Є servіsi, yakі proponuyut at once z domain cost-free hosting. Designers have been installed on the new one, for the help of those, it’s not just handy to build the primary side, but also add a power supply, video, blog, form zvorotny zv'azku, Navit shop. This is handy for a beginner in website development, and for an experienced webmaster.

No-cost domains of another equal

Obviously, it’s mostly from what they joke about more often, and from the domains of the 2nd level.

Payment for hosting

The domain of another equal can be taken away free of charge for one river when you buy some kind of hosting for a third term. But it’s possible that on another and the next fates you will have to pay for the promised price (even if it’s three times as much as the same price for the purchase). This option is not the best, because there is no way to save money here.

Freenom service

First on our list will be service, In 1 rіk it is possible to register cost-free domains of another equal in the tk, ml, ga, cf, gq zones. Ale for the mind, that the stench will be formed more and more of three letters, and the mother will not add a name. The level of service privatility is determined independently. The Freenom company positions itself as the first and only supplier of free domains, although not so.

To register a domain in designated areas, you need to go to the company's website, which is often Russified. It will be better, like in the browser for translations. introduced bazhan im'ya and reverify yogo accessibility. If the name is not taken, then the right-handed person will see a button with the name “remove the domain at once”, click on the next one. She will change the color (become green), and another button will appear for the beast “make a prayer”.

Now you will be asked the next page, where you need to choose the period for which you want to register your name for the site. Available free period up to 12 months.

Freenom's domains are characterized by the fact that they are registered as a licensee and not a licensee. Tobto domaini youmu actually does not lie, the right to transfer їх іхоу koristuvachu vіdsutnya. It is stated that the sale is cost-free. If you have registered them on the river, then you can continue on the same term. Є database of knowledge, de explanations, how to create and manage domains.


  • Do not designate a lot of domains once, or one in all free zones, for the same account can be blocked;
  • If you have tried the same, and so it was trapilos (blocked), go from another browser and IP, create new account with a new email.

Yakі can be problems

  • The more named zones are already actively challenged by unscrupulous people for the creation of web resources, through which stench they create illegal activities. Tom poke systems it is often unfriendly to be put up to their clients, it is hard to turn over resources to shahraystvo for help of singing algorithms. I would suggest that similarity, if not suspected, can lead to blocking by poke systems.
  • Shards of the domain zone lie in Tokelau, Mali, Gabon, Guinea, the Central African Republic, it is smartly respected that the resource should be also oriented towards the population of these lands, showing itself in the first part of the world. As we admit, that our sites are guilty of reporting representatives of Russia, the country of the SND, Europe, then the search engines will work out the situation otherwise. The first resources for those who live in these lands will be promoted from the domain zones, which are the best ones. And your sites key questions rizikuyut opinitisya "at the back" of the seers, to which few people get.
  • Yogo koristuvachі do not particularly trust the information posted on the resources of these zones.

Visnovok: for short-line projects, experiments, website development and non-folding zone, .ml, .ga, .cf, .gq are all suitable. There are practically no retail outlets between them.

1gb - domain names in the zone RU

service Promote to register a free domain in the ru zone. With whom you will not be the ruler of whose name. However, you may be able to buy it at any time (I'll be more expensive at 4, lower the cost of buying from a special registrar), or take it without cost, replacing the paid services of the hoster.

At the same time, you take away the addition of even less functionality to hosting (you can’t install a forum, portal, CMS). Present exchange on the subject, yakі can be placed on this resource. Fenced by erotic themes, religious, community. It is not possible to expand files and archives, photo and video materials of the author's Crimea.

Before speech, I already spoke about this service in my article about. So I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this article.

Service Bestof - for socially significant projects

Like you have a socially significant project, tsikava idea otherwise you are doing good work, then the whole service will give you a cost-free address for the site. There is also a list with the song names of domains of another equal in the ru zone, which are supposed to be free of charge. Advertising is not posted, the functionality is new. Your project, or the idea is to blame, but already often formalized, you may have to submit it to the moderators for review. You can't talk about commerce and profit from the site of a movie.

No-cost domains of the third equal

As a rule, the domain of the third equal is promoted in full hosting. For the newbie webmaster, there is no solution. Domains of the third equal in popular domain zones(.Ru, .com, .org, etc.) are well indexed (known) by search engine systems. Proponuyutsya such services mainly with the method of zatsіkaviti paid option. For which one is given a few days or a month of access to all paid services to the site. At the end of the trial period, you can turn to the no-cost option, or pay for hosting services. The stench can be both expensive and cheap with wide and handy functionality. On some services, it is permissible to replace the domain of the third equal with your own - another equal.

Let's take a look at the number of services that promote cost-free domains for the site 3 rubles.


The first thing to do is actively advertise If you register there, then your domain name will look like the next step: On the service there is a constructor, for the help of which you can build a site for a sprat of weight. Vіn bude vіdrazu adaptations for mobile outbuildings, Mati stylish current looking. Domain names are easily changed. Є anonymous donations, how you can freely add to your resource: a form of a return link, a subscription form for a subscription, social media buttons, analytics and other. At the very top of all sides of your site, there will be an advertising row for the service. Some of the required services are paid (additional icons for the site). It's bad indexation by poke systems (or else it's daily). nav'yazuvannya paid services.


Good respect for the project є Tilda Shvidka is a manual registration, a functional constructor, a simple, intelligent resource interface. The addresses of your site will look something like this:, but you can change the left part in the settings, having come up with a name you need. Dominne im'ya will not be long and will look ugly. For one account, you can create one project with 50 sides, 50 mb per month. A trial period (two trial periods) is proposed for testing the new functionality (professional version). The new extension has the number of constructor blocks and the ability to connect to your own domain. AT no-cost version a set of blocks is strongly surrounded.


Obviously, you can’t get around the respect of There are a few modules, including a forum, a blog, a guest book, new portal, You won't have to pay for yaks. Access available for additional accounts social measures. Website, blog, forum are created quickly and easily. Your domain will be considered short: Vlasniki service is actively stimulating until the connection of paid services. Placed on the site of free-of-charge clients, different advertising is very intrusive for koristuvachs.


Resource for those who give a cost-free domain and hosting with a lot of opportunities (sound paid on other services) to place their ads on your site. For an additional fee, you can turn on advertising, expand the disk space, remove the additional data base, Postal screenshot. The pay is small, but if you can get everything in your bag, then the service of a full-fledged paid hosting often come out cheaper. The constructor is not promoted, but there are some installed scripts: site directory, forum, chat, guest book.

Next material: - foreign hosting. Registering a password is simple, with it you need to choose a domain name. This is the default: Є own constructor with anonymous blocks and built-in wordpress engine. We hope to expand the functionality (database, crowns, statistics), a guarantee is given yakіsnoї roboti servers Wide choice of mov interface, Russian. For mobile outbuildings, like on Tilda, it is possible to build deaks of construction of blocks independently. On your website below, the right-handed person may not remember the advertising sent to the hoster's website.

Among foreign hostings, you can find a lot of good ones, so you can give your services free of charge (including domains). Difficulties only with the introduction of the Russian control panel.

Site in papacy

The Google resource also provides a free “domain”, so you can talk like that. T_lki tse will be just a folder for the site with your name. It is necessary to go through your account to the page, press the plus sign in the lower right corner. Before you vіdkriєtsya dosit humble editor with dekіlkom blocks. Having filled in everything necessary, we proceed to publication. The domain name is rather cumbersome:

The only advantage of this type of sites are those that are more quickly indexed by Google search engine.


If you have chosen a cost-free domain for your site, then you need to choose a resource, which one you can give, depending on your needs. For beginners, it is important to understand and understand the interface. It depends on what you need to add hosting and fallback, a constructor, add-on blocks (forum, blog, chat, etc.), functional extensions (databases, scripts, a lot of space on the disk for files and int.). The main disadvantage of such domains and hostings is that at some point you can call them without explanation, wanting to avoid such a stench.

With respect, Dmitro Kostin

Hello, cicada people, how to convey something!

Everything started from the fact that you started making money on the Internet, spreading ideas and working on something new and original: you created your first site.

You were assigned the theme of the site, moreover, you were registered for hosting (I guess you will find an article about registration here, in such a clear speech, like), you were given the name of the third equal,
for example more compact.

You can register your own paid and beautiful domain in the com, org, ru, by area, but all you need is a penny deposit. And you, for the cob, want kostovnogo.

І here the site comes to the rescue , How to register your site in the domain zone tk.

I’m going over the plus side of this material:
+ Registration on the site, the domain of another equal (non-exchangeable number), absolutely without cost;
+ Rename the message to a bigger, shorter one;
+ Registration on the site of the flooring is simple, it will go smoothly and smoothly.
- For 3 months, you must visit your site for 25 friends (wait, it’s not enough, how many of your friends are in social networks).

Note: I think you will be able to find out whose domain is tk? What is the country with the tk domain? I agree, tk is the domain of the island of Tokelau ( T o k elau), a small region on the Pacific Ocean. The landscape of yoga can be posterized in the picture below, and friends can be told what a beautiful site you have, what kind of prescriptions on the ocean birch.

Domain registration:

2. It's like this in the end:

3. Tisnemo "Add a new domain";

4. We enter the name of the domain:

Note: this will be shown to you as soon as the domain is available. Mіzh іnhim, the domain is available at the time of publication of the post;

6. Mi before selection:

1. selectively 1 We enter your “invalid” domain in the “Your URL” field. Now leather, who enters the negarne im'ya redirect to the beautiful;
2. raju to you vibrati sama 2 . І go to point 7.

And here we beat the power of DNS. If you were registered, then the CSN will take those, as indicated for the baby. And you can look at them at the “View Account Details” tab, as shown in the little picture below:

Registration of your first free domain has been completed, I swear to you!
You can repeat the procedure and register more domain names, but remember, you can get 25 registrations on your site in three months.

Today I will tell you how to build a site with a beautiful domain in the .tk zone

Alright, let's get started:

1) We go to the site
2) login for help Google ( short version, IMHO).

3) Go to the Domain Panel, then click Add Domain

4) Entered Bazhane im'ya domain, tisnemo Add Domain

5) If you succumbed to this writing, then you can rejoice - the floor of the robot is already broken.

6) Choose Free Domain, tisnemo Next
7) Here, obov'yazkovo we choose those that are indicated for the little one

8) Click "Use my own DNS Services"
9) Enter the data of the DNS server

Choose the maximum term for the domain. (Linking to Google is required for the domain to be promoted without cost)
Enter captcha.

10) Tisnemo Next

Pіdіb'єmo risk - the domain is ready. Now we need hosting.
1) Idemo suddi ->
In my opinion, this is the most normal free hosting.
2) We pass the registration and confirm the account by mail (nothing important here)
3) Go to the control panel
4) Create a new hosting account

5) Choose a cost-free plan with good, as I say, minds for your mini-site.

6) We select the type of domain "domain", below we write the address, registrations by us on the cob.

7) Quietly continue, enter the captcha. Sometimes there is a pardon, we try again.
8) Domain matching with hosting and now you can proceed to work.
9) Go to the site control panel

10) Shvidshe for everything, please cheer this text

Your domain is not directing to our server names on given moment, That's why services like FTP, File Manager, Please and інші not pracyuvatime correctly. You can find our server names in the "Accounts -> Details" area. Remember that the process DNS delegation zones can be taken up to 24 years after the change has been made.

Tse is fine. Once a domain is registered, it may take one hour to expand the DNS zones. Tse borrows 10 years before doby.
Check it out.
11) Scroll down, click the FTP Access button
Let's go there.
Stars for 3 rows:

Write them down.
12) Download FTP client. Yak on me - FileZilla - the most normal.

13) We go into the FTP client. Enter those data, which you wrote down earlier in the specified fields.

14) Tisnemo "Shvidke Z'ednannya" and voila - we are on the server. View all files from the root directory.
Now you are left with creating your own website.
For the blog, the most current engine is DLE.

P.S. If you're impatient, you can't expand the DNS servers - without becoming a minus and don't shout, why don't you work! Thank you!