32 bits. So is the size of Windows and is it really needed? Size value: x32, x64, x86

Bagato koristuvachiv, installed on your Windows PC, it is not easy to marvel: what version of the operating system vibrate x64 or x86? What do you mean by a speedy tribute? You can use these abbreviations as well for old programs, as there are two versions - for x64 and x86. As soon as you read the article, then you can get away with it all, you know what.

Perche, what we need is intelligence - price different types processors from a small architecture. For the last 10 years, the processors were fully developed. A bit of stench was allowed by the practice with 16-bit programs and operating systems (OS), sometimes from 32-bit, and now already with 64-bit. Computers with 16-bit programs are unlikely to know, but the rest of new PCs are released as all new architectures for 64-bit operating systems.

A pioneer in the production of 64-bit processors was the AMD company. The developers of PZ also use such processors that are called їх amd64. Tse does not mean, well gra, in the characteristics of which amd64 is indicated, it does not run on 64-bit Intel processors... We have developed a wide range of hospitality practices, as well as a better practice.

Well, up to soon x64 and x86, all the stench comes from the same architecture - 64 and 32 times. One hundred percent of the operating systems, the speed of the system, is the size.

What type (size) of the operating system є on your computer at once? To do this, hover over the "Computer" icon in Windows and click on new right button.

V context menu vibration "Power". Before you see a window about the characteristics of the computer and OS. Choose one of two options: 64-bit operating system or 32-bit. Qi information to allow you to see the program (x64 or x86) you need to install.

The special feature of 64-bit programs is that the stench is even more productive, from the side, unserviceable to memory. Having put a 64-bit operating system on a weak laptop with two gigabytes of operative memory and a 32-bit processor, behold the mercy. Varto is also of nobility, but 32-bit systems and programs cannot be victorious more than 3 GB of operational memory.

If you have a PC, the operative memory is 4 and more gigabytes, you can easily install 64-bit Windows and, apparently, 64-bit programs. Programs of this type are powerfully victorious to maximize the available resources on a PC.

Yak bachite, food "is more beautiful: x86 chi x64?" bezgluzdy. All virіshu config, yaku maє your computer.

Pidsumok: x86 means a 32-bit operating system and a 32-bit processor, and x64 means a 64-bit operating system and a 64-bit processor.


Rіznitsya mіzh 32 and 64-bit operating systems

A vibrating version of the Windows operating system, let you start thinking about home or professional dialer. However, the most important visibility factor is the size of the operating system and 32 or 64 bits.

Yes, there are chuli about those who are about the difference in the size of the systems, how the stench may smell its own distinctiveness. Ale yak go to them? Let's wonder, the stars are taken from the meaning and about the stench to talk about.

What does the number of bit mean?

The size of the architecture of the computer central processor... In the given hour, there are more processors for PCs, there are two options - 32 and 64 bits. The 64-bit processor is more productive, the lower the 32-bit version, for one hour there is a lot more information.

In order to make a difference, it’s a matter of guessing, whether from a computer, whether it’s information - the last of zero and one, tobto. binary code. In one bit, you can take one out of two many options- 0 or 1, for two bits - chotiri options for one zero that one.

Similarly 32- discharge system means the appearance of the 2nd at the 32nd stage bit address or 4.294.967.296. At the same hour, there is a 64-bit system - a chain of two in the 64th step, so 18.446.744.073.709.551.616 is in between for recording. In other words, approximately 4 million bytes (close to 4 gigabytes) versus approximately 18 million bytes (approximately 18 million gigabytes).

Yak vibrate Windows version

As long as your computer has a 64-bit processor, you also need to install a 64-bit operating system. The 32-bit version of Windows can be run on a 64-bit processor, but you can’t be victorious with all the features of your attachment. At the same time, it is not possible to install a 64-bit operating system on a 32-bit processor. However, Windows has 64 bit spokyno work with programs written on a 32-bit OS.

For an ordinary corystuvach, there are two main differences between versions of Windows. The main reason is that a 32-bit OS can be saved up to 4 gigabytes of operational memory. So if you have 16 gigabytes of RAM installed on your PC, if you have installed a 32-bit version of Windows, then you will have 4 GB less. For 64-bit OS, there is no such interconnection. Hiba scho is the smallest port - 1 GB of operative memory.

The difference is between the Program Files folder. The 32-bit OS has programs installed by the director. For 64-bit systems, there is also a folder named Program Files (x86). It’s tied together with the fact that programs for 32-bit architectures are written in nakshe, but not for 64-bit architectures.

With a 64-bit Windows version to the Program Files folder, use the 64-bit programs itself, so I will marvelously designate the x86 directories for 32-bit programs. Before the word, 64-bit systems are known as x64.

Previously, they also used 16-bit Operating systems For example, Windows version 3.1. With a whole program of a similar order, it is possible to run it on 32-bit operating systems, and the axis on 64-bit operating systems is not visible. Hiba scho with a special emulator of a 32-bit system.

bitness of software security

When new programs are installed, pay respect to їхnya distribution. Deyaky virobniks will play 32 and 64 bits on vibir, only 32-bit versions are available, but it will automatically start the version of your OS and install the version so that you can go for the distribution. In any case, if you have a 64-bit version of Windows installed, select programs in a similar order, if you have such a possibility.

Most often, the appearance of 64-bit programs does not mean reducing the productivity of a young woman from a younger version, I tend to be less likely to be identified with a stability. To that, wrap up your respect for the designated virobniks PZ, for the standard version or for Edition, now we are going to add the distribution kit from the official site.

Oskіlki 32-bit version of the program is practical for everyone, the developers are often victorious and the standard solution. Ale, you were z'yasuvali, shho for 64-bit OS is more beautiful than vikoristovuvati more than software solution.

How do you know the OS version?

Having chosen the features of 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems, let's get it right, it’s written in the way we installed Windows. It is enough to go to the power of the system with one available ways... For example, the Win + Break key. For Windows 8 and 10, you can press the right mouse button on the Start menu and select the "System" menu item.

Here the basic information about your computer is displayed: the type of processor, the number of operational memory (installed or simply victorious, as in the version with 32-bit OS) and the version of Windows. In the "System" area, the "System Type" column contains information about the size of the operating system, as well as the processor, which should be selected.

The bitness of the processor and the operating system can be removed. It is also recommended to update the operating system up to the 64-bit version. With a whole new computer from a 32-bit processor up to a 64-bit OS it is impossible.

64-bit yak standard

Possibly, even 64-bit computers become a modern standard. Yaksho at windows clock XP all the history with bits wandered around to find some suspicious problems and problems for developers, then, fixing with Windows 7, the situation began to change.

4 gigabytes of operational memory most hour there were a lot of goals. Part of the fact is that the development of the processors is not reaching the wide range of available 64-bit solutions. By the ear of 2017, some gigabytes of RAM are enough for robots in a number of areas. However, 64-bit processors are becoming all available and 32-bit systems and are gradually becoming old.

The process of developing software security is actively moving to 64-bit architecture, which is gradually becoming the standard. And splinters of stele in 64-bit systems in the closest possible system are unlikely to break through, then danish standard come nadovgo.


It’s crazy, today it’s important to know a PC who’s koristuvach, which doesn’t stick to the "64-bit system". However, it is not skinny at all, although it is not skinny, I want it to be practically all about it. I will try to get in touch with the whole food and clarify the situation. Yak butt for the now widespread world and more popular OS Windows 7 64 and 32 bits. We will also wonder why there is a glimpse of the efficiency of the computer.

64-bit system: what a zagalom?

Infection, mabut, not being penetrated into specific computers of terms, but will try to explain the intelligence of the size, so bi-moving, simply by the people of the world.

What is the size of the scale? Yak zeal, to appear at the bites, but to look at the witness, it is necessary to look at the system itself (Windows 7 64 bit, for example), and for the urahuvannyam peripheral annexes(Roughly seemingly "good" stuffing of any computer). In such a rank, the simplest design is: the size is the number of bits, which can be covered with such annexes at once for thinking, but the system is able to supply such power. Naturally, the most simple interpretation.

32-bit or 64-bit system: who has a difference?

In general, in the whole world to learn about the difference between systems with a small bit, it is necessary to develop a small course in the history of development computer technology, zokrema, processor chips.

At the dawn of the evolution, all the processors that were released at that hour, the size of 8 bits, so that they could process only 8 bits of information in one hour. The revolution has come, since 32-bit chipsets have come to replace them, like, before the speech, start their own versatility, vikoristovy and dosi. Even after a trivial hour, the processor chips appeared with the architecture of 64 bits, ale and tse, as it does not appear between, and even in the closest maybut we will also expect to see 128-bit processors that will open the OS for them.

Here є tsikaviy fact... Earlier 32-bit systems were called "x32", then the abbreviation "x86" was adopted. What and with what marks the whole thing is broken, I do not know at all. Tim is not the least, today you can easily tweak, say, Windows 7 32 bits and an analogous version of 64 bits. The name behind the interface does not smell stink. And the axis of the programmatic plan is to finish the sutta.

On the right, Windows 64-bit systems have their own arsenal of components that are not available in 32-bit versions. The simplest butt is a universal Hyper-V hypervisor module, scho є virtual car, zdatnu install the daughter OS (navigate the windows from Windows), as well as test the possession of the software without adding it to the main system.

But there is only one aspect. As a matter of fact, everything is more foldable and more relevant to the processors and operational memory.

Processor pidtrimka

Of course, there are 64 bit of processor chips, naturally, 64-bit attachments may be more shvidkodiyu. However, at that moment, I can't get enough of 64-bit Windows on a computer with a processor. Vlasne, tse є one

s points systemic vimogs.

Zate with vikorystanny architectures x64, keruvati processors and їх parameters nagato zruchnіshe. So, for example, you can easily pick up all the cores, speed up the processing of these commands, or turn on the virtual process of processing under the name Hyper Threading.

But here we have to go to one of the most powerful food, and then I will obey the "RAM". Riznitsya, for example, between Windows 7 32-bit and x64 version at once appears in the fact that 32-bit systems do not support the installation of operational memory with a volume that transmits 4 GB.

In other words, if there are no planks there, the stench on the ryvni "zaliza" will not be of value. And the very process of intercourse can lead to a lot of problems in the development of and correct robotic resource-based programs for additional information, if the efficiency is required.

The nature of the 64-bit version of Windows 7 (whatever it is, it’s the system) can be made with the most important "RAM" liabilities. For example, the version of Windows 7 Maximum "back up" up to 128 GB, Professional - up to 192 GB, I want, at the principle, to vvazhaєtsya, as well as interchange. As soon as you zernuyut in the best possible way, you can see, with the "RAM" you can shoot the system with the architecture of 128 bits.

You can take a look at the 64-bit architecture configuration in the configuration, you can use the "Control Panel", to de-select the parameters for productivity. Give the menu to display and other report results. There itself is a 64-bit display.

Food shvidkodiya

Now we are surprised at the size of the OS and the sense of the “zalizom” from the side. The larger size does not mean that at the singing configuration, do not help the 32-bit mini-vimogs, when the 64-bit OS is installed, the shvidcode will be more beautiful, but not when the new version is installed.

It’s not very good, but 64-bit systems provide more memory, moreover, both operative and virtual. Probably simpler explanation. Suppose we have a computer or a laptop with 2 GB of "RAM" installed. Itself 64-bit "simka" in the middle one lives 768 MB (with adjustments for changes). These include 64-bit koristuvatski programs and applied programs. Falsely because of the foldability and resource consumption, "creation" can be used to reach wide gaps. But all the same, and it was so astonishing that the shvidkodiya could be brought up to zero. In general, as a part of the solution, it is possible to install 32-bit extensions in a 64-bit system, reducing the clogging of the "RAM" of the processor.


Otzhe, maєmo a 64-bit system. Well, tse tak, to be built, already three zerosumіlo. Now we will pass to one vital food, tied to the robot's complement to that program of the koristuvach.

Everything is simple here: for a 64-bit system with 32-bit programs, you can install it (which can be a key factor in a safe with correct robots), a 64-bit axis with programs in a system with architecture, unfortunately, didn’t install anything.

Then, with the victorian schemes of the summation of 32-bit programs of 64-bit systems, the productivity gains will be achieved by the programs themselves. More and more multimedia. For example, with robots with sound, the ASIO4ALL drivers (inodi ASIO DX Full Duplex) are often used, because it’s important to do it yourself, especially for the memory of the maximum buffer. in samples. Really install a 64-bit plugin for customization. Alle, put the version in 32-bit, the plugin, or the program is just "litatimut". It’s not a single butt. About іgri at once zagalі not go, there are also their own "gadgets" vistachaє.

Before the speech, just look at it, as the OS version itself is installed on the computer, it is far from necessary to go. An excellent right click on the computer icon with the choice of the menu of authorities will give you the necessary information.

Switch from 32-bit system to 64-bit

How to look at the transition from one architecture to the insha (from the bottom to the vishu), followed by the fact that the Windows system, for example, that "small" itself is transferred to the change file system from FAT32 to NTFS.

Roughly it seems, you won’t get up on FAT32. On documents folded, say, in official supplements, tse not to be recognized. Those same program, ale only for wits, if the 64-bit system is put on top of the existing 32-bit system, but also with an explicit file NTFS system... As a rule, such a transition is simply painless. In the first case, the file system change will require reinstallation.

Zvorotn_y crossing

A small changeover from 64 bits to 32 is unimportant without changing the file system. In this case, there will be more formatting issues, in which case a 32-bin version of the system will be installed. It goes without saying that such a process is responsible for the merit of all the obvious tributes. To that, not even pretending about reinstalling the software, it is necessary to copy important files that documents, or in the first logical section, or on explicit famous nose(USB flash drive, memory card, optical disk).

What kind of vipads have a 64-bit OS?

Assistance in installing a 64-bit OS is stored in a "hard" configuration of a computer or a laptop. Obviously, you can put the same 64-bit "sample" on the terminals, so that they can be used for the smallest vimogs (a type of 2-core processor, not less than 2 GB of operational memory vilne misce on disk, left as version).

Food for software security

Yakshcho long ago, for 64-bit systems, zagalom. Little hto vipuskav driver, not seem to be the same about software products Practically all of the provincial manufacturers of PZ are organized in the first place on the system. "Operations" with architecture are 32 bits by and large, but it’s even better to go by, wanting to continue to become popular (that is Windows XP SP3 itself or 32-bit "simka").

And if the architecture of 128 bits appears to be the closest rock, about the systems and processors, which are not happy with their 32 bits, can be forgotten cleanly. And it’s not empty words, aje, like vidomo, technical progress in the world is not worth it, but collapse, as it seems, in seven-league crocs.

Replace pislyamov

The axes of the line and looked at the topic "64-bit system: what is it?". Here, for a short mind, there is no special talk about computer vocabulary and terminology. Whilst, in the wake of the vicious, the skin can be made for oneself a song, a spring, and so it means that the installation and installation of a 64-bit system does not depend on weak micro-configs.

It means that the 64-bit system is updated, according to the essence, it is not shown in the 32-bit version, only the service, which is responsible for the process, is used to install and install the necessary architecture І, as it is already visually, visually visibility mіzh different versions dumb, the stench viyavlyayutsya deprived of the software rіvnі.


64-bit system - what? Look around, describe, match

It's important to know a koristuvach for a year without a doubt personal computer, like bi has never stuck with such understands, like a 64-bit operating system. Protest, far from being skinny, it can be clearly seen, well. Try to go back to the food and drink and clarify the situation. For the more popular people of the world, the operating system Windows 7 64 and 32 bits are very popular. I’ll try it out, for whom the visibility of these operating systems, as well as the power of the important power to adjust the productivity of the computer, is used.

What is a 64-bit system?

The year is not penetrated into a specific computer terminology, but just try to explain on the fingers, also the distribution. Does vzagal mean the word? Even more, mabut, intelligence, size appears at the beats, the protagonist needs to look at the operating system, as well as the peripheral attachments. If you speak in simple language, then it is called a number of bits, which can be overturned at once by such annexes for thinking, but the system is able to supply such power.

It’s, of course, the simplest interpretation of what is 64- and 32-bit operating systems. In order to learn more about the world with the difference between systems with a small bitness, you need to develop a small course in the history of development of computer technology, and more precisely, processor chips. Earlier, all processors were small in size 8 bits. This means that the stench could churn out only 8 bits of information. If 32-bit chipsets came to the change, a revolution was seen.

Such chipsets are responsible for their versatility and for the purpose of being able to do so. After a trivial hour, the processor chips appeared, which could create the architecture of 64 bits. Appear, the whole thing is far from the boundary. The closest maybut already checks the chip with the architecture of 128 - bit for us, as well as the operating systems that are set up for them. Here it is a simple fact that it is obvious. Previously, 32-bit systems were called x32. Then the default x86 is accepted. Now, because of what I say, the whole thing was crushed, I don't know anything. However, you can easily tweak Windows 7 32-bit and analog 64-bit version. There is little smell behind the interface.

The program plan has a rise to complete the sutta. On the right, in the arsenal of 64-bit systems, there are only those components that are not available in 32-bit versions. By ourselves forgive the buttє The universal Hyper-V hypervisor module, which is a virtual machine that quickly installs the daughter's operating systems, and it looks like the stench of Windows. The same module allows you to test your software for baking. However, there is only one Suttu aspect to complete. All for the most part, it is more foldable and more relevant to the operational memory of the processors.

Processor pidtrimka

As far as processor chips are concerned, 64-bit attachments are added. most beautiful shvidkodієya... Here it goes to beastly respect at that moment, then the 64-bit Windows system cannot be installed on a computer, a processor that doesn’t accept a 64-bit system. Tse one of the ligamentous systemic vimogs. With a victorian architecture x64, keruvati processors and їх parameters are more efficient. For example, you can simply pick up all the cores in order to speed up the processing of commands, or to activate the virtual process of processing under the name Hyper Threading.

Maximum service memory

Now we will go to one of the most lucrative food, and itself - a swap of operational memory. The difference is that the 32-bit operating system does not support the installed operating memory, which can be transferred to 4 GB. In fact, it seems, if there is no level, the stench will not be significant on the level. I have been able to deal with a lot of problems that have been tied up with the correct robotics of resource-intensive programs for supplementary programs in those who are still in need, if efficiency is needed. The 64-bit version of the Windows 7 operating system will adapt the robot with a small amount of RAM.

So, for example, the maximum version of Windows 7 can be up to 128 GB, professional - up to 192 GB. Such obmezhennya vvazhayutsya clever. If you think about the future, then it will be important to see that the operational memory can be used for the operation of the operating system with the architecture of 128 bits. If you wonder, if in the configuration of the 64-bit architecture, you can choose the control panel, if you need to vibrate the parameters and in order to improve the productivity. We can use the menu for displaying and other reports. There is a 64-bit display here.

Food shvidkodiya

We are astonished at the size of the operating system and the consistency of the golden components from the side. Worthy mother on uvaz, as long as the size of the call is not a guarantee of that, on the other hand, don’t let us see these minor configurations when the 64-row operating version of the system is installed, for the future As you can help yourself, 64-bit systems provide more memory, both virtual and operational.

You can bring up a simple explanation of the fact. Suppose you have a laptop or a computer, de installed 2 GB of RAM. 64-bit on Windows 7, when the parameters are set, it lives in the middle 768 MB. Here you can carry 64-bit applied programs and programs of a koristuvach. Ob'єm, scho it is, it’s hard to reach the great frontiers because of the resource capacity and the foldability. However, it is so astonishing that the system can be reduced to zero. In a wide range of problems, it is possible to try to install 32-bit additional data into a 64-bit system. Reduce the cost of the processor i RAM.


Otzhe, visually a 64-bit operating system. Already there is no sound, it means. Let's move on to see the next one to finish the important meal, like dressing with the robot's program of koristuvach and dodatkiv. Everything is easy to finish here: in a 64-bit system, you can install 32-bit programs, and the axis of 64-bit programs in a 32-bit OS cannot be installed. With vicarious schemes of summing 32-bit programs of 64-bit systems, productivity gains in terms of performance can be delivered to robotic programs. Tse, zokrema, embrace multimedia. So, for example, when robotic with sound, it is often necessary to use the ASIO4ALL drivers, as it is important to do it yourself, especially for the mind, so that the maximum buffer will be saved, so that the operative memory will be taken into account.

The upgrade is significantly increased for the installation of a 64-bit plug-in. If you install the 32-bit version, the plugin or the program will start playing as quickly as possible. It is possible to put such attachments without the need. The infection cannot be found about іgri. There you can find your own bells and whistles. Schob is aware that the version of the operating system is installed on your PC, you do not need to walk far. Use the right button to send the mouse on the pictogram of the computer and vibrate the menu of authorities, and cancel all the necessary information.

Switching from 32-bit system to 64-bit system

If you want to see the transition from one architecture to your own, you need to know that in Windows operating systems, Windows 7 itself is transferred from the FAT32 file system to NTFS. On FAT32 won’t stand up. Tse niyak does not appear on the documents of the koristuvach. It’s worthwhile for programs, just for the thought, that the 64-bit operating system should be placed on top of the existing operating system and 32-bit, albeit with the explicit file system NTFS. Such a transition, as a rule, is painless and easy. In addition, if you change the file system, you will need to reinstall.

Zvorotn_y crossing

It is impossible to switch from a 64-bit operating system to a 32-bit one without changing the file system. In general, it will be necessary to increase the format of the distribution, for which a 32-bit version of the operating system is installed. Such a process is, of course, to cause the bereavement of all explicit information. For a good reason, before the establishment of Koristuvachev, it will be possible to copy all important documents and files to a knowledgeable or logical breakdown.

What kind of problems have a 64-bit operating system more beautifully installed?

Assistance in installing a 64-bit operating system and keeping a laptop without a single device configuration and a computer. Apparently, you can install 64-bit Windows 7 on computers terminals, as they are displayed to the smallest users. However, it is more beautiful to be brutal with respect to the parameters, which is recommended. In the ideals of vzagal Bulo would be kind enough to advise the configuration. Tse not shkodit.

Secure program

Until recently, there are very few drivers for 64-bit operating systems, and they don't even seem to be talking about applied programs. The current provincial vendors of software security in the first place are organized on such systems. OS with architecture 32 beats step by step at last. The closest rock is 128 bit architecture. About the processors and systems, as in their own order there are no more unhappy 32-bits, you can get it-purely forgotten. Technical progress does not stand at home, but collapse in seven-league crocs.


Now you know that it is a 64-bit operating system. For a shorter reasoning, I do not specialize in computer terminology. As a result of the material presented to you, you can create a skin for yourself. As a matter of fact, the installation of 64-bit operating systems is not necessarily correct on the smallest and weakest configurations. Varto also means that the update of the 64-bit operating system, in essence, does not appear from the 32-bit version. The service, which is responsible for the process, will entail it and install all the necessary components and modules that are provided for the architecture itself.


What is the size of the operating system? x86 and x64

To supply power to a few koristuvachіv computers - "what about the size of the operating system, what about it?" і "How much is the size of the installed in my operation?" ... I intend to make a short guide on the whole topic and on the basis of the latest nutrition.

If you speak in simple language, then the size of the processor is right at once with a single number of danikh (bit). For a 32-bit processor, the number is one from 0 to 4294967295. In other words, a 32-bit processor cannot work with RAM larger than 4 GB.

For 64-bit processors, the number is much higher, so 64-bit OS can be used with operative memory up to 32 GB in size.

Designated size of processors

Nine processors can be 32-bit and 64-bit. At the same time, in the designated architectures of the processors, abbreviations x86 and x64 are created. Know that x86 is a 32-bit processor, and x64 is a 64-bit processor.

Why is a 32-bit processor and the architecture called x86?

Name to be like Intel company Early models of processors ended up at 86 and mali 32-bit architecture.

  • 80386 (i386),
  • 80486 (i486)

How do you know about the size of the operating system?

For more demand, click the right mouse button on the my computer icon and vibrate the "Power" menu. I can tell you if you have an operation Windows system XP, then 99% of the won is 32-bit.

Yak knowledge about the size of the operating system

As long as you have Windows 7 Starter installed, it is also 32-bit (and those just do not). Size type Windows edition 7 or Windows 8 can be viewed in the "System Type" section.

The size of the operating system is injected into the

As I have already shown, mainly for the home koristuvach - the whole number of operational memory is installed in the computer. If you have less than 3 GB of RAM, switch to a 64-bit OS is not varto. Yaksho RAM 4 GB or more, productivity of PC of growth.

Mouthless microphone yak pratsyuє yak allow access to the microphone

Windows from the Microsoft company is shipped in a bagatel version, out of the box. The stench is visible only at that moment, if we need to vibrate between a 32-bit or 64-bit system. If on the right to reach the choice of the general version, there is not enough knowledge about the type of OS to bring us at the bottom.

Microsoft has released a 64-bit system and hasn't been able to launch its beloved Windows XP. The term of service is very small, it is close to 14 years.

Historical evidence confirms the fact that UNICOS 64-bit systems were implemented in a Unix-like system, launched in 1985 by the supercomputer Cray Inc. The current big OS - Mac OS X, Windows, Solaris and Android from Google - launched on the basis of a 64-bit version.

32- and 64-bit operating systems adapt a single type of processor architecture and are named so for a reason. 32-bit OS vikoristovuє resources, which are supported by a 32-bit processor (for example, Intel x86). Those can be used up to 64-bit systems.

Does it mean "bit"? The name of the part of the danikh vіdoma yak bit chi dvіykovy code. The very same reason is a computer, to that the skin bit can be less than one value - 0 or 1. Attach the data from the view of the set of such bits, called bytes. 8 bytes Make one byte chi octet.

About 32 and 64-bit processors

The processor or the CPU is to sweep the register and logic circuits. Win is also called the brain of a computer. Processor register size - 32-bit in 32-bit CPU and analogue in 64-bit:

  • number of values, such as the centralized control unit in the registries, road 232. physical memory... Otzhe, 2 32 = 4 gigabytes - tse obsyag operative memory, until you can access a 32-bit processor;
  • 64-bit register zberigak value 264. Smells displayed 16 EB (exabytes) OP. In the case of 4 GB of memory, the memory is larger.

Moreover, a 32-bit processor can process 4 bytes of data in one cycle, and 8 bits of data can take 1 byte. In such a rank, when the size of the chipped dues is changed, I change 4 bytes, for the transition to the dues of the CPU, which have been overshadowed, the cycle is guilty.

In a single 64-bit version, all data, which is less than 8 bytes, can be processed in one go. Navi more, the process of processing is not trivial for an hour. You don’t have a special show with the victorian outbuilding, just as it sounded to start a series of great programs at once.

Ninety 32-bit processors may be stale. Navigate 10 or 12-bit computer on 64-bit architecture is more beautiful. Such a processor has more cores, so I will accelerate the calculation of labor without increasing the size of the hardware security.

Windows 64-bit Windows

Now you know that 64-bit operating systems are used to support a large amount of operational memory, so 32-bit operating systems are accepted. Heavy programs, such as programs for image editing, AutoCAD and іgry, will be more beautiful than on computers with 16 exabytes of RAM, theoretically accepted. Inter physical memory, access to any system can be adjusted, so can be stored as a reference mother's pay that її functional amalgamation. You don’t need hundreds of gigabytes of RAM for gratitude in іgri.

For 32-bit Windows, for which 1 GB of RAM is required, the minimum amount of VP required for the 64-bit version is 2 GB. It is obvious that there are some specs for a larger number of registries, a memory is needed.

The computer is guilty of the mother of the OP of not less than 4 GB, as you want, on the new 64-bit Windows. The home version of dozens of storage options up to 128 GB, and the Pro - up to 2048 GB! With this rank you can improve your virtual memory to the maximum. Koristuvacham Windows 10 Microsoft recommends less than 8 GB of RAM.

There is another reason for explaining the wide range of 64-bit operating systems: the more flexible display of files in physical memory. It’s tied together, so that the average size will grow and become more than 4 gigabytes.

Keep in mind! Alone, you need a mother on uvaz, so do not check miracles at all. In order to get a little more stress on the 64-bit calculator, you need to install a specific version of Windows. In addition, the drivers and programs are also responsible for the new architecture.

Windows for a 64-bit processor uses the Kernel Patch Protection function, which blocks unaddressed changes in the kernel, and also stores data on hardware. For all drivers digital signature... So the system of blocking the installation of modified versions, which can be used for the production of high-profile programs.

A lot of old programs and drivers may not work on 64-bit Windows. In order to resolve the problem, the developers of those companies have released new versions of their products due to the reduced amount of knowledge.

Mozilla has implemented a 64-bit version Firefox browser still in the chest 2015 rock. The frequency of consumption of more productive Windows has increased over the last ten years.

Yak reconversion, why is my OS 32-bit 64-bit?

You can easily find out.

Keep in mind! At the end of the day, it is recommended to go to, if you need to know about the problem situations. On the Narazi Mayzhe skin computer is shipped with a 64-bit processor. With such a rank, you can vikoristovuvati your exertion.

A 32-bit operating system was installed on the 64-bit annex, and they paid for it. As soon as the availability of the program is supplemented, then the number of days will grow.

Neighborhoods and shortcomings

Recharges of 64-bit systems:

  • Possibility of victorious memory for more operational memory;
  • reduced efficiency. If a supplementary OP has been installed, a 32-bit system is not able to speed up through the interconnected space to address it. Alle 64-bit systems on the centralized building, which often produce a significant increase in the productivity of the computer;
  • more virtual memory... 64-bit Windows architecture can theoretically support 8 TB of virtual memory for a single program. 32-bit enclosed by 2 GB. Happy programs, especially іgri, video and photo editor, inmagayut more VP. The management of a more efficient memory for the presence of a 64-bit processor, optimized architecture for the program can make a new space in the whole world;
  • additional functions of safety. The 64-bit version will secure the dodatkov security for the D.E.P hardware security device, the kernel save function and the reduced drivers.

It is important to vrahovuvati shortcomings, to which there are such:

  • the incomprehensibility of the drivers is possible. Unimportant to those with 64-bit OS, I will adapt more and more programs, for those quiet, who are still more old, need and often functional equipment, moving to a new architecture can become even more painful. Maloimovirno, 64-bit drivers are available for older systems and possession;
  • deyaki obmezhennya OP motherboard. Most of the time we receive early 64-bit processors, but not more than 4 GB of GPU. You can viprobubate the deyaki of a 64-bit processor, if you want without access to a large number of operational memory. Mozhlivo, instructing the OS onoviti hour;
  • problems with old programs. The program is secure, shvidshe for everything, do not make the transition to a 64-bit architecture. Old ones, including 16-bit, require virtualization. It’s an hour for you to know about it.

Why has 64-bit architecture been broken up?

The main reason for the development was the supply of power from the side of the servers. We will stop supplying hundreds of power supplies at one time and will be able to supply terabytes of data bases. The server can also provide access to information in a practical way, so you need to save it more.

Why not pick up 64-bit processors for the distribution of new programs and programs? In the days of 16-bit architectures, the memory of Bula is a serious problem for developers. With the advent of 32-bit systems, speed has become a priority. The results of 64-bit attachments proponent the highest productivity. With skin rock we need more and more memory for the production of audio, video, igor, so the development of new architecture is not far off.

Launching 32-bit programs on a 64-bit computer

If you wonder if you start a 32-bit add-on on a 64-bit attachment, then, by the way, the CPU switches to the 32-bit madness mode, which means it’s like a 32-bit processor.

Protest, the system is continuously streaming between programs a few thousand times per second. So skipping over is called "distribution". If the planner is to switch from one supplement to another, you also need to change the CPU mode from 64-bit to 32-bit, so it will take a day. The last hour to be built is insignificant, but all the same it flows into the building of the annex.

Besides, be it a supplement in conjunction with the operational system, some of them need to be victorious in their service. However, the OS fragments are 64-bit, the power supply to the other mode must be transferred from 32 to 64-bit mode, and then run in the "Dispatcher".

Do not be afraid to run 32-bit programs on 64-bit operating systems. As soon as you become trustworthy, you will be minimal.

Video - Windows 32 or 64 bit

All a good hour, add the dear to the blog of the IT industry ... Do I have to end up often clicking - x86 tse 32 or 64 bit Windows? Given the logics - it is possible to let it go, but x86 is clearly more than x64, but in practice it appears, but x86 is one x32 ... but why should I write that and who needs to hit on the head, why such a rogue isn’t boiling?

And now, let me just give you a brain - x86 and x32, and thank you, x64 - are you ready for this? - I think not ... now let's get out, yak and kudi! In order to take on the price of food, we need to turn to the ten-year-old, it’s the very thing to go and where the whole thing is mess.

On the head, the authors need to nastukati, how to write in vimogs to a computer x86 and x64 in zvyazts. To write is also a rude pardon, aloof shriek ... x86 is the whole architecture of the processor, as it is wonderful to feel it on 64-bit processors and on 32-bit ones! Markuvannya x86 is like the name of the first processor from the Intel i8086 company and the latest models. Then the first numbers changed and quickly changed the x86 on the last model - such a linear processors. It’s obvious that it’s been a long time since the processors have been marginalized for a long time, but x86 has stuck in the documentation and often introduce people to a rogue ... as they were not particularly interested in the architecture of the processors and did not delve into the history of the process

x86 ce 32 or 64 bit Windows?

x86 - the price is not the size, but the architecture ... a little as practice has shown - x86 was equated to 32-bit operating systems. As long as you know all the rules, you can say so, x86 is a good 32 bit system.

The correct version of the bias value is approximately the same for a 32-bit operating system (OS_WINDOWS_x86_32bit) for 64 bits (OS_WINDOWS_x86_64bit), Ale, we have all messed up!

There is also a nuance to the fact that 32 bit processors are already a trivial hour, they just got on the market, and the architecture stinks x86 ... and if 64 bits came out, they began to mean x64, and for 32 bits, they lost everything like that!

x32 or x64 - is it more beautiful?

In terms of productivity, the 64-bit operating system is clearly overwhelming, and the 32-bit OS axis is already constrained in the resources of the operating memory. 32 cue ball can not address more than 4 gigabytes of operational memory, but for the fact, you can not store more than 3.25 gigabytes from chotiroh! However, the programs may not run on 64 bit Windows, which is a streaming factor in the transition to a new OS.

The drive for writing the statti was the following power supply:

If you click the right button of the Misha, then you go to the authorities, and the parameters show the beat. What about the beat?

I feel, that the operational setting will be set on 32 beats and 64 beats. Tse scho take ?!

At this statistic, I will try to read the power supply and explain the most accessible technical moments for the PC user.

I give a handful of information about the theory, but more practical information about the statistics.

Bit - The unit of information in the computer. Win can nabuvati meaning 0 abo 1 ... On the basis of a double system of numbers.

The first computers and game consoles boules 8-bit, then with the development of technologies switched to 16 bits, then to 32 and 64 bits.

The "bitness" is the size of the numbers, because of the practical processor of the computer. On the basis of the number of sizes, the PZ is set, as it is possible to process it on the whole processor. The same size is the same as the accuracy of the calculation, which can be used by the processor.

For large PCs in the home and on robots, the accuracy of the data is not required, but for those who are old enough, they are not required, the accuracy is not required. In addition, the number of processors has been adjusted to increase frequencies, exchange cache memory, and increase sizes.

I’ll look at the koristuvach computer - tse zyazuvannya zalizo + programs, so that I’ll keep it out of the question whether it’s not necessary to the result. For robots with a computer, there is a hardware (zalizo) and software part to blame one for one.

As a robot, I say to the robot like a real hour, because It is possible to install Windows XP on a PC 10-12 years old, or the robot on a new one will start up until the onset of 1 button, and it’s awesome.

Now there are three history.

The first 64-bit processor for home users and the mobile company AMD, which will be presented on the 23rd of April 2003 - Athlon 64. The processor of incentives on the AMD64 architecture and is valid until the eighth generation (K8).

The introduction of 64 bits is a more marketing move, less corny for the AMD company against the Intel company (processors virobniki).

The program part "ordered" the hardware deprivation through p_vtora rocky.

Infect us with new processors to receive the robot with data in 64-bit format. Also, there is an operating system and the Windows family and the Linux family (and others) with the main support of 64-bit processors.

A practical part.

At 32-bit Versions of Windows XP and Vista are available in 4GB of RAM.

Moreover, the power of the system can be adjusted from 2.75 to 3.5 GB. Tse z architectural features of the OS. This version is called 32-bit abo x-86.

64-bit Windows XP and Vista versions of the available RAM are logically 16TB. This version is called 64-bit or x-64. Practically, Microsoft from advertising mirkuvan will be surrounded by memory in 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, etc. fallow to the type of OS license.

More important than respect: For a 64-bit version of Windows, 64-bit versions of drivers are required for all PC add-ons (motherboard, video card, etc.), including peripherals (printer, scanner, bluetooth, etc.).

If there are no drivers, then pristriy is not pracyuvate. I am on my way to the knowledge of zim, if there were no drivers for the printer, scanner, sound cardі bluetooth (virobniks are responsible for releasing new drivers on old models, because they need to sell new products). Brought from the victorian 64-bit version see.

For a zychaychny koristuvach, the PC should be set up to the offensive:

Yaksho on the PC installed 4GB or less operative memory That will be enough for an extraordinary, 32-bit version of the OS.

More than 4GB of RAM is installed in the PC, then you need to install the 64-bit version of the OS.

If koristuvach wants to save the operative memory from the PC, then it’s more than 4GB, or more.

With an increase in memory, for example, from 1GB to 4GB or from 2GB to 4GB, the productivity of the PC is not too high proportionally - 4 or 2 times.

The visibility of the OS robots is growing - the speed of the security system, the launch of the program, the security / security in the games. Likewise, shvidshe vidbuvatimetsya intermixing between zavdannymi.

If I had memory from 2GB to 4GB on my PC, I saw the same reduction myself.

Dodatkova information with technical details is presented in the articles:

As long as you have a new power supply, write.

When writing the statti of the victorian materials of the sites www.nix.ru and ru.wikipedia.org

Author of the article: Maxim Telpari
Coristuvach PC with 15 years of experience. Fakhіvets service for training vіdeokourse "Enhancements to the PC", vyvchiv what you see, you start picking up a computer, install Windows XP, that driver, enter the system, work in programs that’s very rich.

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