Dir 300nru b5 emergency mode ip address. Installed WiFi router D-Link dir300 ("sir" interface). Connecting to the Internet

To access the web-interface of the router, it is necessary in the address bar, whether it is installed on the computer
browser, dial the address (I will add ip-addresses for reference)
Requisites access to the outhouse for clearing:
Login - admin
Password - admin
When you first enter the web-interface to manage the router, you will be prompted to change the standard password to your own.
Enter a new password at the confirmation window, repeat the password again at the confirmation window and press the "Save" button

Go to the "Merezha" section and click the left button of the mouse in the order of the WAN tethered interface

At the "Nalashtuvannya IP" branch, uncheck the checkboxes "Set address DNS servers automatically "i" Select IP address automatically ".
Be respectful, check the boxes yourself in this order, and not out of the box.

Enter your details at the "Nalashtuvannya IP" branch. You can recognize them at the list of nalashtuvan to add to the contract.
After entering, press the "Save" button

You are new in the distribution of "Merezh / Z'ednannya". Press the "Add" button

Change the connection type to PPTP in the "Head Settings" branch

In the "PPTP / L2TP setup" branch, set the following parameters:
"Return automatically"- check the box
"How to set the name of the service"- if you have an unlimited tariff plan
by traffic) select the "URL" parameter. If you are eligible for a limited data plan, then select the “IP” parameter
"Im'ya service"- enter the name of your vpn server here. for unlimited tariff plans next enter vpn.site,
for limited tariff plans -
"PPP Im'ya Koristuvacha"- here enter the login for access to the Internet
"Password"і "Password Confirmation" in the field enter your password for access to the Internet
"Encryption"- for this field, set the value "No encryption"
"Keep Alive"- leave the value of the field behind the lock, as the ensign of the installations, you know її.
"Additional options"- leave the field empty
MTU- the optimal value will be 1460
Check that all fields are correctly filled in with your details to access the Internet and press the "Save" button

Install a new mesh interface as a "gateway" by clicking the mouse's left button in the interactive part of the menu, as shown in the picture.

For lashing dartless mesh Client for "Wi-fi" tab, divided "Basic parameters".

In the SSID field, enter a name for your company. For example Home-net

In the "PSK Encryption Key" field, enter the password for accessing the wireless network.
The password must be at least 8 characters long.
Let's press the "Change" button.

router D-Link DIR 300 NRU - updated model front version DIR 300. All mezhezhі outbuildings assigned stamps are subject to change garnoy yakistyu, We will add and forgive with the interface, smut, at a reasonable price. Let's find out what the model with the most extended modifications B5 and B7 is suitable for, how to install it for home decorating and, if necessary, re-flashing the add-on.

The router is often used for home use

For the front model, this router is compatible with the 802.11n standard. IN Tsey pristriy slid maximum speed to become up to 150 Mbit / sec, which is enough for home koristuvannya. Calling the router seems to be done as standard, 4 LAN ports are transferred to the interface for connection local lines, 1 WAN port, reset button for factory reset.

zavdyaki zvnіshny roztashuvannyu antennas, attachments provide an optimal Wi-Fi signal coverage area. Simply update the router or reflash it to any subscriber, so we can add more among other models fencing. The new one has its own birthmark - the standard functions can be turned on or turned off for the layout.

Setting up a router

To set up Wi-Fi, you should follow the following steps:

  • See in the parameter interface of the add-on - for this, enter your IP address in the address bar of the browser (mostly, after which it is necessary to enter the word admin in the login field, the row for entering the password must be left empty.

Note. Qi dii will give a result in that case, as before, the D-Link DIR router did not work. If you need to reset the setting, turn it to the first state - before starting the parameters, press the drop button for 20 seconds, after which it will turn to the factory settings.

  • To set up a Wi-Fi connection, select the section with the same name in the menu, select the tab of the main parameters.
  • At the beginning, enter the data for activating the connection - name, country, country, country, channel, and type of the rotoless mode.

Internet connection

To set up the connection to the link without intermediary, you need to go to the "Merezha" menu, under the "Connection" tab. If you need to create new parameters, additionally select the "Add" button and at the end of the day, save the data - you can choose to enter the provider's name. For skin types of PPPoE, PPtP, NAT, you need to enter the first data, as in the contract for the post of the employee of the servant - in a short form, you can sequentially enter all the necessary information.

You can change the connection to D-Link DIR in the "Status" section, "Merezheva statistics" tab.

password setting

In order to secure your measure, install the key, which you will need to enter to connect to the Internet. Robe in this way:

  • In the Wi-Fi menu, select the "Security settings" tab.
  • Check the boxes to enable WEP, after which you will be given data to set a password.
  • In the list of meshed authentications in the list, select the type of encryption WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK mixed - it is the most appropriate for the protection of the meshes from the evil.
  • At the offensive row, enter the access key - You can ask for it to be foldable, so that third-party koristuvachs could not connect to your connection.

Dodatkovo dotsilno secure not only the least, but also the router configuration menu itself, changing the standard login and password data to your own combinations. Fight like this:

  • Go to the "System" branch, open the window "Administrator's password".
  • Enter new combinations to gain access to the settings, after which it will be necessary to re-enter the parameters menu for additional help only after setting the login and password.

saving change

In the parameters of the router, except for the menu for saving changes or turning to factory settings, it is located in the "System" section, in the "Configuration" row. Here you can save the changes made, turn back to the original settings, or save the file with the current data, so that later, if necessary, update the date.

Installing new firmware

What do you want to do software security router, step forward:

  • Find out and search for the firmware file from the all-world web, go ahead - choose the correct software version, focusing not only on the model number of the router, but also on the hardware revision of the add-on, data about how it is written on the back of the router at the look of the H / W combination. іsnuyut different versions- B2, B5, B7 and others, all the stinks are blowing up among themselves.
  • Go to the router menu through the browser for an additional IP address.
  • Open the "System" section, select the "Software Update" tab.
  • At the end of the day, there will be a row for downloading the path to the new firmware file for the hardware revision B5, B7. Find it on your computer, after which type "Update".

For this reason, you can install the D-Link DIR 300 NRU router, set it to work with the Internet and distribute the signal via Wi-Fi, and if necessary, change or update the firmware for correct robotic operation. Like bachite, it’s easy and affordable to try to do everything, the process won’t take a lot of time from you.

Do not go out of the router DIR-300 NRU, help with the joy. By purchasing this router model. At the store, they calmed me down, they said that the wine is the simplest in the installation and practically all Russian Internet providers work with it, and all official sites have instructions for installing it. On the website of our provider, the instructions for this model did not appear to be obvious, and I still understand that the DIR-300 router is available there with different revisions b1-b5 (I have seen NRU b5). І at the skin post-worker to the Internet, the router is adjusted according to the different ones, otherwise it happened to me. As soon as the books-certifications are added to the router, then there is a description of the DIR-300NRU b5 connection to the XP operating system. I want to connect yoga back to system unit with the Windows 7 operating system, and then until a virtual connection was made to connect the daughter’s laptop, and Windows 7 was also installed on the new one. So I have an axis to feed you, so I can still connect two of our computers to the router, or else call the fahivtsya type of you. And, to explain in Russian, why is there a difference between WAN and VPN? Volodymyr. m Samara.

For a long time now, I have been asking my know to buy and fix a router for me. Let's go to the store, buy it and pokrokovo nalashtovuemo, and for everything that comes to mind, everything will come to mind. You can connect whether it is a router, everything will fall into place due to your indulgence and extremely patience. Setting up the DIR-300 NRU Router not foldable, this router is of great popularity due to inexpensive prices of 1000-1100 rubles and good reliability and performance with operational Windows systems XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7. On the official websites of Russian providers, there are instructions for yoga installation, but as I mentioned the old revisions b1, b2, b3, the web interface was changed to a black-brown color.

  • In 2011, D-Link upgraded the web interface, now it is possible to upgrade the router (including the new DIR-300NRU b5 model green color, And the background is white, naturally, the trochs have changed for the last time. The providers have lost everything in their places. Tse bagatioh koristuvachіv, yakі recently bought a router, zbivaє z pantelik. IN given moment For my caution, most often they buy the D-Link DIR-300 NRU b5 model, which can support Wi-Fi at a speed of up to 150 Mb dart lanyard 802.11b and 802.11g. Raju you know exactly what you buy and everything is checked in the store.

Respect! Nalashtuvannya D-Link router DIR-300 NRU (HW revisions: b1, b2, b3), a little depends on the settings of the router model DIR-300NRU b5, but the essence is the same in principle, we can look at your language at a time.

Now about nalashtuvannya. First of all, spend time on the Internet (global calculation measure) from our booth, we will take you back to our worker on the Internet or the provider in a virtual private measure, (for example, Beeline). There are few right providers in Russia, there are a lot of sub-providers, just my middlemen. And the axis depends on how providers organize their measure, lay and those how to build a router.

What do all providers do (give services to the Internet) and how do they get on the router?

At our hour, one half of the providers win for robots and the modern network protocol DHCP or IPoE, when the IP and DNS address is distributed automatically (you need to say it manually for the provider), and for access to the Internet, you need to use the old tunnel protocol or new protocol tunneling another level of L2TP (combining PPTP and L2F). The other half of the providers are working on the outdated protocol PPPoE , connected mainly with technology xDSL (for example, Rostelecom ), so that the DSL modems are broken, in the router settings I will again choose the PPPoE connection type (information in the last stats) and already we will have three more in a different way, a lower one in the first way. Of course, there are other special features, so you don’t have to buy a router first, I’m glad to see you. Phone your provider and find out all the information you need to set up a router, learn about the topic, choose a number of router models in order to not be tormented by settings, firmware and how you said-fahivtsy, like me. Now, let's take a closer look at the setup, on my own. good router firms D-Link, DIR-300NRU b5 . Vzagali richly razіv nalashtovuvav Danish router in sіmtsі in , Alas, it’s a pity in the supernatural kerіvnitstvo not marveling, but it’s true, as our reader said, nothing is written about Windows 7, but the axis about XP is information. Do not boast, our router works perfectly in both operating systems.

For some reason, you need to know according to some kind of networking protocols your postal worker works on the Internet - PPPoE or L2TP , It is possible to ask, marveling at the agreement with him, or you need to call your provider's support service and just ask, the best thing to say. Much like the widest in our time and the simplest, which is configured by the DHCP network protocol. So it is necessary to know, as you see your provider of IP-addresses, in case of the DHCP protocol, it will be automatically detected, you can get into it, you can marvel at the Power local connection your twill adapter.

Windows XP

Start - Control Panel - Connectivity - Local Connection - Authority - Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) - Authority - Take IP address automaticallyі Take the DNS server address automatically.

Windows 7

Start - dial Perelyad zdіysnyuvati connection to the border-Connection by local network - Authority - Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and Authority - Assign IP address automatically і Assign DNS server address automatically.

If you have in the Properties of the Internet Protocol the value of the item Wikoristovuvat the next IP-addresses and registered addresses, and the addresses are to be specified in your agreement with the provider, it means that your supplier works with the Internet using the PPTP protocol or PPPoE. Let's take a look at the setup of the router with these protocols in the country. And before connecting a router with these protocols, you just need to set the parameters in the Internet Connection Properties to Set IP Automatically and Set DNS Server Address Automatically. Let's move on to fixing the router. If something is wrong with you, you can reset the router settings to the factory settings by clicking on the Reset button. It is necessary for your provider to carry out a local cable to the Internet to the WAN port on the router, as it is written on the new one internet , And the router and your stationary computer together with yourself strung with cable(In our blue color vipad) via LAN port #1.

Koristuvacha, like the Internet is supplied with ADSL technology, it is necessary to connect a DSL modem and a router with a wired cable, then we will also connect the router with a wired cable to the system unit. On the DIR-300 router, there are all 4-LAN ports, up to which you can connect up to 4 personal computers, to any Wi-Fi.

Turn on the router, open any browser: Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Internet Explorerі enter in the address bar і embossed Enter.

І axis mi in the cob vіknі router DIR-300. First of all, download the latest version of the firmware (software security) for the router on the official website and install it, at the moment it is installed on our router rest version firmware, you don’t need to fix anything and flash it. And it’s my pleasure for you, if you see the firmware, try to fix the router like this, without flashing yoga, it’s easy to have mercy, but we’ll replace the router, you can only in the service center.

Im'ya - Beeline

Call type - L2TP

connect automatically- Put a tick

Im'ya service - tp.internet.beeline.ru

PPP Im'ya Koristuvacha - our login with you in Beeline, starts from 089 ...

password - Your internet password

Encrypted - Sound Without encryption

The configuration of the add-on has been changed- Save, after restarting the computer, you saved the changes you made to the router settings.

We gave a new onslaught Z'ednannya, we choose only the creations by us Beeline, Type l2tp Gateway for locking(This point is important). Tisnemo Save.

Click on the button Status - Merezheva statistics. In the WAN field, we will provide you with information about those that our router has successfully removed the required data from the provider and we have the Internet.

Now, via Wi-Fi, a laptop comes to our router.

Press the Wi-Fi button in the router settings. Zagalni nalashtuvannya. We zalishaєmo everything for zamovchuvannyam.

Basic adjustments so it’s not easy.

Improving security - Merezheva authentication or protect your security against intrusion - select WPA-PSK (Forward Key). Access to your virtual measure It will be possible only after the key is entered, but you and your virtual fence will know.

Encryption key PSK: We will invent an encryption key, a 10-digit bazhan, which is composed of letters and numbers in a vipadical order, so it’s better
WPA encryption - AES or TKIP + AES is possible, then your network will be available to almost all Wi-Fi devices.
WPA key renewal period zalishaєemo for zamovchuvannyam.

Somehow, that the settings of the router turn on when you turn on the yogic food, so in the upper right corner of the side, open the "System" menu and click on " Save and Rezavantage"Now the changes to your router will be saved in your independent memory.


Literally right after my laptop showed a virtual line. Nadaєmo merezha parameter Hromadska merezha or Pochatkov.

We connect to our measure and enter the invention of the key.

Now on our laptop there is the Internet.

How do you have problems connecting your laptop to the network? WiFi router, Todi on laptops see in

Control panel\ Merezha and Internet \ Control Center for Fences and Overhead Access\Management of darts,

click twice on the mouse on the DIR-300 NRU

Dominance of the DIR-300 NRU wire rope. Connection tab, you are responsible for ticking the box Connect automatically, as if merging in radius dії.

At the top of the power of the DIR-300 NRU, the Safety tab has been flipped to adjust the safety - Safety type, Encryption type, security key, Everything is due to the settings of the router.

The axis of friends and all the adjustment of our router in lace protocol DHCP. Well, it’s worth setting up our router in PPPoE mode, you will need to go to setting up the Merezha router -> Set up and select the PPPoE start type, then enter your password and password, so the password is confirmed. report instructionє on the D-Link website itself - http://dlink.ru/ru/products/5/728.html

In this article, we will look at the unpacking and setting up the router D-Link DIR-300. This article has a vikoristana revision of the router under the number B5, Therefore, the unpacking of your revision (written under the router on the label, looking like H / W ver .: B5) can be revised, but the axis of the adjustment process is to blame for 95% of the same mind that is installed on your router New version software security. Tsya stattya pidide for all routers in the same line. You can also use D-Link DIR-300/NRU, NRU/B7, B6A, B5 etc.

Before speech, in this lesson we can also look at it, as if I were to update the software manually. First, let's remember beforehand how to set up our D-Link DIR-300.

Let's get down to unpacking.

Otzhe, having opened the box, I will come to the picture:

In my opinion, the day of the day is part of the package, and for myself - LAN wire and antenna. Alece doesn't matter. For example, zіyde.

Let's take a closer look, the new one has five Ethernet ports, including LAN and WAN spoil(FOUR LAN ports and one WAN port). Attach the axis to the side:

It’s not my fault to blame the problems, because it’s easy to install the antenna in the nest. Let's move on to the process of setting up the router.

Setting up the D-Link DIR-300 router and yogo switch

Plug the router into a socket. When you turn on, you ask for food - and how do you get it? Let me try the answers on the food chain. To gain access to the control panel, we need to first check the software version.

For this, after connecting the router to the socket and to the computer for help, or for the help of an unprotected Wi-Fi network, I will call it DIR-300NRU. Let's go to the control panel, for which browser view and enter in the address bar: If you blame the problems with the loss of access to the control panel, then look at this article.

It is your responsibility to ask for a login and password, standard login and password - the word admin, Like i for login, so i for password.

If you always look like this, then you need to download new firmware from the official website, and from the other side: http://ftp.dlink.ru/pub/Router/.

Designated revision of the DIR-300 router

Just look at the revision of your model at the bottom of the router. It is necessary for you to know how to fix the firmware.

On the other side, you know the model of your router:

Click on it and drag it into the submenu, in which it is necessary to select Firmware:

There will be one more submenu, in which case you choose the revision of the router (as we were already surprised at the bottom of the add-on). My opinion is B5_B6.

After that, the file with the .bin extension is taken:

Then we go to the router control panel and open the tab: system -> Firmware update:

Respect! You can flash the router only by connecting it with a wired cable to the computer! Behind Wi-Fi, it is not possible to update the software.

We select a file there, before downloading from the site and click on the button: “ onovity».

Once the router is reloaded, you will be able to enter the updated panel for an additional login and password - admin.

Connect the cable to the router to the WAN port. A cable, which is installed in your apartment by an Internet provider.

Click on the button: " Click'n'Connect”.

It is necessary for us to choose the way of the day. Danish way your provider is to blame for the contract, on the site, or for the delivery by phone.

Call Tse - Dynamic IP, but if you don't have a chance, we recommend that you contact the support by phone, they will definitely give you a confirmation. If you have PPPoE for example, then you will need to provide additional parameters, such as login, password.

If you have chosen - Dynamic IP, then we will leave all the settings like this, but if you have chosen another option, then you will be asked to fill in the additional fields. Don't forget to save your settings.

turn to head side and click on the button: " Meister fixing the kerfless hemstitch».

You will be asked to choose the mode, it’s too much like that, that is - router.

Next, enter the SSID, then name your dartless mesh and press far.

On the other hand, choose the authentication method: " merezha was stolen»Enter your key in the given field and press the button save. Write down the password in your dart-free network, so you don't forget.

On tsoma basic stitching the router is completed, in the future you will need only a few settings. The installer can run multiple times. What do you need dodatkovі nalashtuvannya, then scroll down to the paragraph: " extended setting».

Do not forget to save your configuration, write about it in the notes at the top of the page.

With you buv Oleksandr. Chi do not hesitate to ask food in the comments.

Tse yogo persha article, it’s not bad to finish it like a viishla.