It’s in the papa android. AppData: what a folder

Everyone is grateful In our computers there are mostly folders, and the difference between Windows XP and everything is especially small. In XP there are fewer nachebto folders for the koristuvach, well, as if everything is okay. on system disk all the same є the Documents and Settings folder, if you go to it, then you will see the moving view in access .. and so with the folders ..

Well, not the whole point. Yaksho on the system disk go to the folder Koristuvachi, and then go to the folder yak і im'yam your regional record Then you can play the AppData folder. They have important tributes, do not think to see that and do not think that you will have serious problems ...

Otzhe, the q-axis folder at me:

If you go into it, then there are three folders:

For any vipadqs, I will give the address the AppData folder is de-displaced (this will work until Windows 7, so we will do more operations):

C: \ Users \ іm'ya koristuvach

So how can you get in the AppData papa? All programs are adjusted there. Skin prog zberig settings in okrem_y papts_. And the folders are in their own place in AppData, and, more precisely, in Roaming. In the other folders, like LocalLow and Local, the programs also save their own data, but I won’t be bullshit, I don’t know about the data. Ale is clearly not the best settings. It can be done as a service information.

Axis to the speech of the browser profile, so that all your settings for browsers, history, cookies, passwords and others, all the same can be stored in AppData in the name of that browser. Well, I do it lightly

I'm pushing right button by papi AppData and vibrav in the menu of power. Axis of the link I have given a loan folder:

Yak bach, well, not so little ... But the axis of me has become tsikavo, why is it so important? I axis I know. All the middle є the Local folder, and Google and Yandex folders appeared in it. In these folders, roztasovanі danі browsers, tse zrozumіlo. Those folders with browsers are great, it’s not normal. There is a lot of cash to be important, well, and everything is less than giblets ...

I just once made a name for it, ale it was on Windows XP. I still don’t remember how it was for me, but I saw all the folders in the Windows environment! And, having guessed a yak, I was tense. I got hooked on the Live CD and was cool. But I’ll say right away that I’m focusing on the experiment, well, it’s just too tricky to get caught up in it. Okay, Windows XP is hooked! It’s clear that I’m not aware of the profile of the XP, but it doesn’t change the profile of the XP. As a result of the bookings new profile and the administrator's instructions on the work table were empty, the screensavers were not booted, the black screen was booted .. Ale was added, so that the driver was not used ... new operating systems.

Repairing from the operation Windows systems Vista, the people of the koristuvachi started to know the appdata folder on their computers, and reached 10 GB in an hour. I’ll look at the fact that Vista was not a very popular system, it’s not enough to solve the problem, but Windows 7 has become more global. We'll pick it up in more detail.

Yakim chin know the appdata folder

For zamovchuvannyam the appdata folder is prikhovanie as koristuvach. To display the files, you must first turn on the display of primed folders. If in Windows XP it is possible to build up in any way through the service / power of the folder, then using Windows 7, Microsoft will update the settings quick access to the tsієї optsії. You can find out the display setting in the Control Panel, in the "Folder Parameters" section. It is here now that there is the same distribution of settings for displaying the authorities of folders on computers. Windows management 7. Vistavte "birdie" on the item "Show attached folders" in the section "View".

Note: in Windows 8, everything is absolutely identical.

Now you can find the appdata folder behind the onslaught: System disk -> Users (Koristuvachi) -> I am koristuvach. It’s right there and there.

I’m in the papi appdata

The folder is to revenge its kind "necessary motloh" from the program ігор, for example, history, adjustment, saving, bookmarks, etc. Practically everything that can be viewed on your computer. In the last hour, the folders will grow larger, and since then, the files on the disk will change, and not all programs will see their settings and the files in the appdata.

The prikhovan_y dad appdata has three nested folders:

  1. Roaming per Windows installations insert їх along the whole path, taking care of all your settings). All your browsers' data, bookmarks just
  2. Local. Here you can most often find large files that cannot be synchronized with the server, for example, locked files, saving from igor, torrent date, etc.
  3. LocalLow low r_ven access). Here you can know the data of the program, which was done or worked in a stolen, oven-free mode.

Immediately, you can’t add extras to the folder of the distribution of the zychany koristuvach niyak;

Note: If you need to see something, to borrow a great memory on the system disk, then go to the screen and know that the program has opened a folder, For what you do, you don’t need the tribute, and see it boldly.

You can see the appdata folder in Windows 7 and Windows 8

I’ll look around at the writing, you can see melodiously sounding, so that you can see unused tributes to the audience. The system will not give the whole appdata folder to the axis. There is only one reason - the reasons for the systemic response and the designation of the file can also be used for the application data and for the purpose of destabilization of the system. Apparently, you can see only the folders of the documents themselves, and then only quietly, as in Daniy moment inactive. For this, you need to go to one of the folders: Roaming, Local and all the same system folders know and see the required data.

I can see a folder with unnecessary programs

In most cases, you are not allowed to see the data of the programs to the fact that you won’t be victorious in the system. Close the program and then you can see the tribute.

As the program works in the background (invisible) mode, you can use the task manager, which can be accessed through the Alt + Ctrl + Del combination or click the bear on the lower panel -> Plant manager.

As long as the program is not needed, you know the middle of the installed programs, and I will marvel at the name of the file. In 90% of vipadkіv the same program is written in the dispatcher of the plant. Open the Processes tab, see the process and know it vikonuvaniy file... Complete the process.

Note: nikoli do not prophesy with system programs! Most of the Windows 7 and Windows 8 will be loaded with destabilization.

After completing the process, you can view the program і її data in appdata.

All Hello I’ll tell you right away that I have Windows 7, but I’ll write everything here, I still think I will be introduced to more new versions of Windows. To mean so Roaming folder the folder is even more important, and if you see me, you will have decent problems. Ale for the folder? Who is funny, why is so important? Everything on the right is in that, in the tsіy papacy, all programs take care of their adjustment. Everything itself, the browser axis, all your photos are there and Google is chrome, everything is there. The program itself should not be installed, there is a stink of trimming only the settings.

Is it all for now? Well, I don’t know, I’ll be honest. Ale my knowledge, I think, if you will finish the job, start it up ... in the out-of-town programs, where will you put it? In the Program Files folder, and to that they can be copied, be-like karystuvachi. If the skin corystuvach has his own settings, then the Roaming folder is required. Aje vona is sometimes in the special estate of the papa koristuvach

Tse everything is ruined for that, in the case of the skin corystuvach, vindi could have their own special settings. Well, everything, I think zrozumilo?

Just go to the folder qiu, tobto such a trick, marvel at and jam Win + R and write the same command and push OK:

You will see the Roaming folder, and the axis instead of me:

Yak bach a lot of folders here, the axis in them is stronger є only the settings. Before the speech, I’m bachin the deyaki programs, as I’ll get into the folder itself, but it’s wrong to create it .. and it’s better to keep it simple.

If you hit the folder itself, and not її вміст, then go to rivin up:

Then, change the folder itself:

Before speaking for interest, I pushed the right button on them, vibrating the power of the willows from a loan from me:

Well, tobto is not so much the same for the modern worlds.

The programs do not call these orders, and when you see them, they overwrite their settings in the Roaming papacy. Deyak should set a special price for that kind of video, if you know the program, then, as a result, you will use the obvious settings. Well, I think you were sounding.

But I’ll guess you can see the system folders, but if it’s even more necessary and if it’s necessary, then the axis is a program for you. Vaughn is a specialist in vidalennyu vidalyayutsya folders!

Otzhe, I think it is possible to create a visnovok. Nicholas the Roaming folder just do not see or even, like standing on a hand. If you do it, then you will be able to see all the adjustments in all programs, as well as actions system settings... At the same time, the daddy's only portable programs do not save the settings, the stench they take is right there to sit there.

Well, that's all. Having written all the reports, I think that everything sounded to you. I wish you good luck and good mood


The Windows Vista operating systems were the first to see a folder on their computers, and immediately the power supply was: AppData is it for the folder? Uvaga to her wicked through those who took the Chimal a part of the computer's memory, and in an hour it was 10 GB and more.

Oscillations of Vista OS were not large in proportion to koristuvachami, but nutrition was not global. However, more and more food was knitted from a mysterious folder.

Adjustment of the given folder appears in the folder, so it is a good idea to add all the delicate nutrition. At the same time, it is important to remember about the main rules of the programs and do not ruin the cleaned-up at first glance the "unused" files in the robot of all systems and as a result of destabilization.

Krym, I’ll know about those who inflated the miscellaneous one cyclical virus, tying from the AppData folder itself, for jumping and striking the system. All the same is possible to clean up and continue to function properly.



Take revenge in the AppData papa

Speak in simple language, in the tsy papa the strongest zberіgaєtsya "consumer motloh", іgor, nalashtuvan. There is also history, bookmarks too. The information is given to be hoped for those who can all be known if there are some koristuvachev.

More than an hour the system is working, it’s more time to change the size of the given folder for new donations and information, and it’s less important to use it. As soon as you reach the central folder, then in the middle of it you can click more three new folders, such as:

  1. "Roaming". Instead of this folder, you can easily transfer the file to the sign disk and then turn everything on the spot, with the first glimpse of the personal settings. This is also where all the information from browsers and bookmarks is stored, such as a zberigak koristuvach.
  2. "Local". Instead of the central folder, in the main, to establish local data, which cannot be transferred at once with the profile of the koristuvach. For example, here you can know whether the files are saved or locked.
  3. "LocalLow". The third folder itself is stolen from outside the eyes of the data and files, which cannot be transferred. The files function only in a kindly abducted regime, which will guarantee a proper safety in every way.

The folder is shown in small 1.

How can I know the AppData folder?

Knowing the folder is absolutely not foldable, for whom it is important to go through the decal forgive the instructions... Oskіlki given the folder is put before the rocket of prizes, then for the cob it is necessary to set it up. In the Windows XP operating system, it is displayed with the following rank:

  • it is necessary to click on the father with the left button;
  • then go to the power folder;
  • go to the "View" tab;
  • put a badge now against command "Show attached files and folders".

Small. 2. Yak install the command to display prikhovanny folders on Windows XP

Adjustment can be changed without opening the folder. If you are on the right side, then there is a quick and easy access. You can set up a folder in "Control panels"... There, it is necessary to vibrate in the "parameters of folders", as shown on little 3.

Small. 3. Go shlyakh to the command "Parameters of folders".

Small. 4. How to install the command to display prikhovanny folders on Windows 7 and Windows 8

folder view

It is important to remember one important detail that can be embedded in the correctness of the robot in the entire system.

Important: Whether it's a folder or a file borrowing a lot of space on a disk, and I want to quickly get out of her, having a decent amount of space for a decent amount of space, it’s necessary. It will be added to the Appdata folder.

If you are using the Appdata folder, then you need to change to the one in which there are no files needed for robotic programs. Well, just go to the folder and wonder її вміст.

As a matter of fact, many "necessary motloh" s AppData folders... However, the entire folder cannot be seen, so there are a lot of files of the system and the file of the koristuvach vikoristvoyut in your robot instead of Appdata.

Yakby became visible to the tribute, then the whole secretly called to the destruction of the robotic system. You can analyze it if the files are not needed, and they cannot be inserted into the correctness of the OS robot, for which it is possible to vibrately clean the unnecessary data and only at that moment, if the stench is inactive.

Pidkazka: It is easy to carry out the analysis - as long as you are constantly victorious about the program, the files in the Appdata folder are not required. Everything can be tidied up.

AppData on Windows 10

Behind the great rakhunkom, the appData folder's poke is practically not seen from the same path, which is necessary to see it in "smith" and "visimtsi".

The only way to see the field is in order to see Control panel In each case, you can set up the power of the folder, you will need to propogate three things. This OS has two control panels: one is classic, before it sounds a lot of PCs, and the insha is fast.

It is a classic panel to take revenge in your own place with more tools, as you can use it for control. The panel is quickened into its own accord, the most often victorious commands are shown, and it’s easier to know the necessary distribution.

Bagato seeks to tell you about those who like the wines bully divni, if you know AppData in? For the whole know, it is still necessary to eat in the food "Folder options", Which can be reached through "Control panel"... The process of the prank of the viglyadє by the offensive rank:

  • press the right button on the "Start" menu;
  • vibrate the required row for setting;

Small. 5. How to know the distribution of "folder parameters" through the classic control panel for displaying the Appdata folder.

It is necessary to write a list of documents, such as in the family and in the news, to configure the folder authorities. When the AppData folder is written, the file will be visible, as a result of which it will be possible to clean it or change it.

View files in the AppData folder with an unused program

For the ear, it is important to memorize, which is seen by the system programs of the most important inheritance for all OS. To that, in the AppData papa є files like system programs, it's more beautiful than chipat.

Pidkazka: Diznatisya system program even simpler - in "Plant dispatchers", On the contribution "Processes" in the hundred and fifty years "Description" will be written "Microsoft" or "Windows". As the dispatcher himself, we will talk about the distance.

However, if the file is not seen as a system one, then it is only one of the options for being able to see it.

Do some vipadkah, like only koristuvach onslaught button "See the program", The system does not allow data to come. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through those who, at the given moment, are active and victorious.

To that, a handful need to close the program itself, having completed the work process, so that it will be guaranteed without any problems. This is even more relevant for vipadks, if you want to come from the Appdata folder.

As soon as that program, as it will be seen, is running in the background or invisible mode, then the program is needed:

  • press "Alt", "Ctrl" і "Del" at once;
  • go to the section "Processes";
  • vibrati for the name I will need a program;
  • press the "end the process" button.

Small. 6. A robot with a dispatcher to complete the process of singing programs.

If it is more important that the program is no longer needed, you can see the name in the middle of the list of programs installed on computers. By sending a vicono operation the AppData folder can be cleared from all unnecessary information.

Grant friends! Behind your numbers in the current statistics, and all the secrets of the folder AppData on Windows, but itself:The functions of the vison are the AppData catalog in the operating system, if you need to borrow great debate(Inodi more than 10 GB)? Yak clean the qiu folder? Do you want to transfer the її from the disc (C :) at the іnshe roztashuvannya?

AppData folder on Windows. De to be found. What a loan is a great obsyag. Yak clean up or transfer

"AppData" (also called "Application Data") is the system catalog of profiles for Windows Vista, 7, 8.1 and 10. The folder is located in the middle of the profile of the skin from the operating system and, apparently, is located on the disk (C :) by the hat:

C: \ Users \ Username \ AppData

"AppData": for the folder taka

Robotic files inserted into the system software security- time files, config files, Kesh, save sessions, logs of additional data etc. Yak bachimo, practically all installed in the OS, programs can be installed here their own special folders with files, including antivirus and printer service program.

Browsers, for example, in the most daddy save the data of their profiles - history of the Internet sites, cache, cookies, extended and in.

The lowest butt: the daddy has a lot of things that are victorious with robotic products Microsoft Office- document templates, auto-change parameters, vocabularies just "AppData" є in the Batkiv catalog of one from the system folders for the collection of team clock files "Temp".

There are three folders before the "AppData" warehouse:

"AppData" - the folder is attached. Microsoft is impressed, for the savvy corystuvachev there is nothing, and if you buy the newcomers, you can bring it to the usual inheritance. Ale tsya folder - a dash of possibilities for experimenters. There is a large part of the existing programs that do not transfer export-import to nalashtuvan, projects and their values ​​for the napratsyuvan operating system, In general, you can select the AppData folder. For the help of the sinister « manual transfer"- copyin the old system from the folder required catalogs and for installing programs in the middle new systems replace їх. In the whole vipadprograms, at re-installing Windows, to be guided into the working view in a few seconds.Such a maneuver if you look at one of the three articles on our website: If your browser doesn't work with synchronization services.

Before the use of "AppData", there is a special interest in thinking about the possibilities of adding SSD-drives to those who love advanced ways to optimize Windows. Such as, for example, transferring working files of programs to a RAM disk - virtual disk, Creation in the middle of the operating system for the resource operational memory... On the RAM disk, the guessed work catalogs of the programs are transferred, and the productivity of the remaining viruses is different.

Є Another type of corystuvachіv, which is interesting to the whole folder - shocked to naughty її to gossip songs on the disk (C :).

Yak to restore access to the AppData folder

To restore access to the folder in file managers it is necessary to turn on the image of the saved files and go along the path of development.

Ale є way is simpler. Embossed keys Win + R and entered:


The folder is not safe to be seen in the system provider.

Why AppData grows to great size

Immediately after installing Windows, the folder should be no more than 300 MB. However, the development will be improved in geometric progress in the world of integration into the system third-party programs that іgor. More software - more folders. But I have to do it 6 GB.

At the same time, in a large number of cases, it is not important to see the fact that not required programs and even from the computer. Yaksho їkh deinstalation was carried out with the help of the standard Windows toolkit for help third-party installer without the function of cleaning the surplus, the "AppData" wagon can not be inserted into it.

  • When deinstalling programs and games, they tidy up their data, as a rule, only from the folders "Program Files" on disk C. new setting... Tsі danі znіvuyut tіlki.

Especially I will look at the folder and I will hand over the tails of the supplement to see if I’m a program.

Yak buti, what if the folder has grown to namey messages and, apparently, borrowed a lot of money on the C drive? If you can see AppData

You can see the folder only in private, not at all. Oscillations in some of the robotic data of the program are taken into account, and the active processes simply do not allow the development of the program. It is also possible to use it from the middle of the operating system installed on computers, or even from the LiveCD. The axis is only robust. AppData does not fit into the critical sectors of Windows - it will enchant and unsecure the robot of the system itself. However installed by programsі it will be incorrect, or it will start with default settings, or it will not start. It is necessary to clean the folder using the correct methods, let's talk about the process.

Yak Zmenshiti Wagu AppData

To change the folder wagu, it is necessary by virtue of the viconati onset of the kroki:

1. Run the standard Windows Disk Cleanup utility;

Note: in Windows version 10 Possibility of clearing disk space, sprinkling, merging from time files, which are stored in the “AppData” folder, is also implemented in the “Parameters” add-on. Having walked along the path "System - Schedule - disk C - Timchasovі files",

You can see all the clock files of the system.

What's more, it’s better New Creators Update has updated the "Top Ten" new functionality"", Automatically see timchasovі files, as the stench doesn’t vikoristovuyutsya programs.

2. Dosliditi vmist "AppData" for additional programs

and the catalogs have already been uninstalled, the igor program has been deinstalled, by placing the archives of the folders on the other disk, or having set the system update point to the type of data required. For example, in my system, there was no file in my system. viddalenyh programs, I will see the folder more beautifully.

3. Nadal vikoristovuvati uninstallers to clean up surplus programs such as Soft Organizer, Uninstall Tool, Revo Uninstaller, etc.

It’s installed on the computer by resource programs and programs and folders, naturally, there will be no small amount. About 10 GB in such a drop can be the norm; vіlnogo mіstsya to disk (C :). for example:

Change the physical layout of the Temp folders for the help of winter middleware;

Transfer the working directories of browsers and other programs to your disks with additional internal adjustments or symbolic instructions;

Yak transfer transfer the AppData folder

Friends, in the fancy site, on which you can propose methods for transferring the AppData folder to the latest distribution hard disk for the additional management of the register, or a guide, alas in a persistent way, to reality, there is not any kind of relationship, When the AppData folder has been transferred, installed in your operating system, programs to read such surprises, as soon as you see it quickly,and in a different way, to explain to me, what kind of sense? Spare disk space (C :)? It’s a lot of readers to say that it’s so, it’s necessary to save space for the economy of disk space solid storage SSD (120 GB), on which Windows is installed. Ale, let me mention it, how can I move the folder AppData from solid state to extraordinary hard drive Then your programs and practice will be 5 times greater.I will say navit solet's carry overfolder C: \ Windows on your drive, you can also try it, you can build it.Samy garniy sposib save the resource of a solid-state accumulator for 100 rockets, not just from the computer and to the police.