What an electronic bastard steals from Belarus. Electronic gamanets. Registration: how to create a hamanets in Belarus

While in Japan there are public services in bitcoins, Belarusian legislation still knows nothing about them. Lawyer at the international law company Cobalt Timofiy Savitsky reports on how electronic money and cryptocurrencies are regulated in Belarus.

Electronic pennies

Subject to Belarusian legislation, electronic pennies are not saved in electronic view units of vartosti, released in exchange for ready-made or uncooked nuts, which are accepted as payment under current regulations as from the person who issued the units of vartosti, and with other legal and physical persons, and also express the amount of liability These individuals are required to turn over the funds, whether legal or physical, upon presentation of data of a unit of discretion.

It’s simple: electronic pennies mean business, expression in electronic form. Essentially, it’s an electronic analogue of cooking. Just as uncooked coins are not just records on shells (virtual cooking modes), then electronic money is an independent tool that carries the issuer, as well as such powers as varity, convertibility and turnover .

The issue (issue) of electronic groschen in Belarus can be issued by banks and NKFZ (non-banking credit and financial organizations). Today, such electronic money as EasyPay (Belgazprombank), WebMoney (Technobank), Belqi (Priorbank), as well as low others, are expanding on the Belarusian market.

According to the official statistics of the National Bank of Belarus, the supply of electronic pennies, as well as the number of transactions involving them, significantly decreased from 2012 to 2015. The reason for this may be the low nuances associated with the peculiarities of legal regulation.

  • According to Pershe, the possibility of obtaining electronic pennies from legal entities in Belarus is strictly limited. Belarusian companies can accept electronic money and, in fact, “transfer” them, or take food from the university - for example, to pay for labor, taxes and other fees to the budget. Electronic payments between legal entities are not allowed.
  • In a different way, the law does not provide for the mutual conversion of electronic pennies. The issuer themselves cannot exchange their electronic money for money from another system (individuals can only work through private operators). At the same time, this important factor does not coincide with the significant position of electronic pennies in the business environment.
  • In third, the increase in rozrakhunks in electronic pennies physical characteristics was supported by the obligatory identification of banknotes electronic groschen. Regardless of the fact that the meta-identification of the Gamanians is entirely legitimate and reasonable, the implementation of illegal penny transactions and the fight against illegal drugs is a cumbersome identification procedure for wealthy wealthy people. It turned out to be a major factor in getting rid of electronic pennies.

To improve the efficiency of the electronic pennies market, Belarus also has a low transfer rate. As in most countries of the world, Belarus requires a comprehensive license issued by the National Bank to issue electronic groschen. Such a license may give the right to issue electronic pennies, receive money from deposits, maintain and operate bank accounts, create cash registers and provide banking services.

In this case, licensed products are on par with the official ones in Russia or the EU countries. For example, in a standard situation, in order to revoke a license for cash registers and public services, you need specially equipped areas with cash registers and terminals. For businesses that want to conduct more business online, such options can be very difficult.

In addition, the Belarusian market is open to foreign electronic pennies only through local banks. The remaining demands are to take a non-resident and non-resident guarantee of the extent to which the electronic monies of non-resident issuers can be repaid. There are many reasons why the great system of electronic pennies on the PayPal account is still not working in Belarus: the requirement to repay the electronic pennies of such a great system can be quite cumbersome.

Thus, electronic money, despite all its popularity in other countries and the obviousness of specialized regulation in Belarus, has not yet become such a handy and sensible tool for Belarusians. The reasons for this, as it was believed, were mainly due to the practical features of the legal regulation of electronic money and a number of legislative changes for a greater availability of such payment instruments in the territory of Belarus.

Electronic cards are issued on the basis of smart cards (usually in the form of bank plastic with a chip). The client transfers such a card to a sum of money, all operations are carried out within the boundaries of the insurance funds. You can also see a digital wearable with a chip for reading data.

Virtual reality is now increasingly diminishing human activity. We would like to turn your respect to the financial corner, where today our little corner was cleared out. Their wiki is itself connected with the term “electronic hamman”. What are the possibilities of such a wallet? In it you can save digital money and transaction history, renew money, make various payments, transfer and withdraw sums. And all without any cuts. Nice, isn't it?

Of course, within the framework of one Hamman, both the national currency and any other are lived. But there is no need to pretend to be coins or fool around with papers - all the coins are transferred to digital format and saved, say, on the server. Who is more popular than their vikoristannya? For now, Belarusians should be wary of other similar people, or try, even handily, transferring pennies from behind the border. You can’t, for example, spend it. However, we must protect the shahrays so that they do not steal, we want to do our best for this purpose.

Electronic Gamanets in Belarus

Digital people also live in our area. You can do this, but don’t wave your hands. Belarusians can legally access such digital scams as WebMoney. These instruments are heard by our citizens. Isn’t it a good idea to talk about them? Let's marvel. In order to get a clear picture of the work of these services, we will display information about them in a table, so that we can see which electronic product is better, how to replenish the electronic product and how to get money out of it. We will take a closer look at the issues related to this, how to open the electronic card and how to register the electronic card step by step.

Bank service system Confirmation of the client's identity (identification) Renewal
(commission at % of amount)
Vivedennya koshtiv
(commission at % of amount)
(BPS-Sberbank) - transfer to the company’s office or delivery of documents by mail to Russia;
– promotion of a Yandex.Groshi agent from Minsk (paid);
- in "Sberbank Online" for 5 BYN, if you are not a bank client, then pay 20 BYN in the office.
- Cost-free through Sberbank Online;
- Transfer from one resident to another (0.5%);
– from a Visa, MasterCard or Maestro payment card to the Internet bank (at 1%);
- Transfer from the mobile MTS account (10.3% + 10 RUB);
– cooking through PayNet terminals (5%).
– through the Yandex.Groshi card (3%);
- Transfers abroad via Unistream, WebMoney, Western Union, Idram, Contact (up to 5%).
The oblast record is visible immediately after registration. Registration of a property record - the buyer obtains photos or scans of documents, thereby undergoing identification. Renewal with a commission of 1-2% through Visa, Maestro or MasterCard cards, through payment systems KIWI, Yandex.Groshi, WebMoney, through MTS and other systems. Commission for transferring costs from 0.95% to 2%
WebMoney() For a separate bank: corn certificate – 30 BYN, personal certificate – 40 BYN, and state certificate – 600 BYN. Transfer between Hamanians - up to 1%.
Commission 3% at Bank transactions, at ATMs and information kiosks, by mail, for information at Belarusian banks or by transfer.
– through a kasi jar – 2%,
- Transfer to another bank account 3% or 10% commission,
– transfer to a co-branded payment card or WebMoney card.
Conducted exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation. It's impossible to get more from the terminal.
From Visa cards, Mastercard of Belarusian banks.
You can top up your card through QVC (free virtual card). And the stranger is no longer on QVC.
Transfer through CONTACT Commission 0%, if sent in rubles, but accepted in dollars/euros. In other cases, the commission from the director is 2% + 50 rubles.
Transfer to a card - without registering with a card, the commission is 2% (not less than 100 RUB), the same fee is 2% + 50 RUB.

We have presented you with a list of brown and hand-made electronic gamans. And now you can vibrat for yourself the most beautiful electronic gamanets? Think carefully about what purposes and needs you will need it for.

How to get an electronic gamanet from Belarus?

If you are ready to start such a scam, then perhaps you should start with the key nutrition: how to create an electronic scam in Belarus today? In our subjective opinion, it is difficult to create an electronic gamanet. The algorithm of actions from gamans to gamans is similar. For example, the following lines appear:

  • registration on the official digital portal without any payment.
  • verification process/ Identification . A difficult stage, due to confirmed specialness. In our country, everything is more legitimate to love. Why should you come to the installation office or send documents by mail?
  • Hooray! Now you can completely get bogged down purse. Replenish, pay, transfer or withdraw - everything that pleases your soul.

In fact, the popularization of digital pennies and coins supports manual payments and transfers over the Internet. However, the Shahrai can’t sleep. Therefore, it is very important to choose such tools carefully and carefully. Trust your cats only to reliable and verified companies.

10:00 20.11.2013

Inheriting the world trend of moving from the middle of the real to the virtual middle, pennies have become electronic. Why eat food from Belarus, having

Electronic money is a new concept for the financial market, which is currently in its infancy. As a rule, “virtual currency” is understood to mean the issuer’s penny bills in electronic form, which are held electronically by the authorized accountant.

Belarus has been enjoying electronic pennies for a long time. Its legalization only began in early 2013, when a new edition of the Banking Code came into force.

Consistent with the letter of the law, electronic pennies are characterized as units of value that are stored in electronic form, issued in exchange for ready-made or unready money and are accepted as payment for current developments, as with a special one, as released as a result of the unit of wartost, so with other legal and physical persons, and also express the amount of duty of that person for the purpose of turning over the sums of any legal or physical person upon presentation of these units of discretion.
The issuance of electronic groschen is carried out by the bank on the basis of a license to carry out banking activities.
The procedure for issuing electronic groschen is established by the National Bank.
On absolutely legal platforms today, Belarus has about ten different types of electronic pennies.

WebMoney – electronic pennies, verified by the hour

November 2013 has the largest and most widespread electronic payment system on the Internet WebMoney Transfer means its 15th digit.
You can pay for additional WebMoney for anything that pleases your soul (well, maybe everything!). The services of call operators, providers, and online retail stores are just the tip of the iceberg.

The first loan from the robot with WebMoney was the creation of an electronic gambler. This year you can replenish it in a number of ways, although for any of them you will pay a commission of 3% of the amount:

Prepared at branches of Belgazprombank;
- for additional payment cards issued by the bank;
- through the ERIP system at any banking service points (commission 2% of the amount).

You can transfer electronic pennies from this system in the offices of Bilgazprombank. The commission becomes 2% of the amount.

iPay – pay via mobile phone

The issuer of electronic pennies of the iPay system is Paritetbank.

Through iPay, the client can pay for goods and services on the Internet, buy tickets to theaters and concerts, repay loans, pay utility bills against the positive balance of a special account on a mobile phone.

It is easier to trade with iPay, compared to most other Belarusian electronic money systems, although it does not require the creation of an electronic card, additional registration and okreme replenishment of the rack. Payment for services can be made either by sending an SMS or through the Special Account on the payment system website.

When making payments, the iPay system has the following commissions:

4% – when making payments under loan agreements with Paritetbank;
. 4% (minimum 800 rubles) - for current payments, please check for additional bank details;
. 3% - per hour of payment for services through the ERIP system;
. from 0% to 3% (depending on the service being paid) - when paying for other services available in the iPay system

Do you like to ride, kohai and Berlio

With the help of Berlio's electronic pennies system, you can pay for car fuel in Belarus and beyond the border. The system provider is Belgazprombank.

You can become a holder of the Berlio electronic pennies card by taking it to the Bilgazprombank office at the address: st. Dombrivska, 9.
To activate the card, you will need to go to one of the offices of the Berlio company near Minsk on the street. Bikhivska, 55.

The purchase of electronic pennies involves making a payment to the RCC of the head office of Belgazprombank (commission - 0%), or transfer to the bank, according to the service agreement (commission - inclusive of the rates of the sending bank c).

MTS is no less an operator!

MTS Groshi is another “virtual currency” system created by Bilgazprombank. MTS Groshi gives its subscribers the opportunity to make payments using special payment systems mobile phone(moving around in the borders of the MTS zone). In this case, there is no need to open the lid of the jar.

Prepaid cards

As we are talking about the value that the National Bank invests in the concept of electronic pennies, then you also need to know about the prepayment of electronic pennies cards, which are issued by Belarusbank, Bilinvestbank and Priorbank.

These card products can be used as a primary payment card, or prote, they are usually paid up to electronic pennies.

Regardless of the fact that the average Belarusian will not soon be able to withdraw his salary in electronic pennies, the further evolution of electronic pennies systems in Belarus is important and imminent.

Electronic Gamanets- this is a digital collection of national and currencies of other countries, access to which is available from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet. Belarus has not been able to redeem electronic pennies for a long time. This legalization was due to the appearance of a new edition of the Banking Code, then. on the cob 2013 rock.

How to earn money and earn electronic money?

The popularity of electronic pennies in Belarus is growing. There are a lot of people in virtual cooking who are closely associated with computer technologies. Like and be-like other pennies, electronic requirements for payment.

The Internet does not limit the possibility of making such an income: you can write articles on business, play poker, and run websites. The funds that you have spent on electronic money can be redeemed for the purchase of goods, payment of services ( mobile connection, fines, utility bills, etc.).

Operations that can be carried out with the help of the electronic gambler:

  • saving electronic cooking;
  • additional money and a pittance;
  • vykonannya of different types of payments;
  • saving the history of financial transactions;
  • Saving electronic programs (electronic passport, digital receipt, social insurance card).

Types of electronic gamuts:

First of all, you need to check the capabilities of payment systems. You can see a number of the most popular services.

  1. WebMoney. It is a giant in the electronic payments market. Almost all services and goods can be paid for in virtual pennies.
  2. EasyPay. This Belarusian payment system was created by Bolderzhprombank and the company " Open contact"In 2004, there were people, physical persons and representatives of business. With this help, you can accept online payment and insure for goods and services from Belarusian and foreign currencies using bank cards Visa, Mastercard and through IPIP.
  3. Yandex penny. With the help of the Russian payment system, there will be less devaluation in rubles. This reliable and simple online service is still little used in Belarus.
  4. QIWI. This simple payment system allows instant registration, the use of a phone number instead of a login, and the availability of complex passwords. Sign up to buy bonuses social measures, game currencies, replenishment of various programs.
  5. Belqi (whites). This young payment system, created by Priorbank, is quickly gaining popularity.
  6. iPay, Skrill and others.

Advantages and disadvantages of electronic gamblers

Whenever we talk about the advantages of electronic gadgets, the smells are as follows:

  • Swedish transactions - just a few seconds are enough to transfer money;
  • daily allowances during the transfer of pennies - a daily human factor;
  • functionality - it is possible to withdraw costs and make practically any payments;
  • security - payment services link to a mobile phone, which provides reliable security;
  • Simple registration of an electronic device - creation does not require much time.

Disadvantages of electronic gamans:

  • do not accept virtual currency;
  • for transfers from Gamanets to Gamanets transferred to the commission;
  • repository on the Internet;
  • Electronic cooking is not regulated by the government;
  • The basis is reduced by the amount of shifts, transferred to cooking and otherwise.

How to create an electronic gamanets?

In the near future, more and more prosperous measures will be asked, how to create an electronic gaman in the Republic of Belarus? In our country, you can legally use online payment systems EasyPay, Webmoney, Yandex.Groshi, iPay and MTS Groshi. Let's take a look at the sequence of actions under the hour of creation of the Webmoney gamut.

We enter the portal webmoney.ru and press the cursor on the “registration” button. On the page that appears, enter your mobile phone number and press the “continue” button. There is a form here that you need to fill out. Enter your nickname, personal name, date of birth, place of residence, contacts (e-mail or your website).

To ensure security, there is an option to update access. To activate it, you need to send Nutrition control Well, then press the “continue” button. Next, enter information of a special nature (passport data) and the “continue” button. Then the service prompts you to verify the entered data. When a mistake is detected, the “turn around” button is pressed; if everything is filled in correctly, the “continue” button is pressed.

The system can send to your E-mail and mobile phone registration codes, which you need to enter in the required fields and click the “continue” button again. The final steps involve guessing the password. Next, select one or more electronic currencies (RUB, WMB, WMZ) and press the “create” button.

Updates to virtual cooking can be done through:

  • post office;
  • cash to Technobank;
  • prepay by card;
  • bank transfer
  • debit card;
  • from another Hamanian.

As a result, I would like to understand that savings are important because electronic money is worthless in the future. They allow you to turn off the need for standing around in stores, banks, mail, stores, etc. protect such an important resource, like an hour.

15 Bereznya 2018 20866

There are plenty of electronic pennies that are sold in Belarus and related services. For the help of some, you will need to get insurance on the Internet, others will help you pay for services in the ERIP for a mobile phone, and others will help you “donate” a virtual card to a Russian bank.

The use of electronic pennies for individuals, we have found services that can help you pay with electronic pennies, for example, for burning and other goods at gas stations, which is also important for legal entities: Berlio, Rosberlio-Kart, Euroberlio.

We didn’t casually write “mostly”, because at “Berlio” they told us in plain text that for physical purposes they have “invisible minds”, and that’s why they don’t deal with legal people.

Those pennies, which are “minds” for physical persons during the day, we have placed in the table...

Electronic pennies Bank How can I get better? Should I withdraw money?
WebMoney Technobank IPIP, through the cash register
Yandex penny BPS-Sberbank ЄРІП, transfer for additional cards Transfer cards for help
V-coin Bilgazprombank ЄРІП It's not possible
iPay Paritetbank
Bank of Russia
ERIP, payment service for card details ЄРІП, transfer to the card or rakhunok
MTS Groshi Bilgazprombank
Bank Moscow-Minsk
ЄРІП It's not possible
QIWIWhite Bank of Russia It's not possible It's not possible
Belqi Priorbank IPIP, through the cash register Through the cash register, transfer it to the card
ePay Priorbank Service for paying for services using a card It's not possible
eCard Alfa Bank Through Internet banking to Alfa-Bank


There is only one bank in Belarus using the WebMoney system. Technobank. From now on you register on the WebMoney website itself, then you need to enter your passport details, take a photo of your passport and send it to the system to verify the data. If everything is correct, then you will be given a formal certificate without any costs.

To improve the level of attestation, you fill out the electronic application in the registration panel, then select the attestator you want to apply to. Our partner has Technobank.

Then you need to go to the bank with your passport and photocopy, name your WMID and write an application to revoke the passport at the branch bank. Technobank, before speaking, will take 30 BYN from you for reviewing the documents.

According to the law, the initial certificate is issued to the participant of the WebMoney Transfer system, who has rejected the formal certificate, after verifying his personal data within 3 business days.

After this, you can withdraw a co-branded WebMoney card in Belarusian rubles from Technobank without any expenses, and you can withdraw money from it.

How do you know?

On the website http://wmtransfer.by/ you can enter Belarusian rubles through the EPIP system to any card of Technobank with a commission from the WebMoney system of 0.8% (the commission must be collected from the dealer before withdrawal). This is the best way to convert electronic currency into cooking.

In addition, through http://wmtransfer.by/ you can withdraw money to any card (not obligatory to Technobank), which you can renew through IPIP, or else, besides 0.8% from WebMoney, another bank can acquire your supplementary commission. About this trace of memory!

You can also withdraw money using card details or, for example, to accounts opened in any banks, but in this case the commission will be larger, and limits will be set on the amount that can be withdrawn.

A report on tariffs and methods can be found on the Technobank website.

How can I get better?

Commission for replenishment of hamanets – 3%. You can replenish your balance through the EPIP system of any bank, for example, through an additional Internet bank or infokiosk. At bank accounts you can deposit pennies on money, and other banks can set their own additional commissions.

More details about tariffs and methods of renewal can also be found on the Technobank website.

Yandex penny

Yandex penny - tse rossiyska payment system. You sign up to pay for various services, for example, games, renew money and transfer money to the card.

Registration is even simpler, you only need to have your phone handy and receive an SMS to confirm your password.

We first need to go through identification.

This can be done, for example, upon a special visit to the office of a Yandex.Money agent, through a notary, or through identification through BPS-Sberbank. If you go directly to the bank, you will have to pay 20 BYN, but if you use the Internet Bank, you will only need to pay 1 kopeck.


In Belarus, you can replenish your money from cards directly on the Yandex.Groshi service or through the ЄРІП system (3% commission).

V-coin (Velcom)

Electronic money V-coin - a comprehensive service Bilgazprombank and mobile operator Velcom, Which will help you get a loan of up to 100 rubles to pay for goods and services for an additional smartphone.

Pennies to pay for services can be withdrawn without deductions, or transferred subscription fee for vikoristannya gamantsya. The money will need to be turned back before the 20th of the coming month, so you can earn money using the principle of paying for a mobile connection.

The service also supports penny transfers for cards of all Belarusian banks and transfers for the phone number.

MTS Groshi

MTS Groshi is a service in which all ERIP services are available before payment.

You can quickly access MTS Groshima by registering on the website or through a mobile app.

To make a personal payment, you will also need an MTS number. The service allows you to make any one-time payments in addition to their "Vibran" for repeat payments.

You can get an update for your mobile phone using a bank payment card from the MTS Groshi service.

IPay is a service for paying for utilities, cinema tickets and other ERIP services from your mobile phone. It’s clear that the system works perfectly mobile operators, And registration won’t take more than a little...

How can I get better?

There is practically no way to pay in Belarus, so you can top up your mobile phone balance. You can go to any payment point via IPIP: bank and Belposhti, ATM, payment terminal, infokiosk, Internet banking, as well as SMS banking, WebMoney, belqi.

Should I withdraw money?

Through ЄРІП, transfer to the card chi rahunok.


Belarus QIWI has a payment system, in addition to which you can pay for ERIP services through payment terminals.

Of course, on the website https://qiwi.com you can create your own special office However, QIWIBel informed us that they cannot consult with the driver’s office, because "Vin is Russian and Vin does not compete with us." And in QIWIBel terminals, such nonsense cannot be repeated.

It turns out that the fact is that this is such a gamble for us.